Mantra Fortresser Game

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Mantra Fortresser Card Game


Player Cards

Player Name

Player Skill

Player skill represent the specialty of a player, the description will describe to the team how the skill
will play in match

Tap and untap

Untap player card shows that a player is in ready state to be activated

Tapped player card shows that a player cannot be activated

Knocked down

When a player is knocked down, put the card face down in tapped position, and when the initiative
line is reset at the begining of a round put the knocked down player at the highest initiative level slot.
A knocked down player can only use draw card or reserve tactic card as activation action choice.

a knocked down player cannot react towards opponent activation.

A knocked down player that has been revived is put face up untap on the most left slot of the
initiative level

Tactic Cards

Tactic card has 2 functionality, can be used as manuver card or action card

Manuver Level

Manuver Effect

Playing Manuver Card

A manuver card represent action done by a player, wether it’s attack, taunt or defense

Reaction manuver card can only cancel activation manuver card only if the react player has the same
or higher initiative level as the activating player
Taunt (Green):

Reaction = Taunt cancel Defense

Activation = tap 1 untap opponent’s player

Defense (Blue):

Reaction = Defense cancel Attack

Activation = target and revive a knocked down player

Attack (Red):

Reaction = Attack cancel Taunt

Activation = Target player is Knocked down and then score 1 point or target fortresser pole and score
3 points.

Joker Manuver(Black) :
can act as Taunt or Defense or Attack

Action name

Action Effect (Trigger : Effect)

Playing Action Card

When playing action card there are trigger and effect,

Trigger is a condition requirement for that action card to be played and take effect

Effect is the description of how the card will play out when used
Playing Field


Set up

Casual Play

 Each team Draft 5 Player Alternately

 Full Match is consisted of 2 Half Match

 A Half Match is consisted of 4 round

 A team win the half match if the team scores 3 point higher than the opponent

Tournament Play
 Each team draft 7 Player and ban 3 player alternately, with draft sequence of 1 st Ban, 1st - 2nd
Pick, 2nd Ban, 3rd - 5th Pick, 3rd Ban, 6th - 7th Pick and then choose 5 from that 7 pick player as
starting players

 Full Match is consisted of 2 Half Match

 A Half Match is consisted of 4 round

 In a full match between two half match, each team randomly pick one player and substitute that
with 2 reserve player

 A team win the half match if the team scores 3 point higher than the opponent

 If each team wins each half match, compare total score of each team, the highest total wins the


 The Deck is consisted of 20 Action Cards, these action card is consisted of 4 specific action card
of each 5 team players

 There are no copy card of the same name in one deck

 if a deck is empty and a player wants to draw from the deck, reshuffle all cards in discard pile
and recycle it as the deck

Initiative phase

 Draw Tactic Cards until hand size become 3, or discard Tactic Cards until hand size become 3
(maximum hand size)

 Set face down all available player card lined up from the level 1 initiative to the level 5 initiative

Most left is initiative level 1

Most right is initiative level 5

 Reveal and untap all face down player cards

Activation phase

 Player who has mantra stone card is doing the activation first for the round, team activate
alternately untill all player in both team has been tap

 Each team must activate every untapped player.

In activation of player, team may choose one of this:

 Draw one card

Draw a Card to team’s hand from deck pile, if the deck pile is empty reshuffle the discard pile
and put it on the deck pile field.
 Play tactic card

Play directly one tactic card as manuver or action card

 Reserve tactic card

Put tactic card face down on the tactic field, this card can be put face up and goes in play on the
opponent turn.

After player activation ends tap the activated player card

End phase

Reset all player unless knocked down player


Scoring is done when a player is knock down and when attack to fortresser pole is success

Success attack to player = 1 score to the attacker

Success attack to fortresser pole = 3 score to the attacker

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