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Civil Engineering Department

CE452L1/CE405 - Construction Materials and Testing Laboratory Manual

Experiment No. V
1. Objective(s):
The activity aims to introduce the basic principle, significance and procedures in determining the
Unit Weight and Density of Aggregates (Coarse and Fine Aggregates).
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
The students shall be able to:
2.1 Familiarize the equipment, apparatus and method in determining the Unit Weight and Density
coarse and fine aggregates.
2.2 Determine the difference between the Rodded and Loose Unit Weight of aggregates.
2.3 Determine the importance and role of Unit Weight in the construction material utilization.
3. Discussion:
Unit weight or density is the relationship of aggregate’s weight to its volume expressed as weight
per unit volume. Values of unit weight/density are used in volumetric-gravimetric calculation. In
volumetric batching of concrete aggregates, the unit weight/density should be known to convert
weight/mass into loose volume.
4. Resources:
1 Tamping rod, steel, 16.0 mm diameter, 600 mm long
2 Pans
1 Weighing Scale
1 bag of Fine Aggregates
1 bag of Coarse Aggregates
2 Cylindrical metals preferably provided with handles and sufficiently rigid.
5. Procedure:
For Coarse and Fine Aggregates
Rodded Unit Weight Determination
1. Fill one-third of the measure, level and tamp 25 times evenly distributed over the surface.
2. Fill two-thirds of the measure, then to over-flowing. Each time the same procedure as in Step
1 is repeated. In tamping the first layer, do not allow the rod to strike the bottom of the measure
forcibly. In the tamping the second layer and last layer, use only enough force to cause the
tamping rod to penetrate the previous layer aggregate.
3. Strike-off the excess aggregates with the tamping rod.
4. Get the net weight/mass of aggregate in measure. Compute the unit weight/mass by dividing
the net weight/mass by the volume of measure.
Loose Unit Weight Determination
1. Fill the volumetric measure to overflowing by means of a shovel or scoop.
2. Discharge the aggregate from height of about 50.0 mm from top of the measure. Exercise
care to prevent segregation of the particle sizes.
3. Level carefully surface of aggregate with a straightedge.
4. Get net weight/mass of aggregate and compute unit weight/mass by dividing net weight/mass
by volume of measure.
The size of the sample shall be approximately 125 to 200% of the weight required to fill the
measure, and shall be handles with a manner to avoid segregation. Dry the sample of aggregate to
essentially constant weight, preferably in an oven constant weight with temperature of 110 ± 5°C.

Civil Engineering Department
CE452L1/CE405 - Construction Materials and Testing Laboratory Manual
Course: Experiment No.: 5
Group No.: Section:
Group Members: Date Performed:
. Date Submitted:

6. Data and Results:

Rodded Loose
Fine Aggregate
Trial 1 Trial 1
Mass/Weight 5237 g 5077 g
Unit Weight/Densitya 3.230 g/cc 3.131 g/cc
Average 3.230 g/cc 3.131 g/cc
Weight of Container 3606 g
Volume of Containerb 1621.46 cc

6.1 Computation
 Unit Weight = W/V
Unit Weight Trial 1 = 5237g/1621.46cc
3.230 g/cc


Unit Weight Trial 1 = 5077g/1621.46cc
3.131 g/cc

7. Conclusion:

Civil Engineering Department
CE452L1/CE405 - Construction Materials and Testing Laboratory Manual

8. Assessment:
1 2 3
I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members always
Manipulative occasionally
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
Skills demonstrate needed
skills. skills.
Members are unable Members are able to Members are able to set-
to set-up the set-up the materials up the material with
materials. with supervision. minimum supervision.
Members do not Members always
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
demonstrate targeted
process skills. process skills.
process skills.
Members do not Members follow
Safety Members follow safety
follow safety safety precautions
Precautions precautions at all times.
precautions. most of the time.
II. Work Habits
Members do not Members finish on Members finish ahead of
Management /
finish on time with time with incomplete time with complete data
Conduct of
incomplete data. data. and time to revise data.
Members have
Members do not
defined Members are on tasks
know their tasks and
responsibilities most and have defined
have no defined
Cooperative and of the time. Group responsibilities at all
Teamwork conflicts are times. Group conflicts are
Group conflicts have
cooperatively cooperatively managed at
to be settled by the
managed most of the all times.
Clean and orderly
Clean and orderly
Messy workplace workplace with
Neatness and workplace at all times
during and after the occasional mess
Orderliness during and after the
experiment. during and after the
Members require
Ability to do Members require Members do not need to
independent supervision by the be supervised by the
supervision by the
work teacher. teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score
(𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒)
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 =
× 100

Civil Engineering Department
CE452L1/CE405 - Construction Materials and Testing Laboratory Manual
9. Reference(s):
ASTM C566 “Standard Test Method for Bulk Density (“Unit Weight”) and Voids in Aggregate”


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