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Nama : Dominicus Husada,dr.,DTM&H.,MSc (CTM);SpAK

NIP : 196708041996031006

Tempat/Tgl Lahir : Sumenep, 4 Agustus 1967

Pekerjaan : Staf SMF/Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RSUD Soetomo/FK Unair

Pangkat/Gol Ruang : Pembina / IV-a ( 1 Oktober 2014)

Jabatan Fungsional : Pendidik Klinis madya

Alamat Kantor : Mayjen dr. moestopon 6-8 Surabaya

Alamat Rumah : Kertajaya Indah VII/9 (G-121) Surabaya

Telp. 0818337734

Email :


A. Riwayat Pendidikan Formal

B. Riwayat Pendidikan Formal

1. Dokter – Fakultas Kedokteran Unair, lulus 1991………
2. Dokter Spesialis Anak – FK Unair, lulus 2003 …………………
3. Master of Clinical Tropical Medicine (Tropical Pediatrics) – Faculty of Tropical
Medicine, Mahidol University, Bangkok, lulus 2008 ……
4. Konsultan Penyakit Infeksi dan Pediatri Tropis – FK Unair, lulus 2011 ….
5. Doktor Ilmu Kedokteran – FK Unair, lulus 2016 ………….
C. Pelatihan dan Seminar
1. Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan IKA, 2015, Surabaya , 2015 ……………….
2. ESPID Annual Meeting, Leipzig, 2015 ……………………………………………….
3. ESPID Annual Meeting, Brighton, 2016 …………………………….
4. International AIDS Conference, Durban, 2016 …………….
5. Pelatihan GCP, Surabaya, 2016 ……………………………………….

Pengalaman Penelitian :
2012 Profil klinik infeksi virus dengue pada bayi di Surabaya Author

2013 Diphtheria in East Java: The Outbreak Continues Author

2013 Accuracy of measles virus antibody-specific immunoglobulin M in dried serum samples versus Co-author
serum by using ELISA in measles diagnostic

Bacterial osteomyelitis in children at Soetomo Hospital Surabaya

2013 Co-author
Antimicrobial sensitivity of Salmonella typhi in pediatric ward Soetomo Hospital
2013 Co-author
Clinical and laboratory profiles of typhoid fever in children below 2 years old in Soetomo
Hospital Surabaya

2013 Clinical profiles of children with typhoid fever in Soetomo Hospital Co-author

Correlation between serial NS1 antigen profile and clinical manifestations of dengue virus
infected children
2013 Co-author
Determinant factors for DHF in infants
2013 Co-author
Mortality risk of diphtheria children in Soetomo Hospital

Profile and antibiogram of blood microbial isolates in neonatal ward

2013 Co-author
Profile and antibiogram of blood microbial isolates in pediatric ward
2013 Co-author
Risk factors for diphtheritic myocarditis in children admitted to Soetomo Hospital (an 8 year
2013 Co-author
2013 Co-author
Risk factors for encephalopathy in pediatric patients with typhoid fever in Soetomo Hospital
2013 Surabaya Co-author

Utility of torniquet test, WBC count, and platelet count in identifying dengue virus infection

2013 Neonatal dengue infection: report of 2 cases Co-author

2013 Corynebacterium diphtheriae strains in East Java Province 2011-2012 Co-author

2014 Sistem skor dalam diagnosis faringitis akut dengan penyebab GAS Co-author
2014 AEFI in East Java province: a 5 year experience Co-author

2014 Factors associated with developmental delay in children with CMV infection at Soetomo Hospital Co-author

Comparison of growth and development status between children with HIV exposed uninfected
2014 and infected at Soetomo Hospital Surabaya Co-author

Clinical audit of DHF grade III in Soetomo Hospital

2014 Clinical profile patients with CMV infection at Soetomo Hospital Surabaya Co-author

2014 Hyperpigmented rash as a clinical feature of measles viral infection Co-author

2014 Detection of measles virus specific IgM antibodies using oral swab Co-author

2014 Diphtheria outbreak in Indonesia ( a three year report) Co-author

2015 Co-Author .Seroprevalence and determinants of immunity to diphtheria for children living in Co-Author
two districts of contrasting incidence during an outbreak in East Java, Indonesia

Analisis sekuen DNA Gen HB-EGF pada penderita Difteri.

2016 Author
Gambaran epidemiologi karier difteri anak di Jawa Timur
2016 Co-Author
Underfives with Acute Fever Hospitalized at Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya, Indonesia
2016 Co-Author
Clinical Characteristics of Dengue Shock Syndrome Childen with Recurrent shock in Surabaya
2016 Author
Congenital Rubella Syndrome Surveillance At Dr. Soetomo Hospital Indonesia
2016 Co-Author

Surabaya, 28 Februari 2017

Dominicus Husada,dr.,DTM&H.,MSc (CTM);SpAK


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