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Which American Presidents Would’ve Been Down with CBD?

The Answers May Shock You!

By Giovanni Musso

For the inaugural blog, it is essential to kick off the indulgence of long-form text with
a bang. To truly showcase the grandiose ambitions of MeetBenni, there needs to be a
subject equally as large scale but relatable to the average reader. One that provides a
timely commentary on the current state of American life as we know it while also
providing a fun, exciting, listicle that seemingly no one gets tired of. So of course,
what’s more dominant and agreeable than modern politics?

CBD food and beverage products were only introduced to the American market in
2017 but the titular ingredient has been bouncing around since the 19th century.
Beyond that, there are major assumptions to be made here, as we have no definitive
proof of any of the presidents personal habits or potential involvement with CBD but we
can look at documented behavioral traits and their personal history and associations
with similar products. Also, the American presidency seems like a pretty hard job so it’s
safe to assume some of these guys maybe messed around and used cbd for stress, to
sleep, or maybe just to have a good time. Regardless, it’s essential we get to know who
is down with cannabidiol for perhaps we can find a ringing endorsement from one of
our great American icons. So if any of the living (or dead but ghost) presidents are out
there and are avid users of CBD products, PLEASE reach out to us. We’d love to partner
with you!

10. President George W. Bush: In terms of Succession, President George W.

Bush is like if Roman Roy and Cousin Greg had a baby. As the frat boy supreme of
Presidents, George W. Bush’s hard partying ways of his youth arise often as much
as his verbal fumbles but it’s those gaffes that make us weary of whether or not
he’d be down with CBD. Dude was kind of a spaz, incoherently trying to get through
words. Bush has admitted to flirting with cannabis products before and we still think
he probably takes it to wind down at the end of one of his crazy nights but W. is
definitely near the bottom of the list just based on personality alone.

9. President George Washington: George Washington farmed hemp? In the

immortal words of his great grandson Denzel “my man”. Cool, calm, and collected as
any president should be. Washington set the bar pretty high for American presidents
and we like to think that his agricultural intake had something to do with that.

8. President Calvin Coolidge: Calvin Coolidge? More like Calvin Coolguy. The
name alone convinces us.
7. President Bill Clinton: Big Bill is a funky man. By now it would be redundant to
waste space on his sax playing, French fry-loving ways but here that’s the whole
argument for him to be here. Bill Clinton’s whole legacy has been defined by his jolly
persona and his effortlessly cool (well, for a president) southern-fried manner. Of
course Bill was on the CBD grind!

6. President John Quincy Adams: John Adams may not have been on the cbd
grind but you know who totally would have been? His mostly forgotten, mutton-
chopped son: John Quincy Adams. Just from looking at him, this dude seems pretty
chill. He may be a product of nepotism as well but we’re he’s just been forced into it
all and would rathr be hanging with his boys than run a country. We like his vibes
and would absolutely hang with President John Quincy Adams.

5. President Teddy Roosevelt: the real life Rob Swanson to those with brain
poisoning who don’t understand political ideologies beyond a single-issue. But what
President Roosevelt has become long remembered for is his dedication to preserving
national parks and wildlife in America. Teddy was a staunch conservationist, deeply
involved in environmental causes so we’re sure he was about tossing back some cbd
and dancing in the trees. he also founded a party called the “bull moose” party.
What a guy.

4. President George H.W. Bush: We know what you’re thinking. HW was a total
square. The safe choice to continue to Reagan-era policies who couldn’t even get re-
elected. His continuation of anti-cannabis policy era doesn’t bode well for our
argument but let’s be honest, since when do rules apply to those in power? HW had
a coked out frat boy to deal with at home as well as being beaten by our #7 pick.
This may be an unconventional pick but this man needed to unwind and I’m willing
he was willing to try anything to do so… even gasp an entirely natural, plant-based

3. Future President Bill de Blasio: Here me out. I know current New York City
mayor de Blasio has recently suspended his 2020 campaign for president and never
polled over 1%. And I also know that he currently very unfavorable even within his
own city but if we’re right on this this, then calling this shot is one of the most
impressive pieces of political journalism in history and will be dissecting for years to
come so why not? Also de Blasio is an outspoken supporter of ska: the official music
genre of cbd. Sounds like our kinda guy.

2. President Barack Obama: I’m sure you have seen thousands of takes on how
cool Barry-O was as a young man and that picture of him with the cigarette is
potentially more iconic than HOPE at this point. He may have tried to convince us
during his presidency that he grew into a stately gentleman but now that he’s out of
office it’s become clear Obama is in chill dad mode. The man has admitted to liking
The National and Vampire Weekend; he obviously fucks with CBD products.
1. President John F. Kennedy: Among all of the conspiracies that circulate about
the lifestyles of the Kennedys, this is hands down the easiest to prove. I mean,
we have the proof….

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