Nutrition Perspectives

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Sanela sakic




Nutrition Perspectives

The movie I watched is Forks over Knifes. I really liked this movie. I was mind-blown

the entire time of the movie. This movie reminded me of What The Health, except with actual

factual data and real Doctors who prove theory’s about food. As well as having science data too.

What was really cool is that they even proved that most health related problems are related to

foods. They had a couple of patients who they showed and tracked throughout the movie to

prove that food can cure lots of health problems that are most common today. For example,

cardiovascular diseases. The main topic or concern that the movie talked about is that most

animal products, processed food, and excessive sugar are the reason why people have so many

health problem. They wanted to make the whole movie dedicated to plant based diets are the best

diet for health reasons.

The reason why I choose this movie specifically is simple. I already have Netflix and the

movie was on Netflix. The author director of this movie is Lee Fulkerson. (Netflix Description)

Although, the movie didn’t really start because of Lee It was due to Brian Wendel (“Our Story.”

Forks Over Knives). Just like most people he didn’t really know much about nutrition. “In 2001,

Brian Wendel attended a conference on nutrition….. He had no idea it would forever alter the

course of his life.” (“Our Story.” Forks Over Knives) “Over the next eight years, Brian immersed

himself in the lifestyle, learning about the disease-reversing power of a plant-based diet. The
evidence was strong, yet the overwhelming majority of the population had no idea that this

simple change could have such a drastic impact. Brian wanted to reach as many people as

possible with this information, so in 2009, he began work on a documentary film” (“Our Story.”

Forks Over Knives). He didn’t know much about nutrition but he did seek out people who did,

which was really helpful in the movie. Thanks to one conference he changed a lot of people’s


The documentary took a couple of years to make. As I mentioned previously, Brian just

started to understand nutrition in 2001. It wasn’t until “Since 2011, Forks Over Knives has

released four additional books, launched a mobile recipe app and maintains a website filled with

the latest research, recipes, and tools to help people at every phase of their plant-based journeys.

The team has grown and launched a cooking course, a meal planner, a line of food products, and

a magazine. We are committed to changing the way the world sees and approaches nutrition”

(“Our Story.” Forks Over Knives). I do think that they are still proving a point even today. They

help people in poverty all the time. Including teaching the poor how to eat more healthy, how to

make their own food, and getting educated too. They also help people by having their own app so

that people can go and learn how to be and eat healthier by finding recipes that are plant based.

In chapter 6 in our class book, we learned about “protein”. The movie interview people

why they think meat is so important. Everyone they interviewed said “protein” (The movie Forks

over knifes). Just like our book it mentions that we can get protein from meat. Although, the

book goes more into depth what plant based foods has protein rather than relying more on meat.

For example in chapter 6 in page 207, some plant based foods are “beans, peanuts, corn, pasta

and etc.” In chapter 7 we talked about “energy balance and weight control.” The beginning of

the movie they explain how “Americans drink coffee and energy drink but don’t realize that due
to poor nutrition they are always tired” (The movie Forks over knifes). They even show proof by

having a couple of patients improved health by plant based diets.

Chapter 7 in 7.1 explains energy intake (things you eat) and energy output (how you burn

off what you eat). The movie may talk about how plant based diets give you energy but forget

that there are still calories that can be over consumed, which is still bad for you. What was the

scariest part in the movie for me was dairy consumptions and how they actually cause

osteoporosis and how milk doesn’t actually help with bone health. In chapter 11 in 11.9 the book

describes how women are more likely to get osteoporosis. The book mainly describes

osteoporosis as more of a vitamin and mineral deficiency. While the movie focuses more on what

destroys bone, which is milk.

What I learned about nutrition from completing this assignment is to really learn more

about the foods that you eat as much as you can. As well as to reevaluate what you know about

the foods that you eat daily. For example, the movie Fork over knifes convinced me not to drink

milk so much and to eat a whole lot less meat than I THOUGHT that I already knew. I could not

believe that milk “in a sense” is basically poison to people (Fork over knifes). The casein in milk

is what super surprised me! The selling point of milk is being “strong” or you must drink milk to

have big, strong bones! In reality, that is completely untrue. Right now I only drink one cup a

day of milk. You can still get some benefits of milk, like vitamins, minerals and etc. The movie

explains having a low amount of milk hardly shows any “signals that turn on cancer cells.” Vice

versa, you’re more likely to get cancer if you do drink more milk. For example Fork over knifes

websites says the same thing too, “Casein is the main protein in dairy, and studies have shown

that it facilitates the growth and development of cancer. In fact, some studies even found that

cancer development could be controlled more by casein levels in diet than by exposure to the
underlying carcinogen” (“7 Ways Milk and Dairy Products Are Making You Sick.”) Super crazy

to me!

Meat on the other hand I kind of already knew that too much is bad for you. You just

learn from everybody that meat has fats and oils that is bad for your body. Although, you don’t

realized how bad it is really, unless someone put it into DETAIL. Thanks to the western diet I

thought if I just eat the right proportion that’s enough. Although, due to the western diet I would

uses to think eating solely meat is fine as long as it’s not over a plate full. I was totally wrong.

The movie Forks over knifes said that in japan that “the amount we eat for one person would be

fulfilling for one family in japan.” That’s when I REALLY questioned how much I was actually

eating. Then I remembered that in one of our modules (can’t really remember which one) that

there was this lady who said our four fingers are the perfect proportion of how much meat we

really should be eating. I don’t know how I forgot about that but the movie reminded me. So I

started to eat at least four finger sizes of meat in one meal in a day. I don’t want to completely

get rid of meat due to some befits of meat at well. For example, Kidney and livers have lots of

vitamins, minerals and etc. I don’t want to go completely to plant based diet only like the movie

suggested to because there are still some benefits of these foods. You just have to be extra careful

to not go over the serving limit or proportion size. I really completely enjoyed this assignment. I

am going to literally watch every movie listed for this assignment, but slowly not in one siting


Work cited page

“Our Story.” Forks Over Knives,


“7 Ways Milk and Dairy Products Are Making You Sick.” Forks Over Knives, 11 Jan. 2019,


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