Koch Lesson Plan

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Elementary Education Program

Department of Teacher Education & Learning Sciences

Lesson Plan
Name: Lauren Blanton and Caitlin Martinez
Grade: 2nd
Topic/Concept: All About Me and Embracing Different Cultures

● “All About Me” sheet printed
● Book: “We’ve Got The Whole World In Our Hands” by Rafael Lopez
● Pencils/ color pencils
● Technology to present video on screen (song from our book)
● Binder (for class yearbook)

Teaching Behavior Focus:

The behavior focus will be creating a comfortable and safe environment where each
student can share about themselves. Creating a comfortable environment and starting lesson by
having a discussion about respecting others is important. Teachers will use growth mindset
language and respect every student. Teachers should use positive and encouraging language,
making the lesson fun.

Learning Objectives (measurable):

● Students will learn about each other by sharing their “All About Me” sheet
○ Measure: students will learn about each other by sharing their sheets with
their classmates and having discussions/ asking questions about it
● Students will learn about all the different types of cultures
○ Measure: students learn about other cultures from book read, and from
hearing about their classmate’s individual cultures
● Students will understand that we are all different, but have similarities to share
○ Measure: discussion about our similarities and differences

2.C.1 Understand how various cultures influence communities.
2.C.1.1 Explain how artistic expressions of diverse cultures contribute to the community
(stories, art, music, food, etc.).
2.C.1.3 Exemplify respect and appropriate social skills needed for working with diverse

Assessment Plan (How will you know that your students met the objective?):
Students will share their “all about me sheet” and will discuss with a partner about their
differences. Will come together as a group and talk about diversity and differences.
● Teacher will assess by listening to student responses, and engagement in group
● Students will be reminded/encouraged to share about themselves (all about me
sheet) using new language discussed during lesson.
Students will answer the questions:
● How are you like your peers? How are you different?
● What did you learn about others, and their cultures?
Elementary Education Program
Department of Teacher Education & Learning Sciences

● Why is it important to appreciate everyone, despite their differences?

● What did you learn about your peers?

New Vocabulary:
-Culture: a pattern of behavior shared by a society, or group of people.
-Diversity: differences; people may be different in many ways, including race or ethnicity, age,
disabilities, language, culture, appearance, or religion.
-Unique: something or someone is unlike anything or anyone else.
-Similarities: sharing features or aspects.
-Differences: a point or way in which people or things are not the same

Academic language
-Compare: finding things that are similar or the same to each other.
-Represent: be entitled or appointed to act or speak for (someone), especially in an official
-Share: giving others the same experience or opportunity with something you possess.
Note: A detailed lesson plan is specific enough for another teacher to read and teach
effectively. There should not be any question regarding what to do or how to do it.

Lesson Development (hook/engage/launch, step by step in real time, include questions you
will ask in real time, closure/revisiting learning objectives):
Hook/Launch/ Engage (5-7 minutes)
● “Today, we are going to learn all about each other, and about different cultures. Just like
you learned about all different types of schools around the world, we are going to learn
about different people around the world!”
● “We are going to start by learning about each other and our similarities and differences.”
“Can anyone tell me what a similarity is, what about a difference?” (teacher will start a
discussion about how everyone is unique - will ask students what they think the word
“unique” means-and we all have similarities and differences).
● “We are now going to learn more about each other, and our own cultures.”
● “We are going to complete a fun sheet! You get to tell us more about you” ( Teacher will
give students around 15-20 minutes to fill out “all about me sheet.”

Step by Step (12 minutes)

● After students finish their sheet. Students will turn to a partner at their table and discuss
what they wrote on the sheet. “Students, discuss with a partner at your table your
similarities and differences on your about me sheets.”
● Class will come together, and students will volunteer to share more about themselves
(read off their about me sheets). Class will have a discussion about how the similarities
and differences found. Teacher will further explain how we are all similar, but different
and that is okay! “Diversity is what makes each of us different.”
● “We are going to learn about other cultures, and about how people live around the world!
We are going to first discuss what culture means, and then we are going to read a book.”
Elementary Education Program
Department of Teacher Education & Learning Sciences

● We will ask students what they think culture, unique, and diversity means. We will then
go over the definitions and use them in a sentence and with an example. Teacher will
gauge students’ knowledge about what they already know.
● After a discussion about culture (comparing what they already know from their “schools
around the world lesson) have them come to the carpet to listen to the book We’ve Got
the Whole World in our Hands” read by the teacher.
● Do a read aloud and ask students what they think about the pictures and how they can
relate to them. “What do you notice about the pictures?” “Do you notice anything
different about the students” “What do you predict is different about this student,
compared to this student” “Did you notice any similarities or differences?”
● Going alongside the book, students will read along to the song “We’ve Got the Whole
World in our Hands.” This song represents diversity and culture in pictures and videos.
● Play the song on YouTube and have lyrics showing so students can dance and sing along.

Closure (5-7 minutes)

● Discuss the question with class: “What did you learn about your classmates?”
● Discuss the question with the class: “Did you discover anything more about yourself.”
● “Class, we got to learn more about cultures, and each other, what is one thing you will
take away from our lesson and use in your daily life?”
● Have students go back to their seats, the teacher will take a picture of each student for
their class yearbook.
● Print out pictures and let students cut and glue their pictures onto their “All About Me”
● Collect the sheets and put them into document protectors in a binder to use as the class
● This yearbook represents everything they learned from their lesson, and shows the
students diversity, culture, similarities and differences.

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