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TIAS PAMELIA (201800728)







First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished
writing the paper entitled “ HISTORICAL OF THAILAND FOOD ” right in the
calculated time.

The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mr.
RIKI as lecturer in engglish profession major.

in arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions
but with help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. writer also
realized there are still many mistakes in process of writing this paper.

Because of that,the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the
proces of writing this paper . hopefully allah replies all helps and bless you all
the writer realized that this paper still imperpect in arrangment and the
content . then the writer hope the criticism from the readers can help the
writer in perpecting the next paper. Last but not the least hopefully,this paper
can helps the readers to gain more knowledge about samatics major

Palembang 22 march 2019

Table of Contents

CHAPTER I ...........................................................................


CHAPTER II ...........................................................................

Thai Cuisine ....................................................................

2.1 Introduction ............................................................

2.2 History and Origins ..................................................................

2.3 Regional Differences .............................................................

2.4 Northern .......................................................................................

2.5 North-eastern .........................................................................

2.6 central ..............................................................................................

2.7 southern ...............................................................................................

2.8 Thai Curries ..........................................................................................


Best Thai Food ............................................................................................


4.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................

4.2 References ..........................................................................................


The background of this Thai food history paper was made so you know about
Thailand's world-famous food history. students also know each other some of
the most popular foods in Thailand.

And hope that students can understand the purpose and purpose of making
papers with knowledge of Thai food history.
2.1 Introduction

Since the explosion in tourism to Thailand in the 1980’s Thai food has
established a foothold as one of the world’s leading schools of the culinary
arts. It is one of the 5 most popular food types globally, the others being
Indian, Chinese, French, and Italian. When you visit Thailand, although it is
possible to enjoy western food, why bother? You are in the home of one of
the world’s great cooking schools, so sit back and enjoy.

2.2 History and Origins

Thai food originated with the people who emigrated from the southern
Chinese provinces into modern day Thailand many centuries ago. Historically
there were many Szechwan influences in Thai cuisine, although over the
centuries many other influences have affected Thai food. In a more distant
past, Buddhist monk brought an Indian touch, and southern Muslim states
influenced the cooking in the south of Thailand. Much later, Thai food was
influenced by European cuisine after contact with Portuguese missionaries
and Dutch traders. During these times there were even some influences from
the Japanese. Today Thai food is its own, with a special unique blend of the 5
tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and spicy.

2.3 Regional Differences

Thailand is a big country with a diverse geography, and over the years this
has led to the development of regional differences in its style of cuisines

Currently there are 4 distinct styles of cooking in Thailand.

2.4 Northern

The cooking in northern Thailand is generally milder than in the rest of the
country, sticky rice is preferred, traditionally it is kneaded into small balls with
the fingers. There is a strong influence from neighbouring Burma with popular
dishes like Kaeng Hang Le, a pork curry flavored with ginger, turmeric, and

2.5 North-eastern

The food in the north east is influenced by Laos; as a general rule the food is
highly spiced, and sticky glutinous rice is the preferred staple for north-
eastern dishes. Although there are plenty of meat dishes, historically meat
was scarce in the villages, and the main source of protein were shrimp and
freshwater fish. These were often fermented to increase their shelf life.

2.6 Central

The central region offers cuisine that is midway between the north and south,
although fragrant Jasmine rice is preferred to the sticky variety. What makes
the central region cuisine special is that it is home to royal cuisine. This type
of cooking which originated in the royal palace involves much more elaborate
meals, put together with complex techniques. It is more of an art form than
just regular cooking.

2.7 Southern

Southern Thai cooking is the most popular outside of Thailand since that is
the main tourist region of the country. In southern cuisine there is much more
use of coconut milk in many dishes. Coconut replaces Ghee for frying and
there is a heavy use of seafood in the dishes. Appetizers in the south use a
lot of cashews from local plantations, and coconut flesh as a standard

2.8 Thai Curries

Thai curries are identified by their color. There are four main colors: green,
red, yellow, and orange. Counter-intuitively, the hottest of them is the green
curry followed by the red, the yellow which is the Thai version of an Indian
curry, and the mildest is the simple orange curry. In addition to the basic color
curries, there are two other curries that ae immensely popular: Panang and
Massaman. They originate in the south of Thailand, with Malay and even
Persian influences. They have a much thicker sauce than traditional Thai

Thai food in Khao Lak

You are spoiled for choice when it comes to food in Khao Lak, with over 200
restaurants and chefs from all over the world, you can find food of a great
variety of food choices. However, what makes the Thai food truly excellent in
the area is the sheer freshness of the ingredients. Unlike some of the
international cuisine on offer the Thai food ingredients do not travel far.
Seafood comes from the sea and the vegetables and meat from many of the
farms and local plantations nearby. This freshness gives Thai food in Khao
Lak its own unique flavor and richness.

I heard Thai food used to be hotter and spicier?

Funnily enough yes, historically the Thai people were very good at “Siam
sing” foreign culinary influences. In fact, chili didn’t exist in Thai cuisine until
the 16 hundreds, when they were brought over by Portuguese missionaries,
who had acquired a taste for them during their forays in South America. As a
result, the Thais used more and more heavy spices and the food became
hotter and hotter. In more recent times there has been a shift in Thai cooking
style with less and less use of heavy spice mixes, and the increase in use of
fresh herbs such as lemon grass in most dishes. So yes, over the years Thai
food has got less spicy and more herb flavored.

How do Thai Curries differ from other south Asian curries?

Generally, since Thai cuisine uses a lot of coconut milk, Thai curries are
much more liquid than those of India for example. Furthermore, with a
tradition of mixing ingredients Thai curries use a lot of vegetables, even in
meat dishes, so unlike other south Asian curries where the meat curry is
separate to the vegetable dishes, in Thailand the meat curry will also contain
a good amount of vegetables. The final difference in Thai curries is how
spices are used; most Thai cuisine uses spices in a paste form. This use of
paste reduces cooking times in comparison to Indian curries – since the
spices are precooked. It also offers a more enhanced flavor since the spices
have had a time to marinate and mature together.

How are Thai dishes classified?

Thai food is generally classified into 4 types; rice dishes which vary from
region to region, with the north and north-eastern regions preferring the sticky
variety of rice and central Thailand preferring the more fragrant variety. Then
comes side dishes, this is quite a big grouping since it includes curries,
soups, stir fry’s, salads, dips, and accompanying dishes known as “naem”.
Desserts are the third category in Thai foods, they are usually made of rice
flour, sugar, and coconut. Although sweet potato, taro, and water chestnut
are added to some desserts. Finally comes plate meals, these will have a mix
of a meat, vegetables and fried noodles or Thai fried rice.

What is Thai food etiquette?

Thailand, like many countries, has its own cultural nuances when it comes to
food. If you have dinner with a Thai family, there are few things to do that will
show your appreciation of Thai culture. Firstly, you should start your meal
with a spoonful of plain rice on its own, this emphasizes the importance of
rice in Thai culture. Secondly you should only take a few spoonful’s at a time
from the serving dishes and make sure to leave some food in the dishes and
on your plate. This emphasizes the generosity of your host. Unless you are
offered them, do not ask for chop sticks use a spoon and fork for white rice.
In the north use your right hand for sticky white rice!


Tom yum goong (spicy shrimp soup)

Tom yum goong is a bold, refreshing blend of fragrant lemongrass, chilli,

galangal, kaffir lime leaves, shallots, lime juice, and fish sauce. Containing
succulent river shrimps and straw mushrooms, this spicy and sour soup is
best paired with steamed white rice.

Som tum (spicy green papaya salad)

Som tum, or spicy green papaya salad, comes from Thailand’s north-eastern
state of Isaan. Garlic, chillies, green beans, cherry tomatoes, and shredded
raw papaya are pounded in a pestle and mortar, releasing a sweet-sour-spicy
flavour that's quite distinctive. Regional variations include peanuts, dry shrimp
or salted crab into the mix. This dish can be polarizing, some can't get
enough of its taste, while others simply can't handle the spice.
Tom kha kai (chicken in coconut soup)

A mild, tamer twist on tom yum, tom kha kai infuses fiery chillies, thinly sliced
young galangal, crushed shallots, stalks of lemongrass, and tender strips of
chicken. The dish also includes coconut milk to reduce the spiciness, before
topping it off with fresh lime leaves. Like most Thai-style soups, you can pair
your bowl of creamy tom kha kai with steamed rice.

Gaeng daeng (red curry)

Gaeng daeng is an aromatic red curry made with meat, red curry paste,
smooth coconut milk, and topped off with a sprinkling of sliced kaffir lime
leaves. Despite its striking colour, gaeng daeng is quite mild though you can
request for fresh chilli if you’re in the mood for spicy foods. Vegetarians or
vegans can still enjoy this curry by asking the chef to replace the meat with
Pad thai (Thai-style fried noodles)

Pad thai is one of Thailand’s most recognised dishes. Fistfuls of small, thin or
wide noodles, along with crunchy beansprouts, onion, and egg are stir-fried in
a searing hot wok. The dish is also flavoured with condiments such as fish
sauce, dried shrimp, garlic or shallots, red chilli, and palm sugar. Pad thai
usually contains seafood – especially fresh shrimp, crab or squid – but some
places serve it with chicken, beef or pork. The stir-fried noodles are often
plated with a slice of lime wedge, crushed roasted peanuts, bean sprouts,
and fresh herbs.

Khao pad (fried rice)

Fried rice, or khao pad, is often enjoyed for lunch in Bangkok. You easily bulk
up this simple dish of rice, egg and onion with your choice of ingredients,
from prawns, crab or chicken to tofu, basil or leftover vegetables.
Pad krapow moo (stir-fried basil and pork)

Pad krapow moo is a one-plate Thai dish you can enjoy for lunch or dinner.
Minced pork, holy basil leaves, large fresh chilli, pork, green beans, soy
sauce, and sugar are stir-fried in a wok. The cooked mixture is piled onto a
plate of steamed white rice and topped with a fried egg (kai dao).

Gaeng keow wan kai (green chicken curry)

Gaeng keow wan kai gets its unique colour from green chillies, though
ingredients used are like most Thai curries. Green chicken curry contains
coconut milk, cherry-sized eggplants, bamboo shoots, galangal, lemongrass,
coriander and sweet basil. It tastes richer and sweeter than tom yum, and
pairs well with flatbread or steamed rice.
Yum nua (spicy beef salad)

Yum nua is a refreshing Thai salad topped with strips of tender beef. It uses a
zesty dressing made with lime juice, sesame oil, soy sauce, ginger, garlic,
fish sauce, and palm sugar. You can enjoy yum nua on its own, but having it
with rice helps cut down the sour-sweet flavour.

Kai med ma muang (stir-fried chicken with cashew nuts)

Kai med ma muang is basically stir-fried chicken with cashew nuts. This dish
also contains soy sauce, honey, onions, chillies, and pepper, as well as a
variety of vegetables (usually chopped bell peppers or carrots). Unlike most
Thai dishes, it doesn’t have chilli so it’ll be suitable for children or those who
can’t handle spicy foods.

4.1 Cunclusion

The well know thai food in indonesia, with a combination of extraordinary

flavors ( salty, sour, and spicy ), fits perfectly with the indonesian tongue,
making us feel moved to know the history and origin of these foods.

4.2 references

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