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Elementary Education Program

Department of Teacher Education & Learning Sciences

Lesson Plan

Name: Mikayla Green, Wendy Recinos

Grade: Kindergarten
Topic/Concept: Diversity of Families
● The Family Book ​ By Todd Parr
● Printer Paper
● Crayons
● Stickers
● Tape

Teaching Behavior Focus: Prime Students for Engagement

Length of Lesson: 20-25 min

Learning Objectives (measurable):

- Students will have an understanding of differences specifically within families.
- Students will be able to draw and represent what their family looks like to them.
- Students will be able to compare and contrast elements of culture within the read-aloud
book as well as in their own families.

K.C.1 Understand how individuals are similar and different. (Social Studies)
- K.C.1.1 Explain similarities in self and others
- K.C.1.2 Explain the elements of culture (how people speak, how people dress, foods they
eat, etc.).
W.K.2 With guidance and support, select a familiar topic and use drawing, dictating, or writing
to share information about it. (ELA)

Assessment Plan (How will you know that your students met the objective?):
- Students will create an individual quilt “tile” showing what their own families look like.
We will look for details that show diversity among the families in our classroom.
Students will be able to identify differences between their families when looking at the
completed quilt.

New Vocabulary:
● Content vocabulary (e.g., obtuse, molecule, civil rights)
- Alike
- Adopt
- Step-siblings
- By-themselves
● Academic language (e.g., represent, model, compare)
- Same
- Different
Elementary Education Program
Department of Teacher Education & Learning Sciences

- Diversity
● Key non-content vocabulary that is necessary to understand the task/activity
- Quilt
- Tile

Note: A detailed lesson plan is specific enough for another teacher to read and teach
effectively. There should not be any question regarding what to do or how to do it.

Lesson Development (hook/engage/launch, step by step in real time, include questions you will
ask in real time, closure/revisiting learning objectives):

Hook/Engage/Launch: (10 mins)

- Directions before read aloud: have students sit on the carpet in their assigned spot to get
ready for a read-aloud. Remind students of carpet behavior which includes: spoons in
bowls (hands in lap), bubbles in mouth, and listening ears on.
- Read aloud “​The Family Book” ​by Todd Parr to students at carpet.
- After reading have a discussion of book to clarify what differences were noted in the
book. Include guiding questions such as “What did you notice about the families in the
book? Can you give me an example?” “What differences did you notice? Did you notice
any similarities?” “Do any of your families look like the ones we saw in the book?”
- Directions for discussion: encourage students to hold a thumbs up when they are ready to
share their response.
- Vocabulary should be discussed during reading to better understand content and to gain
an understanding of lesson target.
● Content vocabulary
○ Alike- having the same or similar characteristics (look, feel, taste, or act the
○ Adopt- to bring a child of other parents into one’s own family as your own, this
can be done with children or pets
○ Step-siblings- a child of your stepfather/mother with another person who is not
your parent
○ By-themselves- alone
● Academic language
○ Same- like or equal
○ Different- not of the same kind
Elementary Education Program
Department of Teacher Education & Learning Sciences

○ Diversity- differences found in people, objects, places

● Key non-content vocabulary that is necessary to understand the task/activity
○ Quilt- bed covering made of fabric that is stitched together
○ Tile- flat piece of material used for various purposes (ex: floor tile, roof tile)
Heart of Lesson: (10 mins)
- Students will explore and learn more about differences by making their own “family tile”
that depicts their individual families.
- Directions Given: When we pass out the tiles please start by putting your name on the
back. On the other side of the family tile draw what your family looks like. Include
details such as how many people are in your family (mom, dad, siblings, pets), what you
wear, what you like to do and how your family shows you love each other (hugs, reading,
eating dinner together). Add lots of color and as many details as you can, like we have
been practicing.
- Quilt Tile Activity: Using paper already precut for the quilt students will receive their
own piece to draw their family. They will given crayons to do so. We will allow 10
minutes for them to draw and add detail to their family tile. Students will be given a 1
minute warning towards the end of activity for them to put up their crayons in their
designated caddys. Tiles will be collected.
Closure: (5 mins)
- Review objectives:
- Students will have an understanding of differences specifically within families.
- Students will be able to draw and represent what their family looks like to them.
- Students will be able to compare and contrast elements of culture within the
read-aloud book as well as in their own families.
Students will look at the finished quilt to compare and contrast differences found within their
classroom families.

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