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FS 3

Technology in the

Episode 3
SEE AND SAY (Utilization of Teaching Aids)

Name of FS Student: Beverly N. Abulac

Course: BSED Year & Section: Mathematics 3-1
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Titchel A. Chua Signature___________________
Cooperating School: Malinta National High School

Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in determining the
appropriateness of teaching aids to learning tasks.

Your Map
To reach your target, follow the steps below:

Step 4: Reflect on your learnings.

Step 3: Comment on the appropriateness of the

teaching aids to learning tasks.
Step 2: Note down the various teaching aids that were utilized
in the teaching learning process.

Step 1: Observe a class on its regular schedule

Class Observation Guide

Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

1. What is the lesson about?

2. What visual aids/materials/learning resources is the teacher using?
3. Observe and take notes on how the teacher presents/uses the learning
4. Closely observe the learner’s response to the teacher’s use of learning
resources. Listen to their verbal responses. What do their responses
indicate? Do their responses show attentiveness, eagerness and
5. Focus on their non-verbal responses. Are they learning forward showing
their interest on the lesson and the materials? Are they looking towards the
direction of the teacher and the materials? Do thei actions show
attentiveness, eagerness, and understanding?


Date of Observation: February 11, 2016

Name of the School Observed: Malinta National High School

School Address: A. Pablo St. Malinta, Valenzuela City

Subject: Mathematics Topic: Ratio and Proportion

Grade/Year Level: Grade Nine

As I observed, the teacher used a printed materials that she used for her
motivation. I like her approach, she let the students to think about what is their topic
all about. She used an inductive approach of teaching.
Utilization of Teaching Aids Form

D a t e o f O b s e r v a t i o n : F e b r u a r y 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

Name of the School Observed: Malinta National High School

School Address: A. Pablo St. Malinta, Valenzuela City
S u b j e c t M a t t e r : M a t h e m a t i c s
Brief Description of Teaching Approach Used by the Teacher:

T h e t e a ch er u s e d t h e co n c ep t a t t ai n m en t a p p r o a ch b y l e t t i n g t h e

students guess the topic through an activity.

Teaching Aids Used S t r e n g t h s W e a k n e s s e s Comments on the Appropriateness

(enumerate in bullet Of the teaching Aids used
f o r m )  T h e m a t e r i a l s  The printed
 Printed papersused were done with Papers are little The teaching aid was appropriate to
With numbers creativeness b i t s m a l l e r . Lesson. It caught the attention and
Written on it.  The idea of Participation of the students as
using the materials Showed by the score of their written
as a teaching aid was e x e r c i s e .
good and effective.

Your Analysis
What do you think prompted the teacher to choose the
materials/learning resources that he/she used?
I think, the teacher wanted her students to participate the learning

process. In my own understanding. She wanted to let her students be attentive

and be participate in their lesson and let her students utilize their analytical skills.
What difficulties, if any, did the teacher experience? How can
this be managed?
There was no difficulty that the teacher experienced as I observed.

The class was well managed and the teacher did not find it hard to convince her

students to participate in the activity.

Over-all, were the learning resources/materials used

effectively? Why? Why not?
Yes it did. All the students are participated in the activity. And then

some of them were able to guess what was asked. And lastly, their scores on

their seatwork/exercises showed a positive result.

Your Reflections

1. Put yourself on the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly

and what would you do differently if you will teach the same lesson to

the same group of students? Why?

If I will be a teacher, I used an Inductive approach. I will also do

some activities and not merely discussing. I will create a game through the

use of projector. If the resources are not available, I will use boards or

cardboards and utilize their physical activity by dividing them into groups to

be followed by a short discussion.

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