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Characteristic Impedance : 1.) Two wires are space 0.

5 inch apart each

wire has a diameter of 0.082 inches. What is
Zo = 276 log

Zo = 299.7874 Ω

2.) Shield’s inner diameter is 0.02 inch and

center conductor has a diameter of 0.087
inch. Zo =?
138 0.087
Zo = log
√1 0.02
Velocity Factor:
Zo= 88.1115 Ω
𝑉𝑝 =
3.) In a lossless transmission line the
velocity of propagation is 2.5 x 10 ^ 8 m/s
C/m = 30 pF/m
L/m = ?
Zo ?

Electrical Length:

4.) Calculate the velocity factor of a coaxial

cable used as a transmission line
Zo = 50 Ω
C = 40 pF/m
Reflection Coefficient: L= 50 uH/m

Time delay:
5.) What length of a std. RG 8 coaxial 6.) Calculate the magnitude of
cable would require to obtain a 45 reflection because of mismatch
degree phase shift at 300 Mhz.? between 75 Ω line and 50-j25 Ω load
Calculate the SWR and Г of the line if
the incident power is 250 watts and
the reverse power is 45 watts

An RG/11 U coaxial cable has a

maximum voltage standing wave of
52 V and minimum voltage of 17 V
𝑅𝐿 =
Г =

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