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 (12/04) ju-ju-ju-just drink gonna be ok ben-ni-ni-ni!

 (12/04) benni must be drank as a whole, there is no reason to consume it like a
benni miniseries just enjoy a nice long relax
 (12/03) the juice in the song "juice" by lizzo is not actually juice but a potent
berry cbd blend
 (12/01) more like ... Benni-dict Cumberbatch
 (11/28) 🦃🦃 today is stressful, you know we're here for you all. happy
thanksgiving! 🦃🦃
 (11/26) how benni feels
 (11/26) in case you’ve run out of benni, this song should get you thru your day
 (11/25) turn up the sheryl crow, we’re taking some benni and doing a puzzle
 (11/24) me logging off after seeing all the bad vibes on this cursed website
 (11/22) we exclusively main yoshi for smash. yoshi represents everything we
want to be and more.
 (11/20) at the movie theater and you won’t believe what they’re charging for
benni! outrageous!!
 (11/19) consciously avoiding all possibilities for my vibes to be compromised.
that’s right, i’m sitting in my room, with the door locked, watching seinfeld.
 (11/19) very much considering stealing baby yoda raising arizona-style
 (11/17) up with the 🦃 but it’s never too early to try our delicious berry blend 🦃
 (11/16) late night cbd dosing to keep your mind clear of sleep paralysis demons
for the morning
 currently trying to get the alphabet restructured to go a cbd d e f g h i i k
 (11/15) benni is good
 (11/13) i’m more about white white wine
 (11/12) it appears we are not included with Disney + which is a shame because
we go very well with old episodes of The Simpsons
 (11/12) when the cbd hits right before your anxiety can ruin your day
 (11/12) c ⊂_ヽ \\ b \( °͡ ͜ʖ °͡ ) > ⌒ヽ / へ\ /
/ \\d レ ノ ヽ_つ / / / /| ( (ヽ | |、\ | 丿 \ ⌒)
|| )/ノ) Lノ (_/
 (11/11) we will never make a pun that substitutes “berry” for “very”. if so feel
free to screenshot this and reply to publicly own us. we’d truly hate that level of
 (11/11) jimmy likes benni jimmy’s real sweet on benni oh yeah jimmy would love
to get a whole bunch of benni
 (11/10) oooo bwuy our pwoduct :3 :3 :3 :*
 (11/10) what if we ran this account entirely in a bwaby voice
 (11/09) you mean to tell me that your cbd products are not 100% natural?
 (11/09) not considering apple+ tv but if they were introduced something like i
don’t know BERRY+ tv i’d be deeply interested
 (11/09) me shielding myself from all the chaos and mayhem of life
 (11/08) berry flavored is such an exciting term. so full of mystery. what kind of
berry? who knows but you’re gonna like it
 (11/08) @headath69 excuse me
 (11/08) crazy how georgia has produced both america’s greatest rock band
(rem) and america’s greatest rap group (outkast)
 (11/06) cbd absolutely and completely cures stickittothemaniosis
 (11/06) sometimes it just feels like a school of rock day
 (11/06) @D1_CollegeLife a lot of places to snag benni in ATL!
 (11/06) @D1_CollegeLife are you thirsty too?
 (11/06) @KimQ10k we can help you, dear
 (11/05) for all of those self-partnered types out there, we are here to calm your
 (11/05) temporary solution to the collective stress from all this "ok boomer"
discourse -> buy benni
 (11/05) @JussCHiiiill back at u
 (11/05) @Doshie_ just talked to the world's biggest scientist and this is
objectively true!
 (11/04) why is it berry flavored and not "berri" flavored? ceo, cmon put me in
charge boss i got radical ideas
 (11/04) @lindsayglenne have u considered one that is berry flavored and all
 (11/04) @LoganBDoubleU seems like a cool guy from our perspective
 (11/04) people think cbd is just shortened from "cannabidiol" but it actually is an
anagram for CHILL BRO, DAMN
 (11/04) @1Frontendaway we can help u out what's up what's up
 (11/04) @NajIsLike bless you and thanks for the new nightly ritual 🦃
 (11/03) hate 2 b boring but wow it is so dark out what the heck
 (11/03) relax it’s getting colder out, we got an extra hour of sleep, and it’s time
to unwind
 (11/02) throwing a halloween party? In november??? in THIS economy?????!!!!
 (11/02) in regards to pokemon, we must support our obv cbd queen
 (10/31) just tried to pitched a pumpkin-spiced rebrand and they threw my out of
the second-story window :(
 (10/31) last day to get pumpkin spiced benni off the ground and onto the market
just gotta talk to the guys at the top
 (10/31) are they saying boo or boo-enni???
 (10/30) the south just doesn't believe in autumn does it?
 (10/29) CBD heads come one, come all! Reply with your first name and favorite
emoji and I’ll give you your ✨CBD✨ name. #NationalCatDay
 (10/29) fantano would give us a strong 8 for sure. no I don't want to @ him, we
don't have melon flavor just yet.
 (10/29) tuesday? with benni??? no problem! 🦃
 (10/28) to all vampires: might i propose an alternative beverage to your
 27just turned down to go on joe rogan again. joe keeps calling us, breathing into
the phone, and hanging up. LEAVE US ALONE JOE
 (10/27) @nattallliie demos can be better than the final product somtimes tho
 (10/27) woke up early, drank some benni. feeling great! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
 (10/26) college kids go sit in a library, take cbd products, and have internal
crises over the impending future
 (10/25) wow, can't believe kanye released a whole album about how much he
loves cbd- based products
 (10/25) hot weather is looking like it's finally gone for the year. rip my best
summer fit.
 (10/24) me before i have my morning benni
 (10/24) what if we made pumpkin spiced benni for the seasonal spirit, just
kidding hahaha....unless
 (10/23) the only certain things in life are death and that we’re 100% all natural
 (10/22) @monesoldthat pretty good, very chill
 (10/22) @Shabriel_ patches are cool but are they berry flavored?
 (10/22) @nylahohmylord what if there was a cbd drink?
 (10/22) @key_wild_ we can't help with school but we can absolutely help we
that stress
 (10/21) vibe check 🦃🦃 lookin good, move forward pls
 (10/21) imagine not drinking b🥰🥰🥰not drinking ben🥰be🥰🥰I cant even say it
 (10/20) Sunday nights always stress me out. If you're feeling the same way, you
know what to do
 (10/19) risk should come with complimentary benni as an insurance policy
 (10/19) cee bee dee cee bee da paul mccartney is rolling in his grave that i
cracked the code
 (10/19) linkin park, 30 seconds to mars, and papa roach have played at this
relish. i wanna eat my burger, not have an anxiety attack.
 (10/18) cats won't stop following me and meowing in b minor what do i do
 (10/17) excuse me, sir. i am here to chill and vibe and have a good time 🦃
 (10/17) @AntonyTee this is the perfect place for us to agree and shamelessly
 (10/17) @timerra3 we have the perfect beverage to accompany your journey
 (10/17) what do we want? BERRY FLAVORED CBD BEVERAGES! when do we
 (10/17) benni straw 🥰 🥰 berry 🥰 🥰 obama bill hader
 (10/16) my friends: you okay? me: ...yeah I’m fine my headphones (still): Mitski
- Nobody 1:11 ━──❍─────── -3:13 ↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺ volume: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
 (10/16) u dorks who disagree 🥰 /| |\ / \
 (10/16) taking the bold stance of “i” superiority all of u that disagree are clowns
 (10/16) benni benny \🦃/ ☹️ | | /| |\ / \ / \
 (10/15) late night? stressed out? don’t you worry, we’re on the clock twenty four
seven and just want what’s best for u wonderful people
 (10/15) miss the summer and our summer bods already
 (10/13) went 2 the d or for my vibe check and got thrown out the fire exit by a
strapping young man
 (10/13) man I thought seashell collecting was 2019s hottest trend
 (10/12) never giving up on pumpkin spiced benni, boss people this is my pitch u
gotta do it
 (10/12) which kind of relaxation is best?
 (10/11) yr man better be wearing stripes and plaid for a halloween costume
 (10/11) gosh we got that BERRY BLEND. what kind of BERRIES? the BEST kind
 (10/10)┏┓ ┃┃╱╲ in this ┃╱╱╲╲ house ╱╱╭╮╲╲ we ▔▏┗┛▕▔
stan ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ cbd blends ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲
 (10/10) hey girl
 (10/09) late night? looking to wind down? we got u.
 (10/09) our full name is actually meetbennington but the local school children
kept making fun of us and throwing our free samples at passing trains :/
 (10/08) @notpotdealer 97 points (100 comedy points but -1 for each year off)
 (10/08) not caring about how often the circle k clerk sees u buying ice cream is a
true sign of
 (10/08) @notpotdealer i'm 25 thank u very much
 (10/08) out here trying to make every day feel like a beach boys song for u
wonderful ppl
 (10/07) the support is thoroughly appreciated! much love!…
 (10/07) three is never a crowd when it's the homies! especially when they're
tropical berry flavored!
 (10/07) very nice to see our jingle 🦃drink benni cuuuz it's friendli! 🦃 be named
the best song of the 2010s by pitchfork! thank u!!
 (10/07) coffee takes like a few minutes we take like none. obv the better choice
for the necessary morning pick up.
 (10/06) what an early meme-era internet deepcut whoever posted this is getting
 (10/06) i'm at the pizza hut, i'm at the taco bell, mom pls come pick me up
 (10/06) friendly stray cats are a godsend
 (10/05) @YBankroll peep the product
 (10/05) @ashley25meyer we can help with that
 (10/05) @http_tianna we can help
 (10/05) @cxrpsebride we can help
 (10/05) we may not be an official resort but it sure feels like a vacation when
we're together.
 (10/04) relax without the relax. it's pretty good tbh! stay hydrated everyone! it's
still hot out!
 (10/04) what if (hear me out) we made (hear me out) pumpkin spiced relax
(hear me out) it's very expensive
 (10/03) wow! thanks, obama! (no joke!)
 (10/03) u guys ever get goldfish for halloween? i was always thankful for such a
savory wild card to be thrown into my pillow case of sweets
 (10/2) spooky szn should last the entirety of fall. do we really need to make
ember the turkey month?
 (10/02) let's try this again
 (10/01) bro why is there a jack o lantern emoji 🦃 but not a pumpkin emoji??
what about the other eleven months!!!
 (09/30) less than three hours until we all can rewatch scary godmother 2: the
revenge of jimmy
 (09/30) (•_•) <) )╯WE’RE / \ \(•_•) ( (> ALL / \ (•_•) <) )> NATURAL / \
 (09/29) making my way downtown, walking at a relaxed pace because I'm
punctual and gave myself enough time to get to my destination without having
to rush
 (09/29) or a game of smash
 (09/29) we'd like to formally challenge emergen-C to a parking lot fist fight
 (09/28) im blue cee bee dee za ba da
 (09/28) the sound of my stummy
 (09/26) me in middle school listening the scientist by coldplay for the first time
 (09/26) ready to hit the town with some jamz
 (09/26) billie eilish? more like billie i wish i had a relax right now *audience
violently begins to boo*
 (09/25) we all natural up in this bih
 (09/25) straight up wanna live inside the air bubble in my apple tur er
 (09/24) both imagine and party rock anthem were actually written after benni
 (09/24) a music festival... but everyone is only drinking cbd blends. only vampire
weekend is booked and everyone has pleasant and insightful conversations
about their pets
 (09/23) update: benni does NOT prevent u from crying when death cab comes
on in your car
 (09/23) tfw u buy cbd oil and it's full of sugar
 (09/23) a reminder that relax is keto friendly :)
 (09/22) looking for a sublease. rent is pretty cheap and i'll knock off utilities
 (09/22) fsu really knows when to play the right song ;)
 (09/21) alexa DO NOT SKIP boogie wonderland
 (09/21) alexa: play earth wind and fire
 (09/20) got a good relax in, 🦃🦃
 (09/19) partyin'... not too hard as the weekend has not yet arrived but still p
dang hard
 (09/19) @ jimmy eat world, what if i have already written myself off? do u have
a song for that??
 (09/19) hump day memes could only have existed in like 2011
 (09/18) I love this benni more than I love myself
 (09/18) looking for a quick, all-natural, way to focus? we got you covered
 (09/16) i understand garfield on so many different conceivable levels rn
 (09/16) corn pop a lil relax in ur mouth 🦃
 (09/15) FDA certified that our vibes are good
 (09/15) "this Benni ain't shit" two minutes later:
 (09/14) it's too hot. someone needs to change that.
 (09/13) fun games, good times
 (09/12) woke up from a scary dream. it's all good now that I'm relaxed :)
 (09/11) we absolutely support our vegan friends in their quest for health and
environmental consciousness
 (09/11) when you hear someone say "I'm a vegan" in public
 (09/10) gangs all here 🦃🦃🦃
 (09/09) it's always good to get away and relax for a minute yknow :)
 (09/09) other places I might be interested in - aruba - jamaica - bermuda -
bahama - key largo - montreal
 (09/09) what do u mean kokomo isn't a real place
 (09/09) where is kokomo? it sounds v nice and i'd love to go there for a quick
 (09/08)me after benni
 (09/07) luv grabbing the biggest slice available rather than the next
chronological piece of pie
 (09/07) it’s a popup and everyone is invited #atl #popup
 (09/06) the o.c. revival when?
 (09/05) dang i need to go to bed but i'm not tired. just need 2 RELAX if ya know
what i mean ;)
 (09/04)i know that there are good vibes but i think should we strive for GREAT
 (09/04)how it feels when that relax hits
 (09/03) idk about you guys but all these clown movies coming out are really
stressin me out
 (09/02) yas queen yes queen yis queen yos queen yus queen (yys queen)?
 (09/01) new lana is makin' the eyes sweat :,) or :,(
 (08/29)
 (08/28) haha wow classes are stressful already, huh? 🦃🦃🦃

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