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Eisenhower Southwest Consortium for the Improvement of Mathematics and Science Teaching

Fall 1998 • Volume 4, Number 2

The Rhythm of
The Rhythm of
Two subject areas that might appear to be impervious to integration are
Standards mathematics—viewed as abstract and cold by many—and dance and
Excerpts from the NCTM
music—usually perceived as emotional. The work of several New Mexico
schools shows that these two areas have much to offer each other.
Mathematics and music share a concern with numbers and patterns
Making Mathematics of change. In music and dance these patterns are called rhythm.

} We enter the room silently, quietly flexing our fingers—
readying ourselves to create rhythms with our hands upon
classroom chairs.
Resources and “The music created from the patterning of our hands
tapping the chairs in sync takes us to a mathematic realm as
we fit our notes and time into an artistic form. We are lifted to
a place and time with a oneness of music and math.
“One-eighth time takes us to a fast
movement, a flurry of fingers, a creation
of a rhythm above all we have done.
We slow down to one-half time, easing our
fingers to a slower time frame, artistically
drumming fractions.
“How do we attain this? Very easily
and simply—we kneel upon the floor in
front of plastic chairs. We, ourselves,
are the expensive instruments.

Cris Marie Alton, teacher of ten, eleven, and

twelve year olds at Alvord Elementary School,
a collaboration of the Santa Fe Public Schools
and the College of Santa Fe, New Mexico

continued on page 2

The Rhythm of Mathematics, continued from page 1

Standards Each year the students at the

Alvord Elementary School repeat
understanding is valued. After the
drumming, performers and par-
The Standards of the National this scene. Before their families ents gather to talk over the stimu-
Council of Teachers of and friends they drum and leap lating evening. In the excitement,
Mathematics emphasizes and twirl. The hall is packed since only a few remember how much
that patterns are of recurring from year to year community more the students have learned
importance to mathematics. members look forward to receiving from their percussive work.
The following is excerpted from their invitations to the Alvord
the NCTM’s Curriculum and performance. The students have The Results of
Evaluation Standards for School also been looking forward to this
Mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM. day with the combination of the Class
excitement and fear that all Alvord and several other New
Grades K-4: Standard 13: performers feel. They know that, Mexican schools introduce rhyth-
Patterns and Relations however they do, their efforts will mic, athletic, and high energy
be acknowledged, rewarded, and movement and music to 8 to 12
p. 60 Patterns are everywhere.
remembered by the community in year olds. While the children and
Children who are encouraged to
look for patterns and to express which they live. their families obviously enjoy both
them mathematically begin to the performance and the work
that goes into it, the program has
understand how mathematics The Performance even deeper intentions. The teach-
applies to the world in which they
The performance begins with two ers know that few if any of their
live. Identifying and working with
drum captains beating their hands students will become professional
a wide variety of patterns helps
on chairs. The simple rhythm they musicians or dancers. They do
children to develop the ability to
classify and organize information. produce guides the performers hope that all of them will become
Relating patterns in numbers, into the room. Each child, dressed life-long learners who search for
geometry, and measurement helps like his neighbors, takes his place excellence in all their activities.
them understand connections behind a chair. Soon all of the The drumming program nourishes
among mathematical topics. children have joined in the rhythm thoughtful habits of mind and
Such connections foster the set by the captains as they helps the children build contacts
kind of mathematical thinking methodically strike the chairs in between the rhythms they pro-
that serves as a foundation for front of them. This sound does duce and basic knowledge and
the more abstract ideas studied not last long; soon it moves to ever understanding they need in
in later grades. more complex rhythms. By the everyday life.
From the earliest grades, the end of the hour, the intricate beat- Through the drumming pro-
curriculum should give students ing has brought the audience to gram, the students realize that
opportunities to focus on regulari- its feet as the whole room joins performance is a way to share
ties in events, shapes, designs, in stomping and clapping to the learning. They learn to define and
and sets of numbers. Children performers’ sounds. work toward goals consistent with
should begin to see that regularity All semester the students have their individual abilities and to
is the essence of mathematics. worked toward this night. Finally,
The idea of a functional relation- cooperate with others in reaching
they have put themselves and their shared goals. As a result of such
ship can be intuitively developed abilities on public display and their
through observations of regularity shared work, they come to see
peers and parents have shown how the work of each person
and work with generalizable
them that their performance and depends on the work of others.
Physical materials and pictorial Students who have been
displays should be used to help through the drumming experience
children recognize and create have also learned to link move-
patterns and relationships. ment, music, and rhythm to basic
Observing varied representations mathematical concepts. As part of
of the same pattern helps children the drumming program, Valdez
identify its properties. The use Abeyta y Valdez, a music teacher
of letters and other symbols in at several New Mexico schools,
generalizing descriptions of these and faculty from Alvord work
properties prepares children to together to help all children
use variables in the future. This comprehend the mathe-
experience builds readiness for a matics that under-
generalized view of mathematics lies the world
and a later study of algebra.... we experience
continued on page 8 every day. In this

program teachers are often as The Mozart Effect a series of victories that give them
much learners as students. Even During the 1990s researchers at a sense of the necessary sequences
those teachers who have been University of California at Irvine of learning and pacing. They find
through a drumming exercise led by Gordon Shaw, a physicist, out how it feels to accomplish their
many times learn new things and Frances Rauscher, a cellist own learning goals and develop
each year. and a psychologist, studied the sought-after self-esteem through
While dance and music moti- relation between music and intelli- actually learning difficult material.
vate most students through excit- gence. In one study they divided Their pictures of themselves as
ing action, the excitement these three and four year olds into three learners become more realistic
disciplines generate can also help groups. One group received piano and each student develops a bet-
them understand more abstract lessons, another private computer ter idea of how she or he learns.
concepts. They learn to work out lessons, and a third either studied
mathematical meaning in new and singing or had no special lessons Multiple Intelligences
concrete ways. From a natural at all. After six months, the group
and intuitive understanding of The work of Howard Gardner, of
studying piano was the only one
how his or her own body works, a Project Zero at Harvard University,
to show a significant increase in
student can develop an awareness has shown that each of us has a
spatial-temporal reasoning; in fact,
of the working of mathematics in mixture of different ways of learn-
these children scored 34 percent
the physical world. (See art stan- ing. In his first book, Frames of
higher than did the next group.
dard on page 8.) Mind (1985), Gardner identified
(Spatial-temporal reasoning is
For example, clapping two half seven “intelligences”; recently, he
required for certain higher brain
beats in the place of one whole has added an eighth intelligence.
functions and is employed in
beat can help children begin to These intelligences include the
chess, mathematics, engineering,
understand the meaning of frac- musical and the bodily-kinesthetic,
and composing music. It enables
tions. Learning to beat half time, as well as the logical-mathematical.
the thinker to put mental images
quarter time, and eighth time, Gardner points out that people
into many different forms without
children can feel fractions in their are born with all intelligences but
having to use a concrete model of
own bones as they also begin to usually only one or two are fully
any of the forms.) This increase in
work with the larger mathematical developed in any individual.
spatial-temporal reasoning has
theme of patterns and their While he has identified individ-
been dubbed the “Mozart Effect.”
changes. (See standards beginning ual “intelligences,” Gardner
Musical intelligence follows
on page 2.) emphasizes that actual intelli-
the same sequences as spatial-
The idea of patterns will surface gence is inseparable since each
temporal reasoning, so learning
again as the students put together intelligence involves the others.
music is like a warm-up exercise
steps, sounds, and movements to Once a learner has identified the
for these other reasoning abilities.
create their performance. This way she learns best, it is impor-
Researchers believe that music
early attempt at choreography tant that she not try to learn only
calls on abilities that increase
can also move them into more in that one way. If a teacher helps
student capacity to learn in other
mathematics, since an interested a student identify her most natur-
areas. Musical learning, for exam-
teacher can help students com- al way to learn and, as a result,
ple, helps students develop such
pare the shapes they make with that student begins to say, for
mental skills as concentration,
their bodies and space during example, “I am a visual learner
symbol recognition, and memory.
dance to similar geometric shapes. and that is the only
Some researchers go so far as to
In using rhythm to teach mathe- way I learn, ” the
say that musical activity repat-
matics Alvord is part of a long student and the
terns neurons to improve cortical
tradition. Western culture has teacher will
functioning. Staging an actual
recognized the connection between have missed
performance also teaches
music and mathematics since the students the value of continued on
time of the ancient Greeks. The cooperation and collaboration. page 4
Pythagoreans (of the famous theo- Musical training appears to
rem regarding the square of the function on several levels. First,
hypotenuse of a right triangle) used musical activities call on the entire
harmony and rhythm as a basis for body: the muscles of the arms and
their mathematical ideas. Music hands, those that control breath-
teachers have long expressed the ing and the voice, the coordination
notion that learning music of movements. At the same time,
improves mathematical abilities music can lead students through
and scientists recently established
experimentally that the link exists.

The Rhythm of Mathematics, continued from page 3

one of the important meanings of cannot be taught, schools often mances are part of the life of the
Gardner’s work: Each of us needs suppose that most students have entire group rather than the
to work on learning in ways that no musical interests or abilities. domain of a few talented experts.
are not our most immediate and In contrast to some other intelli- In a few U.S. schools, including
natural way in order to become gences, such as the linguistic and Alvord, this approach is also the
more complete human beings. The the logical-mathematical, musical norm. Alvord faculty also uses
visual or the logical learner cannot intelligence is not highly valued by music to introduce students to the
rely on her most comfortable our education system. It is usually wide range of cultures in the world
intelligence. If she is to become a assumed that only those with and in their own community.
strong learner, she must turn to special interest or aptitudes in
other ways of learning. The ideal the discipline should study music Cultural Knowledge
school gives all students experi- intensively and for the long term.
Movements and music can be
ences of learning in many different The bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
used as ancillaries to words and
intelligences. is also channeled onto the
to help make meaning clearer for
In the Alvord music classroom athletic field in the U. S. public
those who do not speak or do not
two intelligences—musical and school system.
understand English. Since music
bodily-kinesthetic—are used to Except for those children with
and movement do not have to
open understanding of other special interests in chorus, band,
be presented verbally, students
domains. Students who are more or the school orchestra, music
with language differences can
comfortable in these two worlds education essentially ends with
participate in class work with
can use their natural understand- the elementary grades in the
fewer frustrations.
ings and abilities to access other United States. While being in the
In addition, music and dance
areas of knowledge. In addition, band or chorus may be a competi-
can be part of a cultural learning
students whose strengths are in tive goal in many schools, its
experience. Alvord students can
other intelligences can learn more popularity does not translate into
express interest in their own cul-
about the physical and rhythmic broad music training for all stu-
ture and in other cultures through
aspects of their own lives. dents—just as most students do
the drumming they learn and the
Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is not receive the kinesthetic training
performances they present. They
awakened by movement. (See that student athletes receive.
can weave together sounds and
dance standards on page 8.) Since they are assumed to have
rhythms from the Middle Eastern,
Those with well-developed kines- natural talent, even musically
thetic intelligences typically can “gifted” students often receive no African, Native American, Japanese,
control their body motions skillful- training in formal processing and Flamenco, and other musical
ly to reach certain goals and can understanding of music; instead
The teacher can show students
do both fine and gross motor work they only practice and perform. As
that fundamental concepts of
with finesse. Dancers and athletes school budgets shrink, music pro-
mathematics remain the same no
have developed this intelligence, grams (along with art and other
matter how they are expressed.
and so have artisans, surgeons, “peripheral” subjects) decrease
The relations between half notes,
mechanics, and instrumentalists. and what money is available for
quarter notes, and whole notes
Many musicians and others have music will be concentrated on
are the same in different musical
long noted the close relation perfecting the performances of the
traditions, no matter how different
between movement and music. few who are considered expert.
the notes may sound from each
Young people, especially, frequent- Even some elementary schools
other. In exploring these similari-
ly find it impossible to listen to have cut back so severely on
ties and differences, children can
music without moving. These two music that young children only
become aware of the constants of
intelligences seem made to go have an hour or two a month
mathematics the sameness of
together in education. on the subject, taught by a
human cultures and of their
roving teacher.
Cultural Attitudes Other cultures have different
assumptions about musical and
toward Musical and kinesthetic abilities and how they Other Benefits
Kinesthetic Abilities should be nurtured. Many cul- for Students
U.S. culture tends to treat musical tures see their musical heritage
Cooperating on expressing the
and kinesthetic abilities as innate, as something each child should
emotions of dance and practicing
much as we have long assumed understand and be able to
together to get movement and
that mathematical ability is perform at some level. Dancing,
rhythm correct can teach children
innate. Working from the drumming, and other perfor-
to work together just as well as
assumption that musical ability
continued on page 9

Making Mathematics Move

Fear keeps many teachers from trying to teach mathematics rhythm. The teacher’s goal is to
help them use that understand-
through music or rhythm. Teachers often think they don’t know
enough about the relationships between these subjects. The relation- ing to form a bridge to unfamiliar
material in mathematics. Start
ship is not that mysterious and help does exist (for a start, see the
with something they already
resources section on p. 10). Moreover, showing students how an understand—clapping their own
adult goes about learning a new subject may well be one of the hands. Young children are used
most important lessons a teacher can pass along. Admitting to to clapping in the classroom.
students that we don’t know something can be a daunting task Often teachers clap for attention;
for teachers, but the lessons learned from this experience can some classes regularly applaud
those who have reached some
stay with students for a lifetime.
milestone in life or done well on
People can come up with other objections to tackling a project an assignment.
like this: Supplies are bound to be expensive. The project will Begin by clapping with and for
take up too much valuable class time. Who can help me with this the children in a very simple pat-
complicated stuff? None of these problems is insurmountable. tern like four equal and fast
beats. Ask the students if they
can repeat this pattern. Then
Overcoming Initial it can take a few days or a vary the beat (two fast and two
Difficulties semester. If the class is truly normal or an easily recognized
interdisciplinary, this investiga-
Expensive equipment for music tion can be a wiser use of time
rhythmic pattern from popular
and dance is a luxury not a neces- music). Ask the students to com-
than having separate music, plete the pattern of a rhythm
sity. Students can explore rhythm
mathematics, and science classes. they all know.
and movement with objects lying
A school could integrate the topic The goal at this stage is to
around the classroom and at
vertically so students increase enjoy and explore the rhythm for
home. The class at Alvord uses
their learning in each year, rather its own sake. Eventually, the
the seats and backs of the plastic
than having one teacher devote students will need to consider
chairs that fill classrooms
a large block of time to the certain basic questions, even
throughout the United States.
exploration during one year. though they may not know the
Pots, discarded plastic bottles,
Students may be the greatest answer when the questions are
and odd pieces of metal also make
resource the teacher has for this first posed:
resonating sounds, as do the
project. Many students probably
children’s own arms, legs, and • What is the difference between
already have some kind of musi-
chests. Mention the popular clapping like this (fast beats
cal training. They can explain
dance group Stomp—they use the equivalent of half notes)
concepts to the class or show the
all kinds of found objects in their and clapping like this (steady
others how a rhythm works on
performances—and the students beats the equivalent of whole
the instruments they play.
will probably be able to name and notes)?
Other teachers and people from
find some of the objects the group
the community can also be help- • Can you see the relationship
uses. If a school feels that it must
ful in integrating this material of the fast beats to the slower
have percussion instruments,
into the classroom. The teacher beats?
simple and inexpensive hand
might consider inviting the band
drums are adequate. The students will see that a
instructor, cast from local dance
A teacher who feels “rhythmi- whole note includes two half
productions, drummers in local
cally challenged” might want notes or four quarter notes, but
bands, choir masters from area
to invest in one more piece of understanding of that concept
churches, and similar experts to
equipment: a simple metronome should not be rushed. At this
help with these classes.
or, even, a clock that ticks. stage the ideas of patterns,
A metronome makes any beat change, and repetition are the
steadier as the class grows in Exploring Rhythm important concepts to consider.
its understanding of rhythm. Most students have an intuitive
Time for this project is flexible, understanding of music and continued on page 6


Building Patterns quarter beats, followed by a half to develop a rhythm using four
Now the students can begin writ- beat and a whole. red rods and four whites (whites
ing their own version of musical It helps to keep the rhythm should be used in pairs at this
notation. Like any system of nota- steady if the students say the stage). The working groups draw
tion, this version helps make color word as they clap or beat. their rhythmic pattern on graph
music concrete and preserves it When tapping out quarter notes, paper and then clap it for them-
for future use. The students will for example, they say “red” with selves.
use this notation system to pre- each beat. Point out that using When the members of the small
sent their own rhythmic ideas to this system will make it possible groups have agreed that they
each other and to people from out- to write out any rhythm the stu- understand their own pattern,
side their classroom. dents can think of. they ask others in the class to
As an introduction, use objects On their own some students clap it also. In this way, each
to stand in for specific beats. will notice that clapping two reds group tests to see if the notation
Something the students are (quarter notes) equals the time for they have used is understandable
already familiar with is best, for clapping one purple (half note). to others. (They can tape their
example, Cuisenaire rods. Colored See if these students can discuss clapping to see if the other
strips of paper, beans of different their observations with the class. students match it when they
colors and shapes, or buttons are Help all the students realize that reproduce the pattern.)
other possibilities. (For simplicity’s the reds must be clapped twice as Now the students rearrange
sake the rest of this activity will be fast as the purple. Show the stu- their rhythms—without increasing
written as if Cuisenaire rods are dents that two purple rods make or decreasing the numbers of
being used.) one brown rod. Clap the beat for counters. After they have
Assign values to the colors. them. Have them clap the beats rearranged their patterns they
(For example, red Cuisenaire rods with partners and talk about how clap the new rhythm. How many
could be designated as quarter many of any one beat it takes to ways can the eight rods be
notes, white rods as eighth notes, make a whole beat. Have confi- rearranged? Can they clap out
purples as half notes, and browns dent students demonstrate to the each rearrangement? Can they
as whole notes; these values will rest of the class that four beats write it out so others can clap it?
be followed in the rest of this of the red rods equal one beat of The teacher can begin to com-
activity.) Since the rods of one the brown and that changes can pare the relationship between
color indicate a specific beat be made in the patterns. (See whole, eighth, and quarter notes
length, the color helps the stu- mathematics standards on page 8.) and fractions. Help them to see
dents control the frequency and how quarter notes and half notes,
speed of beats. Testing Patterns for example, make up whole
The students lay out the rods notes. How many changes can
Now the students develop their
on a piece of chart paper or on a you make to get a whole note?
own rhythms, write them in the
large sheet of butcher paper with What would happen if you had an
new notation system, and test to
grids marked on it. The rods are extra half note?
see if they can move rhythms out
arranged to make a pattern—say, The class and the teacher need
of their own minds to the under-
two reds, one purple and a to work at a pace that is comfort-
standing of others. Give them an
brown—and this pattern is repeat- able to them. If the teacher thinks
assignment: For example, each
ed several times. The children it is possible, the class might work
small group or pair of students is
then “read” the patterns by clap- on this project over an entire
ping or beating their instru-
ments—in the above example, two Red Cuisenaire rods are quarter notes.
RED RED RED RED RED Sidecars are rests (unsounds). The students
prefer a throw away sound, such as phtt.

White rods are eighth notes and are

clapped twice in the same frame as one
red quarter note.

Purple rods are half notes. The students

RED RED RED WHITE WHITE RED clap once and say pur–ple (2 syllables)
to indicate the length the note is held.
PUR-PLE Brown rods are whole notes. The students
clap once and say brown–n–n–n (as 4
syllables) to indicate the length the note
BROWN-N-N-N is held.


semester. Eventually, the explaining the rhythms they have The teacher can also present
students will work out their imagined to each other. They will rhythms that occur in nature: crick-
understandings of the relations also begin experimenting with ets’ chirps, frog calls, raindrops.
among the notes, of how to different materials and rhythms How will the children interpret these
indicate these relations on paper, from many sources. What kinds of sounds with their instruments? Can
and of transferring the notations sounds can they make from aban- they see any relations between these
from paper to practice. doned tires or blocks of wood? sounds and the rhythms that form
Eventually, the teacher will How can these differences be human music? Is the mathematical
have to introduce the concept of incorporated into their perfor- structure behind these rhythms the
rests: Explain that sometimes in a mance? What effect would they same as the structure in others they
piece of music no noise or sound have on the finished product? have studied?
is needed but the beat has to go The teacher could introduce the The students now narrow their
on. This place in the music where students to rhythms from other search to a rhythm or series of
there is no sound is called a rest. sources. Other cultures emphasize rhythms they feel comfortable with
Rests are useful for varying the different rhythmical structures and begin describing it in their
beat. (This concept may be con- and patterns. Do the students find notation system and beating it
veyed best by playing a few selec- these more difficult to beat out out in the classroom. Soon they
tions and asking the students to than those they have written on add movements to the sounds
indicate where the rests are.) As a their own? Students can discuss and put them together into a
group the class needs to work out folk dances with their parents and beginning choreography.
a way to indicate rests. For exam- others in the community, and In private conferences with stu-
ple, they may want to use a non- guests might visit the class to dents and work groups the teacher
sense sound to indicate a rest and discuss their musical traditions. can ensure that the mathematical
to put it above the line rather than Recorded music and videos might concepts are clear in their minds.
on the line with the other rods. also be useful in bringing rhythms Ask them to explain the patterns
(At Alvord they use “phtt” as their of other cultures to the attention they see in their rhythms. Probing
sound indicator and put the of the students. The teacher can the use of terms like “whole note”
appropriate rods above the line.) use these discussions to show that and “quarter beat” will show the
To understand each other’s the mathematics behind the music level of mathematical understand-
notations, the whole class remains the same across cultures. ing each child has reached. These
will have to agree on the individual assessments can then
same system. feed into polishing the public
assessment, the final performance.
Preparing for The performance can be a power-
ful assessment piece. The
Performance teacher is not alone in
The students are now ready telling children “how
to put their learning into you did.” Even the reactions of
practice by preparing audience members will not be
for a public the ultimate assessment. The
performance. performers can judge their
Performance own work as they present it.
will be both a If the relations between
celebration and rhythm and mathe-
an assessment matics have been
of their learn- made clear to
ing. They will the students, the
need to con- performance itself
tinue their will further embed
rod exercis- their memories
es as warm- with knowledge of
up exercises mathematics as
for their well as the joy of
performance performance.
and as a
method for


Standards, continued from page 2

p. 61 Pattern recognition involves Arts Dance
many concepts, such as color and Consortium of National Arts p. 98 Children in grades K-4
shape identification, direction, Education Associations (1994). love to move and learn through
orientation, size, and number National Standards for Arts engagement of the whole self.
relationships. Children should use Education: What Every Young They need to become literate in
all these properties in identifying, American Should Know and Be Able the language of dance in order
extending, and creating patterns. to Do in the Arts. Reston, VA: Music to use this natural facility as a
Identifying the “cores” of patterns Educators National Conference. means of communication and self-
helps children become aware of the expression, and as a way of
structures. For example, in some responding to the expression of
patterns the core repeats, whereas General Statements others....Students learn basic
in others, the core grows. movement and choreographic skills
p. 98 The Benefits of Arts
Education. Arts education benefits in musical/rhythmic contexts....
Grades 5-8: Standard B: The skills and knowledge acquired
the student because it cultivates the
Patterns and Functions whole child, gradually building allow them to begin working inde-
p. 98 One of the central themes of many kinds of literacy while devel- pendently and with a partner in
mathematics is the study of pat- oping intuition, reasoning, imagina- creating and performing dances.
terns and functions. This study tion, and dexterity into unique Experiences in perceiving and
requires students to recognize, forms of expression and communi- responding to dance expand stu-
describe, and generalize patterns cation. This process requires not dents’ vocabularies, enhance their
and build mathematical models to merely an active mind but a trained listening and viewing skills, and
predict the behavior of real-world one. An education in the arts bene- enable them to think critically....
phenomena that exhibit the fits society because students of the They investigate questions such as
observed pattern....Exploring arts gain powerful tools for under- “What is it? How does it work? Why
patterns helps students develop standing human experiences both is it important?” ....Students learn
mathematical power and instills past and present. They learn to to compare works in terms of the
in them an appreciation for the respect the often very different ways elements of space, time, and force/
beauty of mathematics. others have of thinking, working, energy and to experience the simi-
The study of patterns in grades and expressing themselves. They larities and differences between
5-8 builds on students’ experiences learn to make decisions in situa- dance and other disciplines.
in K-4 but shifts emphasis to an tions where there are no standard Through dance education, stu-
exploration of functions. However, answers. By studying the arts, dents can also come to an under-
work with patterns continues to be students stimulate their natural standing of their own culture and
informal and relatively unburdened creativity and learn to develop it to begin to respect dance as part of
by symbolism. Students have to meet the needs of a complex the heritage of many cultures....
opportunities to generalize and and competitive society. And, as p. 39 Students in grades 5-8
describe patterns and functions study and competence in the arts develop a sense of themselves in
in many ways and to explore the reinforce one [another], the joy relation to others and in relation to
relationships among them.... of learning becomes real, tangible, the world. As a result, they are
During the middle years, the and powerful. ready to respond more thoughtfully
study of patterns and functions The Arts and Other Core to dance, to perceive details of
should focus on the analysis, repre- Subjects. The Standards address style and choreographic structure,
sentation, and generalization of competence in the arts disciplines and to reflect upon what is
functional relationships. These first of all. But that competence communicated.
topics should first be explored as provides a firm foundation for con-
informal investigations. necting arts-related concepts and p. 55 High school students need
Students should be encouraged facts across the art forms and from to continue to dance and create
to observe and describe all sorts of them to the sciences and humani- dances in order to develop more
patterns in the world around them: ties. For example, the intellectual highly their ability to communicate
plowed fields, haystacks, architec- methods of the arts are precisely in a way that is different from the
ture, paintings, leaves on trees, those used to transform scientific written or spoken word, or even
spirals on pineapples, and so on.... disciplines and discoveries into from other visual or auditory
everyday technology. symbol systems. They also need to
p. 99 Looking for patterns in simple respect their bodies and to under-
situations can lead to a method stand that dance is the product of
of counting generalizable in other intentional and intelligent physical


actions....Because dance involves Eisenhower SCIMAST Staff:
abstract images, students can Stephen Marble, director
develop higher order thinking skills Dawn McArdle, administrative secretary
through perceiving, analyzing, and
Veronica Mendoza, administrative
making discriminating judgments secretary
about dance.
Concepcion Molina, program specialist
Music Mary Jo Powell, program associate

p. 42 The period represented by Barbara Salyer, program associate

grades 5-8 is especially critical in Eisenhower SCIMAST supports Lori Snider, administrative assistant
students’ musical development.... mathematics and science education Maria Torres, program associate
Composing and improvising provide in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico,
students with unique insight into Oklahoma, and Texas with a combi- Classroom Compass is a publication of
the form and structure of music nation of training, technical assis- the Eisenhower Southwest Consortium
and at the same time help them to tance, networking, and information for the Improvement of Mathematics
develop their creativity. Broad expe- resources. The project is funded by and Science Teaching (SCIMAST) pro-
rience with a variety of music is the U.S. Department of Education’s ject, sponsored by the U.S. Department
necessary if students are to make National Eisenhower Program and of Education under grant number
informed musical judgments. works in partnership with the R168R50027. The content herein does
Similarly, this breadth of back- Eisenhower National Clearinghouse not necessarily reflect the views of the
ground enables them to begin to (ENC), a national resource center for department or any other agency of the
understand the connections and increasing the availability and quality U.S. government. Classroom Compass
of information about instructional is distributed free to public and private
relationships between music and
resources for science and mathemat- schools in Arkansas, Louisiana, New
other disciplines.
ics educators. In cooperation with Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas to sup-
p. 59 SCIMAST, the Louisiana port improved teaching of mathematics
Through singing, playing instru- Environmental Educational
and science. The Eisenhower SCIMAST
ments, and composing, students Information Center (LEERIC) is
project is located in the Southwest
can express themselves creatively, Educational Development Laboratory
a state access center for ENC.
while a knowledge of notation and (SEDL) at 211 East Seventh Street,
performance traditions enables Austin, Texas 78701; (512) 476-6861
The SCIMAST resource center, located or (800) 201-7435. SEDL is an Equal
them to learn new music indepen- in Austin, is open to visitors Monday
dently throughout their lives. Skills Employment Opportunity/Affirmative
through Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 Action Employer and is committed
in analysis, evaluation, and synthe- P.M. The center houses a multimedia to affording equal employment
sis are important because they collection of science and mathematics opportunities to all individuals
enable students to recognize and instructional materials for grades in all employment matters.
pursue excellence in their musical K–12. It is located at the Southwest
experiences and to understand and Associate editor: Mary Jo Powell
Educational Development Laboratory, Design: Jane Thurmond, Austin, TX
enrich their environment. on the fourth floor of 211 East
The SCIMAST staff thanks Dr. Manon
Seventh Street, Austin, Texas 78701.
Charbonneau and Cris Marie Alton
A toll-free number, 1-800-201-7435,
for sharing their experiences with
provides callers with information and
music and mathematics a the
assistance concerning instructional Alvord Elementary School.
materials for mathematics and
science classrooms.

The Rhythm of Mathematics, continued from page 4

working in cooperative learning students see that their abilities school together. The sense of unity
groups can. Intrapersonal and have relevance to academic sub- fostered by the drumming is not
interpersonal skills can both be jects. Children who are unmotivat- artificial or fleeting. It comes out
improved in a performance. Many ed in other classes can often blos- of real learning in an authentic
dance and music teachers empha- som into hard workers once they setting. The unity extends
size team building as one of the have found their niches in music. throughout the community and
major benefits of studying their dis- Since all students, including between different generations since
ciplines and one that is as realizable special education and gifted and drumming experiences live on in
as the team spirit of a school team. talented students, are in the pro- the students’ future learnings and
Tying music and dance to anoth- gram, Alvord has offered the stu- in the memories of their parents
er, more traditional, subject helps dents an experience that knits the and other community members.


Resources and Opportunities

Classroom connections of music and strategies, computer-based educa- Moving the Earth: Teaching Earth
mathematics do not yet have an tion, and strategies for other kinds Science through Movement. For
extensive bibliography, but some of instruction and assessment. information on the institute’s sum-
resources do exist. mer professional development pro-
Timelines and Rhythms grams or on the publications of its
National Dance Institute Technical Education Resource staff members, try
The National Dance Institute Centers (TERC) has a two-week <
(NDI) sponsored the initial work unit for second graders that is aining.html> or write to Creative
in dance, music, and mathematics called “Timelines and Rhythms.” Dance Center 12577 Densmore
at the Alvord School. The NDI In the rhythms part of the unit Avenue North Seattle WA 98133.
has had a permanent program in the students record rhythms on The phone number is (206) 363-
New Mexico since 1995. Besides paper so others may follow the 7281.
supporting programs in individual patterns. Eventually, they use
schools, the NDI offers summer standard musical notation to ArtsEdNet
dance camp, Saturday programs, compose a two-part rhythm. The ArtsEdNet is sponsored by the
and scholarships to spend a < Getty Education Institute for the
summer working in New York invest2unit.html>. Or you can Arts of the J. Paul Getty Trust.
City. The NDI office in Santa Fe get more information by writing While its focus is mainly on the
can be reached by calling (505) to TERC at 2067 Massachusetts visual arts, the ArtsEdNet does
983-7646. For background on the Ave., Cambridge MA 002140 have lesson plans and curriculum
NDI’s founder Jacques d’ Amboise or calling (617) 547-0430. ideas. Their page is worth keeping
and his work with schools up with:
throughout the country, go to ArtsEdge <
< ArtsEdge is a project of the ArtsEdNet/Resources/index.html>
honors/1995/jacdam.html>. Kennedy Center for the Performing
Arts and the National Endowment Leap into Learning
The Southeast Center for for the Arts with support from the Kristen
Education in the Arts U.S. Department of Education. Bissinger
The Southeast Center for While most of its emphasis is on and Nancy
Education in the Arts is head- helping students understand per- Renfro
quartered in Chattanooga, formances by arts professionals, (1990).
Tennessee. Try their web page some curriculum units that Leap into
< involve students in both dance Learning:
index.htm> for information on and mathematics can be found in Teaching
their institutes for school teams the “Curriculum Studio” at Curriculum
interested in discipline-based <http://artsedge.kennedy- through
music and theater education.>. Click on Creative
Educators in Louisiana would “Curriculum Showcase.” Dramatics
have access to this resource. and Dance. Austin, TX: Nancy
Teaching the Three R’s Renfro Studios [P.O. Box 164226,
The Community through Movement Austin TX 78716]. This text dis-
Discovered Project Anne Green cusses some basic elements of
The Community Discovered Gilbert runs the dance and movement with basic
Project is located in Nebraska and Summer Dance teaching suggestions (such as
works to promote curricula that Institute for teaching a cue for stopping move-
integrate arts and technology with Teachers in ment early in the learning
core subjects. The project involves Seattle, process). Photographs and line
nine Nebraska school districts, Washington. drawings illustrate the curriculum
but other educators can learn Gilbert is also the class plans, which are divided into
much from their web site author of subjects and start with activities
<http://communitydisc.wst.esu3. Teaching the suitable for elementary school chil->. Three R’s through Movement. A dren and go on into high school
The Community Discovered teacher connected with the insti- subjects. Some mathematics activ-
Project offers professional develop- tute, Helen Landalf, has written ities include “Add and subtract
ment, integrated curriculum with us,” “Rhythmic multiplica-
tion,” and “Negative numbers.”


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