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fm Page 399 Friday, June 25, 2004 1:39 PM


Basic Linux/UNIX

The tables in this appendix list some basic Linux/UNIX commands to get you up and run-
ning. There may be slight differences in syntax from distribution to distribution, and there
are many, many more commands. Check your user manuals, online resources, or simply
type man command at the prompt for more information on any command, where you
replace command with any Linux/UNIX command.

Table B.1 File System Navigation Commands

Commands Descriptions

cd path/directory-name Changes the directory to the specified directory.

ls Shows a short version of the file listing of the current directory.

ls –l Shows the file listing with more information.

pwd Shows the name of the directory you are in.

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400 Appendix B • Basic Linux/UNIX Commands

Table B.2 File Viewing Commands

Commands Descriptions

cat file-name Shows the content of the file you specify on screen.

less file-name Opens the file to view in a read-only mode (Linux systems only).

pico file-name Opens the file in a text editor.

Table B.3 Directory and File Manipulation Commands

Commands Descriptions

cp –r source-dir dest-dir Copies a whole directory’s contents to dest-dir.

cp source-file dest-file Copies a file named source-file to a file named dest-file.

mkdir dir-name Makes a new directory with the name dir-name.

mv path/source-file path/ Moves a file from source-file to dest-file in the appropriate paths.

rm file-name* Removes a one or more files matching the wildcard statement

using * (asterisk).

rmdir dir-name Removes a directory. Will not remove non-empty directories.

rmdir –rf dir-name Removes the directory and all subdirectories and files under it. Page 401 Friday, June 25, 2004 1:39 PM

Appendix B • Basic Linux/UNIX Commands 401

Table B.4 Miscellaneous Commands

Commands Descriptions

date Shows system time and date. It is important to make sure this is the
correct time and date.

df Checks file system’s capacity.

du Shows disk usage.

grep string Searches for a string when used with other commands. For exam-
ple, ls | grep Tony will list all files with Tony in their name in
the directory you issue the command in.

printenv Shows all the environment variables for the current user (terminal,
shell, text editor preferences, and so on).

ps Shows running processes owned by current user.

ps –ax Shows all running process.

w Shows logged in users.

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