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V380 Camera User manual.

User manual V380 Camera

Application for Android and
Iphone Users
You can likewise utilize the live review recording capacity and store every one of them in the
collection. You can likewise download the video records and inspect them further.

This product application helps in improving the distributed storage administrations, gadgets, and
information security. Evidently, this product additionally bolsters the VR Wi-Fi camera as well.

Here we are going to demonstrate how to add your V380 camera on your mobile device. If you
also want for your PC. Then see V380 For PC.

Iphone Installaion

Step 1
V380 Camera User manual.
Go to App Store and search for V380 and install V380.

Step 2
power plug your camera and place the camera next to your WiFi
router. Some Camera sound is comming says System is starting or
somthing like this. Now the next camera sound comes sys “System
startup completed” or something like that.
Step 3
You can find a reset button on behind of the camera. Press it and
hold the reset button untill the camera sound coming Restore
factory default setting and waiting for the Wifi smart link.

Step 4

Open the app V380 and click on the "Wifi Smart Link".
V380 Camera User manual.

Connect Your phone to the same network as you want to configure

on that network. Now you can see the network name under the "Wifi
Name". Connect on that network by using you wifi username and the
V380 Camera User manual.
Click on the "Next" button go to the next screen on the your IPhone.
Step 5
Now you can see the following screen coming and searching for your
camera device, using your Wifi network.

Now you can you device in the next screen after 1-2 minuts. Now
click on that camera device. Now your camera is added successfully
to your Iphone mobile application.
V380 Camera User manual.

Step 1
Open play store on your mobile. Search for the V380 and install the
application on your mobile device.
V380 Camera User manual.

Step 2
On your camera, Just power on your V380 camera and the camera
sound coming system is starting. Now place your camera next to
your router.
Step 3
You can see a reset button on your V380 camera. Press and hold it
for sometime and now the sound coming says “Restore factory
default setting".
Step 4
Now open you V380 camera application on your mobile device and
click on the "Wifi Quick Setup".
V380 Camera User manual.

Step 5
Now Connect your Wifi network using your wifi username and the

Step 6
V380 Camera User manual.

Now you can see that camera will searching for the V380 camera and
after sometime it will find the device. Now click on that V380 camera
device and it will be connect successfully added to your android
V380 Camera User manual.

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