KFC Management Assignment 2

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Fundamentals of Management

Assignment # 2

S.no Name ID
1 M. AyanShaikh 14713
2 Lamwel 14636
3 ZaeemNihal 14665
4 Ayaz UL Haq 14660
5 Ishfaq 14668

Submitted to Miss Sahar Khan

Henry Fayol Principles Of Management followed by KFC

1- Principle of Discipline:‘Discipline is the key to success’.

This principle should follow by every organization and in each aspect of their
work. Without having discipline in an organization, no organization can survive in
this competitive world whether it is KFC or McDonald.

2- Principle of Equity:
All the employees of KFC should treat in same manner. They shouldn’t
discriminate on the basis of gender, caste, sex etc. This will bring harmony in their
work which ensure better result.

3- Principle of fair remuneration:

Fair remuneration means every employee should get equivalent amount of
reward for their work.

4- Stability of tenure of personnel:

Employer should back their staff and providing them the feeling of job security.

5- Subordination of individual interest to general interest:

Every employee’s working pattern should towards the goal of organization rather
than their personal goal.

6- Unity of direction:
In every organization, the structure consist different kind of employees from
different background with different style.Employer should unify all their efforts
lead towards the common direction.

7- Division of work:
For specialization, every department should become best in their work.
For example, In KFC there are some department as below:
(a)Packing Department.
(b)Makers of food stuff in KFC
(c)Front desk etc.
Each department get specialized if they will do their job again and again.
8- Unity of order:
All the materials related to KFC should be at fixed place which makes every one’s
work easy and saves time to find that.

9- Unity of Command:
Instructions & guidelines should be given by only one boss because multiple
bosses leads to chaos and confusion among employees and ego clashes can be
created among them.

10- Principle of Scalar Chain:

All the required information should pass in systematic manner for smooth flow of
working.Skipping someone & doesn’t let them provide sufficient information may
lose interest their work in organization.

11- Authority and Responsibility:

Authority means power to take decision & Responsibility means obligation to do
work.There should be parity between them.

12-Principle of Initiative:
If anyone wants to give some valuable suggestion for organization’s interest. It
should be appreciated by others in form of incentives which will boost up their

13-Centralization & Decentralization:

Centralization means power in few hands & Decentralization means power in
many hands. There should be balance b/w both in KFC kind of big organization for
smooth working.

14- Espirit De corps:

KFC is doing good because the key factor is ‘team spirit’.Doing work in team spirit
can do miracle.

“We can say in today’s world all the 14 principles of Fayol still exists better
productivity, efficiency & effectiveness is the result of using Fayol’s Principle in
their work.”

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