Map of The Serene Republic of Calencia

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The Serene Republic of Calencia

- 798 AE - Bleak
1: Dawn Harbour; City of Mirrors and Capital of the Se-
rene Republic.

2: The Great Circle; a holy site and community dedicated

to the worship of the Twelve, the primary faith of the

3: Campus of the Arcanum Universalis; once an outpost

of the Last Empire’s official wizarding institution, now
a great school of the arcane.

4: Lake Mirrormere; a vast freshwater lake, on the east-

ern shore is the triton town of Sama’dyn.

5: The Bastion of Heroes in the High Pass; chapterhouse

of the mad warrior-adventurers who still worship the
Hero and her Seekers. 7
6: Markov’s Field; first settlement in the Expanse, a re-
gion of marginal farmland reclaimed from the deadly
Razergrass Sea.

7: Baronies of the Reach; ruled by dragonborn nobles

who only recently united with the Serene Republic.
8: Entrance to Karak Eight Peaks; a vast and ancient
dwarven city that predates the Last Empire, it has been
half recolonized.
9: Emerald Grove; the only permanent settlement in the 3
wild woodlands of the Green Acre. The elves that rule
here are the least committed to the Republic.
2 8

Three week’s travel southwest, across the glassed surface

of Mare Duro, are the Spice Islands and a small Calen-
cian colony. To the east are seemingly endless plains
covered by deadly razorgrass; despite the ever pressing
need for farmland barely a hundred and fifty acres of
the stuff are cleared each year. To the north is a frozen
tundra to which the savage goblinoid races native to
this Realm have been banished since their Great Horde 9
was defeated in 674.

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