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SECOND YEAR 2017/2018




P.O. BOX 138

Date of submission: November 2018


Field Attachment (FA) program is a prospective part of the studies in high learning
institutions/universities which provide an opportunity to the students on how he or she can
integrate the theories learned in the classes against their application. In the institute of Rural
Development Planning (IRDP) this program is conducted at the end of the second semester in the
second year of the degree program.

The main aim of this field is to convey the students with visional skills on the practical process
of planning by linking knowledge or theories acquired in their classrooms into practice, as
another way of transforming their mode of thought and build a true mental picture on how
theoretical knowledge is turned in to productive work.

This report will provide a summary of the activities in which a student participated from the
reporting day to the end of his/her field through taking a summary on the daily activities
conducted in the field. In the first part of this report, provides in a nutshell background
information of Zanzibar Planning Commission including organizational chart, mission and
vision, objectives and the main functions undertaken by the Commission in the Ministry of
Finance and Planning in Zanzibar.

The second part of this report contains the presentation and discussion of the findings, brief
description of student involvement in the department activities, and identification of the
achievements and challenges attained and lastly provides a conclusion and the recommendations.

The other part of the report shows the successes attained by the office which I attached during
the field time, how they scheduled their activities and how much they have achieved from their
planned activities.


Firstly I would like to give much sincere thanks to Almighty ALLAH (S.W) who has given me
this beautiful chance to life up to this moment, and for giving me strength and capability to
complete this field attachment report also for chance of pursuing my Bachelor Degree at the
Institute of Rural Development planning (IRDP).

Secondly My parents including my beloved mother Fatma Omar Issa, my beloved sisters
Maryam Ali and Ummu aiman Ali and my beloved brother Kassim Ali and my beloved sis-in-
law khayrat amour without forgetting my best friends Said Juma Amour and Sabrina Ally who
deserves a special honor in my success including this sensitive moment of being recognized my
efforts to my country and my life.

I also give much thanks to the planning officers in Zanzibar Planning Commission (ZPC) since
their guide and support in the field attachment was great in all time that enable me to get
practical experience and completing this report by providing me with essential documents and

In general, my appreciation goes to the Department National Planning, Sector Development and
Poverty Reduction of ZPC under the guidance of its Commissioner, Mr. Ahmed M. Haji.

It is not possible to mention all who helped me in this special exercise of its kind; however, a lot
of thanks should go Salma A. Kimara – head of Sector Development Division, Ramadhan Kh.
Ramadhan, Mohammed mrisho ,Makame A. Salum and all staffs in this division. Again, I would
like to thanks, Mr. Othman Twaha and other staffs in Department of Economics Development.

Lastly but not least, I would like to send my profound thanks to the Department of budget staffs
especial to Mr. Issa Mkubwa As I said their contribution was great and I am very thankful to
Without forgetting the PPP (public private partrnership) department staffs like Mr.
Abdulrahman, Ms Fatma. And other staff members.


ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................ ii
LIST OF FIGURE........................................................................................................................................ iv
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................... v
ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................................................................... vi
DEFINITION OF TERMS ......................................................................................................................... vii
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Field Area Profile .................................................................................................................................... 1
...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Background Information ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Objectives of Zanzibar Planning Commission .................................................................................. 3
1.4 Functions of Zanzibar Planning Commission ................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................................... 6
PRESENTATION OF EXPERIENCES FROM THE FIELD ...................................................................... 6
2.1 Activities Involved From Day One of Field Practice.............................................................................. 6
The first week .............................................................................................................................................. 6
2.2.1 Achievements registered by Zanzibar Planning Commission.............................................................. 8
2.2.2 Challenges faced by Zanzibar Planning Commission .......................................................................... 8
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................... 11
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .......................................................................................... 11
3.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 11
3.2 Recommendations ................................................................................................................................. 11
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 13
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................................ 14


Figure 1: Structure of Zanzibar Planning Commission .................................................................. 5


Appendix 1: Field attachment log book ........................................................................................ 14


BLM Baraza la Mapinduzi

DE Development Economic
IP’s Implementation Partners
MoFP Ministry of Finance and Planning
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
MoF Ministry of Finance
NGOs Non-Government Organization
NPSDPR National Planning,Sectoral Development and Poverty Reduction
DNPSDPR Department of National Planning, Sectoral Development and Poverty Reduction
OCGS Office of Chief Government Statistician
HBS Household Budget Survey
PED Planning and Employment Development
PRSP Poverty Strategy Reduction Plan
MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework
RGoZ Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar
ToR Term of Reference
URT United Republic of Tanzania
ZAC Zanzibar Aids Control
ZPC Zanzibar Planning Commission
ZSGRP Zanzibar Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty
UNFPA United Nation Funds on Population Activities


Chairman Means the Chairman of the Commission and includes any person for the
time being duly authorized to perform the functions of Chairman;
Commission Means the Zanzibar Planning Commission established under section 125 of
the Constitution
Committee Means a Technical Committee of the Secretariat of the Commission
established under section 17(4) of this Act;
Constitution Means the Constitution of Zanzibar of 1984
Department Means a Department of the Secretariat of the Commission
Environmental A statement produced by at the end of the environmental impact
impact statement assessment process in accordance with EMA 2004 requirements.
Government Means the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar
Member Means a member of the Commission appointed under section 4 of this Act
but shall not include the Chairman
Minister Means the Minister for the time being responsible for Economic
Development Planning
Policy A non-legal document which gives direction or the way that things are
supposed to be done. It acts as a standard of doing something.
President Means the President of Zanzibar and Chairman of the Revolutionary
Project A time based execution of construction works or of other installations or
schemes and other interventions in the natural surroundings and landscape
in a specified timeframe.
Public An individual, civil society, organization and institutions, CBOs, public
and private institutions.
Secretary Means the Secretary of the Commission appointed under the provisions of

section 127 of the Constitution and shall have the same meaning with the
Executive Secretary
Stakeholder People and institutions having an interest in the successful design,
implementation and sustainability of the project. This includes those
positively and negatively affected by the project



The field was held from 16th July to7th September. This field attachment has been the reason for
practical learning and experiences gained from what I have been learning in the Institute (IRDP)
sessions. From the field area, the student was practically trained specifically with the preparation
project concept note,, conduct the project concept screening, monitoring and evaluation process,
budget preparation and other activities physical visiting to the field work from the day I started
the training to departure day.

The field attachment was conducted at Ministry of Finance and Planning, especial in Planning
Commission (ZPC).. This report gives abroad information about how the student participated in
advising, developing, follow up, monitoring and evaluation of all development programs and
project, social-district profiles that performed during the training for facilitating the development
of various sector of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar.

1.1 Field Area Profile

The Ministry of Finance and Planning is located at Vuga area in stone town at Zanzibar Urban
West near the State House, along the Indian Ocean, 300m from the Old Fort of Zanzibar. This
area is among the World heritage areas and is most common in economic activities whereby it
surrounded by curio shops in every place which most attract the tourists, therefore, many hotels
were built which contributes much in economic development of Zanzibar’s, also there is very old
house that is very important for the development of tourism activities as those building are not
permitted to be broken but can only be renovated in order to remain as big historical sites at Stone
Town in Zanzibar.

Plate1: Stone Town Map
Source (Google Map)

1.2 Background Information
The Zanzibar Planning Commission was formed based on Section 125 of the Zanzibar
Constitution of 1984 as amended in 2010 with operational guided by Act No 3 of 2012. The
Commission has authority for economic development planning. Also, The ZPC has a role of
coordinating and supervising the implementation of economic development plans and related
social services planning in Zanzibar.

1.3 Objectives of Zanzibar Planning Commission

(1) To issue legal advice to the President and to the government in general to all areas of
National development.

(2) To prepare National priorities and bring about reconciliation among the government
institutions as recommended and advised by Zanzibar Planning Commission.

(3) To make periodicals reviews and making evaluation on capacity of the people and
tools for Zanzibar for the purpose of growing their development, efficiency and
expenditures that will be effective.

(4) To prepare and develop the long term National development Plans, medium term and
short term and program those plans for the government and other councils.

(5) To make follow up and monitoring projects and the development of planning

1.4 Functions of Zanzibar Planning Commission

(1) They advise on changes and resolutions on institutions and supervisory techniques in line
with important views of reconciling jobs and plans with targets and objectives.

(2) Do researches on several issues for the welfare and benefits of the nation and social
policies and ensuring the meaning and outputs of the researcher’s observations directed on the
growing capacity of the national in all angles, economically, socially, technologically and

(3) Mobilizing the peoples peers, groups and institutions having cooperation’s and
collaborations that in hand to the government policies and plans.

(4) They involve in engage on issues concerned with regional and national cooperation and
making important activities or hurry and urgency on the duties implementation which is
completed on any tasks given to Zanzibar Planning Commission.



Hon Pre; of Zanzibar and chair of BLM


Members of planning Commission

Internal auditing Unit
Expert Committee
Chief in internal auditing
Chief Government Statistician office
Accountant Unit

Financing accounting Division of Administer & operation


Head of Unit

Procurement Unit

Head of Unit Administration section Administration Achieves Information &

section communication

Coordinator Office
Department of national planning, Sect
Department of Economic oral development & poverty reduction
Department of human
Sect oral development resource development and
Policy & Tax section planning
.0 Macro-Economic section
National planning sector Mother and child welfare
Public and Private Partnership sector
Man power development
Monitoring &Evaluation sector
Economic and research analysis sector

Figure 2: Structure of Zanzibar Planning Commission Population sector

Source ( Zanzibar Planning Commission)


In the below pages of explanations, I have explained shortly about the field experience at the
Ministry of Finance and Planning at deferent departments of Zanzibar Planning commission
(ZPC). The Planning Commission has four divisions which are (1) National Planning, Sector
Development and Poverty Reductions. (2) Monitoring and Evaluation, (3) Economics
Management and (4) Human Resource.

2.1 Activities Involved From Day One of Field Practice

The first week

The first day of the field was very early in the morning around 7:50 am. The supervisor
introduced the student to all the offices for example various departments of Zanzibar Planning
Commission. Then after, students were given books and articles that should be reviewed to
increase knowledge and to know the responsibilities of ZPC in different aspects,

Second week; participate in seminars

In the second week at field experience was a very busy week, because it was a week ahead for the
seminars of introducing the Zanzibar five years Plan which known as Zanzibar Strategy forGRP)
in Swahili known as MKUZA III (Mkakati wa Kukuza Uchumi na Kupunguza Umaskini
Zanzibar, awamu ya tatu) to all ward executive officer (Shehas) and Councilman (Diwans) of the
four (4) regions in Zanzibar. These was fistly minar started in North region where it was held at
Mkokotoni village and represented by the executive officer and Councilman of the north region of
Unguja Island, then followed by the Southern region and Western region in Unguja. The
seminars was organized by Zanzibar planning commission and chaired by the guest of honor
HON. Khalid S. Mohammed (Minister of Finance), the other attendees were Regional and District
Commissioners, Mayors and other invited guests, in this week the student happened to participate
in various activities arranged so as to provide knowledge on MKUZA III to the people.

Third week:

At this week under department of economics management where the student got a chance of
reviewing the economic affairs regarding the Rgoz in terms of budgets, inflation rate ,
employment rate and economic as whole where by Mr. Mussa explained it to all the students and
gave them the task of collecting data of fishing, tax, tourism from the various ministries.Also
through the economic management department student got a chance of understanding how data
analysis and how inflation rates and economic rates are predicted for the next 3 years.

Fourth week: Training of PPP (public private partnership)

During the time at the field, particularly in fourth week, student participated in the training on
how PPP works and how successful it is in Zanzibar since was introduced. The training was
conducted by the PPP staffs including Mr. Abdi, Mr. Mussa Ali and Mr Abdulrahman where they
gave the students an assignment of preparing concept note and making projects which can be
beneficial to the development of Zanzibar in social and economic basis. For example, the students
were given the assignment of writing the project concept note based on construction of five
boreholes at Ndijani village in Zanzibar.

Firth week: Training on preparing the Government budgets.

In this week, the students got more practical experiences because of the information’s given by
the budget officers .here the students got time to know more about how MTEF operates and how
the revenues, loans and grants are used to make the budgets in all the ministries and how budgets
are made through their programs.

Sixthweek: Monitoring and evaluation

In this week we learned much on national project and how to monitor and evaluate them.

2.2 Achievements and Challenges of Zanzibar Planning Commission

2.2.1 Achievements registered by Zanzibar Planning Commission

Comparing to the functions of ZPC, the organization has achieved;

(1) Zanzibar Planning Commission has achieved to establish planning units in every
ministry of Zanzibar Government.
(2) Zanzibar Planning Commission has enabled to depend itself whereby at the first had
work with the Ministry of Finance from Zanzibar.
(3) Zanzibar Planning Commission has enabled to monitor different projects from
different ministry in Zanzibar through it monitoring and Evaluation units formed in the
Planning Commission.
(4) Zanzibar Planning Commission has enabled to support different projects and reject
others through their own specific criterions of project screening.
(5) Zanzibar Planning Commission has enabled to plan for the long and medium term
development plans in different aspect such as MKUZA1, 11 and III in effective means
and time interval.
(6) Zanzibar Planning Commission has achieved to establish and review different policy
such as Population policy, Family planning policy, and Environment policy.

2.2.2 Challenges faced by Zanzibar Planning Commission

The challenges faced by the organization are;

(1) Poor working environment especially building are very local and old with poor office
(2) Delaying of information available from the MDAs which is needed in the planning
(3) Lack of internal expertise that are well competent in research and report writing This make
the office to spend a lot of money for paying external expertise to conduct research and
report writing.
(4) Shortage of workers/ few number of man powers who are responsible in performing the
working task.

(5)Delay of funds for organization planned activities.



3.1 Conclusion

From the field practice, Zanzibar Planning Commission (ZPC) is a very important organ in the
planning process in Zanzibar, whereby it provides the information needed for planning activities
through various researches and survey such as Household Budget Survey, Labor force surveys
and others, whereby the information which are given out can contribute to the improvement of
quality of life of Zanzibaries through the provision of current and reliable data of labor market
information, which will support planning, policy formulation as well as for monitoring and
evaluating national and international development goals, the National strategy for growth and
Reductionof Poverty and Zanzibar Development vision 2020, labor force status and others.
Despite the important role and responsibility this organ has, it face a lot of challenges such as low
budget, poor equipment’s, low number of workers and so on, slowdown the work in this

Not only had that but also overview on the cooperative functions of different governmental
organizations and non-governmental organization to gain momentum in reaching to development
in Tanzania.

3.2 Recommendations

The planning commission should prepare special mechanism to enable them to get important
equipment which will help them to minimize the continuous cost such as cost of printing their
document outside their office, such mechanism can be achieved by writing a project proposal
which will bring in money for purchasing the required equipment.

Due to implement their duties in planning activities, the Zanzibar planning commission should
enforce the law to those ministry that goes beyond the direction of commission in order to meet
important requirement and obtain the national goal.

The Zanzibar planning commission should increase new recruitment of staff and build the modern
offices which meet the requirement with full modern and important equipment to create
conducive environment.

The planning commission should recruit new and knowledgeable expertise rather than paying
outside expertise lot of money, example nowadays in Zanzibar planning commission there is a
British who work there and they paid a lot of foreign money.

The Zanzibar planning commission should encourage the local community in providing the
current and valid information which are needed in planning activities.

The planning commission should look the need and want to the development of Zanzibar Island
by recruiting the number of employees who are suitable in all sectors of development.

The planning commission should plan the better mechanisms which enable them to get more fund
on the right time rather than depending on the loan which lead in delaying activities in performed
on the right time


Socio-Economic Survey, (2011). Statistical Report Office of the chief Government Statistician

Revolutsion Government, (2012).The Zanzibar Planning Commission ACT, NO. 3 OF 2012,

Government Printers.

Zanzibar’s Growth Strategy (2006 – 2015)

Zanzibar Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (ZSGRP II ) 2010 – 2015 MKUZA II

Integrated Labour Force Survey 2014-Zanzibar


Appendix 1: Field Attachment Log Book


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