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Increasing number of TCS

customers are moving to the

Agile way of working. Why is
this a true statement?-There is a
double digit increment in
number of Agile projects (per
IPMS) year on year for last few
years.-In 90% of executive
conversations, customers bring
in “Agile” as a topic of
conversation.These are two
Product Development Teams,
Team ToyZon and Team Zon.
Team ToyZon follows
traditional way and Team Zon
follows Agile way of working.
Which team has the higher
chance to provide benefits to the
customer?-Team ToyZon-Team
ZonThe Agile Manifesto has 4
Valuesand 12 Principles.Why
were the practiciones of
“alternative software
development methods” not
satisfied with the traditional
waterfall method?-Waterfall is
not a lightweight process-
Waterfall model failed to meet
the demand for speed and was
not friendly towards changing
business needs and
pritoritiesMunnabhai knows the
four values of Agile Manisfesto
by heart. However, he was
confusedwhen a customer spoke
with him highlithgint agile
characteristics of short software
development cycles or
iterations.He could not recollect
anything about short iterations
in Agile Manifesto. What did he
miss to learn about?-Agile
PrinciplesMatch the framework
to its authors in the order of
listing. Scrum, Crystal, Extreme
programming-Ken Schwaber
and Jeff Sutherland; Alistair
cockburn; Kent BeckThe time
box for a daily scrum is...-15
MinutesScrum defines ....roles, and ....artifacts -3-5-
3What is the purpose of a Sprint
Review?-To inspect the working
software with the key
stakeholders and take the
insights from the feedback to
the next sprintThe reason for
holding regular Sprint
Retrospective is:-Provides an
opportunity for the Scrum Team
to inspect itself and create a plan
for improvements to be enacted
during the next sprint
On the last day of the Sprint, a
scrum team name AlmostDone
is ready to show their workbut
requires just 2 more days to
complete the testing. What
should the Scrum Master
recommend?-Close the sprint on
timeA Scrum Tram works on a
4 weeks Sprint. After few
Sprint, the team finds that they
spendmore effort on unit testing,
as the code base size has
increased. What can be the
BEST recommended for this
team?-Adopt practices like test
automation from another
frameworks like XPWhat is
Kanban board?-A visible chart
depicting the work to be done,
work in progress and work
doneThe Scrum team is using
the Kanban board to make work
visually available to all.What
CANNOT be inferred from the
CompletionWhich of the
following statements about
changing requirements in
software development, are
correct?-In a traditional way of
software development, one the
requirement is base lined,
further changes should undergo
heavy change control process-
Changes are acceptable till
design but once development
starts, any further change should
be rejected.-Organizations must
adapt to rapidly changing
market conditions to stay
relevant in businessDesign
thining is another name for
Agile Manifesto-FalseWhich of
these are Agile estimation
techniques?-Planning Poker-T
Shirt sizingWhich framework
prescribres User Story as the
format for backlog items?-
SCRUMWho owns the Product
back log?-Product
ownerProduct owner and Scrum
Master can be the same person-
Which one of these is NOT an
XP practice?-Extreme
ReviewsIn Daily Scrum, team
members share yesterday’s
progress and the plan for next 24
hrs with...-Scrum MasterWhy is
the Daily Scrum held at the
same time and same place?-The
consistency reduces complexity
and overheadHow many
questions with multiple: 6What
do all Agile frameworks have in
common? (Multiple)-An
iterative and incremental
developmentWhich of the
following BEST represent
themselves Scrum approach to
planning? (Multiple)--Planning
should involve the whole team,
not just the Project Manag

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