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Erie 't4rri el{\-ct

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Elementary Educution Program
ffi college of Education Depurtment of Teacher Educotion & Learning Sciences

Formal Observation Reflection

Directions: Complete the reflection questions and submit your response to your observer prior to
having a post-conference to discuss the observation. If a conference is held immediately after the
observation, you will submit your responses to the observer the following day via email.

Name: IOrtt\rn l,{otrtrncz Date: 71 NoverylUcr ?Oi,l

1. How effective were your instructional strategies? What changes would you make in your
instructional approaches if you taught this lesson again? Why?
.- I ,

thry iti.t Jin*roiriii tifl';tt,;,.. Bi\'Lri\,,;]tr ',r;iii tji'{':i.iiirr.Lt {ii\''\ i"r'tr*1 tc

5rrI itii;\ ctiri{r'*ii ;I t;rc LI ftr$.rkl U,l,f i+:ti',;F,'f!i;''K,dt V;ltt ti1'1i'\'4td'nf
hr; i...,,,iI i' i,1,i.,71 i.i ,,..,,'-,,1 (\lilui\r.\ k Lu.ip Tl,;.r ir?(li !--rrr'1',t ii1 r tC

,lr'rir,, ,u',',f,- t,: ir-,lyi,,ltr,'j [r), ,\;Irf-lilt ,n,1,;Iiij"i',]nt"''i'. \ ,.,1'.lc\ L\r(iltl{ t:C* ,. ..
\'".,Jr)1i,,'iiil,,,',r r({,;ri Ii i?{urd .lf';J;\'"r--'i ct trriJ'tr,;v,t
iespbnded to the lesson verses the way ybiianticipatetl they would
2. Comphie'hbn siidehiihctiialiy
respond. Explain how you scaffolded or extended students' thinking.
Th, ,tFvdrnls didrrr,f i,rtr,tvil to 0\\ i\Arrr cunrir r4vrtho0r. Ih&y ttlttiltv ipent 0tl rF lhtir
tirryrt ilrr,,.wrrrr{. \[tnh.,rpu-ftJ funn n,t*na,{tnl ffi1,r tinnr tn tit-ttt bt't-rrr \ilu tinty
{u inrrtlr 0r1 WU.(til( ttr,trhtr' Vii Kipr 1q, t4rrt,l-rtlru ht ihoft tn,rt,l dtUlt'r0 tt.r (lorrthlU
i0{triy $J0\Jtd \rt(,t le frrttc 'trlrriuf tV\tn4(?t!ei'
3. Describe how you assessed whether your students achieved the objective of the lesson. Was this
effective? If not, what would you change about your assessment?
KJe. 0Ufcrvod ond.trrrou(fi4[rl L{r,,drnli ru uie tur- ne,w \r0c,aboiurY pre,renled to ihtuo tinl/
"(t\\ fiutrr\ Mt tr,u.r qd h qwt tt,iod.rtc h flrr,r r irri(r.
fhri u(rii i{-rirhvr hrrauie N{ r.infr'rLiJ tlu t;r of flrlc [\ai,{ \l0tu!,r1(r1y
Itr i\lr nt, I
;trrJf tr:tri hr riir(ril rf r0to Upr1,, i\{r '
4. How effectively did you motivate your Students, set and enforce and handle
transitions? Would you change anything and if so, why?
t},'liI ti,if 1,ir-li rlr'il-
t(t 11i.6ffilatf,l jldr,,, 1,. tAllL,v.trr,ii,\ fv;rrrr tirrirt b i0\l( (r,A dirri,,l
\\i ilt,\(, l!';yy' ;i f, I,l; \1{, I .\1 ,J t*'li ir itrilz 1: ,l fii il,r1r ,,' {rr1 ii,; P, l;iltV
[,t,fiv,ii,f +i,;,1 i,r,,ti\ 8r:ii 1t .1 iCIi1 uili di.iii'l (il tli( (rirl. i 'wJ,i-\ -'i".,,",ir fiuI
frr,rtii1ftx61 i:iti,;r:i i1ir,1 tut,"t ;i'\i\iir t\\{ t'jtr \{,rr pirr,r} i,lviii til/. !r;i\r,{ir f${,ifr ex'fL[
5. Did you make modifications to your lesson plan during the lesson? If so, what were they and what
motivated these changes?
Ne ihr[.- ti., ;vr \tirrn f\fifi

6. How did you meet your Teaching Behavior Focus? If you did not meet it, what would help you to
meet it next time?
',tlt nrrf rf by[[{fih\l 6 (\rtr rtrr*nlftArfii lqMte l1'* [i,'r-tr Gr0 (0fuxtsr-t#bi-f
i\'tr.l(r\ri\ iind vIf i\ ,t t+ui 3ridrepttl.'rtt. Tlu Kr,lr hiqJt. hffn i\firufiil. f.rr,r"'\n n'riut'
ft,, c, ,Inn\< , {t th eY'r{, tuuf-*r"tcrhli, lruift tauh {rfu,r fur ?ttr, i}+o+-{- f{}r{-'
Wr uri nud. fe v't infur i,{ fir*'fi'fi1u vuru 'fun Ytt'refteii:.

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