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October 3rd, 2019

My podcast intends to educate people on the features of foreign languages. I think that most
people have a genuine curiosity for learning another language but believe that it is too difficult
and only meant for people who are “naturals” at language. I would tend to disagree, because
while gaining cultural and grammatical knowledge can be an arduous process, it really is a
matter of retention and consistent interest. So, I hope that through my podcast I can help dispel
some stereotypes about languages and language learning. Additionally, I hope to show that the
learning process can actually be very stimulating.

Title of Podcast
Just Babbling

Podcast topic
This podcast aims at summarizing different languages to educate an audience who might
feel that the world of language learning exists as a stuffy, inaccessible realm of linguistics.

Genre of Podcast
This topic would be part of the ‘Society and Culture’ genre. This is because language is
above all, is a necessity in order to belong to a society and culture, which is so commonplace that
we often forget the linguistic reality of other people, and even get the wrong idea as to what that
language, and its respective culture(s), must be like.

Description of Host
I will be the sole host of my podcast. I have found learning about other cultures and their
languages interesting ever since I could read. Since then, I have gained what some people have
referred to as an “affinity” for language learning, though I never quite felt that I had such a level
of mastery, as learning a language can very well be a lifetime endeavour. After all, one’s native
language is not static, meaning that it is always undergoing some type of change, especially with
spoken language and colloquialisms. This “affinity” however, really comes down to one thing:
study habits.

In my experience, the best method to learning a language is of course through studying,

but one must identify specific methods that help their learning specifically. For example, most
people consider themselves visual learners, and many find that using mnemonic devices creates a
vivid image of the material, so these types of learners may benefit from incorporating
storytelling to help reinforce new vocabulary. However, I have studied many different languages
across many different linguistic families, and although language learning is inherently personal, I
have gathered both my own and other people’s perceptions of languages (both as an outsider and
as a speaker) so that I can identify them, break them down so it is comprehensible to a wide

Estimated Length of show

I intend to make my podcast 15-20 minutes long, with roughly 3-4 minutes for each sub-topic.
My topic is the top 5 most spoken languages in the world other than English (Arabic, Mandarin
Chinese, Russian, French, and Spanish), and what each of them have to offer, their
characteristics, etc. In order to cover all of this information, not much time is necessary to talk in
depth about what makes these languages unique and influential, but ultimately it should not
exceed more than this amount of time. Although I hope to make this topic accessible and
interesting, I understand that because each of these languages are all different in their own right,
I want to ensure that there is not an overload of information, as most people are usually only
interested in the general themes and peculiarities (in respect to their native language) of that

Proposed Frequency of show

I would expect the show to appear roughly 1-2 times a week. The reason for this is because aside
from the highly informative pilot episode, each episode would cover maybe one language or one
language. This is so the audience can focus more specifically and stay interested in one type of
language or language group. Depending on audience interests and responses, I could implement
a second weekly show with requested language information.

Podcast Format structure

1. Intro music with greeting - establish speaker, general overview of topic,

2. Introduction of topic - narrowing of topic to 5 points
3. Language 1 - discussion of the French language: its grammar, structure, sound,
perception, cultural significance/status
4. Language 2 - discussion of the Spanish language: its grammar, structure, sound,
perception, cultural significance/status
5. Language 3 - discussion of the Russian language: its grammar, structure, sound,
perception, cultural significance/status
6. Language 4 - discussion of the Arabic language (Modern Standard dialect): its grammar,
structure, sound, perception, cultural significance/status
7. Language 5 - discussion of the Chinese language (Modern Standard Mandarin dialect): its
grammar, structure, sound, perception, cultural significance/status
8. Overview/Opinion - personal experience learning some of these languages, studying tips,
speaking advice, etc.
9. Wrap-up/Q.O.D - closing remarks and a Question Of the Day to spark conversation on
social media outlets (fictional accounts)
10. Outro with music - ending of podcast

Script vs Outline
I will provide an internal discussion of my topic based on an outline. Because I have a very good
idea of what I would like to discus, I feel that focusing on a specific structural order is better
compared to reading text word for word.

Cover Image

In this section briefly describe your cover image and what it represents (or how it represents your
podcast). Paste in the image you plan to use for your cover art.

The story of Babbel is well-known myth: an ancient civilization wherein a people of one
common language thrived and enjoyed their beautiful oasis. But they became lazy, and as a
punishment for their idleness, God had punished the people by changing each person’s native
language to another, unique one. This forced a division among the people so they would have
become active members of society again.

In spite of the advent of Internet communication, people nowadays feel less and less
understood and more and more disconnected from society. So, my hope is to inspire people to
learn more about language and culture so that they learn how much of an impact communication
has in establishing opportunities and relationships, or in creating new experiences.

Ethnologue. Retrieved from

Kamusella, T. “The Arabic Language: A Latin of Modernity?” (2017). Journal

Of Nationalism, Memory and Language Politics. Vol 11, Retrieved from




Instituto Cervantes. El español, una lengua viva (2018). Informe 2018. Retrieved from

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