Falso: Fiscalía Suiza Investiga A Gustavo Guaidó Por Caso Odebrecht

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4/12/2019 Gmail - Request from venezuelan fake news hunting team

Adrián González <prensacazamosfakenews@gmail.com>

Request from venezuelan fake news hunting team

3 mensajes

Adrián González <prensacazamosfakenews@gmail.com> 4 de diciembre de 2019, 8:46

Para: info@ba.admin.ch
Cco: venezuela@gmail.com

Good afternoon,

My name is Adrian Gonzalez and I'm director of a venezuelan news verification website called cazadoresdefakenews.info and a big Telegram group
of +700 venezuelan "fake news hunters".

Recently, a number of Venezuelan news portals began publishing information on the alleged investigation by the Swiss Prosecutor's Office, to Gustavo
Guaidó, brother of President Juan Guaidó.

According to this information, which is apparently false, the Swiss prosecutor's office has included the name of the president's brother in a case related to
corruption and brazilian conglomerate Odebrecht.

I write on behalf of our news verification team, to request any comments you can make about it. Has this news been officially published by the Swiss
prosecutor? Was there any official statement about it?

I appreciate any information you can give us about it


Adrián González
@cazamosfakenews on Twitter

PS: I attach links to articles published in Venezuela where they mention the Swiss prosecutor:

1. https://www.laiguana.tv/articulos/482546-hermano-juan-guaido-implicado-corrupcion-odebrecht/
2. https://prensaamerica.com/2019/12/investigan-en-suiza-a-gustavo-guaido-hermano-del-lider-politico-venezolano-juan-guaido/
3. https://vozdeamerica.org/2019/05/22/asi-describen-investigacion-suiza-acerca-de-odebrecht-en-la-que-figuraria-henrique-capriles-y-gustavo-guaido-
4. http://misionverdad.com/TENDENCIAS/hermano-de-guaido-es-acusado-de-corrupcion-por-el-caso-odebrecht
5. https://expresa.me/2019/12/03/investigan-en-suiza-a-gustavo-guaido-hermano-del-lider-politico-venezolano-juan-guaido.html
6. https://twitter.com/VenezuelaAnons/status/1201890840316141569

info@ba.admin.ch <info@ba.admin.ch> 4 de diciembre de 2019, 14:10

Para: prensacazamosfakenews@gmail.com

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your enquiry.

At present, the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland (OAG) is not conducting any criminal proceedings against the person you
mention below.

For your general information, please find following the general summary of the OAG regarding the Petrobras – Odebrecht Affair:

Over the past few years, the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland (OAG) has received from the Money Laundering Reporting
Office Switzerland (MROS) suspicious activity reports concerning some 1000 banking relationships relating to the Brazilian state-owned
company Petrobras and the Odebrecht conglomerate. Since April 2014, the OAG has been conducting investigations into Petrobras –
Odebrecht, in particular on suspicion of aggravated money laundering (Art. 305bis sec. 2 of the Swiss Criminal Code, SCC) and in
numerous cases on suspicion of bribery of foreign public officials (Art. 322septies SCC).

In an initial phase, the investigations focused on the beneficiaries of the payments and, in a second phase, on the persons from whom
the payments originated. Given the extent of this case, the work in these two phases is still ongoing. In a third phase, a decision will be

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4/12/2019 Gmail - Request from venezuelan fake news hunting team
made on whether to prosecute financial intermediaries in Switzerland based on the findings that have emerged from the investigations to

In view of its vast scale, the Petrobras – Odebrecht case is being conducted by a task force that includes staff members from various
divisions and branch offices of the OAG, i.e. prosecutors, financial analysts, administrative staff, etc., all of whom are working in close
cooperation with the Federal Office of Police (fedpol) and the Federal Office of Justice (FOJ).

Criminal proceedings
Thus far, some 60 criminal proceedings are pending at the OAG; these include two involving financial institutions in Switzerland on the
grounds of suspected deficiencies in their internal organisation by failing to take all reasonable measures required to prevent the
commission of offences (Corporate Criminal Liability, Art. 102 para. 2 of the SCC).

Around 15 criminal proceedings that were initiated by the OAG have been taken over by the Brazilian authorities with the intention of
continuing the prosecution. Responsibility for conducting criminal proceedings is often transferred where the suspect is a foreign national
and if the offence being prosecuted in Switzerland is also liable to prosecution in the other foreign state concerned, and in particular if
the extradition of the suspect to Switzerland is not possible or appropriate.

In the Petrobras – Odebrecht case, the OAG has so far seized assets in Switzerland amounting to over CHF 620 million. With the
agreement of the parties concerned, over CHF 390 million has already been returned to the Brazilian authorities.

Mutual legal assistance

Furthermore, in the Petrobras – Odebrecht case, in parallel with the criminal proceedings conducted by the OAG, up to now the FOJ has
delegated some 150 requests for mutual legal assistance from different countries, primarily Brazil, to the OAG for execution. Anyone
seeking information on the content of these requests should contact the requesting authority.

Good cooperation between the authorities, both at national and international levels, is crucial when dealing with a series of
investigations of such proportions.

As always, the presumption of innocence applies to all parties involved.

(The figures indicated above are as of October 2019)

Kind regards

Ladina Gapp

Communication Specialist

Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland OAG

Guisanplatz 1, 3003 Bern

Phone: +41 58 464 32 40




[El texto citado está oculto]

Adrián González <prensacazamosfakenews@gmail.com> 4 de diciembre de 2019, 15:39

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