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1. Labor cost decreased, access to labor increased

2. Large seaport
3. Very good transportations infrastructure (important due to moving raw materials and moving
out finished components)

MALAYSIA- KUCHING prov of sarawak


1. Access to natural resources and other prod inputs

2. Transportation infrastructure is good
3. City hosts a deep seaport moving raw materials in and finished goods out.
4. Labor is relatively stable and inexpensive in malaysia


1. Port is not as large as other countries such as Singapore and hong kong
2. Limited ships only are able to visit to Kuching
3. If port does not get regular service from container ships, transpo costs to ship components to
eom’s will increase



1. 5 year exemption on taxes for ACM to remain in Singapore

2. Government will also partially subsidizing labor,water, and energy costs for 5 years.
3. Labor remains inexpensive


1. Increase in labor costs

2. Increase in utility cost
MALAYSIA- Kuching province of Sarawak.

Advantages Disadvantages
1. The city provides access to natural 1. The port in this area is not as substantial as
resources and other production inputs. the other countries such as Singapore and
Hong Kong.
2. They have a good transportation 2. Only limited ships are able to visit Kuching.
3. They host a deep seaport in moving in 3. If the Port does not get regular service
raw materials and moving out finished from container ships, transporation of ship
goods. components to OEM will increase.
4. The Labor is low-priced and
comparatively stable in the said location.


1. Due to PRC (people’s republic of china), the labor cost decreased and access to labor
2. they have a very large seaport.
3. This location has a very good transportation infrastructure. It is important due to moving in
and out raw materials and finished products.


Advantages Disadvantages
1. The government offered a 5-year 1. There has been an increase in the costs of
exemption on taxes for ACM to remain in labor.
2. They will also partially subsidizng utility 2. There has been an increase also in the
costs such as labor,water and even utility costs.
energy for 5 years as well.
3. The labor remains cheap/inexpensive.

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