The Drift Newsletter For Tatworth & Forton Edition 096

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THE DRIFT ¥ The NEWSLETTER for TATWORTH & FORTON December 2019 - January 2020 Issue 96 wee © A MERRY XMAS TO YOU ALL! 1am happy to send all residents of Tatworth & Forton my very best wishes for the season and hope you will all have a very Happy Christmas with your families and friends. Life in Tatworth seems to go on more or less as normal but it is good to see how everyone keeps in good spirits despite the doom and gloom that sometimes seems to engulf us. Hopefully more settled times lay ahead and we can continue to enjoy life in our community. You will be aware of the current traffic problems caused by the road closure and it has been disappointing to see the disregard of courtesy by many drivers with excessive speed etc. when travelling via Dyke Hill and Perry Street. | am told that the police continue to monitor this. Readers who have received The Drift for many years may be aware that 2003 will mark the year of when the Publication first appeared - how times flies! Remember, as | have said many times before it is YOUR DRIFT so please try to contribute to it so that it can be interesting to all. ISABELLA AND AMELIA HAVE BEEN BAKING AGAIN! CHRISTMAS LUNCH INVITATION TTatworth and Forton Parish Council are providing a EREE Christmas Lunch Some readers will remember our budding cake maker Isabella from the article in an earlier issue of The Drift - well she has been busy again, helped by her younger sister Amelia! The whole family have an affection for donkeys and support Sidmouth Donkey Sanctuary so Isabella and Amelia, pupils of Tatworth School, decided to hold a fund raising event in order to raise money for the cheeky donkeys. They managed to raise a whopping £273.30 by selling delicious homemade cakes, cream teas and their own crafty creations as well as having a raffle. A big thank you must go to everyone who so generously supported this very special event. An enormous “Well Done!” to Isabella and Amelia. {or those residents living alone with no relatives nearby. This could be yur opportunity to spend some time ‘Over the Christmas Period with others whilst enjoying a free three course lunch at Tatworth Memorial Hall, ‘Sunday 22nd December from noon until 3.30pm. 3) Are you without Transport or have a Mobility Problem? (These are nota problem as transport can be arranged). Do you know of someone, have a neighbour who fils the ‘above criteria, of, you are willing to help on this day? ‘This could be helping with transport, malting, washing Up ‘oF generally just assisting. "Numbers will be limited to the first 50 persons applying. To guarantee being one of the lucky ones please telephon« Cir: Anne Goody on 0146 239434 ‘Mobile 07582 794189 or email: clicannettegoodye tatworthandfortonparishcouncil “FATHER CHRISTMAS’ ‘at BARLEYMOWS FARM SHOP Saturday 14th & 21st, and Sunday se 15th & 22nd December 2019 (From 10.00am - 1.00pm). £4.50 Per Child *Aitprocedsto TAPS Tatworth Ameteur Pantomime Society) FORTON COMMUNITY ASSOC. ‘XMAS DRAW’ Saturday 21st December ‘with mince pies and mulled wine at the Community Hall, from 7.00pm. Issue 96 The DRIFT TATWORTH & FORTON PARISH COUNCIL Go the extra mile and help others: If you're above the age of 18, have a clean full driver licence and own a four-door car, why not volunteer for Somerset County Council to help others get to vital medical appointments? By committing as little as one day per week, you could greatly help a person who otherwise wouldn't be able to make appointments. Alternatively commit to more if that is ‘what you choose! Volunteer drivers provide a crucial transport service for non-emergency NHS patients and social care users enabling them to get to various locations across the county and further afield. You could also help transport children to college or to school, providing a crucial service to a young Person's academic career. Each journey connects people with services they would otherwise miss out on. AS a volunteer driver, you would be providing a vital lifeline to people in your community. This is a rewarding opportunity to provide a valuable, practical support for people within your community and ‘your mileage expenses will be reimbursed at up to 50p per mile. You will also be supported by a Transporting Officer from Somerset County Council's Transporting Somerset team. Not only will you be helping the community it’s an excellent way of meeting new people. To find out more visit https:/ / vol ‘The Parish Clerk has requested that it be known that the Parish Ranger whilst overseen by South Somerset District Council, is completely funded by the Parish Council. Also The Parish Council would like to undertake the funding during 2020-2021 of a special project proposed by a resident(s) of the community. The idea being that suggestions say up to three for a small village project (£2,000) be proposed and then we would welcome people voting for which one of the three they would like to see come to fruition. Bruce Poole BA (Hons) FSLCC MIC Parish Clerk Parish Clerk’ Office, Tatworth Memorial Hall, Kents Road, South Chard, Chard TA20 204 ‘Tatworth Wives Group - Editors Note! ‘Once again a long standing group feel that they cannot continue as a result of new members not coming forward. ‘These days the situation is not unusual and as told to me itis ironic that the group was started by Denise Coleridge, the then vicars wife just after arriving in the village sometime in the late 1950's/early 60's, originally known as the Young Wives Group because it was newly married couples she was targeting. Most of the early members have moved away but there are still one or two in the current group who Were around then and would have fallen into that category ~ How ‘times have changed! TATWORTH WIVES GROUP Hester Down writes: The speaker at our October meeting was Emma Down, who talked to us about the first voyage of James Cook to the South Pacific. She began by outlining Cook’s early sea career: after starting in a Whitby collier, he joined the Royal Navy in 1755 where his talent for cartography came to the notice of the ‘Admiralty and the Royal Society. Emma then took us through the events of his famous voyage: leaving Plymouth in 1768 in the Endeavour, he arrived in Tahiti to observe the transit of Venus across the sun for the Royal Society, and after an abortive search for a southern continent he sailed westwards to New Zealand where he surveyed all 2,400 miles of the coastline. He then sailed west to Australia, arriving at Botany Bay in April 1770, and mapped the whole east coast northwards, but in June the Endeavour ran aground on the Great Barrier Reef. After floating the ship off, several weeks were spent on repairs before Cook found a way back through the reef and sailed to Batavia (now modern-day Jakarta) where further repairs made the ship seaworthy for the long voyage home, arriving in July 1771. The voyage charted over 5,000 miles of previously unknown coastline. Cook left a great legacy of scientific and geographical knowledge and is widely regarded ‘as the grandfather of British Naval hydrography. ‘Our AGM took place on 7th November when we reviewed our activities over the last year including the funds raised for the purchase of a defibrillator for the Church (our project for 2019) and £253 raised towards refurbishment of the Church Room at the Christmas Fair held at Jim and Jane Grant's home. Because of the advancing age profile of our membership, we have reluctantly accepted with regret that the position’ has now been reached where the Group must disband. Although this was a sad decision to have to take after so many years, we concluded that without younger membership there was no alternative but to finish. Our last meeting will be the New Year Party in January. Our speaker after the AGM was Pamela Everet who spoke to us about her career as a professional singer. She was born in County Durham to musical parents, and as well as singing in her school choir, sang in both the local Anglican church and the Methodist chapel, so church music has always been part of her life. She attended a music school in Newcastle and then spent four years at the Guildhall School of Music in London and began to sing professionally. After college, she auditioned for the BBC Singers and was accepted and remained with them for 23 years. During that time Pamela took part in many tours and concerts with the BBC Singers and sang in many famous venues and concert halls. AS part of their work for the BBC she regularly took part, in the Morning Service broadcast from All Souls, Langham Place in London, and other programmes such as Friday Night i, Music Night and the Promenade Concerts including the Last Night of the Proms. With the Singers she sang at the wedding of the Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer, and then again at the funeral of the Princess of Wales. fter retiring from the BBC Singers, Pamela qualified as a bereavement counsellor working in a hospice in Tunbridge Wells, before settling in CChaffcombe in 2011 where she started the September Singers. There will be no meeting in December, and we shall meet again on Thursday 9th January 2020 at 2.00pm for our New Year Party which will be our last gathering before disbanding. PERRY STREET CLUB ‘The Club has had an extremely busy time and they are pleased to announce that the Joker Draw has been a great success and the October draw had a prize pot of £17,000. This was won by a syndicate of young local lads. The new Chase The Joker has begun and with the prize growing every day is now over £2,000. Tickets are on sale for £1 each and the draw is open to members and non-members alike. ‘Atotal of over £3,000 has been raised towards the new kitchen fund with the electrician doing the first fix so this is encouraging news! ‘The Club would like to thank everyone who attended the Open Day in October, it was very well attended with many new faces coming to say hello, Thanks must go to all who helped in any ‘way to make the day a success and on this note an enormous thank you goes to all the volunteers who have worked tirelessly over the past months to help make the Club turn the corner and become the success we are all hoping for. Thank ‘you one and all! It is now a case of “Onwards and Upwards” It was nice to see so many children attend the Halloween Crafts event and it is hoped to run a similar themed craft project in December. Other events are also planned with something to suit all ages and interests so do come along and support your local Club. You do not have to be a member but members enjoy discounted drink prices with the added knowledge that you can become a real part of the Club. Adult Joining fee is £12.50 for the first year and £10 thereafter. OAP membership is £10 and £5 thereafter. Anyone joining now will be a member until January 2021. Please take a look at the forthcoming events featured in this edition of The Drift - you are very welcome to come along and Join in, especially over the Christmas period when the venue ‘will be open for business - yes even on Christmas Day from 12, ‘noon until 2pm! Christmas draw tickets are now on sale with ‘many fantastic prizes which include a 32inch television. ‘The Club look forward to seeing many more new faces soon - ‘you will receive a warm and cheery welcome. Children and dogs are invited too! Contact details: 01460 220239 Email: fr you can speak to Roger, lan, Caroline or Heidi ‘The Club also has a website and a facebook page. A Merry Christmas from all the team! Fund-raising Music Night in Aid of the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance! Friday January 10th 7.30pm (for 8.30pm Start) Advance tickets £1.00 c/o the venue or online: ‘ (On the Door £12.00) “The Producers’, one of the UK’s top blues bands have won both the ‘Album of the Year’ and ‘Blues band of the year awards and become a driving force on the UK’s blues’ and blues-rock scene with their stunning live shows and instrumental prowess. In 2016 “The Producers’ celebrated their 25th anniversary! Where dia the time go? During that time they have had varying members on drunis, guitars, harmonica and. Keyboards Supporting ‘the. central’ Producers, core of band. founders Suitarist Harry Skinner and bassist Dave Saunders. They have feleased mine albums ( firstly on Cassette before CDs were invented, with the last London Blues being on both cD and Gouble vinyl LPI) had many”"guests appearing with them including Jethro Tulls Martin Barre, Dave’ Kelly, ‘The Groundheps Tony Memes, Andy Farweater Low an te bra section of the Ray Charies Orchestra including the Raclets! ‘They have travelled to Australia, New Zealand, the USA, the Bahamas and all over the UK and most of Europe, played ator headlined most ofthe major blues festivals In the UR, Ireland and Europe pus the Tauranga Jazz and élues Festival in New Zealand, Freeport blues Festival, the Bahamas and the Atianta Blues Festival USA. “The Producers’ are still out there playing the freshest live blues in Britain today. Concerned with feel and attitude rather than slavishly copying ‘hand me down’ American music, The Producers move effortlessly between their own well crafted material and seriously reinvigorated classics stamped with their own characteristic identity, still bamstorming across the Country playing sell-out club, theatre and festival dates having developed an impressive reputation over 25 years that no one can ignore. “Cobalt Blue’ ‘Cobalt Blue’ are an acoustic trio with their own unique adaption of popular tunes. With a_ line up of Guitar, Squeezebox accordion and Upright Suitcase Bass! Their individual slant on songs from such diverse artists as. Eric Clapton, McGuinness Flint, Paolo Nutini, Bryan Adams, Kylie ‘Minogue, Stray Cats and Dr. Feelgood to name but a few'm: these guys really worth ‘seeing in their own right. Its a pleasure to have them along with us tonight to help raise foney for a cause that is essential, particularly in our rural Lots Happening at Perry Street Club! DECEMBER Saturday 7th - Gin & Pamper Day from 12noon until 5.00pm Sunday 9th - Christmas Bingo Eyes Down 7.30pm Saturday 14th - Wreath Making 10am - 12 noon £20 p.p ‘Sunday 15th - Wendy's Christmas Lunch Served between 12.15 and 1.30pm. £12 for 2 Courses - Book Now with deposit of £6.00 piease. - Christmas Quiz 7 for 7.30pm. Saturday 21st - Monthly Bingo & Quiz Sunday 22nd - Christmas Draw to be held in the Evening Christmas Eve - Open all day with free Jukebox midday Until late. Christmas Day - Open from mid day until 2.00pm Boxing Day - Open all day with a free Jukebox midday till, late. New Years Eve - Party/Disco in the main bar - fancy dress optional with everyone welcome. Bar opening at 7.00pm. JANUARY 2020 Friday 10th Charity Event in aid of Somerset & Dorset Air ‘Ambulance. Performing will be The Producers And Cobalt Blue, two lively blues bands. Doors open 7.30pm with an 8.30pm start, Tickets on sale behind the bar: £10.00 in advance or £12.00 on the door. Sunday 12th - Thrift Club starts 7 - 9.00pm. On the third Saturday of each month there is a 20 Question Quiz and Mini Bingo with a bottle of wine for the Quiz winner and cash prizes for the bingo - a fun filled evening guaranteed! On the last Sunday of the month - Open Mic Sessions continue in the main bar between 3,00 and 6.00pm, Issue 96 The DRIFT ROAD CLOSURE AND WASTE! Stewart Ketch writes: Yesterday | decided to take advantage of the A358 closure and have a peaceful walk towards Two Ash. It was an_ unusual experience to enjoy lack of vehicles thundering past which normally almost blow one over! | asked a pleasant young man who was working there whether pedestrians and cyclists were permitted to use the road as it looked completely blocked. | also asked why these pipes were being replaced as extensive road works were carried out a few years ‘ago in that area. He showed me a section of pipe that they had removed which had_a plastic membrane a it. This was temporarily fitted during the last works to keep water out while they were fitting these pipes. They appeared to have forgotten to replace this plastic rendering the pipe useless. One wonders why this work was not inspected at the time or why a ‘camera survey could not have been Used recently to find the cause of the blockage. 1 understand. they will also make a much larger sitt trap at the bottom of Paradise Lane as the one there at present seems unsuccessful. So with a bit of thought all these works and disruption could hhave been avoided. How much is all this costing the planet in extra miles driven and congestion, not to mention the cost of the works? On the A358 between Axminster and Chard EX13 7NF Glues - Paints - Balsa Wood - Tools - Plastics - Metals - Model kits - Scenery - Games Workshop and so much more! Clubs and ‘how to’ workshops - pop in and ask! Your local and friendly family run model shop. Opening Times: Tues - Fri 10am - 4.00pm Sat 10.00am - 1.00pm. Sun-Mon - Closed TATWORTH & DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Chairman, Ken Johnson writes: Our November meeting, held in Tatworth Memorial Hall, was marked by the first visit to the Society of our speaker Marion, Dale. The subject talk, ‘Where do our Favourite Plants. / Flowers come from?’, was both interesting and colourful. AS usual the meeting was well attended. Our Annual General Meeting, open to all, followed by a non too serious quiz and terminating with a ‘bring and share’ supper will be held at Tatworth Memorial Hall-on the 12th December. Despite being the day of the General Election the ‘venue and time are as stated. ‘Moving on to 2020 events - Our Spring evenings will b 13th February 2020 - lan Anderson - 'Nature of Somerset 12th March 2020 - James Anderson - ‘Floral Photography’. Sth April 2020 « Brian King - ‘Quiz’ (Brian is a member of The Gold Club). Please note that the 60th Annual Open Show of the Society will be held in Tatworth Memorial Hall TA20 2QA on Saturday 22nd ‘August 2020 opening at 2.30pm. Our Summer Trips will be: ‘Tuesday 12th May 2020 - The Garden House - Buckland, ‘Monachoram - Yelverton. ‘Monday 22nd June 2020 - RHS Gardens Rosemoor « Great Torrington. Friday17th July 2020 - The National Trust Property at Kingston Lacy - near Wimborne. All the above trips will leave Tatworth Memorial Hall TAZ0 20A at 9.00am returning for 6.00pm. Note: each of the trips will be limited to thirty five places allocated on a ‘first come first served basis. We would like to hear from anyone interested in becoming a member of the Societys Committee. New members of the Society are always welcome. The Annual membership fee will rise to £7.00 on the 1st January 2020. There is no charge to meetings for members - non members will be subject to a charge of £3.00 per meeting. Subscriptions for the 2020 year may now be received by the Treasurer Mr. David Peake, Contact number for any of the above: 01460 220221. ‘May | finish by wishing one and all ‘a peaceful Festive Season’ anda healthy 2020. ‘TATWORTH FLOWER CLUB Valerie Garth writes: (On November 7th local florist and Chelsea winner Jacalyn Arscott gave a very interesting demonstration under her title 9f The Wonders of Winter. The vote of thanks was given by Julie Kettle. Winner of the club competition “Winter Fantasy’ was Julie Grabham. pe Y The next meeting on December Sth we have Area demonstrator Sally Taylor who will be demonstrating under her title of “Countdown to Winter”. The club competition ‘The Christmas Spirit” will be open to everyone, so do have a go. You have a space of 24inches to fill and Nafas Judge Sally will mark and comment on your arrangement. On Saturday 7th December we are holding a Wreath Making ‘Workshop 10am to 12noon. The cost is £15, this will include all materials and refreshments. Please bring ships or secateurs. To book a place call Julie Kettle on 01297 33924 or email her Meetings are held in Tatworth Memorial Hall, ‘TAZ0 2QW. Doors open 1.30 for a 2.00pm start. Visitors are ‘most welcome for an entrance fee of £6.00. DECEMBER GARDENER ‘As the festive season approaches take the opportunity while you and your garden are taking a well earned rest to put some winter colour in the house. Officially gardening is good for you, in mind and physical health so after this special celebration, let's all look forward to the new year preparation for Spring that will be starting probably earlier than March. Narcissus are flowering in January now in the south west particularly, with Snow drops (Galanthus), such a welcome sight n cold January if your lucky Poinsettias are colourful, popular but rather strange decorative plants, (members of the Euphorbia family). They need more dark than many plants, a bit lke rhubarb. They are really grown as annuals so once they start shedding thelr leaves don’t bother to keep them. ‘Ty planting some winter hardy bulbs in your flower beds before the ground gets too hard. You can’t beat alpine cyclamens reasonably priced too. Hyacinths are on sale for indoor colour but, yyou can also plant out hyacinths if they have been correctly Prepared by the growers. This involves a higher temperature Speeding up process, followed by low temperature vernalisation for six weeks, so do check before buying! If you are thinking of buying some plants for winter or spring (1 do enjoy forward planning, it makes winter less dreary) have a good explore round local garden centres and on-line. There are some Superb bulk offers of bulb/corms. Winter bulbs must be planted in well drained gritty soil in a sunny aspect and can be a wonderful addition of colour to many parts of the garden. Do it soon! It's ‘worth planning ahead to add bulbs to spring lawns, edges and bedding, especially good for early spring rackery colour. Search for (fragrant) daffodils (narcissus), leucojums, omnithogalums, chinodoxias and tulips all lily family) as well as early irs bulbs. Anemone blanda (ranunculous-buttercup) family) produce small but pretty blue and white daisies ,plant corms now, they bring welcome long-lasting March spring colour. Bellis (daisy) and Violas (viola) will also add cheery colour for the coming season - it’s worth popping in to garden centres to see what's on offer forthe festive season. Early colour spring plants such as heathers (ericaceous) are best planted in containers with acid soil and make an attractive midwinter display Evergreen Ilex - Holly with Christmas red berries is a good shrub to have in a container even to plant out if the soil is still warm. Sarcococca (box family) is available now - wonderfully fragrant and happy in the shade, also Osmanthus (Olearea) a small holly like very attractive shrub. The very fragrant yellow Coronilla, an easy to grow leguminous shrub, is a cheery sight, often to be found flowering several times a year. Enjoy all the colours of the many winter berries, but try not to begrudge birds their tasty feast. | have a Solanum and Sorbus with many attractive orange red berries; | now have just a few berries but a very happy blackbird. Perhaps winter it’s time to get winter coats on and venture out on a dry day to walk through parks, lanes and public gardens. Don't forget the National Trust and RHS Gardens. Forde Abbey, ‘Abbottsbury have some free garden days this time of the year but first check the website! These larger gardens will be looking their best after a frost on a bright sunny morning in the coming coldest months, especially when the Snowdrops are popping their heads Up to give us a taste of spring. Wildlife Birds depend on us all during difficult weather conditions, so do ensure there is appropriate food for them, not just in dispensers but also for the ground feeders, blackbirds, thrushes, robins etc. Thrushes are on the endangered list now and they love what gardeners don’t, snails and slugs. it wll help if we can leave the garden a bit more relaxed and untidy, so plenty of leaves, broken branches, bits of moss etc. as this will generate a food chain of lover-wintering insects that ground feeding birds require very desperately in cold snaps! Hibernating animals are many more than we realise, 30 try to leave habitats such as piles of leaves perhaps retained by some branches or under some spreading low ground cover branches e.. Cotoneaster. Hedgehogs are desperate at this time of the year sO ccheck they can get from garden to garden through a small hole in the fence. This is really important for them to travel to find winter habitats have a chat to your neighbours. Best wishes for 2020 in the hope that climate change may be kinder to the planet and let's try and be a bit greener by planting ‘some more shrubs and small trees and use less chemicals and less digging and support and work with nature . Best wishes for CChristmas, and a Happy and Peaceful and greener New Year. Tony Arnold MCIHort ‘Author Science for the Gardener ‘Secondary Science Resource for RHS Schools Gardening Do You Want a More Sone Beautiful Garden? Rg Discover How Science Can * Help Your Garden Grow Tips to make a greener - more beautiful garden = Help to Get to Know Your Plants = How Thinking Scientifically wil Help you Horticulturally Christmas is fast approac! and are you stuck for ideas? What to buy your favourite uncle? That kindly neighbour? Awork friend who just seems to have everything? AGodchild keen on the environment? This popular book makes a great Christmas present for anyone with an interest in gardening. “A fascinating read’ - Wordery ‘simple but in depth. It has @ fun element to it.’ - Amazon ‘Wonderful little book’ - Amazon ‘Fantastic tittle book. Would highly recommend’. Amazon “With a relaxed conversational style Tony provides a glimpse of the complex world of plants and our relationship with them, sowing the seeds that hopefully wil germinate {an interest in the sciences that influence gardening’. Prof. Owen Doyle, President of the Chartered Institute of Horticulture Signed copies stocked by Chard Bookshop. Purchase on www.scienceforthegardener fast link from ‘Amazon Wordery Book Depository Foyles Bookshop London Signed copies available at the discounted price of £12.00 or ‘card with a £2.00 donation per book to Somerset Air “Ambulance or Tatworth and Distret Hort Soc Direct Tel: 01460 221519 For any science based queries please feel free to contact ‘me on: Issue 96 The DRIFT T&F MOVIES Our Christmas Special comes with mulled wine and mince pies on 13th December: Eaten by Lions (cert 12). A family friendly story (yes really) of two brothers who, when their parents are eaten by lions, embark on a funny, heart warming journey. A delightful comedy/drama starring Antonio Askeel, Jack |= Carroll and Asim Chaudhary. ‘as Doors open at 7.00pm, films start at 7.30pm. (Please note earlier start time). There is a bar and a raffle and a chance to chat to friends. Tickets £4.50 - all profits to Hall funds. ‘TATWORTH WALKING FOR HEALTH ‘Areminder that our Monday evening walks have now stopped tntil the clocks return to B.S.7. The Wednesday walks will carry on through out the winter months, apart from those that fall on Bank Holidays. Recently, we have had good numbers despite the muddy conditions, We try to avoid the worst of the mud, but as we live in such lovely countryside we have to accept rain and its effects. If you are not sure if our walks are for you, come and have a chat at the Hall, tag along and see how it goes. There's no pressure as we cater for everyone's pace. Rick Chubb Pantomime Society For your entertainment Will be Presenting their 2020 Pantomime 9" TATWORTH 730 0n Thursday 27 February MEMORIAL 7:30.00 Friday 28° February TATWORTH WI ‘Marguerita Bond writes: The next W.l. meeting will be held in the ‘Memorial Hall on the earlier day of Tuesday the 17th December, at the earlier time of 6.30pm. After a short business meeting, members are anticipating a splendid Christmas meal prepared by Wendy Massey, followed by sts fom the sack ofa "Secret Santa" and the exchange of cards. Earlier in the month some members will have enjoyed the shopping trip by coach on the 4th December to Exeter. At the moment there are still a few seats left on the coach, so if anyone would like to join the trip at the last minute, please ‘telephone Sue on 01460 220895 or Rosemary on 01460 261129. (On the 11th December a group are travelling on the coach arranged by Chard W.I. to Wells. There they will join W.l. members from all over Somerset for the annual SCFWI Festival ff Carols in the beautiful cathedral. This is always a special ‘event and there is also time before enjoying the music and service in the cathedral, to explore this lovely city with its Christmas stalls, decorations and festive atmosphere. ‘The Cerdic Group of Horton, Chard, Ilminster and Tatworth W.L are holding their own carol service during the month and this year it wll be in Ilminster. ‘The first meeting of the new year will be in the Memorial Hall fon the 17th January 2020, when subscriptions are due, but nonetheless this should be a cheerful meeting as the speaker Joan Knowiman will be talking about "The Life & Work of Joyce Grenfell”. Although she died in 1979, Joyce Grenfell is still fondly remembered for her amusing’ impersonations, clever songs and monologues. Nicola Hardy, the speaker at the meeting on the 20th February, should strike a more serious note as her talk is entitled "The Life of a Village Agent’. These agents are employed by the Community Council for Somerset to help People with confidential advice on practical and community based solutions to their problems. TATWORTH AMATEUR PANTOMIME SOCIETY ‘TAPS are putting on ‘Cinderella’ in February, it has all the usual laughs and evil that go with panto. The ugly sisters, ‘causing problems for Cinderella, her faithful friend Buttons helping all he can to make life easier for her plus some of her animal friends as well, The fairy ‘godmother coming to her rescue so that she can go to the ball. Will she win the princes hand? Come to watch to find the answer, look forward to seeing you in February. WENDY’S KITCHEN VILLAGE CAFE Everyone welcome - No need to book Good home-cooked food - friendly atmosphere Come along and enjoy lunch or a snack, coffee & cake ete. Every Wednesday 10.00am -2.00pm ‘Tatworth Memorial Hall - Telephone: 07792 623175, ‘ EDITORIAL ‘My sincere thanks go to all our loyal volunteers who deliver ‘The Drift to your homes - without you the publication would not reach so many in our community - so thank you very much indeed! It is heartening to see that Perry Street Club is doing well and. that new members are continuing to join - many activities are planned to suit all ages and of course we have Tatworth Memorial Hall, a longstanding venue known to most of us for what it offers residents (don’t forget the forthcoming Pantol); Forton also has a new hall where | understand everyone is ‘welcome to vist. Allin all then we do have a really nice place to live don’t wel With a school and Post Office on the doorstep we are envied by many | am sure. Finally | wish you all ‘A Very Happy Christmas & Happy New Year!" Robin Munday - Drift Editor DOG WALKER REQUIRED ‘Amature lady is required for walking a gentle Greyhound at the weekends. Must be experienced with dogs. Two 15-minute walks required on Saturday and one on Sunday morning, However, this can be flexible and can be changed ‘around if required. For further details please telephone: 01460 220966 Thank you - Judy MacOmish DEADLINE FOR THE DRIFT! The next issue of the Drift will be for February with a ‘final deadline date’ to receive any Item being the 14th January. Robin can be contacted on: 01460 220819 or email: RAY BEECHAM Handyman Services Tel: 07984 691884 ROBIN MUNDAY - Your Drift Editor & Village Hobby Printer! During the mid 1980's | began to have an interest in the black art of Letterpress Printing, having been introduced into the fold by a long standing friend and jobbing printer - Boy has he got a lot to answer for! The retirement of Ivor therefore led to my acquiring ‘a number of very old (vintage, not classic) machines, the most elderly being around 1890. | began to play with these new-found toys and here fs the story “This early learning period continued alongside a long-standing professional role until 1993 that is, Early retirement! A rest at last with my wife having many plans of what we might doin our anticipated ample leisure time. Little did | realise that with my new found interest and “more time to play” would | become a printer here in Tatworth, calling our house by the name of Printers Patch which seemed very apt! Anyway time passed and without advertising work came along and more equipment had to be collected in order to keep up with progress and provide a speedier digital service; although the old machines still hold their ‘own on certain occasions when a more traditional aspect of printing is required. Presses. range from letterpress, small offset, digital colour and. foil blocking giving a large choice of printing. saying Very much to the fore with the start of this modern era and even the wife was lost for words on occasions (what a relief!) ‘Throughout all of this, the lady of the house offered numerous observations, some unrepeatable, some offering assistance and others reminding me of “our retirement” and her plans for travel ad other new vate. fo Ia you gentlemen, cn you thik Anyway here we are today approaching 2020 and | am still enjoying my hobby using the various machines collected over the years, where I have gained experience, not only in printing but in meeting interesting people and hopefully providing what. is required at a reasonable cost. In particular | enjoy producing the village community's much loved publication “The Drift” assisted ‘most ably by our friend and neighbour Chris White and of course I ‘must mention Sandra, my patient wife! “Dinner’s Ready” although welcome words can come at a most inconvenient time ‘when I'am just hoping to finish a task! Although there has never been a greater selection of printing processes than are available today, it is not always the modem land highly technical methods that produce the best results for the customer. Traditional skils, where the printer rather than the ‘machine is responsible for the final quality, has a great deal to offer, Hence when you next see a village or national publication, whether it be a newsletter, raffle ticket or similar it could be that Robin is to blame! Occasionally he manages to be missing due to his wife's insistence on maintaining some of her own ideas on retirement, like taking a well earned holiday either in the UK or some foreign hot spot! However the machines will soon be working again with even more enthusiasm after those well earned breaks. Sandra has a way with words so if you have something you would like to say or a story to tell but are not sure how to present it she will be happy to give you some ideas as she enjoys working at the ‘computer in between making endless cups of tea and coffee for “the boss” (Who said that!). Robin also spends time working on his allotment, enjoys fishing ‘and when the weather's not so good making things from wood in the garden shed in order to attend craft fairs, one of Sandra's hobbies! Never a dull moment when you are “Retired!” Robin Munday If you have a hobby or interesting story to tell, then get in touch with Robin or Sandra who will print your story in The Drift. Issue 96 The DRIFT The DRIFT DIARY Dec 2019 - January 2020 Date & Time Event Venue Weds 4th Dec - All Day Tatworth WI - Pre-Christmas Shopping trip to Exeter TMH ‘Thurs 5th Dec - 2.00pm Tatworth Flower Club - Meeting with guest demonstrator Sally Taylor TMH Fri 6th Dec - 6.00pm St John,s Church - Christmas Light Switch-On St Sat 7th Dec 40:00am -12.00 Tatworth Flower club = Wreath Making Workshop TWH Sun 8th Dec - All Da Perry Street Club - ‘Rooster Bus Trip’ to Exeter Christmas Market psc “Tues 10th Dec - 1.48pm Kents Fellowship - Christmas Carols with Tatworth School Choir followed by tea KER Weds 11th Dec - All Day Tatworth WI - Coach Trip to Wells ‘Thurs 12th Dec - 7.30pm TED Hort.Soc - Annual General Meeting plus Quiz and “Bring and Share Supper’ TMH Fri 13th Dec - 7.30 T&F Movie Night - ‘Eaten by Lions” (cert 12) TWH Sat 14th Dec 10.00am - 1.00pm TAPS - Father Christmas at Barleymows Farmshop BF Sun 15th Dee - 6.30pm St John’s Church - A Service of Nine Lessons & Carols su Sun 15th Dec - 10:00am - 1.00pm TAPS Father Christmas at Barleymows Farmshop a “Tues 17th Dec - 6.30pm Tatworth Wi - Meeting TWH Sat 21st Dec - 7.00pm Forton Community Association - Christmas Draw with mince pies & mulled wine FH Sat 21st Dec - 10,00am - 1.00pm TAPS - Father Christmas at Barleymows Farmshop BF Sun Zznd Dec - 10.00am - 1.00pm TAPS - Father Christmas at Barleymaws Farmshop BF Sun 22nd Dec - 12.00- 3.30pm Tatworth & Forton Parish Council - FREE Christmas Lunch TWH Tues 24th Dec - 4.30pm St John's Church = Making Christingle- Christingle Service at 5.30pm su ‘Tues 24th Dec - 11.300m St John’s Church - Midnight Mass Holy Communion su Weds 25th Dec - 9:30am St John’s Church - Family Worship EY Thurs Sth Jan - 2.00pm Tatworth Wives Group - Meeting and New Year Party (before disbanding) TWH Fri 10th Jan = 7.30pm Perry Street Club ~ Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance Fund-Ralsing Music Night sc Fri 17th Jan - 6:30pm Tatworth Wi - Meeting with guest speaker Joan Knowiman HH Regulars Every Mon - 2.00 - 3.00pm Yoga, Relaxation and Gentle Exercise Classes ch Halt Every Mon = 2:00pm New Age Kurling & seated volleyball - £1.50 per session, including refreshment TMH Every Mon - 7.00 8.00pm Celia’s Fat Burning and Body Toning Class (Fun and friendly) TH Every Tues -2.00- 4.00pm _‘Tatworth Craft Group - £1 each including refreshments ~ Brewer Room TWH Every Tues -§.00 - 6.00pm Under 10's Softball Cricket (up until 19th April) HSH Every Tues -6:00-7,00pm School years 6 - 10 Hardball Cricket (up until 19th April) HSH Every Wed - 10.00am Tatworth Health Walks TMH Every Wed - 10.00am - 2.00pm Wendy's Kitchen TWH Every Wed - 3.30 4.40pm Celia’s Get Fit, Exercise Class for ages, 50-90 plus TWH Every Wed - 700pm Chard & District Lace Group = Brewer Room TWH Every Thurs -6.45 -9.30pm Chard Bridge Club Evenings TWH Every Thurs 7.00pm Chard Karate Club - Juniors (R) PSC Every Thurs - 8.00pm Chard Karate Club - Seniors (R) psc Every Fri - 9.00pm Perry Street Club ~ ‘Chase The Joker’ Raffle Night psc Every Fei 100m Neon St John's Church «Toddler Group (Ourng Term time) Stl First Tues - Monthty Chiropodist- Mr Grimminger = Tel: 3011 Twi First Thurs - Monthly - 7.00pm _Tatworth & Forton Parish Council Meeting TMH Third Thurs - Monthly Tatworth WI Meeting TWH Third Sat - Monthly Perry Street Club - Quiz & Bingo Night PSC ‘Third Sun - Monthly - 3- 6.00pm Perry Street Club - Open Mic Pst Fourth Tuesday - Monthy Kents Fellowship KeR Last Tues - Monthly 6.00pm __PerryStreet Club - Tuesday Night Crew Night Psc Last Fri- Monthly Perry Street Club - Monthly Big Quiz psc Znd/4th Fri= Monthly -7.30pm orton Clubhouse Bar Open FCH KEY: Ch Rim - St John’s Church Room, PSC - The Perry Street Club, TMH - Tatworth Memorial Hall, TPF - Tatworth Playing Fields, ‘TPS - Tatworth Primary School, StJ - $t John's Church, KCR - Kents Common Room, SCC - South Chard Church, KCR - Kents Close, FCH - Forton Community Hall, FF - Farriers Field, Post Office Lane. CONTACT DETAILS FOR OUR RAG TEAM The project teams welcome new members - could you spare a little time? There must be a project team which interests YOU - choose from: Health & Wellbeing Centre - Nick Bernard 220339, Environment - Judy MacOmish 220966, Public Transport - Andrew Turpin 220691 ‘And don’t forget the website: www. The Drift is published by the Tatworth & Forton Residents Action Group, printed by Perry Print and distributed by volunteers. ‘Any opinion expressed in articles in The Drift may be those of the author but not necessarily those of the Editorial Team. 8 MOTOTECH Tatworth’s Local Garage - Please Support Local Traders! Air Conditioning from £45.00 Wiper Blades fitted from £7.50 Tyres fitted from £45.00 Bulbs fitted from £5.95 Call now on 01460 221313 to book your appointment: Junction Garage, Station Road, Chard Junction TA20 4QJ Home Foot Care Service ta? Past health saver and westment of Celia’s Salon coms, calls, nail trimming, racked heels ete IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME Callas paslonate about showing women how a great hairstyle moked you tok gront ora Tees aioe Foot Health Practitioner hair type and lifestyle. wi Tel: 01297 792338 Enjoy an extra special experience, at a highly professional, Rise o7eae oss0es Pestana Round sao covering Axminster, Chard, Charmouth, Honiton, Braeside, Bugway lane, Chard Common TA20 4HH Ilminster, Lyme Regis, Seaton and surrounding areas ‘Telephone: 01460 221444 / 07971 675577 > peter trotter Installation of PCV, Repairs & replacement ‘Timber & Aluminium windows, a rs are 01460 220 584 BS 4m at Special offers avalable on selected dooes and ‘windows: Chee out the webate and soe what ‘ur customers ey. mv. Contact us fea reno hassle quotation on 8140022005 or Grrr 701782 mal Amanda Smith MHAO REGISTERED ANIMAL HEALER ‘ANIMAL and HUMAN HEALING oe Diploma in Equine Healing Bi Facebook Distant Healing Bereavement Healing Fully Insured Free 10 year insurance backed guarantee as standard Tel: 01460 929925 Mobile 07469 171184 Nick's | Valeting Service No Cheap Tricks or Short Cuts - Just a great standard of cleaning! ~- Exteriors Washed and Polished by Hand - Wheels Cleaned, Polished and Tyres Dressed = lean come to you or can collect your vehicle Call Nick on: 01460 220178 or 07976616056 The Golden Fleece GUEST HOUSE & CAMPSITE Our five luxury en-suite rooms are set back from the road offering a peaceful nights stay, followed by Carol’s excellent full English (or healthy) breakfast. * Independent (24hr) access to rooms * Free parking * Patio for guests to enjoy the sunshine * All rooms are on the ground floor and one is designed to be disabled friendly * Dogs welcome with well behaved owners The Golden Fleece, Perry Street South Chard, Somerset TA20 4HQ Tel: 01460 220285 Website: Face Book: The Golden Fleece Guest House Celia Guppy Mindset Coach ‘Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) & Hypnosis | can help you to overcome: Stress, excess worry, anxiety, yo-yo dieting, emotional eating, phobias, negative habits, insomnia, low self esteem, lack of confidence, public speaking, exam nerves ‘& enjoy life much more. 07971 675 577 ‘ Elegance, Relaxation & Beauly HOLISTIC AND BEAUTY TREATMENTS AT AFFORDABLE PRICES MAssace © MYOFACIAL RELEASE Lava Suit Massace @ Hort Ear CaNpunc tenary @ REFLEXOLOGY Get Nan. Manicure & Pepicure @ Eve Last & Brow Text FULLY QUALIF Tel: 07817 882946 or 01460 220149 Email: lesleyspeed40@gm: ‘ 'D AND FHT REGISTERED NEW AND REGULAR ADVERTISERS - KEEP YOUR COMMUNITY INFORMED OF SERVICES TERMS OF ADVERTISING The terms for advertising in the Drift are: 90mm x 60mm £6 and for 190mm £10 per insertion. Should a larger entry be required please ask for further details. Classified ads can also be accepted for items wanted or for sale by residents at £2.50 per insert. (No more than 5 tines plus a contact number) Please send copy to Robin Munday, Editor, Printers Patch, Dyke Hill, South Chard, TA20 2PY Telephone: 01460 220819 Email: ALL advertising proceeds are used to help support THE DRIFT publication.

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