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ENCOUNTERS®. Pyare WELCOME TO HALLOWEEN TOWN Ifyou haven't wondered where holidays come from, I say it’s time you begun! Created by Dungeon Master Paul Weber ‘cate andi epoca prghedy h ng Slagn Pros I in Duro rn Dungeon Master Paul Weber ANIMATED PUMPKIN ‘A seemingly normal looking pumpkin or JackcolJantern that is infused with magic. ‘These small constructs have the ability to hhover about 10 feet off the ground. Once an animated pumpkin targets a foe it lifts from the {ground and soars towards it where upon setting in range will explode into an blazing ‘explosion. Animated Pumpkins that haven't targeted a creature and are destroyed stil = Sue se “cua Sm cON NT 3 1 16) 30) ‘Damage inmantn re Damage Vlnerabiesbadgconing Sena inh 0 ld been Os rats) passe Porepion7 Langage Gatenge (000) False Appearance Whee sumpinrmsins mone Deaterysaving trv, aing 726) re damage oo Actions Combs. The praia capldes no wal of re destroying acc Creatre wie 30 fet fhe pupa mun seed S10C 10 Dewey Sevng Throw taking 7246 fre tamage on sed sve or haifa math ont arom one time any large humanoid that ‘ofa magic weapon that was nto the creature before its death and (Typically edged into the brain) the weapon slowly drains aren't typically intelligent and more so wonder the planes in search of food that it doesn't even require. Oftentimes when encountering a ‘Behemoth, the weapon that caused its ‘reanimation is still lodged in place, Treaster ‘Sion dtu OR pnse Prepon 8 angunges— Chateage 480.27) ‘Magi Resistance, The hem has advantage ing ‘rows agi spl and oder mage Magi Weapon. The bcemsis weapon tacks re magical (pata Kret ces Comet arg Gre ine DC of he damage ken wlan he damages edit rr ‘tia hie On sarc the emt drops tot ht pola a ite. Mele Weapon Asc: 5 oi rach 58 oe art. ie 144) plereng damage | Hie 14 (406 badgening damages CLOWN ‘true fend to behold. Riding a unieyte and ‘wearing dity entertainment clothing and a propeller hat the Clown may appear o be non threatening at frat lance, but upon closer inspection the Clown truly horrifying. As wide as it is tall, the Clown's appearance is no joking matter. The Clown wears a ‘ask that i emovesto reveal a terrifying black hole that s sre to make even the bravest of heroes shriek. The removal ofthe Clowns face has given it the appropriate nickname, “The Clown with the ‘Tear-Away Face” The clown speaks both Common. and Infernal na likeable and laughable tone, however when the clown removes its face, ts voice See ___| becomes a deep and booming pine : Drnvsiae Nadel cation iominrdetedomts | nga ft toe nai ne cte e se these tactics (its advantage while also being able to Mag Resintance-Te dows has avn on saving __| magically teleport, there one gecand and gone the ae eee ‘next. When it teleports, the clown leaves a magical Rampage Woes tseacecreturctoOhitpsine wit _| fog thateauses magical darkness for 1 minute in the ‘owe pts ai pean ae se aac ‘Action ie Mae apo aac 0 Ties tag ge “Tear Ay Face. The own scat action remove i face ‘vealng tering lc le Ay ereatare cap he ‘down must make « DCI Wisdom Saving Tro become ‘rgened for mite A ghened age ean repeat be ‘ving roo the ond feather ing ae Eigicect conn tc ns ecco We tegen throw isuceessal or the eflet dso te tare immane hi omatear way aceforth net bir Fah Trace Recharge 4. The Clown magically lepers hong with ay eaupmet tb wrarig or carl pt 80 {eetto an unocapled space Kean ate Beowe or ae ‘soporting the Clown can mak one be stack When he lowe leper inoes fog afamoke that eaten mail ‘This seemingly innocent looking undead creature has adark and mysterious origin. Short and stocky in appearance, this humanoid-like child is sure to seare anyone who stumbles across i Often ‘mimicking the sounds ofa crying child, the Corpse's Child often hides in dark alley ways ‘waiting and luring would-be heroes and turning them into victims. From behind, and especially in the dark, the Corpse's Child appears tobe an innocent young kid. Upon closer inspection one ‘would be terrified to sce that this undead creature a rotting, walking, animated corpse with seven shut eyelids and a sharp mix of adult and juvenile teeth. : ‘Undead Origins. The Corpses Child origin is both fascinating and horrifying. These undead children. are born after a pregnant humanoid falls victim to ‘enough within the womb, the child is born and. ‘continues to develop from infant to ‘natural course of time. The Corpse's literately born from a corpse but. ‘ages and matures as ifits brain lingers ‘OR CON NT wis Ha Heo) Tee) Xa) x Miner. The corel an mimithe sound of clo {hy ering A creatre that bear the sound an el hey ‘reloads wha occa DC 12 Windon Gig) oe Undead Forte, damage rece the core hil 00 Iwtouints trast ma Const saving trv wth ‘DCS =the damage take, nls the data rian of frmacitalie On amsctan corel ope Actions te. Mele Weapon Atack 13 it, reach 5 oe art «(16 1) pering amage : att ey. CORPSE’S MOTHER When a ‘humanoid dies and then their succumbs to sinister necromantic magic, corpse: the end result is a Corpse's Mother. These creatures are zombies but somehow their ‘mother like instinct is still attached to them. ‘These creatures care for and look after other ‘undead children even if they aren't their own. A corpse's mother who lacks a child will often attempt to gain one by infecting living children with the plague of te undead. ‘ Undead i require ae oo din, m ‘DE CON INT ws GHA wes) a) Ine) 5 8) Damage Famaniies pom ‘Condon nmenicepoteoned Senses darvison 6 pane Percpin 8 Epa Unerstansrmnigrtanew e ‘Gace ano xP) ‘Undead Forde, damage reduces he corpse nthe to Shack mast make a Cansttaon svg tow wih [DC's + he damage taken, nls the damage radi of ew On ssc coe er opto Actions Bue: Melee Weapon Ata: 5 oi reach 5 oe art Hie 5 (1464) Percng damage pus 2 (1) nowt damage 5. e CRAWLING TUB Ofall the animated object filing the Matra Plane the Cenvling Tub oa ruc horror As hs tab appeal to be a bath of rest and relaxation, already a txhnusted adventures fall victim to the Cowling ag Tibet when they are mont vnerable, © 8) BARNS BSS | When detensesvicim enters he ah wlelther i immediately strike by grappling the victim inside, or ‘Damage immunities poison, psychic ‘it will simply wait until the victim is the most relaxed [ib cession ee cng | See a ee ‘SemueaSinaught 60 we oo paine | apple its victims inside by squeezing its retainet) ‘Perception 6 en walls and then drowns them as it refuses to let go. Most who fal victim tthe Crawling Tub dont even tow what happened asthe tub appears as normal ‘bathing tab- More terefying, the Crawling Tub i iotomes Seeman necro, | sconntligent wondering eonstrct Ct evel fo _Sinstnedaammmingragiac | areaswhereithnowsit vila te mos sucess Ra aoe ‘en | Anlnated Object: Animated objects are crafid with Daas a ssenatanrotanas poteat mage to follow the commands ef thls | Creators When not commanded they follow the as Garp. ae mhmera rhe 20teremignenants | Ser tno receved to the beat of hereby and ‘anget takes a extra 9 (248) bladgeoning damage. the target €@M act independently to fulfil simple instructions. STi emttetene BCLs oreten ee omen deiet ee Constructed Nature. An animated object doesn't ‘Actions requir aie fod, dial, or ep. The mage that {on-secWinpa anc Ghia Store animates an object dipeled when the construct Irae hain ange trope to O hit points An snimated objec reduced to ‘Ohi points bovomeslnanimate andi too damaged Grapoe Melee Weapon Ata #510 it reach fone tire al the he 0 (aa 3) adgeoning damage. IF » tO be of much use or value to anyone. thetarge a media or amar creatures groped _ {escape DC 16) Un this rape ods he rg is Tesraind and eta crt wrappie anther erent. tbe nde CYCLOPS CHILD ‘A Cyclops Child is the offspring of a Cyclops and isin every sense, a paradox, asitisa tiny giant, ‘Unknown if these tiny creatures are spawned or birthed into existence, they rarely grow into a full sized Cyclops. Fully formed Cyclops J tuse their tiny counterparts to do grunt work ‘around their lars that other Cyclops have Aiiculty doing. A Cyclops Child is nothing in (Gyelops Child typically spends most ofits trying to impress other Cyclops. To impress ‘opel weaponiaes large sticks as cubs or any other blunt instrument they ean find or make. Even ifa Cyclops Child is without a weapon, they will use their vicious claws as weapons. The Cyclops Child wil spend its downtime sharpening it’s claws on rocks or boulders. The sound oftheir clas sereeching against stone and echoing throughout a cave fs god indicator | === Cea rae a 30) Bey Sth ithe) ty St ‘Shas Deception nigh, Peouion Stealth Damage Resistance ol bsieoring rend. sloshing Segments ry poe | Stes drttsn 150 pes Perception 11 Uanginges ert Com Chaenge 000), a eA Sigh Naga anes oat node he dent wr ws cua | 182) Tee) Te) 3) BEA) 1100) | | Mage Resistance The devs inion as adantage on Savig throws nant pels and other mapa! ets Cengonges in| ‘Sted, The eis minon cst be ightened wie can Chatenge 14 (0XP) Poor Depth Percetion. The cps has daaanngt on Actions ‘lab Mele Weapon Atack 05 teach one target. ies (16 5) ageonng damage tm Melee Weapon Atck #510, each 5 one age Ctews Melee WeagonAtacks +510 each Rone target. | H's O84 saci damage iss (1d6 3) satin damage © Fork Melee Weagon Ack *5 tot each 10% one eet. Hie 1d8 8) peeing damage Master Paul Weber DEVILS MINION ‘Devil Minions are tiny fiends that abide loyally to their hellish hierarchy. They appear almost as tiny horned devils and. ‘typically carry a pitch fork that they utilize ‘as a weapon. Devil's minions will typically conjure on the Material Plane to do some ‘sort of bidding for their master. They care Title about themselves and will do anything to please their master. Although the ‘minions wreak havoc and destruction on the Material Plane quite often, a large amount of them are inthe 9 hells doing ‘grunt work, torturing souls, or overseeing. lesser devils and demons. Despite being tiny in size, these minions and their DR. FINKLESTEIN 3 ‘Once’a mortal human, Dr Finklestein wasa scientist gone mad. His life was spent making ‘ungodly creations from weapons, to constructs, ‘Eventually Dr. Finklestein was finding that he ‘was slowly losing himself to an inevitable death, ‘sohe constructed a humanoid like shell to ‘hamess his own brain within so that he can continue living long after his corpse had ‘decomposed. The mad scientist of constructs ‘now lives on as a construct himself. Stowed away in his isolated and remote tower, Dr Finklestein ‘carries on unimaginable scientific experiments in ‘his make shift ab atop the tower With not much ‘strength or time before his death, Dr. Finklestein ‘encountered problems constructing his humanoid shell. Far from perfection, Dr. ‘spelcasting ability make them a worthy threat. Finklestein relies on a mobile chair and his ‘constructs to help get him around, Dr. FINKLESTEIN'S LAIR ‘Surrounded around an ancient cemetery within a ‘dead forest, stands a crooked tower both frightening and enormous in appearance. Dr Finklestein and most of his creations reside in tower. Dr Finklestein protects himself, locked away atthe very top of this stair-less tower, while his creations of golems, and other constructs ‘guard the lower levels. Lab equipment, supplies, textbooks, cobwebs, and magical items are allegedly littered throughout the tower, Lair Acrios On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), De. Finklestein rolls d20. On a result of 11 or higher, Dr Finklestein takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects He can't use the same effect two rounds in a row. + Walls and floors burst with an electrical current. Any creature within 60 feet of Dr Finklestein that is touching a wall or floor must suceced on a DC17 Dexterity Saving Throw taking 1410 lightning damage ‘on a failed throw or half as much on a successful one. + Gases form a cloud in a 20-foot radius sphere centered on a point Dr Finklestein can see within 120 fetofi, The phere area around comers anit area i lightly obscured, tTasts until initiative count fon the next round. Each creature that starts ts turnin the cloud must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution "saving throw or be poisoned until the end ofits turn. lle poisoned in this way, a creature is incapacitated. ‘Dungeon Master Paul InaateSpteasting Th De ante pleating mits ‘Wisdom opel save DC 4, 60 hit with peaks) He ca nate eas the llowing spel requing no mara ‘components: | Aci tc hough ety. mage hand shocking 59 {iar ene: hanna le animate sects igen 24en_a8e 2a 1060) ——_‘NAayemchrmase agen ‘Sorin Throws a9, Wa Mind Blas Recharge 4). The De magically emits wee ‘Shi Arcana 9; Histoey 19, Perron 10, Ig *6 ery ns Oot cone Each return that sea a ‘eed ona DCS ineligence saving throw otake 3 (42+ ele ieee reid ‘epee saint a he fea ota ang theeect on ucfon reuse {he De ithe ape fred ssn throm the chose restre Iasi own save th pel was a aac the teh res ‘ole aginst the coven retire. Bice. Melee Weapon Attack +8 thi, reach $f. one target, c12 (ae "5p nae. ¢ Dungeon Master Paul Weber HARLEQUIN DEMON * The Harcquln Deno lene of homer flack ty bya to aap ong oh an Fries appnracy he Haru Demon bas conyers pee a a lurks in the dark, playing in shadows feeding off the depot ear ofr A aoa Deson Spe ‘Saving Throws Con +8, Int *5, Wis +5, Cha +4 creatures that can easily to be literaly scared to eee ete seat Te lr and me powerless Pest imtammemncictesterta* | Pemoalethe more adranesd thei arent beomes pesca creer ee ee a evan erin Seley 4 Svting ne bat tA creatre protected yan la ‘row re rghoned ntl the art ofthe creature et mics Bleaing When the demon reduces an enemy 10 Ot poe he den gaia emperey tr psn ‘Shadow Blend. Wile i i it or daraness the denon ca ‘ean or ering The ably itr wl he domo ‘hcna hon cin tent or unl the demon staca n gt it orc apctated ‘Actions = cis 24104) lrg damage zs ict a6 +) ashing caage a collared coat or cloak and a large top hat. Hidden beneath the Hyde's clothing, ae their trusted chains used for both attacking and enslaving ‘unsuspecting creatures. The Hyde will eauterize ‘and mutate the creatures it enslaves in order to ‘not only gain their compliance but also to make the creature as hideous and terrifying as the Hyde itselt ‘Poin 66 (1268 +12) Speedo. ————— Sk ox CON NT wis cha ABO) 1060) 1060) 100) 14) 1000) _ Sil Deception lmiton 72, Stealth Damage Resistance sang ering nd Dadgoning om onal weapont Damage immuntes poison Condon Immun ahicne, erie, poisoned ‘See roson 120 pave erepton engunges AysslCommon| Chateage (11007) - arene salon ee can ern Amtes nthe estround of cmb, the Hyde as Sentgh Senothi: Whie in unite Hyde has (Pore) ches that ely on she Meotl Resistance The Hyde ha athantae on sing {rns melt ig care a cs parae i Actions ~ IGOR [Not much is known about this short and stumpy ord ‘construct other than it resembles a quickly and poor Miran (6a) ‘put-ogether hunchback flesh golem. Igor does ‘whatever it can to please its master or creator but |jbecause ofits low intelligence, even the simplest of Cs x ON atoms cu Bee SE HSS Ty S| mtn areca, ‘dashing from non magleal weapons hat sre damantine| food, drink, or sleep. Cael ences erecta ccs eraeed pred. pisoned ‘Sees darksin bf psn Perception 10 {Eanguages understands he lngunge a ts rato bu eae arm Te gue man tay pallor fist ghtning Absorption. Whenever the gem ie suited 0 otra ire aie dung ed ietdrogeiens ‘ember fit paint equal te lighting damage eae Mage Reitace, The golem bs advantage on svn "rowel plas other mage! sn Maule Weapons, The Gens weep atch ae mail Action: ‘Slam. Mele Weapon Ac: ech one treet i638 2) edgconng damage REL inhi fe, Lol, Sok, nd Bare are {pia aways ound together This ere wo tas pleasure in oon the misery of thers tt also ybtyng those wt grbwn ee to thea. Twted moral anda lack of epet or tayoas or mpi eter hon onl Lal Shocks snd Barel usualy stay one step ead of chee Ty ey bresking promo and Cheating Te band mits ae ae phoning iappesrane, sully wearing ited nash Conceal ter indo Toking ces At ret ance coe wos a i> it une chen ncotaes but pon ase nnpection tone eget al Lock. Lock stands taller than Shock and Barrel and typically wears a deviblike mask to conceal his pale and corpse-like face. Concealing himself tolook lke a devil, Lock has a real Tiefing-like tail ‘Shock. The female inthe trio is Shock and she stands shorter than Lock bat taller than Barrel. ‘Shock conceals herself in a hagilike costume as Har rs eevee ok rs ond is the child of a hag. Barrel. Standing shortest but most: the band of misfits is Barrel. Barrel m CON NT wis CHA. Hea) 18) IG) Ne) 1K) 1K) ‘Skis Seigh of iand 16 Deception 18 Perception +3 ‘Senuca darrian 6b pain Perception 13 Si engenges Conon Chatlenge 12,50 XP) ‘Pack Tce. The Misi has advantage on a tack (sons creatre at aston of Mis aes th feet tic retreat alt ncapactated. Canning Action. On ech of us he Mist an ae 8 Sonu tonto take the Dash Dacngage or Hig aon, Actions Dagger Meee or Ranged Weapon Aack v6 tht reach 5 orrange 20/60 one targe Hie 8 (1548 ering damage Sear (Dap One crear of he Miss choice within 20 {Settitmastaccccdone DC 11 Wied intro or be ightened for I mainte. The rget an repeat the sang row heed ofeach ft tr, th dnovenage Mist ‘rhino of tending the elton son acces “Tern Glare. The mint targcts oe creature can Se thin Oot of the arget cam ae the mb rae >it th target mest suscendon 4 DC Wisdom saving teow “cre magical tightened ntl he endo esi net ‘of Halloween town isa tidal wave of and attitudes. He can go from a good | Inood to hysterical inthe link ofan eye, While in 1» aood mood the Mayor daunts a generically happy face, but when things arent going to the Mayor's liking, his head rotates a full 180 degrees ‘expressing a foul expression. The Mayor ‘good decision making skills and is easily {rustrated, Often dressed to impress in fo ‘clothing, with a hat taller than he is, also dons a spider bow-tie that he can ee ow ews on 2) ae 1603) 103) 100) ‘Steam se ‘Senses drs 60 passie Peres 10 angenaes— {Challenge (10XP) eb Wales. The sider gnores movement rexristions cated bytes immutable Form. The sideris mena any spelt oe. "that would sero fag Resintance. Te oper as wana on ving tow unos spatial ter maga ees hn Weapon. The pde?s weapon nick are glen, Actions. Hie piercing damage and the target must succeed on « DC Conztnonsvng throw othe (1) pouon damage Seo CON ONT wis feo) te) 163) 14) 182) {Sale docpton persion Saas Pepa Languages Common Catone (480 XP) Rect Athena of som the Mayor can gin advantage all mle weapon tach Sring tha tr, bt tack Fils aginst have avantage lhe tart ft ex tr, Animate Spider The Mayor can uc his ation animate pie eT per act he meta nthe [oo et Meee Weapon Atak 8 oh reach Sone aes ic (ita 3) udgeonng damage Terihing Glare The Mayor ages oe create teas trom 30 fs oe Ht arger an the Mayon extent codon a 11 Wieden sig tro or be tagalyfghened ntl Undead Archives. Though they seldom bother to do so, mummies can speak. As a result, some serve ‘as undead repositories of lost fore, and can be ‘consulted by the descendants of those who created ‘them, Powerful individuals sometimes "intentionally sequester mummies away for Undead Nature. A murray doesa't require as, Maliatack Te mum can se ts Dread Glare and tebe onc etch wih rng Bt "ting ist Meee Weapon tack S10 i reach 5 one {eran He 10+ 3a ag in 10 030) sim nase 5 (1 for erty 2 harsh ape " anccancrogces icant ptasioum se {Seguin nde eet Tce al _ Ratredy eremor crept oroer mabe ‘read Gar. The muy targets one reste can see tin 6 fcr oie ite tare can sca the mum mar (tecoton a DC 10 Windom sein throw agit his aie {rbecome rhe heen the men seat enter fale the sang thoy Sor mae also sien ee farses Acre teins aad ‘Sig tow i nmune tothe Dread Gare a ll mares Gat nt mmr forthe nest hours © NIGHTMARE REINDE! ‘Anightmare Reindeer is simply "Nightmare Reindeer have rotting flesh from their bones, most are thin and ‘bones. These creatures retain their ‘magically fly and are sil quite a Habitual Creatures. In addition to still being able toy, Nightmare Reindeer also retain their preference for cold weather, and most ofthese ‘creatures don't even realize their dead. [Nightmare Reindeer continue living they way they did before they died, and sil fear death as ‘itPoins 42 6412 +10) Speedo yao ey 19 ee} 83) 1000) 1000) Shas Popo Senses passe Pereetin {guages understands Common, Evan San bat ‘tape hem | (Gatcage (450 XP) (Gharge he render mone est 20 fr sah toward ‘Sart an then swith aram attack on hese tar, ‘hanger kes am extra (26) damage the get ns ‘Seat tmnt sosmed ona BCL4 Seong org ul Meo Weapon tack: 610i, ach Aone tar 1:23 Ga) lahing damage NIGHTMARE SCARECROW ‘hellish construct that ix magically imbued fis saewegtereed than normal), ‘construct scarecrows. we: isnt rhea ante hes alae deceased humanoid remains topped with ‘pumpkin head. The humanoid remain that eres) ‘make a Nightmare scarecrow are always from Ses 308. eee DE CON NT wns AN) 1862) 110) 100) 140) Condon immunies charmed, shaswion,ghened ferred, pizonod cons ‘Senet darssion 60 pane Perception 10 anenges understands the anguges ot crestor Det fant speak Graenge 2480.27) Fane Appearance Whe the rarcrow romana modonles, ee eee SS tite amination. Avnet the searecrw can setts aan extinguish te Bes Wie alae he rcs gina otra nd in ah Heated Body A creature tha touches the scarecrow wie Shing signed Wuminatog or hei wih mee ntack swt Stent take 306) fr rage Acti Makiatake The warecrow males two daw aac Clam Mee Weapon Ack: #3 ot, each one age. e's 24 1) sting damage the ogo create, inst sacceed ona DC Wisdom sing throw be lohened wl he end ofthe serecrowa ne rt | Teriping Glare The searcrom ree one creature tn Seething can se the eaecrom te | terest mt sacred ona B11 Windom ning throw be ‘ical tightened unl the ond ofthe scarecrow ot ar aa a x) 8a) Me) Te 6 ‘Site Perepion v8 Damage Immune pon, vee (Conn immunities ine charmed, defend, gene, fared eres. oisened ‘Ses ln Gt (ind eyo his radia). sine Perception 6 Langage {Ctatlenge 0(10XP) ‘Antinagi Seaceiity, The oa ncapactated we in theren of timate y nel mat be toy mt ncoedon# Contin saving tow apni be ‘mers apllave DC orl unconaioaor | miate ‘rstre has vurpied Fane Appearance Wiehe oy remain moins Actions ‘Ble. Mele Weapon Atack #3 it ech Sone rat NIGHTMARE TOYS [Nightmare toys are constructed and animated toys that at frst glance appear to be harmless toys. Upon closer inspection these toys are hellish in appearance and are terrifying to behold, ‘Constructed by those whom are pure evil, these animated toys can cause not only lingering terror, ‘but pain and death as well. (Cart Duck. The Cart Dick is a wooden built duck. that sits upon a four-wheeled eart. The duck is vicious in appearance and just as aggressive in its ‘constructed nature. _Jack:inthe-Box. The Jackinthe Box isa simple Tooking and functioning toy. A box containing spring-loaded puppet that pops out when the crank is spun a specific number of times. The puppet within this Nightmare Jack-in-the-Box is ‘capable of lunging out ofthe box and snapping and biting unsuspecting creatures. ‘Stuffed Beast. The stuffed beast closely resembles any stuffed beast toy that one would find tucked close toa sleeping child, however ‘upon closer inspection the stuffed toy has an evil ‘demeanour on its face and very real, very sharp teeth, = SR OX CON ONT wis ia) 7) 1s) 9) ae) ‘Sie Pecepion Damage Immune cld, poison aid Contin munis chanel een erie posoned Damage Vacate ire ‘Scaues pave Peron dareson {Engages Understands the nngungo creator but cat sees hatlonge2(450XP) Fave Aspeerance Whe the wreath remains motonten ‘lads rom anormal exh, ‘ ‘nc Animagi Suscepiity: The wreath sncapacated white | wreath will animate opening its foggy-white eyes, it ae fn anima a red dp map its teeth filled mouth. Although = ‘enon te camer oplsre DO otal cocoa require food, it constantly eats a from specific ereatures its muse the Extended each The erent can have wp fo Bran the Frode and) ‘Dm imps pola apache drape ameraleto | finds its target into tiny pieces where the fre damage) Detroying an ar deals o damage tothe are sent to another plane of existence ‘rel whichcan etude sveplacmeat arn onissext | hen gwallowed. The Nightmare Wreath, ve ‘grapples up to four targets with its four different Actions __| branefs-tike arms that ean extend up to 50 feet in Mutintac, The wreath makes four atscia with tsbranch | length. Each arm is capable of growing back rm uses Reel and mates oe atack with ite destroyed, until the wreath has died or falls ‘unconscious. Despite i's small size, the wreath and its arms are incredibly strong. 9 Branch Mee Weapon Atak +7 (ai each 0 one rear: He The targets grape (ep DC 12) Un te | apple cad, the are ts retained snd ha edranage 00 ‘Scent cheko end Sirength saving throws 85 he wresth EB os) ‘Dungeon Master Paul Weber OOGIE BOOGIE ogie Boogie also knovn as the Boogie Man, fsa fou! undead ereature thats arguably one ‘ofthe most evil and heinous beings in existence. Oogie Boogie is collection of ‘worms, maggots and oer slimy insects ‘wrapped ina poorly stitched sack. Although Oogie' origin is unknown, he is rumored to hhave been spawned into existence by an ev to plagued into existence by vengeful Aeities and demigods. Oogie Boogie has 20 other purpose than © cause pain and Suffering unto others. The ial moments before death that one has with Oogie are long and drawn out torturous experiences. ogc Boogie enjoys games of chance, but only when the odds are rigged in his favor. An encounter with Oogie Boogie sure tobe the last Descended deep beneath the sol isa frightening and trap filled dungeon that Oogie Boogie calls, ‘home. Nothing in Oogie Boogies lair is to be trusted as almost everything is a trap or serves an ilLintent purpose. The lar is typically filled with ‘magical darkness and any light visible glows an Lai Actions On initiative count 20 lost higher, Oogie Boogie takes a lair action to cause one ofthe following effects It can't use the same effect two rounds in a row, + Grasping chains erupt in a20-foot radius centered on a point on the ground that Oogie ‘ean can see within 120 feet of it. Each, creature in that area must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained by the chains, A creature can be freed iit or another creature takes an action to make a DC 18 ‘Strength check and succeeds. The chains erode away when Oogie Boogie uses this lair action again or when Oogie Boogie dies. + Atremor shakes the lai in a 60-foot radius around Oogie Boogie. Each creature other than Oogie Boogie on the ground in that area ‘must sueceed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone, « An inanimate object in the lair animates as i Oogie Boogie cast the spell animate objects spell on it. The object is friendly to Oogie Boogie and his allies. ens Oi pnts athe ar Regenertion. Ooi Bog ‘tts orfithas teat ht pin ad ie ncaa ‘oie Bows takes ire darage hs al doe fon a {he sat af Oogie Bogie et tur, Ong Bogle sry nies Hr ih Ot pot and a ; wnin es, eS lneae or remones seul he wr Aen tet mage fo clon, dpe mal, far command, ‘Shay each: mint person, step Haar Teen etgee eee ‘Ble Melee Weapon Adc 08 ot each 18 one cena. ‘M0 (2 +3) peeing damage pts 1034) necrtc damage, ‘rowing Worm. A worm aches rom Ogi Boogie sone ‘Bumanoid hat Gog Bangle an se ihn 10 fee The ‘worm itches ot the targets ken nls the tart aces (Sea DC Dewey sing tow The worm na iy undead ‘ih AC, ht ptt never ality soe aw ped {11 oe Wl the target sin the worm cm ied by ‘prmal means or aeraped of ing an ation (One Borge ck ‘Sethinactinoinunehaseape off wor st bumanci ‘nse within 10 fet the wor), Otherwise, the wort ‘trom under the tages in at the md he tage est ‘rn dealing plercing damage At the nd of ech et {tens thereatie he ast aes 7246) dma pet ‘wor esting ana of 16) worm neste rae ‘exit dopo Ut pointe ies 10 mites ne oa on 85% Designed by Paul Weber THE PUMPKIN KING ‘The Pumpkin King, a tall and slender ‘humanoid figure with a pumpkin-like skull hhead, is summoned by Afflux, the God of [Necromancy and Death, as a guardian and protector to all spirits that have returned on Halloween. The Pumpkin King is responsible for not only protecting the spirits, but also ‘ensuring that none of them are able to remain ‘on the Material Plane when Halloween is over. ‘Returned creatures tend to try and stay on the ‘Material Plane following Halloween night. Spirits, undead, ghost, ghouls, or any returned creature that remains on the Material Plane after Halloween is over are trapped on the plane, most becoming chaotic and destructive Creatures that thirst for blood, death, and chaos. Undead creatures typically follow the ‘word and orders ofthe Pumpkin King knowing he will cause an eternity of pain and ‘sulfering for both them and possibly their living loved ones. Living family members to Creatures who opposed the Pumpkin Kings rules are subjected to the wraith of The Pumpkin King himself. Only able to walk the “Material Plane the month of Halloween, the ‘Pumpkin King spends that time targeting such creatures. ‘THe Pumpkin Kine’s Lair Layered in secrecy on an unknown plane of existence is the Pumpkin King’s Lair. An entire {own festering and overrun with ghouls, and other ‘creatures of nightmares. The Pumpkin Kings Lair isa dark world, filled with sorrow and sadness. ‘The moon is always full and the sun never rises. Cemeteries outnumber houses, and there is Lai Actions Gn initiative count 20 losing initia ‘The Pumpkin King rolls a 20. On a result of, 11 or higher, The Pumpkin King takes a lair action to cause one ofthe following effects. He can't use the same effect two rounds in arow. + Magical darkness spreads from a point The Pumpkin King chooses within 60 feet of it, filling a 15-foot-adius sphere uatil the Pumpkin King dismisses it as an action, uses this lair action again, or dies. The darkness spreads around corners. creature with darkvision can't see through this darkness, and nonmagical light cant illuminate it fany of the effects area overlaps with an area of light created by a spell of nd level or lower, the spell that created the light is dispelled. « The Pumpkin King creates fog as though it hhad cast the fog cloud spell. The fog lasts until initiative count 20 on the next round. « A blistering cold wind blows through the lair near the Pumpkin King. Each creature within 120 of the Pumpkin King must succeed ‘0n a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 5 (1d10) cold damage, Gases and vapours are dispersed by the wind, and unprotected flames are extinguished. Protected flames, ssuch as lanterns, have a 50 percent chance of, being extinguished. THE PUMPKIN KING Magic Resistance. The pumpin king has advantage on saving Media end (et, Lawl Et ‘vows aginst spells snd ater males mor Game ‘Actions ‘icine 36725081 art Fame: Ranged Spell tack: +710 range 12 one Speed 0 iH target e176) re damage Tie DER CON INT WIS GHA ‘Sear (Recharge 5.63 One creature ofthe pumpkin ines choice 1e9_Sasio_Sen_ seat soes)__ sina ait mat sucredon a DC 16 Wd ng Sebo aaa iy ctirentof chefs ren ducing ae ‘Sie Peeepom #14 Srl, niin 6 Dumping wae ine sgh cing elton ton Damage munis an | dake. onde eae iene, feted Ee ‘Megewmany Actions —_—_ ‘Some tareison 1200 pusse Perception 12__The guia Kngcan hc Serdar cons cana fom he {Langinges Common Underommon, Aba nferal eons ow Onl on legen acto opin can wed at Goenge 15130000), ‘Se andony attend fannie eens tare Toe pre ‘ne scsin get egendary atoms aie ma oar Fr Absorpoe Wheres he puma ng meted ‘hvccanage isn damage andinwenirgaoss AtkateFamphio The pumpin ing vinats popmaon eae owed Body. Aretha ois Sate wtha mele sack we thin 8 doy fre damages De aa ADE 1K) 100) 100) 101%) 1060), ‘Stiesoain ee Damage immunities poison (Condifon rmaniice He polos ‘Snes tnd 30 aid nyo th rai) remorse 30m passive Perception Langage {Gatlenge 1/2100) ‘Ambar Th pera advantage on tack rol agin ony Fane Appearance While the pier emai mations ccc is indaingiabie fom anormal puma, Sol Gide The spider can brow hough on mia worked car Whedon so the aper Soest tr he ‘ate ve Sper Climb. The oper can ind teu src lading j ae own ene nt etn akan (Fc Water The sper groves movement rer ceed pene ‘Actions e616 3g damage, ad (crcape DC 12) ea medium or miler eresar Ut he (apple eads the reread tnd th pe an ae rac on nc ge Cont Mle Weapon Atack #5 ot each fone ‘Dappled centre He (184) bugerlng dag SALLY | ASally is another name for a humanoid ‘construct that is made of both cloth and pieces ‘of humanoid flesh. A Sally closely resembles a flesh golem though less hideous in appearance and isa free spirit construct that is no longer loyal to their original creator. A Sally who is ‘capable of resisting their original creator is a rare and often unheard of creature. Though they are no longer enslaved, many Sally's don't survive long, as they are often still rejected and feared amongst most societies. A Sally is capable of losing limbs and still being able to feel and control the limbs despite no longer being ‘Aversion of Fire I Sally takes fre damage, thas disadvantage ‘om tack rls and ability checks unl the end ofits next tar, mate Form, Sap imac ay ptr shat Lightning Absorption. Whenever Sally s subjected to ghining ‘damage, takes no damage ad instead regains a numberof hitpoints equa tthe ighning damage deat Magic Resistance. ally has advantage on saving throws {agalont spells and other mage ete. Magic Weapons, Sal’s weapon stack re gil ip ee sent si cnc ‘through cauterized limbs ofa construct. These imbs may sll be able tobe contralled by the SUBS be Se He's (144 1) Bagong oleshing damage Lins hes ‘i soceesnal DC 1 nieigence (tre) checks Scene 0 fet hes Galant cece ons DCA rent saving tow oe pond testa fhe ‘eres pest urn Ons sce egos he > Swamp Cameutae The Sa Gal hs advantage on Dexterity Gre checs made to ie wwampy era. Hit"6 (18) soohing Samage SEA GAL ‘Sea Gal's are often mistaken for Sea Hags or ‘Sirens and sometimes even Merfolk. A Sea Gal will use this to their advantage to scare off potential predators or other threats. The Sea Gal are typically disposable grunts for Sea Hags and are most commonly found amongst them in the ‘underwater Iai. Theie fish-lke bodies are ‘capable ofboth swimming and walking on land though they rarely surface from their favored ‘murky waters, The Sea Gal's webbed hands prevent it from using most weapons and so they utilize their sharp claws and horrific appearance for combat and fending off threats. These creatures have a strong and foul odor that smells ‘of dead rotting fish and is almost intolerable to ‘most. In addition to being foul in appearance the ‘Sea Gal is also a vicious and cruel creature that takes pleasure in the sufering of other creatures. ‘Sea Gal's will assist other $ea creatures with an ae to. ghost, spirits are the souls of a \oncetiving creature, typically bound to haunt a ‘specific location, creature, or object. Spirits ‘gpically ae a “Languages any languages knew ini ‘Ghallenget 200%") ‘heen Sight. The pi cance 60 note Ethereal Plane went ison te Matera Plane, ance versa acre Marenent The itm mor hh ther Sranmerantljenas thy tice en (abiwiettetweiae | e SPIDER SWARM x ‘Hundreds ifnot thousands of spiders gather to create a swarm, These tiny beast work together to climb and conquer much larger prey. With @ ‘combination of webbing and biting the swarm of ea Tle cae ne ety enon Th Bey iy tS te ¢ — _ _ _*® _| STAIR DWELLER Trmmggtnane tiene png satine | The Sai Dweller isa ante monstrosity capable o aon meaner cna Haney yeaa | The Snr Dwele ares ontont ens Age isp Pcepton 8 creature is what nightmares are truly made from. Canmngee ‘The Stair Dweller is frightening in appearance Set ‘almost resembles a solid shadow. Stair Dwellers ‘Seer Tieswarmcan copy anaiercewtrésnaceand | have snakes as fingers and their hair usually [glinup tras ficaecmcutrewaepesa | contains swarms of spiders. The Stair Dweller or euntenporay ht pant ‘typically lurks beneath stairwells, contorting its large body in such a way that it fits without being ‘Spider Climb Tema canclin did races, | Are ay nea a ay cat its witht arene ee ee eee Bee aaa tein ease eee eat ty ee ee contiy eating oy Actions Dat Sane ee ear Aura, Any beast hamanold hat ‘thin 10 feat 0 be sti dcr a: Wisdom sain tow be ened ‘cere net em Actions: ‘has abate and cane conferees ewer ‘Bie Melee Weapon Atco, reach OR one are. ‘Mis 6 (0d) plercng damage \Conre Side Swarm (Recharge 4), The stair dete onresa pier our ner on oscuped a ccsiled ‘gure mithin ort The swarm sendy he wal ‘Scare (Dy). One reatre ofthe sae dele che ‘within 20 feet ot ut csed ons DCTs Windom ing {row or be ghee fort mut Th teretean opt he Svc tow atthe nd ofeach astra with dinetnge ‘ihe qa s wii eo ht ending te eet onl o0 cs SWALLOWING SNAKE large construct made to look lke a child's toy, the Swallowing Snake is capable of guiping and swallowing medium and smaller creatures with cease. The Swallowing Snake's large size is enough toe intimidating alone, however once the snake begins gulping up creatures it's intimidation factor rises significanty. These constructs are typically made with the most wicked and sinister intentions, and are constructed by creatures with RR ea EES apurehatred of children. Once acreatureis a’) ees) tie) Its) Se) SD ‘swallowed by the snake it almost always begins suffocating immediately as the snake constricts the creature while it stil alive withinits body. = on Constructed Nature. Aa object doesn't tangas require ai food, drink, or sleep. ange 2 aso x) ‘The magic that ‘an objects dispelled Ambush The soate tap anno ack lens, when the construct drops to Ohit points. Answers ho urron animated object reduced to O hit points becomes Anta Sanceptbiiy. The anak ncapciated wie thearencan angi eli tugeted by pel magi he ake must ecred on Coniston svn throm aust, teeatersspelsare Doral wnconaus or 1 mine Demag Tans While tin grappling» retire, he ake ake ny ha he Sage det oi athe centre appleby the snake takes the other hall Fane Appearance While the make reson motile itis ndiningisable rom ty sake. i ‘Be. Mele Weapon Atacc 710 reach Fo re ‘le 122410 +) plreing damage ad toe tren papa (escape DC 13, Uns rape ead the target ‘Salo. The nak makes oe bt stack aaa « Medlum rama target tis raping the tack hits he args $alwed andthe grape end: Te owallowed ree, ‘blinded resident cover aint tacks aa ‘ter eft ute fhe take an aes 106). Satgconing damage atthe art ofeach fhe nak aes, ‘he toadean have onl one target wallowed ats tne UNDEAD TRE, ‘ean tie ong es ut ik al reatres, they eventually di. Treant stand: they've ded, and after years withering they are reduced to and rotten wood. Ifmagic is strong the place ‘where the Treant has died it will overtime, ‘become animated with if once again. Athough they are returned tif, they doo' usually remember much about their past life, and though they ean stil grow in size, they no longer produce the once beautiful leaves they once dd. Undead ‘Treant’s remain dry, and bite in Looking at other beautiful rees and ey ‘rea hit On auecnn the eat drops 0 tit ‘aca ‘Actions Mutdatack The eant make wo sla tack ‘Stam. Mele Weapon Atac: 10 it reach Sf, on tet Hh Te (Sue 6) Bedgsonine damage "Rock Rang Weapon Atack: #1010, ang 60/150 oe fare: Hi 28 (4410) adgeoning damage + Animate U/Dap, Teen mage nie not | Siemans a reat. exept te he niger on ‘Carema cores they cs ops they ave nl the a wis cua 10Kia) ste 13 1G) 200) Bt) ‘Se Poeepion 2 Salo Senses arbision 60 psnve Perception 12 gangs Ghateage 4807) ‘Aaaresire Asa bonus action the woman can move up 0 [Rttped tomar a hot creature that an sce Bod ren The won has advange on ele attach ‘ole agton ary crete ta does har a i pols ‘tha sacs DC 13 aetgence ater) check ee Hearing nd Sell The woman has aang 2 ‘Wisdom Pereeton) check that eyo earn or amc Ba eae by lea ei Sn ot ie 7 (24) lr droge CT (26) sass damage (Galore damagelfi ender turn nid an objet | Matra Pane, oie ver Its ise o he Matra | Pine whe sin the Borer Ethereal ond ie ver yt ‘arta or be alee yseyting om he oer lan ‘Actions | Withering Bite Meee Weapon Atack =o it each $f ‘onetarg Ht 6 (146-4) wert daa. KES tpt sul ea eas Tes as eee ae se of their former masters, as these loyal spirits Secon unit cana eeeee Scincrens ae eee eae fol mare aa eet er Son sre eatine lee Soros oe oon sae ee Coos tg cae ee ite coe

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