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Dear Professor P,

Over the course of this semester, I have become much more aware of how I write and
portray information. While writing my research paper for this semester, I attempted to alter my
writing style from how I generally write papers. This is because research papers are relatively
foreign to me, with me only having done about three large papers prior to this class. I have typed
many papers over the years, but not a large amount of scientific papers. It proved to be
challenging as I had to alter my entire internal voice while I was reading over what I was
attempting to say in my head. Simply conveying what my inner voice was saying and writing it
directly into the paper did not work for the research paper. This exercise proved to be very
useful, as now I am able to change how I portray information in a paper based on the defined
goal of what the paper is supposed to achieve. Writing these papers are a challenging task
indeed, however, I still find enjoyment in writing them. I have always found some form of
enjoyment in writing, as it is a creative outlet that I am at least somewhat skilled at. I am no
artist, and so I try to make up for my lack of visual artistic skills with my ability to write and
portray words with a weight behind them. English is a subject that I have always been relatively
proficient in, and I believe this is due to how my brain processes and uses information. History,
Philosophy, and English are all subjects which interest me, and so I have taken an increased
interest in their course material during my time in school. Due to this, my inner voice has
changed dramatically with time. This semester however, I payed extra close attention to how it
would change. Writing the ILAs and Reading Responses required a very different voice than that
of the research paper. Analyzing a passage that pertains to a topic or another piece of writing and
speaking on that analyses uses an entirely different “writing voice” than that of delivering
scientific information does. If I was to pull one main lesson out of this semesters class, it is a
deepened understanding in the inner voice that we all have for writing and speaking. This voice
can be trained, and the more practice one puts it through, the better it can speak and deliver
information to others. Whether that method of delivery be in spoken or written form. A result of
these voices needing to be trained, unfortunately, is that they are not naturally perfect. They may
misspeak or misinform. This being said, if one can spend the time to practice and train this voice,
then everyone will have their own unique one. No two voices on this Earth are the same, but
everyone should take enough time to develop and form their own. The writing assignments over
this semester made me especially aware of this, as with every reading response I became acutely
aware that every writer as their own twist on how they write. Developing my inner voice has
become a very important goal of mine, and I will continue to practice my writing and speaking
skills for many years to come.

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