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The term Empowerment refers to measures designed to increase the degree of autonomy and self-
determination in people and in communities in order to enable them to represent their interests in a
responsible and self-determined way, acting on their own authority. It is the process of becoming
stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights. Empowerment
as action refers both to the process of self-empowerment and to professional support of people, which
enables them to overcome their sense of powerlessness and lack of influence, and to recognize and use
their resources. To do work with power.

What is Empowerment?

Empowerment is going to undoubtedly be the gadget of administration through that

your managers get the goals of staff by empowering the personnel to really have the
decision making energy and so making the personnel responsible and answerable for
To enable a way to furnish your abilities and power into some other individual.
Empowerment generates frontrunners chiefly. Empowerment enriches the boldness
degree of the employees. In Empowerment, the complete energy investors are liable
for every bad or good.

Delegation is one of the most important management skills. These logical rules and techniques will help
you to delegate well (and will help you to help your manager when you are being delegated a task or
new responsibility - it is a two-way process!). Good delegation saves you time, develops your people,
grooms a successor, and motivates. Poor delegation will cause you frustration, demotivates and
confuses the other person, and fails to achieve the task or purpose itself. So it's a management skill
that's worth improving. Here are the simple steps to follow if you want to get it right, with different
levels of delegation freedom that you can offer.

What is Delegation?

Delegation describes again towards this worker administration by allocating

responsibilities and responsibilities to every particular individual worker and specifying
what todo when to accomplish. To assign a way to nominate or decide on anybody for
being the marketing adviser for many others. Delegation generates followers. In
Delegation that the personnel are completely contingent up on the boss or main for
every action and so have no much enhance in these own confidence. In Delegation just
the boss or chief is answerable for every bad or good.

Delegation is vital for effective leadership. Effective delegation is crucial for management and leadership
succession. For the successor, and for the manager or leader too: the main task of a manager in a
growing thriving organization is ultimately to develop a successor. When this happens everyone can
move on to higher things. When it fails to happen the succession and progression becomes dependent
on bringing in new people from outside.
Main Difference

Delegation and Empowerment are administration gadgets which might be required for
primary directors. These would be the notions of administration employed from the
leaders and leaders to get good accomplishment of distinct aims and obligations of
both the category or institute. Delegation and Empowerment just about every speech
the worker administration yet are completely many not the same as each other.
Delegation describes again towards this worker administration by allocating
responsibilities and responsibilities to every particular individual worker and specifying
what to do when to accomplish. While none the less Empowerment is going to
undoubtedly be the gadget of administration in the administrators get the goals of
staff by empowering the personnel to really have the decision making energy and so
making the personnel answerable and responsible for All those processes are being
utilized in a lot of associations relying on the disposition of concerned and group
administrators / minds. A few of the administrators tackle Delegation in excess of
Empowerment while they will have the disposition to drop the power and energy.

Key Differences

1. Delegation describes again towards this worker administration by allocating

responsibilities and responsibilities to every single particular individual worker and
specifying what to do when to accomplish. While none the less Empowerment is going
to undoubtedly be the gadget of administration through the administrators get the
goals of staff by empowering the personnel to really have the decision making energy
and so making the personnel responsible and answerable for
2. For a Supervisor or main, Empowerment is likewise only perfect for you personally
inside the short-term where-as Delegation is much less be only perfect for you
personally inside the short-term.
3. For a Supervisor or leader, Empowerment is much less be only perfect for you
personally in the future where as Delegation is likewise be only perfect for you
personally in the lengthy haul.
When adopting the plan of Delegation, you find your self inside the coronary center of
administration train where as in the event there is Empowerment the other special
man is to the heart of administration train.
Delegation and Empowerment –
A Powerful Tool for Effective
Delegation and empowerment are two of the core skills needed to be a successful leader. After
all, you can’t do everything on your own and neither should you be expected to, as there is only
so much value you can deliver without becoming overloaded and ineffective.

This is critical to maintaining organizational effectiveness, developing your team’s skills and
also reducing stress on yourself as a leader.

Using the Tool:

Delegation and empowerment effectively involves giving responsibility to other people for the
successful delivery of a task, while maintaining some level of control over the process and end
result.A simple but effective way of creating a good environment for providing empowerment is
to use the tried and trusted method of SMART. By following the SMART steps, you can ensure
that you can delegate effectively and use the skill to really benefit the team and its individuals.

SMART stands for:

Specific – Be specific as to what exactly you want them to do.

Measurable – Agree what successful completion of the task means. Ensure you can measure a
good job done.

Achievable – Ensure you set achievable goals. If you don’t, you risk morale running low and
ineffectiveness spreading amongst the team.

Relevant – The task / goal must be relevant to the team or individual and in line with their
development needs.

Timely – Every goal or task must have a target completion, upon which to measure the
effectiveness of the goal. Always ensure that the person or people undertaking the task
understand the time span and when to complete by.
Delegation and empowerment should be used as a primary tool when leading your teams. It is a
powerful way of diversifying a person’s role, whilst keeping them fresh and motivated. It can
also act as a way of developing your team’s skill and abilities, whilst ensuring that not
everything solely relies on you to get things done.

By following the steps above in view of delegating and empowering your teams, and linking
them into the SMART framework, your team can learn and develop new skills to benefit the
team and themselves.


.10 Signs Your Managers Are Controllers But
Not Leaders
Whether you are the CEO or the most junior person in the organization, we all have
managers who exert power over us. A controlling boss makes you dread going into the
office. On the other hand, working for a leader is often inspiring (and challenging). Here
are 10 clues that managers may be controllers in an unhealthy way instead of leaders.

1. They Use Fear To Achieve Their Goals

A controlling boss or manager tends to use their role power (i.e. the power to fire or
discipline employees) to achieve their goals. While power matters, effective leaders
understand that it is a tool to be use sparingly. Instead, modern leaders influence their
staff and persuade them.

2. They Think They Know Everything

A controlling boss often or always assumes that they know everything. They never ask
for opinions from their staff and they do not believe in doing research before making
important decisions. In contrast, leaders understand how to be humble at work. For
example, a leader may realize that she has a weakness in accounting knowledge or
software development. As a result, a leader will seek the advice and recommendations of
others in those areas.
3. They Treat People As Pawns
The boss who is fixated on control soon starts to view their staff as pawns. If your
manager simply views you as a “pair of hands” to get work done, you are probably
working for a controlling manager. Leaders take a different approach. They realize the
value in drawing on the full creative powers of people around them. Leaders recognize
that treating staff as valuable contributors is a key way to win their respect and improve

4. They Dominate Meetings

Meetings are an important tool for getting work done in modern organizations.
Unfortunately, some managers never learned effective meeting skills. Instead, they
simply yell to make a point and issue orders to staff. In contrast, a true leader
understand that meetings are concerned with drawing on the wisdom and experience of
everyone attending the meeting.

5. They Take A “My Way Or The Highway” Approach To

Conflict is a reality that we deal with in our daily work. Unfortunately, a controlling
manager assumes that aggression is only sure path to resolving conflict. This kind of
boss views every disagreement as a conflict to be won by them, no matter the cost. In
cost, modern leaders use a variety of conflict resolution techniques such as collaborating
to find better solutions.

6. They Ignore The Competition

A controlling manager has a hard time with competing companies. At the worst, a
controlling manager will resort to immoral efforts to undermine the competition. Other
controlling bosses take pride in ignoring the competition. Successful leaders maintain
focus on their goals while monitoring the competition. Leaders know that observing
competitors gives them new ideas including joint ventures and other forms of

7. They Never Practice Active Listening

Arrogance is one of the hallmarks of a controlling manager and this means they have a
lot of room to go when it comes to listening. There’s nothing worse than suggesting
ideas and improvements to your boss only to have those ideas ignored. Leaders
understand than listening is a skill that requires practice and study. Fortunately,
everyone can become better at listening. Use these resources to improve your listening
8. They Focus on The Short Term
The controlling manager is often concerned with the short term. They have little interest
in anything beyond this week. Their need for control undermines their ability to plan
and think about the long term needs of their department and the organization. Leaders
take a completely different perspective. They start with long term goals first and then
they ask their staff to help them achieve their goals. The long term perspective means a
greater interest in new ideas and less interest in micro-managing the details.

9. They Never Inspire People With Their Own Example

Managers driven by the need to control rarely look for ways to lead by example. In
contrast, let’s consider the inspiring example of Winston Churchill. During the First
World War, he had a senior leadership role in the British government. When he was
forced out of office, he decided to return to the field. He actually went to the front line
and led soldiers in battle. His willingness to lead by example in war and expose himself
to danger shows one way to inspire people by your example.

10. They Are Unable To Work Through A Crisis

A boss who focuses on control is rarely able to work through a crisis. They have little
ability to manage the unexpected in life. In fact, some controlling managers simply
freeze in a crisis. It’s a sad state of affairs that hurts them and the rest of the
organization. Leaders, on the other hand, know that life is full of unpredictable
challenges and situations. They stay focused on taking care of their people and coming
up with solutions. All in all, working with a leader gives you a greater sense of

What is Controlling?

Controlling consists of verifying whether everything occurs in confirmities with the plans
adopted, instructions issued and principles established. Controlling ensures that there is effective
and efficient utilization of organizational resources so as to achieve the planned goals.
Controlling measures the deviation of actual performance from the standard performance,
discovers the causes of such deviations and helps in taking corrective actions

According to Brech, “Controlling is a systematic exercise which is called as a process of

checking actual performance against the standards or plans with a view to ensure adequate
progress and also recording such experience as is gained as a contribution to possible future
.”Controlling has got two basic purposes

1.It facilitates co-ordination

2.It helps in planning

Features of Controlling Function

Following are the characteristics of controlling function of management-

1. Controlling is an end function- A function which comes once the performances are
made in confirmities with plans.
2. Controlling is a pervasive function- which means it is performed by managers at all
levels and in all type of concerns.
3. Controlling is forward looking- because effective control is not possible without past
being controlled. Controlling always look to future so that follow-up can be made
whenever required.
4. Controlling is a dynamic process- since controlling requires taking reviewal methods,
changes have to be made wherever possible.
5. Controlling is related with planning- Planning and Controlling are two inseperable
functions of management. Without planning, controlling is a meaningless exercise and
without controlling, planning is useless. Planning presupposes controlling and
controlling succeeds planning.
6. Leadership drives the interpersonal aspects of the organization, such as moral and
team spirit.
7. Management deals with the conceptual issues of the organization, such as planning,
budgeting, and organizing.
8. Command guides the organization with well thought-out visions that make it
9. Control provides structure to the organization in order to make it more efficient.

Leadership and Management

Management's primary focus is on the conceptual side of the business,
such as planning, organizing, and budgeting. It does the leg work to
make visions reality. Do NOT equate the term “management" with
“controlling people." Management is more about ensuring that the
organization's resources are allocated wisely, rather than trying to control
people. In fact, good managers know that trying to control others is
extremely difficult if not impossible.

.Management helps to acquire, integrate, and allocate resources in order

to accomplish goals and task. Going back to the above example of
increasing informal learning by implementing a new social media tool, the
managers must look at the real goal, rather than the tool. The real goal is
to increase informal learning and human interactions in order to make
them more effective, not to put into place a social media tool. The tool is
simply an objective to help you reach your goal.

.If the tool becomes the primary goal, then the wrong polices could be
put into place that decrease its value as an informal learning tool, for
example, implementing a policy that no one in the company can ask a
question on Twitter as it might make us look stupid or our competitors will
know what we are trying to do. This policy removes the real purpose of
the tool—enabling the employees to learn informally from each other.
Secondly, if the focus is only on the tool, then other options are omitted,
such as tearing down cubicles and creating open spaces where people
can meet with each other.

.In contrast, Leadership deals with the interpersonal relations such as

being a teacher and coach, instilling organizational spirit to win, and
serving the organization and workers.

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