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10/30/2019 Rishikesh Seminar Content | SSSOHA

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Overview of
Course Content:

Each seminar will have a spiritual component that will include Techniques and Knowledge
to go deep within oneself – the place where true healing comes from. This will be part of
the daily routine of the course, not something done on the side, because we rmly believe
that to truly learn BCST you will need to know and practice meditation and learn about the
human body-mind complex from the Craniosacral perspective. 1/13
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Everything on our seminars is designed to be learned mostly through experience. There

will be many, many hands-on sessions. Students giving sessions to other students and
students giving and taking sessions from the teaching and tutor teams.

Anatomy and physiology that is required to be learned will be dealt with through
interactive group sessions, games and projects. Concepts from Adult Learning Theory and
NLP as well as studying techniques discussed in our book Ready Study Go! – Smart ways to
learn, will be used throughout the seminar series to facilitate the study of the subject
material and hopefully make the entire experience deep, intuitive and fun.

You don’t need to know anything from Adult Learning Theory or NLP, though reading
Ready Study Go! Will help you a lot as a student embarking on this healing adventure.

Seminar 1 – Culturing Touch

You can’t turn o Touch!” – David Linden

Touch is the rst sense we acquire. The right type of touch can create monumental shifts
in our bodies and minds. We will begin to explore the Bio Dynamic Craniosacral approach
of healing through touch. Students will be introduced to the basic concepts of BCST
through experiential activities and discussions around them.

Five Principles of Craniosacral Therapy by William Garner Sutherland
Ritual of Touch and Disengagement
SOBA and Resources
Felt Sense and Felt Resources
Relational and Perceptual Fields – Settling
3 Cavities
Neutral Listening
Primary Respiration
CRI 2/13
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Dynamic Stillness
Pain and Dissociation

Anatomy and Holds related to Practice Development Methods

Making sense of the Medicalese in Practitioner and Client Interaction
Anatomy Verbal Skills
Spine, Sacrum and Sacrum Connections Importance of Comfort
Pelvis General Do’s and Don’ts
Liver Template for Treatment Reco

Seminar 2 – Finding Health

“Anyone can nd Disease. To nd Health is the objective of a true Healer.” – Andrew Taylor
Still, DO.

We will talk about Health and its expression in the body and the mind. We continue to
delve into the body-mind complex and how it is organized around the mid-lines. Students
will learn to harness these organizing forces to create well-being.

Potency – Organizes, Protects and Heals
Stillpoints and Shutdown
Facilitated Segments
Holistic Shift
Mid-lines – Primal, Fluid and Notochord 3/13
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Becker’s 3 Stage Healing Process
Inherent Treatment Plan
Embryology – Notochord, Primitive Streak, Germ Layers

Anatomy and Holds related to Practice Development Methods

Respiratory System History Taking Format
Skull as a Whole
Connective Tissue

Seminar 3 – Bringing Balance – The Diaphragms

“When all the fulcrums are synchronized, there will be peace and harmony” – William
Garner Sutherland, DO “Opposite Values are Complementary” – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

We study the various diaphragms in the body and how they maintain posture. Our bodies
are miracles of bio-tensegrity. We will explore how various opposing forces in our bodies
are actually complementary to each other and contribute to overall health.

Fulcrums and Inertial Fulcrums
Transverse Diaphragms:
-Thoracic Inlet
– The Pelvis Diaphragm
– Diaphragm at the Knees
– Diaphragm at the Feet 4/13
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Reciprocal Tension Membrane System (RTMS)
WOSI (Weight, Outline, Skin, Inside) – Colour, Shape, Size, Texture
Fluid Body and Mid Tide

Anatomy and Holds related to Practice Development Methods

Skull and Meninges – Falx and Tent Talking about BCST to your prospective
Facial Bones clients
The (Central) Diaphragm Structure of Session
Digestive System – Stomach, Intestine Safety in Practice
and Pancreas Holding and Creating Space
Embryology – Placenta, umbilical cord,
how the digestive system and skull are

Seminar 4 – One or Many? – The Holistic Body

“The Natural Healing Force in each one of us is the greatest force in getting well!” –
“Wholeness is the smallest division of Life” – Anonymous

Bad things happen to everyone. Our bodies and minds are very cleverly designed to
absorb the shocks and manage to keep going… till a point. BCST has a wonderful way of
dealing with trauma and shock and help people ease back into great health.

Trauma and Shock
Cranio-Pelvic Resonance 5/13
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Body as a Functional Unit (Connections between structure and function, body as a sac in
a sac in a sac)
Whole Body Patterns – Seeing how touching at one place can a ect other places
Di erentiating between Still points and Shutdown
Deepening into the Tides
Facilitated Segments
Spaces in the Brain (Ventricles, CV4, EV4)
Cerebro Spinal Fluid
Embryology Overview

Anatomy and Holds related to Practice Development Methods

Skull – Bones of the Skull – Temporal, PR with Clients

Parietal, Frontal Verbal Skills
Sinuses and Ventricles in the Brain Assessment Skills
Eyes Session Progression (How to decide
Cardio Vascular System (Pericardium, where to go next during treatment)
Heart, Blood) Pacing and Containment

Seminar 5 – You and Your Buzz – The Neural System

“Make your nervous system your ally, not your enemy” – William James

Our bodies buzz with electricity and through the BCST touch you will learn to feel it. The
fascinating world of mirror neurons, the Polyvagal theory and dermatomes await you in
this seminar.

Using the Midline and Fulcrums in treatments
Limbic System and Emotions 6/13
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Polyvagal Theory
Mirror Neurons
Fascial Web
Sympathetic (Fight, Flight, Freeze), Para

Sympathetic (Rest and Digest)

Primary Respiration of the Long Bones in the Body
Feeling the Buzz – Dermatomes
Panic, Anxiety, Depression
Ancient Trauma (Trauma in the womb or even from past lives)

Anatomy and Holds related to Practice Development Methods

Visceral and Somatic Nerve Arcs and Empathy
Neural Circuit Connections Presence
(Dermatomes) Communication
Autonomic Nervous System Attention to Details
Vagus Nerve Being There
HPA Axis – Hypothalamus Pituitary

Seminar 6 – Face

“There is always a reason to Smile – Find it!” – Anonymous

Whatever is going on with us, it is mostly re ected on our faces. Treating the face with the
BCST touch is a delicate art. It’s a beauty treatment like no other – it brings on the smile
that’s born of relief, hope and joy.

Topics 7/13
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Emotional Entrapment
The Jaw
The Jaw and its relations with shock and emotional entrapment
Connection between Jaw and Pelvis, in uence on posture and alignment
Ears and Maintenance of Equilibrium
A Craniosacral Beauty Treatment for the Face (Face-Lift around the eyes and other
points on the face)
Cranial Nerves

Anatomy and Holds related to Practice Development Methods

Temporo-mandibular Joint (TMJ) Diagnostic Tools and Observation Skills

Teeth Student Clinic I
Intra-oral Vomer Hold

Seminar 7 – The Beginning of You – Birth Patterns

“There are two great days in a person’s life – The day they were born and the day they
discover why” – William Barclay

PS The third great day, which is perhaps even greater is when they nd their Guru! –
Khurshed Batliwala

This seminar explores the very start of you. Through powerful processes and holds, you
will experience the ignitions – sparks of life which bring various systems within you online
and start to function for the very rst time. You will begin to understand and experience
the organizing and healing power of the original matrix of life as you time travel back to
where it all began. 8/13
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Time Travel – Back to the Womb
The 7 Ignitions in Fetal Life
Understanding Cranial Distortions
Diagnosis using Facial Features
Spheno-Basilar Junction (SBJ) Strain Patterns
Umbilical Cord
Gut as the Second Brain – The “Gut Feeling”
Lymphatic Drainage

Anatomy and Holds related to Practice Development Methods

Lymphatic System Student Clinics II

SBJ Developing a BCST Clinic I

Seminar 8 – Immunity: Our Built-in Health Insurance

“Your Immune System is really the only thing that stands between You and all those things
in you, on you and around you which are trying to get you all the time!” – A.J. Lanigan

Gain a deeper understanding the defense systems of our bodies – Working with the
Immune system rather than against it will dramatically speed up the healing process. We
will touch upon working with pregnant women, babies and children, as well as special
techniques to bring relief from aches and pains. 9/13
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Immunity and the Immune Response of the Body
Defense and Compensatory Mechanisms of the Body
Working with pregnant women
Working with children
Working with babies
Strolling under the Skin
Talking with the Body – Exaggerating the PRM
Working with the major joints of the body – Understanding their connections and the
resulting holistic shifts in other parts of the body
Speci c Holds for fever and headache
The Upper Triangle Connective Tissue Technique

Anatomy and Holds related to Practice Development Methods

Knees Developing a BCST Clinic II

Pineal Gland Student’s Clinic III
Neck and Thoracic Inlet
Pelvic Diaphragm

Seminar 9 – Graduation and Celebration

“At the Stillpoint – that’s where the Dance is!” – T.S. Elliot

Complete Review of Key Concepts through the series:

SOBA and Resources
Relational and Perceptual Fields 10/13
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Felt Sense
Dynamic Stillness
Breath of Life
Primary Respiration
CRI, the Tides and the uid body
Pain and Dissociation

Facilitated Segments Cranio-Pelvic Resonance

Holistic Shift Facilitated Segments
The Midlines CSF
Becker’s 3 stage healing plan Whole Body Patterns
Inherent Treatment Plan Polyvagal Theory
Fulcrums Mirror Neurons
Bio-tensegrity Sympathetic and parasympathetic
Reciprocal Tension Membrane nervous systems
Shuttling Dermatomes
7 Ignitions Homeostasis
Umbilical Cord
Appreciating Body’s innate intelligence
to heal itself 11/13
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Course Schedules 12/13
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© 2018 Sri Sri School of Healing Arts 13/13

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