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Aldous jasper B.

Guadez July 3, 2016

AB- PHILO III Metaphysics


“Presence" a word that somehow made the world understandable and meaningful, this word

might look simple at first glance yet what we saw was just the “tip of an iceberg”. The word presence

caused us to understand and to realize the value and worth of all things. All our life spending and

wondering whether its/her/his presence might give us convenience and happiness or it might be the

opposite (because an absence of something evil can be convenient for us).. The presences of these evil

things like presence of injustices, wars, crimes and so many evil things within a society gave us

inconvenience and insecurities. On the contrary the presence of all gave also a positive impact to our

lives. Because of the presence of something we are able to express, invent, communicate, love, forgive,

and so many other things that we can do. We see people’s presences which gave light and inspiration to

others. We see people come and go yet we lived by that life and we can’t deny the value of their

presences when they were still alive. So presence for me can give us positive and negative impacts to our

lives, it could be a presence of something good or evil. But let’s just focus on the word positive or

something a presence of good.

My presence or existence came to reality when I was born on March 13, 1996; I was the oldest

among my 2 siblings. Then I grew older and took school at nearby Baptist school at Talibon since we

were living at Talibon when I was a kid (I am baptized as a Roman Catholic but mother enrolled me to a

Baptist Church). Then sometimes I got confused when things got worse especially on the times that father

and mother argued with each other. I was afraid and scared, one time when we were on a multicab which

was driven by my father and then they just both quarrel with each other. At first I thought they were just

ok but mother cried so I was afraid as a kid. Loud noises filled the multicab, I was crying hardly because I

was afraid that father might lead the multicab to the cliff. Then the reason for all those arguments was
because of a girl named “Elvira” whom father used to see before, then mother discovered it so she was so

angry and depressed. So I cried loudly just to take their attention to me instead, I said many words just to

calm them down and I can still remember it, I said to them that I’m going to study really hard and try my

best just be a good kid. But mother was still crying and holding father’s cellphone, she said that she’s

going to throw the phone away because of this “Elvira”. I was in between of them yelling and crying then

finally father calmed then also my mother. They hugged me and kissed me and they forgive each other.

You see the presence of that “Elvira” caused the fight, she was an evil woman for me, she might have

considered that my father has a family already but the main point is that it was my presence that

reconciled them back, inside that multicab. It was such a grace that my presence was there, without me I

don’t know what might happen to them because I know my father capability, especially when he is angry,

so maybe it was God’s plan for me to be there, inside calming them down. If I am not wrong I was six

years old on that time.

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