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MATH 220-1


MATH220-1 Advanced Engineering
Mathematics (Description)
• Power series solution, Bessel’s function, Fourier
series, Fourier Transform, Hilbert transform,
solution of boundary and initial-value problems,
algebra of vectors, vector integration, vector
MATH220-1 Advanced Engineering
Mathematics (Course Evaluation)
Quiz 1 = score * 20% =
Quiz 2 = score * 20% =
Coursework 1 = score * 2% =
Coursework 2 = score * 2% =
Coursework 3 = score * 2% =
Coursework 4 = score * 2% =
Coursework 5 = score * 2% =
Final Exam = score * 40% =
Solved Problems = score * 10% =
Final Grade = Quiz 1 + Quiz 2 + Final exam + solved problems +
CW1 + CW2 + CW3 + CW4 + CW5
Passing: 85% (to be credit)
MATH220-1 Advanced
Engineering Mathematics (Topic)
• Introduction to Power Series Solution
• Region of convergence
• Ratio test
• Application of power series in ordinary differential
• Special type of power series
• Application of boundary conditions in power series
• Classification of Singularities
MATH220-1 Advanced
Engineering Mathematics (Topic)
• Legendre Polynomials
• Sturm-Liouville
• Hermite Polynomials
• Bessel Functions
• Sturm-Liouville
• Hermite Polynomials
• Bessel Functions
MATH220-1 Advanced
Engineering Mathematics (Topic)
• Fourier Series
• Fourier Transform
• Hilbert Transform
• Vector Calculus
MATH220-1 Advanced Engineering
Mathematics (Recommended
• Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Kreyszig,
latest ed; John Wiley & Sons.

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