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REVISION: The Margin Outline 

1. Social Media- Analyzation of teen lives: Sasha and Jacob 

are pressured to uphold a standard of perfection online.  
a. She and her friend Jacob both agree that constant exposure to social media 

has an impact on how they view their peers and them 

b. Viewing social media makes you feel like everyone has it together but you. 

c. The feelings of Sasha and Jacob are not exclusive to them, but familiar to 

numerous adolescents across the United States. 

2. The advancement of technology holds influence in the 

lives of the majority of individuals in the United States. 

a. As the prevalence of technology grew, psychological researchers began to 

track the correlations between the cognitive behavior of adolescence in 

relation to their time spent using technology. 

b. More children are demonstrating higher levels of depressive symptoms in 

middle and high school 

c. The mental health of an adolescent is imperative their academic, physical, and 

social growth. 

d. Adolescents become vulnerable to the fallacies that internet users curate and 

post on public profiles. 

e. It is imperative that educators and parents are aware of the susceptibility for 

their children to fall into depressive spells and anxious behaviors stemming 

from what adolescents view on social media. 

3. Parents and educators can aid their children with the 

proper tools to combat ​the struggles of poor self-identity  

a. Parents can decide how to navigate the usage of social media and technology 

moving forward. 

b. How does deep exposure to technology impacts adolescents socially in 

Western Culture? 

c. The mental health of adolescents is important for their transition into 

adulthood as well as their wellbeing in relation to their success. 

d. The correlation between poor mental health and social media should prompt 

individuals to search for reasons why the connection exists.  

4. Teenagers receive multiple messages concerning how 

they ought to form their identity. 

a. With social media, teens can curate their lives, and the resulting feeds read like 

highlight reels, showing only the best and most enviable moments while 

concealing efforts, struggles, and the merely ordinary aspects of day-to-day 


b. Adolescents become more adept at masking their depression and anxiety 

until they begin to display maladaptive behaviors. 

c. Adolescents have begun to hold themselves to the standard of unrealistic 


d. Adolescents trap themselves in a world of flawlessness when they attach 

themselves close to social media instead of attuning themselves to reality 

e. It seems that some sort of balance is lacking in the lives of adolescents.  

5. The study of social media impacts has a long way to go in 

terms of identifying reliable solutions to individual cases 

of depression and anxiety found in adolescents. 

a. The Child Mind Institute exists for the purpose of studying the lives of children 

regarding mental health and learning disorders 

b. The Child Mind Institute serves families by identifying issues that may occur 

among children, including media and technology usage. 

c. The organization has not been able to provide concrete solutions to the 

prevailing issue of social media among adolescents 

d. There is not enough information to come to any conclusions about the 

circumstance because more time must elapse to understand the issue in its 


6. Social media and mental health researchers are 

providing solutions that result in short term success for 

compliant individuals. 

a. Parents of children must be active and diligent in taking social media seriously. 

b. Parents that they must convey their love to their children for them to feel safe 

and healthy when they are on their own. 

c. Parent involvement has proven to be a crucial part in the developmental 

stages of adolescents in regard to social media 

d. When parents choose not to address the fallacies on the internet, it is doubtful 

that another individual will address the issue to the adolescent and have a 

significant impact on the child. 

e. It is doubtful that another individual will address the issue to the adolescent 

and have a significant impact on the child. 

7. Social media is not a flexible source for individuals that 

want to stay knowledgeable about the lives of others 

while retaining self worth in the process of viewing. 

a. Social media seems to be the immediate way to remain aware of the state of 

acquaintances and associates rather than keeping up with friends. 

b. What would be the results of a study that focuses on the reactions of people 

that view social media content from well acquainted individuals in comparison 

to individuals that the users do not know as well. 

c. How can adults protect children from the negative impacts of media while still 

allowing children the benefits of growing up with accessibility to technology? 

8. Educators and teachers must convey the importance of 

reality instead of falling into the trap of social media 

fabrications for teens like Sasha and Jacob 

a. By opening themselves up to reality, they can alleviate the pressures of social 

media and become free to navigate the world with the fanciful pressures on 

social media 

b. As an adolescent, societal pressures online make it difficult to find proper self 

identity which result in depression and anxiety 

c. By removing the pressure of unrealistic social media feed it “might just help 

you remember there’s more to life than what you look like. 

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