Theory - Physics - XII - Ambernath - 27-11-2019 Pjha (Correction) PDF

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Catalyst for Excellence

PRELIM Time : 3 Hrs. Marks : 70
TEST PAPER Date : 27 / 11 / 2019
\General Instructions: The Question Paper is divided into Four Sections.
1. Section A : Q.No. 1 contains Ten Multiple Choice type of questions carrying One mark each.
Q.No. 2 contains Eight very short answer type questions carrying One mark each.
2. Section B: Q.No. 3 to Q.No. 14 contains Twelve short answer type of questions carrying Two
marks each.
3. Section C: Q.No. 15 to Q.No. 26 contains Twelve short answer type of questions carrying
Three marks each.
4. Section D: Q.No. 27 to Q.No. 31 contains Five long answer type of questions carrying Four
marks each.
5. Use of lo table is allowed. Use of calculator is not allowed.
6. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
7. Physical constants:
1. C = 3  108 m/s
2.  = 3.142
3. g = 9.8 m/s

Q.1. Select and write the correct answer: [10 Marks]
i. A valence breakdown in a zener diode takes place due to
(a) Thermal energy (b) Light energy
(c) Magnetic field (d) Accelerated minority change carriers
ii. Two persons of masses 5.5 kg and 65 kg, are at the opposite ends of a boat. The length of
boat is 3.0 m and weighs 100 kg. The 55 kg man walk up to the 65 kg man and sit with him. If
the boat is in still water, the centre of mass of the system shift by
(a) 3.0 m (b) 2.3 m (c) Zero (d) 0.75 m
iii. A ray of light passes from vacuum to a medium of refractive index . The angle of incidence is
found to be twice the angle of refraction. The angle of incidence is
(a) cos 1 ( / 2) (b) cos 1( ) (c) 2 cos 1( / 2) (d) 2 sin 1( / 2)
iv. The reactance of a coil is 157  on connecting the coil across a source of frequency 100 Hz,
the current lags behind the emf by 45. The inductance of coil is
(a) 0.25 H (b) 0.5 H (c) 4 H (d) 314 H
v. If two sound waves with the same amplitude but slightly different frequencies n1 and n 2
superpose to produce has frequency
| n1  n2 | n1  n2
(a) | n1  n 2 | (b) n1  n 2 (c) (d)
2 2
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vi. The centripetal acceleration of the bob of a conical pendulum is

rg rg g rg
(a) (b) (c) (d)
cos  L L L cos 

vii. A photo diode is operated with

(a) No bias (b) A forward bias
(c) A reverse bias (d) Partly forward and partly reverse bias.

viii. A young’s modulus of the material of length L and radius Y N m 2 . If the lengt5h is reduced to
L 2 and radius r 2 , the young’s modulus will be

(a) Y 2 (b) Y (c) 2 Y (d) 4 Y

ix. In a series LCR Circuit, R = 3 , XL  8  and XL  4 The impedance of the circuit is

(a) 3  (b) 5  (c) 7  (d) 25 

x. If capillary tubes of different radii are dipped in the same liquid, in the usual notation
(a) = constant (b) r/h = constant

(c) r 2h  constant (d) hr = constant

Q.2. Answer the Following: [8 Marks]
i. Why astronauts feel weight less ness?
ii. What are beats?
iii. Explain the principle of potentiometer
iv. Define: Attenuation and Demodulation.
v. Two metals P and Q have work function 4 ev & 6 ev, respectively. Which metal wavelength for
photoelectric effect?
vi. Find the radius of gyration of a uniform solid sphere about its diameter.
vii. Explain why voltmeter should have high resistance.
viii. A capacitance of capacitance of 0.4 F is connected to a source of an alternating emf of
frequency 100 Hz. What is the capacitance reactance?
Attempt Any Eight of the following: [16 Marks]
Q.3. When an angular velocity of a body changes from 20 rad/s to 40 rad/s its angular momentum
change by 80 kg m2 / s . Find the change in its K.E of rotation.
Q.4. What is capillary action? Write two application of capillary action.
Q.5. State the physical significance of a body
Q.6. A stretched sonometer wire is in unison with a tuning fork, when the length of the wire is
increased by 5%, the number of beats per second is 10. Find the frequency of the tuning fork.
Q.7. Draw neat  labeled diagram for Davison’s & Germer experiment.

Q.8. Compare the rates of emission of heat by a blackbody at 727C and at a 227C.
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Q.9. State the application of angle of contact.

Q.10. Why ground wave propagation is not used for FM & TV signal.
Q.11. A flat curve on highway has a radius of curvature of 400m. A car rounds the curve at a speed
of 32 m/s. What is the minimum value of coefficient of friction that will prevent the car from
Q.12. Distinguish between n-type and p-type semiconductor.
Q.13. State the properties of steady interference pattern.
Q.14. Calculate the length of an open organ pipe which resonates with a tuning fork of frequency
512 Hz if the velocity of sound in air is 340 m/s. (Ignore the end correction).
Attempt Any Eight of the Following: [24 Marks]
Q.15. A stone is whirled in a vertical circle at the end at a rope of length 0.5 m. Find the velocity of
the stone at
i. The lowest position ii. A midway position
iii. The top, to just complete the circle.

Q.16. A square steel plate has area 1m 2 and thickness 5cm. The lower surface is fixed. A tangential
fork applied to top surface displaces it through 0.005 cm. Find shearing stress, shearing
strain, if the modulus of rigidity of steel is 4.2  106 N / m2 .

Q.17. The resistance of a potentiometer wire is 0.1 – 2 per cm. A cell of emf 1.5 v balances at 300
cm o this potentiometer wire. Find the current and balancing length for another (e) of emf 1.4 v
on the same potentiometer wire.

Q.18. A 100 turn rectangular coil 30 cm  15 cm, is placed in a uniform magnitude field of induction
2  10 5 T. The coil is suspended by a phosphor – bronze wire whose twist constant is
12  10 9 Nm/deg. If the coil is deflected through 30 compute
i. Restoring torque ii. The current through the coil.
Q.19. The velocity of sound in air at room temperature is 340 m/s and the length of air column in a
pipe is 20cm. Find the frequency of the second overtone in a pipe when it is closed at one end
and open at both ends, having the same inner diameter of 4 cm.

Q.20. In a biprism experiment, show that d  d1 d2 using the conjugate foci method.

Q.21. State Einstein’s equation of photo electric effect and explain the characteristics of the effect on
the basis of the equation.
Q.22. Explain the reflection of transverse and longitudinal waves from a denser medium and a rarer
Q.23. Explain refraction of light on the basis of wave theory of light. Hence prove the law of
Q.24. Derive an expression for the energy stored in charged capacitor. Express it in different forms.
Q.25. From the differential equation of a linear SHM, obtain the expression for the acceleration,
velocity and displacement of a particle performing linear SHM.
Q.26. Obtain an expression for the period of a satellite in a circular orbit around the earth.
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Attempt Any Three of the Following : [12 Marks]
Q.27. i. State and prove de-Broglie hypothesis
ii. A radioactive element decays to 1% of its original amount in 30 years. Calculate its half
Q.28. i. Explain term: (a) Reactance (b) Impedance
3 2
ii. A coil of 10 turns, each of area 100 cm rotates with a constant frequency of 100 rpm
about an axis in its plane and perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of induction 3.6 
10 2 T . Find the rms value of the induced emf in the coil.
Q.29. Discuss analytically the combination of two SHM of the same period and parallel to each

other. Find the resultant amplitude when the phase difference is (i) Zero (ii) rad
Q.30. Define emission power and absorptive power. State Kirchhoff’s law of radiation and give its
theoretical proof.
Q.31. i. In a hydrogen atom, an electron of change e revolves in an orbit of radius r with speed v.
Prove that the magnetic moment associated with the electron is given by evr/2.

ii. The susceptibility of magnesium at 300 K is 1.2  10 5 . At what temperature will

susceptibility increase to 1.8  10 5 ?

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Note : Answers to every section must be written on a new page.

Q.1. i. (d) Accelerated minority change carriers [1]
ii. (c) Zero [1]

iii. (c) 2 cos 1( / 2) [1]

i = 2r r = 1/2
sin i 2 sin1/ 2 cos1/ 2
 
sin 1/ 2 sin1/ 2

 2 cos1/ 2   cos1/ 2
i.e. i / 2  cos 1  / 2

i = 2 cos 1( / 2)

iv. (a) 0.25 H [1]

v. (a) | n1  n1 | [1]

vi. (d) [1]
L cos 

vii. (c) A reverse bias [1]

viii. (b) Y [1]
ix. (d) 5 [1]
x. (d) hr = constant [1]
Q.2. (i) Explanation [1]
(ii) Definition [1]
(iii) Define [½] Mathematical for    [½]
(iv) Define [½] & [½]
hc hc 1
(v)   hr0   0  
0  

 Metal Q with height work function of 6 eV [1]

has lower threshold wavelength thin metal P.

2 I 2 MR 2 2
(vi) For solid sphere, I  MR 2 [½] K   R [½]
5 M 5M 5

(vii) Explanation [1]

1 1
(viii) Xc  
c 2 n  4  10  7


6.284  100  4  10  7
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  10 5
6.284  4

 0.03978  10 5

= 3978  [1]
Q.3. W1  20 rad / s

W2  40 rad / s

L 2  L1  80 kg / m 2

K.E.2  K.E1  ?

L = IW
L 2  L1  I( W2  W1 )

L 2  L1 80 80
 I   = 4 kg m 2
W2  W1 40  20 20

1 2
 Change in K.E. = I(2  12 )
  4  (1000  400 )
=  4  1200
= 2400 J
Q.4. Define: [1] Application (Two) [1]
Q.5. Two points [1]
Q.6.  2   1  0.05 1 as n 

= 1.05  1   2   1 hence n1  n 2
 n1  n 2  10 b  n 2  n1  10

as n  (an)  n1 1  n 2  2

Let n 2  n1  10
n1 1  (n1  10 )1.05  1
 1.05 1  10.5

 n1  210 Hz
Q.7. Diagram [1] Label [1]
Q.8. T1  727  273  1000

T2  227  273  500

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4 4
e T   1000 
e T 4
 1   1    
e 2  T2   500 

 16 [2]
Q.9. 4 points [2]
Q.10. Explain [1] Define [1]

Q.11. v  rg [1]

v2 32  32
 
rg 400  9.8
= 0.261 [1]
Q.12. Any two point each [2]
Q.13. Any four point [2]
Q.14. For open pipe :
n  L
2L 2n
340 170
 
2  512 512
= 0.332 m = 33.2 cm [2]

Q.15. v  rg top [1]

 0.5  9.8 2.214 m/s.

v  3rg mid [1]

= 3.834 m/s

v  5rg at lowest [1]

= 4.95 m/s.

S 5  10 5
Q.16. Shearing strain =    = 1  10 3
n 5  10  2


F = NaQ = 4.2  106  1 10 3 = 4.2  10 3  4200 N [3]

Q.17. T = 0.1 /m

= 0.1  10 2  / m

= 10 /m
E = 1.5 V

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 1  300 cm  3 m

L2  ?

E 2  1.4Q V

E1  1
 
E2  2

  2  1.

 300 
= 280 cm [3]
E1  I  1

E1 1.5
I=  = 0.05 A
 1 10  3
Q.18. n = 100

A = 450 cm2 = 450  10 4 m 2

B = 2  10 5 T

K = 12  10 9 Nm / deg
Q = 30
Deflecting torque = Restoring torque [½]
= nABsin
= 100  450  10  4  2  10  5  [1]
= 4.5  10 5 Nm

K 12  10 9
i   
 30  4  10  3 A
nAB 100  450  10  2  10
4 5

Q.19. V = 340 m/s

  20 cm , d = 4 cm
(i) Pipe closed at one end.
L =   0.3 D
= 20 + (0.3 + 4) = 0.21 m
as only odd harmonics or present 2nd tone (fifth harmonic)
5V 5  340 425
n2c  =  = 2005 Hz.
4 4  0.212 0.272
(ii) Pipe open at both end
L =  1  2e

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= 20 + 2  0.3 d = 0.224 m
All harmonics are present
 2nd over tone 3rd harmonic
3V 3  340 510
n20     2277 Hz
4 2  0.224 0.224
Q.20. Diagram : d1 [1] Diagram : d 2 [1] paladin [1]
Q.21. Equation [1] Any two point [2]
Q.22. Diagram [½] Transverse wave equation [1]
Diagram [½] Longitudinal wave equation [1]
Q.23. Ray diagram [1] Explanation [½] Proof [1½]
Q.24. Derivation [2] Two form [½] mark each
Q.25. Derivation : Diff. equation [½] velocity [½] Displacement [1]
Acceleration [½]
Q.26. Diagram [½] Explanation [½] Derivation [2]

Q.27. (i) Statement [½] Proof [1½] N  12 6N  0.01No

2.303 N 0.693
(ii)   log o T
t N 
2.303 0.693
  2  0.1535   4.53 years
30 0.163
Q.28. (i) Definition [1]
(ii) n  10 3 A = 100  10 4  10 2 m2
W  2n  2  3.142 
B = 10 2 T
e 0  nABW
5 3.14
 10 3  10  2  10  2  2  3.14   3.6   3.6  3.768 
3 3
o 3.768
 e rms    2.665 
2 1.414
Q.29. Derivation [3] For zero [½] for /2 rad [½]
Q.30. Proof [3] Law [1]
Q.31. Diagram [½] Proof [1½]
T [½]
T2 Z
 1
T1 Z 2

Z1 1.2  10 5
T2  T1  = 300  = 200 K
Z2 1.8  10  5

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