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SNER ANS Part 1: Wri e all nouns in the nominative singular and all ver LATIN 2 MIDTERM REVIEW SAMPLE in the infinit IUESTIONS—-NOT THE SAME QUESTIONS ON YOUR MIDTERM _sal i.sun facére. _2. To lie down dibere: 3. To drink ~~ ululace ‘to howl lave, 5. Tobleat ud 6. near dum Towhile 8. Like, as 9. Air oi 10. Wing homo __11. Human being 12, animal ptseis 13. fish nest egg © 216. Voice ___ movere __17.t0 move facere. 18. To make, do moctuus 19. dead ___viveve. 20. To live —__ludem,__23. To play 4. To climb ———Choumares : =. 30.To shout mons 31. moygain 7 a Gr or __33.tree dens. 34,tooth sulin fra _35.under super, Sup & __36.above lupus aa.woit relinguere —__as:toleave [di scede re ree 46.t0 lead __ercace 47.40 wander fy 48, himself __necteire, _49. to swim —Petere', uae (ee so. To look for reperte 251. Tofind ___dare 52. To give Te 53. Toopen 54. To carry — audive. 55. To hear Nuntius 56. messenger “en AL Ss 57. thin mare. 58. sea pes 59. foot amiowlare 60.0 walk —_habece. __61.have ——Gbire fo away 2 Veocore 63. Tocall SPAKE ___21.To breathe 22. River (3° declension word) TLS.) Leryn 64. again Si 65. without 66. between 67. Toftowards LATIN 2 MIDTERM REVIEW Part 2: Declining Decline gena, ae, £ Singular plural Nominative Gen an For BR, ‘Accusative 0 ; Gevaun _| | Genitive Seno. enor Dative 7 u ORR. gent ‘Ablative : —_ wT Woe gent a ae gents Decline ocul Singular plural | Nominative . culos ocul ‘Accusative : Oculum Oculos Genitive = = : occult ocrlorum Dative oculo oculTs ‘Ablative oculo oc wT Decline membrum, i, n. Singulax, plural Nei La ~ men loan Memilorm Accusative : Genitive Dative, Ablative - . f Mem boro Mem loci ae LATIN 2 MIDTERM REVIE} wa] Decline leo, Ieonis,m. jingular plural | Nominative 7 7 | = leo _ leones lenem | tones, \eonts leonum _ — —ltont | deoatbas | ‘Ablative : _ None | Neoniouy Decline corpus, conn ‘Singular y Y . plural ‘Nominative —_ ~ | —= __ - Corpus Corpora _| ‘Accusative Cor pus Corpora. Genitive oar corporis | cor ra) Dative | _ ‘bo —Cerport___|__Corgror'locs _| ‘Ablative | _ “corpove. | BN -VHOM _geinaed Decline mare, maris,n. [Singular plural Nominative i : ~ mare ee eimavnes Accusative = - = max & Mavi ow eel [Genitive = marts. mart¥m _| Dative | = 7 | mart Maribus Ablative a mart | martes ¢ LATIN 2 MIDTERM REVIEW Sample question: What is the accusative plural of crus? a) Crure b) Cruri Cruros Crura_ Part 3: Putting the correct ending on a third declension noun Sample Questions: 1. Pastor can___ suo cibum dat. Qari Zdatwe .,,, canorum ft of “> c) canes fe ores d) canem z 2, Multi pastor ____in Italia habitant. a) pastori b) pastorum Qasr FS nom. pastoribus Practice: ge newter ace Cony buroanum wun abet. sunt duld des im edpit! BY < all> Inor_@-_ est lingua et dentes. + ll - Pastor centum oy E35 ducit. & ACE, Incorporehomano duo erur_desunt. he hear ) eet 4. Caud_T (4> he closed) 5. Habert C4> le tack ) Sample question Dei ab Romanis _ videri videt ©) viveri d) videre (to be seen) non possunt. Part 10: Mythology: Orpheus and Eurydice, the Minotaur, Perseus and Medusa,Daedalus and Icarus. Sample Questions: Perseus turned what Titan to stone at his request? a) Cronus b) Medusa Atlas ‘Acrisius : Punic Wars. Use notes packets from both the slideshow we did in class and the video. Hannibal was the son of what Carthaginian general? a) Hasdrubal b) Mago Hamilcar Scipio Part 12: Answearing questions about a story in Latin (Ch. 9 Colloquium about Rufus and the sheep). aa hove this shy — CEPO IT |

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