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NOTE: All characters noted here are either with FLB or just plain maxed out, inclusive of t

Also keep in mind that, these are all rated based on how useful they can be according to
Characters listed in such a way that it is meant to be read from left to right(strong to weak) alo
Oracles are not included due to the fact that it's still too early and majority of the players do n
End of the day, you play however you want to play, this is just to help you to tell how pow
Good Deal Icon indicates that they're worth to get them via normal Surprise Tickets

Super Core xd

Preferred in most
Situational but good

Niche usage
Garbage Dx
s noted here are either with FLB or just plain maxed out, inclusive of their EMP nodes leveled.

that, these are all rated based on how useful they can be according to the category listed on the le
n such a way that it is meant to be read from left to right(strong to weak) alongside with top to bottom(stro
d due to the fact that it's still too early and majority of the players do not even have them Pepega
u play however you want to play, this is just to help you to tell how powerful/weak certain charact
dicates that they're worth to get them via normal Surprise Tickets
lusive of their EMP nodes leveled.

ording to the category listed on the left.

to weak) alongside with top to bottom(strong to weak)
ayers do not even have them Pepega
l how powerful/weak certain characters are. So just pick with your PeePee lmeo
th your PeePee lmeo
ver Date Remarks
Lecia - Dropped to Situational
Amira - Jump to Preferred
Fire Metera - Dropped to Situational
Aglovale - Moved below Altair
Ayer - Dropped to Situational
Cagliostro - Moved to below Makira
Dante - Dropped below Ayer
2 03/04/2019 Wind Heles - Dropped below SJeanne
Wind Metera - Dropped below Scathacha
Song - Moved up above Sandalphon
Rosamia - Jumped to below GVira
Lady Grey - Moved to Niche
Halloween Cagliostro
character are - Jumped
worth to to top ofSurprise
get via normal Garbage
Removed point system Tickets
on the category, it is not
needed and it will be confusing anyway

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