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Linguistic Variation

As to what we know, language is a method of communication in which we make sounds

or utterances. It consists of structured words in accordance to what is generally done by us, in

order to speak or make sounds with comprehension or in a way that others can fully understand.

Language is what makes us humans because we are the only beings in our planet to use complex

speech and makes us able to produce messages within ourselves (Deutscher, 2006). It can either

be spoken or written and it takes a big role in the human existence and evolution, but its origin

was never figured and remains as much as a mystery as of today, yet, it continues to evolve.

Language varies across time, generation by generation and thus, always changing. The

study or a scientific approach of this changeable method of communication has come to be

known as linguistics and the study on how it changes in social groups is known as

sociolinguistics. As to what words we saw or hear today is a proof that language changes such as

using invented or borrowed words (e.g. street languages, colloquial words etc.), evolved

pronunciations, and development of morphology. Liberman (2003) stated in his article, another

possible proof that language varies is that you never seem to hear aged people giving comments

on how the language of younger generation has changed, compared to the language of their own


According to Labov (2001), in his study on linguistics, variation in language refers to

society’s social components and how these components or factors take a role in varieties of

language. According to his research, the three social factors that play a role in language variation

are class, ethnicity, and gender. He proved that the distinction of speaking is actually influenced

by social factors in society. Other possible reasons for the change of transition of language might
be ascribed to cultural evolution unit are the memes or a meme, which serves as a unit that

carries practices or norms, behaviors and cultural ideas.

A change in language can originate in language learning, the recreation of grammar and

lexicon based on input received of the speech community; social differentiation, adopting

distinctive norms of social groups such as language; and natural processes in usage, casual and

rapid naturally produce processes.

Language varies and produces time to time, and can recognize as mutable. Language

variation is the product in the discovery of using slang and colloquial words and is highly

important in teaching language because its cultural contribution values regards to the different

ways of using the language functions and such aspects in language.

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