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Mcinroy, Ian. “Mental Health Top of Mind.” ​Barrie Examiner, The (Ontario,

Canada)​, News Bank Incorporated, 15 Nov 2017. News Story,

ews/16830014ED1D3D78&f=basic​, Accessed 17 Oct 2019. ​Be sure to check your

formatting for the citation. Something looks a little funny here. What is the ​The (Ontario,


In this news story, Mcinroy focuses on the decline in mental health among teens and

adolescents. His primary purpose is to inform his audience of the prevalence of poor

mental health among young individuals, and he ultimately wants to encourage families to

take part in youth mental-health nights in the cities of Barrie and Orillia in Ontario,

Canada. Mcinroy’s news story addresses the likelihood of poor mental health in children

when they exhibit lower rates of physical activity and eating breakfast daily. He also

acknowledges that younger individuals have an extremely difficult transition to overcome

when growing up and entering into different social groups. Mcinroy is a journalist and

writer for the ​Barrie Examiner​. Ontario’s ​Barrie Examiner​ was a publishing newspaper

until late 2017. It was considered a source of local and regional information for the

people of Barrie, Ontario. In the context of the news story, Mcinroy does not display a

collegiate level of knowledge on the subject; therefore, he could be argued as an

unsuitable author for the topic. ​(Even though he isn’t a certified psychologist, his

credibility isn’t lessened just because he doesn't have a degree in the field) ​ Other than his

experience as a journalist, Mcinroy does not exemplify any specific characteristics of

mental health professionals. ​(Does he indicate why he wrote the article? That might lead
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to potential personal experiences he has had with the subject.)​His work is less credible

because of the uncertainty in his credibility, and the unknown reputability of The ​Barrie

Examiner​; however, Mcinroy is purposeful in citing doctors and studies that have more

ethos in mental health than he does. Mcinroy references studies like the “Ontario Student

Drug Use and Health Survey” and the “Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit” study on

high school students and their mental health. Mcinroy also quotes Dr. Lisa Simon, who is

the associate medical officer of health with the “Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit”.

(The period goes inside the”)​ Mcinroy cites that poor mental health is common in

younger individuals and ​ (Don’t capitalize “this”) ​"This likely relates to the challenging

developmental stage of adolescence, which includes transition in the school environment,

physical growth and development, maturity and relationships, and a time of exploration,

self-discovery, and experimentation." Including Simon, Mcinroy credits Pat Carney, the

senior psychologist and mental-health lead for the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District

School Board by mentioning that “the mental health and wellbeing of students is

‘critically important’ and ‘a changing landscape’ for parents and staff in schools.” By

referencing individuals that have a stronger background in the fields of psychology and

mental health, Mcinroy’s news story is compelling and more credible than if he chose to

write the issue on his own merits. Mcinroy may not display any pertinent signs of

credibility in his new story, but he does establish the credibility of the individuals that he

chooses to reference. Overall, the source is mildly credible. The news story is too short to

come to a definite conclusion about the issue of poor mental health and how to decrease
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it. ​(A little vague… what benefits does it give as a source? Did it lead you to finding any

more information from using some of the people he chose to cite?

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