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Bismillahi Wa Salaatu Wa Salaam ala Rasulillahi wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi

ajmaeen Amaa baad

Surah Ar-Rahman
َ َ‫َ َّ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ْ ز‬
‫والسماء رفعها ووضع ال ِميان‬
َ‫َ َّ َ ْ َ ْ ز ْ ز‬
- ‫أَّل تطغوا ِ يف ال ِمي ِان‬
َ َ‫َ َ ُ ْ ُ ْ ز‬ ْ ْ َ ْ َ ْ ُ َ َ
55:9 - ‫وأ ِقيموا الوزن ِبال ِقس ِط وَّل تخ ِِسوا ال ِميان‬

And the heaven He has raised it high, and He has set up the Balance. (7)
In order that you may not transgress (due) balance. (8)
And observe the weight with equity and do not make the balance
deficient. (9)
 When there is balance in our life, that is when we will
have true success in our life.

The balanced life when we’re on the Straight Path of

knowledge and action. The Straight Path will lead us to
Paradise and that is success.

A happy, successful life begins with us, we need to ask

Allah to guide us to the Straight Path.
A balanced life requires knowledge and action. For example
we might be seeking knowledge but we are still not happy,
why? Because we are neglecting ourselves somewhere.
Another might be praying but she’s still not happy, why?
Because she’s neglecting herself somewhere else. A person
might be taking care of herself (self-grooming) and exercising,
but she is still not a happy.

When we’re lacking in one aspect then it will lead to an

imbalanced reaction. Someone might have so much knowledge
but she does not show good manners to the people, subhan
In order to lead a balanced life as a Muslim woman, we need to
work on 4 matters:

1. Spiritual Side ( :)‫االيمان‬ ‫الجانب‬this is the foundation to having
a balanced life. It includes both knowledge and actions.
2. Personal Side ( :)‫الشخص‬ ‫ي‬ ‫الجانب‬this includes purifying and
developing oneself.
3. Social Side ( :)‫االجتماع‬
‫ي‬ ‫الجانب‬this is to be helpful in society
which includes the husband, children, and relationship with
4. Material Side ( :)‫الجانب المادي‬such as taking care of your
work, home, body, and health, etc.
Sometimes we focus on one side and neglect the others. We
need to constantly reform ourselves

Surah Ar-Ra’ad : Ayah 11

ْ ُ َ َ ُ ‫ر‬ َ ُ ٰ ََّ َ ْ َ َ ُ ‫َّ ه َ َ ُ َ ر‬
13:11 ْ‫ِإن اَّلل َّل يغي ما ِبقو ٍم حّت يغيوا ما ِبَأنُ ِس ِه‬
Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until
they change what is in themselves.
 The first and foremost part to the spiritual side is having
Ikhlaas – sincerity.

 Ibn Al Qayyim said ikhlaas is a secret between the slave and his

 Ikhlaas is asking yourself ‘why are you doing this?’. Why are
you smiling, why are you advising, why are you being good to
 What’s the motive for reading the Quran, for saying
something, etc. The motive should be to attain Allah’s pleasure
and nearness. No matter how small a deed may be, with ikhlaas
it will go far.
The key is to have Ikhlaas in EVERY single relationship of ours.

Allah (swt) commanded us to do everything with ikhlaas, and this

shows that ikhlaas is very honorable and great.

Ikhlas is the head of all actions of the heart ‫عمل من أعمال القلوب‬and
it’s adornment of the heart ‫زينة القلب‬
Having true success is not in your eyes or the eyes of the people – success is
in the eyes of Allah (swt). If you want to know what is the secret to being
successful, it’s ikhlaas. With ikhlaas you will do deeds, little as they may be,
with Ihsaan and this will lead to success.

With ikhlaas, you will be able to achieve in the duniya and akhira. And with
ikhlaas, it will solve all your problems.

When you’re doing things for the face of yourself or the face of the people
then it’s just a waste of energy, you will find it tiring and difficult. Imagine if
you say something notfor the sake of Allah (swt), it will have bad
consequences as a result of it. You’re just overburdening yourself.
Purification from impurities - you are purifying the heart.

Meaning in the deen : to purify the deeds from anything that can tarnish
it and spoil it

What are the impurities that can spoil our heart and thus our deeds?

Desire of the self ((: ‫النفس ارادة‬

This is the greatest ‘dirt’ that can spoil the heart. We are not working
here in this life for ourselves. We think it’s natural to want things for
ourselves, but this want will spoil your heart, and if it spoils your heart,
then it spoils your deeds, subhan Allah.
• What does desire of the self exactly mean?
• Seeking praise
• Trying to look beautiful only for others
• Don’t accept criticisms
• sometimes we do deeds only so that others won’t talk about us. I visited
them, gave a gift, etc just so that people won’t dispraise me.
• Seeking material gain from people / something tangible or worldly

• These are all the chains that we want to remove from our hearts
As soon as my eyes look at the people then I will have the desires of the
self. This becomes a problem.

Live in this life in a one to one relationship, don’t live in this life in a one
to hundred relationship. You are created to worship Allah (swt) –
In the Quran
ِ ‫نس ِإ ََّّل ِليَ ْعبُد‬
‫ُون‬ ِ ْ ‫ت ْال ِج َّن َو‬
َ ‫اْل‬ ُ ‫َو َما َخلَ ْق‬
And I (Allâh) created not the jinn and mankind
except that they should worship Me (Alone).)
Sometimes we do deeds and our heart turns to the people – to my
spouse, children, friends – keep in mind it’s just a turn of the heart, and
this is destroying our hearts and chaining them.

But when your eyes are looking at Allah (swt) then you want everything
from Him – respect, praise, reward, money, etc – you want things only
from Allah (swt).

Ihsan is when you worship Allah (swt) as if you see Him. And with ikhlas
you’re free from everyone else except Allah (swt).
For example, we might attend a gathering sincerely for Allah (swt), but
when we leave, it needs to be for Allah (swt) as well. You can’t leave for
yourself, or what people will think, etc, subhan Allah.

Worship is not only about prayer, fasting, but your entire life because
Islam is a way of life, thus your entire life should be sincere.
Everything is worship, even when you’re dealing with the people
because you are actually dealing with Allah (swt).
Spiritual Side (‫)الجانب االيماني‬ Personal Side Social Side ( ‫ الجانب‬Material Side ( ‫الجانب‬
(‫)الجانب الشخصي‬ ‫االجتماعي‬ ‫)المادي‬

Knowledge (‫) العلم‬ Ikhlaas – Sincerity

Application (‫) التطبيق‬ 1. Ask yourself
before doing
any deed, what
is your motive? Who are
you doing it for?

2. Dua’a for Ikhlaas:

‫) اللهم اني أعوذ بك‬
‫أن أشرك بك وأنا‬
‫أعلم واستغفرك لما َّل‬
(O Allah I seek refuge with
You to associate with You
while I know and I seek
Your forgiveness while I do
not know)
• In shaa Allah we will continue to add on to this table and build up on it.

• **Discussion / Sharing Experiences / Question and Answer**

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