WT 19191011

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The Waikato Times.


WAIKATO ARGUS Two Editions Daily —l2 Pages




VOL. 91 NO 14,187
Pictured. Situations Wanted. Situations Vacant
Pictures. Pictures.
Auctioneering Bowling. ADVERTISEMENTS in Wanted.
Public Notices. Farmers’ Co-operative
No Pictures on Monday or Tuesday. THE BEST IN TOWN /'COMPETENT Bookkeeper ' desires Lost and
Co., Ltd. Paramount’s Special Programme! Found, For Sale, etc., to!umns~l6 words
position in or near Hamilton.
So follow the crowds or book. TO-DAY * TO-NIGHT
352 !/■•; 3 Insertions 26, cash only.

THq crush will be abnormal. Apply “D.,” "Whangarei P.O. Booked

rate, 3/6.
•The Highest-paid Screen Comedian m fJIHEATRE OYAL
TH'LDERLY Companion Help or
The picture is "Select.” Housekeeper seeks position in smadMAX Cook, for 12 men, reliable;
Will be held on the
place to a better man. BEST &

MOST The supports are “Selector,” family, experienced, good references. -
Address “G.L.,” Times Office. 283
wages, 40s.

Salv ation Armv,

IN THE ASSIGNED ESTATE OF FATTY ARBUCKLE And all were especially “Selected”
W. A. HOGG. That the Glorious Films we show
or. Companion WAXTBD Two good Lads for _

NO REGRETS. ACRES, more or less, being In -his Rollicking Side-splitting Para- Help—Woman, with two children, Printing Department. Apply
night only. EARL *FOX & JOHNNY HINES
eiUU Section 7, subdivision of Sec- On
mount Arbuckle Comedy. wants work, experienced, small wages, Manager, Waikato Times. 104

tion 3, Block VIII and Sections 2,3, LABOUR DAY. BOXING ON MONDAY &
In the saucy, piquant and daringly or near Hamilton—“Z.,” Times

4,5, and 7, Block XII., Kawhia AbsolutelyUnrivalled Pictures unconventional screen sensation Office. ' 378 about 17 years of
October 23rd. FATTY ARBUCKLE age; bright prospects for a strong
/CHOOSE BARTON AND Survey District, described, in Certih- Entries Close on The Darling of the Screen —“THE .STUDIO GIRL”—
cate of Title, Volume 158. Folio 26.., NOTE. We have the exclusive right MOTOR Driver, certificated running energetic youth.—Apply Booth, Mac-
BOSS’' FURNITURE for Dis- P. E. STEVENS, of Screening Paramount Arbuckle
VIO L A DAN A In which Connie, outrages the con- itx
ro p a i rS; peeks position, car or donald and Co.
of the Register Book, Auckland
s 393
of 399 Hon. Secretary.
Comedies in this town. In a magnificent “Metro" filming ventions, but—you’ll forgive her. lorry.—Apply Times Office. 329
the new home. The passing
time will only go to demons- trlThetheLease is dated April Bth, 1913
rent is 6d per acre for the first
Also Another Great Feature,
of .Myrtle Reed’s most popular story.
VOUNG Lady, just left school, de-
ANTED Yardmen for Country
Sawmill.—Apply at our Timber
trate what a wise' efthee you and A problem 'of unusual strength - sires junior position in office (legal vlard, Bryce Street, opposite Railway
seven years. Is during the second seven Land Agents. WALLACE REID—WALLACE REID A story of rare heart interest.
“THE FRIENDLY BEE” preferred).—Apply 40. Times Office. 387 Station. ’Phone 705.—Ellis and Bur-
have roade. For among other years,‘is 6dduring the third_ seven Handsome —Smiling—-Athletic. An amazingly line film. nand, Ltd.
"years, payable half-yearly. Right of QIX-ROOMED VILLA, built G years Then the popular idol Lady wants position *as 35Q
things our Furniture is “Life- Famous in “The Woman God Forgot, HAROLD LOCKWOOD “FISHING IN COOK’S STRAIT”
Renewal for further 21 years at V amo- ago, one mile from Traffic Bridge, “Too Many Millions,” and “Joan, Pantry or Kitchenmaid in board- quaerymen axd navvies
time” Furniture, carefully con- In the hit of his 100-short life, “AMERICAN PATHE NEWS”
tion, or by Auction, and if Lessee fans large rooms, built in book case, linen the Woman.” “UNDER HANDICAP”
ing-house or hotel.—“N.,” care Times WANTED.
structed for years of service. to secure it, he will bo compensated presses and cupboards, porcelain bath, “CO-OPERATIVE WEEKLY REVIEW” Office, Hamilton. 301
for buildings and improvements at hot water service, etc., 2 bay windows, WALLACE' REID, One of the grandest productions ever TIROHIA QUARRY CO., LTD.
Bv reason of close attention to WALLACE REID, VALUE! VALUE! VALUE I R EP ATEIATION.
thrown on a screen.

valuation. 2 verandahs, lawn front and side, live

details, and the selecting of*the The equity in this lease "’ill be Equal to Douglas Fairbanks, in



hedges, flowers, and vegetable garden, Eight Magnificent Parts. to be made to the
finest timbers, lasting rigidity qffered by Public Auction at the very, large section, good soil and level. tHE MAN FROM FUNERAL RANGE Music Warenouse are requested to com- Secretary, Baine’s Buildings, Te
OPARAU, THE MAN FROM FUNERAL RANGE Eight Magnificent Parts. -*-J municate with the Local Repatria- Aroha, or at the
is assured. With the additional GPARAU SALEYARDS, Possession can be given on one week’s tion Department before filling vacant Works, Tirohia. 247
On notice. Deposit, £300; price, £I4OO. And Other Splendid Items. Avoid Disaster—Book at Paul’s—l/7.
advantage of correct design and a THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1919,
NEW positions.
perfect finish, here is furniture At 12 noon. above genuine bargain. Owner must WEDNESDAY! U FOX The Department has a First-class Domestics Wanted.
Accountant on its books desirous of
which will win and retain your There are no buildings on the sell. “WOMAN AND THE LAW.”
Houses and Land For Sale. TROT ”

obtaining position in Hamilton. Woman to Wash and —

property. ’Phone No 913. Telegraphic address, Clean, one day a week.

TERMS: 10s Cash Deposit

per Acre SPRINGhas come! The hot and PRICES : Is Id, and Front Stalls 6d. TflOR SALE Seven-roomed House.
“Repatriate,” Hamilton Mrs J.
fait, ictoria Street West. 393

sometimes stifl'ling summer will Hamilton,


at date of Sale \ balance three j at Collingwood Street,

Como, Note Prices, and Prepare for the latter by pur- everyconvenience; no agents. Apply P. W. MADDOCK,
six per cent, and if during the period follow. this nice 4-roomed cottage with
Secretary. WANTED—Washerwoman. Apply
Choose! improvements have been effected to the
chasing Mrs Willey, Collingwood Street. 285 Mrs Steele, Girls’ Hostel, Angle-
value of £1 per acre, the payment of about from 3-acre freehold land; situated 6 TO LEASE. Livingstone Chambers, Victoria i
miles Thames, on the Coromandel
balance may be extended for a further road, facing tho salubrious Hauraki
"pIOR SALE—A comfortable
roomed House, with
Records j Street. 204 sea Street. 321
period of two years. Gulf, which bounds the property on
|A ACRES of Laud, 20 acres been ences, as owner leaving district; quick T/6/'ANTED—A Woman for Washing.
ploughed ready for a crop, bal- AND 1000 OTHERS .“Apply Mrs Ross, Liverpool
ROSS Ltd. THE FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVE the front as the
Waiomo Creek does on
one side. A swim in tire briny wave,
ance unimproved, situated at Rototuna;
rent, £2O per annum. Apply R. A.
sale; 3 minutes’ walk from Times
Office. Full particulars. Times Office
v/antec. cu
bureet, Whitiora. 399
followed by
LAND DEPARTMENT, HAMILTON. creek. What more refreshing on a
a rinse in the fresh water
Andrews and Co.assaaPBBBWBB JUST 4
'CTAR.VI wanted for next season, cap-
WANTED—GirI, general housework;

i <a
1 able of milking 80 to 120 picked
XXfELL-BUILT five-roomed House for £°u,
borne, 3 adults, no children,

j |
warm summer morning. 9 Fishing galore cows, by experienced married man;


Land Agents. Sale, all conveniences, hot and owner to find all feed; advertiser will Street. Telephone

at your door, and other seaside delights


cold water, gas ri 5-acre section, beauti- 449, evening, between 6 and 7. 324
find cows and labour; half shares.—

on purchasing this property. Guaran-
Hamilton THE LAND OF WEALTH. teed to be as here described. Design
fully laid out in lawns, flower and vege-
table garden, fruit trees, fowl run, live
‘Z.,” P.itumahoe Post Office. 339

T shaped. Rooms fair sized, rough A GOOD CHANCE. hedges; good terms.—Address at Times. ANTED A Partner, with £250, WANTED—Lady Help or Companion
THE RICH HAURAKI PLAINS. lined, serimmed and newly papered, for Ruakiwi; three in family; one
to start Land Agency in Hamil-

* ’

Venitiar window lights the front room.,

IHO fACRES, Freehold, two miles used to country preferred—Apply Mrs'

I j
ton. Apply “Agent,” care Times
verandah built of kauri, i and motor rom Hamilton, good road, \!\T ANTED to Sell—A five-roomed A EADY & CO Office, Hamilton. 264 Cohn Wilson, Private Mail Bag, Nga-
garage covered with corrugated iron. good house and all outbuildings, 4-cow House for removal, with two
ruawahia, or ’phone Waingaro. 289


i £350 cash, at HURRELL and SPIERS. milking plant, etc. Admirably situ- brick chimneys, good Orion range, etc.; KAMI L T 0 N.
’’S^T'A^'TED —1000 suits and ladies’
ated as a cutting-up proposition, as it price, .£6o.—Address at Times Office. ANTED for country Married

AUCTIONEERING CO.. LTD., have A LSO 6-roomed Modern Dwelling,
' *
cos.limes to clean and press, equal Couple, no children;
instructions from MR GEORGE A.
has exceptional road frontages, and to new—Hawkins agp Co.. Grantham work; woman, household man, general
NEWEST with 113 acres land, on’ eminence wpuld sell readily if cut up at double Personal. duties, good

WILSON to offer by Public Auction at commanding a grand vista of tho sur- the figure asked. Price, £7O per acre, ACRES, Freehold, 12 miles x
plain cook; other help kept. Apply
THE CENTRAL THEATRE, rounding district; 7 minutes by car with £ISOO cash. Balance easy. Irom Hamilton; about - 900 r jPHE J. Loughiin whose name ap- J. Barugh, Claudelands. 317
AND MOST from HURRELL and SPIERS’ office. acres in food; carry about 1000 sheep
"*■ peared in the civil case brought by Houses Wanted.
Paerda, Deposit £500; price, £3000.. and 250 head cattle. Cottage three the Farmers’ Auctioneering Co. this McKNIGHT’S REGISTRY;’ Phone
W. J. WATERS, new wool A’eek way A -ROOMED House wanted, within Ift 2
BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS On rodms, shearing machine, is in no connected with the e 2re "'anting Waitresses,

OC ACRES, corner section, Te Rapa, minutes of station. —“13.,” Times oos, 30s,

2 sets yards. Price, undersigned. 255, also beginners at 15s:

press, concrete
about 3 miles from Hamilton, The Landman, GOLLINGWOOD ST. £7: 10s per acre.dip, Apply GOSLING 390 JOHNLOUGHLIN, Hamilton. Office. 291 .Housemaid,, 27s 6d; Housemaid-
OF AT 1 P.M. all but 6 acres in good grass. Deoosit AND PRENTON, Agents, Frankton waitress, 255; Pantrymaid, £1: Cooks,
£350; price, £1960.—-Apply HURRELL Box 31. Hamilton. ’Phone 672. \yANTED to llent by married couple 45s 40s, 355; Chef, 655; Kitcheman,
ea A ACRES more or less, of partly and SPIERS, Land and House Sales-
Junction. • —House 3 rooms and kitchen.—

JEWELLERS UUU drained surveyed into man, Hamilton.

Wanted Known.
“A.,” Times Office, 292 3os; Married Coupie, farm £2 10s and
found; Married Couple, hotel, £4 10s
11 sections of from 50 to 57_ acres and 1)01 ACRES VOLCANIC LAND. fop Bale. TF you intend holding a Sale, tell us. and found; Farm Hands, 355; Plough-"
AT consisting of first-class alluvial deposit IT OUSE SEEKERS! rW ®A- 125 acres ploughed, ring We do the rest.—Loughiin Bros., "Vy ANTED—SmaII House or Section,

.I.JL nOUSe, 5 minutes from P.O ;
handy Victoria Street. Apply nmn, 50s; also Youths for milking,
fenced and subdivided, natural water, ■DOTS’. White Canvas Lace Boots to The Auctioneers.

on sea mud with sandy clay bottom,

every £ll6O, deposit “Section,” Times. 383 Ladyhelps and Generals (town and
which is, characteristic of Hauraki convenience, 1 mile from school and post office, If clear, only 5s lid, at the Frankton
H. H. HOWDEN’S Plains land, which is
to £7O an acre adjoining.
realising close up £360. -1-roomed Cottage,
£BOO, terms. 4-romed Cottage, Claude-
real snip, miles from casein factory. Six-roomed Supply Stores.
house and sheds. Good metalled road.
181 TYI'AKE; straight for “-The Live
Agent.” He has got just what notice to Lana ngcnts.
country. Write to us sending stamped
envelope for reply.
in lands;
£725, deposit £225. 4-roomed FOR SALE—Day old Chicks you want. 240
This land is at present mostly Cottage, River Road, £SOO, deposit PRICE, £l6. Cash, £IOOO. Terms for Orpingtongj from
the rough, being in raupo, flax, cabbage sale; Black T AND Agents, Please take notice money
JEWELLER trees ana kahikatea clumps, and is £2OO. Two Sections off Victoria Street, 'arranged for balance. my No. 1 Breeding Pen, second season ANTED Known ’Phone 945. that my Farm is withdrawn from
to Lena.
real bargain. Get in at once. 5-roomed Plenty Deliv-

i first-class Utility of Coal in stock.


XT'ARMS from 10 acres to 800 acres hens mated to a Kaipaki. 323

HAMILTON carrying dry stock only. Bungalow and 6 acres, run 4 cows Cockerel; also day old Indian Runner ered day following order. Lane and sale.—Geo. Kew, MONEY TO LEND.
Apart from the wbnderful fertility of new for Sale.

all vear, 1 mile from Frankton, £ISOO, ducklings. Delivery given in rotation Son. 334 T AND Agents, Please take notice T HAVE the following sums for im-
this property, it is ideally situated. deposit £2OO.—J. McKNIGHT, Land c OUGH mediate investment on freehold

Public Notices. It is half-a-mile from the Paeroa
from which the Northern Company’s Agent,
Victoria Street. /Phone 452. R. HL M G ' of orders received (hens extra if
required).—Apply L. G. Marquand. ANTED KNOWN JAMES S. railwav
Raglan to Hamilton, Gerrard.
that rny property at Okoroire
has been sold.—Alexander securities: £BOO, £7OO, £SOO, £SOO.
LAND AGENT, Norton Road, ; Frankton Junction. 173

HILL 362 £450. £IOO, £4OO, £3OO and £2OO, and

KNIGHTS’ steamers communicate daily with Auck-
land, carrying both passengers and GOING CONCERN FOR SALE.
PBKEKOHE. Daily Motor Service, Passengers and
Freight. Special rates to week-end AND Agents,—Please .npfep that my
approximately £SOO for investment in.
small sums on short-dated loans.
WEST END STORE cargo. The rapidly growing and thriv- A 'p'XCHANGE your old Piano for a T.

348 acres, all ploughable, land of new one; full value allowed, and parties. Stand at Victoria and Col- ■*-*
Farm„of 31 acres at Wn'atwhata .EDMUND J. STEWART,
For ing town of Paeroa is about two miles iingwood Streets.—lnquiries at R. B. is withdrawn from sAle.—C. G. Wad-
Maxine Soap—9d and Is od. distant and is well equipped for public splendid quality; cheese factory atGood the HOUSES AND SECTIONS. easy terms for balance—E. and F. Solicitor,
gate; handy to all conveniences. Immediate Possession. Hano Agency, Ltd. J. H. Gittos. RESTELL’S, Ward Street, Hamilton, ham. 33.1 128 Hamilton.
Amberine—Three cakes in box. Is 10d. and private business purposes. railway house of-5 rooms with all conveniences.

The proposed Pokeno-Paeroa

COCKSFOOT, sd; Clover, npAKE
Hydroleine—7d. acre, includes all stock,
/» ROOMS, bathroom, washhouse, time by the forelock, and stop
Sapon—6d per packet. is almost sure to skirt the property and Price, £34 per gas and water laid .on, elevated ROUGH • the havoc being made by the

Wanted to Buy Fmpounaea.

a loan has been sanctioned to construct implements,
furniture, etc.—See J. B. Superior Mixture, 7d.— Wood-Borer
Gregg’s Starch—ls per lb.
which SCOTT AND CO., the Agents, at once position, 7 minutes to PjO. Price, WritelOd; or wire for samples.—Boyd’s
in your home and furni-
Lux—4d per packet. t v
a metal road along the frontage,
will become an important road, bringing for further particulars. £650.
ROOMS, nice position, handy to Agency, Dunedin. j
ture by using Whcelband’s
184 stroyer. Recognised by leading authori- Fly De- yy ANTED to Buy—A good Dog rMPOUNDED in the Public Pound,
the property within about a mile of the 4
Cart or light Spring Cart, in Hamilton East, by Ranger One
SALE—Douglas Motor Cycle, in ties to be the cheapest, most effective, good order.—Apply C. H. Goldfinch. 348

A HANDY LITTLE DAIRY FARM town. Price, £450. Dark Brown Mare, star on forehead,
proposed N otherton jail way station. 13 PNGALOW (5 .rooms, 2 minutes —Address at and lasting treatment, and easily ap- snip on nose, white spots on back, two
OF 50 ACRES. good running order.
FURNITURE The river service provides cheap and A NICE LITTLE DAIRY FARM of
transit for produce and supplies,
A 3 from Victoria Street; car shed; Times Office. 384 plied.—Dalgety’s Buildings, Victoria \\r ANTED—Child’s Pony; must be hind feet and near-front foot white. If
HAVING AN UP-TO-DATE FACTORY and, together with the present Thames 50 acres as a going concern, about every modern .convenience. ' Price, *
guaranteed quiet.—Price and par-
not claimed and expenses paid on or be-
£1200.. SALE—One quiet Jersey Heifer, ticulars to “Farmer,” Horotiu P.O. 290 fore 24th October, will be sold at 12
WE, CAN SELL Valley railway running through Pae- seven miles from Hamilton; all in £l5O. close profit; one Pony, quiet in "pSt'EY ORGANS from the world’s
grass; well fenced, and subdivided into BEST BUILDING SITES FROM
to noon to defray cost of expenses.—*-By
roa Junction, make the district a cen- saddle and harness.—Apply C. Glover, largest organ factory; all prices; Ty ANTED to Buy Consents of
jpiURNITURE QHEAPER. tre of easy access from all parts of the six paddocks. acre,
3 £sl 10s per
Plenty of water. Price,
includes all stock
Easy Terms.
Cook Street, Hamilton East. 382 easy terms.—E. F. Piano Agency, Ltd.
* *
TTnner* must be good 'furniture.
Reply “Cash,” this office.- ~187
order of W. G. G. WATSON, Pound-
keeper. 400
North Island. J. H. Gittos. . j - .

.Ju-st Ask Our Prices—lt Will Pay You. and imp'ements. Terms, £550 cask; TC'OR SALE—Motor Bike,

There are no buildings on the pro- in
perty, which is ripg-fenced only. The balance arranged.—For particulars as ’Phones: Office 15, Private 215 and ■ 3-speed, free en- QUITS OF CLOTHES.—No WANTED to Buy—Four of five- Miscellaneous.
INSPECT OUR LARGE STOCKS, stock, etc., write or call and see 1006. splendid order,
ginfii - 80 ’miles per gallop, tyres and V?
roomed Bungalow, good posi-
fence is new and is of totara posts and to B;

And See for Yourself. at HUGH WRIGHT’S. Over 300

four wires. Road drains surround the J. SCOTT AND CO., Victoria Street, tubes new, £46.—“Viking,” care S. C. to pick- from. Fresh, opes arriving tion, every convenience; £BSO to £9OO. X> EEKEEPERS’ SUPPLIES. New
FOUR GOING CONCERNS. “Deposit,” Times' season’s 800 Hives and Sundries
LOUQHLIN BROS. block, and the vendor is putting two Hamilton. ’Phone 121- .

Vincent, Ngaruawahia ■ ; ■. 337 every Monday from.our workroom. 33 £l5O deposit.—Apply 385
main drains right through to drain into Office. .
have arrived. Parr Bros., Central
the river adjoining, which is stop- TWO-SHEEP COUNTRY. 1— pr An ACRES, .all flat, including TJIOR SALE—Ono pair/ Bowls; used TftTAIKATO NURSERY.—For all Supply Stores, Hamilton. 347
mD" 100 oow.a, 250 cattle.; price, ANTED—Set of 16-20 Osborne
THE AUCTIONEERS, good block of sheep only one season.—Apply “Bowls," Hedge TTy Disc Harrows;
Areal kinds Trees, Shrubs,

banked. so that flood waters are kept


Country of 659 acres. 600 acres in £35 per acre. £2OOO cash deposit. Times Office. 307 Plants, etc.—E. W. Body, London must be in good TJICYCLE Riders, —Do you want
OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. off the land. grass, 8 acres rape, and 17 acres 2 lAA ACRES, 34 .cows, bull, 838 order state where to be seen and price.
’Phone 835. TITLE—Land Transfer. Irechold. Street. < ’Phone 197. r H. Gore, Frankton. 329 new Tubes ? If so, buy a
1100 sheep, calves, pigs, etc.; price, SALE—Farm Horses, a few
EASY TERMS—IO per cent Cash. swedes; carrying at present active good sorts; may be seen at p ASH PRICES—Odd Cups, 9*d,
“Marvel” from the Frankton Supply
10 per cent on possession, and 10 per 60 head of cattle, and 14 horses. Good £65 per acre. £2OOO .cadh.
3 Hamilton- \y ANTED to Buy, privately—Good Stores. Price, 4s 9d each. 79
cent, or its equivalent in improve- house of 8 rooms,
wool-shed, chaff-shed, 3DA ACRES, Glaxo, ;30 cows, work. J. D. P. Morgan, Safety Razors. 12s Gd; Jelly Cry- ”

stable, etc. Sheep- horses, bull, etc.; price, Cambridge Road. 298 stals, 4 for Is Id; Neave’s Food, Is 9<l;

Second-haqd Pianostate lowes:

ments, in 12 months, the balance to bte implement shed, cash.—Write “Piano,” Time* \ LL ove- New Zealand—everywhere

T. B. DILLICAR, Limited £9l 10s per acre. £I7OO cash.

16 price.,
subdivided into and Honey, Is 4d, 2s 2d; Lime Water. Gd. Office.

for five years proof fences, and —“NO lIUBMNP" Laundry Help
secured by first mortgage 343

Watered by creeks 4 17A ACRES, 44 cows, 1 bull, o J?OR SALE—Two Coils i-inch Wire —D. W. -HARVEY.’
at six per cent per annum. paddocks. delighting housewives 0,. washing day.
Stock and be lit/ horses, pigs, calves, etc.;
Cable, about four and five chains Is packet sufficient for seven large
Plans, etc., procurable from the springs. implements can to —Good Farfu.
THE DEPARTMENTAL STORES, Auctioneers’’ Branches and Agents— taken at valuation. Price, only £9 10j price, £42 per acre. £ISOO dejxisit. long.—For particulars apply A. 295 QIGHT TESTING by approved scien- Vaikato, to 300 acres, family washings—Parfitt and Co.

H. GROCOTT, Thames Valley or100around

per acre. Very easy terms. ‘This pro- NOTE.—AII the above places have Johnston, Taupiii. tific methods Hamilton;,
THE FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVE perty can bo, tecommended. —For 'far- nico_ homes on same, handy to school M.P.S., N.Z., Certificated Optician,
One Draught Hamilton. cash transaction.—Jolly, 49, Mt. Edeu OTAMPTON’S DANCES, Franktca
ther particulars, get in touch with the and railway, all necessary sheas to
successfully lun the farms.
■F°% SALE or Lease
Stallion, 4 years, by Marshall Road, Auckland. 333 AJ -Town Hall, Every Tuesday and
etc., King, dam Glen Gyle mare.—For par- Saturday. Maxina, Fox Trot, and
Arc now busy opening numerous ship-
ments of goods arrived this week.
671 HAMILTON. 4Ck ACRES, good ■house, -sheds,
dairying 15 cows, handy to school 69011, ticulars and price apply Telephone UP-TO-DATE
PIANO Show Room,
GRAMOPHONE Parlour, and TyE itwill Buy your Furniture,
for you. Best prices always.'
or Sell Ballroom Dancing taught *priv3telv.
Hamilton. Department at WEBSTER’S.
IF YOU ARE WANTING A and Hamilton. Price, £4O p«r -acre, “’Phone 835.—Loughlin Bros.
There are goods for every Depart- GOOD with £6OO cash deposit—Apply SiELL your Furniture where you’ll “Live Agent” has properties
ment, which are now being marked off. BUNGALOWS JpARM OR JJOUSE pROPERTY F. J. NOR
get most money.—Loughlin Bros. superb instruments, beautiful
tone, exquisite design.—E. and F.
and see
know nothing of-
for yourself. Any
Give us a look in, you will be interested-
good, deposit. 240
,Lroll SA.LE— Tomato Plants,
Is 3d per doz, post paid;
Piano Agency, Ltd. J. H. Gittos.
Country consignments receive
and Children’s Lace, Bow
’Phone 1010. 215 with order.—-Apply W. Ambler, IMLESS TORIC GLASSES, latest special attention. fy/B'AIDENS’
Have you seen the .new way of water- Spring Bank, Ngaruayvahia. 623 designs—H. GROCOTT, M.P.S., Send for Price List and Buckle Shoes, all prices, now
ing your garden ? Look in our window; W. Riddell and Co, T ADIES’ White Canvas Shoes, Pharmacy.
N.Z., Sight Specialist, Manning’s Main THOMPSON AND CO.,
selling at 4s lid to 6s lid, at the
Frankton Supply Stores. 181
we are showing
ing lawn grass.
the latest idea in grow-
TT/'ELL-BUILT BUNGALOW of « We have Town Property from Tlie Home Finder buckle, ankle strap and court;
■usual price 12s' 6d, now selling at 7s ySfAIKATO Shipping Co., Ltd., have
Skin Merchants, Cook Street (near
rooms, on half-acre section, with £650 up to £25,000.


lid, at the Frankton Supply Stores. brought a shipment of Highest- -

long road frontage.' House is new, OFFERS THESE SEVEN HOMES TO 181 grade PIANOS for WEBSTER’S
every con- The \nza Hair Dressing Saloon has
attractive looking, and has SIUSIC STORES.
W. Riddell and Co.,
Wanted to Sell.
T, B. DILLICAR, Limited venience; 15 minutes from railway
¥ DEAL Calf Meal, Ideal Chick Food, late 16th Waikato Co., 2nd A.1.8.,
next to Winter’s, Fruiterers, Grey
’Phone 711. HAMILTON. Rooms, corner section, free-
make, built to LAST'. We can fit Ideal Meat Meal, Poultry Grit, Street, Hamilton East. The establish-
PRICE, £950. Terms can be ar- YOU What about looking us up 9 l Incubators.—Parr Bros-, Central Supply
ranged. hold and level. to ment will observe Wednesday Half-

White Pine. Cut

Four "P any sizes. Direct from mill to
IMTT, Matai, HUGH WRIGHT, LTD., Hamilton. 33 Stores, Hamilton. 391
holiday. and be open all day
•EYESIGHT COM FOR I' HOUSES Rooms, freehold level sec- consumer. Prices on opplication to and F. PIANO AGENCY, LTD—- I?GGS FOll SALE.—Settings pure- Satisfaction guaranteed 308

tion, handy to Hamilton P.O. W. KEON.


S. Coidicutt, manager, invites ored utility Black Orpingtons, If.t

Terms to Suit Every Buyer.
f_* pr—FOUR ROOMS, a bargain 675 Box 9, Kaurimu. your inspection of our Hamilton per setting of 15 eggs, 12 chicks guaran- Public Notices.
stock.—J. H. Gittos, agent. teed. Order early.—Apply L. G. Mar-
K. GROCOTT, M.P.S.N.Z, ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW, of u P I Ann WELL-BUILT pretty a t, the price, situated between (jumJ, Norton Boad. Frankton. 943
-■rA- rooms, well-built with all possible
S. luOu Bungalow of 5 rooms, Hamilton and Frankton. Shipping.
Ophthalmic Optician, conveniences, porcelain basins and hot every convenience, large section; only O f* K WHITI'ORA Sound five. Chautauqua people say finest used TVITEN’S Bowling and Tennis Shoes, all pETRY AND gHAW
10 minutes’ comfortable walk from the *OdU roome d House; section all in on last tonr.—E. and F. Piano Agencv, ,LTJL prices, high gi ade white canvas;
By Diploma. and cold water in all bedrooms, large Post Office. Good terms to sound
section laid out in good lawns, large garden. A snip. , Ltd. J. H. Gittos. usual price, 15s CicT. now ,9s lid, at th.-i
buver. (No. 202) ALL CLASSES
At Manning’s Main Pharmacy, concrete paths and drive to CLAUDELANDS Four Frankton Supply Stores. 131 OF REPAIRS,
.£475 COMFORTABLE 4-room ed £TOO

Opposite Theatre Royal, motor shed. The property is situated Rooms, handy to P.O. and and look at GIBSON’S Little
HAMILTON. House, bathroom, wash- of smart designs, in Oak Tyres Stocked. Accumulators Charged.
in a popular select locality. house, copper and tubs; section, 57 x Railway Station. Terms easy. Cash Prices.—Onions, 4d per lb,
SHIPPING COY., LTD 3os per cut; Carlxmate Soda, 4d per IV ARM Furniture. See our window.
110. Onlv £l5O cash down. , (No. 1631

p?rnn—COMPACT Little Home, v/ a
i t e papered and painted,
ELECTRICITY bathroom, washhouse, cop-
large section. £IOO deposit. WAIKATO RIVER SERVICE: Via patrick Baking Powder, Is Gd; Nelson 4'\AK Circular Extension Tables and
Onehunga and Port Waikato, taking Monte’s Tea. 2d: Tucker’s Pancake Prices Moderate.

per ana l ubs, large section. Cash re-

Sideboards. V\ e have dozens to

quirod, £1 -50. (No. 170) PQ7X CLAUDELANDS Six cargo for Huntiy, Ngaruawahia, Hamil- Flour, 7d; large Custard Powder, is
Rooms, all in splendid ton, Cambridge, and all townships on -Id; Tucker’s Soups. sd; Foster Clark’s, choose from—V,’ARMAN AND SONS.
tricity from Hera Hora are invited to
consult us at our Hamilton or Auckland TSfE FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVE £9OO House of 4 exceptionally order; newly painted and papered; high Waikato and Waipa Rivers and Tribu-
position. £IOO - deposit. Would con- taries. NEXT BOAT leaves Onehunga kato.
4d. Cheapest and Best in All Wai-
()AK Bedroom Suites YVo shall be pETRY AND gHAVf
large rooms, gas. hot and cold water- pleased to show you all the new
Office regarding their Electrical propo- washhouse, copper and tubs; together sider less to good man. October 2nd, arriving Hamilton October MOTOR ENGINEERS,
sitions. AUCTIONEERING CO., LTD, 7th. and Cambridge Bth. OTAMILTON Municipal Band plays shades in Arzac grev fumed oak, etc ,
with two good Sections. See this at Further particulars from the “Blue Bird Valse.” Piano copj, etc—WA RM AN AND SONS. 306 MORRINSYILLE.
once. (No. 196) WAIPA SERVICE.—S;S. Erin leaves
land department. 2s. at Webster’s
We carry extensive stocks of Electri-
PQAA —ABSOLUTELY New Bun- SOLE AGENT, Ngaruawahia on Wednesday morning
tP RETONNES, Shadow Cloths, Madras
cal Material for Reticualtion purposes galow of 4 rooms, porcelain of each alternate week for Pirongia, TY RESSMAKING—Good -Muslins and Cloister Cloth. Our
and Power and Lighting Installations. WARD STREET. HAMILTON.
bath and basin, hot water service, elec-
tric light in every room, washhouse,
R. H. WOOD, via landings. Any alteration thereto
will be made known in this paper.
Costumier; also dressmaking MAN AND range is worth an inspection —V.’AR-
THE LIVE AGENT, For further particulars apply— classes day and evening; two hours LAWN MOWERS,
THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL AND copper and tubs; only 6 minutes’ walk 2s.—MISS NICHOLLS. -London WOOD Rods, and all the.latest ap- HEDGE SHEARS.
ENGINEERING CO., LTD. from Victoria Street. Only £2OO cash -PI 1 SITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, WAIKATO SHIPPING CO., LTD.. lesson street, corner of Selkirk street: ’phone
(No. 203) HAMILTON. GRANTHAM ST., HAMILTON. pliances for fitting bungalow SPRAYING MATERIALS.
A LW AYS SOMETHING NEW in down. 803. curtains.—WAßM AN AND SONS.
Wellesley St. W. Howdcn’s Brigs.

A MUSIC and INSTRUMENTS at Phonos: Office 870, Private 584 or 9?0. (Near Post Office.)
’Phone No. 2R 2. KNOWN
WEBSTER’S. Inspection cordially in- o/o
Victoria St.
Box 189. vited.
Laybourn,Ross& Whyte WALDMANN Combings made into any design. AND SONS.

A393 PIANO, overstrung, Vibratory and Hand Mas- SLUG AND SNAIL DESTROYERS.
OLARKIN AND Electrical,


2510 ’Phone 958 and Collar’d Pianos.— full iron frame, light oak case, sage. Special treatment for Dandruff IWTEN’S SUITS. The biggest range
2440 Box 195 BOLLARD
A'’ Another of our world-renowned WARD STREET, HAMILTON. great tone quality; bargain, £BO.—J. CARRIERS, and Falling Hair. Shampooing, Mani- you, and
the best value. If we can’t ht
we will make you one.—HUGH At
1536 Agencies.—E. and F. Piano Agency, H. Gittos. HAVE REMOVED TO NEW OFFICES curing. Pedicuring, Cutting and Singe-
And at Christchurch, Wellington, J. H. Gittos. SPEC- ing. Toilet preparations of all kinds WRIGHT’S, Hamilton. 33
Dunedin. Whangarel & Wanganui.
YOU have omy one pair of Eyes. COMFORTABLE READING OVMI MANNING’S PHARMACY stocked. Try our Electric
Don’t abuse them. —H. GR-O-
COTT, M.P.S., N.Z., Sight Testing
TACLES, scientifically adjusted to
any age.—H. GROCOTT, M.P.S., N.Z
(Opposite Theatre Royal). Wavers, no heat MISS BLACK-
IV’EW Home Sewing Machines.—
Wise people inspect these Ix'fore
“The Live A Zealand for 50 years; hard to Manning’s Main Pharmacy, Certificated Optician, at Manning 0

All Orders Promptly Attended to. MORE, 5.8.C.1., Garden Place (oppo- CENTRAL SUPPLY STORES,
ALL Roads lead to
beat.—E and F. P; ano Agency, Ltd.
Specialist, Telephone 20. 139 site Library), Hamilton. paying foolish prices.—J. H. Gittos.
Agent.” He will sell it for you. Hamilton, Main Pharmacy. HAMILTON.
J. H. Gittos.


As expressed by correspondents, whose
letters are welcome, but for whose
A Unique Opportunity For Two Returned Soldiers
views we have no responsibility. (Opposite HamiltonHotel.)
LADIES’ CHAMPIONSHIP. 200 Acres at £25 per acre. Carding at present 40 cows, HAMILTON,
AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SITE. and 57 young stock. With very little improvement it will do 70
(To the Editor.) cows. House of 7 rooms. All necessary outbuildings. \]4 niile HOOD STREET, HAMILTON.
The links were in perfect order, and in your issue of 6th inst., a from school. Mails delivered. Cream collected. Last Government
as the weather was pleasant the final correspondent advocates the establish-

in the South Auckland provincial ladies’ ment of a Government Agricultural valuation An absolute bargain at per acre. (160) ©

NEW RESIDENCE, 6 rooms, all con-

tournament proved a source of interest College on the Dilworth farm at Tamaki veniences, elevated position, good
to a very large number of golfers at in preference to one at Ruakura. He outlook, nice garden, concrete paths:
St. Andrew’s Links, Hamilton, yester- uivances as reasons for this preference £IBSO.
day afternoon. The competitors were irgumcnls which may be summed up Good Prospective Value and
Miss Wright (Tijnaru), who won the s follows: —• vd) The Dilworth farm NEW BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, i-acre
containing 40 FEET FRONTAGE
ladies’ championship at Auckland last has an area of 330 acres of land, all ol section, electric light, perfectly equip-
week, and Miss Anderson (Christ- which can be made highly productive, 300 Acres at £36 per acre. Deposit /'2OOO. Good buildings to Hood Street, Hamilton, with SIX- ped. A bargain; £I4OO.
church), the former winning at the and buildings already erected which are and farm doing 50 cows. Two road frontages, and within two miles

16th hole, 3 up and 2 to play. The suitable for Die purpose; (2) this land ROOMED HOUSE, is for Sale at HILLTOP BUNGALOW, 6 rooms,
game throughout was keen, though is within 11 miles of Auckland, and is of Morrinsville, and a few chains from the railway. (161) electric light, and usual conveni-
£I2OO. ences. Sole Agents. £I2OO.
the champion always held a varying therefore within easy reach of the
lead of from 1 to 3. Some excellent Auckland University and its attendant
drives were made, and the afternoon advantages; (3) for demonstration ' 1 V WELL-BUILT HOME, 8 lofty rooms,

£250 Cash Required. central position, large section;
saw some good putting. The play was purposes there is a larger area of gum
clean and sharp and was followed with
the closest attention by the numerous
The Play.
land close to Auckland than there is
swamp land close to Ruakura. \our
correspondent is apparently convinced
of the need for an Agricultural College
Wright, Stephenson & Co., ltd. King’s Theatre,
frontage, central; £925.
5-acre, useful

Miss Wright opened with a good

teeshot, lying a possible 2, but she
or Chair of Agriculture, and Is of the
opinion that the site of such a school GARDEN PLACE HAMILTON Apply— FOUR.ROOMED HOUSE, bathrpom,
washhouse, etc., just erected; fhime-
missed the put, though she won out in
should be in the vicinity of Auckland, HAMILTON diate possession; £725.
3 to Miss Anderson’s 4. The latter was but the arguments which he advances
are not convincing. The proposal for
stymied. ,
Miss Wright topped her next drive.
away, but
, •
an Agricultural College touches one of
the keenest and deepest needs of this SOBER HAMILTON. Repatriation. ARTHUR J. SMITH BUILDING SITES— CaII for opr List
of Sections offering.
Miss Anderson getting well
landing in the rough. Both second
shots kept to the rough, and with their
thirds'both players still failed
the green, Miss Anderson topping the
to find
Dominion in the demand for increased
production. We are a people shut off
by leagues of ocean from competing in
the manufacturing world on equal
(To the Editor.)
Sir, —I have been a visitor to Hamil-
ton for the past month. Previous to
that I lived in many parts of New Zea-
TO LET. —RESIDENCE, 5 rooms, three
acres ,handy; possession 10 October,
bole Agents.

ball; her fourth just getting through. terms for the ordinary goods of com-
merce, but pre-eminently fitted by land, and latterly in the King Country, REPATRIATION. LAND AGENT.
4 ACRES, really good kahikatea flats,
10 ACRES well-built home, splendid
Miss Anderson’s fifth shot lay inside where the drink question is very promi-
that of Miss Wright’s, who, with her reasons of seasons and climate for may the
nent. I have all along thought that, RENEFITS
about\ i-hour’s walk into centre
of Hamilton; carrying now two cows,
sheds, milking 8 cows, well situated

fifth, lipped the hole but failed to production of farm goods which were license given to the district, the PROVIDED FOR DISCHARGED EXCHANGE ON CASH BASIS. for cutting up. A suburban snip;
one horse; nicely laid out gardens, with
enter. The hole-was halved in 6. be readily sold on the other side of the trouble could not be kept within reason- SOLDIERS AND SOLDIERS’ live hedges, concrete paths, etc. Good
Both players drove off well for the globe at times when their markets arc
able bounds. It seems absurd, however, WIDOWS, ACRES, CAMBRIDGE, four house five rooms, with h. and c. water,
third hole. Miss Wright’s second bare, and consequently everybody in
this Dominion, whether wharf labourer,
that there should a public house at Under
sheep to acre, or over 100 pantry, washhouse, copper, and tubs, What Can You Offer? 20 ACRES in good heart. Eoomy
house with conveniences, situated in
touched the green, Miss Anderson’s railway worker or farmer is directly in-
both the top and bottom ends of the cows and 500 sheep. Up-to-date house, motor shed, etc. Hamilton’s favourite locality. De-
falling short. The latter’s third shot distinct, and none in the district itself. LOANS up to £3OO to Establish Dis- all modern conveniences, sheds, etc , PRICE, £2750. Cash, £750. Bal-
terested in anything tending to in- charged Soldiers and Soldiers’ posit, only £IOOO. Price on appli-
was not equal to that of her opponent, The orderly conduct of the Hamilton milking machines; i mile school, good ance five years. cation.
while her fourth ran over. She holed ceased production. Geographical limi- people, especially on Thursdays, when Widows in Business. roads. Note —The returns from this little
out in 5 to her opponent’s 4, making tations call for each island being treated .he town is full of people, is, I think, LOANS up to £SO (free of interest) £lB 10s per acre. Can he had as a farmlet will enable the proud possessor 30 CRES, suburban, desirably situ-
by itself, and an examination
of the lesson. I have never seen for the Purchase of Furniture, to live reut free. Would suit retired
Miss Wright 2 up. quite an object GOING CONCERN. LIE NT, with 8 Acres of rich vol- ated, all in good order. Comfortable
The pair got away well for the North Island as a whole, with present during the whole of my stay hero, any Tools of Trade, etc. Exchange for smaller Farm, Mort- farmer admirably. Sections in the home and good farm buildings, A
and prospective means of
transport for signs of drunkenness or disorderly con- SUSTENANCE for Soldiers, or Soldiers’ gages, etc., etc. vicinity are good buying at £250 for
fourth, Miss Anderson’s hrassey second Widows receiving training in Tech- canic soil, Suburbs of Auckland, positive Win at the price
asked. See
heavy goods, points to the Auckland duct ,and I am certain that a great grass; good i-acre.
falling short. Miss Wright readied the
province as the one which will be most deal of credit for this is due to the good nical Schools and Kindred Institu- 97A ACRES—2OO acres now carrying
us pf once.
green with the iron. Miss Anderson tions. house and outbuildings; 1 6 cows, together with
made a good approach, Miss Wright closely settled and most highly pro- sense of the visitors, to the hotel- mile township, school and salcyards, 6
keepers, and there lieing in command FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE to Appren-
laying her third on. The Christchurch ductive. Wool and meat do not lend tices Resuming their Indentures, miles railway; dried milk area; good modern Bungalow of 5 rooms, replete 120 ACRES, Morrinsville. Dairy Farm.
themselves to intensive culture on the of the police i'-rce such an efficient roads.
girl experienced hard luck with her officer as Inspector Sheehan, hacked up or Trainees in Private Factories Walk in, walk out, £ISOO Cash.
fourth, lipping, and holing in 5 to Miss scale which other industries afford, and or Workshops. £32 per Acre. £35 GOING CON- GOING CONCERN. with conveniences, concreted cowshed
the amount of arable land in the Wai- bv his able subordinates.—I am, etc., CERN.
Wright’s 4—a g«od 4, leaving the ASSISTANCE to Men desiring Em- GOING CONCERN, £l7 PER ACRE.
Timaru aspirant 3 holes to the good. rarapa, Manawatu, Hawke’s Bay, and FRED. W. SHORTHAND. ployment, etc.
Exchange for smaller Farm,, Mort- 'and other outbuildings.
Making for the fifth hole, Miss

Taranaki districts is almost negligible BRANCH OF THE DEPARTMENT, gages, and some Cash. 1o 1 ACRES FREEHOLD, all in
grass, comprising 80 acres of
Wright’s tec shot pulled well to the compared with that of the Auckland LIVINGSTONE CHAMBERS, OAA ACRES Will carry 30 cows rich drained swamp, of which 10 acres
rough, Miss Anderson laying a good districts. The experience of the past
20 years has shown that our light lands
Full particulars regarding tho above
now; house and outbuildings;
good road: 8 miles to Hamilton. To are
in new grass, and 40 acres rough
PRICE, £2500. Good Grocery Business
straight one, both seconds going wide. feed, with great carrying capacity.
tire small man this is a good chance. Balance slopes gradually from a long
Miss Wright fell short with her third. can be made very highly productive; SCRIPTURE EXAMINATIONS.
matters may be obtained from the
Equity £llsO, also £BOO In cash,
Miss Anderson approaching to within it is a simple matter to farm high- Repatriation Officer, Can be had as a GOING CONCERN. road frontage. With Rapidly Increasing Turnover.
quality land, but knowledge and skill P. W. HADDOCK, Lease, with purchasing clause at Buildings comprise three-roomed
four feet. Miss Wright then overran The results of the annual scripture and a sound mortgage of £2OOO.
are required to successfully farm poor Livingstone Chambers, Hamilton. £2O per acre. Four years to run. house (good), barn, trapshed,
the hole, which was halved in 5. examination in connection with the 293 £3OO Cash Goodwill. and_ 8- OPACIOUS SHOJ*, with detached
The move to the sixth hole opened land, and this is one of the facts that Auckland Sunday-school Union, held bail cowshed with three-cow milking building 5 i acre. Price of pro-
with two good drives, Miss Wright’s emphasise the need for an Agricultural 1 CA ACRES, carrying 40 cows and plant installed, separator and Ander- perty, £ISOO. Stock at valuation.
on July 8, are now available, and the WANTS A I
being a beautiful shot and hong just College dealing with not only actual following is a list of the names of other stock; Hamilton five son engine. DEPOSIT, £SOO on property and
Tenners. Twenty-eight cows, one bull, and
short, with a pot bunker guarding the farming, but with means of transport
scholars in this district gaining prizes, miles; good house and cottage, sheds, TO 200 ACRES, OF GOOD LANDS. stock. Sole A-gents.
as represented by roads, railways and etc. Can be had as a GOING CON- three horses go with the place.
green. Good seconds followed, Miss honours, and certilcates in the differ- for Ploughing
Wright’s lying just short, but On the waterways. It can be fairly assumed ent grades. The following abbrevia-
with Tractor, 140 acres drained
CERN. Owner will accept house The property is well situated, only
property, etc. five miles from town, one and a-quarter
’ ’

green. Miss Anderson’s approach was that the gross production on ordinary tions are used: A., Anglican; 8., Bap- swamp at Ruakura. —Thomson and
pastoral land does not exceed £4 per 293 miles from school and post pfficS. Enquires Solicited.
short and Miss Wright missed her put
for 4, Miss Anderson winning the hole
in 4—5 and leaving her 2 down.
acre, and yet some of our so-called poor
land is already producing from £ls to
tist; G., Congregational: C.C., Church
of Christ; C.M., Central Mission; 1.,
■ Cream cart passes the door.
With a little improvement this place MOORE-JONES BROS.
Inter-denominational; M., Methodist; would carry 50 to 60 cows.
At what is known as the “long
seventh,” a hole that has proved a
stumbling block in many a medal com-
petition, Miss Wright outdrove her op-
£2O per acre, and by this production
increases the wealth of the whole Do-
minion. To say that the necessary
knowledge .can be obtained almost
P., Presbyterian.
Grade I—First-class certificates;
John Ramsay, Frankton, M., 71; J. D.
Sealey, Waitoa, 1., 65; Margaret Suth-
HTENDERS are invited for Quarrying
-*■ Limestone at the Works at
PRICE, £45 per acre.
pesit. Good buying.
£IOOO de-

Samuel Vaile & Sons Ltd.

R. P. STAPLES, Manager,

Phones: Office, 929; Private Resi-

dence, 979.

ponent, though both drives were good, solely by book-learning is to overlook Karamu. The conditions, etc., may ba
obvious facts, and if it is granted that
erland, Okauia, 1., 66. obtained from Mr Haddock, Karamu,
although the seconds pulled to the Grade 2—First-class certificates: VICTORIA STREET, HAMILTON VICTORIA STREET. HAMILTON.
Miss Anderson’s third also actual field experience is 6i value, the or at my office. The lowest or any

rough. Dorothy Allwood, Walton, 1., 67. EASY INGOING.
went wide, still to the rough, her claims of the Waikato, and particularly tender not necessarily accepted. Ten- (Opposite Killip Bros., Plumbers).
Grade 3—First-class certificates: ders close October 15th. HUGH DECK, Manager.
fourth falling short. Miss Wright of Ruakura, carry much greater weight Arthur Pearson, Claudelands, G.C., 73. H. CRACKNELL ’Phone 694. ACRES, situated about 10
1 7ft
managed a good third, but she topped than the Dilworth site. Hamilton is the Grade s—Honours; iolet Hollis, 276 Public Accountant, Hamilton.
miles from Hamilton on good
’Phones: Office, 100: Residence, 578.
her fourth in playing out of the rough centre of a network of railways radiat- Te road, and in favoured locality, where
Okauia, 1., 81; Nesta Stewart,
and landed in the ditch, while her fifth ing to all parts of the Island, and acces- TO BUILDERS. farms are realising £6O per acre.
found the bunker but jumped out.
Miss Anderson played a good fifth, be-
sible in normal times to a satisfactory
degree. It is the centre of the most
Aroha, M., 81; Doris Collins, Puriri,
1., 80: Edith Hulme, Hamilton, 8.,
nCENDERS are invited (to close at my
Exchange on a Practically all in grass; mostly re-
claimed swamp, with just a nice little 150 Acres, Horotiu
78; Cuthbert Wood, Horotiu, 1., 76; hill for buildings and for shelter pur-
ing hole high, and holing her put she progressive dairy business in the Paeroa office), until 5 p.m. of P.LOSE TO CASEIN AND BUTTER
won in 6, leaving her 1 down.
Both players drove to the rough for
Dominion, and only the fringe of the
land available for this purpose has yet
Madge Dey, Hamilton East, P.,
First-class, certificates; Nita May,
Monday, 20th October, for the erection
of a “Steward’s Stand” in wood, for
Cash Basis poses ; wintered 130 head. House eight ONE
rooms, washhouse, bathroom, etc., cow- MAM’S BAD FORTUNE, FACTORIES. All in good grass.
School and P.Q., Railway Station,
Hamilton, 8., 74; Susan McGregor, shed (six bails) and other outbuildings. Freezing Works, Store, etc. "two miles.
the eighth hole, Miss Wright playing been touched; owing to the system of Hamilton, 8., 66; Edith Yates, Hamil- the Ohinomuri Jockey Club, Paeroa. Two miles from school, railway, cream- ANOTHER’S OPPORTUNITY.
a good second, but falling a shade dairying adopted, meal and wool are Plans and specifications may he had eiy, etc, Will do 50 to 60 cows now.
Band all flat. 15 paddocks, well
ton, 8., 66; Walter Wood, Horotiu, on request at mv Paeroa office. watered; carry 80 cows. House seven
short, Miss Anderson’s second, from a of secondary importance, but that they
1., 73; Kathleen Trail, .Claudelands;' PRICE, £37 10s. Cash required, rooms (well buiit). Large cowshed,
heavy lie, being shorter still. ■ Both are growing is evidenced by the fact E. E. GILLMAN,
thirds went wide, Miss Anderson lip- that in 1905-6 the only freezing com-
G.’c., 72; Kathleen McSweeney, Reg, Architect, £1 KKA EQUITY in house and 10 £6OO.

two yards, all concreted. Milking ma-
Claudelands, C.C., 62; Dorothy Gren- Thames, Te Aroha, and Paeroa. 367 3*
acres situated in best part Note.—This farm is good buying, chines and separator, etc., barn, im-
ping with her fourth, which was a pany in the district could only obtain and to a man who is prepared to im-
1672 cattle for slaughter, while in 1915 ville, Okauia, 1., 70; Ernest Holard. of Hamilton, everything in splendid prove must bring in a big turnover. plement shed, manure shed.
good attempt. Miss Wright also failed 68; Allan Sutherland, TENDERS. FARM OF PRICE, £52 per Acre. £IOOO cash.
Okauia, 1., order. The ideal place for a re- We have inspected, and can recom-
the same company slaughtered 47,611
with her fourth, and the hole was Anyone wanting a good Dairy Farm,
Okauia, 1., 67; Winifred Neels, Mor- tired farmer.. Total price £2BOO,
halved for 5. head, and also by the fact that co- RAGLAN COUNTY COUNCIL. mortgage £1250. Owner is pre- mend. The mortgage
is good. inspect this. You are sure to buy.
rinsville, M., 66; Jean Anderson, Ham-
The start for the ninth was made
with a couple of good drives, Miss An-
operative and other companies have
erected stores especially to handle wool. ilton East, P., 62; Nora Gallagher,
are invited to close at
pared to exchange for good small
farm, handy, or larger place partly
derson using her iron for a hanging lie At Frankton Junction there are butter Mamaku, A., 60; Doris Margison, Wal-
ton, 1., 60.
Noon on SATURDAY, 18th improved further back. Splendid country, at £9 7 s 6d per Cheap and Good
acre, offered at this price to effect

and slicing the shot over the bank. and casein factories operating on a scale OCTOBER, 1919, for the following
The same player also failed in her not greatly exceeded anywhere, and at Grade 6—Honours; Ofa Wernham, work GOING CONCERN. immediate sale on account of ill-
third and fourth, leaving the game, at Matangl there is a dried milk factory Hamilton, 8., SI; Lorna Clark, Ham-


AAKV' gage over dairy farm in
mort- health. 200 ACRES, all in grass,
watered. Carry up to 80
the turn, Miss Wright 2 up, with ap- unique in scale. These places are close ilton 8., 78. First-class certificates;
73; and breaking 3807 cubic yards of Thames Valley. Owner wants im-
QAA ACRES, situated _ about About four Farm contains good house, 5 rooms, cows. School, P.O. and Factory one
Enid Hailwood, Frankton, M., miles from Hamilton. cowshed, milking plant (driv en by
proximately 44 shots. to Ruakura, and other dried milk and
Gladys Major, Frankton, M., 70; metal spawls in Belcher’s Quarry, proved farm up to 150 acres, must 170 in grass; practically all water power), implement shed and mile. New up-to-date house 5 rooms
Miss Wright sliced her drive for the cheese'factories are also within easy near 24|-mile post, on the Whata- acres and conveniences. New 8-bail cowshed
be close to a school. plonghable. House 6 rooms, bathroom storeroom.
tenth and carried over the hill. Miss reach. The largest dairy company in Phyllis Noffke, Raglan, C., 67; Una whata-Raglan Road. and yards, all concreted. Milking
Kirk, Hamilton East, P., 61; Joyce CONTRACT No. 404—Quarrying and and scullery, lOdbail cowshed (concrete 150 acrqs in grass, 12 paddocks, 10 plant.
Anderson followed with a good shot, the world has its headquarters in Ham- £llOO jeowQR!TY ~jjin amodern new bunga- floor); cream cart calls. >
Stock in- acres in oats.
her second finding the green, Miss ilton, and its sharehloders have given Jenkins, Walton, 1., 61; George Wood, breaking 500 cubic yards of con- : 26 cows, 5 heifers, 2 bulls, 6
PRICE, £25 per Acre. £IOOO cash.
Horotiu, 1., 60. metal in Dawson’s and Trew’s cluded Soil is heavy volcanic, well watered by
Wright’s running through. Miss An- authority for the erection of a milk veniences with i acre section, Ham- small cattle, 3 horses, buggy,, spring permanent streams in- all paddocks.
derson won in 4—5 with a 4ft put, Grade 7—Prizes: Mary Anderson, Quarries, on the Waingaro to Nga-
reducing her handicap to 1 down.
laboratory at Frankton, which could
very wqII be used in conjunction with 94, Lewis Anderson 86, and Clarence
ruawahia road.
ilton. Owner wants about 200 cart, separator, cream cans, harness,
acres suitable for grazing. and all implements. Walk in, walk out. bushes.
Country rolling, with six shelter WE from
have a large range of Farms
50 acres, upwards, either
Miss Wright got in a beautiful tee Latta 85, of Frankton, M.; CONTRACT Quarrying and without stock or as goings concerns.
the college at Ruakura for demonstra- breaking 1500 cubic yards of PRICE. £33 10s. Cash required, Ideal climate, school on property,
shot, Miss Anderson following with a Noffke, Raglan, C., 91. Honours:
£1 -01/1/ £BOO sound mortga- £I2OO. Balance fire years, five per P.O. adjoining, 6 miles from township. Grazing Farms ,or Runs, House Pro-
good one also, 'though both did badly
tion purposes. The growing of fruit
Winifred Hulme 84, and Margaret Her- metal in Seavill’s Quarry, at Wai- SOO ges oTer daii-y farms close cent. perties, Suburban Lands, and good
with their seconds. Miss Anderson was
and of honey are overshadowed by the
cus 77, Hamilton, B.; D. B. Paul, ngaro.
to Hamilton. Owner wants any
. ■■ £1650 cash or good securities re-
Note.—The prospective value of this quired, as owner has to leave place on

Building Sections to suit all require-

larger commercial undertakings, but Particulars of contracts may be seen ments.
over-strong with her third, passing the both are possible and profitable in this Hamilton East, P., 83, Louis Stewart, good farming proposition. farm is good. The owner, who has account of illness.
at the County Office,, Ngaruawahia. farmed it for about 20 years, is retir- It will cost you nothing to call.
green, but she played a good approach district. Our roads are among the Te Aroha, M., 83; Catherine Noffke, J. W. CIVIL, This property is suitable for any kind
with her fourth. Miss Wright got in worst in the Dominion, but we are on Raglan, G., 77; Jack Robinson, Glaude- ing. and will meet a genuine man fair of farming, and will earn a fortune to
Gordon Bradley. 140 County Engineer. If you want smaller or a larger farm, square. The place is capable of
a good third, leaving her a yard put to the eve of a good roads movement that lands, G.C., 77; and the first practical man that gets it.
w;n the hole. This lowered Miss An- Frankton, M., 76. First-class certi- send us particulars of your require- great improvement.

has been rendered possible by improved ments. We have a number of really
derson to 2 down. prices and farming methods, and surely ficates: Anna Finlay, 71, and Jean
Driving well for the twelfth, both Hailwood, 61, Frankton, M.; Philip good propositions for exchange, and it
this is a question directly concerning will pay you to get in touch with us.
landed the green in 2. Miss Wright the farm student who has realised that Pearce, Walton, 1., 68; Iris Andrews,
overran the pin by about 4 feet witli production and markets go hand in Hamilton East, P., 60; Joe Enerson, REMINGTON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE FOR EXCHANGE. WARD STREET HAMILTON.
her third, and the hole was halved in 4. hand, that a supply of manure in South Claudelands,' C.C., 60.
At the thirteenth Miss Wright drove America is of no use to him unless he HOOKER AND KINGSTON’S OOA ACRES, about 14 miles from
into the rough, Miss Anderson’s shot Eggs are coming down: and now is Hamilton; good drained swamp
flying out of bounds, though her pen-
alty stroke was a good one. Miss
can spread a little of it over his farm,
and that to do this efficiently the means the time to use SHARLAND’S “MOA”
and undulating country, practically un-
improved; school, creamery, etc, l>i LIVINGSTONE CHAMBERS. Marrinsvilie
of transport must be simple and cheap. BRAND EGG PRESERVATIVE. You ACRES, good dairying land, 10
Wright’s brassey second left her still Stress is laid in your correspondent’s will save money by using it. (5)
rpHERE is any amount of scope in mile. Owner retired. Mortgage £6OO HAMILTON. H O7

miles from Morrinsville on good

in the rough, Miss Anderson hitting a letter upon the fact that Dilworth farm Hamilton for competent Short- ESTATE AGENTS, on 100 acres, balance unencumbered. road; surveyed into 7 sections, good
good third. Miss Wright failed to is near the University. Does he not hand-Typists, Book-keepers and Clerks. PRICE £l3 per acre. Owner wants ’Phone 851. buildings on three sections. PRICE
clear the rough with her third and. think that the University should be near fl. and P. Show.
The demand far exceeds the supply. HAMILTON. house property or mortgages. Equity £22,730. • Cash £2730, balance 5
fourth, Miss Anderson playing a beau- the farm, and that in place of a few THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. £2260. years at 5j per cent. Strongly re-
tiful approach with her fourth. Miss highly-trained specialists that the gen- ■OTAIKATO AGRICULTURAL AND But modern methods of conducting commend this property.
Wright only reached the green with PASTORAL ASSOCIATION’S
eral level of knowledge should he con- business call for Commercial Assistants p.A ACRES, 5 miles from Morrins-
her sixth, Miss Anderson winning the siderably raised and that this is of
SHOW, who have some knowledge of their
ville, adjoining railway station,
hole in 5, making her 1 down.
Miss Anderson’s tae shot for the
greater importance. Reference 'is also
made to the question of buildings, but
£gTH AND j^TOVEMBER. future work. Preparation is necessary.
to gain the knowledge and practice
Sheep and Cattle Run j)OK ACRES, situated within 3£ miles
railway station; school, etc., i
dairy faim, good buildings.
£65 per acre. Cash £I2OO, balance 5
fourteenth went wide of the green, Miss this is beside the mark. If Die Govern- years at 6 per cent. £6O pier acre for
which vou need for the application of mile; all plonghable, 90 acres river flats 1 AQ ACRES, Freehold—Good Dairy
Wright getting within 20 feet of the ment acquired the Dilworth farm and WIDE LIST OP CLASSES AND
all cash.
Miss Anderson's second felt SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, and no timber, 70 acres drained swamp in Farm, 95 acres in grass, 5 i ACRES, Morrinsville, Piako Coun-
pin. buildings it would no doubt be expect- VALUABLE PRIZES. BOOK-KEEPING to commercial work. grass, balance rolling; watered by river
short. Miss Wright’s overrunning the acres lucerne, 12 paddocks, well watered ty. office 1 mile, up-to-date
ed to pay for them, and the money £'lso for Champion Hunter Class. Call and see us to-day about this creeks and springs, water in every pad- by springs and creek; cream cart house and outbuildings, well-watered,
hole. The hole was won by Miss would be better applied to the erection ACRES—Freehold Limestone dock; 130 acres grass, house 4 rooms,
Wright in 3 —4, leaving her with 2 up
20-guinea Soldiers’ Cup. important matter. 94.87 calls. Buildings consist of modern splendid dairy farm. PRICE £IOO
of buildings on land already acquired, ] 5-guinea Points Trophy. D. E. DUTHOIT, Formation, all in grass ex- cowshed (eight bails), concrete floor, American Bungalow, 5 rooms, h. and per acre, cash £3OOO. balance 5 years
and 4 to play. so that every argument used in favour 15-guinea Trophy, Champion Harness Principal. cepting 67 acres in crop and a few barn, man’s whare, etc.; will do 40 c. water, bathroom, etc. Also, separ-
Subdivided at 6 per cent.
Of the two drives for the fifteenth. of Dilworth site (except that of dis- Horse. , clumps of shelter - bush. cows now. ate building, man’s room, washhouse, 1 Q ACRES, 11 mile from Morrins-
Miss Wright’s was the belter, her tance from the University) can be used ;And Many Others of High \ alue. into 26 sheep-proof paddocks, and well PRICE £26 per acre. Cash required

spare room, and small dairy. Farm *•

ville. no buildings, good building
second shot reaching the green. Miss with two-fold force in favour of Rua- watered by creeks and river boundary. £IOOO. consist of 6-bail cowshed and sites. PRICE £IOO per acre. Cash
Anderson’s falling very short, although kura as the permanent home for. the SCHEDULES NOW READY.
Wintering 1100 head of cattle. NOTE: Owner is not a farmer, and buildings engine-room (40 x 16) concreted. Trap- £3OO, balance 3 years at 6 per cent.
she reached with her third. Miss industrial education of those who take doesn’t reach you, just notify to a substantial man will make the in- shed, loose box, feed room, pig-stye, 1 OO ACRES, I mile from Morrins-
If one Buildings consist of a fine homestead going easier. There’s big money in and calf-shed. Property is three miles
Wright’s third fell short of the hole by up farming as a life work.—l am, etc undersigned. Yes, enrolled and satisfied, that is ville, part hilly country, no
of 8 rooms with all possible con- this-

12 yards, but she entered In 5 to her FRED. C. DANIELL. Classes to suit everyone, and every- our record since our foundation In from railway station. Price, £36 10s buildings PRICE £lB per acre. Cash
opponent’s six, Miss Anderson being Hamilton, October 9, 1919. one can do something towards keeping October, 1897. Well over 5500 of our veniences, and another house of 7 per acre. Fuller particulars on appli- £SOO. baiance 4 years at 6 per cent.
This left tiie Christchurch

rooms; about 1 mile apart; large wool cation.

stymied. their district’s interests artd their own students have passed the Public Ser-
shed with shearing machines installed,
competitor dormy 3.
The drives for the sixteenth were
AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SITE. benefit in View by sending entries.
Entries close 30th October.
vice, the Teachers’, the Matriculation,
and other Public Examinations. Over sheep dip, concreted cattle branding I A O ACRES, Freehold; nearly .all
■*•***■* in
GOOD BUYING.—GOING CONCERN. docks; has grass; divided into 10 pad-
good, as were the seconds also, both (Ter tlie Editor.) ,T. M. BAXTER, 300 are to-day successful lawyers. pen, stablet, etc. originally been heavy flax MORRINSVILLE
being «n the green in 3 and 12ft from Sir, —Kindly -excuse me for again 95 Secretary. Several thousands arc holding positions Terms ACRES, about 14 miles from swamp, and is well drained. Farm is ’Phone 176. Box 34.
of high honour and trust in the Busi- PRICE—£I2 10s an acre. KKA from
the pin. Miss Anderson failed with a trespassing on your valuable space, but arranged. Title freehold. Small Gov-
*■* "Hamilton,
practically all plough- well situated, being only 1 mile
real good put, Miss Wright just miss- 1 desire to set you right on one point ness and Professional Wr-M. able, 300 acres grass, 7 subdivisions, railway station and dried milk factory.
ing also. Tiie hole was halved in 5, which you mentioned in your leading METROPOLITAN All has been accomnlished by syste-
matic organisation, rheer hard work,
ernment mortgage.
watered by permanent streams; good
Buildings consist of three-roomed
article of the 6th inst. You ask why house, 6 rooms with all conveniences, liouse, 8-baii cowshed, and engine-
making Miss Wright the winner with
3 up and 2 to play. the Dil worth School of Agriculture is gHOW, 1919. personal attention and enthusiasm.
You mean to succeed, you are ambi-
This valuable property has a main
road frontage, also metalled road right hot and cold waatter etc., wool-shed, 3- room.
Property is now carrying 70
stock, including 27 dairy cows.
Miss Muriel Payton won the driv- not crammed with scholars. It is NOVEMBER 28th and 29th. tious, steady and determined—well, through the property. Situated 21 stall stable, implement shed, cow shed, Price,of .£42 acre. Terms, £7OO
ing competition witii a stroke of 177 simply because the school, as long-ns it just get into line. miles from Ngaruawahia, only 3 miles etc.; school, store, etc., miles, rail- per
cash. Balance easily arranged.
yards. remains Dil worth property is for the ENTRIES CLOSE NOVEMBER 7th. QUALIFY. of the road being unmetalled, which way G miles, metalled road past gate.
training of Dil worth boys only, and the Owner will sell as going concern, 1 and J. CLOTHIER AND CO. QQ ACRES, all in grass, well watered
Schedules Eroe on application to Let us send you, without obligation will bg completed this summer. include 250 ewes, 3 draught horses and
00 and subdivided; 2i miles from
“Friendship Cutteth Grief by Halves.” late .Mr Dihvorth’s will debars out-
—Bacon. siders. Had it not been so, the present THE SECRETARY, on your part, particulars of our Course School and Post Office adjoining; harness, 2 cows, and all implements at TOWN HALL. MATAMATA. Glaxo factory; five-roomed house, 10-
director informs me that the school HALL OP COMMERCE. HIGH of Preparation for the Law, the Ac- Waingaro Saleyards 10 miles. the ridiculously low figure of £ls 10s ’Phone 96. bailed cowshed; will carry 30 cows
Baxter’s Lung Preserver is every cpuntancy, .the Teachers’, the Univer- £ISOO balance ar- easily. Price, £45 per acre. £BOO
friends. Here -s could have been filled many times over, STREET, AUCKLAND. per acre with cash,
day making new as there have been a very great number sity- Book-keepers’, the Matriculation, ranged. cash.
Post Office Box SO.
what one of them says:— of applications from parents of boys or the Public Service Examinations; or NOTE: Wc have inspected this pro-
“Allow me to compliment you on from all parts of the Dominion. Since details of our Course in Modern Office For further particulars apply to perty and can recommend it. Just at ft I ACRES, Freehold, unimproved, ACRES, all level to easy
your Lung Preserver. It is some cold Methods, Book-keeping, or Shorthand, ■*
rolling; about 422 acres in

EMPTY HOUSE FOR SALE. stock carried is low, but five miles from Otorohanga by

writing my last letter, it has become present the

killer. Yesterday my throat was a or Advertisement Writing. to a man good road. Price, £l2 per acre. Only grass, 20 acres in fallow, balance un-
public property that the Dilworth trus-
Say just which interests you, and will do more right now, andmust improved, 12 paddocks, permanent
continual reminder of its existence and teo> intend selling the greater part of the with the capital to improve be one £SO required down; balance can remain
my nasal organ was a perpetual
nuisance. I took three doses of
.estate, which will not only ruin it us a T3UNGALOW, and Freehold, i-acre, write to-day.
college site, but also as a training COOPER AND SORBY of the best investments now offering. at five per cent. This property would
make an ideal fruit and poultry farm.
streams. Will easily carry 800 ewes and
100 head cattle. Four-roomed house,
“Baxter’s,” now my frontal ornament school for their own boys. Such a deci- Frankton Road, 5 rooms, bath- HEMINGWAY AND ROBERTSON'S washhouse, 8-hailcd cowshed, motor
is once more a useful member and my s'oo is scarcely credible, but you know room and scullery, sleeping porches, AUCTIONEERS & ESTATE AGENTS, T fIA ACRES, 0.R.P., at £2 2s 6d. shed, stable, and concrete sheep dip
throat has ceased from troubling, there are some authorities (?) who washhouse. Price—£B2s; £2OO cash. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, LTD., HAMILTON. 1 130 acres in grass; swamp to Price, £l7 per acre. £IOOO cash.
cause the cold hug is at rest.”;—B. think that agriculture can bo taught P.O. Box 516- AUCKLAND undulating low bills. Good dwelling of
Crawford, 20 Symonds Street, Auck- ■i-ith the aid of a shovelful of soil and Apply— four rooms. Quarter-mile from school.
land. a lalwatorv. Let n> frankly admit

( Don’t try and count yourself to sleep Price, £9 per acre. Only £3OO cash
Get a large 2/6 bottle from Chemist that I am absolutely disgusted, with the
indifferent attitude of our Auckland MARTIN WILLIAMS nnHE phenomenal salt- of Jforth
X British Hot Water Bottles is the
because you suffer from cold feet. Get
a “Unique” Hot Water Bottle—the
or Store to-day.
business men towards this very impor-
tant matter. So go ahead, Huakura. i
b»st evidence of the satisfaction they bottle with strongly vulcanised seams
that can’t burst or leak. British-
TF Selling: your Furniture, Ring 830. wish veu luck.—T am. etc.,
LAND AGENT. -dvc Look for the “Unique” Stopper, 54 TOWN HALL. MATAMATA
—Loughiin Bros Phone GG\ a guarantee of satisfaction. 49 made too.

Farm FOis? SALE. Across the Footlights

V Uy Fra Dlavolo).
CO ACRES, all in grass and crops, good 7-roomed house and outbuildings, THEATKE -ROYAL.

New Spring Neckwear

DECEASED ESTATE. & cowshed, milking machines; 4£ miles from Te Awamutu; school 1 Oct. 13, 14.—Boxing Association.
milo ,and Cheese Factory 3-milo; will milk 50 cows. Price—£37 per acre, November 4—Concert by Mrs H. C.
£ISOO cash. Ross’ pupils.
50 ACRES November 17, 18—Digger Pierrots.
LAND, equal
'Ha’vinu easy undulating to Hat,
bounded by the Mangapibo
and WILLIAMS KAA ACRES, L.1.P.—470 acres in grass; carrying capacity li sheep to
the acre; 4-roomed house, hath, etc., sheep yards, dip and wool-

shed; saleyards 2 miles; water carraige to within 6 miles. Price —£8 10s;
October 18—Miss Mina Caldow.
E LIMITED £IOOO cash. Owner would take small farm say up to £2OOO as an exchange. October 27—Choirs Concert.
lhV Farm is suitably subdivided, and
is mostlv in good pasture. At ith a htt.c 15 0 ACRES—B miles from Hamilton hv good road; all in grass; house KING’S THEATRE.
and outbuildings, milking machine, etc.; will carry 50 dairy cows. Nightly—Pictures.
improvement, the property would be a
tirst-class dairying section. Auctioneers & Valuators Price—£4o per acre; £IOOO cash. EVERYBODY’S.
There is a three-roomed


iron shed, cowshed, and

implement Wool Brokers DA ACRES—Thames Valley; all in grass; house, man’s room, cowshed,
etc.; carrying 35 cows, 12 heifers, and 40 calves; 6 miles from Te Aroha. The Waikato Troubadours.
land is clean and well watered, Price—£6s per acre; £SOO cash. The Waikato' Troubadours held a| VESTS.
•and is very centrally situated-
Stock, Station and Land
meeting on Tuesday night, when a re-
and Factory about one mile distant. port and balance sheet were submitted,
The Trustee will sell at which showed the very satisfactory
Salesmen '
FULL PARTICULARS FROM a amount of £G3 7s 8d in hand. It was NEW WAISTCOAT EFFECTS.-
£35 AN ACI!E decided to hold a dance on Thursday,
IGth inst., and to extend an invitation
CASH. Certainly Women never had so many different kinds of Meek things
Victoria St., Hamilton J. W. WALSH St CO.. to the ladies who have worked so
splendidly on behalf of the Waikato to choose from as are presented in this collection now.
(Next to the Union Bank.) Returned Soldiers’ Association. It
IDEAL SITUATION. McGuire’s buildings -
• -
Hamilton was also decided to make Hunlly the You should see what we’ve got for you—latest and prettiest
next place for a performance, and Styles that were ever shown! Daintily tastoful things for
150 ACRES A Real Snip Near
after visiting several other towns, to
finish the season at Hamilton. women of exacting judgment in matters «f correct attire!
and bl ack
km Bisting of chocolate
four acr
oil. AH in grass exceptinghere are
Matamata DALCETY & COMPANY. LTD, Concert by Mrs Ross’ Pupils.
A concert which will create more
The Prices will ©lease vou, and so will the Styles.
f oats and soft turnips. 1 50
cres of lucerne, which harvested than usual interest is announced for


have been favoured with in-
TSThV o? th'e pastures Stock and Station Agents, HAM ELTON.
n Tuesday, November 4th, in the
Ml an, structions from the owner', to
» »

Theatre Royal. The whole of the in-

There are 15 pad- offer his Block of strumental items will bo given by
lean and sound
ocks. securely enclosed The land i» students of Mrs H. Ross,while the ser-
ences and live hedges. 635 ACRES PARTICULARS OF PROPERTIES FOR SALE vices of two exceptionally good vocal
oacied -n three sides
nliiiei -ei elements of 50
acres e
three com-
lould u-.idily cut up intoopposite,
a Idimning,
.act tai'iiw with a school fac-
andLJes each! ,

The Property is only

for sale at a very low figure.


miles f-cm
400 ACRES, freehold, practically all In grass after bush, easily ridable
artistes have been secured to assist.
Some of Mrs Ross’ pupils have already
publicity shown groat ability, and we
can certainly look forward to a mus-
and an important) Mam a good road. About half the farm i- in sheep country; fenced and sub-divided into ten paddocks and watered by per- ical treat. The programme will in-
puhl^ grass, theundulating

Vunh railway station and balance fern and tough feed,
Over 60 manent streams, good house, 7 rooms, motor shed, good yards and and shed, clude compositions by Bach, Beet-
consistently of easy
cows were milked last season. carrying 600 sheep, 50 head cattle and horses (not fully stocked), situated at hoven, Chopin, Rachmaninoff, Mendels-
blood am Waingaro, 17 miles bv road from Ngamawahia railway station, | mile sale-
inied and manured with The property wants clearing .up, and PRICE £l2 10a PER sohn and Greig.
yards, post office and store. 20 miles freezing works. The whole of the proceeds of the
with very little outlay would be made a ACRE. Terms arranged.
The homestead consists hota and com very attractice place. concert will be given to the Hamilton
c-en-roomed house, with THE BUILDINGS consist of 4- NOTE: Inspected by us and recommended as a sound proposition. Municipal Baud, which it is recognised North Island. The company is being!

iter, porcelain
hath, lavatory, roomed house, in fair order; 2-roomed deserves well at the hands of the puo- reorganised before starting out on a 'Phones 622 and 590.
ArJ; “i I;" S
l LdS' 3
splendid race cowshed to hold

whare, in crop, all best lie, It is likely that the opportunity

d s ACRES, freehold, all in good grass except acres 10 Dominion tour. Box 192.
pboards; all m Per

telc- 24 cows, engine and

and ’tele
, separator rooms 100
• dairy land; subdivided into 12 paddocks, house 6 rooms, all epuvemen- of helping such a deserving institu- The King’s Theatre is to be altered
mmodious. Wizard 1. (with concrete floor), calfshed, etc., 4

implement shed, workshop, manure shed, cowshed 6 bails, engine room tion, and at the same time showing and freshly decorated inside and out.
.louse, with permanent creeks; a dam supplies water mile to factory ana Machinery Exchange and Land Agency
AUo Tgood five-roomer
machines; situated 5 miles from Hamilton,
fitted with appreciation of Mrs Ross’ untiring Operations begin immediately.
and to the sheds. There is a 4-cow milking PRICE £65 PER ACRE including new milking labours in Hamilton in many public
throoin, scullery, washhouse school by good metal road. Miss Muriel Starr, on a farewell
hud on to plant, 95 gallons Alfa Laval separator, plant and all implements. Terms arranged. causes will be fully availed of by local lour, is likely to be the next William- Horse Bazaar, HAMILTON.
randahs. The water is engine and steam boiler, all in _ good music-lovers, and that the Thejatre son attraction to come to New Zea-
cow. running order. Abundance of timber
or'plant could be run by water Royal will be crowded on November land. FARMS, HOUSES & SECTIONS
for fuel, OF—
ed and engine and separator
looms, 4th.

The management of Everybody's
5-cow Tr owor. International Harvester Company FOR SALE.
tanks with water laid on, TITLE OF THE LAND—-310 acres to dispose of Theatre, with commendable generos-

45-gallon Alfa-Lavr separ We shall be glad to receive particulars from those wishing Comedian or Tragedian? ity, has offered to give half the pro- ftlorrin Top Dresser and
.1.P., tent £56 per annum; 325 acres their properties, when our representative will personally inspect eacn

ir plant, e pio-
including the al jr '
AM Farm [Machinery.
r AH the tloors, mewable Government Lease, rent £36. p>.rty placed in our hdnds.
One sometimes gets glimpses in ceeds on Tuesday night towards the No Cash required.
r A are heavily concreted.
Standard Unsurance Company.

ituated one mile from School. Proper- Charlie Chaplin’s work of something uniform fund of the Hamilton Muni- On Easy Terms.
op’, 2 iron extensive
sheds, 4-stall_ stables, im- Write us, and we will send you land forms. Truck
es surrounding this are selling up to which gives one the desire to see, the cipal Band. No doubt t there will ue Titan Tractor I.H.C. Motor 341 Acres, Going Concern, £l6 10s.
shed, piggeries, and
ement valued 34 per acre, and at the price we are world’s greatest comedian in a serious a large audience. 107 Acres, £4O.
windmills. The buildings are Tcring this there is a very big margin role. There was such a “bit” in SECOND-HAND Binders, Mowers, 104 Acres, £3B.
Williamson’s pantomime, “Goody *■-
Bakes. Ploughs, Discs, Culti-
Th(fproperty head >r the man who will do a bit of work. “Shoulder Arms,” screened at the Two Shoes,” is attracting large audi-
cattle, mostly
has wintered 90spnng-
cows with a few Our Client’s Price for a Quick Sale is
12 per acre, and he will accept small
LAND LAND LAND Theatre Royal during the week. The-
along the line, despite the high
vators, Drills, Top Dressers,
Engines, Separators, and Machin-
227 Acres, £46.
150 Acres, £35.
yearlings, and mil carry 6 disappointment at the non-receipt of ences ery of all sorts. Easy Terms.
g heifers and lash Deposit, or take Mortgages as )AA ACRES, freehold, good heavy sod, nearly all level and ploughahle, his mail, and the joy when he finds
rates of admission. The pantomime
ecuritv. paddocks, 100 acres grass, balance fern and scrub, carrying 25 cows is “pencilled” for Hamilton this month. GET A ROLLO’S BOOKKEEPD G BOOK FOR DAIRY FARMERS
IhtsTs virtually a
,d the price is £OO per acre,
suburban farm,
heifers ,7 horses; house 6 rooms, cowshed and outbuildings,
nite trom that he has been accidentally over-
looked, and that, after all, there is a Will-that
“pencilling” be fulfilled?
of £2500; balance five years 0 ailway station, school and creamery. PRICE £25 PER ACRE GOING CON- Those popular youngsters, the “Lee
package for him, was vividly portray- Kids,” have formed their own produc-
posit 0 INSPECT THIS AT ONCE. CERN. Terms can be arranged.
sis per cent. m , a
ed, and was one of those incidents ing company.
WE CAN HONESTLY RECOM- ACRES, 0.R.P., 100 acres in grass and rough feed, 80 bush, 4 pact;
Their releases have
, , ,

t QA docks, 3-roomed cottage, 8 miles from Te Kuiti, school h. mile. PRIOc that brought a lump to the throat. been secured for the Theatre Royal


’ROPERTY WE HAVE HANDLED. There are many people
13 10s PER ACRE, £330 cash, balance Government mortgage. and King’s, Hamilton.
Assigned Estate >QO ACRES, freehold, 60 acres, grass, balance bush, imdulat,n
-“o miles from railway station. PRICE £6 PER ACRE. £loo cash,
tor e that had not Chaplin been a great
comedian he would have been a Barrie Marschel’s pretty song,
“Where the Old Waikato Flows,” is
greater tragedian.
ASSS little dairy farm of 200 acres, about lucres ! ,eve
' in the lithographer’s hands, and will
be on the market shortly. A Very

A riRS
rolling, balance good drained swamp well subdivided and w
Gtoad cov shed. en mo
atered, good sel
Mina Caldow Concert.
large number of orders for the pop-
Speaking of Miss Mina Caldow, the ular lyric have already been received.
icme of 6 rooms, wash-house and hath room
339 ACRES 150 ACRES—Freehold, 15 paddocks,
s rsS«
New Zealand contralto, who will give
a concert in Hamilton shortly, the The Choirs Competition, to be held
endowing practically all in grass, rich flats; in Hamilton on Labour Day, promises
Consisting of 190 acres, ease 200 acres
land of good quality, and well-watered; 7-roomed house in
foS Sentry.
350 in grass 42 bush-this
Dominion (Wellington) recently
—"lt was with great delight that one p. to be enjoyable and interesting. Mr \

good order; barn, cowshed, 3-bail .1. Bennett, of Knox Church, Auck-
•first-class IVaipa River
flats produced splendid
last season, and are now
crop of oats
in stubbie.
plant, separator, etc.; concrete
yards; carry DO cows easily; 2
well fenced and subdivided into
s limestone and papa formation, and wu la £
,nd yards. 1 mile from school and factory. PRICE
’-p £l3 per
listened to the finished vocalism of land,
Miss Mina Caldow. She produces a
full-bodied contralto, ablaze
will act as judge. In the evening
with u combined concert will be held in
the “Best in
from township, frhere are all
m grass.
There are 100 acres comprises the Long Run
Hall. *

musical colour, in the freest manner, Town

The homestead
roomed house and usual
a new
4- veniences. Dried Milk Factory
going up in district. PRICE—- littlT
propertv , and those in search of a small block of
her enunciation is impeccable, and she Wallace Reid, in “The Man from
Range,” and a Fatty Arbuckle
house, 8-bail cowshed, £S2 PER ACRE; £IOOO CASH. is blessed with that rare interpretive Funeral
man’s 2-roomed (1337) spirit which gives each song its own
comedy, arc the attractions at Every-
A first-class proposition.
Subdivided iut.l2
good sheep-proof fanemm
Chis would suit two returned soldiers. aura.” The Hamilton concert will be body’s
Barry Lupino, the well-known com-
given in the Town Hall on Saturday edian, has entered vaudeville, and!

All Sizes
paddocks’ by
New Zealand Loam amd Mercantile
8 miles °f
and is situated within miles from post J® next, October 18.
Awamutu, and about 3 factorv, 100 ACRES—Freehold, 12 paddochs, will open at 1 Fuller’s Opera House,
and 5 Auckland, on Monday night.
office, school and cheese all first-class land and all in grass
Agency Company, Limited,
Harry Lauder to Retire.
miles from the railway station. and crops; 4 rooms and scullery, At the Theatre Royal to-night, Viola

in Stock
treatment, i Harry Lauder, who is now regaling Dana and Harold Lockwood will head
This farm, with proper cowshed (concreted floor), engine- with his hu-
prodne- homely
reported to be capable of g'cat room, separator, L.K. 3-cow plant,
crowded houses the two star features, and at the King’s
tivitv, and is good buying at £26
barn and implement shed; li miles H A M ! LTO N. mour under the- J. and N. Tail direc- Theatre Connie Talmadge will be seen
£rooo, and the tion at the Princes Theatre, Mel-
ACRE. The depositais long-dated fir&o Creamery and Railway; milked 30 in “The Studio Girl.”
balance, subject to cows last season. PRICE—£47 bourne, reports that he will never be
mortgage of £SOOO. may remain
PER ACRE; TERMS, £IOOO heard in the Commonwealth again, as The largest stocks in the Dominion
fire years at six per cent. it is his intention, after another short MUNITION WORKERS
Going Concern
CASH, or would sell as a going THE
concern, with all stock and imple- lour of America, to retire definitely
ments at £53 10s per acre, £ISOO into private life. “You see, I’m get- take “Just as Good’
ALSO IN THE SAME ESTATE. cash. We can recommend this ting on, and at my age <a man begins (Much has been written of the deeds
farm. (1334)
'to look forward to a little leisure. ,and self-sacrifice of thoseplace who have tires as “Goodrich.” If your
For 20 years I have been working ’gone to that uncertain
745 ACRES At £2O per acre hard, and have been at the beck and “The Front,” but little has
at home,
said of
Garage cannot supply* apply direct
) R.P., open, heavy bush country,
call of managers, often without con- the workmen
sidering my own personal inclinations. by working long and
arduous hours, to the NiZ. Distributors.
os an acre for the Freehold. _2OO Eng Half-acre. near Water Tower, Another thing, I want to retire while made the continued prosecution of the
iave been
felled, and put down in
Hamilton. Price, £600; terms,
still m my reputation is bright. 1 don’t want war possible.)
ish grasses. The balance noisbuildings, £125 cash. Balance free of interest
land of excellent quality, 220 acres in grass, well watered AGENTS:
!eavy bush. There are for two years; then 6 per cent. OQA ACRES bush nearly all ploughable; has wintered <0 head
cattle for to* hang on, like some veterans I and jar
and 2£ miles
'here is one subdivision present and fenced; Buildings : New 5-roomedhouse, know, until my powers weaken and my Clangor and jangle, and bang PARA RUBBER CO., WARD STREET,
The carry- last three years; will carry now 50 cows. failure becomes patent to all." ’mid the dingy ironworks gloom,
f 7-wire fencing. Plenty of good budding and HAMILTON.
ng capacity is 100 head
cattle, and tc all conveniences; also several good outbuildings and Creamer} and S r Day in, day out, month in, month out, in

£3 10s goodwill. per
irTce isbalance, five years, six
cent. Gould and Hethenngton fencing timber on property. Handy to School
PRICE, including Stock, Implements and new up-to-date
Furniture, £2O The Castles Girls.
Miss Eileen Castles has arrived in
the same smoky room;
Good God I Is this how some must spend
these freely-granted years?
’PHONE 422.
LAND AGENTS, HQARUAWAHift. and electric power supply. Sydney from abroad, in fulfilment of
Situated en route of new railway line

The workmen come in the tender dawn

a contract with the Grand Opera Com- —in the fields is there dew on the
GOING CONCERN. pany now appearing in Sydney. Miss
Castles, who expresses her delight at
Rimless glasses
being back in Australia, lias been ap- By ones and twos, with no glance at
Apply early— pearing in grand opera and in concert
FREEHOLD. the. clouds, through the grimy
work for several yetrs past in Europe portal they pass.
I in grass, comprising 80 acres
of and America. She was in Vienna be-

e in new grass, and 40 acres

;h drained swamp, of which 10rough
>d with great carrying capacity,
fore war broke out.
At the close of her Australian lour,
Miss Amy Castles, who is with the
Their clouds are the smolce from the
furnaces, their flowers the sparks
that spring,
T£ AWAMUTU And the agonised cries of the beaten
ilance slopes gradually from a long
OUR Land Agent
J. C. Williamson Grand Opera Com- iron their sweet buds’ jargoning.
s I pany, will return to America for a Weary, at night, from out their gloom,
thrt e
Buddings comprise }

series of sixty concerts in the United

use (good), barn, trapshed, and 8- sooty back-bent gnomes
States and Canada, under the direction The like


cowshed with three-cow milking men struggle forth in silence, and

II of the Wolfson Bureau.
A Choice Dairy Farm
,nt installed, separator and creep to their crowded homes.
“De Luxe Annie.”
Twenty-eight cows, one bull, and
reo horses go with the place.
EYEGLASSES Miss Emilie Polini and the mystery
The winter comes, and the spring-time,
and the summer brings its beat,
The property is well situated,
only play, “De Luxe Annie,” are pleasing And the autumn comes so golden with

e miles from town, one and theatregoers in Wellington immensely. days that are calm and sweet;
iles from school and post
WITH SPLENDID HOME AND FREE FROM ALL WEEDS. This is what a city paper has to say But what of all this know the iron-
earn cart passes the door. this place FIT ON THE NOSE 'VITH of Miss Polini: —“Fortunate indeed workers? All days for them are a
With a little improvement DELIGHTFUL EASE and COMFORT, was the management in securing so strife—
>uld carry 50 to 60 cows. satisfying an artiste as Miss Emelie With noise, and dust and darkness—-
PRICE, £45 per acre. LIUUU ae-
isit. Good buying.
Kevealing the Natural Beauty of ths
1 Q A ACRES FREEHOLD, all in grass, well subdivided into 14 paddocks Polini to sustain .the name role. More and for makers of arms—this is TO YOUR SATISFACTION
wyes, ancr JIOU a n i n the best of heart. Splendid six-roomed house, with all con- than anything else her extreme natur- Life I
veniences; up-to-date 8-bail cowshed with concrete floor and yards; water alness—her effortless art—made its R. R. MACGREGOR.
Givinc tho Wearer a Pleasing supply throughout shed and paddocks. Barn, stable, implement shed and appeal to the audience, Miss Polini
A GOOD SHEEP FARM. piggeries, mil easily milk 80 cows. Two and ahalf miles railway and town- is blessed with sunny youth, and a
ship ley good metal road. personality that makes friends. She BISU RATED MAGNESIA RELIEVES For j First Class Materials and High c lass
bush country, PRICE, £36 per Acre. £I2OO cash. Balance arranged.
is a blithesome,easy-going, unposeful
young woman of the day, with a mus- INDIGESTION IN FIVE MINUTES.
limestone and volcanic P., 10s, and
‘prising 500 acres O.R excepuon-
ical voice, attuned to every emotion, There is no doubt about it. Bisurated CO viE TO
5 as. Bremner
by way of Magnesia is
acres Freehold, all lying good
and though she comes the one real, stomach
well to the sun, and a really America, her accent is beautifully Eng- remedy which makes chronic dyspeptics

Ithv place. All in grass excepting

Do McL
lish. As for the rest, she is all wo- smile and forget all about their trouble,
acres shelter bush. The grasses are
;fly best English mixture-
good, and consist of a

SPECIALIST. PRATT AND BAYLY, manly charm, and big audiences will if your stomach is out of order, due to
learn to love her, as has been the case 'irregularities or indiscretions in eating
everywhere else. As Annie she acts —partaking of food too rich or over-
med iron house, lined and very and HAMILTON with rare fidelity, strength and charm much in quantity, giving insnffie;-""t
table; up-to-date shearing shed
(London Experience).
Licensed Land Agents, time to mastication, or any other suffer sinu-
ds and concrete dip. . ,

'here are seven subdivisions ana

in every scene.
A Sad End.
lar causes—you need no longer
after every meal. The acidity which is
cos are first-class. miles, cream art. the cause of nine per cent of stomach
•he school 's 2*
ises within 3
mile, wharf 11 miles, TE AWAMUTU- Wallace Brownlow, at one
favourite operatic singer, who was re-
time a troubles can be immediately neutralised
bv taking a small quantity of Bisunitr' 1
the property is 30 miles cently found in the Exhibition Gar- Magnesia, a powerful, effective
winter comprise dens, Melbourne, with his throat cut, quickly operating corrective, which un-
Restock earned
sheep, 125 cattle, and 14 left a letter addressed: —“To the Cor- doubtedly does, and by its very natur
pure-bred oner and any inquirers,” which read: must, counteract the discomfort and
TAKE NOTICE —“What 1 have done I have boon pain-inducing acid fermentation. Hcr.c ■
,e'property would easily carry 750

that we are now m full swing, and are r.aclifs suffering from th c after effects driven to lay the continuous boycot- immediate relief and the pleasant ai ,1
sheen, besides cnttie. CPHE NEW ZEALAND FARMERS’
we know prepared to effect of Influenza, or Falling Hair, before ting hy every theatrical management. enjoyable experience of entire freedom
ds is the best little placethe money. A CO-OPERATIVE BACON AND cutting, consult EGIFTUS. this from the ills and inconveniences arising
3 day, and is
cheap at RELIABLE REPAIRS Penniless, and asked to leave
cash, MEAT PACKING CO., LTD., FOR REMOVAL AND CURE OF hotel because, I cannot pay my rent, from sour stomach. Bisurated Magne-
IICE, £» 19s. £llOO
lencumbercd. WILL RECEIVE PIGS. AS UNDER: to any make of C:ai, or any Electrical SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Ihere’s only one way out. 1 ve tried sia is certainly worth trying, am! : :
or General Engineer! p*; Plant. for every kind of work without any quite easy to obtain, as v<»ur

OCTOBER, 1319. This Treatment is unique and quite nowd-

success, and being very bred of it all, chemist stocks it- in tablet _and

Cambridge—Gth and 20th, ID to 2 unlike auvthing on the, market. form, the choice of which is ontirc'y "■
V>’e Specialise in FOR RESTORING PREMATURELY have decided lo take myself before the matter

Hnutapu—7th and 21st, 10 to 2 of personal inclination or pret<—-

IT HE Ohaupo—Gth and 20th, 10 to 2 MACHINE ANT) ELECTRICAL GREY HAIR Great Judge, who 1 know will he more in bath

WORK, This Treatment is not a dye, but an merciful 'than my fellow-beings.— once—it is equally efllcacious ou wiu
I I j

To Aivamutu—7th and 21st, 10 to 2 cases. Get a bottle to-dav.

Tirau—Gth and 20th, 10 to 2 Egyptian Herbal Remedy. Wallace Brownlow.” result
Farmers’ Co-operativ
lie quite as pleased with the as
Hinuera—7th and 21st, 10 to 2 having the necessary machinery anc’ are the thousands of people who have

n'ant to carry out same at a Jottings.

Matamata —Bth and 22nd, 10 to 2 For Promoting and Stimulating Growth already tried it and appreciate to the
Mr and Mrs John 11. Tail came over full the immunity from stomach pams

! 'J aupiri—6th and 20th, 10 to 2 REASONABLE PRICE.

a uctiotsect mg Horotiu—7th and 21st, 10 to 2
I Wnihou—7th and 21sfc, 1 to 3
For Removing and Cleansing Dandruff
lo New Zealand fiym Australia with and discomforts Bisurated Magnesia
the J. and N. Tail Dramatic Com- has afforded them.
Waitoa —7th and 21st, 10 to 12 pany.
from the Scalp.
WARD STREET, Morrinsvillc—Bth and 22nd, 10 to 2
i Frankton Factory—Gth and 20th, 10 &
Mu!!an, Whyte, Hoy Go- EGYPTUS
Mr J. A. Macdonald, business man- Proeandr.-i is a wonderful cure tor
ager of Hie Te Koas Concert Parly, hard or soft corns. Try it!

j to 4. DESPATCH GARAGE, 15 JESMOND CHAMBERS, has returned to Auckland, after a suc- Bnrrnclough’s Magic Nervine Cup-c
All communications to ho addressed cessful .tour with thQ company ia the Toothache, 47
HAMILTON �-f\ The Company, Frankton Junction* HOOD STREET. HAMILTON* HAMILaOr>.

back, and call him a jolly good fellow. up our tracks—sake of Barbon and the
THE LUCK-PENNY Affairs—politics—that was it. What girl. How
a fool he had been not to have seen you send a note to your partner telling
do it? Suppose

for a Mediter-
it from the very first! lie knew tint him you’ve gone
Sarbon had lived nearly all his grown- ranean cruise—don’t know when you
(By Oswald Wildridgc, author of Cap- up life abroad, and he knew also how will be back. You can spin the same
tains and Co., Paul .Musgrave, etc.) the most unlikely of men were drawn yarn to your housekeeper. That suit
'4/( into the vortex of political intrigue. you? Well, now we can gel away.

cv Chapter Vi I.— The Coming of Martin Why, there was Stevenson, a man who
What’s that? My boat, the Coquette?
simply loathed the politician and ids Oh, I’ll soon settle about her —send a

Cass. what
craft —even he was unable settle wire from London telling Jacobs
About Ids llrst impressions of Martin down in ids island home without get- to do. lie’ll perhaps have lo bring
Cass, Myles was never quite sure—-
ting himself unpleasantly involved in her round to Marseilles. Now, off
could not say exactly whether lie lik- tiie question of government. And you go and tell Mrs Griffiths what
ed the man or disliked him, trusted or probably Barbon was the same. For you’re up to.
was tilled with doubt. The chief rea- aught one knew, ho might even have “Want to know about the Coquette,

Free Patterns son was that lie was too completely

taken up by die man’s errand to care
about the man himself.
cast eyes on some remote throne, and do you?” lie muttered, as Myles hur-
the plot had cracked up' about his ried from Hie room.
ears. Herein also, lay the secret of glister Hayton; you’ll get mgre out of
“You wait a bit, “

That SEAL Guarantees

or me Season’s
Nut that there was anything sensa- tiie Cleopatra; lie had abandoned her this expedition than you’re dreaming
Congoleum Quality

lioiial about the manner of their com- at sea, changed lo another ship, lo lof.” Then an evil grin swept away
M ing together. Nine months had pass-
throw somebody off tiie scent. ■the sneer. “The Coquette!” he said,

smartest materials
ed since tiie departure of Wise, and Though it was really a most expensive lingering over the words. a “The Co- says the salesman.
F the Adventurer, after a run of short device, and, so far as could be seen, quette! Jove! what a name for the

v//i[ t; voyages between Eastern ports, was not nearly so affective as if he had •little lady! I’m prouder of it than
now homeward bound. Myles was sil-

sunk tier. Anyhow, lie knew his own (ever."

ling by the fireside with a book, !o business best, and if he thought fit
VJjVE are glad they put the Gold

Seal whore you cant help seeing It,
because it protects both you and us.
which, it may as well he confessed,

VV7E recommend Congoleum Art-Rugs wherever a low-priced floor-

to ding Ids money about in this way, (Chapter viii.—En . Route for tho Un- covering is desired, for there is nothing else that answers the
It is the desire of every woman to

lie was not paying very much atten- it, was no concern of anybody else. known. purpose so well. First, it is sanitary and easy to keep clean. There
choose her dress fabric needs from tion, when Cass sent in Ida card, and The best of it all was that Ruth was For ever so long after he opened is no burlap in a Congoleum Rug, so water won’t hurl it. A damp mop
afterwards followed it into the
the smartest weaves and colourings
alive and well. And now that he had bis eyes Myles lay quite still, doing will keep the colours clear and bright.
room.' Rising to meet ids caller, Myles begun to got tiie hang of tiie matter, (absolutely nothing except stare at the
produced, and those who reside found himself looking into a pair of Myles could sec that it was “real do- W’hite enamelled panel with the gilt

CECOND, a Congoleum Rug is very durable. The surface is wcar-

away from the city have equal or clear, searching eyes, cold as steel, cent” of Cass taking all tins trouble, beading stretched flatly about a couple resisting and absolutely sanitary. Then too, it lies perfectly flat

3^5 and resolute. He also discovered that and he must lay himself out to make of feel, above his head. This, because without any fastening.
even better opportunities than city
residents of making collections
HK they belonged to a man six or seven
years older than himself, well set up
him welcome and at home. his brain had not yet resumed its 11
A ND remember, this Gold Seal which is on every genuine Congoleum
sfc®? By a few further inquiries he glean- work, even though his eyes had once **

Art-Rug, guarantees every good point / have toldyou about them.

IB 8
through the medium of our and carefully groomed. That his visi-
ed that Cass was engaged on a pleas- jnore opened on the world. “

THE most surprising thing about Congoleum Art-Rugs is their low

SAMPLE SETS. tor had spent many years in a land of ure-cruise aboard his own yacht, had j When he really did begin to think, A price. Let us show you the many beautiful designs in our stock.
sunshine, probably a land of torrid arrived at Southampton only yester- it was in quite a dreamy, semi-con-
fSs PATTERNS OF need longue
SB Representative of the Season s heat, there was no for any day, and had taken train straight' scious fashion, and it was all about Ask to see these famous Floor-coverings at
complete ranges, and inclusive of all
Voile to tell, for ids face was tanned to the through to Liverpool. A more sus- ithe white wood with the gilt orna- your nearest Congoleum Service Store.
!«®SSS!S2s Muslin depth of brick-dust, and also fever- picious being might have asked, “Why mentation, and nothing else. Queer
;■ LT i that is recognised as the latest and Crepe idlten, while his frame carried not an Southampton instead of the Mersey?" jsort of ceiling—that was the first im- Booklet of Congoleum Designs in fall colours Free -

Write for it.

best, thece Sets permit of a selection Tcbralco ounce of superfluous flesh. His man- had no room in ills head queer sort of ceiling. What
Prints but Myles pression;
ner and his carriage, too. were marked for dubious thoughts of anybody just did anybody want with gilt trimming?.
at leisure in your own home. Gingham measure of abounding confidence Congoleum Company
by a then, and the point was allowed *o And why in the world should they Inc.
—“swagger” was one of the words pass. He also discovered that Cass have put it in that place, right on top
Every fabric requirement, whether Poplins that Myles was inclined to apply to it had no friends in England, only a few rof a man’s head? And what was the Launceston Building
it be for Frocks, Costumes, Blouses, Suiting
—and yet there was nothing really business acquaintances, and no fixed matter with his head? It felt as Customs Street East -
11*1 Nurse Cloths
Maids’ or Children’s wear, all are Drills offensive about Idm. Rather did he plans; and the upshot of the meeting though it was clasped by an iron band,
hear himself as one invested with au-
included in the Sample Setts, and Limine
thority. one accustomed to command.
was that within an hour his visitor’s something that gripped it tight and
!R Gabardine luggage had been brought from his iurt. And what was the matter with
will be forwarded to you POST Cotton Georgette But, after all, it was his mission, hotel and Cass himself was installed, his tongue? The thing was more like
FREE upon receipt of request. Pique the message he brought, that mattered, in the house of tiie Haytons as a{ ■sand-paper than a tongue, rough and &

Bedford Cord and almost as soon as lie spoke Myles

Fill in your requirements on the guest. A most acceptable guest, to), idry as tinder. else, too—-
Monrseau Checks forgot all about the man and fastened lie promised to be; a man who had There was something
he had come to say; GUARANTEE

form below and post it to-day. Colton Cashmere on to the thing travelled, far, seen all the queerest that noise. Surely it was very fam-
Nsstasilk Checks

for here was the mystery of the Cleo- corners of Hie globe, and was a mas- iliar—the watery swirl, like the swish SATISFACTION GUARANTEE!*
Nextasilk Stripes patra lasheh again into fulness of life. ter of speech, able to paint a'glowing of Hie sea against tiie hull of the ship OR TOUR MONET VUL


tab fcnruKDED
Cot-dines First of all there was the usual glad- word-picture and garnish it with —a swiftly speeding ship. That was
1 he Household Sets. ],n-tros
Arm ores
lo-meet-you business, accompanied on exactly
the part of Cass by an apology for
the colour it called for.
Over their pipes that night frag- 'thud, thud of a propeller.
it, the swish of the sea and the thud,
He would

Panama Suiting
intrusion. ments of the life his guest had lived get up and look round; only, he felt’
"But I’m sure me,” and
The Housewife who is desirous of serving the needs of Besilda
you’ll forgive
were revealed, and Myles learned that •so confoundedly tired indifferent,
ho went on, “when I tell you that I until Barbon retired the two had been it was too much trouble to do any-
the linen chest to the best advantage, should not delay in Crepnline am a sort of ambassador.” He smiled in partnership as South Sea traders, thing at all. Besides, his head was SK2
writing for our Plousehold Sample Sets. Eolienne quite knowingly. “Yes, I’m sure That was the term that Cass applied horribly fuzzy, and that iron band held 5^

Calicoes, Sheetings, Longcloths, you’ll let me down lightly when you to it, with a sly laugh. A regular lit so tight. Accordingly he closed his
These comprise Lawns, Garbene
Damasks, Dowlas, Flannels, Flannelettes, etc., as well as N.Z. Tweeds hear about
sent it. Though even
lh<y message—and who gold-mine he declared the business to eyes again and lay contentedly listen-
without such of the
& Sr
Tricotine be; nothing so slow as ship-owning ing to the soothing gurgle ttsss:
many useful Furnishing Fabrics. an excuse I ttiink I should have want- HATNKfr—•!?&
Worsted Suitings
ed to give you a call, just to have the on Country had lo offer. For proof revolving blades. J
the Mersey, or indeed anything the water and the rhythmic beat of t n
Serges Old
Silks tale of the Cleopatra at first band.” it was only necessary to look at Bar- By-and-by he dozed off, and when
The Cleopatra! And a message! bon. Not by any means an old man—- he woke for the second time sensa-
Never did fisherman go angling with a big chunk of his life still lay ahead tion had recovered some of its power.
a more effective lure. Myles flung

Choyce, Ltd.,
—he had been able to retire and j Looking about him, he discovered on
Milne & himself upon it. Here at last was a throw all the cares of money-making his left hand a port-hole,
man who knew something, a man who to the winds. For that matter, he Which Hie sun was streaming, and on
was able to nod and smile, and almost might point to himself as well, only his right the fittings of a' fairly snug

Queen Street, Auckland. without speaking let it be seen that a young fellow, quite an infant com-
he could tell an he would. But for pared with Barbon, and yet he could bow and looked down at the floor
cabin. He raised himself on his el-

the present his visitor was not dis- leave the concern in other hands and .and all around, but found nothing to
posed to speak. All the eagerness of go gallivanting about 'the world, see-
Myles Hayton seemed to leave this ing its sights and having a rattling membered having seen before.
(sharpen recollection, nothing ,he re-
Martin Cass unmoved. Myles wanted good time generally. | he turned to the
other side, the big

to' drag the whole thing from him, and beheld
One puzzling thing about this bus- j round of the port-hole,
every scrap of his knowledge, every was its indeflniteness; every re- the sea racing past in long flumes of
and the name of iness
word of his message, white-lipped waves—the open sea, ap-
ference Gass made to it was provok-
the one who sent it, and Gass simply
stood there mocking him with his
ingly vague. General trading was one parently—not a yardswept of land in sight.
over him.
coolness. of the descriptions he insisted on, but A flood of alarm
he also explained that it was a scheme What ship was this? How did he
“Yes,” he drawled away, “I think I And why? And
of trade peculiar to that part of the come aboard?
must have read every line that was world, its pursuit being attended by when? And where was he being cav-
written about that amazing adventure. some measure of danger, for which rled?
1 was tremendously amused. Inter- It was all so fearfully fuzzy, vacu-
there was ample compensation in very
ested as well, of cours'e —naturally, profits. This was as far as ity itself; like looking into the heart
had reason to be—but I was more handsome 'of a fog, knowing that there was
he would go, and even over this con-
amused than anything else. To think cession to curiosity ho/vvas so strange- •something behind it, and yet having
how that little, abandoned ship stag- mysterious that Myles found him- no power of penetration. This was
gered and bewildered the whole world, ly by a flood of suspicions •one of the thoughts’ that assailed him;
self assailed
�t4 ESCBOBd v1 ami yet behind the blinding mystery that it mattered so land the next, that* the chain of life
there was—laughter!, Oh, it was speculations. Not concerned, hut he had snapped, that he had lost his grip
the far as Cass was
is that? Did I know had
rcb! What resented the bare possibility of Rulh nn all the past, everything that
Cleopatra? Well, I should think so. be ever so in- gone hcfore. Was it going to be like
No one heller—as you will see for
yourself when the time comes for you
being linked—let it
directly—with anything shady. How- That with him? Lost
memory—one of The Tea With Aroma
ever, the suspicion soon wore away, those human derelicts you read about
to learn the whole story. But I’m and the bond between the two men in the papers, bereft of-identity, cut
afraid you’ll have to wait a bit for the away from everything worth having
daily grew in strength.
i cvelation. The secret is not mine to then, to the epi- —creatures with nothing
behind them
Then Drink it Once and

give away. Lips sealed, and all that This brings us, It was an appalling
telegram which was pined to cling to.
sort of tiling, you know. But
the proper time arrives—well, you’ll in the hands of Cass
when sode of the

fireside on a
as he loungedi ■thought, one that lit the
Monday night in in his brain.
The mere possibility
, of panic
Yon Will Always
see. Really, the thing is ridiculously by the stay. With an spurred him on to
effort, a supreme
simple. No mystery at all—at any Hie third week of his attempt to recover himself, to recap-
rate, not when you know; only laugh- air of indifference lie opened it, just
ture his life.
ter—a huge joke! And I’m rather as though the receipt of telegrams From circumstances he turned to

fond of a joke. Oh, yes, mighty fond was one of the ordinary happenings |
vague sur-
of his daily round; but as he watched! ■things, to persons; from
of a joke." equation; and
lie was in the him Myles saw the widening of his mising to the personal a smile signalled the
Engrossed though wrinkling of his brows, almost at once
j j

declaration, Myles was startled by eyes and thfc the conquest of the terror. Memory was
right," Gass calmly informed
what seemed to be the stab of a sneer; “All no answer.” Then awake again. There was
Ruth, whom

hut his glance of suspicion was maid; “there’s who was at

he read the telegram again, and after- ;he had lost; and Wise,
answered by an ingenious smile. He wards and —and—ah! he had it now—-
stared steadily into the lire, aj sea; was Cass —Martin Cass, in whose

was confronted by a face that rippled there

with rollicking fun. But there was no blend of perplexity and rising excite-] a journey.
and brofee into, company he had set out on
infection in it, no magnetic quality nqcnt. Finally, he rose
strong enough to coax a response. an incoherent sort of apology. Mcj Yes he remembered the starting, but
all. He was floundering
per lb.
awfully sorry, but lie would have that was
It was revelation that Myles clamoured was Great nuisance—couldn’t un-] again. What of the middle
and the
for, and this man had nothing better to go.
to do than trifle with laughter. A derstand it either —but most pressing] (■ml?
First of all there was the telegram,
shock of anger gripped him. The sec- —no lime for delay. Might be very to Lon-
for—somebody—if he bung and then the train journey

ret he had followed over half of Eur- awkward the Channel,

back a moment too long, and s,o— the boat across
ope lay in this fellow’s keeping, and Paris, the Care de Lyon, and the Sud
there was nothing else lo be done.

all he could do was to stand there Express—the Sud

Perhaps Myles could tell him the time express—the Sud

fussing and smirking at the bidding of and a drink from Cass’s


of the first train to London. Better Express;

his own preposterous sense of hu- a ldask; and falling asleep. There the

still, perhaps he : would look up and sleep.

mour. And Myles himself being a through run to Marseilles. Yes, it pdventure ended—-thenoflask
poor hand at concealment, Cass read could trace it further. The
was Marseilles *the call came' from. He
him like an open book.
And then he became slill more con- rest of the journey was a blank.
“Sorry," he murmured, his sen- Marseilles was a blank too, and like-
“I was fused, bit/queer sort of way, as though wise the arrival on the ship. Way
his lip, and looked at his
tences somewhat clipped.
tiost in a
forgetting. You will want to know was he on a ship at all? They had
he were weighing him up.

about—your friends. Shouldn’t won-

“I don’t like to leave you out of set out to meet Barbon and Ruth, and
der if You’ve
been very anxious.
There is no need for anxiety. They it,” he
said at length with a gush of .here he was out at sea, reeling along
candour. “And there’s the message—- at sixteen or eighteen
knots. _He
are quite safe—and well. Happy, 100, I brought. It sort of clears must have beenrailway, ill—that was it—-
think; though about that, of course, the one the and Cass had
I way—makes you one of us—so I taken ill on
you can never be sure. Anyhow, the looked after him and brought him
think I may toll. You’re entitled le- course,
Ruth—Miss Barbon, you know—wish- aboard. As for the ship, of
thal much. Of course you will un-
ed me to tell you how she regretted derstand how vital secrecy is in the he saw it now—everything was as

The New Big Six, the hasty manner of their leaving you.
Site has been quite distressed, about
it, fancying that you might have mi
understood, must have thought—all solute
matter. A word may mean—I don’t .plain as
know •-
to —our
the wire’s from Barbon. Something ’from
print. This must be Bar-
yacht. Barbon’s yacht,
Ruth, perhaps, only a few yards away
him! It was a magnetic thouglu.

Studebaker’s Masterpiece. manner of tilings. But she is sure that we never looked for must have. •Ho would go and see.
you won’t blame her when you hear—-
happened. He’s at Marseilles, anti he (Continued on Wednesday.)
what there is to hear." me. Don’t like it
wants mo—needs

This, of course, was better. A

all. At Marseilles, aboard a yacht
solid fact at least. It was good to at —Ruth with him—poor girl! He’ll The Manawatu Times says—A dark
Mighty power, superb strength and massive dignity are expressed
in the know that Rulh was
had feared Hie worst, and Myles made
alive when he
ruin her life,/if hels not careful." gentleman arrived in Palmerston and
the Studebaker lines of Big Six. This magnificent car “Ruth —in danger 1” Myles blurted handed into this office a pink pamphlet There is no hiding the fact that the majority cf owners
refined and clear-cut a confused acknowledgment of his out, shocked and scared; but Cass purporting, to contain “poems in com-
is the achievement of
crownihg the unsurpassed manufacturing resources of appreciation. But there wore still so cheeked him. memoration of Admiral .7ellicoc s Visit.
enjoy the .distinction- and beauty of the Dodge
blanks. Eagerly he demanded Brothers Motor Car. It is essentially masculine in its
the Studebaker Corporation—the that, best an organisation with 66 years of many
,f .that was all. Had she not sent him “Suppose you look
for me. Save time. Then you can as “a
up those trains Webster’s dictionary defines a poem
composition in verse written in convenience and essentially feminine in its comfort
high tradition, a capital of and the keenest engineering brains in anything written by her own hand?
along to the station and see me certain measure
whether in blank verse and ease of handling. It deserves it great popularity
Cass lapsed into*the darkest come
in its service can produce. Again or in rhyirto, and characterise*! by
the world mystery. He was sorry, but that off. Do our talking on the way. imagination and poetic diction.” The
he precious—every-
because it gives great value.
would never have done. There were Minutes 'may

speed of 60 miles aa hour annxmgly simple, thing. And while you’re doing this I’ll
production is marked “copyright! The' Gasoline consumption is unusually low.
With an engine capacity of 60 to 65 h.p. and a reasons. It was "l!
and throw my tilings into but we are sure the author will no.
upstairs The tyre mileage is unusually high.
and upwards, this splendidly-equipped seven-seater automobile challenges merely a very wise pivc.v.Cson—a fact
my bag.”
deny us the privilege of culling one
which Myles would acknowledge from his garden of
Myles was still poring over the time- fragrant blossom
comparison in its beauty of appearance, smooth and quiet application of power, out any hesitation II'" moment lie
tables when Cass again swept into the meiodv: “Lord Jellicoe has his loving BOOK ORDERS NOW AS INCOMING SHIP-
comfort of appointments and superlatively high standard of construction with heard the full story. But foe the pre-
sent he would have to trust the girl room.
wife attending at his side; let us pray MENTS ARE SOLD LONG BEFORE ARRIVAL
regardless of price. God to protect her life, may the angels
the world’s greatest quality cars, and her friends. Where was she? “I’ve been thinking,” he broke out
be her guide”!

George Henning Ltd.

disapproval excitedly, “I might do with a hit of
Cass shook his head in no telling. Two heads
of the question. That again was part help. There’s
very important that it hotter than one. Not lo mention two VAGARIES OF A COLD.
5-seater, equipped with electric light and electric self-starter, 5 detach- 0 f ii )o secret:
THE LIGHT FOUR, should bo kept hidden for a while; pairs of arms. What d’ye say to com-
able rims and tyres, one‘man khaki hood, etc., 1 actory finish You can never be sure where a
Danger? Oh ing with me? I’m pretty sure Bk- AUCKLAND AND HAMILTON.
“ ” •••

THE LIGHT SIX, 5-seatar, similar equipment, Factory finish ...

not for lone, hut


hon won't mind. Anyway, I’m willing cold is going to hit you. It may
seats, similar equipment, Factory finish... no; not the slightest—then he
THE 31G SIX, 5-seater, with 2 auxiliary dear,
to risk his wrath. Anil as for Both merely a cold in the head or it nny
Specially painted to purchaser’s order,
• extra.
hesitated —well, not for the girl; hut The old smile, so suggestive, attack yeur throat and leave you the
she had her father to think of, and about his lips, and iic lelt t.io a nasty cough, or it may settle in
llio.ro. was abundant reason why he flickered
that. “<H course,” lie lungs and leave some lung trouble.
should lie doggo. Not that there was reference at il
added, “there’s your ships. If you’re All these tilings may be avoided
,J 3on ©3 Toit 103 &CU Osj Ltd.
anything discreditable: hut
p,n i)oing a man of the world, and too busy”
also in touch with life as 11 was lived
Mr Hay-

But he got no lu

With Ruth in

danger! hold on
you lake Chamberlain’s
Remedy. Even if the cold has got a
you Chamberlain’s Cough

AGE UTS in wilder parts, would understand.

with —things
Myles would go to the end of the Remedy will quickly cure it, and if
Men got mixed up - the most trifling taken at the first symptoms of the
And again the man smile,:! earth to render her,
his head a sagacious jerk. service; and although this was nai cold il will nip it in the bud.—Sold C! IMPLEX Milking Machines, Reid gAND gOAP.
and gave
THE AH THU] l ATKIN VEHICLI VV. L. FAVILLE \Fairs ! The word was invested what he said to
Cass, it was the i.i- everywhere.
and Gray Farm Implements,
FaC TOUT, LTD., specialise in AND BAKER, with magical power. It brushed all lerpretation given to Ins acceptance “Mooro” Benzine Lighting System, Germs Cannot Live Where it is Used
PASTRYCOOK Economical nouscKecpers arc now

lh L nest awav. Into the dark places of the invitation.

Cylinder and Lubricating Oils of finest
Motor Lorry Bodies. All Vehicles Re- VIOTOUTA STB LET, HAMILTON. ■
brain ’a Hood of light swiftly "Ah, well; that’s all right," said preparing to put down their supplies quality always in stock.
tyred while you wait.
Motor Trimmer and Hood Builder em
Experienced Country Orders, Wedding and Birthday of ills*’
M'des felt that he could Cass. ’“Glad I
'thought of it before I of preserved eggs. There is no pre- price list-
Send for
Cakes receive our prompt attention wished course, you’! , need to servative like SHARLAND’S “MOA” Write for quotations for BE SURE ANO ASK FOP
ployed. All farm implement's repaired and dispatch. have thrown up his hat in sheer, exuh- got away. Of de-
bjnl you explain your p
ßA\l> EGO PRESERVER. Just try goods for your milking plant. Only

Hours: Friday, & a.m. till 9 p.m. ..rani delight. He wanted to

shake, he careful how

“THE CORNER,” him on the parture to your people. Must cover it.
Hamilton East Other days, including Saturday, 8 till
6 p.m. ’Plio”" R 367 S and 367 M.
hands with Cass again, pal ... • <= > highest grade rubber goods stocked.
’Phone 34GS. V.O. Ilos 112. PEA lIS ON'S!
Day 'phone 11; after £• p.m.. Hvt
Farmers’ Auctioneering Company, Lid. Farmers’ Auctioneering Co.
harness, quantity of household furni-
ture, geese, fowls, etc., 2 cattle dogs.
Luncheon provided.
Tuesday, October 21, n a.m. DALGETY &
-CO.. LTD. Turnips Swedes Mangels.
Entries solicited.
Auctioneers' -Note—We advise those Let us quote you tor your next supplies of
SEVEN MILES FROM HAMILTON. who aro in need of dairy cattle, imple- TE PUKE STOCK SALE. SUTTON’S, CARTON’S, HURST’S
ments, etc., to attend this sale. AH Manures Seeds Fencing Materials Sundries
WILL EXCHANGE FOR A cows haro been tested, and heifers are Tuesday, October 21, n )on.
RST.OLASS jyJORTGAGE, from tested cows, and are for absolute We are Sole N.Z. Agents for, and have full Stocks of
fJAMILTON OR £.l sale. Entries Solicited.
WOjLSELEY Slieep Shearing

51i ACRES, fertile,

Wednesday, October 15, a.m.
Tuesday, October 21, 11.30.
MacJimes and Engines Crass & Clover Seeds
QUIBBLE'S DIPS Liquid and Powder

loam on ana puwnt JSS Entries solicited.

ploughed, but require turning over
will do 30 cows easily. f 4 roCims
, with uantry. scullery and wash-
40 bacon pigs
Entries Solicited. EEEOI The Celebrated Disinfectant OF TESTED GERMINATION
CRITERION TEA etc. etc. etc.
There is a snug sound House otn , a splendid new stockyard,

a• small^
house; and .a trapshed miclJ there arc five subdivisions. Seed Oats, Woolpacks, Dips.
Wednesday, Octobe- 15, 11.30. WAINGARO STOCK SALES. *

The fencing is sound, . j the railway 5i miles.


The school is one nulc dist n nanc ,


Entries solicited ELMSHURST TEAS •

®sh Sr&SS &Jr Awand>1‘«»the Equity £lll7. 3 -YEAR STEERS PSA 2,4, 6 and 8-tooth ROMNEY LINCOLN EWES, with lambs at foot,
HAMILTON STOCK SALE. 9Q tjOxJ e qual proportion,
different ages, first-class line. 42s 6d.
ACRE, 2 tooth LEICESTER-CROSS EWES, with 80 per cent lambs at foot.
THE PRICE IS £.5 an 130 2 year steers
3SS» Thursday, October 16, 11.30.

scarce, and this merits mspect.on. 15 Hereford bulls, 3 to 5 years

2,4, 6, and 8-tooth ROMNEY-CROSS EWES, 90 per cent of lambs
Sole Agents— 3QQ HEAD CATTLE Entries. Solicited. at foot. 435. ■*
N.Z. L. and M. A. Co., Ltd.
6 and 8-tooth HEAVY-SKINNED EWES, with lambs at foot, good
Co-op.- And. Co
fat steers

10 HAMILTON GULL SALE. line. 41s.
Tbe 70 yearling steers
16 fat cows
20 store cows
Larid o*3'p3.E*£sTXcrvt HAMILTON 80-yearliug heifers BULLS, ail classes 2-year purebred POLLED ANGUS BULLS quiring accommodation for the pur-
20 empty heifers

WANTED chase of stock must make arrange- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd. .
x Shorthorn bull Entries solicited ment prior to purchase with the man-
NGATEA STOCK SALE. SHEEP 1000 agement at Head Offipe, Hamilton. Entries Solicit-nd.
T H|IOCKDl AiiK §ls| -Bu y°e?s.
Tuesday, October 14, noon.
'*so fat eweS A
STOCK ARE CASH. Buyers Monday, October 13th —Mr H. M. Me- Friday, October 24.
management 40 pigs

prior to pun-ha.se.
the Entries Solicited. requiring accommodation for the pur-
Wednesday, 15th October Gibbon, Whatawhata
at Head O/lice,
Hamilton. 60 beef chase of stock must make arrangements HEAD r T l'e.
80 3 and 4 year steers WASKOU BULL SALE. FARMERS’ CO-OP, AUCT. CO., LTD. prior to purchase, with the management gQQ HEAD CATTLE Wednesday, October 22nd—Mr W. H.
McCoukey, Mangapiko 200 C A

at Hamilton. 3 year pedigree Jerse;. bull, Lord.

TO FARRIERS ' ' PEDIGREE CATTLE SALE AT Thursday, October 16, noon. 40 Head Beef Bobs,” by sir Kuf.ts (24 10), dam-.
HAMILTON. For client, 50 to 100 acres 70 Fresh-conditioned «Ernpty Cows
Special Notice.
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1919, 10 a.m
Entries Solicited. Abraham and Williams, Ltd.
WANTED— close to town. Send us particu-
lars at once.
(wintered on turnips and young
Pencarrow’s Hope
Entries solicited.
i )

OPARAU STOCK SALE. MAIN ROAD. 50 2-year Empty Heifers

In Instructed /by Mr H. M. McGibbon,
Wool, Hides and Skins Store
o>jp Entries have been received from the Thursday, October 16, 11.30* HAMILTON TO CAMBRIDGE.
CLEARING SALES. 100 2-year Steers who has sold his farm, we will sell N.Z. LOAN AND MERCANTILE
following:—• 200 Yearlings (mixed sexes) the whole of his Live and Dead Stock, AGENCY CO.. LTD., HAMILTON
AuoKland is completed, and we are Heifers

Ten Miles to Hamilton Clearing Sale and sale of property—F. 50 Dairy Cows and
JERSEYS— Entries solicited. including:—
E, E; Day, Chilcott and Webbey, A. Four Miles to Cambridge. Heitmann, Waikino, Monday, Also on account of client, his whole
now receiving Hides, Calfskins and Hei d of
A. Kay, A. J. Dempsey, Thos. Church, 20th October-
m iik
Sheepskins. Send to us and
support Mrs L- K. Storey, H. Windsor, W. J.
HaU, J. F. Vosper. Thursday, October 16, 12.50.
Important Land Sale PAEROA STOCK SALE. calve
1 Fat Cow
15 Calves
N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency.
Consignments SHORTHORNS—
Meui* own Company..
BY MESSRS Monday, October 13, 1 Yearling Shorthorn Bull ANNUAL SPRING CATTLE FAIR,
T. O. Blackett, Jas. Bell, John HAMILTON STOCK SALE. 4 Farm Horses f TE PUKE.
should be forwarded to Fisher, Robert Fisher, W. J. Corrigan, Entries Solicited. AND 30cwt. waggon, gig and harness, 16in
Andrew Kay, G. E. Churches, Edward HEAD CATTLE Thursday, October 16,
OQQ M.H. plough, s.f. disc plough, M.H. TUESDAY, OCTOBER I4th.
The Farmers’ Auctioneer-
Co-op. Alien, F. Potts, R. D. Fisher, Dr. CLEARING SALE AT OKOROIRE. LIMITED, HEAD CATTLE. disc harrows, chain and tripod harrows, At II a.m.
Auckland, Gribben, Corboy Bros., W. Wallace, J.
THURSDAY, October 16th, Noon.
15 3-year Empty Heifers 200 tine harrows, swamp harrows, Cam-
ing Co., Ltd., H. Wiltshire. \
VICTORIA STREET, 50 Mixed S- Yearlings 100 yearling steers (good line) bridge roller, No. 4 McCormick QAAA HEAD CATTLE'
50 Mixed Cattle

Hamilton, FRIESIANS— In the 50 m.s. yearlings mower, 10ft McCormick hay rake Comprising—-
or can be left In our Stores In
J, Loughlin, McCabe Bros., T. Dut- Favoured with instructions from Mr Entries Solicited. new), plough
cows (nearly swingletrfces_, -100 Fat Bullocks
who has sold his farm, 30 store
W. R. J. Callaghan, harness, 3 cream cans, 3 milk cans,
r e Aroha, Maiamata, Otoro- ton, W. Darrell, G. M. Watt,
Ohaupo, wo shall soli on the above date, the PEDIGREE CATTLE SALE AT 1 wellbred Berkshire sow and litter 100 4 and 5-year Bullocks
Wright, H. Lock, F. Quinn, Whewel! On Entries Solicited. vat, 2 tons chaff, draj. saddle and 1000 3 to 4-year Steers
Live and Dead Stock,

whole of his HAMILTON.


or Te Bros-,. G. Taylor. CLAUDELANDS, breeching, cross cut saw, maul and 1000 2 to 3-year Steers
hwiga, Te Kultl. Taumarunul as under:— THURSDAY, 23rd OCTOBER, 1919.
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14th. 1919. CAMBRIDGE BULL SALE, wedges, portable boiler, quantity 75 Cows, forward condition
ij .T.'H. Henderson, Wm. Henry.
j AYRSHIRES— COW, close to profit 12 o’clock noon. second-hand galvanised iron, 1 top 200 Store Cows
1 Heifer, close to profit Favoured with instructions from the
At 10 a.m. Friday, October 17. grass manure, quantity household furni- 150 Empty Heifers
NOTE —Hides and Calfskins should A. H. Clements, F. C. Litchfield. ture, host sundries, etc. 100 Choice Yearlings, P.A. and Here-
HEREFORDS— 1 Yearling Heifer PUBLIC TRUSTEE, we will offer TIRAU STOCK SALE. ford V
possible. W..A. Powell, A. H. Waring- 1 6-months Heifer for Sale by PUBLIC AUCTION, in Entries solicited. Luncheon provided. 200 Mixed Yearlings
be salted, If
5 Thoroughly Reliable Harness the Estate of the late T. J. SMITH—- Tuesday October 14. Sale at 12 o’clock. 75 Mixed Cattle
NOTICE. 2 Good Hacks subdivided into
150 ACRES. HEAD CATT I. h OHAUPO STOCK SALE, -300 Ewes, fat and forward
sale on account of
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15th, Noon 2 Boys’ Ponies.
One 30cwt. spring waggon, 1 15cwt, THREE HANDY FARMS of 50 acres, 000- October 18. Saturday, 300 Mixed 2-tooths
A. T: Frost, Kiwitahi, has been
two having frontage-to the Main Road,
spring waggon with seats, 1 spring cart HAMILTON-CAMBRIDGE, and one 30
2-year Steers
3-year Steers Entries solicited.
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14. 50 Choice Ewes and Lambs
altered to WEDNESDAY. October 15th. Favoured with instructions from Mr (carry 1 ton), 1 6-passenger coach (re- Entries solicited.
A. T. Frost, Kiwitahi (late Chep- with frontage to the Main BRUIfT- 5 Empty Cows At 12 p’clock.
. rtiell’s farm), who has sold his farm,
movable seats and top), 1 double buggy WOOD Road. 5 Store Cows CAMBRIDGE STOCK SALE.
CLEARING SALES. (carry six), 1 single buggy with pole HEAD CATTLE. N.Z. LOAN AND MERCANTILE.
fv we will sell, on the above date, the and shafts), 1 10-passenger coach (seats A RARE OPPORTUNITY! 20 Yearling Steers MONDAY, OCTOBER 20. AGENCY CO., LTD.
avhole of his Live and Dead Stock, and • top removable, leaving an ideal
20 Springing Cows and Heifers HEAD CATTLE 12 3-Year Steers
W. Squires, Motumaoho—Monday, Oc-1 aiotinder—

tober 13th 30cwt. waggon), 1 set single buggy Quality of Land: .

OHAUPO STOCK SALE. 100 2 year steers J. 'Brown,- W. A. O’HaJloran- 303’

harness, 3 sets double buggy harness, 10 Fat Steers 120 Yearlings
A. T. Frost, Kiwitahi (late Cbepmell s The very test in the Waikato. Pro-

DAIRY COWS, Shorthorn, 2nd 8 Fat Cows i—■bnm n

23 1 break- iiuimiiji
set uliw^—
old farm)— Wednesday, October 15th 2 double waggon harness,
perty is all flat, and every inch is 20 Empty 18-Month Heifers
and 3rd calvers Tuesday, 14th October 4 Fresh-conditioned Cows
J, R. Handly, Netherton—Wednesday, 5 S.H. 2i-year-old Heifers, pure ing-iii harness, 1 ‘4-horse set waggon ploughable. Good live hedge fences. 20 Springing Cows and Heifers
October 15th. harness (chains)., S pairs winkers, 1 4- The land requires some little attention, 10 18-months Steers 150 Fat Ewes

Dispersal Sale.
bred, to calve Entries Solicited. M.S. Yearlings

horse collars, buggy backhands and but at the upset price there is a very 50
J. Callaghan, Okoroire— Thursday, Oct. 14 S.H. 2-year-old Heifers, pure Springing Cows and Heirers

breastplates, 1 pair waggon breechings,, big margin of profit to the buyers. 50 Entries Solicited.
W. A. Robertson, Koromalua—Monday, bred, empty
9 S.H. Yearling Heifers, pure bred, 15 gem’s saddles (splendid order), 7 FACTORIES: Within a very short
HAMILTON DAIRY COW SALE. 3 Good Breeding Sows, at profit J^ISPERSAL gALE
bridles, 1 Ford motor car (.1914 model, radius 15 Good Porkers PEDIGREE CATTLE SALE At of the
October 20th empty 5 5 there is a DRIED MILK FAC- Wednesday, October 15. CLAUDELANDS, HAMILTON.
as new), pairs buggy lamps,
W. Prentice, Taniwha—Tuesday, Octo- 8 S.H. Yearling Bulls, pure bred good TORY and THREE CHEESE FAC- DALQETY AND CO., LTD.,
ber 28th lanterns, 1 stable generaior, 1 horse TORIES. Noted Dllworth School of Agriculture*'
12 S.H. Yearling Heifers clipper, 1 Bengol oats crusher, 1 Turnip Entries solicited. HAMILTON. Tuesday; October i4th. 1919.
Mrs J. Young, Motumaoho— Wednesday,
pulper, 1 spray pump, 2 coppers, shovels, theTERMS:
10 S.H. Yearling Heifers Being a Deceased Estate,
October 29th Terms are 20 per cent on the-, fall MILKING SHORTHORN HERD
,12 S.H. Yearling Steers forks, picks, scythes, hayknife, etc., 2 Entries to date
Thames-Hauraki pumping plant—Thbts- of the hammer, and the_ balance on the
4 Hand-reared Calves RESERVE. A

tons coal, 12 sacks feed oats, 2 sacks date of possession, but,

Calf fleal
dav, November 27th if necessary^'we ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT
. ;1 Shorthorn Bull, 2 years, pure maize, 3 tons good chaff, bar, 50 empty

Dilwolth Trust—Monday, December Ist >:bred 3 sets can arrarlgo a First Mortgage for five Messrs Thos. Church, Ti B. Insoll, A.
In conjunction with A. Buckland chaff sacks, 1 three-horse least half of the amount. The berfl numbers about 140, all-
1000 Sheep and Lambs double leading bars, 1 wheel jack, 6 years for at Moreland and Son, H. Greville, J. F.
and Sons we will hold a clearing sale 340 Romney Ewes and 88 per cent ages, all of which are entered wi or

krfee rugs, 12 horse covers, 1 wash- Owing to the short notice .given, we Vosper.E. D. McLennan, A. Gower. :
of pedigree stock aud pigs lambs but IS j eligible for, the Milking
90 Fat and forward Romney Hog- house (10 x 16ft, built on skids, with are unable to get plans printed, pro- Herd Book.
FOR PRIVATE SALE. gets, mixed Methven copper and set tubs attached), will forward a rough tracing of Manufactured from the Finest Ingredients Procurable. SHORTHORNS—
This sale affords a rare opportunity
1 400gah tank, rubber-tyred gig m perty to all those interested.
23 Fat Wethers IS Messrs Andrew Kay. G.' E. Churches, for breeders to secure specimens of the-
good order, good hack and harness

PEDIGREE BULLS of all breeds Don’t miss this opportunity to obtain Geo. McGhie, J. C. Begbie, H. Greville. best Milking Shorthorns in the South-
232 Hoggets, mixed sexes
mare (very fast), several rolls wire a small area in the Picked Position of A Perfect Substitute for "Whole New Milk.
2 Pure bred Lincoln Rams ern Hemisphere to-day.
netting, household effcets> (including the Waikato. CONTAINS FRIESIANS— The sale will be held at the Dllworth-"
CAMBRIDGE STOCK SALE. 2 Pure bred Border Leicester 2-
No. 1 Orion range and English piano. All the necessary food elements, balanced in perfect propor- Whewell Bros., I Farrri, on the Ist December. Papatoe-
tooths Luncheon provided. Do Not Forget the Date: tion, giving the calf the foundation of a healthy constitution.
Messrs G. M. Watt.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13th, Noon. 4 Draughts, work anywhere, Jno. Perrow, C. S, Moule. toe and Otahuhu stations 2 miles

staunch and good PRICES: farm.

EaF noon, at o’clock 2001 b Sacks £2 12s. 501 b Bags. 13s 6d. F.0.r., Auckland. Full particulars and catalogue later.

H CATTLE 6 Hacks and Harness Horses 12 At AYRSHIRES—

700 2 Purebred Berkshire
. litters
Sows, v 'lh
Friday, October 1~ 10,30.
Bags, £1 6s- 251 b
Bags, 6s lid. F.0.r., Auckland. Messrs J. and C. Watt, A. N. Macky. PRIMROSE MCCONNELL,
12extra choice fat bullocks HAMILTON.

50 Good Laying Fowls Entries Solicited. HO Otahuhu—-
100 4 to 5 year bullocks HORSES jf all classes Apply to us for all information re-
42 2 to 2 ahalf year steers -12 Ducks
One d.f. plough (Reid and Grey), 1 quired. Our cars are at your disposal

80 18 months cattle, mostly steers 1 bay gelding, yyrs, by Musketry

any day you wish to inspect. 28 < HAMILTON DAIRY SALE.
Oliver plough (nearly new), 1 iron

30 2 year steers 1 gelding, 7 years, by General

Branch Office Ward Street, Hamilton stock.

20 steers (beef)
plough, 1 cultivator (13 tines), I set Wood, very good hacic
discs harrows (16 blades), 1 Cambridge

’Phone 817. Wednesday, October 15.

30 fat cows
20 store cows
roller, 1 4-leaf tine
: harrows, 1 tripod On account Thos. Hackett, Huntly Hoadley, Son and Stewart, Ltd.

and 'chain harrows, 1 3-ton lOcwt. 2 draught geldings, 6 years old, by DAIRY COWS AND HEIFERS
40 2 year empty heifers block waggon (nearly new), 1 block
42 2 to 2 abalf year steers, off turnips
Baron Rosen QAA EWES, .with 80 per’ cent
80 15 to iS mouth cattle, mostly
dray, large rick sheet, 1 4-seater
buggy (good), 1 Colonial
drill (with
Entries Solicited.
' ! Entries solicited.
OvfU lambs
150 EWES, with 100 per cent lambs -

40 springers
turnip seed 1 OF THE CELEBRATED 450 GISBORNE EWES, with 90 per
barrow, 1 bag grass seed, several small cent lambs
30 yearling heifers lots grass seed, 1 grindstone and frame, CAMBRIDGE BULL SALE. For over thirty years we have specialized in Wednesday, October 15. 200 STORE COWS, in. Jots to suit
15 empty heifers 1 sledge and fittings for another, 7
rpURAMOE . J^STATE purchaser
the manufacture of
60 mixed yearlings i ; tori 4 manure

and lime, chaff sacks, Friday, October 17, noon. HE A D CATTLE 14 Fresh conditioned three-year
X2 Shorthorn yearling heifers
!great .quantity of manure sacks, 2 good 250 -

fat hoggets HOADLEY, SON & STEWART, LTD.,
Milk and Cream Cans

25 iron sieves, part barrel tar. seve- Entries Solicited. 125 YEARLINGS

BULL? of all classes have been instructed to Offer by

20 ewes and lambs ral barrels, block and, tackle, 4 40 TWO-YEAR STEERS
Public Auction at EVERYBODY’S
2 pggd bacon pigs and 3. sets of bars, 7 pairs chains, OHA UP 0 HORSE FAIR.

SO pigs Entries Solicited. THEATRE, HASTINGS, on This long and varied experience and expert GOOD LINES.
pair spiders, 5 sets plough har-

EWES, with 100 per cent

1 good set gig harness 4-horso TUESDAY, 21st OCTOBER, 1919. knowledge, combined with the equipment and Wednesday and Thursday, 150

ness, set cart harness, set

I set discs
WAIHOU STOCK SALE. October 15 and 16. Jambs
reins, pair single reins, odd harness, At 2 p.m.
pulley and rope, 4 large spoke chains, Friday, October 17, noon. organisation that we bave built up, enable us 200 EWES, with 100 per
«1 maul, with rings, 2 spray pumps, to give you the BEST. Sale at 10.30 a.m. each day.
sledge hammer, wedges, 4 cream cans 1150 ACRES HORSES OF ALL CLASSES EWES, with 100 per cent
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13th, Noon. (good, 4 to 8 gallons)) wire netting Entries Solicited.
SUBDIVIDED INTO ABOUT Our cans are sold throughout New Zealand 350 100 lambs
(nearly new), fencing wire, part drum
timber, 60ft inch PIRONGIA STOCK SALE. under the Registered Brands “IDEAL” and 120 Unbroken Colts and Fillies from
KQ BULLS, I to 3 year (Holstein and linseed oil, 18 x 6-2 20 .FARMS 20 Te Kuiti, Kawhia, Raglan and 24 per cent.
00. Shorthorn) rope, lawn mower, 2 pairs step ladders, Monday, October 20, noon. ‘•RV.” If you have difficulty in obtaining local breeders
Prompt Cash Settlements.
forks, shovels and spades, rabbit trap, VARYING IN AREA UP TO 100 supplies, write direct to 130 Draught Mares and Geldings, p
hoae No 515. P.O, Box 106. 1

On account S. Bax meat safe, 8 wine barrels, wine-making ACRES- 1 broken to all work


Entries Solicited. ’Phone Residence, 158.

I pedigree Holstein bull accessories, 4 tins poison, 6 slashers,
Alexander Harvey and Sons, Ltd.
100 Light Harness Horses, Hacks,
On account C. A. Hopping—- quantity nails and bolts, 2 sets double MORRINSVILLE BULL SALE. TTJRAMOE, which adjoins the and: Cobs
buggy harness, saddle and other har-
-6 i to 2 year Friesian bulls
On account J. H. Carter
ness, wire strainers, brace and bits and
quantity of farm sundries, also 50-gah Monday, Octobei 20, noon.
Choicest part of the LONGLANDS
ESTATE on one side, and the well,
Albert Street -

I black mare by Woodstock, syrs,
broken to single and double C. R. Smallfield
known POUKAWA ESTATE on the


lo pedigree Shorthorn bulls,
yearling Globe separator (nearly new). other, consists of RICH GRASSED

Entries Solicited. I handsome dark chestnut by Young
and 2 year olds Furniture: Contents of 7-roomed FLATS, and is situated half a mile ■
Salisbury, broken to single and SMITH’S BUILDINGS.
These bulls were entered for Hamilton house, including piano, duchesse suite, CLEARING SALE AT KOROMATUA. from the Paki Paid Railway Station,
pedigree sale, but owing to delay in re- clocks, chests drawers,
ceiving certificates of registration could kitchen dresser, wardrobes, cupboards,
and within 6 miles of Hastings by good
metalled road. The Property may be
GOING CONCERN double harness, very stylish HAMILTON.

qdantity crockery, milk buckets and MONDAY, 20th Numbers will be given at gate on
not be catalogued.
pans, etc., etc..
Luncheon provided. Favoured with instructions from Mr
faithfully described as being the Very
Richest part of the fertile Hcretaunga
Bay) Plains.
In Glaxo District arrival.
W. A. Robertson, who has sold his (Hawke’s ORDER OF SALE
CLEARING SALE AT NETHERTON. farm we will sell, on the above date,
the whole c f his Live and Dead Stock, FATTENING be excelled in New Zealand, while for 220 Acres Freehold at £S3 Per Acre First dky—Unbroken stock and draughts
Eclipse Fertilisers
MONDAY, 13th OCTOBER, 1919, as under:—
purposes _ and the Second daj'—Hacks
At Noon. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 1919. luxuriant growth of all kinds of crops, 200 ACHES, in good pastures, balance in rough feed, 190 acres
EXTRA CHOICE GRADE Entries solicited.
Qpr nowhere can it be surpassed. level, balance undulating. About 90 acres well drained swamp (no tim. Prices Remain Unchanged.
Favoured with instructions from Mr Favoured with instructions from Mr JERSEY COWS er) 200 acres been under the plough. 12 paddocks, well watered.
W. Squires, who has sold Ins farm, 4 Yearling Jersey Heifers Orders Filled at the Shortest Notice.
Jas. Handley (who has sold his farm) EXCEPTIONALIA' EASY TERMS OF Buildings comprise five-roomed dwelling with all conveniences and man s HAMILTON STOCK SALE.
we shall sell, on the above date, the we will sell at the Puke Farm, 5 Jersey Heifer Calves PAYMENT, viz. : dwelling just being completed, 12-bail concreted cowshed Farmers Note the Following Prices;
’hare New 4-roomed
whole of his Live and Dead Stock, Netherton, on Wednesday, 15th 1 Pedigree Jersey Bull ~;th 3-cow L.K.6. milking plant installed (which goes with the property), Thursday, October 16. ‘ECLIPSE” SPECIAL No. 2
chain har- (half Super,
as under :
ig October, at 11.30 a.m.:Spring
— cart, set harness,
rows, discs, manure distributor, trap
5 per cent at time of sale. lanure and implement sheds, trapshed, workroom, calf houses, etc., insurance
half Blood and Bone)
CHOICE SHORTHORN and OA CHOICE DAIRY COWS, Short- and harness, 4 milk cans, 2 cream cans, 10 per cent on delivery, i.e., 14th 11000 on buildings. 20Q ‘ECLIPSE” SPECIAL TOP-
GRADE JERSEY COWS (in horn-Jersey cross November, 1919. Wintered 60 head dairy cows, 30 head dry stock, and 40 calves. Will carry
30 Dairy Heifers, coming to profit also 3-cow plant Grcenslade mjlking 10 per cent in 12 months from date 00 head of dairy cows. Entries Solicited. DRESSING MIXTURE.... £ll
milk and to calve) machine in first-class order, 70-gal. , , .

from Glaxo c
(good sorts)

Situated three miles from railway station,


9 Grade Jersey Heifers (in malk of sale. £

£lO ss.
pump separator, some furniture with Balance in 5 years. pile 1 from post office and school. CAMBRIDGE BULL SALE. MIXING
and to calve) 1 Shorthorn Bull
2 Empty Heifers
4 Yearling Grade Jersey Heifers
15 Yearling Heifers
10 2-year-old Empty Heifers
slight reserve.
Luncheon provided.
All unpaid purchase money to bear
interest at the rate of 05 per cent per
PRICE AS GOING CONCERN, £53 PER ACRE, including 4 good dairy
ows (mostly 3rd and 4th calvers), 1 purebred Jerseyand bull, 1 Holstein bull, 10
u ,
. .

Friday, October 17-

Railway freight from Wanganui to
Frankton .1 unction, 19s lOd per ton.
The above cows are a particularly annum. harness. 4 milk cans
(bred by Mr H. Manuel) 30 Mixed Cattle the having culled :hoice calves (the pick of the season), horse, trap Other stations hut slightly more.
3 Breeding Sows and Litters 2 Draught Marcs, work anywhere good lot, owner Litho Plans will be forwarded upon ind L.K.G. milking plant. . . , Entries Solicited.
heavily during the last fiv 0 years. Re-
£2500 cash wanted, or would accept £2OOO casn and approved mortgage of

Ten 20gal. milk cans. (in foal) application. Full Price List on application.
1 4-year-old Draught \>olt (any- turns will be given at the sale. 2500;“ OHAUPO BULL SALE.
Luncheon provided. where strongly advise anyone wanting high- Further particulars from We earnestly advise to
1 Medium Draught Marc (any- class Jersey cows to attend this sale. KOADLEY, SON & STEWART, LTD. Tuesday, October 21. compare above with prices leceived
frSln other sources. The results will

Tuesday, October 14, noon.

3 Good Hacks
1 3-yrar-old Filly, by St. Amans—
l L s be surprising.

of Tuesday, October 21, noon.
Minna, handled and full Shorthorn bull &
P.O. BOX 82 (F. W. KEMP, Manager)' PHONE 454 1 pedigree iS month
feed 28 2 year Shorthorn bulls
Veterinary. #
200 1 Show Harness Horse, by Craig-
rusky out of Albert Victor CALVING SEASON.
10 forward cows HEAD OFFICE AT AUCKLAND, S grade 2 vear Hereford
mare (fast) 40 3 year steers 1919. 1 pedigree
yearling Ayrshire bull
10 store cows Set 3-leaf harrows, swamp harrows, So young c-utb*, mixed sexes HAMILTON.
close to profit Branches at HAMILTON, To flroha Fuko(;oho, and verlous Northern centres. Entries solicited.
50 yearlings chain harrows, disc barrows, 1 Reid 10 springing heifers,
25 extra good yearling steers and Gray plough, 1 single plough, 1 2 Hereford bulls STOCK SALE.
20 springing heifers double.disc plough, 1 disc plough (Booth Entries Solicited EAR-NEAR GLASSES, two Bights in VVAINGARO
SHABBY CAB lowers its owner's
DR. F. GLOVER published by the Waikato
10 empty 2 year heifers and Macdonald), 1 Cambridge roller, 1 one, manufactured by
specially Wednesday, October 22. Printed and -

status; put the car into our

40 2 vear Shorthorn and Holstein 1 handy farm waggon, 1 Massey Harris OKAUPO BULL SALE. paint shop and remove the cause.—J. H. GROCOTT, ALPS., N.Z. Qualified and King Country Press, Ltd., a com-
heifers drill (11-coultcr), mowing machine and M.R.C.V.S., HAMILTON EAST. POMEROY and CO.. LTD.. Hamilton Optician, Manning’s Main Pharmacy, CATTLE pany incorporated under the pro-
5 yearling Jersey heifers
63 woolly hoggets
lifting gear, wheelbarrows, swingle-
trees, grindstone, chaffcutter, large
Tuesday, October 21, noon.
Wishes his clients to know they will
Hamilton. 300 ahalf and 4 year
visions of “The Companies’ Act-
ions.” and having its registered office ‘
of many years is 150 good condition 3
25 prime fat hoggets
25 prime fat ewes
boiling-down pot, Metbven copper and
frame, blacksmiths’, carpenters’, and 30 2 year Sbortborn bulls
receive prompt attention by ringing
behind our guarantee of satisfac-
■*-* bullocks at the Times Building street
form tools, cwt. load, useful lot of wire, 30 yearling Shorthorn bulls PHONE 210. HAMTITO’V. RECORDS just arrived per tory Motor Painting.—J. POMEROY
50 goats On account D. D. Livingstone—- "FREETRADER” for WEBSTER'S Entries solicited. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, :919.'
rone, timbcriack, barrels,
Resident Assistant; .Mr V. W. Priest. MUSIC STORES. AND CO., LTD., Hamilton.
milk cans, waggon, plough and cart -10 Shortho n bn 1


aj usual heading the list of
■-i- ln r^irA?^ mim

Favourrie £5 RIE S S PAUSfi i& S

Mr and Mrs Kissling and son, from they will run a stall at the fete of just
Gisborne, are at Warwick. their own work. There will he numer-
* * * * * *

ous useful articles and countless fancy

Mr and Mrs Guy Williams, of ones, and baskets to suit the taste of
the more necessary that fabrics are dainty in colour ng
and effect.
Hawke’s Bay are at Grand. Central.
everyone. m
NOTHING IS MORE ADAPTABLE THAN Mr and Mrs Coornbes, of Wellington,
are staying at Warwick. CHILDREN’S PARTY.
THE NtW VOlLtb ******

■which are displayed at Calvert’s In view of the early Miss Lever, of Auckland, is a guest of A delightful children’s party wTas
ARE Miss Clapcott at Warwick. held on Saturday, September 27, at
"Currajong,” Lake Road, when Norma

PARTICULARLY CHARMING, while thealways in filmy pated, wise women Mrs and Miss McDonald and Mrs and Doreen Sanford gave a “send off’’
show that note of smartness which is attractive
will make their selec- Needham and son, who arc , visiting to Lorna Black, who, witli her parents,
Summer Dresses! Hamilton, are at Brighton. is leaving here. The weather was
VALUE! tions now, so that
AS USUAL CALVERT’S PRICES ARE MATCHLESS FOR beautifully line, so a very enjoyable
VOILES, 1/11, 2/3, 2/9 to 4/9 yard.
their cool frocks will Mr and Mrs de la Tour, of Welling- time was spent from 3 to 5 p.m. on the £r) <?V ■
jSZ) i>ji Jr
40in. FLORAL be in readiness when ton, accompanied by their son and lawns. Tea was the next interesting
40iu. CHECK VOILES. 3/6 to 4/9 yard.

the warm ■ weather daughter, are at Warwick. item, and the large dining room looked
40in. PLAIN COLOURED VOILES, 2/11 to 3/11 yard. •

» • •
a picture when 24 happy faces were -«?CC>v
40in. WHITE VOILES, 1/6, 1/11. 2/6 to 4/6 yard. ,
arrives. Miss Clarke, of Remuera, sister of seated around the tea table, which was
Nurse Clarke, was in Hamilton this artistically decorated with blue and
week. white iris and blue Argentine peas, and
**** * * '
filled with everything good that chil-
Mcsdames Dargaville (Auckland), dren could desire. After tea, music,
Allen (Putaruru) and McCormick have recitations, games, dancing and com-
been busy with the Golf Tournament petitions were indulged in, the success-
SAMPLES FREE all the week, and were staying at the ful winners of the competitions being
Grand Central. Margaret Twiney and Cecile Chitly.
� ****� Those present were Lorna Black, Mar-
Misses Gorrie, Cameron, Frater, jory and Hewa Gosling, Noni and Nancy
‘THE HOUSE FOR QUALITY Hendon (Thames) and Hesketh were Rutherford, Ruby and Bessie Vickery,
amongst the principals at the golf Noreen Sergei, Cecille Chi tty, Maud
tournament,.,and were all at the Grand Beaumont, Margaret Twiney, Maida '

Central. Laurie, Margaret and Freena Claylon-

w •
9 0 *

Greene, Linda and Joan Gosling, Norma,

Miss Ryan, postmistress at Marton, Doreen, Alma and Joyce Sanford,
For Speed and Reliability- has been on a visit to Hamilton, and is Margaret Craddock, Aubrey Gosling,
WITH AN INDIVIDUAL? visiting her sister, Mrs Rawlinson, of Paul Sergei, Noel Smith and Leonard

The Harley-Davidson Motor Cycle

Raglan, prior to returning south next and Howard Sanford.
The prudent man wouldnot seriously consider such • *
* • *

a proposition. Mr and Mrs Dolbel, of Auckland, are COMMUNAL FLATS. AND THE
Purposes Why, then, appoint an ndividual Executor to admini-
Best For All in Hamilton and staying at Grand Cen-

An aristocrat among Motor Cycles—such

as the Harley-Davidson—-
the most reliable machine on the New Zealand market
ster your estate?
He will attend to his own business first. He may not
possess the necessary experience to manage
yours. He offers no security, and may speculate

* *

Rankin and Moginie, of

* •
A fri.end of mine has sent me this
clipping, and is so genuinely enthusi-
astic about the idea that I feel I must
give it room, but, as Sandy says, “I hae
There is pace in the Harley-Davidson—and its pace makes popular
with the young rider. There is a power and strength, too, in a Harley
TO YOU. with the funfls of he estate. He may show pre-
ference to some n nefleiaries to the disadvantage
of others. He may die or leave the Dominion,
Auckland, are at Brighton, where they
have been staying for the golf tourna-
� * * *
ma doots” about the practicability of
the scheme. Anyway, here it is:—
“Why shouldn’t blocks .of flats be run
Davidson —and its power and strength make it the popular
machine i The estate would hen pass into unknown hands
—possibly into th hands of someone whom the
The engagement is announced of
Miss Joan Furze, youngest daughter
on a sort of communal plan—the wives
who are skilled in cooking paid by the HAMILTON
to carry a Side-Car. testator would never have trusted. of Mrs and the late Mr A. Furze, and commissariat of the whole block; the SEND FOR FREE
IS SUPREME. BOOK YOUR ORDER NOW With a view to overcoming muck of the. uncertainty Mr J. S. Allan, son of Mr R. S. Allan, business-going wives to see to the CATALOGUE.
THP HARLEY-DAVIDSON and insecurity which attends the appointment of private of Roslyn, Dunedin. whole block; the mothers who love
individuals, the Guardian Trust and Executive Company of “messing about” with kiddies paid by

(Late Jenkln and Mclntyre.)
New Zealand, Limited, was formed.

and other good grounds, sol cits the


care of
stands for Safety, Efficiency, nd Promptitude, and on these
your estate.
Mesdames McCarthy (Dunedin),
Marshbanks (Wellington), C. Matthews
(Te Kuiti), Nixon (Auckland), Peake
the mothers who don’t “shape” with-
babies, to do the “mother work”—
feeding, bathing, dressing—for all the
VICTORIA STREET. ’PHONE 370, HAMILTON. (Cambridge), and Misses' Anderson children of the block; the wives who
B/ay (Paeroa),
Culling (Auckland),
Payton (Auckland),
have “a way” with domestics paid by
the others to look after the sweeping
EXECUTORS COMPANY OP N.Z., LTD. Cox (Cambridge), Moginie
Foughy (Auckland) were amongst the
and and cleaning and all the rest of it. Mr
friend rhapsodises thus:—“To me it’s

SOW NOW Local Advisors: John McCaw, Esq., John Gordon, Esq.
Hoad Office: Queen and Shortland Streets, AUCKLAND.
players at this week’s golf tournament.
• •

Mrs R. F. Bollard left Hamilton on

m m
a beautiful scheme. I can see a work-
saving kitchen with a staff of maids
whose wages are contributed by all the
Tuesday to attend the investiture by dwellers in the flats. I can see a
SWEET PEAS the Governor-General on Wednesday, common dining-room, and running this
—THIS—- sag
WINTER FLOWERING when Mrs Bollard was decorated, with kitchen and dining-room would bo the 22?
SUMMER. the Order of MiB.E. wives who love housekeeping and
-'ess yon are interested in

Giant Spencers, all the Choicest »�*» \

* *
understand the art of cooking and th<% >?<«>
;ice cakes and pastry. We art of managing the staff. These
Varieties. I understand that Mr E. P. Cowles,
aave them fresh daily. Just women could be paid by the rest of the
drop in and sample our after- 6d and Is PER PACKET. who left last month with his wife for a r^s-’K
Collections, 2s 6d, 3s 6d, 5s and 7s 6d holiday trip in the south, has been flat dwellers.
noon teas. They are served
just right, and our sweets are PLANT NOW
a .n/cer tms somewhat seriously ill in Wellington.
Latest reports are that he is improving,'
's. jssp

manufactured daily, therefore

Ranunculus Anemones WEDDINGS.
fresh and wholesome. The proof
of the pudding is in the eating.
Daffodils Tulips
Freesias _
noormn6 " but will be unable to attend to his
duties for some time yet.
• • • •
CUMPSTONE—COLHOUN. fl'Ckvcland! Tractor
Hyacinths Ixias On Thursday evening the visitors A pretty wedding was solemnised
TRY OUR SERVICE. Tritonias of the Ladies’ Golf Tournament were by Rev. Harrison, in the Holy Trinity
PASS tV Till Certified Engineers
Watsonias. etc., etc. Y Church, Ngaruawahia, on Wednesday, £
SOW NOW Pansies, Cinerarias, entertained by Mesdames Gillies, &
MARBLE BAR. Stocks, Nemesia, Wallflower, Cycla-
men. Caieeolctfia, Gaillardias, _ .li
Douglas, and Heywood at an At Home
;n the Theatre Royal Tea Rooms. The
October Ist, when Miss Mary Gol-
houn, eldest daughter of Mr J. Gol- and Motor Experts
ladies of the local Club were wishful houn, head teacher of the Ngarua- Sole Waikato Distributors, VICTORIA STREET, HAMILTON.
CATERERS hardy Annuals and Biennials, wahia School, was married to Mr Tom
Cauliflower, Brocoli, to give a dance to their guests bat
Cabbage, ccttcc* r#/:
&& ’PHONE 204. (Late Hyde’s Garage.)
Parsnips, Turnips, found it impossible to get, any of the Cumpstone, of Kio Kio, Otorohanga.
Carrots, The bride, who was given away by her REPRESENTING DEXTER & CROZIER
Radishes, Onion, Lettuce, choicest small halls, therefore only a restricted
strains, Parsley, etc., etc. number of the local members, viz., father, was handsomely attired in a
AT S2 •wiCKsn
IQ? 0, officials, could be invited to the “At
Home,” because of the lack of accom-
modation. The evening was most
gown of ivory silk taffeta, the bodice
anc]/' court train being of silk lace.
She also wore tip orthodox wreath
A marriage of interest to Waikato
P & P
Gilbert J. Mackay’s successful, owing possibly to the
hostesses all being well up in their
and veil, and carried a handsome bou-
quet. She was attended to the altar
people was celebrated on May 7th at
Beckford, Tewkesbury, when Lieut.
cer*&\ duties and paying every attention to
their guests. The rooms were beaut-
by Miss Muriel Colhoun (sister of the
bride), and two small flower girls,
Roland Farrar, of the 7th Hussars, and
second son of Mr and Mrs. G. Farrar,

FOR HIGH-GRADE GOODS. 98, Queen Street, AUCKLAND. Those who prefer their tea, coffee or cocoa without
ifully decorated with arum lilies and
Persian plum foliage, and cards and
the Misses Gladys and Margaret Ver-
ner (nieces of the bridegroom). The
of the Priory, Keneton, England, and
late of Bankwood, Hamilton, was
Nursery: Royal Oak, ONEHUNGA. former wore a pretty dress of white married to a daughter of the Rev. W. LAND, ESTATE AND COMMISSION
sugar should use Highlander Unsweetened Milk. It competitions were chiefly indulged in,
TRAVELLING NECESSITIES—- but there was also a fair amount of crepe-de-chene, and the latter whiie J. Hargetts, of Beckford icarage, AGENTS,
supplies a long-felt want—a pure, high-grade British silk. Mr S. Rankin, of Kio Kio, acted Lieutenant
dancing and fox-trotting "before the Tewkesbury, England. TEASDALE’S BUILDINGS,
SUIT CASES. Concentrated Milk without added sweetening. evening drew to a close. A lovely as best man. The bridegroom’s pre- Farrar left New Zealand with the sth TE AWAMUTU.
supper was served and enjoyed. The sen , to the bride was a set of furs, Reinforcements, and after service in
Splendid for cooking and table use, Higl ! er
200 ACRES, Freehold; house of
Pullan, Armiiage & Co., Concentrated Milk is just pure, rich milk w t music was provided by Misses S. Pay-
ton, E. Heywood and T. Ring, while
and to the bridesmaids, gold bangles.
The wedding breakfast in the Empire
Egypt he proceeded to England and re- four rooms, cowshed; well
ceived his commision, and was sent on fenced and subdivided into eight pad-
Limited. of the water removed. Available in sol a violin solo by Miss Southey Baker Tea Rooms was attended by a large active service to Mesopotamia, where he docks.
party of relatives and friends.
Watered by never-failing
was well received. Amongst those Tue completed over four years’ service. springs. 150 acres in good grass, 15
sanitary tins, Highlander Unsweetened Mil.. a
usual toasts were proposed and hon-
» KIT BAGS, present were :■—Mesdames Dargaville, Lieut, and Mrs R. Farrar intend return- acres in crop. Situated seven miles
——AUCKLAND- boon to the busy housewife. When unexpected Edmonds, McCormick, Bennett, Cubitt, oured Mr and Mrs Cumpstone we.-e ing to New Zealand immediately, and from Frankton Junction; school I 3
RUG STRAPS. visitors arrive she is never without sufficient milk F. G. Bond, Stewart D. Hay, Slack and !he ncipients of a large number of will take up their residence at Te miles; cream collected.
Walshe, and Misses Payton (2), P. handsome and costly presents. Later Kuiti, where tha lieutenant has his PRICE, £3O per Acre. Cash: £SOO.
SPORTS GOODS—- MOTOR in the house—she simply opens the Highlander Gorrie, Prater, Hesketh, Preece, Cam- the bridal party left by car for Te> farm, Balance easy. Or will sell 100 acres
with house for £35 per acre, with £SOO
tin—puts a few spoonfuls in a jug of hot or cold eron, Lever, Pouhey, Alison, Moginie, Awamutu en route for Wellington,
cash. A property that will increase
the bride’s travelling costume being WHEN TO MARRY.
JgNGINEERS water and delicious, rich, full cream milk is ready Culling, Neal, Clarke, Clendon, March-
of fawn garbardine with hat to match. greatly in value- (No. 165)
banks, Wright, Anderson, Stevens,
GOLF BALLS, for use. It is difficult to distinguish Highlander Wilkinson, Brewis (2); Furze, Hey- Yes, Margaret, December is an ex-
Unsweetened Milk from fresh cow’s milk. cellent month to be married in accord- ln !i ne locality, about six
HOCKEY STICKS, pAINTERS wood, Ring, Southey-Baker, E. Cus-
sen, D. Mackay and Tully.
TOMLINE—LINDSEY. ing to old superstitions. I append the miles from Te Awamutu. House fairly
A military wedding was solemnised whole calendar: —

FOOTBALLS, pODY BUILDERS at St. Aidan’s Church, Miramar, Wel- Married in January’s hoar and rime, PRICE, ONLY £2B per Acre, and
EXCELLENT CATERING. lington, on. Wednesday, 24th Scoter..- good things will come if you wait your with a man prepared to erect, say,
SHIN PADS. her, when Lieutenant G. H. Tomline, time. about £SOO worth of buildings will
gPRING MAKERS During the week of the golf tourna- M.C., N.Z.E.F., who has recently re- Married in February’s sleety weather, accept the small deposit of £2OO.
CANVAS COATS AND LEGGINGS. ment on the local links the luncheon turned to New Zealand after four and life you’ll tread in tune together. (No. 155)
and teas served at the pavilion have a-half years’ active service, was married ’PHONE 187.
In all sizes. JJPHOLSiERERS been beautifully served, and drawn to Miss llubina Lindsey, only child of
Married when March winds shrill and
roar, your home will be on a foreign
many eulogistic remarks from the Mrs Lindsey, of Frankton Junction. shore.
Accessories.. players. The catering, as usual, has Rev. Mr Sykes officiated. The Married -’neath April’s changeful' WANTED URGENTLY FOR CLIENT
Highlander Unsweetened, like all Highlander Pro-
ducts, is made by an all-British company, employing
been in the capable hards of Mrs-Kay, bride was given away by tier mother;
who was assisted by Mesdames Bennett and wore a cream tailored garbadine
skies, a chequered path before you lies.
Married when bees o’er May ttfos-
Cars. and Burn. costume with Oriental trimming, cream soras flit, strangers around your board
Importers and Manufacturers of all-British labour and all-British capital. silk hat, edged with cream ostrich
Saddlery and Harness, HorSfr and Tell your grocer to send you a tin of Highlander
feathers, and carried a bouquet of
cream roses a,id froosias. The bride was
will sit.
Married in month of roses—June — 50 T 0 100 A

Unsweetened—the most recent Highlander Product. attended by two little nieces of the
life will be one long honeymoon. GOING CONCERN.
Cow Covers. •At the sale of work held by the bridegroom—the Misses Olive and Married in July, with flowers ablaze,
HAMILTON, ’PHONE 78. gOUTH MOTOR CAU <s esp. Ladies’ Anglican Guild last week I was Phyllis Walker, who were dressed in bitter-sweet memories-in after days. Also have several buyers for
delighted at the lovely collection of fine cream silk an 1 black picture hats, and Married in August’s heat and drowse,
JJEITISH INSURANCE. needlework and fancy goods displayed carried basket* of pink hyacinths tied lover and friend in chosen spouse.
Married-in golden September’s glow,
for sale. I believe the whole of this with pink ■ and bine ribbons. They
JNSURANCE. department was in the capable hands of also wore pearl brooches, the gift of smooth and serene your life will go.

STATE GUARANTEE WE issue a “Comprehensive" Polioj

protecting your liability in the event 01
Prefer Mrs Garnham, and great credit is due the bridegroom. The
to her and those who helped her for T. R. Tomlinc, of Christchurch.
I>est man was Mr
Married when leaves in October thin,
toil and hardship for you begin.
Fire, Damage to Car, Theft, and In- to be
milked by the excellence of the goods, which ail bride’s mother wore grey silk, with Married in veils of November mist, TOMBS’ BUILDINGS.
and Mrs Tomline, mother fortune your wedding ring has kissed.
juries to the General Public at reduced QW machinery when realised big prices. The two iced mauve hat, Married in days of December cheer,
rates. cakes donated by Messrs Faville and of the bridegroom, navy tailored cos- ’Phone 935.
THE PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE Personal Policies Issued \ Lowry were well patronised by weight- tume and black hat. Among those love’s star shines brighter from year to
m guessers, and helped to considerably present were Mrs Arthur Walker

“Farmers’ Special." Fleet, sisters of the bride-
Further particulars oan be obtaineo
from the Agents or by writing direct—
augment the takings of the cake stall. and Mrs
Considering the dreadful day I consider
groom, and Mrs T. 0. Gollins. After L. E. RICE & CO,
the ceremony the guests were entcr- THE LUBE OF THE PANCAKE.
CONTROLS PONDS. the net sum of £l5O banked after ex- tnined by the bridegroom’s narents at ,O/l C ACRES, Freehold; all in grass;
SOUTH BRITIBH INSURANCE CO. penses had been paid was a record. their residence, Lyall Bay. The bride’s 208 acres rolling, balance
rpHE PUBLIC TRUSTEE can be LTD. travelling dress was of mole velvet
Pancakes for breakfast, pancakes-
appointed:— for lunch, and even pancakes f r din- good swamp; all ploughable; carrying
G.F.S. FAIR. with hat to match. Lieutenant and ner. is ‘he call of the children tht 60 cows, 50 yearlings, and 10 horses.
Executor and Trustee of a Will. JNO. J. KINGSTON. Onager. Mrs Tor-line will make their future Five-roomed house, two-roomed cot-

first lime they taste.a pancake mad-'


Trustee in place of persons who wish The ladies of the Anglican Guild hom e in Wellington. with the new cooking novelty— tage,. 12-bail cowshed (concrete floor),
to be relieved of their Trusteeship. 3X have taken upon themselves the respon- Tucker’s Pancake Flour. You simply stable, motor shed, and other sheds;
COOPER AND SORRY, sibility of organising and running with STAINTOX—DIXON. must try it. It is an entirely new railway station on property; township,
Trustee for Marriage Settlements, ,
2i miles.
and other Trusts. Agents. the help of the Girls’ Friendly Society, At St. Peter's Anglican Church. creation, a perfect recipe, perfectly
DOES THE WORK. a fair on a large scale, to be held in Hamilton, on Wednesday last, a mar- PRICE, £3B per Acre. £ISOO Cash.
prepared, all ready to cook —no milk 'A snip.
Administrator for Intestate Estates. the Town Hall on December 4. Every riage was solemnised between Ernest required no eggs—everything com-
Attorney or Agent for the Manage. Tt is th» most perfect Milking machine novelty will be introduced, and a large George Stainton, youngest son of Mr plete is in the flour. You are jus!
lAt ACRES, Freehold; 90 acres
n;ent of Property. obtainable to-day. supply of useful and ornamental goods and Mrs ,T. T. Stainton, of “Springfield,” going to revel in pancakes, once you
grass, 11 acres crop; carrying
MONEY TO LEND on Approved
Freehold Securities at Current Rate.
GENERAL CARRIER are to be made, while the produce stall
is to be specially attended to and sup-
Papatocfoc, and Daisy Anna Dixon,
daughter of the late Mr H. and Mrs
try them made the Tucker way. fur
not only are they so temptingly allur-
35 cows and young stock. Five-roomed
house and all conveniences; cowshed,
For further particulars apply are plied by country contributors, who are
already promising goods on a large
Dixon, of Kamo, Whangarei. The Vcn.
Archdeacon Cowie officiated, and the
ing, but they are wonderfully econom-
ical to serve. A 6cl packet makes a
stable, barn, sheds, etc.; railway sta-
tion, P.0., school, saleyards. 1 mile;
good roads.
G. H. CHESTERMAN, and do ths work so thoroughly that it is scale. The proceeds of the day are to bride, who was att/red in a beautiful good big pancake treat for all the PRICE, only £55 per Acre, with
District Manager, G. H. P EARCE ’

Hardly worth while stripping

be devoted to the erection of the pro-
posed hostel for girls.
dress of white crepe qp chine, with
veil and orange blossoms, and carried a
family. Get a packet to-day. Rvery-
body’s praising it, it is going to be one
£IOOO cash.
Hamilton. OF FRANKTON AND HAMILTON, I ACRE, Freehold, clean, situated at
the herd. lovely bououet, was given away by Mr of the most popular lines ever placed Frankton. PRICE for quick sale,.
A GARDEN PARTY. Joseph Belloc. In attendance were upon the market. Remember the
Wishes to inform tho Public that he £l5O, with £SO cash. Don’t miss this-
Milk your cows with AUTO
the Save

Misses Annie Anderson and Dolly Hal- name: Tucker’s Pancake Flour. Price

has a time, trouble and labour, and Early in November, if tbc weather ernw, the former ip blue silk and the.


permits, Mrs R. Clark will give a
garden her residence, Rewi
party at
latter in grey silk, each with haTs In
match, and carrying bouquets. There
fid. All s,tores have fifi'(
L. T?
i J ( RICE &
LION ALE and is prepared to undertake all
We supply the Auto in either Bucket or

Road, to provide funds towards working

for the
were also two liny flower girls, Miss ll'


hi, (im pig fete in December Vera MeKeown and Iris Anderson, in
classes of Carrying; work. Releaser system.
IS THE CHOICEST PRODUCTION OF Girls' Hostel. The afternoon is to he white silk. Mr E. Plan acted as best DO-MOT THINK THAT WHEN VOlIP
Consult us rie;lit away about a irjft one, and every visitor is to leave man, and Mr Archie Anderson as TYRE IS BLOWN OUT IT IS LOVELY EYELASHES 1

THE BREWER’S A'TT. “AUTO” MILKING MACHINES. behind them an article of some de- groomsman. The bridal feast was bold
sorption. These, of course, go to fur- at I.owrv’s Tea Rooms, where con-
The Ideal Beer ror an Ideal Climate.
Specially Catered for. n'sh the stalls on the big day. and there geal ula lory speeches were made. Among We will soon alter your opinion on
Violations Given for Contract T\ork that point. Promotes the growth of Eyelashes and
Brewed under Jdeai Conditions Telephone 974. should also he a substantial sum col- (In? many lomulifu! presents were a
Eyebrows, beautifying them'naturally,
From ieeted from (he proposed side shows silver lea set from the bridegroom lo Stores or mailed. post paid 5/6
illDrug ami Toilet
Limited. and competitions and golf croquet. the bride, and a set of military hair BRING YOUR TYRES TO Chemical by, or! Co., High St. Auckland
PUREST IVIATER'ALS. AUCKLAND CHRISTCHURCH brushes from the bride to the bride-
Private Address: Frankton Road PACKET WORK CL.AGS. groom. The bridegroom also presented
On Sale at All Hotels. WELLINGTON
HAWERA A most enthusiastic basket work
a gold brooch to each of the brides-
maids and flower girls. Mr and Mrs
A. Oldham & Son GJ.ET a‘‘UNIQUE'’ North British Hot
Mater Bottle with patent!
THE LION BREWERY, LTD, tiso Novo-ko;
leading Motorists
OoLD.tt.a 3
J ; has been formed in connection

with the Girls’ Hostel Fund. Mrs

Stainton left by motor on the first stage WARD STREET
of their honeymoon. They intend lo (Second
. -
stopper. Made of host rubber, tight*
well vulcanised scams; they last for
Khybe- -*■
wonderful results.—J.
it shows Agents at Hamilton, Te Awamutu, Te Kulti and Kopu. Culpan is in charge of the workers, and reside at Otorohanga. dom- T'"s WaiV-V. Dairy Co.)
years—that’s why all
retailers recom-
L AUCKLAND. POMEROY ond CO., LTD., Hamilton. TfelepHone 766, mend them.
Ward handles
Meetings. Electoral. Concerts. Socialism somewhat LOCAL AND GENERAL.
Lost ana Founa. awkwardly, which is not to be wonder-
J. K. Fow and Co.
Liver and White Spaniel Log, WAIKATO WINTER SHOW DON’T MISS ed at, for it is a long time since he The anniversaries we always remem-
three months old. Apply ASSOCIATION. has felt any natural leanings in that ber are those we would rather forget.
FRANKTON. Stables, Hood Street flyr
IVTOTICE is hereby given that the M R
£1 AL D O 'W,
THE WEATHER. direction. As an experienced and cap- To-morrow is the 20th anniversary
Log; THE EMINENT CONTRALTO, of the commencement of the South
Grey Boardio Cattle Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the ■The Weather Bureau wires: Wind able man of business, he understands

answers name of “Rough.” Re-

Association ill be held at the Lecture Will Address Meetings at undermen- Renowned

in Both Hemispheres.
northerly, and backing by south to the necessity of skilled management and
African war.
ward for information leading to recov- Room, Winter Show Buildings, Hamil- west. Expect dull weather, with much Permission has been granted to thd'
J. B. FOW & ery.—CJ CO. of
ton, on THURSDAY, 16th OCTOBER,
1919, at 10.30 a.m.
tioned places, as follows:
ROTOTUNA—THURSDAY, October 16 Supported by a
mist and fog in parts. Rain probable.
Barometer unsteady.
of financial incentive. We have said
before that his place is with the othej’
bakers of Sydney to increase the price
of bread by id per loaf.
will sell as above on account of Mr T OST.—Bottom set false BRILLIANT COMPANY
jL* Business: CHURCH OF CHRIST FRIDAY, party, who stand in very great need of
Collard, who is leaving the
district, between Taylor’s farm and Gor- 1. Annual Report and Statement of Of An orphan boy named Roy Baker,
October 17. Medical.
all his practically new furniture and 3onton store.
—Reward at Gcrdonton ENTERTAINERS, his long experience in finance and in the aged 13, died at the Auckland Hospital
363 Accounts. EUREKA—SATURDAY, October 18.
effects, comprising: Sitting room; New store. 2. Election of Officers and Committee. 379 TOWN HALL, SATURDAY, OCT. 18, country’s business. Administration in through having fallen into a washing
Rimu Oval Dining Table, 4
Tlighback Dining Chairs (removable
Rimu —30s, in the vicinity of Clar-
ence Street and Bank N.Z. cor-
3. Election of Auditor.
4. General.
2s Id.
D -

F. D. P

fact is the weak point in Mr Massey’s cooper of boiling water at St. Joseph’s
Orphanage, Takapana.
PRICES: 3s 2d aand Having been demobilised from Active Government. They do not carry on the
pegomoid seats), 2 Rimu Easy Chairs, ner, by young girl (10). —hinder please WM. H. PAUL, Secretary. 364 Service in the N.Z.E.F., has commenced
The Hamilton Bowling Club will hold
Improved Morris Chairs upholstered
red, 1 Rimu Settee in Rimu and Pega-
leave 'Times Hamilton, 26th .September 1919. 386 J^LECTORATE. See Future Advertisements.
the Practice of his Profession in Hamil-
country’s business satisfactorily, and
there is nothing in the legislative out-
a full rink tournament on Labour Day,
and all bowlers taking part in the
T OST Brown Hack Mare, half HAMILTON MOTOR CYCLE CLUB. ton, and may be consulted at his
moid, 1 Carpet Square 12ft x 10ft 6m. TR E Surgery, in ALEXANDRA,. BUILD- put to compensate for this shortcom- can depend op a good day’s sport, as
Rimu Palm Stand, Rimu Flower
Tuo, clipped, old paint brand 19 on TO THE ELECTORS. pHEA JT^OYAL,
INGS, above Hooker and Kingston’s.
the greens are in good order.
Fire Screen, Choice Pictures in Massive rump. Reward- —\V ilson and Lloyd, CLUB RUNS. ing. A Commission is now enquiring In connection with the damage caused
Bric-a-brac. Hinucra. 401 Ladies and Gentlemen, —
’ HAMILTON. Residence, Princes Street, ’Phone 917. into the causes of the railway “cut,” to Messrs House and Baking’s stock
Frames, Rimu oe. Table, Surgery, ’Phone 1051. 394
October 12th, to Te Awa-
Pedroom 1: Very handsome Duchcsse
T EFT in my paddock, Riflp Range SUNDAY, mutu, leaving P.O. at 10.30 a.m.
In response to a very, widely TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1919, but so far has elicited nothing beyond through rain getting in, we understand
that it was not so serious as stated on
Table in Rimu. with shaped road, Frankton, October Ist, bay and strongly expressed desire that I At 8 p.m. the existence of friction between the
"arved panels and carved pedestal .o pony mare, about 14 hands, white star Sunday’, October 26th, to Karamu, should offer myself as a Candidate for
Insurance. Thursday. The trouble arose through
wire- leaving P.O. at 10.30 a.m. Railway Department and Munitions De- loose paper blocking the drain.
match; carved Rimu Bedstead, on flank. —C. Johnstone, ’Phone 993K. the Rotorua seat, I have pleasure in sonic
wove mattress and pillows,
lino., mats,
370 A Sporting Competition will
on Labour Day.
be held
intimating to you that it is my inten-
OONCERT NATIONAL partment. The fact that coal is pro- The Finance Minister stated last
blinds, curtains and poles, set WILL the person who took my Full particulars will be announced
tion to do so. INSURANCE COMPANY OF N.2., LTD. duced in smaller quantity than ever, evening that the success of the Victory
pictures. Bedroom No. 2: Brass- Bicycle from St. Mary’s Hall last later. I shall contest the seat as a pro- Tendered to the Hamilton Office: but, that the trains have resumed run-
Loap was assured, but he would be
mounted Bedstead and Wire-woM,
H. P. J. WILLIAMS, nounced supporter of Mr Massey and unable to make a definite announce-
night please return to McNulty, care McGUIRE’S BUILDINGS, VICTORIA ning at the ordinary timetable, is a ment as to the amount subscribed until
Kapok and Pillows, Minor, Childs Cot, Hand, Hamilton '( 35S 388 Hon. Sec. the Reform Party. HAMILTON MUNICIPAL BAND
Lino., STREET. most damaging comment on the man- Monday or Tuesday.
Duohesse, Table .Swing At the earliest opportunity I shall
Blinds and Curtains. Hall: Seagrass By Agencies Throughout the Waikato. The United States transport Antig-
Tab e, Wool. A MEETING OF ALL SUPPLIERS lay my political views before you. Accepted at Lowest Rates.
agement of a month since or of that of
Runner, Slip Mats. Kitchen.
Interested in the Yours faithfully, THE PIANOFORTE STUDENTS All Risks
The friction is to the dis-
one rammed the British freight steamer
Couch, 4 Chairs, Lino.,
Mats, Stool, Fire, Employers’ Indemnity, “Special” to-day.
Gaehc Prince in New York harbour.
Pictures NOTICE TO WOOL-GROWERS. ERECTION OF A DRIED MILK Of Personal Accident and Sickness for
Child’s Chair, lot Books, FRANK F. HOCKLY, credit of Ministers, for a Cabinet exists The Gaelic Prince was badly damaged,
FACTORY 309 Farmers and Business Men—Motor
good Seagrass Pram, good assortment npHE undermentioned firms announce oss to prevent or heal such feelings. The and had to be beached. No loss of life
of Crockery, including Tea
Set, all -®-
having again been appointed Gov-
M -

H. C. R Car, including Accidental Damage,


Third Party and Theft, etc. Public Works policy has been as feeble-
5s reported. .

Pots and Pans, Gent's “Comet Bicycle, ernment Brokers for disposal of wool FRANKTON JUNCTION
G. G. CORK, Agent. as the railway management, and the In this issue, Messrs Bailey and Gill,
Primus, good Wringer, Hedge-clippers. under the requisition scheme. Will be held in the ROTORUA ELECTORATE.
ASSISTED BY VOCAL ARTISTS. H. A. B. BRABANT, who have taken over Hyde’s Garage,
adders, Preserving Jars, Garden Valuations are held weekly through- executive part of the Cabinet’s busi ■ notify that they are sole Waikato dis-
WAIKATO CO-OPERATIVE DAIRY 477 Inspector for Waikato

Tools and Usual Sundries.

Terms Strictly Cash.
out the season.
Prices paid are nett as fixed by Gov- CO.’S BUTTER FACTORY QLDHAM, Admission by Ticket—2s Id.
ness has been generally slack. The tributors for the famous Cleveland
One thing that members, of the Govern-
Tractpr. Any information will be wil-
J. R. FOW, Auctioneer. ernment schedule and no commission or At 10.30 a.m. on SETTLER, ROTORUA, STANDARD FIRE AND MARINE
’lhglv supplied upon ringing ’phone
charges are deducted after arrival of THURSDAY, 16th OCTOBER, LIBERAL, INSURANCE COMPANY OF ment are always ready for is political
clips in Brokers’ stores, excepting the
09ntl8t8. NEW ZEALAND, LIMITED, No. 204.
Auctioneer’s Note. For the purpose of deciding what IS THE LOCAL CANDIDATE. contention with their opponents. Mr At the suggestion of Mr Vickery,
An exceptionally dainty lot. Full schedule charge of ad per lb for re-class- Has appointed 1
oddments • further action, if any, is to be taken His aim is to increase production by Massey recognises the value of the cry Chairman of the Associated Chambers of
list in Wednesday’s and Thursday’s ing
regarding the proximity of the New assisting the Farmer and the Worker,
Saleyards to the proposed Dried Milk and by practical measures for dealing
M F. C. G

R. B. R
“no-party,” but he is always ready, Commerce, Wellington, the Hamilton
Chamber of Commerce has telegraphed
LTL. Factory.
with or without provocation, to take a to the Prime Minister, asking him. to
. - -

WAIKATO CO-OP. DAIRY CO., LTD. share in a party quarrel, and is prob- delay the Board of Trade Bill until the
AGENCY CO., LTL. As AGENT of the Company ably aware that he shines therein, at commercial community has had an
LALGETY ANL CO., LTL. Managing Director. opportunity to study it.
361 In place of T. E. SHORT. least by comparison. Unfortunately
NORTH AUCKLAND FARMERS’ HAMILTON DOMAIN BOARD. my indisposition, the Prac- Passengers on the Wellington-Auck-
tice will be carried o'n bj' 'Lowest rates for MOTOR CARS. PER- such bickering serves no good pur- land express early *thls morning were
Will sell, at the has been granted to SONAL ACCIDENT, and all classes of pose; it does not help the country, and subjected to some slight inconvenience.
ABRAHAM AND WILLIAMS, LTD. the Rugby Union to make a charge Fire and Accident Insurance.
WINTER SHOW BUILDINGS. (Late J. W. Binney and Sons). apartments. MR DE LAUTOUR only serves to bring Parliament into As the train was crawling along the
WARD STREET, HAMILTON. of One Shafting for admission to every (Of Wellington), JAMES WATSON, disrepute: but if this may be said of other side of Otorohanga, a bull sud-
THE FARMERS’ CO-OP. AUCTION- A FLAT of three rooms or part of a person entering Steele Park on SATUR- Manager. Auckland.
On account of H. J. McNaull, Esq., EERING CO.. LTD.
; ’Phone 857. denly came upon the line. Before the
who has sold his property,
house icq aired by good client, nice DAY, the 11th October. • verba' deputes, what should be said driver could apply the brakes, the en-
112 locality.—Geo. Boyes and Co. 3.46 GEO. BOYES,
411 his Furniture and Effects, corn- of Sir Joseph Ward’s attempt to trump gine had crashed into the animal, kill-
349 Secretary. ROLL OF HONOUR.
wising— T>OARD wanted, select private fam- the Government , proposals for a ing it instantly. The accident meant a
SITTING-ROOM—Furniture, Rimu
sideboard, 2 Morris Chairs, Couch, 3
Church Services.
ily, by young Man in business,
near town.—Reply, stating terms,
L ’ In IVlemoplam,
JESS.—In loving memory of our dear
gratuity? It is disputed whether he delay of some minutes, and according
to a passenger it wa3 lucky that the
OF HAM- had approved of the proposal while yet
seagrass Lounge Cliairs, Mats, Tables,
Rimu Drop-side Table, Seagrass-' Mats
ILTON—SUNDAY, October 12,
17th after Trinity. Hamilton, S.
“P.C.,’' Times. 325 Dairy Amalgamation DENTIST
son and brother, Corporal Thomas
Jess, killed in action at Passchen- a member of the National Government,
engine was not derailed. 1
A correspondent writes suggesting
md Squares. ’ ,
Peter’p: 8 a.m., Holy Communion; 11 ‘C'IURNISHED Sitting Bedroom daele, October 12th, 1917. but the effort to win favour with a sec- that a jioliceman or a traffic inspector
BEDROOM No. I—Handsome Carved Inserted by his loving parents,

and a.in., Mattins, Litany and Sermon; wanted, with or without meals, or (Late Wyatt and do Lautour, tion of the voters at the expense of should be stationed at the cprner near
limn Bedstead and Wire Wove, board with private family. Apply sisters and brothers. 368
2.30 p.m., Catechising; 3.45-p.m., Holy THE HEAD OFFICE the Whitiora Store, where five .roads
lew Flax Bed, Pillows. Pictures. 309 the country must have been very dis-

Baptism; 7 p.m., Evensong and Ser- Times Office. Wellington). PAULL.—At Endell Street Military converge Motor car drivers and
BEDROOM No. 2—Twin Rimu Bcd- mon., Frankton, S. George’s: 9 a.m., Hospital, England, on September tasteful to Sir Joseph Ward’s instincts motor cyclists “whiz” along here at a
jteads (new), W ire W ove Mattresses, TO LET—Comfortable Bedroom, cen- OF THE
Couch, Book Holy Communion; 11 a.m., Mattins 26th, 1919, of sickness, 22853 (13th as a financier. The proposal was rea- tremendous pace, and it is more by good
tVasbstand, Ottoman and Sermon; 7 p.m.. Evensong and Ser- -*•
tral position, good house, no chil- Reinforcements), Frank s Mintern, luck than anything else that there has
and Books, Rimu Wardrobe, a,ry ELS WICK CHAMBERS, HAMILTON. sonable,. find we think that if the sol-
}hest of Drawers, set of Ware,
mon. Whatawhata, S. Barnabas’: 11

Holy Eucharist and Sermon.

dren, breakfast optional.—“Bedroom,”
Times Office. 310
EW N £ EALAND d eldest son of Mrs M. A. Pauli, “Avon-
glade,” Hamilton; aged 36 years. diers could have been polled they
not been a serious accident. Motor
cyclists are the worst offenders; in fact,
>uchesse Chest, threeqnarter Wooden MONDAY, October 13. the Bishop of Deeply regretted. 381 they even take the footpath occasion-
’Phone 857. would have said so. In any case an
Bedstead and Wire and Beds, Picture, the Diocese will Confirm at Kai'amu at "VTOUNG Man desires private Board;
lender and Irons. 2.30 p.m., and at S. Peter’s at 7.30
resueotable motor mechanic. ASSOCIATION LTD- '
WALLACE. —ln loving memory of
Sergeant-Major George Nichol Wal- auction contest for soldiers’ votes to
KITCHEN—Five Chairs, Couch, 299 Sam Karaka, a native taxi-driver,
p.m. • Reply to “T.C.,” Times. [Card.]
lace, who died in France on October be bought with the country’s money is
Cable, Potts’ Irons, Crockery, Pots and pleaded “Guilty” at the Whakatane
AATANTED Board in select
family by young Man.—Reply to
private HAS BEEN jRR. JJ.OBBS,
12th, 1919.
Could wo have raised his dying head,
demoralising to politics, to soldiers and Magistrate’s Court to a further charge
of robbing a mail bag of two registered
OUTSIDE—Good lot Tools, including



377 REMOVED FROM AUCKLAND TO to the country, and Sir Joseph should
spade, Scythe, Shovel, Hoe, . Slasher, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12th. “Select.” Times Office. Sursaon Dentist. HAMILTON. Or heard his last farewell, letters last February. The evidence
lakes, Axe, Ladders, 60ft new Rubber ‘ Masses. 7,8, 10.30 a.m. "VI/"ANTED by married couple-AThree May be Consulted at Victoria Cham, The shock would not have been so bad have refused to take up such an atti- disclosed that the letters in question
JJAMILTON, bers, next Times Office, having moved For those who loved him well. tude even though his followers may were posted at Taneatua, containing,
lose and Fittings. Hedge, dinners., i Rosary;"Mission Sermon, and Bene- ’
Unfurnished Rooms, use of con-

from premises lately occupied by Inserted by his sorrowing mother, respectively, £5 and £3, the ad-
j i

Bopper, Pres. Pans, Pres. Jars, Baths, diction.’ 7’ p.m. 354 veniences, within 15 minutes of sta- have ’ desired it. Unfortunately for
sisters and brother. 396 dressees residing in Auckland. Ac-
Buckets, Steps, one valuable English tion-—“C.,” Times Office. 397 AND FROM 10TH OCTOBER. 1919, Messrs Young and Gresham.
CIRCUIT ’Phone 33. Bos 9. him, his control over his party is cused, when arrested on other
St. Peter’s slight, and similar incidents are likely charges, had confessed that •he
One Alfa - Laval Separator (nearly ST. PAUL’S, London street,
]1 a.m.— \\T- ANTED—Private Board and Resi-
dence t or two or three Furnished 0 STAINTON—DIXON—At
G. P Church, Hamilton, on the Bth inst., found the mail bag lying on the road,
Should be Addressed to the enough to happen again. Whether he and took* it into the trees, rifled it,
lew), one new Imnroved Table Mangle, Mr A. Varney, National Secretary Rooms, by married couple. Apply Dental Surgeon. -
by the Ven. Archdeacon Cowie,
or Mr Massey be responsible for his
N.Z. Y.M.C.A., anthem. “TeDeum”; “Urgent,” Times Office. 319 NEW ZEALAND DAIRY ASSOCIA- Ernest George Stainton, of Otoro- and left the contents exposed - to the
md host of sundries. weather. ■ On September 12 he assisted

6.40 p.m., organ selections; 7 p.m.. TION, LTD., hanga, younger son of Mr and Mrs returning to the party we can only
Please Note Place—

by educated Lady from KAA ORA BUILDINGS the policeman to recover the bag- He
Winter Show Buildings.
Rev. E. O. Blamires, “Studies on the

. Second Comings: Various Comings,”


Superior private (In Liquidation), (Next Bank of ‘Australasia),a
J. T. Stainton, of Springfield, Papa-
toetoe to Daisy Anna, fifth daughter
guess; in any case the government of was committed to the Supreme Court
Terms Cash. anthem, “Sun of My Soul,” soloists, loard and Residence. Apply Times WARD STREET, HAMILTON. HAMILTON. of the late‘Mr H. and Mrs Dixom the country is likely to suffer in the for sentence.
174 J. R. FOW, Auctioneer. Mr Moody and,Miss Joll. Iffice. 297 Kamo, Whangarei. 365 future as it has done in the past. When At-the Auckland Court, Boyd Stewart
ST. JOHN’S, Hamilton East—ll a.m., The Temporary Offices are located in SURGEON DENTIST. Sutherland pleaded guilty and was com-
Rev. E. O. Blamires; 7 p.m., Rev. E. \\T ANTED—Comfortable Bed-sitting DEATH. we remember that both Ministers at- mitted for sentence on a charge that
Room, central, with or without the Winter Show Buildings. 380 HOLLOWAY.—On October 11th,Street, 1919, tended the Imperial Council and the he attempted to obtain £22 by false

;!M R.

FRANKTON—II a.m., Rev. E. T. board, by single young Man. central.—

Apply “Somme,” Times Office. 1011 ISS A. ISABEL MACKINTOSH
C at his iresidence, Wellington

Henry, dearly beloved hus- Peace Conference we are amazed at the pretences from James Walsh, book-,
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18th, * Olds: 7 p.m., Mr Densem. Is prepared to Form Classes Who has Returned from Active Service, small amount done, and the apparent maker, Christchurch, by falsely pre-
At 12 Noon. Rulnihia 1, 2.30 p.m., Rev. E. T. Olds; for has

Resumed Practice at Rooms Nos. band of Ellen Eosa Holloway; aged tending that a certain telegram address-
p.m., Rev. J. Clover;
ip ENTRAL DINING ROOMS AND . 82. %bsercp of any ideas on Imperial mat- ed to Roy Matthews (otherwise James\A.
! RotothiiA, 2
& CO. The funeral will leave his late -resi-
Piiketaha, 2 p.m., Mr Blacklock;
Newstead, 7.30 p.m., Rev. J. Clover;
The above business is now under Special
Breathing Exercises Taught. ! >
’Phone 950. dence for Hamilton East Cemetery By
10 a.m., to-morrow (Sunday).
at ters. Even the boasted' arrangement
of a representative to act when Prime
Walsh) purporting to invest £lO on
Gold Kip had been lodged for transmis-
WILL SELL AT Matangi, 7.30 p.m., Mr Harris. Apply—- 389 sion before a certain hour and in a form
COLLINGWOOD ST., HAMILTON, NOTE—October 26th, Church Day,
entirely new management. WEBSTER’S. Public Notices. request, no mourning. Ministers are in their own country in-
Clean Beds. in which it was ultimately received.

in the
Good Meals.
On behalf of the Public Trustee October 27th—Musical Festival. M. P. KELLY, stead of in London has not been util- The evidence was that the telegram
Estate of the late M. A. C. ALLEN, 1059 Proprietress. jyjj ISS A T T Y
ised. A Minister /or Imperial ques- was put in by the accused himself at
deceased —

Professional Verbatim Shorthand
The Waikato Times tions, to correspond to a Foreign Secre- an outside office; that when it came
containing one rood, being Lot Morning, at 11—Rev. W. Perry. H COLLINGWOOD
• G
With which is incorporated
tary i n a British Government would be
to be sent to Christchurch, accused
himself was the telegraph operator, and
312 on Deposited Plan 3493, being part Subject, “God’s Precious
of Allotment I. in the Parish of Te IN KING’S THEATRE. (Under Entirely New Management), & Private Secretary.
Legal, Commercial PERFECT The Waikato Argus. useful, but no one has time to think he changed the name of the horse from
Evening, at 7—Rev. W. Perry. Sub- v acancies for Casual Boarders. Commissions and Meetings Reported of such trifles. A change in the basis Rebekah to Gold Kip. The telegram
Rapa, situated on Lake Road, I rank- ject, “The First Resurrection.” had been delayed in transit, with the
ton, with substantially built five-roomed A Seat 'and a Book for YOU. COME! Moderate Tariff. throughout the District.
house thereon; lawn, outbuildings, etc. E. TIMMS, Desmond Chambers, Hamilton. EYESIGHT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1919.
of electoral ro'i resentation might work
result that the accused haTJ knowledge
an improvement in politics; and this is by telegram of the winner of the race
Full particulars and cards to view CT. ANDREW S PRESBYTERIAN Proprietress.
much wanted, for at present we suffer before the wire was transmitted, to
from Auctioneers. *P CHURCH, OLAUDELANDS. AND TESTING Christchurch.
HAMILTON. ‘ll Vitality Rev. R. Mackie. Subject, gYKES pETIT. PARLIAMENT from paucity of ideas. Mr Massey’s
Public Notices. The mission sermon at the Catholic

269 of the Kingdom.” great allies* are Mr Holland and Mr


7 p.m;—Mr A! Varney, National REGISTERED ARCHITECTS. : s ■ Church last evening was preached by
’PHONE 84. GARDEN PLACE. Semple, for in their dread of what, Rev. Father McCarthy, when there
General Secretary, Y.M.C.A.
There is a vast amount of activity In
Tamahere. —2 p.m'., Mr E. Hooper. WHEN TOMMY IS ILL HAMILTON. .. these terrible m.en might db, many was a. crowded congregation. The
preacher took for his subject, “Scan-
J. R. FOW Hospital.—s.4s p.m., Rev. R. Mackie. Parliament, and a large number of Bills

& 'Phone 882. . people support the existing Government
CALL IN THE DOCTOR BY ALL dal, which he characterised as the one

SALES THIRST CHURCH (PRESBYTERIAN) are either' already submitted or are without feeling any admiration for it. sin that engendered the maximum of
lyjylßT r FRANKTON.
promised by the Government, but in It was,
them But Don’t Forget Me when you want BROWN AND FORSDICK, A Government which could show ex- Divine wrath and vengeance.
To Turn Goods into Money, Send ■Services To-morrow at 11 a.m. and
the PRESCRIPTION made up. CONSULTING ELECTRICAL AND H. QROCOTT, M.P.S.N.Z. spite of the bustle an air of unreality ecutive ability, and could introduce
by the bad example given, the murder
to row AND CO. 7 p.m., and at MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. of the immortal soul; the robbing of
Our Speciality: CLEARING SALES. KOROMATUA, 2.30, Drugs Right! Service Right! pervades the scene. The House has much-needed reforms without giving the life Almighty God had purchased

F. A. Brown,
Fow and Co.-Sell Anything, Anywhere. • Preacher, Rev. J. D. C. Madill. Prices Right! Ophthalmic Optician, outlived its mandate, and stands in

Chas. F. Forsdick. A.E.E., A.M.LE.E. a shock to public confidence, is greatly for them by His sufferings and death
BUY—Visit FOW AND o > ,s 19 SAFE DEPOSIT BUILDINGS, need of fresh-contact with the people. upon the Cross of Calvary. “Scandal
TO SHOWROOMS. They defy compe- (HHURCH OF
By Diploma.
It was supposed that no business would
needed, but it cannot be said that it is
in sight, or even on the horizon.
is more than robbery; it is murder of
tition either for Prices or Quality. P.O. Box 1426. At Manning’s Main Pharmacy, the most diabolical kind,” said the
100 Rolls Linoleum, Congoleum. The Morning, at 11, for Fellowship. Reports, Plans, Specifications, Super- be taken other than necessary and for- preacher, who forcefully remarked upon
Best Bedding money can buy. Huge
stocks in'every line.
Sunday School, 2.30*
Evening, at 7, when Mr Waterhouse
J. N. IRVINE, M.P.S. vision. . Opposite Theatre Royal,
mal matters, but if we may judge by
the devious ways by which the sin was
given, particularly pointing to what he
will preach; subject, “The True \aluc , HAMILTON. the list of Bills mentioned by Mr Massey characterised as the legalised sin of

of Life.” CHEMIST, Music.

’Phone 84 HAMILTON. seem that the Government are A great shock was occasioned the race suicide, which had sent ancient
V E R .Y B 0 D Y ’ S, NEXT FARMERS’ CO-OP. NEW STORE (A Card.) not confining themselves to these Hamilton Domain Rom© to its destruction. In closing a
PJ stirring sermon the preacher said that
Loughlin Bros. At 3 p.m., To-morrow.

jyjTSS jyjAUD JJIMMER limits, but are dealing with fresh ques- Domain Board Board at its recent when the scandal giver -'was dead £nd

MR J. FOSTER’S subject will be: tions. There is some justification for Receives meeting, on receiving rotteft in his grave he was still sinning
“Four Great Beasts, which the Prophet (Pupil of Spencer Lorraine), A Donation, a small monetary do-
LOUGHLIN BROS, says will be Four Kings, Shall Arise.
When and Where?” 395
Unique Hot Water Bags Teacher of
this in the arrears of legislation, but it
would have been wiser to postpone
nation from a local
resident, as an assistance to its -meagre
ip others. To-night another important
sermon will he preached, and at the
’Phone 835 Nest B.N.Z. AND PIANO. LIMITED. 1 evening devotions to-morrow a sermon
funds. Members could scarcely be-
Now is the time to buy
Unique Hot Water Sags.
Care “Highcrqft,” Collingwood St.
’Phone 138.
everything possible until after the elec-
tions. At the same time it must be lieve their ears when the announce-
on “Faith” will bc preached by
Rev. Father McCarthy.


HAMILTON admitted that the public are. not dis-
ment was made by the secretary, for
the case is without precedent. Despite
A UCTION SALES AT THE ROOMS Meeting at 11 a.m.
Plain preaching—Hearty Singing. MISS A.
(Late of Dunedin), playing any particular interest in mat- the fact that Hamilton is teeming with PERSONAL
EVERY THURSDAY. Non-churchgoers heartily invited. TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE, ’PHONE 186. wealth, there is no instance on record
ters political, and that the rest and be
, Send Yours To-day.
ways Selling
of Ail Classes of
Is Prepared to Receive Intending
thankful feeling is as much in evidence
,of any of its many affluent residents
'presenting the borough with a substan-
M. Paderewski, the President of
Poland, has arrived in Loudon.
A cablegram from Sydnev states that
ODDFELLOWS’ HALL. Knox AND TUBES, there as elsewhere. We had hoped tial sum for beautifying purposes, or
Modern Street (Supper Room). Pupils. WALLPAPER MERCHANTS with a block of land to be converted Mr Ryan, Premier, of Queensland, will
that the importance of the juncture
7 p.m., “The Bible, is it worthy of Apply— to the public use. We read of parks contest the West Sydney Federal seat.
Consult us about your Clearing Sale. credence?” Covers 26 xZ\ 40/- WEBSTER’S. HOUSE DECORATORS would have brought forward new men, A message from Rotorua states that
Top prices always when sold by us. and huge amounts being left or given Mr Charles Alfred St. George Hickeson.
ALL, Tubes 26 xZ\ 10/6 ARTISTIC SIQNWRITERS and indeed some have appeared. This, to other towns' .of the Dominion, by
Teacher of Music. however, is not sufficient unless the public spirited people who realise that
late Commissioner of Stamps, died
there last night: aged 75.
Fitzgerald Bros. they cannot take their wealth with them
GOSPEL ADDRESS. 7 p.m. TJ' AS a few vacancies for Pupils, prin- DIRECT IMPORTERS
new men represent a new policy, and,
to the grave, yet Hamilton remains free
Dr. W. H. Cleary, Roman Catholic
Bishop of Auckland, has again entered
cipally during school hours, 9 so far, they have not done so. Ap-
Q UALITY You are Cordially Invited to Hear this of any such endowments. Few places the Mater Misericordiae
REDDING Address. Vulcanising Rubber a.m. to 4 p.m. Next term commences OF -
parently the election is to be fought in the®Dominion hold the possibilities
Mount Eden, on the advice of his medi-
October 13th. Intending students for

FOR Come and Bring your Friends with PLAIN AND FANCY GLASS out between the supporters of Mr for beautification that Hamilton does, cal advisers.
You. next years’ Trinity College of Music, and the Domain Board has already done
and Associated Board Examinations Massey and Sir Joseph Ward, and
pEOPLE OF rjIASTE. 2/-, 4/-, & 6/- per package
are advised to enrol at once in order
PICTURE MOULDINGS wonders considering the meagre funds
jgEVENTH J}AY to obtain a fnli course of instruction. PAINTS AND VARNISHES ’there will be a certain hollowness in at its disposal. The Board is full of COMING SALES
fact that is seldom considered
THE when buying Bedding, is, though £)HURCH, For particulars, terms, etc., apply
studio, at residence., Rosstrcvor Street,
AND a contest conducted on such lines.
The country stands in need of a fresh
great improvement schemes, which,
however, it sees no possibility of carry- ' The Farmers’ Co-operative Auction-
Mattresses may be of “much-of-a- VULCANISING SOLUTION.
123 ARTISTS’ MATERIALS ing out owing to lack of funds, and the eering Co., Ltd., draw attention to the
muchncss” in appearance, they are not SELKIRK STREET. Hamilton.
PRICES RIGHT* QUALITY RIGHT lead, and it is not clear in
what direc-
beautifying of the various domains following sales which they hold on Mon-
“much-of-a-muchness” in quality. SUNDAY, 7 P.M. 1/-, 11/6, 12/- per tin tion it may be looked for. Private day, 13th: Cambridge stock sale, 700
Our Mattresses are made of New,
must be almost a heart-breaking
Clean, Sanitary materials. No second-
Subject: “Harbingers of the Messiah, jy-R. QEO, rji rjnjRNBULL, members give no promise of any help! undertaking with the present disabili- head of cattle; Hikutaia stock and bull
or Accumulating Evidence of a Preirul-
hand kapok, fibre or ticking is used in lennial Advent.” PIANOFORTE TUNER AND and seem more engaged in obtaining ties. The chairman is to be seen at ail sale; clearing sale at Motumaoho. For
hours of the day personally working at
WEBSTER’S further particulars see usual column.
their manufacture. Every mattress is Many have been the predictions of REPAIRER.
made under a strict standard of clean- the Second Advent, and all so far have sectional advantages for some portion and supervising schemes at the various
liness and sanitation. failed. Does the Creator intend us to FIRTH STREET, CLAUDELANDS. of their constituents than in advocat- parks, but with no funds to back him SYNOPSIS OF ADVERTISEMENTS.
Manufactured for us under SPECIAL know anything .concerning this all-im-
CONTRACT. portant matter? Docs He not say: Para Rubber Co, ’Phone 864. 422 BEAUTIFUL PIANO SOLOS.
ing any general policy. ’ Sir Joseph
Ward has put forward his manifesto,
up, the whole thing must be very, dis-
heartening. A few thousands a year Board wanted.
Strayed mare.

“When ye see ALL • these things, for expenditure on this work would
KNOW that He is near, even at v the WAIKATO COLLEGE: OF MUSIC. By Post 2/2; Cash with Order. and though we think such a course make a vast difference to the outlook Horse for sale.

w r. Who is to be the first Hamiltonian to House for sale.

door!” WARD STREET. HAMILTON r fox is the right one to pursue, we cannot
AUCTIONEERS, Speaker. F. G. HAMPTON. M .. Waikato March
Home-coming March
approve Ins main points, and if the elec- hand his name down to posterity as a
public benefactor?
Rooms wanted.
Impounded notice.
FURNISHERS & PRODUCE TEACHER OF VIOLIN AND ’CELLO, tion were to be decided by the voles of Calf meal for sale.
MERCHANTS, nPHEOSOPHICAL 'Phone 422. Telegrams “PARA” Has a Few Vacancies. Perfect Melody
men of experience it would receive A profitable week to every customer Lost sum of money.
RIVER ROAD. CLAUDELANDS. Charmeuse 1 short shrift. The proposal to nation- has been made worth while this week
Housekeeper wanted.
WARD STREET, ’Phone 605.
icsite Fanners’ Auctioneering
Co. fr. One Fleeting Hour alise the coal mines and coal trade re- bv the celebration of “Anniversary Jersey heifer for sale.

Box 181. ’Phone 893.

A sudden chill may give you cold ,n
the head, inflamed throat, or broncitis. jy-R QILBERT pARKER, Silver Cloudos ceives no encouragement from the
Week” at Hooker and Kingston’s.
Worth while savings of 2s in the £
Complimentary notice.
Washer woman wanted.
Remember! If you should take a chill, Specialist In Voice Production and statement of shortage of output of coal, count are being carried out throughout Lost bottom set of teeth.
Public Lecture; don’t wait until you are laid up, hut PLAYED BY every department of the big store. All Clearing Sale (Mr Collard).
Singing. amounting to’ between eight and nine
is vour chance for Summer “BROTHERHOOD.” use “NAZOL" freely right away. the newest goods just opened, the new Wanted to buy bungalow.
NOWFootwear. Our largo stock cl Sunday, October 12th, at 7 p.m., at Thousands know its value.*
the Theosophica! Hall, CoHingwood St.
From the Royal College of Music,
I minion. EVERYBODY’S ORCHESTRA. thousand tons per week. The proposal millinery, new costumes, hosiery, house- Wanted small house or section.
White Shoos and Boots going regard- SHARLAND’S “MOA" BRAND EGG Studio at Residence, Bridge street to nationalise flour mills has no justifi- hold and dress goods arc showing speci- Young lady wants position in office
Wo intend to
less of cost at the Frank ton Supply
Library open, and inquirers welcome, PRESERVER never fails to keep fresh (Overlooking Traffic Bridge). LATEST SONGS cation unless it is intended to bring
ally reduced prices.
Stores. 3 5
to p.m.. Saturdays. eggs sweet ?nd good. Thousands use ’Phono 679. 772 make this a week the ladies of Hamil- Your teeth can he made wh'ter
(3) Rose of No Man’s Land every form of business and enterprise ton will not soon forget, a week they
it. and more beautiful; decay can be pre-
EYESIGHT is jour most SHABLAND’S “MOA” brand egg under the management of the State, will look back on with pleasure for the
YOUR precious possession.—H. GRO- The sensation imparted to the mouth The beauty of pearly white teeth may
by the use of “0Z0” TOOTH POWDER be preserved from childhood to old age PRESERVER never fails to keep fresh
Salvation Lassie of Mine
Hush-a-bye Ma Baby and we do not think the country is pre- spirit of the day is to save.—Hooker vented; tartar can be removed bv the
use of “OZO" TOOTH POWDER night
COTT, M.P.S., N.Z., Eyesight Special- Is delightful. It is cool, refreshing, by using “OZO" TOOTH POWDER.— eggs sweet and good. Thousands use and Kingston, Ltd., celebrating “Anni-
pared for such a policy. Sir Joseph and morning—6d tins everywhere. (1)
ist, Manning’s Main Pharmacy* Hamil- find fragrant.—6d tins everywhere. (A) tins everywhere. (3)>'•' it. :d Missouri Waltz Song versary Week.”
the waikato times, Saturday, October 11, i9i9



VALUABLE INFORMATION SUPPLIED treachery of the natives.


Received October 10, 9.50 pan. (Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.)
(By Telegraph.—Special to Times.)
(Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.) LONDON, October 9. LONDON, October
(By Telegraph.—Special to Times.) ihe majority of the Australians 9.
. .
(Bv Telegraph—Special to Times.) Received October 10, 5.5 p.m. (Received October-10, 11.20 p.m.)
WELLINGTON, Friday. WELL IN GT ON, Friday. WELLINGTON. Friday. LONDON. Oct. 9. Sensational revelations are made of from
At Steele Park Otis afternoon the NEW YORK, Oct. 9. the part played by the Jesuit Father Russia confirm the stories of treachery
final game of the Rugby season was In the House of Representatives Mr Several interesting amendments A statement regarding the payment Lord Haldane, concluding his recol-
played, when the Hamilton represen- Field (Otaki) suggested that the Go- -yere made by the Statutes Revise ’y cT war pensions in respect of returned
Despite unfavourable weather in
lections in the Westminster Gazette,
Mcuss during the first two years of the ?p. t^ie , so-called friendly Russians,
• oldicrs in mental hospitals was made places, the aeroplanes en route from war. He was a well-known social they state that, “\ou never knew
tatives met College Rilles. The weather vernment ought to secure a rc-valua- Committee to the Mortgages Extension denis especially with his mission to worker in Belgium before the war, and when you* would fall a victim to
was fine, and the attendance large. Don of all land throughout New Zea- Rill, which went through its final in Ih<*. House of Representatives by the New York to San Francisco are mak- Berlin in 1912, and refers to his efforts originated a daring scheme with the men you bad been helping. M They oven
seat Minister for Defence (Sir Jarm.s ing good headway. • It is expected that
Auckland’s 1919 champions land. Some settlers were paying taxes stages in the Legislative Council this to arrive at an understanding, more object of maintaining the moral of the assert that several of their men wero
down a good side, though not the best, afternoon, prior to presentation to the Allen). The practice of the War Pen- shortly the leaders from San Francisco,
particularly regarding the ambitions of
on recent valuations, and others on hid bound to New York, will meet those Belgians under the German yoke. As killed while asleep, .ill seemed glad to
while the Hamdton fitteen had under- House of Representatives. sions Board,, said the Minister, the German fleet programme, hut he leave Russia, where they suffered man y
valuations of seven or eight years ago. neen not to grant,apy pension to a bound westward. Already several cjirector of the organisation ho assisted
gone’a few alterations also. This was very unfair. The original proposal was that; there found Admiral Von Tirpitz exercising hardships owing to the cold, but say
in forwarding 1200 letters from Belgian
The home team was minus its origin- .'houkl be a re-enactment of the patient in a mental'hospital, although fatalities have occurred. Major Grissy an adverse, influence and steadily gain-
Mr Massey said lie was advised by to de- and Sergeant Thomas were killed by a soldiers to their wives in the invaded that .they were well cared for by the
ally selected front-rankers. The C’oL clauses of the Act of 1914, requiring pensions had been granted
ing power, which neither the ex- authorises.
lege Rifles went early to the attack, the Valuations Department that valua- pendants of these men. The Boaro fall at Salt Lake City. The British districts, and he also assisted Nurse
tions had not been allowed to fall into (he leave of the Supreme Court to Kaiser nor Dr Bethmann-Hollweg Cavell, helping 400 British soldiers over The Tommies agree that the Bol-
and Stormont landed a goal from a arrears. Seventy-six counties had enable a mortgagee to call up tiic had re-considered the matter, and ;t plane driven by Air Commodore Charl- were able to withstand. Lord Haldane sheviks had a wholesome dread of the
the frontier, in addition to the soldiers,
penalty. Sowman led a home forward principal sum or exercise any of the proposed now, while not paying any ton, fell at Ovid (New York); Charlton believes that Dr Bcchmann-Hollweg of many other nationalities. Prisoners “Aussies,” despite the fact that they
attack from the eastern half, being well been re-valued since the outbreak of escaped injury. The French plane also
the war. The increases in valuation 'powers conferred on him by the deed pension when the mar; was in -the men- disapproved at heart of the policy lead- were taken to Brussels to be disguised. were a mere handful. A poor opinion is '

supported. The ball was carried over tal hospital, to consider each case on fell In flames, but both the remain In
ing to the outbreak of the war. Here they met a little girl who said generally held of the Bolshevik discip-
the line, ■ where Gasparich pounced on had totalled £47,000,000. Forty-four i mortgage. The revised Bill prr- its merits at the time of discharge escaped. Only Americans
it and scored. Dufty missed the kick. counties were re-valued immediately vicles that if the mortgagor is given Lord Haldane concludes: “Germany nothing, but the prisoners followed line and fighting qualities. The Bol-
before the war. In 17 counties, chief- two months’ formal notice in writing from the hospital. The memorandum the contest. lies prostitute, not dead. We must until the child stopped outside .the sheviks often bolted or surrendered
Shortly afterwards, from a mark fine by
supplied by the Board, added the without putting up a fight, and the
Fitzgerald, Gasparich landed a ly high country, there was no evidence that the mortgagee proposes to exer- ENGLAND TO AUSTRALIA. prepare by study and organisation house in which Nurse Cavell was wait- prisoners
cise any such powers, and docs not Minister, stated that while the present against her competition in scientific in- ing to meet prisoners. Here they were sometimes became an em-
"oal. In the closing minutes of play permanent increases in value.
rule would be continued as long as the
College Rifles brought the scores level, Twenty-four counties were ripe for within that period lodge an objection TO START ON WEDNESDAY. dustry. She will not attempt for bandaged' up and transformed into hos- barrassment to cur forces, owing to
in writing, the mortgagee may pro- man remained in a mental, hospital, generations to rebuild on mih'tary foun- pital patients until Father Meuss was their numbers. The Australians’ casual-
Stormont kicking a splendid penalty re-valuation, and of these 14 would be
<roal from alxmt 10 yards inside the taken in hand immediately. The in- ceed to call up the principal or exc’- the Board would be prepared to fa- (Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.) dations, but there are other fields of able to arrange for their transfer over ties were very slight throughout the
home half, and midway to the western e’so any of his powers without the vourably consider the payment of the activity." Lord Haldane is of the the frontier. On one occasion Meuss operations. Practically none were taken
crease in these counties were not ex- (Received October 10, 7.20 p.m.)
touch. The quarter ended— pected to he heavy. It was not pos- leave of the Court. If the mortgager full disablement pension for the peripd LONDON, October 9. opinion that the people both of the dressed up as a cattle-driver, and went prisoner.
Some of the Australians from Russia
of detention after discharge from the the to' Ostend, where ho found the lurking

College Rifles. 0
s.ble to re-value all the rural land of objects the mortgagee may apply for Larkin, in a Sopwith ’plane, hopes to United States and throughout
Hamilton b the leave of the Court to proceed as hospital, subject to an adjustment in Empire, are coming to realise this. place of German submarines. Another claim that they fought in Gallipoli,
the Dominion every year. Land values, an Australian IhgM on October time, dressed' as a pastry cook, he at- Egypt,and
under the Act of 1914. respect of any pension already paid to start,on Palestine, France and Belgium
In the second Quarter Stormont as disclosed by sales, had increased, 15. Captain Matthews will be navi- tended a dinner of Zeppelin officers and also*

a few
An additional provision makes it the dependants. Two conditions were more adventurous
scored and converted two tries, and but he. thought that while much land
made. The Board proposed, to limit gator and as pilot will be accompanied learned of an impending spirits
raid on declare their intention of en-
kicked a penalty goal for the visitors. had changed hands very little money t ompotent for the Supreme Court, on by Sergeant J. D. Kay, an Australian IRISH PROBLEM listing in Deniken’s forces, for which

Dufty scored for Hamilton, and Gas- the application of either party, to ex- The period for which the pension would Plying Corps mechanic. Britain- He notified the British Admir-
had changed hands. The Government alty by carrier pigeons, • sent via Hol- Russian officers are now recruiting
parich converted, making half-time had been" able to buy land at much tend Hie protection given by the mea- be paid retrospectively to two years, volunteers in London. They particu-
but the case of any soldiers who had RIVAL PROPOSALS. i land. Father Meuss chanced to he in
scores— below the market price, because it was sure to any mortgage for a further ANOTHER MISHAS- larly require officers.
19 period of 12 months—that is to say, been detained in the mental hospittl Holland when Nurse Cavell was arrest-
College Rifles able to pay cash. FULL DOMINION HOME RULE. ed, and thus escaped the fate of the
Hamilton 11
Mr McCallum (Wairau) asked for an while the term of operation of the fa more than two years would be con- MACHINE PALLS IN LAKE EYRIE.- majority of the leaders of the organis- OBSTREPEROUS SOLDIERS.
s’dered on its merits. The other con-

investigation of the Valuations Depart- full is normally until December .’lt. PLEBISCITE OF COUNTIES. ation. Belgium has conferred a decor-
ment, statins that much money had 1920, the Court may order that Us ditions related to payments of pen- ’ BOTH OCCUPANTS SAVED. ation on Father Meuss. RIOTS IN PLYMOUTH.
protection may apply to a specific sions to dependants. An adjustment
SPORTING been lost by Us inefficiency.
Mr Massey assured the House that mortgage until the end of 1921. The was necessary owing to the fact that (-Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.)
A the case of a married soldier de-
the head of the Department was a
zealous and capable officer, and the
Court may make a similar order
v-here the mortgagee has made an ap- tained in a mental hospital the wife
(Received October 10, 9.10 p.m.)
NEW YORK, October 9.
(Australian and N.Z. Gable Assn.)
Received October 10, 7.20 p.m.
(Australian and N.Z. Cable
TE AWAMUTU TROTS. would be granted the disablement pen- Received October 19. 9.45 p.m.
staff was efficient. plication for permission to call up the Lieut. Hynes’ aeroplane fell into Lake NEW YORK, October 9.
week, and if she had chil- LONDON, October 9.
principal or to exercise any of his sion of £1 a companion
(By Telegraph—Special to Times.) Mr McCallum: The old story. Am dren she would also receive the Eyrie. Lieut. Hynes and his The World’s London correspondent
that two rival
VON DER GOLTZ’S REPLY. Over 100 of the Royal Fusiliers, who
honest man stole, the horse, and a very powers under the mortgage. Stipen- were saved. learns authoritatively
diary Magistrates are given power to widow’s pension of £2 a week. plans for Home Rule will ho submitted TO THE ALLIED MISSION'.. landed at Plymouth from Russia,
TE AWAMUTU, Saturday. able department does not do its work. Dr A. K. Newman (Wellington by the Cabinet and the Home Rule Bill broke through the guards on the docks,

Mr Massey said the Department had dispose of applicators where jhe prin- 0 ■
The Te Awamutu Trotting plub’s
inaugural meeting opened to-day in bis programme of work in han,d. ft cipal sum secured is less than £SOO, Fast), said that cases had been
brought under his notice of men who
N.Z. WAR MEMORIALS Committee appointed to bring about a
settlement of the Irish question. The
LETTISH-ESTHONIAN ACTIVITY, and_ raided the neighbouring bars, re-
sulting in a drunken brawl, which the
fine weather. There is a large crowd, was difficult to get competent men to and civilian were unable
considering it is not a totahsator meet- take up work as valuers. The sala- almost certainly would never come out SITES ON BATTLEFIELD.
first plan provides for full Dominion
to quell. Troops were called out, and
ing. The turf is in splendid order, ries were not large enough. ENTERTAINMENTS of the mental hospitals. Would the Home Rule, with complete fiscal inde-
the rioters rounded up. A further
having benefited from recent rains. relatives sret the money, or would they (By Telegraph.—Special to Times.)
pendence, but with no power to raise (Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.l
disturbance occurred when they reached
Results:— have to wait years and years? Would WELLINGTON, Friday.
an army or create a navy. It provides (Received October 10, 11.40 p.m.)
the barracks, necessitating strong
EVERYBODY’S. widowed mother get anything? that any county can decide by plebis- COPENHAGEN, October 9.
Maiden Trot.—Mutu 1, Topsy Roths-
OBITUARY ihe The Minister of Defence told the
guards with fixed bayonets. Two sol-

Also started: The two Paramount star pictures to Sir James Allen - The v»ido\v wi.l Hons© of Representatives to-day that cite whether it wishes to remain under General Von der Goltz has written to diers were injured-
child 2, Jaylyn 3. direct British control. Ireland will
Lieutenant Mood, Imperial Star, and be screened at the above theatre to- get a pension. he had received ti cablegram from the the chief of the Allied Mission at Riga,
Dr Newman; Suppose the man is de- High make a fixed annual contribution of
Malmsbury. Topsy Rothschild led the MR H. HOLLOWAY. night are of special quo Ply, one being a Commissioner reporting the probably £1 per head to Britain.
alleging that Lettish and Esthonian
first time round, and the order was not clared to he incurable, will his rela- acquisition, on behalf of New Zealand,
changed until at the close of the race
Paramount Arbuckle com. Jy and. the
Widespread regret willybe expressed other a • western dra\na featuring tives get anything of that pension of two sites for war memorials, one on
The second plan provides for the troops are largely massing on the; de-
marcation line, and he is unable to
Mutu came forward, winning by a establishment of -two Parliaments, one
at the death of Mr H. Holloway, the Wallace !L id. Fatly Arbuckle, who is which he has earned? the battlefield of Messincs, and the for Ulster’s nine counties, and the other evacuate German troops unless these
couple of lengths. Time, 3.58. veteran Journalist, which occurred at now the highest salar! d screen come- Sir James Allen: The wife will he other on the battlefield of Gravenstafel. forces are withdrawn. ATTACK AT RIGA.
Middle-class Handicap.—Tim Wilkin his residence, Wellington street, at dian .in the world, rel ascs his latest entitled to the disablement pension. Survey and other expenses would cost for the rest of the country.. The corres-
Roma 2, 3. Tim Wilkin pondent adds, “The latter plan is
1, Aranui an early hour this morning, after an pictures exc'usively through the “Para- The man will be kept at the expense about, £l5O, and he proposed to BEGUN BY VON DER GOLTZ.
overtook handicap before passing round illness extending over some months. mount” concern, who have granted the of the State. Unless he goes out this authorise this expenditure. Sites
looked on the less favourably.’’ LABOUR MATTERS.
the first time, and'Roma, following up Deceased, who was 82 years of age, sole right of screening here proposal will not eventuate. were to l>e secured on the battlefields (Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.)
Aranui, camednto second place, passing i 0 “Every- *

along the back, and the trio were was well known throughout the whole body’s.” The comedy to-night is
been closely as-, ceedingly funny, and is consi icuous for
ex- of France, Belgium-, Palestine, and
Gallipoli, and permanent memorials to
LONDON, Oct. 9.
of he having
bunched together at the turn for home, Waikato,
Aranui contesting with Tim Wilkin for sociated with the district
since the those many clever details which reveal N.Z. FARMERS' UNION New Zealand soldiers who fell in the
war are to be erected on the site. The AT THE GATES OF SWITZERLAND.
! dent states
Express’ Reval correspon-
that it is reported that
the honours when coming along the pioneering days, and he was as widely Arbuckle’s genius. Wallace Reid is
ground in each case is a oart of the ’ General von der Goltz has commenced
straight, but then* broke and fell away respected as ho was known. To his popular as Douglas Fairbanks in those
actual battlefield over which the New 'REFUSED ADMISSION.
(Australian and, N.Z. Cable Assn;) 1 ; an attack on Riga.
third. ‘Time, 4.18 2-5. widow and family genera! sympathy places where he is better known. It SUB-PROVINCIAL MATTERS. (Received October 11,.7.40 p.m.)
Zealanders fought.
Te Awamutu Cup.—Ornarangi 1, will bo extended. will be remembered that ho scored a LONDON, October 9hj
3. ■At ft meeting of the Waikato Suh- THREATS TO FORCE ENTRANCE. Goaimitteb'oL tile.; THREATS RESENTED.

Tim Doolan 2, Salamander A close He was born at Wanstead, Essex, ;n great success here rot long ago in “Too The Parliamentary
finish. Time, 4.39. was at Hackney Gram- In tbe play to-night provincial Executive of the New Zea- Trades Union Congress discussed: the'
Waipa Handicap.—Overrate 1, Mutu
1837, educated Many Millions.”
mar School, London, and had a mer- he is supported by a splendid cast, in- land Farmers’ Union, held in Hamilton POLITICAL NOTES ' (Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.)
report of the Conciliation Committee: BY G£HMt-VN FOREIGN'MINISTER.
2, Teddy McKinney 3. Imperial Star cantile experience in that city for about cluding Ann Little and Lottie Pickford, yesterday, Mr E. H. Hammond presided. (Received October 10, 5.10 p.m.)
in the recent strike, and decided to.
also ran'. Won comfortably. eight year's. In 1863 the late Mr Hol- sister of the famous Mary. There are A remit from the Horsham Downs, YESTERDAY’S PARLIAMENT. PARIS. October 9. appoint a sub-committee to. consider EVACUATION DESIRED.
loway arrived at Port Chalmers by the excellent supporting Poms. Every- seeking “That stock sales be conduct- Serious unrest continues in South- creating emergency machinery to in-
WHANGAREi RACING. combined (By Telegraph—Special to Times.) ern Europe. BUT PATIENCE NECESSARY.
ship Mystery, and after a short ex- body’s Orchestra will provide excellent ed at NgaruStwahia on the tervene immediately in order- to pre-
perience at mining he took up news- music, prices of admission being 1/1 principle fortnightly as at Hamilton, WELLINGTON, Friday. Geneva messages state that 3200 vent a big strike.
For the second day of the Whangarei paper work in Dunedin with the late und Cd. was carried. Companies’ Capital. Italian demobilised soldiers are con- (Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.)
meeting'the weather, was fine, and the Sir Julius Vogel. He later removed In connection with the Hora Hoi;a “Is it still necessary for companies gregated on Swiss frontiers, demand- THE LATE STRIKE. Received October 10, 10.45 p.m.

attendance a record. Results are;— electric scheme, it was decided that to BERLIN, October 9.
get the permission of the Minister, ing admission, which has been refused
to the North Island. He joined the
Flying Handicap.—Tuipa 1, Kii- which he served Three of the best pictures ever asking for for Finance before increasing their under the immigration’ laws. The Ital- Herr Noske-, in an interview, said
Taranaki Militia in the Minister be written to MINERS PAID WAR WAGES..
heggan 2. Blue and Black 3. Persian for three years under von Tempsky shown in the theatre—two star dramas a definite statement as to the Xarmei ‘5 capital,” asked Mr J.
Anstey (Waitaki) ians say that they will force an en- that he regretted that England and

Prince and Monocrat also started- and a superior comedy—screen to- in the House of Representatives to- trance by arms, if necessary. France still thought it desirable to
Won by a neck. Time, 1.18 2-5. in the trouble with the Maoris, and night. It is regrettable that such films requirements.
day. The restriction, he said, had been
threaten Germany regarding the Baltic
was a member of the force which was It was decided to get full branch (Received October 10. 11.45 a.m.)
Novice Handicap.—Winning Lass 1, reproduced, as the Royal is
No Mistake 2, No Bother 3. "Won by surrounded for about ,11 days at Pipi- cannot be meetings in order that the present jil- 4 war measure, and if it. was not still LONDON; Oct. 9; evacuation. Patience was necessary
half a length. riki. Later on hq saw service at sublet for, Monday and Tuesday to the
foxing Association. The charming anciai position of the Union should ijequfred it should be withdrawn. IN MEMORY OF THE FALLEN It is officially stated that lire roffiets’■ while the Government brings reason
be'-placed before each member, when 5 The Minister for Finance (Sir James application for war wages in lieu ol an to bear upon the troops, whom it

Poroti Hurdles.—Entente Cordiale 1, Opotiki and at Poverty Bay after the actress, Viola Dana, will appear in
proposed action by the executive would Allen) replied that the
reason for the honestly wishes to recall. If the

Step 2, Dunrobin 3. Also started: massacre and then he settled in Wa- Metro’s famous reproduction of Myrtle disappeared, and he OBELISKS ON THE BATTLEFIELDS unemployment donation during the
rWia and Faknor. Won by two nganui, where he gave his attention to Read’s most popular novel, “Flower o’ he submitted to them for approval cr regulation has now strike has been granted.. nation withheld their pay the troops
4-5. the proposed to rescind the regulation. would plunder the country, causing a
/>€ngths. Time, 3.36 journalism and became editor of
the Dusk,” described by ihe Welling- otherwise. (Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.)
An investigation was made into the Wanganui Herald. He was afterwards ton Post as: “A beautiful play of un- Mr Duxflcld moved and Mr
Lye Loans to Local Bodies. *

Received October 10, 5.5 p.m. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS. .■ conflagration.

running of Entente Cordiale, which As for a vear on the staff of the old Inde- idol, seconded, and the following resolution Mr G. A. Wilkinson (Egmont) asked LONDON, October 9.
jockey pendent In Wellington, which is now usual strength.” The people’s it was the intention of the Minister
not yet completed. The
. (Adolph) had his license cancelled for Harold Lockwood, will repeat his grand was passed;—“That it is the opinion if
to relax the r"gul tion limiting the rate
Four obelisks, marking the. battle-
fields where the Australians were
known as the New Zealand Times.
rnanlv performance in “Under Handi- of tl‘e Waikato Sub-provincial Execu-
breach of the rules relating to giving On relinquishing duty there, the de- cap.”' This, is the film of which the tive that it is in the best interests of loans. of interest to be paid by local bodies’on principally engaged, have been com- (Australian and N.Z.. Cable Assn.)
information as to the chance of a horse. Napier, where he pleted at Polygon Wood, Bell en, Lise, Received October 10, 5.10 p.m. COMRADES PROUD OF HIS EXPLOIT.
ceased- removed to
Motion Picture World wrote: “Lock- the farmer that the. commandeerv be

Park Handicap.—Windorah 1, Blue The Minister for Finance replied that Mericourt, and Pozieres, and a fifth is LONDON, October 9.
Cross 2, Lady Energy 3. Also started: becameTelegraph, one of the originators of the wood never made another drama to ’.fled from all dairy produce.”
and on removing to Mr Fisher moved and Mr Seavill he could not give a definite answer. being constructed at St. Quentin. The The Labour delegate to the Inter- AUSTRALIA’S FAME ENHANCED.
Paddington Green, Classification, and Daily appointed equal it, and it is
a question if any other careful obelisks, which are constructed of grey- national Congress at Washington will
Maori Tikanga. Won by half a length. Auckland was subsequently seconded, “That the executive request The matter would require very
editor of the .Waikato Times and later actor ever did.” The orchestral music Hammond to retain the position of consideration. basalt, are 45ft high, and are inscribed be Mr Stuart Running. His advisers 1
(Australian and N.Z . Gable Assn.)
Time, 1.45. will be an additional attraction. Those
was editor of the Thames Advertiser wishing. to; make sure/of a seat should
Settlement of Land. to the officers and men of the division include Messrs Henderson, Bowcrman, (Received October 10, 10.30 p.m.)
Marsden Stakes.— Clonmel 1, Melt- 1 resident until the end of the financial Mr Me Galium (Wairau) asked for operating in the particular- field on and Sexton, and two ladies. ;■• LONDON, October 9.
Mr Mr Hammond recognised the
ing 2, Senlac 3. Also started: Sandy for a period. In 1875Colonial

book at Paul’s. j ear.” which the monument stands. The date L

more provision for the settlement of The officers and men of the 45th

Macdonald and Gold Plane. Won com- joined the staff of the Mutual difficulty that would face a new presi-
and was KING’S THEATRE. Crown lards by civilians. The Govern- of the unveilings has not yet been AMERICAN CONFERENCE. f ; Battalion of Royal Fusiliers agree that
fortably by a length. Time, 1.4 3-5. Insurance Company in Sydney,
The sauciest of screen favourites, dent at this stage fif the year and fixed. the Australians fighting in their ranks
should provide for married men

Kamo Handicap.—Battletide .1, Tom for a time an inspector in connection Constance Talmadge. brings her very withdrew his resignation. ment
as well as for soldiers. Canada has selected eight sites for NATIONAL ARBITRATION BOARD. in North Russia greatly enhanced their
Moore 2, Paraka 3. Also started: with that office. On returning to New similar memorials; . i . own and the regiment’s reputation as a
Vladinoy, St. Amiel, Archery, Alys, latest success, “The Slu bo Girl." Tins Mr Smith (Taranaki) also asked for

Zealand he held a position on the staff than either (Australian and N.Z; Cable Assn.) fighting force. All are particularly;
and Dead Sweet. Won comfortably by of the Evening Bell in Auckland for a picture is even more piquant
a length. Time, 1.45. “Up the Road Willi Sal!ie"'pr “Mrs
BOXING consideration for men of experience
who had not been able to go lo the AFFAIRS IN GERMANY Received October 10, 5-10 p.m. proud of the exploit for which Private
short time and then returned to Hamil- WASHINGTON, October 9. Sullivan was awarded the Victoria
Farewell Handicap.—Royal Irish 1, LelTingweli’s 800t5,2 Miss Talmadge’s war, and who were being compelled to
editor of the Waikato rimes m THE HAMILTON TOURNAMENT. The employers' group at the Indus- Gross. Sullivan, in the earlier engage-
Bine and Black 2, Monocrat 3. Also ton as On the establishment of the two previous successes. The produc- pay extortionate rates of interest to COUP-DE-MAIN. trial Labour Conference, which is repre-
started; Stilts, Persian Prince, and 1895. a year later, Mr Holloway be- tion is by the celebrated “Select” firm, private lenders. BPARTACIST ments distinguished himself by a dis-
MONDAY AND TUESDAY NEXT. sentative ot United states capital and play of keen soldierly qualities and in-
Mary Bruce. Won by half a length. Argus its editor, which position he held and amongst the notable actors taking Mr Talbot (Temuka) urged that
Time, 1.33. came parts in it are Earle Foxe and “Laughing that practical men should be appointed to
FEARED IN BERLIN. labour, proposed a three months’ trepid daring. Uni£ke the majority of
until the amalgamation in December, Johnnie” Hines. “The Studio Girl” The number of the truce. 1 ■ .■■
his comrades, he saw no fighting on
have already been made at Paul’s indi- the Land Boards. He stated that sub- (Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.) Mr Gompers, President of theArbftra-.
Labour other fronts, as he was xinahle to enlist
1914. proved immensely popular in the Idrger
DUNEDIN RACES. cates that full houses will attend the divisions were often wrongly made.

his vmng days the late Mr Hol- (Received October 10, 5.10 p.m.) Federation, proposed that an owing to family reasons until the war
In cities. The supporting items —numer- two nights’ tournament of the Hamil- The Minister for Lands, replying to BERLIN, October 9. tion Board be appointed to settle the
loway \\3iS a keen rowing enthusiast was nearing an end. He arrived in
(Bv Telegraph—Press Association.) ous and especially good—include “His ton "Boxing Association at the Municipal various questions, said that the price steel strike. England too late to participate in
and an active member of the London Social Rise” (comedy), “The Friendly It is feared that a Spartacist coup- , , ■■■■.■
Theatre, on Monday and Tuesday even- Of land was certainly high, but this was A representative of the public grotlp

DUNEDIN, Friday. Rowing Club for many years. de-main is imminent. France, and immediately offered when
Bee,” reputed to be a splendid picture ings next. The quality of the sport due to the increased price of products National Arbitration Bojjrd, volunteers were wanted for the Arch-
The following are the concluding re- The deceased was married in 1873 full of interest, "Fishing in Cook’s which is to be provided well warrants and the keen demand for holdings. He
proposed a
to a of the late Dr Bestic, including the ex-presidents ,of the angel front, declaring that he must see
sults daughter Strait,” a New Zealand film of impor- bumper houses. The amateur classes assured the House that the Govern- United States as members, with the
1, of Ngaruawahia. His widow and two tance, “The American Pathe News” and THE ADMIRALTY some fighting liefore his return.

Mosgiel Handicap.—denshire of competition bouts have tilled well, ment’s most successful settlements object of arbitrating in all disputes.
All started- sons and three daughters survive him.
Marianne 2, Paraoa 3. “Co-operative Weekly Review.” Seats with competitors from various parts of were on high-priced land. A proposal was advance d that immi-
Won .bv a length and a-half. Time, The daughters are Mrs H. R. J. Short may be reserved to-day over ’phone the province, and from as far south as Experimental Farm. gration to the United States be stopped

2.17 3-5." 5 (Auckland), Mrs E. H. O’Meara 580. Wanganui and Gisborne- They arc men, When the Agricultural Estimates for two years, and that when resumed
McLean Stakes. Mind 1, ilton) and Mrs E. C. Clark (Kavva- MISS MINA CALDOW. with good performances in the it only be allowed in such proportion
Mantua 2, Behchcad 3. Scratched: kawa) and the sons Messrs C. H.
too, were reached; Mr Graigie (Timaru) FIRST SEA LORD.
Raconteur, Martial Holloway, dentist, and A. B. Holloway, Considerable interest,has been taken ring. The special amateur bouts ar- and other members asked for the estab- as will enable the country to Ameri-
in the announcement that Mina ranged will provide > interesting spprt lishment of additional experimental (Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.) canise the newcomers.
Dance, Sagacity, and Orange Mart. both of Hamilton. to cartons. Interest naturally centres farms. The South Island had a claim
Caldow, the well-known New Zealand (Received October 10, 8.40 p.m.)
Mron by a short head. Time, 52 3-ssec.
Trial Plate.—M’ar Love 1, Bonnet- row at 10 a.m.
The funeral will take place to-mor- contralto, will give a concert in the
his late residence, Town Hall, Hamilton, on Saturday
mainly on the professional contest be- in this respect. LONDON, October 8. STRIKE OF LONGSHOREMEN, THE PEACE TREATY
Bright tween Venn and Robinson, who have The Minister, Mr Nosworthy, re- Admiral Beatty is to succeed Lord
ter 2, Katalonia 3. street, to the Hamilton night next. For some years Miss Cal- OVER 50,000 IDLE.

Wellington been matched over 15 rounds of three plied that he did not intend to move Wemyss as the First Sea Lord.
Snot, Calauria, Pax, Larissa, K a water. cemetery. The past performances SIGNED BY THE KING.
Filagree, and Lady Phoenix. MTon by East dow has been recognised as the Do- minutes ench.
regarding experimental farms until he
minion's leading contralto, and has had of the principals arc such as to ensure had an opportunity to examine for him- (Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.)
a nose. Time, 1.20 3-5. (Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.)
a keen scientific and interesting con- (Received October 10, 9.15 p.m.)
Electric Handicap.—Mortham 1, Post CHURCH SERVICES a distinguished career, both here and
in the Homeland, During the war
self the properties that had been
test- The first contest starts at 8 offered, and study the suggestions MR WILSON’S HEALTH NEW YORK, October 9, (Received October 11. 9.25 a.m.)
(Received October 11, 11.10 a.m.)
Haste 2, Hot Air 3. Eleven started. p.m., and patrons arc advised to be made. It was useless to expect that The estimated number of longshore
Won by a length and a-half. Time
period she spent much time in enter- LONDON, October 10.
The services to-morrow at the Frank- taining; tiie soldiers, and there will lie seated by curtain rise. Mr F. Burns, experimental farms would be estab- CONDITION UNCHANGED. men idle is between 50,000 and 10,000.
1 20 4.5. of Auckland, will be referee. The King has signed the Peace
Toioma Handicap.—Flcetham 1, Re- ton Presbyterian Church, King street, many demobilised men in this district lished all over the country. Some I.W.W- influence is alleged.' Treaty.
be conducted bv the Rev. J. D. C. who will splendid con- (Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.) The union officials, who counselled
volution 2, Once More 3. Ten started. will concentration of effort was essential.
24. Madill, and also at Koromatua at 2.30. certs she gave at Trentham and SALVATION ARMY Educational Matters. Received October 10, 3.5 p.m. against the strike, are unable to con-
by half a-length. Time 1 At her concert
October Pacilico 1. Historical evidence of a soon-coming Featherston camps.
is the subject for consideration here she will have the assistance of two The House sat till 4 a.m., dealing NEW YORK, Oct. 9. trol the men. The work of-the port is
President Wilson’s condition is un- suspended. JAPAN AND CHINA
Bellshire 2, Borodino 3. Seven started. Christ on Sunday next at the Selkirk Street of “The Tuis,” a “Digger” party.which FARMING AT PUTARURU. with various* classes of the Estimates.
Won all the way. Time 1 50 2.5. gave entertainments at the front. It There was much discussion on edu- changed.
Church at 7 p.m. Great work is being done by the cation matters, members demanding Received October 11, 9.50 a.m. SHANTUNG EPISODE.
tolalisator investments continue his ad- is safe to assume that Miss Caldow will
The were
Mr J- Foster win of
£21,450 10s. dresses on “Daniel’s Prophecies,” at receive a good reception , from music- Salvation Army a few miles out more schools, bettor accommodation, WASHINGTON, October 10.
Putaruru in the direction of Waotu, smaller classes, and other reforms. Mr Wilson continues to improve. LIBERAL SETTLEMENT LIKELY.
Everybody’s Theatre to-morrow after- Invers in Hamilton. The Minister of Education explained
noon. RECITAL BY MRS ROSS’ PUPILS. where a large block of land is being

brought in very rapidly on up-to-date that this session’s an

~ , -
llev. R. Mackie will preach in St. The announcement that Mrs H. C. instalment only. N.Z. WAR CONTINGENT CLUB
DUNEDIN, Saturday. Andrew’s Presbyterian 'Church to-mor- introduce her lines, and it is anticipated that several to be regarded as
The weather is fine, hut the course row morning at 11, and at hospital at Ross has decided to audience hundred boys will be trained here 'n Another Education
Bill, covering a BOLSHEVIK ARMY DEFEATED. (Australian and N.Z. Cables Assn.)
still heavy. Results Morning subject, “The pupils to a Hamilton in a on great deal of ground, would be intro- THE FINAL MEETING. (Received October 11, 1.25 a.m.)
545 p.m; the best methods of farming _ (Australian and N.Z. Cable^Assn.)

Hurdles.—Kimholton 1, M’ild Pil- Vitality of the Kingdom.” In the public recital has boon received with the practical lines. Buildings are spring-
duced next year. The medical and NEW YORK, October 10.
grim 2, Lawsuit 3. All started. Won evening Mr A.’ Varney, the National greatest pleasure by local mnsicdoveis, dcntaJ inspection would be extended as WHAT HAS BEEN ACHIEVED. (Received October 10, 11.15 p.m.) Tlie World's Sari Francisco corres-
and the Theatre Royal is likely to be ing up all over the property, the large additional officers became available. STOCKHOLM, October 9. pondent interviewed Mr Reinset, who
bv a length and a-quarter. Time,
General Secretary of the Y.M.C.A., crowded on November 4th, when the institution nearing completion. In-
3.6 3-5. Mr E. Hooper concert will take place. Mrs Ross has The Railways.
(Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.) General Ivcslria admits General Deni- said that it seems probable that Japan
will be.the preacher. cidentally this is greatly* helping the When the Railway Estimates were kin's friends are being ruthlessly per-
Guineas.—Royal Slag 1, Mustard Pot will preach at Tamaherc at 2 p.m.
adjoining a (Received October 10, 5.10 p.m.) will make a liberal settlement of the
2, Orange Bitters 3. Scratched- done much to develop the musical life district forward, and just
reached, Mr Massey, replying to much LONDON, October 9. secuted as the result of a discovery of Shantung position. Japanese interests
■The morning service at St. Pauls community, and has a number of great opportunity presents itself for criticism, stated that reforms were the Centre Party’s plot. Those exe-
Russet, Starland, Calauria and Link Up. Methodist Church, London Street, will of the now Sir Thos. Mackenzie presided at the are being very seriously affected as the
Varney (New talented pnpils, whose
performances private investment, as there is going to be undertaken. The policy cuted include Princes Obolenski and
Wcm by a short neck. Time, 1.50 2-5 be conducted by Mr A
are sure to prove enjoyable. Besides of good freehold land, of the Department would be to study final meeting of the New Zealand War result of the Chinese boycott. He
Zealand national secretary, of the the instrumental items, there will be
1)00 acres
Contingent Club. Lord Plunket, Sir Andronikoff, and Generals Alexieff and. added that Hie traditional friendship of
bo easily ploughed and well watered, the convenience of the public. Dimitrieff, and the scientists St. Chop-
)IC 1) The evening service will Jas. Mills, Messrs Coates, Waldegrave the United Stales and China is growing
who will numbers by gifted vocalists, and tho available, at £ i per acre. For 5 par- Several members protested against
led by" Rev. E. 0 Blamjres, or Bi ).e concert should prove a musical treat. ticulars and arrangements to inspcc., the payment of £3OOO yearly to who
the and Douglas McLean were present. The kin and Androikoff. n 0 in spile of disappointment on our part


special senes HELSINOPORs, Octobei J.

at the result of the Peace Conference.
You can never be sure where a continue Mrs Ross has decided to. give the total ’phone or write to Robert Alcorn, General Manager of Railways, chairman stated that the club had pro- Russian amiy com-
Second Coming, A North-west
cold is going to hit you'. It may be studies on his“The proceeds of the entertainment to the received three times the salary or a vided over 1,000,P00 meals for troops.

subject “Various Com- defeated live

as Putaruru. Telephone 17. munique states: "We
merely a cold in the head or it •■may ing.’’ At St. John’s, Hamilton Easu, Hamilton Municpal Band for its new Cabinet Minister. The Government had subsidised the
Bolshevik regiments m the Pskott
attack your throat and leave you with Rev E. 0. Blamires and Rev. E. 1. uniform fund, so those who attend,
while paving tribute to Mrs Ross’ popu- hoi, rest-
Hon. W. H. Herries defended the
payment on the ground that Now Zea-
club to the extent of £12,000, of which
£7OOO had been refunded. Reference region, and took 500 prisoners. AMERICA AND THE TREATY
a nasty cough, or it may settle in the Olds will preach morning and evening When your little child is
the same time, have the less and feverish, with a fresh coid, land nuist pay for experts in the Ini? was also made to the fact that the relief
lungs and leave some lung trouble. respectively, and at I’rankton Lev. t. larity, will, at knowing that they are
All these things may be avoided if T. Olds and Mr Dcnscm. satisfaction of don’t delay, hut immediately give State services. funds collected in New Zealand totalled
assisting a good cause. “NAZOL” on sugar, and sprinkle
you take Chamberlain’s Cough £1,038,00. .JAPANESE COMMANDER’S ORDER.
Remedy. Even if the cold has got a freely a handkerchief with "NAZOL,” The United States House of Repre-
hold on you Chamberlain’s Cough MOTORISTS, TAKE NOTE! In the showroom we are now show- and pin to tire dress, so that the child sentatives has repealed the Canadian (Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.) (Received October 11, 12.50 p.m.)
Reciprocity Act, in anticipation or a
Remedy will quickly cure it. and if
taken at the first symptoms of the
ing full stocks _of all summer lines.
Silk blouses are just as popular as ever,
can inhale it constantly.*
general revision of tariff. SHIP IN DISTRESS Received October 10, 5.10 p.m.
WASHINGTON, October 9.
WASHINGTON- October 10.
Speaking at Butte (Montana), Sena-
and are still quite cheap. A\o have Millions of eggs have neen p eserv- As the result of the strong represen-
cold it will nip it in the oud.—Sold : '’\v morkinsville business. every price from 16s Cd to 20s; voile twice a day wifi keep your teeth sound
ed in SHARLAND’S “MOA” BRAND tor Johnson, who is completing his anti-
everywhere. blouses run from 8s Od to 265; crepe do and free from decay, and impart a EGG PRESERVATIVE. It is the ADRIFT AND SINKING. tations made to Japan the Japanese trcaly lour, pointed out that by the
chine in cream and dainty colourings. pearly white""? to them.—6d tins standard preparation in New Zealand. Commander has ordered his troops to Turkish treaty, of which the United
Gd to 47s 6d. We have also a very
(&) (11 (Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.) co-operate more effectively with the States was not advised, American
Gold in the head and Nasal Catarrh Mr M. T. Shaw, a returned soldier,s 32s nice useful lot of children’s print,
everywhere. Try it yourself this year.
(Received October 10, 3.5 p.m.) Americans operating on the trans- troops might he sent to Asia Minor,
are quickly relieved by “NAZOL.” having purchased Mr Johnston If you get a chill, with sore throat The King of Tonics Forsythe’s HALIFAX (Nova Scotia), Oct. 9. The United States
sugar, interest in the Motor Engineering white muslin, and whito_ voile dresses. and tightness of the chest, tackle it at Vigor Tonic —invaluable as a pick-me-
Siberian railway. without American consent. The lesson
Take five or six drops on loaf known as These are very little higher in price The steamer Yaklok has signalled threatened to withdraw their troops of what happened in Italy should not
and place between the check and gums, Business nt MorrinsviHe, once with “NAZOL.” It grips rl up after influenza, colds, etc. Bottles, Japanese
the firm will m than the materials could bo bought for. that she is adrift and sinking. Steamers from Siberia unless the
and al!ow< to dissolve naturally and Petry and Johnston, Petry and Shaw. Infants’ dresses in silk, muslin and quicker and more effectually than most 2s 6d and 4s Od.—Forsythe. Chemist, be lost.
known as Hamilton. are proceeding to her relief. worked more harmoniously.
very slowly. This gives prolonged future be cashmere.—Hall’s Drapery Stores.* remedies.’*
action and quicker relief.*






Times,) At tbe annual meeting of the King
(The HOUSE PROPERTY DESTROYED. Country Agricultural
PARIS, October 8. and Pastoral
The Surgical Conferenceexperiments. (Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.) Association .Mr E. A. Shannon pre-
sided over a small attendance of mem-
Professor VoronolPs to bers.
“Mo are
Voronoff declared; coining
SUVA, October 10.
tie Zlisation of the dream o seten-
f-icts in all ages—namely, the P
An earthquake occurred 'at Rahi The chairman reminded those present
that no show had been held last year,
Island at 10.30 on the evening of the owing to the epidemic and its results.
bngation of life, with theofrestoration
age. He 3rd inst. There were several eruptions The financial position of the Associa-
of youth, at the approach of mud and slime on the beach and
the tion was that there was a bank over-
claimed that his old goats, after land, continuing till Monday, when the draft of £l4O and expenses sincia last
crafting of now intestinal glands, steamer left. House property was
ho had show had been nil, but no subscriptions
frisked like kids, and added that damaged, and one copra dryer de- had been received. The question was
already succeeded in grafting nionkejs stroyed.
glands upon human beings. whether they should go on with the
Show, and now that the war was over,
and many of the members had come'
FRENCH IN SYRIA HAMILTON METHODIST CHURCH hack, ho thought the time was oppor-
tune to revive it. There was no big
We intend to make this the most interesting week Hamilton has
show between Hamilton and Palmer-
ston North, and he thought the To ever known. A week that you will not soon forget.

Tvniti Show should he continued.

PITCH COMMISSIONER APPOINTED At the quarterly meeting of the Ham- In reply to questions, the hon.
secretary (Mr Cochrane) said that, with From the day wo commenced business In Hamilton wo have not looked back. The spirit of progressiveness has
(Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.) ilton Methodist Circuit, there was a the exception of a few small accounts, been the watchword throughout every nook and corner of the Store. The continued confidence of the thousands of
PARIS, October .9. full attendance of officials. Rev. E. O.
the total liability was the hank over-
General Gonraud has been appointed Blamires in the chair. satisfied Customers has proved that we are on the right track. We look forward with gladness to the future, for no
The membership report showed an draft of £l4O.
High Commissioner of the I pencil It was moved hv Mr Cochrane, and efforts will be spared to enjoy the continued confidence of the Buying Public. The policy adopted by the management
increase of 12 for the quarter.
Republic in Syria, and Commander-m- seconded by Mr Board, that the hold- of Better Value, Bettor Service and Complete Satisfaction, will be the main planks of the future, and should mark
Chief of the Levant army. The financial statement submitted by ing of the Show he continued.—Carried
dir J. B. Pomeroy, circuit steward, unanimously. continued prosperity for the firm.
showed receipts for the quarter £396 16s
4d,. and a credit balance of £7 3s 6d president,
after all payments uerc made.
was re-elected
and Mr F. B. Hardy was
' Mr A. T. Maunder reported that the
elected vice-president.
GENERAL AMNESTY SIGNED. Foreign Mission contributions were close tions The meeting decided that applica-
We most cordially ask you to bring them with
he called for the position of secre-
on £350 for the year, and £365 was ex- tary to the Association. you on your shopping trips. Don’t feel, that you
CORDIAL RELATIONS. pected when the effort is completed.
Collections were authorised for De- are to leave them at home, or with your
(Australian and N'.z. ("able Assn.) cember 14th in aid of the Methodist neighbour, for Hooker & Kingston’s is the one
LONDON, Octolter 9. Rain, snow. hab, or Mow u.>n ! t
orphanage at Moujit Albert, Auckland. ar
An agreement was signed on October The reports from Sunday Schools, trouble you if you fill your
Hot V» ate' Store where children are always welcome,
Germany and Poland for a retiriuo;; but see that
1 between Bands of Hope, and other Young Bottle before where mothers can shop in comfort and have no
general amnesty, and return of prisoners People’s .organisations wciV considered has the “Unique” Stopper. Tl
fear that her dears are going to annoy anyone.

by both sidcs._ The proceedings were highly satisfactory, special mention Unique Hot "Water Bottle won’t burs
extremely cordial.
being made of the successes gained hv because it has the properly vulcanise'! We expect to be in business many years, and

teachers and scholars in the Franktou seams. our children friends of to-day will be Our future
BRITISH TAXATION Methodist Sunday School at the recent
examinations of the Auckland Sunday
customers also.
A discussion took place on the system
of appointment of ministers for terms
( Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.)
longer than five years, now considered
as special cases. It was unanimously
decided to concur in the conference
• Special Discounts will be the Order of
the Day For Anniversary Week
A sub-committee
LONDON, Oct. 9
of the Income Tax amendment to the constitution, making
the sixth and subsequent year’s invi-
Commission, dealing with the double tation to the minister contingent on a IN THE SHOWROOM.
income lax within the Empire, decided three-fourths vote of _ the September
that 'the various Governments should quarorly meeting, appointments
n€' ;
SUCCESS POSSIBLE, 2/- in the Discount off all Costumes, Blouses, Millinery, etc.


be consulted regarding certain pro- the fifth year to he mads by conference ptea
posals for relief made reciprocally be- as in all other cases. mixi 4s^ Cash Works Wonders—for we not
tween the United Kingdom and tbe
Messrs Gilling and Pomeroy, circuit
stewards, extended invitations very
jfisy only buy for less, but sell far less, but 2/- in the £ Discount off Gloves, Hosiery, etc.
To save does not mean the going with-
for cash only. If you do not need credit,
cordially to Revs. E. O. Blamires for why, pay for it. By paying cash, you IN THE MANCHESTER DEPARTMENT. out, but judicious buying of not only
third year and E. T. Olds for second not only have that feeling that every
AUSTRALIAN WIRELESS year.—Unanimously sustained, and
heartily accepted, both ministers re- THE BUSY MAN KNOWS man or woman would have, but you are 2/- In the £ Discount off Sheetings, Calicoes, Curtains, etc. the things you really need and must
have, but the things you want. You
ferring to the healthy spiritual tone in THE VALUE OF GOOD saving greatly on your purchases. The
ADMIRAL JELLICOE’S REPORT. the circuit. small purchaser is just as valued a cus- IN THE DRESS DEPARTMENT. are willing to pay a fair price for goods
OFFICE EQUIPMENT. tomer at Hooker and Kingston’s, as of quality, but for every shilling you
The chairman reported on negotia-
tions w’th Rev. F. Parker (Roslyn) to those whose purchases could run into 2/- In the £ Discount off all Dress Materials. spend, you want to know that you are
SELLsrr hundreds. The same courtesy is ex-
(United Press Association.
act as his supply at St. Paul’s during
his contemplated visit to England and A. P. HYDE tended to all, whether the purchase is getting value. It is the straightforward
MELBOURNE, Oct. America next year; also Rev. V. Trjgge large or small. In the prosperous years manner of doing business at Hooker &
Viscount Jellicoe’s report on the (Victoria) to conduct an evangelistic to which we are looking forward, we Kingston’s that has attracted you, and
Shaw wireless was tabled in the House mission in Hamilton next year. can also look back will? pleasure, that will continue to keep you airiong our
of Representatives. It states that in Miss 0. Gaulton was thanked for her ©-
the cash basis of our business has been
these works the Commonwealth has splendid services as agent for the PO" Tt>T T.TT” MVi Use
the means of you being able to use *OLo fL/Af/rfD) friends—for you KNOW that it is at
l»»!kfister*cl Name
the nucleus of a war preparations plant Methodist Times, and Mr Gaulton as those savings to provide more gener- our Store that you can really save.
which should be entrusted with the manager of the Quarterly.
of jigs, patterns and and Mr P. Hill were appointed respec-
Miss Reece
iiMli\!£j£) Kssn’s Esscr.co ously for jour family.
S mi 3
preparation The (.Trent Monty-Snving Remedy
gauges necessary for the manufacture tively. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CATARRH
of war material, and these could ae The preparations for the forthcoming
issued to firms at the outbreak of hos- Field
Day and Choir Open-Air Compe- i Co3*n ?l- Waff”". 1 p‘nt Ss'-ss tC/- •
tilities, enabling them to commence tition on Monday,’ 27th inst (Labour
Dav) reported. Choirs are ex-
production. The report recommends pected were from several centres in thp dis-
that the works be controlled by the trict. Mr" P. J. Bennett, of Knox
Telegraphic Communications Board. Church. Auckland, will he the judge.
The Sunday previous (20th) is being
organised as “Church Day’’ throughout
MISCELLANEOUS NEWS the South Auckland district, the ob-

ject being to secure a full attendance
of all adherents of the church at the
services on that day.
Messrs Gilling, Hames and J. T.
“Stunner!” It’s“H.B.” Brand
(Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.)
Rrvant were elected representatives to
LONDON, Oct. 9.
the Synod opening at Te Awamutu on
A considerable number of mines are November sth.
appearing in the North Sea as the re-
sult of autumn storms. Copenhagen Great word among boys is
reports more mines off Jutland than
ever before. ~r
MAGISTRATE’S COURT “Stunner.” It gives forceful
expression to their appreciation

Dainty Dress Fabrics

(Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.)
PARIS, Oct. 9.
A sitting- of the S.M. Court was held
in Cambridge on Wednesday, before, Mr
of of anything really good—“H.B.”
Suits for example. Clothe your
The naval construction programme H. A. Young, S.M.
comprises six light cruisers of 4000 to boy in “H.8.” Suits and you’ll
A native was charged with being in BRIGHT AND FRESH AS A SUMMER MORN
5000 tons, and six fast destroyers of arrears of payment on a maintenance hear this praiseworthy word, or
2000 tons. order. He was' sentenced to 14 days’ are the new Fabrics that are just coming in.
imprisonment, order to be suspended Dainty and crisp are the weaves to be seen, [the colourings its equivalent.
ART EXHIBITION. if monthly payments off arrears were being the most charming of the season’s newest tints.
AUSTRALASIAN EXHIBITORS. A man named Taylor was also
Good News This!
charged with being in arrears on a
(Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.) maintenance order,—Adjourned for a
LONDON, Oct. 9.
Australian and New Zealand artists
A woman was charged with acting as m
Tempting Array That will Appeal to All Buyers
are well represented in the interna- a foster mother without a license.—-
tional section at the Grosvenor Gallery Ordered to pay costs.
(the latest American Novelties.)
Exhibition, Including Messrs Bliley, A charge of supplying liquor to a
Quinn, Coates, Munning, Bell, Bryant, native was preferred against a hotel High grade Silk and Wool Fabrics, specially purchased in Sydney
Special Price
Blamire, Young; Misses Youngsing and employee.—Fined £5, costs 7s . by Mr House.
Bess Norris. G. Wilson and another native were BOYS’ COLONIAL TWEED SPORTS
charged with being accomplices. Both CHECK GINGHAMS, TOOTAL’S NEW NAMRIT VOILES. SUITS. Good Value 39/6
FRENCH ELECTIONS. pleaded guilty. Wilson was fined £3
and costs 7s, the other £1 and 7s costs. TOBRALCO. BOYS’ WASHING ’VARSITY
THE DATES FIXED. Bell v. Taylor.—The evidence showed A BIG SUPPLY of this popular Cloth priced at'2/3 per yard represents SPORTS SUITS.
that Taylor had agreed to purchase a the best wash fabric value obtainable. Insist upon' seeing' the name
(Australian and N.Z. Gable farm situated at Hora Hora from J. A. “TOBRALCO” stamped on the selvedge, and thus guard against inferior
PARIS, Oct. 9.
The elections for the Senate are
H. Bell, also some cans and imple-
ments. There was no house on the 11
substitutes. £LALAN9
New Zealand Closing Factory
fixed ior December 21, and those for
the Chamber of Deputies for January
farm, but the plaintiff agreed to buy
a disused building adjoining, and had
11. The Presidential election will take paid a deposit on same. The owner, of the same weave to match, are quite the latest novelty. 36in. wide, CLOTHING FACTORY
place on February 3. R. H. White, however, had refused to 7/0 per yard.
complete the sale. Later an agree- All of these items are NOW IN STOCK, and the collection will be con-
NORWAY AND PROHIBITION. ment was signed by Taylor, agreeing to
pay £7O to be released from the pur-
bU*jm siderably augmented with the arrival of the S.S. AYRSHIRE, in a
(Australian and N.Z. cable Assn.) chase of the farm and stock, but hie ills
LONDON, October 9. (defendant) claimed that he was to
Norway has voted Prohibition, 60 per retain the implements. This plaintiff Wo announce having secured the services of MISS MoINDOE, DRESS-
cent of the voters being favourable to denied, and said they were to be re- MAKER, and patrons will be wise In making their engagements
the reform.

turned, and claimed damages for de- EARLY.

BENEDICT SOLDIERS. tention of the articles.—The Magis-

trate gave judgment for plaintiff, and
' 11,401 MARRY IN ENGLAND. ordered the return of the implements,
with £2 damages and £4 costs against

Daking Ltd. Hamilton

(Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.) Taylor.
SYDNEY, October 10.
Altogether 11,401 Australian soldiers butt
Cooper (Mr S. Lewis) v. W. Har-
(Mr D.
married in England of whom nearly claimed a one-third share of £l4O- 4s.
5000 have returned since the armistice.

difference in amounts of butter-fat, and

There are still about 5000 awaiting carting manure and clay.
House &
Prices for
passages to Australia.
advanced for benzine, rent,
counter-claimed for interest on money
damage to
Drapery and Clothing
house and damage done to cows by
SYDNEY, October 9. cutting the switches off their tails—
In accordance with the decision of The Magistrate, in giving judgment,
disallowed Harbutt’s claim for £8 8s
the Necessary Commodities Commis-
sion the price of bacon and hams has for wages, also £5 damages to house.
He allowed rent 12s per week instead R. HANNAH & Ca., Ltd., now call attention to their new season’s shipment of
been advanced 2d per lb.

of 30s per week. As regards benzine
the amount entered in Harbutt’s own The finest American shoes made—-
handwriting was only £l4 Is 6d, and D-D-CH
nothing to approach them for style and &
DEPARTMENTAL ESTIMATES. it must stand at that. He would allow 11%. value.
Cooper £1 for repairs to shed and
(Australian and N.Z. Cable Assn.) waggon, and £1 for concrete work done,
We are Solo Agents for lifts noted brand of Footwear, hence these
NEW YORK, October 8. also 2s per loaf] for 148 loads of
The Department of Agriculture states manure, as Harbutt had admitted that
that the United States com crop is extra work had been done. In the
Shoos are purchasable oniy at the Hannah Stores! ladies’ & Gents’ o*it& tiers
estimated at 2,900,511,000 bushels, matter of defendant’s counter-claim for Hero are some of the Loading Lines which we have Just opened:—
wheat at
918,471,000, and oats at damage done to cows' in culling their
switch he would give judgment for de- Ladies’ Suede Lace Shoes, welted soles, In Grey, Brown, and
Victoria St. H miilton
fendant for £3O 12s. 80/- A
Ladies’ White Kid Lace Shoes, welted 85/-
RHEUMO positively contradicts the DON’T NEGLECT IT.
old. idea that 'Rheumatism cannot be Ladies’ Patent Oxford Shoes, Louis heels, pump soles 50/-
cured. It has succeeded where many Don’t a swollen knee, or you JEW IiOOTS FO.Ii 31E5
neglect Ladies’ Patent Lace Shoes, Cuban heels and pump soles 50/-
of other alleged remedies failed’. Rheu- may have permanent trouble. Bathe
matism. Gout, Sciatica, or Lumbago is il well with hot water, and apply have strrivtirt («<»!
Ladies’ Patent Court Shoes, smart black buckle ornament, SEED POTATOES
caused bv the,presence of uric acid in IUo v. Hl-umw::
the blood. This must be eliminated Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely, and pump soles 50/- TAUPIRI COAL MINES. LTD.
from the system before a complete cine swelling
you will he surprised how quickly the
Ladies’ Grey Kid Court Shoes, pump soles, high smart heel
can be effected. RHEUMO, seldom fails disappear.-—Fold .will go down and the pai l
suited to the Season!
to neutralise and expel tins uric acid. SOW BATESON’S
everywhere. In Styles
Kew shipment of Ladies’ Quiited Satin Slippers, string soles, Tho Esst 'ousehoid Coal In the Colony
Rend a well-known Christchurch Hotel
proprietor’s experience:— Other arrivals include in Saxe, Scarlet, Helio, and Old Rose B/11 The Seeds that Grow Can now be obtained from all Coal
“I suffered very greatly from Rheu- Thousands have learnt to rely on
Ladies’ Quilted Satin Slippers, leather soles, in Brown, Wine, EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN Dealers in the Waikato.
matic Gout for fjuite fourteen years, SHAH LAND’S “MOA” BRAND EGO ( . eu fg €<>m-d ami
Patent Royal Eiuo, Saxo, and M. Pose 8/S At
and tried almost every remedy suggest- PRESERVATIVE because it is abso-
lutely reliable and always gives the X,acc Event**}! Khors. All communications to be made to the
ed by my friends and medical practi-
little relief. best results. It saves heaps of J. BATESON &
SON Secretary, Auckland.
tioners. but with very
About three years ago I was strongly money. Which' have been so scarce (F 4 J. i‘ OTHER INGHAM. Secretary.
ijSK Shop 6551?. Nnr'V'.-ips
recently. Phones:

advised to try RHEUMO. I did so, There are eighty different kinds of
and with the greatest satisfaction. I rubber, but only one grade—the best—- re S a Motor Painting is clean, bril- T> HICK OWNERS—it?
have a little twinge now and then, but "oes into the famous tight-seas Unique Cl IS O O !“» E N !
OUR liant, classy and durable.—Con- ■kJf secret of the Bm'ek r /rev
, 1 EUMO puts me right at once.” Rot Wafer Bottle, made bv the. North sult J. PG.MeROT and CO., LTD., paint shop.—J. FO-MEUOY and CO.,
At all chemists and stores —2s 6d and British Rubber Co. Look for the Hamilton. LTD., Hamilton,
4 s ud. “Unique” Stopper. 53

mediately after foaling we have tlimd
THE FARM to give her a few days’ rest out of Cfeangem
the work harness. We have not,
however, shut her up in a box stall U^M
during this period, where she was un-
able to take 'the exercise, which is
necessary for her welfare and that of
the foal. If the mare has come
through the ordeal in the natural way %
Stock Sale al Cambridge, and Ihe foal is thriving, they are given
block Sale at iiikutaia. the run of a grassy yard or held dur-
Slock Sale at Paeroa. ing a part or all of every pleasant day
even from the very first day of tiie
m Clearing Sale at .Mr W. Squires,
-MoUunaoho. foal’s life. If the event of the birth
Clearing Sale at Mr 11. M. McCib- of the foal has been delayed, as we
prefer In have it, until the weather has
© bon's, Wliatawhala.
wStf TUESDAY. become settled and balmy, the nights
Slock Sale at Ohaupo. may also be spent in the clean pasture.
If these conditions are unattainable
& Slock Side at Ngalea. some other way must be provided to
Slock Sale at Tirau.
give the pair the needed exercise
Pedigree Cattle Sale at Claudclands.
which is necessary for the normal
Prosperots® Farmers S
AI r
growth of the foal and the keeping
Stock Sale at Otorolianga. of the marc in condition for the work
Dairy Sale at Hamilton. which she will undoubtedly be re- Good Stock pastured on well-grassed Lands and Big Crops
Stock Sale at Matamata. quired to perform at a later date. II
Morse Fair at Ohaupo. no other means of exercise is avail- from rich, fertile soil, are results which come from the
Clearing Sale at Mr A. T. Frost’s, able she may b,e hitched to a light rig
use of the famous “Westfield Basic Superphosphate.”
and driven at a slow pace each day.
Clearing Sale al Mr J. R. Handly’s, The amount of the exercise should be

Messrs. Meggitt Limited of* Nethcrton. gradually increased until at 'the end
THURSDAY. of ten days or two weeks she will be
26 King Street, Sydney, Stock Sale at Hamilton. ready lo do light farm work. S.OIL-BUILDER. PLANT FOOD.
regret to announce that Bull Sale at Wailiou. The above is, in brief, the plan
Stock Sale at Oparau. which we have adopted with our
owing to the enormous cost . Stock Sale at Ngongotaha. mares at the time of and following \V
Horse Fair at Ohaupo. foaling. We are quite ready to ad-
of Linseed, and their in-
ability to secure sufficient
Clearing Sale at Mr J. Callaghan’s,
Dkoroire. s>
mit, however, that another’s condi-
tions may compel him to modify the
plan materially in order to lit his
supplies, they have been
Horse Sale at Ohinewai. peculiar circumstanffes. Indeed, we WCbrnc- N.Z. DRUB CO. LTD •.Works- m
believe it is quite possible for the mare Westfield:
reluctantly compelled to Bull Sale at Cambridge.
Slock Sale al Waihou. in the control of the careful horse ALBERT ST, AUCKLAND .""W*
close down on bookings of SATURDAY.
lover (please note the term) to do a' jJ*p|iptirr nirinp

Stock Sale at Te Awamutu. considerable amount of slow work

their “no trouble” fod- after foaling without serious damage
either to the foal or dam. But at thW
der for all classes of stock, Jottings.
time, and indeed through all the time
as from August 22nd, 1919 A scheme of building improvements in
the matter of yarding accommodation
that the dam is carrying her foal, ex-
cessively heavy pulling, severe strain-
ing or sudden jerking at the load must
and covcred-in pens at the Claudclands
be avoided. If the work which the
All orders accepted up to that date will be grounds will be given consideration in

the near future by cthe Waikato Agri- mare owner is required to do is such
that he cannot shun these over stren-
executed as early as possible. cultural and Pastoral Association.
A number of wool sales in England uous conditions of horse labour, lie
62 had better leave Hie raising of the
instructing how to feed, have fallen through, owing to the in-
Pamphlet No.

sistence by members of the various future horses of the world to those*

mailed free.
Full particulars from Agents.
m '■•civ
farmers’ unions that the sales should
be by net weight. Wool merchants
who can avoid them.
There is another fact that must be
taken into consideration by the one
are standing out for a draft of 2ib.
per cwt. Winchester, Reading, And- who would use as a brood mare the r.
animal which he requires to do her

over, Heniey, Alton, Buckingham, and
MEGGITT LIMITED j ptoata Guildford arc among the abandoned equal share of work in the farm team.
The mare that is working every day
(The Pioneer Linseed Oil and Linseed
Manufacturers of Australia),
Men! ... if#i, sales mentioned. Other

farmers refused to submit

sales were
considerably curtailed, because many
their wool
and also nursing a foal is performing
a double duty. She must have an
A S PAr£RscVj»
L "laoe-a*.
under draft allowance. Some who abundance of food to sustain her own
20 KING STREET, SYDNEY submitted this year are determined to life, to supply the necessary power
Gigantic in its hugeness; Predominant in its characteristics;
“The bo\ in B;»;
WORKS PARRAMATTA. iirirnnfe'* make arrangements for standing out for her labour, and lo properly nour-
The Big Tree of California is one of the world’s landmarks.
in future. ish her offspring. She will hardly be
A milking shorthorn cow, Countess able to consume enough roughage to
of Heggle 2nd, which has been fully maintain this threefold require-
ing up to 58lb. per day, and gave ment and ‘still retain her requisite
Chief to itself: Paramountto all Trees; if it was actually in
39ilb. at a single milking, sold for bodily vigour. Grain of the right
800 guineas at Ipswich (England), in' quality and in sufficient quantity must our midst it could not be better known So motorists than
July. A two-year-old heifer, 'Play- be supplied her. Otherwise both foal
lord Peeress 3rd, also realised
guineas; and a nine-year-old cow, the
800 and dam will suffer irreparable harm.
Especially must this provision be made BIG TREE BENZINE
dam of the winning heifer at Cardiff, for the benefit of the foal. Very
sold for 710 guineas. Mr E. E. Fair- much depends on the rapidity of its Big Tree progressiveness and leadership are signalized as
weather bought these three cows; growth during the first months of its
while Sir Edward Mann gave 630 life as to what its future life and use- emphatically now as in the days of the war.
guineas for a four-year-old cow. fulness shall be. The profit to the
Sixty head averaged £2OO 7s Gd.
The Wanganui Chronicle, says:—Mr
owner is also wrapped up in the pro-
per application of the slogan, “Keip
Big Tree will always provide the motorist with a double
Tancred Cooper, organiser for the the young thing growing,” during the distilled spirit of great purity with maximum power in every BBBCTgfIBBBMBMggggS

Farmers’ Union, is meeting with grat- first few weeks of the foal’s life.
ifying support all through the country, drop.
and as a result of his efforts, the THE WAIKATO.
Wanganui sub-provincial district

h 'J'HEclosed for annual over-

should be exceptionally strong. Far- MR. D. M. ROSS’S REFERENCE. above Works are now
mers, as a rule, are pretty “long-
winded” ib paying up subscriptions, The Waikato district has grown out
and Mr Tancred Cooper knows them. of recognition during the past few
In his scheme of things rural dwellers
have to pay membership fees a year
years—in fact, the progress made,
industry, lias
«S 3 haul, to enable stock tc be
especially in the dairy
ir advance. There is no “tick,” and been phenomenal. This great advance treated by the most modern
it speaks volumes for Mr Cooper's is attributed to an incomparable
tactfulness and efficiency that he is climate, with just that amount of sun- ssra
getting the subscriptions in without shine and rain, and practically light AA,
methods during the coming,
the slightest difficulty. Mr Cooper frosts lo make for ideal dairying pas-
dtei. season.
has a “way with him” that the far- tures. An interesting reference to Hie B
Milkers-Look S
pi .-i
mers cannot resist, and they know district was made a few days ago to

full well that the claims he is putting a Gisborne reporter by Mr D. M. Ross,

jufesarora* r v■
before them, on behalf of the organis-
ation, have no other argument than
who has just taken up-the position of
senior stock inspector for the Poverty
the one he offers. Bay district. The chief cause of the we are
When your stock Is ready,
At the sale of the Cressenhall Red advance of the Waikato, taken in con-
engine will run 20 hours longer per case
YOUR benzine with NOVO-KO. This has been proved
Poll caitle in Norfolk, a cow was pur-
chased by the Marchioness of Graham
for 1,150 guineas, more than double
junction with the dairying industry
and increased prices of products, is,.in
Hie oninion of Mr Ross, found in close
wm ready to pay you top prices, If you

py SUPERVISED TEST. the price ever paid befor for an ani-

mal of this breed.
settlement. All Hie big estates for-
merly vested in Hie Assets Realisation
I Bl
communicate with Box
or direct with Head Office, Box
105, Hamilton,

NE¥/ CLARIFIED MOVO-KO The “Capricornian” reports

shorthorns and Red Poles predominat-
Uial Board are now closely settled. Every-
where subdivision is going on, and, iui riHsMßtfp Auckland.
Will Savs MONEY lor YOU. ed in the cattle section at Barcaldiue
Agricultural Show on August 2<S. The
slates Mr Ross, there is practically no
rcaggregaliun. Paradoxical as it may
• Try a sample pint (5/-) from •
heaviest bullock was a very fine beast
of the Red Pole type, shown by Mr
appear, Hie making and the salvation 1/
of Waikato may be found in the high
W. S. Coleman. Mr T. Hannay, of price of its land, which makes holding

J. POMEROY & CO., LTD. Hamlet Downs, also showed some very
nice Polls, which breed seems to do
dependent upon production, and re-
aggregalion an economic impossibility.

HAMILTON very well in the district. Avonmoro, A man cannot hold large areas
BOX 103 by Avondale, won the Clydesdale stal- because he cannot farm them to profit. QUEEN. STREET
lion 'champiinship. The trend of settlement is towards
A herd of Red Poll cattle at Gres-
senhall, Norfolk (England), has been
small holdings, and more intensive cul-
tivation, and the time seems oppor-
AUCKLAND^ an m f/t*:
under test since 1902, Hie milk being tune for the application of scientific
weighed twice a day. A cow, Peg-
go tty, which has not been dry for
knowledge to the needs of the small cut of this trade.
farmer. As a matter of fact, there made a profit of £11,300,000.
Swift last year
These uorr <S<S6£..
W, ft R. .Fielder
three years, averaged 89841b. milk, are so many holdings on the busli concerns concealed their identity

Dairy Machinery For Sale

with a- butter-fat content of 5 per areas that have been mishandled that Their names could not he found in Hr*
cent. Southgate Gtli gave 93G51b milk
in her last lactation period, with a
lest of over G per cent. Poppy Gth in
expert advice will have lo he continu-
ally available
line of argument, Mr
In folloAving up the
Ross considers
Registrar’s office.
He (Sir Walter) had spent twenty
years of his life in an endeavour to
No Finer Fertilizer
nine consecutive years averaged 10,277 all due respect to science Managing Agents:
lb. milk, and in 1914 gave 13,4491b.
that, with Peep freights down to a reasonable
dominant in the laboratory and on the level, but he could never induce the
demonstration farm, the bush farm farmers to combine to stabilise
1 Vertical Steam Boiler and Baltic Turbine Separator, in good order.—£3s wants the professor out there f. eights. The shipping companies
wants him to say all that can possibly had now combined to such an extent
be said about grass mixtures, the lay-
that Great Britain and’ her Dominions
Eclipse Fertilizers consist very largely of Head Office:

3-cow New Zeaiandia Releaser Milking Plant, In good condition.—£3o. DOMINION'S LEADING EVENT. ing down of pastures, Hie nourishing were at
of by chemical manures, the control ring.
the mercy of a shipping
The Meat Trusts were also
Blood and Bone—there is no finer fertilizer in NEXT G.P.0., AUCKLAND.
3-oow Simplex Bucket Plant, with 3 h.p. Kauri Kerosene Engine, ail com-
in the Dominion jumping competition, sub-division, and the hundred and
Considerable interest is being shown of weeds and pastures by slocking one large controllers -of shipping. Unless
pressure was brought to bear on the
the world. Use
plete; for quick sale. —£40.
which is to be decided at the Claude- things that can’t be explained to the British and New Zealand Governments
6-COW Latest Model L.K.G. Releasor Plant; only done a season’s work; com- lauds grounds on the second day selector in books and bulletins, but to break up the combines the farmers

plete with vacuum pump. A chance to get a cheap milking machine. (November 19) of the Waikato Agricul- can be explained to him by a fellow of the future were in for a bad time.
Only £55. tural and Pastoral Association’s Show. man who knows his audience and Hie He urged farmers to join the Union
Enquiries concerning this event, since country lie is speaking of.
3J h.p. Watt Kerosene Engine, in Tins order.—£lß 10s. and create a combination sufficient!*
it was first announced some months
ago, have been many, and have been strong to combat the influence working
made from-wide parts of the Dominion WARNING TO FARMERS. to their detriment.
APPLY—- The prizes offered are easily in advance
of anything of the nature that has ever
been scheduled in the Dominion. The
■Mr G. R. Sykes, M.P., who follow-
ed, said it was impossible by legis-
lative enactment to combat the in-
■ CREEMSLADES LTD. total prize money is LISO. Of this During the cotirse of a speech at sidious methods of the Meat Trusts.
amount £SO has been donated by the the Farmers’ Union dinner in Master-, If they did not operate iii New Zea-
Association, and the balance of £IOO tun, Sir Walter Buchanan, who has land then they would control the
and ensure the best results. Over
CoUingwGod St. HAMILTON has l>een collected by Mr T. Clarkin, just returned from a visit to the CKcl Smithflcld meat markets. He held it.
treasurer of the Association, from the Country, issued a warning to the was the duly of the League of Na-
3,000 faripers used them last LIMITED.
Conmlsslon ano
following donors :—Messrs W. Leslie
farmers of New Zealand regarding tions to sec that the food of the peo-
Carr, G. L Ewan. “Friend,” H. A. the operations of the Meat Trusts. ple was not controlled by Trusts.
year. Supplied in 1 cwt. Auctioneers, Land,
Miilar, and W. G. Park, £lO each; J. r l here were live big concerns operat-
Bruce, H. Dingle, P. Dingle. J. 11.
free oq rail, Imlay or THE HAY MARKET,
ing, but they did not coniine them-
Graham. T. Hinton, A. Kay, F. J. Mar-
shall, H. Manuel. J. C. Potts, E. selves to meat alone. There were on
Urilike other calf-foods, there is no
f.o.b. Wanganui. For ALBERT STREET. AUCKLAND.

Potts. F. Potts. S. Tapp, W. I. Tavlor, less than 750 articles, all bearing
H. Weal. O. Wvlio, £5 each; A. J. the primary products, included in tnc sediment in ‘‘CEREMILK”; the fine particulars —Write to Hold Weekly Sales:
particles remain in suspension in the Tuesdays, at The aymarket—Hide n
Smith, £3 3s: -I. Casey, Wm. East- Trusts’ catalogue, even down to such bucket,
wood, IV. C. -Morgan, A. H. Morton, an article a.C Uddle strings. The and thus. making preparation easy The New Zealand Skins, Wool, etc.
enabling the calf to get all the Wednesdays, at Westfield—Fat Cattle,
Paiiano, £2 2s each: A. Pamscy, Trusts were not only robbing the goodness. With many other calf foods
The Threads Hollo Wvlie, and H. Windsor. £2 each; producers, but the consumers, to a semi-solid deposit is formed
1\ A Bailcv, .1. Fitness, G. Vercoe, wiiom they sold the produce or manu- bottom of the vessel, so thatat the
Refrigerating Co., Ltd. Sheep and Pigs.
Thursdays, at Westfield—Dairy and
m a £1 Is each; Ji. D. Fisher, J. Muir, H. factured article.
WANGANUI Store Cattle
On his way home animal gets only half a food. Tho fact
WILLARD Hohinson, and A. 11. Stcrov. £1 each. he visited Washington and attended that there’s no waste with “CERE-
The prize to the winner is £IOO, second the Senate, where a special Commis- MILK’’ lias given great satisfaction to
£3O, third £ls, and fourth £5. The
Fridays, at The Hayraarket—Horses,
Vehicles, Harness and Farm Pro-
BATTERY— ■vsar^ 5»
substantial prize-money being offered sion was
sitting inquiring into the farmers.
for the competition warrants a big field operations of the packers
Mr D. L. A. Astbury,
Meat Mangatoki, Eltham, writes: “Kindly
forwrj-d for me one-half ton of
Saleyards at Runciman, Pukekohe,
Waiuku. Clevedon, Pokeno, Tuakau
taking cart, which promises to include Trusts. He obtained a book of over
‘CEREMILK’ in case there is difficulty
Made for Better
all the best jumpers in New Zealand.

sou pages b.-ai'.ng on the evidence to
tendered. It appeared there were
live concerns operating, the largest died, and
get it next season. We have reared
seventy calves this year; none have
wf !
Waitakaruru, Helensville, and Wells-
of which were Swift and Armour. unquestionably ‘CERE- AGENTS FOR
,N> MILK’ has given us more satisfaction
Are you getting the best SHOULD THEY BE WORKED? Rir Waller staled that after hearing and (letter results than Little’s Sheep Dip,
evidence of the head oi one hrm pared food we have used any other pre-
service from your bat I. I
lery? If not, there The hard rubber AMERICAN BREEDER’S OPINION.

who was under strict cross-examina- At all Stores and Factories, in 200,
previously.” ‘QILHUTH’ CALF FOOD Toxa Rabbit Poison.
is a clear reason «> stands guard against the tion, lie could only liken him to the 100, 50 and Evelyn’s “Miki” and Calf Food,
why you should
buy a “Si hl-

formation of short circuits
b etween Battery plates.
An Ohio horseman. Mr ?. If. Sapp, (,‘x-Kaiser, who had set out to con-
has an interesting article in the Na- quer the world.
251 b
The firm was out to write to Fleming and Co., Ltd., Box
If your dealer cannot supply yon.
It is the most Sts quality is
HANCOCK'S Ford’s Lung Worm Mixture,
“Domo” Separators
Beller" tion'll Stockman on the subject of capture the commercial world, and .t 553, Auckland. (27) economical of unequalled Ridd Milking Machines.
Willard JF
It has been was the duty of the farmers and
working in-foal marcs. all Calf Foods. REID AND GRAY IMPLEMENTS
The Willard Threaded Rubber as to frustrate

Retteries are worth murh more our practice, he says, lo work the others to combine so The experience of thousands of
s> jy ,<P The housekeepers proves Die value of A.II parts stocked, also aU kinds o!
S’ thar. their slightly higher cost. mare moderately well up to the.day the evil and disastrous designs.Zealand, Gives .results equal to whole Good Fi rm .Machinery.
<r of foaling. This is a -continuation of Trusts had reached New SHARLAND’S “MOA” BRAND EGG
what has been our practice all through hut their operations were so far ra- PRESERVATIVE U is certain, reliable, milk at a fraction of the cost.
The Electric Construction Co. the year after the mare has become r-lricted. This was not likely to was last econom:.':;)!, .'..id saves heaps of

pregnant, although as the foaling time long unless a determined effort on''-' (si You can obtain your re- S '
of N.Z.

approaches we have aimed gradually made by Parliament and the people The King of Tor.tes FTirsvtlio’s quiremonts from Waikato >
They "'oar out slowly—the North
lirit ish Hot "Water Bottle with the
P, %
(C. L. THOnBUUN. 38-46 High Street, Auckland. to lessen the severity of the labour to keep them in check. The packers T'h:or ’] on;c—iuvnluiibli. as a piok-me Farmers’ Supply Stores, Ltd., gj
%. <f V Manager.) which has been required as well as had captured the whole of the Ar- . a f ter influenza, colds, etc. Dottles, Hamilton; F. French and Co., E 1 ,'GMT. PURE, AND WHOLESOME an tent
Unique” Stopper,, the sign of
% ** <
sa'isfaeli on. Their jncr’*t pirns pleasure
the number of hours of each day that gentine trade and Armour admitted ?s fid and ts fid.- Forsythe, Cheinict,

is Taupipi. h j

we have kept her in harness. Im- that he had made £2,000,000 profit Hamilton. mi Li ng?. :»
to both iretailer and buyer. 01


The subject of the establishment of

On Friday last a most successful
social and dance was tendered to the/
m v >

ul an Agricultural College for the Auck- donors of the new school piano. The d’Annunzio’s oratory has been one i.

h Wf i
of the potent factors in Italy’s recent

» SSi
land province and the rival claims of
Ruakura and the Dilworth properly at
Papatoetoe were yesterday brought to
school, being decorated for the occa-
sion, looked its very best at night, the
flowers and palms blending splendidly
war; indeed, no man of letters in any
country lias played so spectacular a
i, ,>■ wL ni'1
the notice of the President of the
Waikato Sub-Provincial Branch of the
with the nicely painted high-roofed in-
terior of the building. The''guests were
Part. When h e has not fought or
.pleaded lie has scattered
his literary JUM.r it' awpfl
productions over enemy cities from
New Zealand Farmers’ Union (Mr E. H. received by Mrs G. H. Boyd, who did an

aeroplane, believing them
Hammond) by a representative of this everything to make the evening a suc- more
tive than bombs. With the war end-
paper. cess, and had the weather and roads
been more favourable it is safe to say ed, there would have seemed an end

Discussing the subject Mr Hammond ,

Real rubber —none of that puttyned, near- contended that from a geographical the building' would not have held every- to his opportunities; but the Piumc
episode gives him one more chance,
point, of. view the central position of body, the number present being just
and by the account given by Air Walter
rubber look to Savage Tires. nice for comfortable dancing.

Ruakura with reference to the North
Island established a prior claim with
piano, which is a new one, being finish-
ed in natural coloured oak frame and
Duranty, in the New York Times, he
has made the most of it. At least, he
tgiast mwMm
The tough, grips-tlie-road tread—the re any other district, all things being
forest ash panels, looked quite an orna- so inspired Mr Duranty as to give a
equal. “Land,” he added, “which has
silieut, shock-absorbing cushion the for nearly half a century been in a ment, the tone being all that could be chance for a little masterpiece of
special reporting. “Pride of race,
high state of cultivation can furnish desired. The instrument, being over-
strong, yet flexible, uever-crack side- pleasing results, but offers little scope strung and English-made, should last pride of sacrifice, defiance of foreign- *WUn,

ers, and, to crown all, invocation of

wall— for many years, and I am safe in say-
for research work in the Dominion’s
ing all present seemed pleased and the heroic dead”-—this is Mr Duranty's
largest Helds, viz.—its second class
V proud of the additions to the school summary of the d’Annunzio oration
Every rubber part of Savage Tires is
'll made of live rubber, the finest for the pur-
land. At Ruakura it is possible to
take up a position within a few chains
of clay and sand subsoil and an un-
limited area of peal swamp. The re-
and education. The remarkably spon-
taneous manner in which the residents
subscribed was a splendid example of
delivered in the Augusteum in Rome.
The speech typified “all that is worst
and best in patriotism.”
pose that money can buy. sults obtained by the present treat- generosity, most of the money being “On one hand were selfishness, nar-
ment of this peat swamp point to a promised within a couple of hours after rowness of view, and hitter intoler-

THE Li|pt Car Owner who

opening the list. ance; on the other, passionate love of
discovery which has attached to t !

country, the spirit of devotion afid

some of the largest possibilities in Land for Hall.
burning, desperate eagerness to be
connection with production.
previous administration, a somewhat
blindfolded attempt was

made to
The Rotoiti Land Company have
promised a section of land,
free of
charge, for the erection of a hall. This
worthy of those who had died for
these ideals. All this was expressed has once used Goodyear
handle this big problem, which called
for expensive methods, which in them-
is the second generous offer received
for this purpose during t*b past two
by a master of oratory, and as a cli-
max there was the terrifying sense of
unseen forces present—the souls of
30 x 3i AH Weather Tread
selves defeated the object.”
Points that Count.
years, and surely ways and means could
be arrived at to erect a suitable build-
men who had died in battle appealing
to the living that their deaths might
Tyres, would buy them again
ing. It is understood a public meet-
“Shelter belts at present on Rua-
kura,” Mr Hammond added, “consti-
ing will be called at an early date to
discuss the question before finally turn-
not be' in vain.
“Imagine that you are sitting, one and again—even if the price
of crowd..d thousands, in a great am-
tute one of the greatest assets, which
should be carefully considered when
a Inching undue importance to present
ing it down.
Our Roads.
phitheatre., ' Every seat, every aisle,
every point of standing room is occu-
were not so low.
buildings at Dilworth. No beast will With the dried milk development, I pied. There are women in deep
fatten or make milk till a certain fear our sanded roads will not stand mourning and women bright with col- No question about it is a low-
degree of warmth has been attained the strain, and I suggest holding the ours. There is the olive-drab of sol-
AT ALL GARAGES AND DEALERS through feeding. For many months in present loan money intended for sand- diers with the colour splash of honour price for a tyre of Goodyear quality.
jhe yety shelter, such as Ruakura pro- ing and augment it with a further loan ribbons on their left breasts. There
vides,. largely contributes to determin- to metal the roads, and make a job of ore students’ organisations with blaz- And yet it isn't the price that is the chief
ay ing experiments in both these
branches, illustrating to the farmer the
them once and for all; and also to in-
clude a sum sufficient to erect and
ing .insignia, and everywhere,
there are flags—the tri-colour of Italy
impelling factor in deciding the choice.
equip a combined hall and roadman’s
COMMERCE STREET, AUCKLAND cash value of shelter.
“The claims in connection with Dil- cottage. This is quite a common
and city standards
Flume and Zara and
of Trieste and
Spalato, with It’s the quality—Goodyear quality.
worth Estate on account of buildings method of getting a hall which will not their brilliant coats of arms.
I* already erected there should be dis- be paid for in our time, but some of “Far below you on the stage is the How is this quality built? Take the
<7 missed. Because one man puts up a
windmill when the fancy takes him,
it hardly constitutes adequate reason
bur grand-children will help to com-
plete !
Wrong impressions,exist and are cir-
figure of a man in the uniform of a
soldier. For the last half-hour he has
been speaking, and you have seen the
carcass! There are extra plies of much
for the next man boring for ever in culated regarding the forming of one crowd around thrill in harmony with stronger fabric in that. Then, the
that particular spot,” Mr Hammond of our roads. It is common talk that only passionate interest as they listen
a certain road is being made If miles to the story of Caviour’s first steps splendid big diamond block tread gives
[fe> <7
% “Many experiments still in the pro-
cess of being carried out at Ruakura
purely for one resident. To clear this
matter up, I should like to say on this
to build up their national unit. Some-
times their eyes hash with scorn of a wonderful wear—miles and miles of
will he of immense value to the far- # If miles of road no less than nine hold- foreigners and foreign financial in-
mer when completed. As an example, ings front this highway. It will also trigues. Then there comes a look of wear. And a comfort and security
savaEE most farmers, who are not familiar be the connecting link, when finished, profound, anxious, mystical devotion
GWFINtTE TUBES with the experiment, will learn with between Horsham Downs and Gordon- as the speaker tells how their friends unequalled.
surprise that in the grass lest pure ton. The land-owners along this road and brothers fbuarht and died.
The only tubes that have consist of Messrs Upton, Gunter, Wood
graphite vulcanised into the superphosphate is giving a better re-
sult than the much used basic super- and Bradney, G. H. Boyd, T. E. Walker.
“By now they are ■ caught in the A remarkable freedom from blow-out and
surface. Prevents deteriora- speli of d’Annunzio’s magic. The di-
tion, sticking, friction phosphate, and slag, which was not Babe, Strid, Aspin, and Henderson. I vine fire of the poet melts and moulds puncture characterises the 30 x 3|- tyre. This
question if any similar length of road
sSfetet- and heating. ~^l advocated by many farmers, and which them as he wills. Suddenly the
arises from the positively-better-construction

is for the time being unprocurable, is in the district can show such close orator pauses, and for a moment there
giving better results than either. This settlement. is no breath -drawn in the whole as- —the overplus of goodness found in Goodyear
;s research work in its last analysis.' 1 sembly. Then with a note of convic-
“Administration must always be OHAUPO. tion that is rightening in its simplicity;
one of the main features, particularly Do you not hear? Listen! Do
in 'the experimental work, if an Agri- Smoke Concert. you not hear the tramp of an army There is no economy in a light car if the tyre bills
cultural College is to be anything but A smoke concert was tendered to Mr on the march? The dead are com- are heavy. Don’t use inferior tyr. s! Use Goodyear
a place for a young fellow to ‘decide’
his future career. While results ap-
\. Marshall’ on Saturday evening, on
the eve of his departure from the dis-
ing more swiftly than the living!
all along their route they find 30 x3% A.W.T. Tyres! They are lasting. They
pear to be conspicuously absent on the trict. Owing to the bad weather the ■the footprints of those who went are safe. They cost but—£6/10/0 each.
attendance was not as large as ex-
Dilworth property, one is struck with before them!
TO the smooth running of the operations
at Ruakura, to which has recently been
pected, but the gathering was a re-
presentative one. Mr
Pickett, chair-
man of the Town Board, presided.
“At the moment there was not a
person in the whole crowd who doubt-
Buy your Goodyear Tyres, Heavy Tourist Tubes
and Tyre Saver Accessories from the Goodyear
added much work In connection with ed that the dead were indeed present Service Station. There is one in your locality.
repatriation." The usual toasts were honoured, one among us. Whether the existence of
Motor Tyre ,
Vulcanising “This,” said Mr Hammond, “is one
of those instances in which intelligent
Auckland commercial men, particularly
of the principal, of course, being
“Our Guest," which was done full
justice to. Mr Marshall is one of the
those who have passed beyond the ve 1
is but a dream of human hope,
whether it was the effect of auto-sug-

those in touch with either the work oldest settlers in our district, and he gestion of the mass, I cannot say;
in progress or the results achieved at has always associated himself with all but, as the orator paused after that

WE have erected the most complete VULCANISING PLANT Ruakura would not push any claims
in this connection. In a matter of
kinds of sport, and has taken an active
part in every movement for the bene-
last appeal, one felt an appalling
weight of pressure from beyond, ft
in the Province, which is operated under the control of an expert rational importance such as this, any fit of the town and district. Mr seemed in the silence that one could
from a leading Christchurch Vulcani iug Company. We are inconvenience experienced by Profes- Pickett, in presenting the guest with hear the distant tread of Caesar’s
sors and those aspiring to such posi- a handsome leather suit-case, and a marching legions.
now ready to supply your Vulcanising Requirements, and ~ tions by leaving the main town cannot case of pipes from his many friends “For fully a minute there was utter
be taken 'into serious consideration. in the district, spoke in glowing terms silence. The faces about me were
guarantee you Complete Satisfaction at Moderate Cost. It the Taranaki people, who have ex- of the esteem in which he was held. drawn and pallid, yet afire as with
, CL Our MOTOR REPAIR GARAGE is under the control of pressed a wish in this connection, are
prepared to come here and take ad-
Mr Marshall briefly returned thanks. religious ecstacy. The figure on the
Mr Dalton, of Te Awamutu, presided stage stood motionless, dark eyes blaz-
Mr F. J. Cullen, so well-known in Auckland City as a car expert, vantage of the experimental work and at the piano, and added greatly to the ing in the chalk-white face, arms up-
lectures, surely the average Auckland evening’s enjoyment. raised as though to summon the heroic
<L The* MOTOR ENAMMELLING DEPARTMENT offers r lizen will take up the proper attitude Dramatic Club. ghosts of age-dead warriors. There
yon high-grade work at prices that defy competition. We have the in the matter of Ruakura’s claims. In The Ohaupo Dramatic qiub was awe in that silence, and fear, yet

selecting Ruakura as the place for car- t

Amber Tips
been in active rehearsal for some time with them pride and affection. and a
plant and the staff to supply all your motor requirements. Only rying out a six weeks’ farm school, the and intend giving a performance this “Then the tension relaxed, 9!
first-class service is given our customers, and our prices are right. Education Department has not done so week, when a bumper house is assur- storm of applause burst, rising here
without sound reasons. The farmer ed. and there to a cry to those who had
is much impressed with the evident fallen: ‘To the last we are with you!
desire on the part of the Technical Personal. Where you lead we follow!’
Branch of the Education Department A visitor to the town last week was “It is said that in the most desper-

J. CO., to further the scientific side of far-

& Sergeant George Fletcher, who has ate hour at Verdun a wounded French-
Sam m naspr ming and has occasion to wonder just returned from .active service after man called madly: ‘Arise, yc dead!’
I whether the Agricultural Department an absence of five years. Sergeant And by his appeal galvanised into
Motor Car Tyre Vulcaniscrs, Car Trimmers, resents these efforts." Fletcher was formerly in business here supreme resistance his wounded and
A Summing Up. as a tailor. shattered comrades. Later the mess-
Car Enamellers Motor Engineers. We regret to hear of the death of age spread through the French army,
Mr Hammond summed up the sup-
the 16 year old son of Mr and Mrs W. and the German advance was stayed
Victoria and Alexandra Streets HAMILTON eriority of Ruakura’s claims as fol-
Bell, Paterangi. They have the sym- at the moment when it seemed vic-
'Phone 98 P.O. Box 103. lows:—“The position is central; the
pathy of the district with them in torious. A like miracle may take place
..cope of experiments in different
their bereavement. ;n Italy, and if a settlement proved inu-
classes of land exceeds that of any one invocation of
position in New Zealand; the adminis-
possible, d’Annunzio's
iralion is perfect; all experiments have TOKOROA. their dead may steel the Italian peo
pie to defiance.
a sound object; nothing playful is go- PUBLIC HALL. the poet’s
ing on; all duplication of expense in “To my astonishment
connection with work already done at _ A meeting was held last week to con- friends maintain that his speech was,
Raakura would he avoided; the ridge
sider the report of the committee set up for him, restrained and moderate, al-
to go into the matter of erecting a though once or twice he uttered words Costs a little more than other
through the Farm would lend a most
imposing effect to buildings, which
public hall. There was a very good that might be regarded as provoca- brands, but worth the money.
attendance and a great deal of en- tive. Anyhow, whether one approves

Fbrcfscm Makes Hard '\ouid no doubt be in keeping with the

country’s main industry.
thusiasm was manifested.
scription list showed
The sub-
that £l7B was
or not, this much is certain; d’Annunzlo
is a stupendous force of oratory to
Cleans Stoves with Tractor*


promised, and is still incomplete. The
report was adopted.
play on human heart-strings and fire
the human spirits into flame.”

AMBER TIPS” is obtainable in

Vi and lib packets. 5 and 103b. tins
A welcome social was held op Tues-
Half the Rubs Don’t think the Fordson Tractor is merely a till-
MEN ON LOW WAGES. day, 'but indem'ent .wtealther greatly
reduced the attendance. All the Toko-
machine. It has a hundred uses on every At the Inquiry into the cost of living roa boys arc now back and all seem
It is a Fire Proof Stove j age
now being made by the New Sout.i very glad to be home again.
Polish, with real nrlish*
ing qualities. \
farm—stumping, logging-up, root-extracting, pad-
threshing, drawing waggons,
Wales Board of Trade, Mr Croft (re-
presenting various unions), explaining
THE WEATHEB. Passengers by the steamer Eastern,
which arrived at Sydney from tha East
For Extra Quality
.'•an Some very heavy rains have fallen some days ago, referred to what they
nse it whetho? ■ ■'■’■it stove spreading manure, road-making, and so on.
is h cold. More convenient and economical than horse-
his suggestion that the living wage
should be declared as £5 14s 7d per
during the last week, while high winds
have been frequent, coming from all describe as “the really wonderful ad-
vance" made by the Japanese during
Try the
week, said that he had included what points of the compass, and of all tem-
This applies
power. Costs nothing when not woiking. the last three years.
Both forms—Liquid or Paste. be considered a fair allowance for the
work of wives or mothers of the
peratures. Farm work Ims been inter-
rupted somewhat, but spring, although most particularly to manufacturing in- Superfine Grade
Will keep your stove bright and shiay In your own interest, get particulars from the v’orkers, whose services have so long slightly late, is now being experienced. uuslries, the progress in this connec-
Don't toy "Sloce ‘PoUih" nearest‘Fordson Dealer. remained unrecognised. tion being most remarkable. Places;
which, in the early days of the war,
Mr Kavanagh: Do you suggest that
SAY WHIZ PRICE we should provide for the payment ot SILENCE THAT IS REALLY were quiet little towns, have blossom-
a separate sum by the husband to the “GOLDEN.” ed forth in the intervening time into
auge manufacturing cities, their pop-
Your Grocer Sells It.
wife ’!
Mr Croft said that this was pos-
The silence of the “'Willys-Knight” ulations quadrupled in many instances,
f.o.b. Wellington
sibly a question for the Legislature; car is really “golden,” for the same end each with an ever-increasing vol-
causes which make for this silence also ume of trade.
hut the wives had for too long been make for money saved in upkeep. ’Tis A port of great interest is Sanda-
exploited by the husbands, just as all in the Knight motor—the engine
AUCKLAND - kan, which was included in the itiner- 190
the workers had been exploited by the with the sliding sleeve valves. This is
Sole Agent? North Island

% employers. precisely the same engine as is used

ary of the Eastern for the first time,
and is now to be a port of call on
“The deadly competitor of the con- by Daimler of England, Panhard of
both northward and southward voy-
mmm scientious husband and father,” con-
eiudcd Mr Croft, "is the man of h.s
Franco, Minerva of Belgium—and its
feature is that “the more it works the
better it works.” It gains compres-
ages. Sandakan; the capital of Brit-
ish North Borneo, was the headquar-
own race, who takes advantage of his SHANLEV SUCKLING, WHO LESALE AGENTS, AUCKLAND.
: *

ters and coaling station of the British &

Buick Car Owners position under the marriage laws, anl

economically exploits his wife, by
sion with age, for usage makes the
valves fit better. This gain in com- East Indies squadron of the
Navy, and is chiefly remarkable Cor
pression means the utmost power for
Jjfe ML, accepting a wage only large enough
lu secure his personal comfort, whilst every drop of benzine. More miles per iLs scenic beauty, and for its polyglot
gallon result—truly silence is population, almost every colour and
leaving her only enough by ceaseless “golden.” The “Willys-Knight” cvr. race under the sun being represented
ft/i* vj( ■* ■' H toil to rear his children, keep the
W EBuick
HAVE received direct from

handsome, luxurious, roomy find CLEAN CLOTHES, a QUICK


factory, a large stock of 'home, and tend to him and them in silent, is one of the finest car invest-
& &
sickness.” ments in Now Zcaalnd. It sells at
about half the price of other Knurht- The Thornycrofi Dump Truck, speci- Wby not Investigate ?
engined cars, because of standardisa- ally designed for heavy work, is being
Years of Car Painting Experience En- THE DIFFERENCE THEY MAKE. tion and output. Get particulars—- employed in road formation and metal-
sures High-grade Work.
Every woman who is troubled with
sick headache, dyspepsia, constipation,
catalogues are free.—A. Hatrick find 11
ling i>(!i in the city and outback dis-
Co., Ltd., Wanganui and Wellington. ‘ricis. Tim hydraulic tip and steel
No Cheap Work—It’s all Good. CYCLONE and ‘tin! nervousness and depression
wnic.’i these ailments cause, should
Local agents: J. Pomeroy and Co.,
Ltd., Motor Engineers. Stanley Strwt
body are. special i'ealim s winch, com-
wi!’i RrilM. workmanship—itself
;ke a course of Ciiamherlain's Taboos Auckland. ’Phone 3129, P.O. Bov
712. Also at Hamilton: ’Phone 98,
a great recommendation—have earned SOLID BASE gaoiLSRS
FENCES Kor over 00 years, Bon-
ningtun'h has been tho
md see what a difference they make.
By rc-iieving- dyspepsia they relieve P.O. Box TO.'!. J. Davies, Taxi Motor
Hie guidon opinions of local body en-
gineers, Thornycrofi Trucks
<to all
E. S. CROSS cp
r nvourito family
cou h
because i t
cures concha and colds,
constipation, with its attendant head-
ache and nervousness. This means
Works, Rotorua. (10) ptoir work on !ow-gr:o!e full 130 deg.
(esi. kerosene or distillate, rendered ~So dirt end annual Jfo lonj
Hie Thornycrofi, patent
GATES speedily,effectively. Con-
tains no harmful drutrs.
Two sizes I/O and 2/KS
lietlcr digestion, sounder sleep
Quieter nerves. There are thousands
Always keep Chamberlain’s Tablets
possible I>y
vapotiriser. Fuel-running costs
l.lmreby reduced 50 p.-r cent.
wait.ns; for the copper to boil!
Almost r ny fuel
-wrill ourn. little
VICTORIA S'CELT. HAMTLTn of women who haw recovered the.r eoal heir- waned. Tt make* tb*
m in liit' bouse. i; - you notice Lied and Wellington City Councils, Hobson,
Writs for Catalogue bealth'hy iis:m.v i lb .mb-vl dn’s Ta-hicts.
0,,i I'Ve, ywnerc.
v--n" lives' is s’lKriris!'! a”.! you linve* a Wairo.i. Weber, Ilawera and Manukau .. TS-t* T/msl'.inj OORT nrrt . Jfc

OWNERS—Wc specialise in of Many Designs :e;!'i-Siey [d eui>i:;i iiivii lake Ciiam- coune'ls are among a number of recent ■juicily. t.leoJna i»

■* painting Fords; our system and ■ii/.ir' Tin FIT I I’iO »\l d-.R wtiilen Ins'iain’s Tablets. They are good for of
appliances aro unequalled. J, CYCLONE GO. Montreal sireet
idle teeth, invigorates the gums an the young as well as Hie old. Cham-
purchasers Thornycrol'l Dump
Trucks. For further particulars write
■us zmt '7 m

r r> TTnrniltnn gives a sweet fragrance to the breath to A. Halrick and

berlain's Tablets are Iho best laxative Co., Wanganui and
' -T"
rT/cpoV AVP
a-WtiliZ fe! Bt —(id tins everywhere.
(2 you caa buy.—Sold everywhere. Wellington, (io.)

Public Notices.
coming to the rescue and turning the WHAT A BLESSING.
Stud Notices.
Stun Notices. SPORTS & PASTIMES attack from a bright opening by Seville.
Hetherington broke away for the visit- What a blessing it is.
ors, but hesitancy on Clarke’s part OUR BARGAIN LIST.
Sought after by thousands.
TO STAND THIS SEASON SPORTING. robbed the movement of its full pro- People aro finding it out. 1 1916 MODEL 5-SEATER BRISCOE
gress. Many a miserable man is happy now. CAR, electric light and starter,
AT HOHOTIU. The Second Half. Nights of unrest, days of trouble. magneto ignition, all in perfect
RACING FIXTURES. order; £250.
WAIKATO. On the resumption of play Thames Any irritating skin disease means
assumed the aggressive. Royal cut this. 2 1916 MODEL 5-SEATER DODGE
And Travel October 10, 18—Masterton Racing Club CARS, just overhauled and painted,
Surrounding October is, 22—Auckland Trotting through and kicked, calling on McCaw Piles mean it.
STAND THE SEASON AT new tyres all round; absolute
'0 to punt to touch, shortly above the Eczema, just as bad and just as hard
I CAMBRIDGE, Districts. Club.
October 25, 27—Greymouth Trotting south-western corner. Thames passed to cure. _ v
snip. Call and inspect imrnedi-
\ and travel where sufficient inducement Club. well, all the backs handling, and Hamil- But Doan’s Ointment does it. 1 1916 MODEL FORD, 5-SEATER,
offers, ■‘KING SWEET’J Oc'ober 25, 27 Wellington Racing ton were forced shortly. From a free- Believes at once, and
use it long enough.
cures if you
guaranteed in perfect order.
The Imported Thoroughbred Stallio A Straight-out Trotter. kick the visitors had hard luck in not Full particulars given to bona-fide
3. Sire Sweet Patch, dam Lilian D., bv ■ adding, the ball striking the cross-bar A specific for any irritation of the
buyers at
Quin Ablbey. S
Geo. M. Patchen—Creole; Lilian D.
bv Vancleve Victress, by Abbotford,
Poltrel, who accounted for Gloaming
and dropping infield, for Mclvor to
clear. Hamilton rushed play up-fleld,
A blessing for a suffering public. MELROSE & SILCOCK’S GARAGE
Morganatic, by St. Here’s proof of it:
Sire imp. King Sweet, therefore, lays on Saturday at the A.J.C. meeting, and Thames were forced. The latter Mrs C. Jamieson, Wynward Boad, GARDEN PLACE,
Uam —Honeypouncl, by Somerlord. claim to two of the greatest strains of also accounted for Desert Gold last wont ahead from the kick-out, making Mt. Eden, Auckland, says:—“Some six HAMILTON AND MATAMATA.
blood out of America, as v , traces as much use as possible of the oppor- ’Phone 856.

' TElif^S: —10 GUINEAS FOR SINGLE through his sire to the great Roths- Gay Lad is shaping well in his track tunities to pass, though the superior
months ago I was suffering terribly
from Itching Piles, the pain and irri-
child family, and through his dam to
MARES. work at Kiccarton, according to latest weight was always a force to be con-
of distinctive
Quin Abbey is a horse 16 hands,
type, standing welKover
the great Vancleve family, who also
sired Fritz, the Australian champion, The reports. He has lost a lot of the flesh
he had boon carrying lately.
tended with. Lenihan on a couple of
occasions “juggled” the ball and spoil-
tation being at times almost unbear-
able. I tried all sorts of remedies in
the hope of getting relief, but nothing
SANDY maintains it is not correct
to say of “any whisky” that it
Gives you tine comfort and
also Valour. Velox and hundreds ol Bon Spec, who will be engaged in the. ed the scoring of the backs. Thames seemed to do mo any good. One day 1 is “bad.” ALL whisky is good, says
the others; while Rothschild has proved Stewards’ Handicap at Kiccarton next saved by forcing, but shortly respond- Sandy; -only “some whisky is better
himself tin; greatest sire out ot heard good reports of Doan’s Ointment
tyare mileage you’re

merh.’to'J, of "being a performer America, having sired Dan Patch,

month, will, handicapped at all reason-
ably, take a lot of beating. He is re- ed with work that kept the opposition as a cure for Piles, and bought a pot than others.”
it is with Stores. All Stores
credentials, showing that he Tasker, Revenue busy and made play interesting. Gil- to try it. After applying this prepar- Even so,
brilliancy and staying qualities on the
Emmerline, Sal
Black Child, Jessy Palm, and Capital- entitled to! ported to be showing all his old bril-
mour made a good but unsuccessful ation for a few days the irritation be-
“some” Stores are better than
are good, because they serve;others.
dat nnd jumping abilities as well.
of sires ist, who in turn sired Gold Bell (sire o
attempt to goal for Hamilton, while gan to ease, so I continued with the
inherits the blood of a number in con Elous is a New Zealand Cup candi- treatment, with the result that by the
-whose names are world-tamed
jumping cracks.
nection with Cambridge
Steel Bell), Gold Boy, Gold Girl,
etc., being all descendants of Roths-
Tilis line car in addition to its Handsome
appearance has wide
date who has been getting through
•satisfactory preparation. He is re-
Lenihan and Seville were partners in
an eastern side movement that good time I used two pots, all sign of Piles
had completely disappeared, and my
Radway child. Careful breeders should note comfort while travel- garded an almost certain starter in
as tackling stopped. Thames got down order.
Mares met at these facts. King Sweet is full brothe' seats and spacious leg room-plenty of
the big event next month. to the home line again, but the ball suffering was at an end. I always keep Is of this “relatively
Station. Doan’s Dintment in the house, and use If you are not a stranger, you will know
to Sweet Lilian and to Sweet Memory.. ling is assured. Hymestra, Surveyor. Lady Ball, bounced nicely to a defender and dan-
STABLES—TAYLOR STREET. and half-brother to Auckland Girl; Rebuff, Snub and Miss Gold will be ger was stayed. Hamilton was the
it occasionally, just as a preventative this to be a fact. If you have just
For further particulars apply while Huon Patch, who trotted on? The Oakland Six is a roomy car. It has proper spring representatives of New Zealand owners aggressive force again, Lenihan putting
against any return.” arrived, ask the first prosperous-looking
W. McLEAN. mile at Alexandra Park in 2.12, while with its l.gh Four years later Mrs Jamieson con- fellow that happens along—he’ll kfaow—-
Bowen Street, CAMBRIDGE. suspension and oversize tyres, which combined at the V.A.T.C. meeting at Caulfield in a strong run over the western So to firms the above:—“l have still the “the way the wise wend” for

(Groom in Charge.? again he repeated this performance at With proper care you 1 to-day. near the line, but Thames got out by and FARMERS’ and
Christchurch, winning again in the weight means real tyre economy.
Chief i»terest in the closing day of same good opinion of Doan’s Ointment. BUILDERS’ for
every pair o cover forcing. Play continued fast, It is a splendid remedy for' Piles, and HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE;
same time, is also bv Sweet Patch. get the maximum number of miles from

the A.J.C. Spring Meeting at Rand- throwing the ball about, not without who with Wallpapers and Window Blinds and
KING SWEET will travel Hamilton. should be used by all suffer
wh.ch this superb car is built wick to-day will be centred in the mistakes, however. Mclvor secured Linoleums; Iron, Cement, Bricks and
Cambridge, Ngaruawahia, Taupiri. The substantial manner in weight-for-age Randwick Plate, of this complaint.”
TERMS: Trotting Mares, £7 7s; bad roads. the only points in the dying stages of Doan’s Ointment is sold by all Pipes; Fencing Wire and Wire Netting;
obviates rattle and noise whoa running over two miles. Sasanoff and Goaming were
the quarter, running in from the 25 to Separators and Churns; Drenches and
Farmers’ or Ordinary Mares, £5 os; two among the original entrants, but it is chemists and storekeepers at 3s per Ammunition and Explo-
or more, property of one owner, with the celebrated Valve-ln-Hand
lilted doubtful if the former will start. the east after a smart pick-up. Gil- pot. or will be posted on receipt of price Disinfectants; and Utensil? for each
£4 4s. Half stud fees payable first The Oakland is
power than the average, and Affectation’s win in the Wanganui mour missed the goal.—Hamilton 29, by Foster-McClellan Co., 76, Pitt sives; for Tools and every purpose, in the Factory, on
service. Balance payable on Ist Janu. Engine, which produces more Guineas has evidently impressed the Thames 3. street, Sydney. '

the Farm, or in the Home; and h* will

ary, 1920. Groomage fee, os first ser- also assures complete combustion— every drop of petrol is handicapper, as Mr Henrys has Mclvor made a good opening run But, be sure you get DOAN’S. assuredly tell you to “just follow the
vice. Mares met when advised. Full used to the utmost advantage! awarded him 8.(1, or 91b over weight- from a scrum under the Thames goal crowd” to
T° S TAND AT ]VI ORRiNSV,LLE particulars and cards from for-age in the Masterton Cup next early in the final quarter, but the ball Forsythe's
M. A. JOYCE, Horotlu.
Another Oakland advantage is—ignition
tension magneto.
by “Liberty” high week.
Lucid, who was set to give Affecta-
dropped too low for Bates to gather
and the defenders got a lucky save.
The King of Tonics
Vigor Tonic—invaluable as a pick-me-
up after influenza, colds, etc. Bottles,
tion 21b in the New Zealand Cup, is in From a scrum Mclvor again fed out, 2s (id and 4s 6d.—Forsythe, Chemist, THEBPREMIER HARDWARE HOUSE


These few details give an idea of the
many advantages con- at Masterton in the big race. There he
has 7.13, so meets Affectation with 71b
but Seville was tackled. The home Hamilton.* ox S 8 ’Phone 62.
half once more appeared on the scene, Economical housekeepers are now M. ‘BIRCH, Managing Director,
Sire, Cylleme (9); Dam, Sweet Balsam. TE AWAMUTU,
the Oakland Six,— let us tell you of pthers! Call tlie better of the weights. preparing to put down their supplies
Fee: Single Mare, 20gns; two or tained in and Prosser capped his further good
dernonstralioii or write for fuller particulars, Humbug, who won the two-year-ol i
work with a try. Mclvor failed to con- is no pre-
of preserved eggs.
18gns each. for There
more, The well-known ; rj classic event at the Hawke’s Bay meet- vert,—Hamilton 32, Thames 3. Pratt servative like SHARLAND’S "MOA"
Bunyau O 4) ROADSTER
ing on Wednesday, is a half brother to headed
Pennon and Yarraldool, who was suc-
a Thames rush, which transfer-
red play to the home western twenty-
Dam, Neva. cessful in the Members’ Handicap at five. Hume was stayed by a tackled It.
Sire, Pilgrim’s Progress;
Fee: Single Mare, 6gns; two or more,
ogns each.
N.Z. MOTOR AGENCY Randwick the same day.
By his win in the Craven Plate on by
Wednesday, Gloaming proved his but the half Mclvor
as play returned to Thames
then made a dive, Toothache.
Progandra quickly cures Corns—ls. AND
Barraclough’s Magic Nervine Cures

'ho needs no recommendation to the
iblic, ‘as he is the'sire of “Lonely,”
Limited weight for age superiority over Wola- A Thames breakaway took play above
did not quite get there.

le Champion Hack of New Zealand. Motor Importers HAMILTON rai, Reims, SasanofF and Prince Veri-' the western half, but the ball went out Motor Service. AT TttS
Neil Phmket 5 yrs.

dis. The fact that Wolaroi won the


Terms: £4 4s per Mare. as danger loomed greatest for Hamil-

Good grazing for mares Epsom last Saturday with 9.8 and Re-
Sire, Lord Plunket; Dam, Nell;
Grandsire, St. Alexander 11.
Full particulars from ims the Metropolitan on Monday with ton.
9.10 points to the merit of Gloaming’s to indulge in a
The visitors heeled for the
movement, which indi-
Fee, 4gns. W. POLLARD performances in winning easily. cated what they were capable of with You can purchase all kinds
Wet TE AWAMUTU. Legal. opportunity. Clarke was prominent CARS

Good Paddock Accommodation. week.

Accountancy. When Cetignc won the Craven Plate breakaway which changed of joinery and mouldings at
at Randwick last year Desert Gold was shortly in a
.Mares, 2s 6d; Dry Mares. 2s per (A Card.) the situation, but the pressure was AND RELIABLE DRIVERS, much smaller prices than
.Every possible care taken.
out of a. place—the first occasion in elsewhere; you save middle-
JOHN GADDES. Morrinsville. H. CRAGKNELL A. H. Powell, L.L.B. W. B L. Williams. her career. The time then was 2min temporary, as within a couple of min-
utes Mclvor bolted in from the 25 to RING TAXI ’PHONE men’s profits, for we are not '
A.P.A.N.Z. (By Exam.) POWELL AND WILLIAMS 'ijsec, against 2min s}sec on Wednes- only millers ,of timber, but
Telephone 7TW.
“J_JIWA” JJOME. Public Accountant, Auditor, and (Late of Welsh and McCarthy, Hsnvera) day. score for Hamilton. McCaw missed a
438 makers to the trade. Doors, !

(MATERNITY.) Barristers and Solicitors, Mr W. G. Stead’s filly Delight, who difficult kick.—Hamilton 35, Thames 3. sashes, mantlepieces, etc.,
Company Secretary. Alley made a fine effort to long-distance |
won the Gimcrack Stakes «so easily at All Work Undertaken. made to any design.
SEASON 1919. '
NURSE OLSEN, SMITH’S BUILDINGS, HAMILTON. LIVINGSTONE CHAMBERS, Randwick on Wednesday, is by De- goal for the visitors from a penalty. DISTANCE NO OBJECT.
P-O. Box 187. 924 mosthenes—Sunlight. Her time (Imin McLean ,tackled Lenihan splendidly .Write for prices, or, better
To Stand this Season at the <-.wner s DAWSON STREET, HAMILTON ’Phone 701 HAMILTON.
when the Hamilton back was streaking PRIVATE ’PHONES— still, call personally.
Farm, EAST. OJsec) was good.
’Phone 816. down the eastern touch on one occa-
wjTe H. J. WERNHAM PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. Kennaquhair and Ard-na-ree are
sion, but the game ended without
W H I N A”
two Australian horses nominated for alteration
J. KING, Solicitor the Auckland Racing Club’s summer Mr J.
in the scores.
Gasparich was referee.
402 Speight, Pearce, Nicoll
PRIVATE HOSPITAL. SECRETARY, a te N.Z.E.F.) desires to inti- meeting. The former showed great W. JURY 110
BRYCE STREET, HAAIILTON. FARMERS’ ACCOUNTANCY AGENCY mate that he has this day admitted MR form last spring when he was con- G.
329 Davys, Limited.,
(System of Farmers’ Account Books). LESLIE RUSSELL (late N.Z.E.F.) sidered the best stayer in Australia,
into partnership, and that from this but he failed to sustain his. reputation
J^ESLIE. District Agent:
date the practice will b e carried on in the autumn. H. JURY
under the name or style of Compulsion, reports from the south WAIKATO RIVER SERVICE. J. METCALFE 713
,The Specially Imported Trotting LIVINGSTONE CHAMBERS,
state, will face the racing barrier no T. IREMONGER 760
Stallion, HAMILTON IN G AND more. While galloping he broke down A NEW ENTERPRISE.
Public Notices,
’Phone 851
in the previously sound foreleg.
Victoria Buildings (next Times Office;, good horse of his. class, he brought his
An application which is to come be- MAIL SERVICE The Hamiiton Hardware
Bred by California.
M. C. Keeper. DAFFODILS Undertakers. September 26th, 1919.
sire, Crichton, into some prominence. fore "the Hamilton Borough Council at
Though he did not fulfil his engage- next meeting seeking wharf and office
BV MOTOR CAR Company. Ltd.
ment in the A..1.G. Derby, there is little accommodation at Hamilton for the Cambridge, Hamilton and Frankton Jn.
'.PEDIGREE AND PERFORMANCES. /"VUR purchase of Mr Buckland’s M R
A. E. W
EBB * amiss with Bigaroon,' and he will pro- “Rapid River Service” occasioned a
XT’S very unusual under present oon-
bably start in the Caulfield Guineas representative of this paper to make FROM Ist JANUARY, 1919.

is a coal black -*■ ditions, but we have three lines of

ROTO-MANUKA Monavale Collection has proved


race. enquiries.
hoFse, aged, with plenty of style, its merit by the enthusiasm of our SOLICITOR, Leave Cambridge 10 aim., arrive Galvanised Buckets worth buying.

Rossini’s form in Australia suggests The newspaper man got Into touch
d clients. i that he should soon get on the win- with the leading official, a practical en- Hamilton 11.15 a.m.; leave Hamilton Min Min Seamed, 3s; Min Riveted, 3s 6d;

by Monicrat, from the Blossom
2.35. Monicrat’s record for16one
We are now displaying these, with
mile *b our own collection, making an
JUNCTION. ning list. There was a good deal of gineer, of the Rapid River Service, a at 2.15leave p.m., arrive Cambridge 3.30
Strapped, 4s 6d. These are all
one-third more.
years old unequalled in the Dominion. ’Phone 253. merit in the performance of winning small syndicate, who explained that it p.m; Cambridge 8 p.m., arrive
and was sold when Frankton Junction 9.15 p.m.; leave The best stocks, best variety, and
MAKE A POINT OF SEEING THIS second to Ara-na-ree in the Trial was the intention to run a daily service 10 all round value is always to be found
need not be enlarged DISPLAY. Stakes last Saturday. In the Clibborn on the Waikato riv6r between the Heads Frankton Junction p.m., arrive
with us.
SON M H. C. M. N
ORR '8 Cambridge 11 p.m.
he descends (through botn A Single Bulb to 1000 Supplied.
W. E. BURROW & R Stakes on Monday he did even better. and Cambridge, with spray-riding boats

upon, as

trot- Passenger Fares—Cambridge to Ham-

sire and dam) from the greatest Collections made up to suit all tastes- Millierne, who beat him by a head only, carrying freight, parcels and passen-
ilton, Single 7s, Return 10s; Cambridge THE HAMILTON HARDWARE CO-,
ting strain in the world. Some of the Book Your Order Now. SOLICITOR, is a smart three-year-old, as evidenced gers. The first of the fleet of fast river to Frankton, Single Bs,
leading horses—he traces ten times
“the foundation VICTORIA STREET, HAMILTON. Having returned from Active Service, by his third in the A.J.C. Derby. If boats was now under construction in ’Phone 264, Cambridge.
HamMetonian 10,
Wilkes; Electioneer,
through Geo-
'head of trotting speed,”Nutwood, M-c-
Private ’Phone
announces that he has commenced the he does not lose his maiden status in Auckland, and would be placed in com-
practice of his profession in the Australia it would come as no sur- mission in December next.
This spray-riding boat is. to carry
G. WRATTEN, Propr., Cambridge. Direct Importers of High-grade
Builders’ and Furnishing , Hardware.
CABINETMAKERS, UPHOLSTRERS, prise to see him emulate the success of PUTARURU MOTOR SERVICE. Plumbers, Tinsmiths, Hot Water, Sani-
Kinney, American Star, Mambnno
Prince, NURSERYMEN, SEEDSMEN AND AND PICTURE FRAMERS. his brother, Cherubini, in the Derby 30 passengers and up to five tons of tary and Electrical Engineers. -District
Patchen, Trustee, Kentucky FLORISTS,
race at Riccarton. freight. Doing, as it is held to be DAY AND NIGHT TRIPS. Agents for the Wizard Lighting System
Boston, Belmont, Almont, and bt. HAMILTON. First-class Workmanship Guaranteed. Civil Engineers. capable of, a minimum of 30 miles an IyTR R. PEARCE, Taxi Proprietor, Beatrice Separator, and the Unrivalled
C never been ' Phone 161 D Shop. 164 S Nursery. Estimates Given for Any Class of hour, the journey of 90 miles from the I’-1- having established the Putaruru Royal Benzine Iron (no pumping
ROTO-MANUKA has Woodwork. JOHN MACKAY, FOOTBALL. required).
any show ring; heis one of LICENSED SURVEYOR AND CIVIL Heads to here can be completed in three Motor Service, is prepared to undertake
beaten in oe hours. The service is to be run to a all trips into the surrounding district. Note the Address—
the best tempered horses that tan ENGINEER, HIGH SCHOOLS AT PLAY. All Trains met. VICTORIA STREET,
ituirh e
hrother of ROTO-MANUKA TO MOTORISTS ’Phono 198.
regular timetable, catering adequately
for farmers along the river as well as Telegrams and inquiries promptly Opposite Tombs’ Motor Garage.
Factory and Bulk Stores, Ward Street
trotted 2.9, and was recently sold for the various scheduled points 'of call en attended to.
Opposite Saleyards.
8 route. Terms Moderate. -
ROTO-MANUKA is a double gaited
won both trotting and W 8 are now making a Speciality of S. B. S ’ "
A Rugby game between Hamilton and
Thames High Schools was played at The Boat Explained. No trip too far. Sightseers catered
'Phone No. P.
horse, and has company. CTYiL ENGINEER and SURVEYOR Steele Park yesterday, Hamilton win- Discussing the spray-riding boat, the for.
Land Agents and Buyers taken any-
B&clns in open straight-out MOTOR HOODS. HAMILTON. ning by 35 points to 3. The teams
engineer said that it was the very latest
where. Assurance,
His performances as a development in speed-work boats, as
trotter are as followHamilton First.. MOTOR DUST COVERS. Office: Town Hall, Victoria Street.; were:— Americans styled it. It was, this R. PEARCE, ’Phone 17.
Hamilton; McCaw; Bates, Lenihan, the


Hamilton —First Telephone 276 authority held, impossible to capsize.
Wanganui—First Auckland—Second.
—Second. Re-upholstering in Leather, Cloth Hume; Seville, Prosser, Mclvor; Gil- The boat was practically the reverse
Waikato —First Hamilton mour, Pricker, Aitken, Anderson, Hutt,
of the design of any ordinary boat. It
a A
and Real Buffalo Hide. HUDNER BROS. J. E. Campbell Thomson) (0. R. Farrer Waterhouse, Edge and Speight (rover). had a concave bottom. The boat was PRELIMINARY NOTICE.
standing that commenced opera-
tions in 1821, and has now a Capital
Undertakers and Funeral
THOMSON AND Thames; McLean; Williams, Alley,
JfIARRER, Taylor: Royal, Brodie, Pratt; A. Beck, a
Auckland—First Auckland—Second.

nunt-like in shape, with hollow bow, paid up of £1,000,000, with assets in

TYRE COVERS. ETC. Directors. driving the wash and spray, in under MOTOR SERVICE BETWEEN excess of £7,500,000. Risks accepted
Palmerston North—Third. Civil Engineers and Surveyors, Dare, James, R. Hetherington, 0. Heth- the boat and riding on it. This was AND RAGLAN. include:—
erington, Simmonds, J. Beck, Clarke
MATERIAL SELECT Official Undertakers to New Legal Chambers, HAMILTON. (rover). the means of lifting the boat practic- /"VN and after the Ist November, 1919, Fire,
saddle and bar-
ap FROM. Zealand Defence Department. Telephone; 'Office 178. The Play. ally clear of the water when travelling a Motor Car Service will be run Marine Accident;
Only a limited number of 'Phone: Day, 182. Private Residence, 476 at speed in from Gin. to Sin, of water. between Hamilton and Raglan dailv. Personal Accident, ■
maJes Inspection Invited Thames had the sun at their backs. This was with a full load up at full-

will be served this P.O. Box 49. Distance no object.


proved TWO SUPER-SIX HUDSON CAES. Live Stock, 1

P to Frankto The Hamilton fifteen was much the speed, i.e., from 30 to 40 miles an
Mares consigned by rail by Private Residence: Thsckeriy The Garage at Raglan is being re-
will he taken delivery of
a r°, m (
street. Phone 916. H. R. Y OUNG ’
heavier allround. Within the opening
hour. built, and will have accommodation for
Fidelity Guarantee,
BOTO-MANTJKA rfl te at EDWARD JONES minutes of play Edge picked up near Motor Cars,

A.M., Inst. C.E. The engineer claimed that at a test 20 visitors’ cars. Plate Glass,
every Thmsday. Ho s the line and forced his way across. Gil- America one of the spray- Up-to-date Repair Plant installed.

big stock CIVIL ENGINEER. LICENSED made in

mour converted.—Hamilton 5, Thames riding boats was driven at 20 miles Burglary,
sure foal-getter, and leaves SURVEYOR, Until the road is reliable, Casual
SADDLER 0. The visitors took a hand in attack hour straight over a pile submerged Trios will be taken-
Hailstones, and
“TrSbtoE: Mares-e 7 7s. £3Fa™
Qrdiaarv Mares—£5 ss.
3s to
HAMILTON. ’Pbone 235 J. H. McMahon,
• 761 Hamilton. 85 Cambrid*Te_
from the kick-out, Hume kicking out only two inches below the surface,
on one occasion to the western touch without any damage to the boat. The Shaw’s Garage.
Enquiries for further information at Loss of Profits.
Glad to explain all --or any of onr
naida at*first service. Mares not P r proposals.

a Also at TE IROHA, ’Phone 8 below his 25. The ground was hard boat, it was also claimed, could run N. D. ROBERTSON,
Pf„ fn ‘l v ni be allowed a money
\ return H. CRACKNELL.
Photography. and the' sun bright. Hamilton came over a dry sand-bank, several yards Pronrietor.

MATAMaTA. ’Phone
prmlege nest season. Balance
back, Prosser opening up an attack from across, riding on the
Ward inside the visitors’ half, Lenihan losing -amount of water District Agent for Hamilton.

Wet Mares
Every care taken, but
X? • O Street, Hamilton, the ball after a nice
passing movement
the boat carried with her, the propellers
sand as in
2 S 6d per week. WARD STREET, HAMILTON. for all that is latest and best in in which Mclvor and Seville handled. having the same grip on the.
PHOTOGRAPHY. Enlargements from Gilmour shortly had a good but in- the hard water that came out from be-
F Kthcr particnlars Frankton.
apply to
%or S

old portraits a specialty. hind the boat. The boat had four pro-
effective shot at goal. A pass out and pellers, each being driven by a 25-h.p. The World’s Best
’Phone No. 993K. WILSON &
CANHAM ’Phone, Day or Night, 553. A RCADIA MIDGET
STUDIO, infield again by the
sulted 'in Pricker scoring.
Hamilton side

Enlarging the Enterprise.
WE FINISH PASSPORT PHOTO- goaled.—Hamilton Thapaes
This new enterprise intends to be-

B, S, A
LIMITED. han put a good run on resuming, but
STALLION Write, Wire or Ring. Distance No GRAPHS in come engaged also in fishing at Wai-
THE CLYDESDALE At Shortest Notice. his supports got blocked to the western
FRANK-ON JUNCTION Object. kato Heads and to place, it is claimed,
Also Every Class of Outdoor Work touch. Prosser registered a nice cut- fresh fish daily on the market at the
Cavalier Enlargements made from any Phoh in and passed to Seville, to Lenihan, to
various places en route to Hamilton and
Also at Hamilton every Thursday a or Film. All Amateur Work Finished Bates, the latter scoring from a bright Cambridge.
Bred by 3 the Owner. F. W. FOREMAN, Proprietor. movement. Gilmour goaled again.— Week-end traffic to the Heads and
823, N.Z.C.5.5.8.,
Ward Street, opposite Saleyards.
Hamilton Monumental Hamilton 15, Thames 0. The next in-
Also at Cambridge every fortnight a
Blackman’s Auction Mart. Yard
RTURA” ORTRAITI cident of note was a cut-off by Clarke general
tourist traffic on the Waikato
will also be catered for. A motor ser-
of a home pass and a run down the vice from Auckland to Tuakau will he
WILL be at the service of horse-
owners in the PUTARURU and
Are the
west touch, but lie was not timely sup-
ported. Hamilton was soon attacking.
run, and the remainder of the journey
to Hamilton completed by boat. Will afford you the finest service that any Cycle
SURROUNDING DISTRICTS this PHOTOGRAPHY. From a line-out the ball came back to
MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES ETC. The Experts in this Process are When the first boat has been placed Is capable of.
season. WOOL, SHEEPSKINS, M DES, Mclvor, to Prosser, Seville and Lenihan on the river, ostensibly with the object
CAVALIER is a handsome bay colt, 5 CO.
years, combining weight and quality. CALFSKINS, HORSEHAIR,
In Marble and Granite
furnished on application.
GAZE & in turn. Hume lost Lenihan’s pass, but of proving the possibilities of the craft,
the latter gathered again and dived the syndicate proposes building sea- It Is going to pay you at the- time of purchase and in tho
Sire Prince Robert, N.Z. S. B. 571, G.S. HAMILTON. across. Gilmour misseii the goal.— going types of boats COft to 100ft long long run to buy a B.S.A. CYCLE.
Garthband, imp., Garthland full brother TALLOW, Etc. Hamilton 18, Thames 0.
to the renowned Hiawatha, four times £aaaag—j gmangg
the and drawing lOin of water, and to ex-
Hiawatha’s HIGHEST PRICES GIVEN, Opening the second quarter, tend the service through to Onehunga. B.S.A. CYCLES (build In B.S.A. Factory) complete with
Cawdor Cup winner. with Thames backs set up a brisk passing This would enable passengers to go
<Tand sire the great Prince of Wales.
Brun, Myrtle, 1004, N.Z.C.S.S.B.— FARMERS! —Bring or send your skins
Graves enclosed
Marble and Granite kerb- MOTORISTS! movement initialed by Clarke. The in- through to Auckland from Hamilton in
Eadle Coaster, pump and tools, Dunlop tyres, £2O.
G.V.S.L.C., G. Dam Nonsuch, G.G.D. before the weevils and rats dam- Ings. Concrete and iron pass almost brought success, but the approximately five hours, and vice-
home side swarmed round and stayed versa. YOUR OWN TERMS ARRANGED.
Nonpariel, both bred by the Hon. age the pelts. railings of choice designs. ELECTRICAL REPAIRS
Matthew Holmes, Oamaru. Sire Inscriptions cut, leaded, RENEWALS the tension meantime. A home type the latest
S. TAPP. Licensed Buyer. AMD The spray-riding is
of Myrtle, Royal Standard, by Agi- gilded and painted in any got offside and Royal landed a good envelopment of coastal motor boats,

• tator, imp., by Royal Standard, by
Royal Signet out of a Darn by mare.
Mares from a distance received and
re-trucked free of charge. Good pad TOM4TO PLANTS
Memorials and enclosures
erected in all parts of the

goal.—Thames 3, Hamilton 18. Hamil-
ami was used by the Admiralty with
ton were the aggressive force shortly, great success, being prominently used
but Speight was well stopped by Brodte in the Zeebrugge raid.
in the south-western corner. From a now under construction is
the visitors Mc-
When the boat
completed its
Fee: (live guineas), £u os, payable


scrum infringement by seaworthiness is to be tested by driv-
lvor kicked across the goal front. Dare ing it from Onehunga, over both bars, Phone 455 P.O. Box 100
at end of season. Further particulars DISTRICT DISTRIBUTORS FOE THE failed to get the ball clear away and to Hamilton.
from the owner.
J. PRICKETT. FAMOUS the rebound was followed over the line
by Hume for a try. Gilmour missed a Hamilton
Also, Ask the Man whe Owns One I not easy shot.—Hamilton 21, Thames Chest
MASON. 3. Play was maintained between the troubles that has been tested so
JJEDDING pLANTS, visitors’ half and twenty-live. The ball thoroughly and scarchingly
It gels more friends the
General Carriers and Furniture Leading varieties, for present planting. Bridge Street. ’Phone 361
The Hamilton Storage was thrown about freely, and from one
of the movements Lenihan saved for more it is tried.
If your throat

Hasses of
STORAGE available fur al!

Best TfIHARM your bed with a “Unique”

Hot Water Bottle made by
Battery Workr Hamilton from a movement started by
Mclvor near midlield and aided greatly
troubles you, use “NAZOL."*
No egg preservative approaches
Telephones: 8465, 8 a.m- to 4.30
. p.m.; 726 after 5 p.m.
J. Lawless, Propr., Queen’s flv. Fktn
British labour and capital, from the
best quality rubber. Strongly vulcan-
’Phone R72.
by a strong run by Prosser.
goaled.—Hamilton 26, Thames' ' 3. PRESERVATIVE for absolute reliabi-
Thames were called on to do a lot of. lity and economy in Thousands
2/6 and 2/8
ised seams that won’t crack or leak slopping, Williams on one occasion Kvfi proved M. .V W
»Star.d at W. J. Bowline’s, ’"art itree* ’Phone /OS. All retailers. 50 A. DUNNE, Proprietor.


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