Physics in Basketball

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Physics In Basketball

- the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter
and energy
- the ratio of the distance an object moves to the amount of time it takes for
that object to move
formula: Speed=distance/time
- the speed and direction something is moving, measured relative to a
reference point
- the rate at which velocity changes
formula: Acceleration=force/mass
- an act of a push of pull on an object
- force that opposes the motion of objects that touch as they move past
each other
Static Friction
- a friction force that acts on objects that are not moving
example: a basketball sitting still on the court
Sliding Friction
- a friction force that opposes the motion of an object as it slides over a
example: a basketball player shoes slides across the court as she glides for
the ball
Rolling Friction
- a friction force that acts on rolling objects, caused by the change in shape
at the point of rolling contact
example: a ball rolls across the court floor
Air Resistance
- when fluid friction acts on an object moving through air
- a symmetrical open plane curve formed by the intersection of a cone with
a plane parallel to its side
Projectile Motion
- a form of motion in which an object is thrown near the earth's surface, and
it moves along a curved path under the action of gravity
- the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its
mass and velocity

Physics In Basketball


Speed: When shooting a basketball, it's very important to consider speed. This
includes the speed that you're going, as well as the speed that the basketball
is going. When it comes to the speed you're going, you want to be able to keep
a constant speed. To do this, you'll want to work on running long distances,
instead of down and back sprints. If you want more detailed ways on how to
develop a long term speed.When it comes to the basketball, the speed the
basketball goes depends on how much force you put on it. If you want more
information on how forces affect the basketball.

Velocity: You must use velocity to shoot a ball. If you don't give a ball velocity,
which is speed and direction, you can't shoot. When stopping to shoot, you
must know how fast to throw it, as well as where to throw it. For example, I
could say that I was throwing the ball 10 miles per hour, north, and that would
represent my velocity. Velocity is also important when jumping to shoot. When
you first jump to take the shot, there is commonly a horizontal and vertical
component in the jump's velocity. The magnitude of this vertical component of
the velocity will determine the amount of time that you are airborne. The more
magnitude you have, the higher you will jump.

Acceleration: The force used to shoot a ball is created when acceleration and
mass are put together. After all, Isaac Newton's second law states that Force=
Mass*Acceleration. When a player shoots, they have a mass, which is the
basketball. They then must use the appropriate amount of force in order for
the ball to excel forward.

Projectile Motion: The trajectory path when shooting a basketball is

very significant. The ball is acted on by acceleration due to gravity, which is -
9.8 meters per second per second. It takes time for the basketball to reach its
maximum height after leaving the player's hand. There is a horizontal axis to
show projectile motion, also known as the x-axis. This axis represents the
distance the basketball travels, which increases over time. There is a second
axis that is vertical, which is the y-axis. The y-axis commonly represents the
height that the player is, along with the height of the ball. As you're shooting a
basketball, our brains calculate these things, which helps us score!

The picture below shows how angles can affect the way you shoot:

Passing a Basketball

Speed: Passing is important in the sport of basketball, because it's the easiest
way to move the ball down the court. Speed is also important when passing a
ball. You must be able to get the ball to a fellow player quickly, so that the
other team doesn't steal it. It's important to practice different passes, such as
bounce passing and chest passing. When passing a bounce pass, it should
be thrown far enough out to ensure that the basketball reaches the waist of the
other player. When passing a chest pass, players should try to throw it to the
receiver's chest level. If you pass too high or too low, chest passes can be
difficult to catch.

Velocity: Since speed is a big part of basketball, velocity is as well. Remember,

velocity is speed and direction, which means you must consider how fast you
want a basketball to be passed. It also means you must consider what
direction you want it to be passed to. Velocity is also a part of momentum. The
more momentum a player with a basketball has, the easier and faster the ball
will travel through air. However, it's harder to catch. These things are
important to consider when passing in the game of basketball.
Acceleration: Isaac Newton's second law plays a part in passing, too.
Acceleration, along with mass, creates the two forces necessary to pass a

Projectile Motion: Although the path looks straight when passing a basketball,
it isn't. It's actually a downward parabola, because gravity continuously acts
on the ball. Once the ball is put into motion, two forces act on the pass. The x-
coordinate force is the force put on the ball by the player's hands. The y-
coordinate force is the force due to gravity, which is the acceleration equal to -
9.8 meters per second per second. You can understand catching a pass
through the equation Force = (mass*velocity)/time. As you catch the ball, your
arms should be bent to receive the force.

Dribbling a Basketball

Speed: When dribbling a basketball, it's important to consider the speed at

which your dribbling. Often times, people dribble the ball too quickly and they
become out of control, or the ball hits their feet and bounces off. Practice
dribbling at a constant pace, so then you can formulate an average speed for
your dribbling. If you want to find your speed when dribbling, calculate it by
using the formula Speed = distance/time.
Pretend that it takes me 9.5 seconds to dribble a ball 10 meters. I would plug
this into the equation to find my average speed: 10 meters/9.5 seconds = 1.05
meters per second. Now, try to calculate your average speed when dribbling!

Velocity: When dribbling, it's important to know your speed, as well as your
direction. You want to be sure that you're not dribbling directly towards your
feet, but instead somewhat outward. This is because you don't want the ball to
hit your feet when moving up and down the court.

Acceleration: Energy is very important when dribbling. In fact, energy is what

makes the ball accelerate downwards and upwards. As a ball is heading back
towards a player's hand, it gains potential energy. When your hand adds an
additional downward force, it creates kinetic energy.
Why should the ball I dribble have high air pressure?
The ball used in a game should have high air pressure, which is explained
through the law of physics. If it has high air pressure, it keeps the ball from
bending when it slams against the court floor. If a ball has a low air pressure, it
will form to the floor and not bounce back up, because it has less air
molecules to bounce off the ground with.

Do the shoes you wear affect how you play?

The shoes you wear when playing basketball do matter. This is due to the
friction on the ground. Basketball shoes must have good traction. If a shoe
has good traction, the coefficient of friction between the shoe and the court
floor must be high. Static friction acts on the shoes and player when standing
still. Remember, static friction is the type of friction that acts on motionless
objects. Static friction allows a player to stop and turn without sliding,
because the static friction is greater than the sliding frictio

Physics In Basketball

Forces When You Pass

Players use the force of their bodies, arms, legs, and fingertips when
passing a basketball. When a pass is thrown, the player throwing the ball
steps into the pass and pushes their arms out in order to give the ball an
outward force. The person receiving the ball is more likely to catch the ball
if they lessen the force, so they bend their arms slightly to increase the time
that the ball is in motion. This commonly goes for chest passes, bounce
passes, and overhead passes.

Forces When You Shoot

There are four simple forces when you shoot. The force that is pushing
down on the ball is the force from gravity, which pushes it towards the
court. The second force, which is the one on the bottom pointing up, is the
upward force that slowly loses energy as it goes further up. The third force,
which is the sideways force from the throw, is the force that pushes the ball
in the direction of the basket. The last force is the friction involved in this
shooting situation. Air resistance pushes against the ball and tries to force it
out of the basket. This is why you have to aim very carefully and put a
certain amount of force on the basketball to score a point. Lay ups take
less force, jump shots take a medium force, and free throws take a larger

Forces When You Dribble

There are four main forces when dribbling a basketball that produce kinetic
and potential energy. First, you have the force from your hands that are
pushing the ball towards the court floor. Next, you have the force of the ball
hitting the floor. Third, you have the floor reacting to the basketball once it
hits. Lastly, you have the force of the ball coming back towards your hand
and making contact with it again. As the ball bounces upward, it produces
potential energy. As it falls downward, kinetic energy is produced. video 1

Physics In Basketball

Here are some images that show the physics of shooting,
dribbling, and passing.

This picture represents what happens once a ball hits the backboard of a
basket. The ball still spins, but changes direction.

This shows the energy change when a ball is dribbled. As a ball is forced
towards the ground, potential energy turns into kinetic energy. Once it
bounces back up, it gains the potential energy back.
This picture shows the difference between a pumped basketball and an
inflated basketball. If your ball isn't fully pumped, it won't gain enough energy
to bounce, which would make the ball out of control. If your ball is pumped, it
will bounce according to the amount of force you put on it, which will help you
run it down the court when dribbling and passing.

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