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Reinforced Concrete Design Procedures

Singly Reinforced Rectangular Concrete Beams

1. Determine the values of loads, DL, LL, Other Loads

2. Assume beam weight.
a. Small Beams (2 kN/m)
b. Medium Beams (3.5 kN/m)
c. Large Beams (7 kN/m)
3. Compute for the Factored Load
4. By Structural Analysis, compute the Ultimate Moment that the beam will carry.
5. Try a Steel Ratio 0.5ρmax to 0.6 ρmax
a. ρ = As/bd
b. ρb = 0.85f’cβ1600/fy(fy+600)
c. ρmax = 0.75ρb
d. β1
(1) For f’c ≤ 28 MPa; β1 = 0.85
(2) For f’c > 28 MPa
β1 = 0.85 – (0.05/7)(f’c – 28), but shall not be less than 0.65.
(3) ρmin least of : (√f’c)/4fy and 1.4/fy
6. Compute for the value of ω, ω = ρfy/f’c
7. Solve for bd2 from the equation:

a. Mu = Φf’cωbd2(1-0.59ω)

8. Try a ratio of d/b from d=1.5b to d=2b, and solve for d. Round off this value to
reasonable dimensions.
9. Check the value of d from the table below. Computed value of d should not be less
than the minimum value of h.

10. From the equation in step 7, Use the rounded off value of d to compute for b.
Round off this value also to reasonable dimensions.
11. Select from the table below the minimum concrete cover that the beam requires.

12. h = b + cc. Using the computed of b and h, compute the actual beam weight.
Evaluate if the assumed weight from step 2 is greater than or less than the actual
beam weight.
a. Assumed beam weight < Actual beam weight: Factored load will change,
Repeat from step 2 and allot a higher value for the assumed beam weight.
b. Assumed beam weight > Actual beam weight: the dimensions of the beam
are adequate to carry the load.
13. Solve for the required steel area. As = ρbd.
14. Select the bar diameter of the reinforcement such that:
a. It will conform to the minimum spacing of main bars and that the minimum
concrete cover will be followed.
b. In case of double layered bars, the perpendicular distance of the centroid of
the main bars to the outermost tension fiber will conform to effective
concrete cover.
c. The total cost will be relatively cheap compared to the other bar diameters.
Design of Doubly Reinforced Rectangular Concrete Beams
Design of Beam Stirrups

1. Compute the Concrete Shear Strength by the formula Vc = 0.17λ√f’cbwd

a) Modification Factor, λ
λ = 0.75 for All-Lightweight Concrete
λ = 0.85 for Sand-Lightweight Concrete
λ = 1 for Normal Weight Concrete
If Splitting Tensile Strength f’ct is specified, λ = f’ct/0.56√f’c, but shall not
be greater than 1. If greater, use 1.
b) If Vu < ½ΦVc, Stirrups are not needed. The concrete section can carry the
required shear.
c) If ½ΦVc < Vu < ΦVc, minimum area of shear reinforcement is required.
d) If Vu > ΦVc, Stirrups are required.
e) Φ = 0.75 for NSCP 2015.
2. From the Shear and Moment Diagram, get the factored shear force from the
critical section, d distance from the support (Vu).
3. For ½ΦVc < Vu < ΦVc:
a) Since the main bar diameter has already been identified, select the stirrup
diameter that that corresponds to the main bar diameter.
i. 10 mm bars for main bars of diameter 32 mm and lower
ii. 12 mm bars for main bars of diameter 36 mm and higher
b) Minimum area of shear reinforcement, Avmin = 2(π/4)(ds)2
c) Spacing, Least of:
i. Smax1 = Avminfyt/0.062(√f’c)bw
ii. Smax2 = Avminfyt/0.35bw
iii. Smax3 = d/2 or 600 mm
4. For Vu > ΦVc:
a) Compute for the nominal shear strength (Vn), Vn = Vu/Φ
b) Calculate the shear strength Vs provided by the stirrups, Vn = Vc + Vs
i. If Vs ≤ 0.66(√f’c)bwd, proceed to step 5
ii. If Vs > 0.66(√f’c)bwd, increase the size of the beam
5. Spacing of Stirrups
a) S = Avfytd/Vs
If S < 25 mm + ds, increase the value of Av by either using a bigger bar size
or adding more shear area.
b) Maximum Spacing
i. When Vs ≤ 0.33(√f’c)bwd, Smax = d/2, or 600 mm
ii. When Vs > 0.33(√f’c)bwd, Smax = d/4, or 300 mm
Design of Columns

1. From Structural Analysis,

a. Get the load (Pu) that the beam will pass to the column.
b. Get the Moments from the x and y direction (Mux and Muy), that the column
will carry.
2. Try a value of Steel Area (Ast) ranging from 1%-8% of the Gross Area (Ag).
3. From the equation, Pu = Φ0.8[0.85f’c(Ag-Ast) + fyAst], substitute the value of Ast
and solve for Ag.
a. Φ = 0.65 for Tied
b. Φ = 0.7 for Spiral
4. If Mux and Muy are approximately equal, then design as a square column. Get the
value of x in the equation x = √Ag
5. If Mux > Muy or Mux < Muy, then design as a rectangular column. Try a ratio

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