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S2 Communication Studies LSPR.

Course: Consumer Behavior [CB907]

Postgraduate Program of
The London School of Public Relation - Jakarta

Revision: 01

Course Subject Prepared by
Behavior [CB907]
SCU 4 (Four) Credits
Pre - requisites NONE

No Category Description
Consumer behavior consists of cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses of
Course consumers to products and services, and to the marketing of those products and
Description services. Every human being is also a consumer, which makes the study of
consumer behavior an interesting research domain in itself

The primary objective of this course is to provide an opportunity for studying the
theory and applications of the principles governing the behavior of buyers. The
specific objectives include:
 L1. Examining the theories, concepts, methods, and research findings that may
Learning be useful to the study of buyer behavior.
Outcomes  L2. Relating behavioral concepts and consumer research findings to marketing
decision making.
 L3. To have a strong managerial focus.
 L4. To make the course material relevant to the current environment including a
focus on ethical issues.
A : 90-100; A- : 85-89.99; B+ : 80-84.99; B : 75-79.99; B- : 70-74.99;
3 Grading
FAIL : Below 70.00

No Component Weight Due Date

1 Weekly Post Quiz 5% End of every week*
2 Weekly Discussion 5% End of every week**
3 Group Assignment 10% TBD
4 Individual Assignment 10% TBD
5 Midterm Exam[UTS] 30% Session 8 (on campus)
6 Final Exam[UAS] 40% Session 16 (on campus)
4 TOTAL Grading 100%
• All online materials are accessible from website
• Assignments are all submitted online from website

* Saturday at 23:50 WIB (Waktu Indonesia Barat)

**Thursday at 23:59 WIB (Waktu Indonesia Barat)

Weekly Discussion Grading

Weekly discussion is class discussion guided by lecturer that conducted every
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S2 Communication Studies LSPR. Course: Consumer Behavior [CB907]

week and students will receive comments or grading from lecturer

no Grading form Point Conversion

1 Excellent 1

2 Like 0,8

3 Without like and excellent 0,2

All points will be accumulated and converted to final grade according to standard
grade below:
1. if accumulative points are greater than 10, then the final grade is 100
formula : If point > 10 = 100
2. if the accumulative points are less than 9,99, then the final grade is equal
to multiplied by 10
formula : If point <= 9,99 = point x 10

Students are expected to:

● Complete 100% every weekly activity: Pre and Post quizzes, practice
quizzes, video, audio, transcript, presentation slides, weekly discussion,
assignments before the end of every week session.
● Participate in group forum discussion and live streaming regularly.
● Make efforts in obtaining any notes, announcements, and so on from their
fellow classmates, in the event of emergencies.
● Attending class on time for each campus session

Absence Policy
● Student who does not complete 100% of every weekly activity before the
due date, will be considered as absence in that session.
● The maximum number of absence in this course is four (4) sessions.
● If the student has four or more absence, the student will not be allowed
to take the final exam.
5 Class Policy
● Hence the failed student will have to retake the course in future semesters
to pass the course.

In order to provide a conducive learning environment in campus session, please

refrain from:
● Answering cell phones or replying to text messages
● Engaging in conversations with fellow classmates outside scope of the class
● Any other disruptive behaviour or Academic dishonesty in any form will not
be tolerated. Students are encouraged to become familiar with the LSPR
Code of Conduct as they relate to academic dishonesty/cheating.

All assignments are due on the date specified in the discussion with the lecturer.
Students may, however, turn in any assignment in advance of the due date. Only
important topics will be discussed in class, and it is the students responsibility to
read other related topics.
• To ensure fairness in grading of group assignment, students will be requested
to conduct anonymous peer review every end of the semester/ course.
6 Peer review • Students are encouraged to grade their group peers fairly using an online matrix
that covers individual contribution towards group discussions and group

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S2 Communication Studies LSPR. Course: Consumer Behavior [CB907]

• This course consists of Synchronous learning (guided learning by the

information at the same time: live streaming) and Asynchronous learning
(guided learning by a pause of information: a discussion forum).
• The lecturer provides, guided and facilitated learning classes, as well as live
streaming teaching (with an agreed scheduled beforehand).
Description of • The students are required to actively participate in class discussions and make
7 Teaching presentations.
Method • For their own benefit, students are expected to read the assigned chapter(s)
prior to the pertinent class sessions, and optional reading (choices from
suggested reference books or other related books).
• Short case studies that illustrate the complexities of Corporate
Communications and invite students to apply their ideas in practical problem
LSPR applied APA (American Psychological Association) as references system
8 Referencing
for all paper work in each subjects (latest version is 6th Edition, 2010).
• All emails or post discussions will get a response from the lecturer within
maximum 3x24 hours

When sending email, use your email address. Lecturer has the right to
“Not respond” to emails that are:
a. Non-LSPR. Make sure that every email to include student name, title, subject,
9 Expectation and
time and purpose of a brief reason for your email in the subject line.
b. Without Subject line. Use proper spelling and grammar on every e-mail you
c. Improper/bad: Be a responsible manner and communicate courteously and

Submission In regards to the given Individual & Group assignments, students are expected to:
10 and Collection  Submit all the tasks before or on the due date specified by the lecturer
of Assignment  Late submission will be rejected by e-learning system.
Students can submit tickets on Freshdesk for reporting Problems in accessing
learning or academic subjects.

• Helpdesk can be contacted 24 hours/ day via freshdesk
11 ( .
• Will strive to respond every ticket within 24 hours.

[Course Outline] (CILO: Course Intended Learning Outcomes)

Ses specific learning objectives

CILO Session Topic Method* Media
sion >Allow students to:
1,2,3, ⠂ Consumer Behavior: Meeting P, D, Q&A OC
1 4 changes and Challenges & The
Consumer Research Process

1,2,3, ⠂ Consumer Motivation P, D, Q&A EL, LS


1,2,3, ⠂ Personality & Consumer P, D, Q&A EL, LS

4 Behavior

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S2 Communication Studies LSPR. Course: Consumer Behavior [CB907]

1,2,3, ⠂ Consumer Perception P, D, Q&A EL, LS


1,2,3, ⠂ Consumer Learning P, D, Q&A EL, LS


1,2,3, ⠂ Consumer Attitude Formation P, D, Q&A EL, LS

4 & Change

1,2,3, ⠂ Communication & Consumer P, D, Q&A EL, LS

4 Behavior

1,2,3, MID Exam Individual OC

4 Exam

1,2,3, • The Family and its Social Class P, D, Q&A EL, LS

4 Standing

1,2,3, • Influence of culture on P, D, Q&A EL, LS

4 Consumer Behavior

1,2,3, • Subcultures and Consumer P, D, Q&A EL, LS

4 behavior

1,2,3, • Cross-cultural Consumer P, D, Q&A EL, LS

4 Behavior

1,2,3, ● Consumer & Diffusion of P, D EL, LS

4 Innovation

1,2,3, ● Consumer Decision Making & P, D EL, LS

4 Beyond

1,2,3,  Consumer Social Responsibility P, D EL, LS

4 & Green Marketing

1,2,3, Ujian Akhir Semester Final Exam Individual OC

4 Exam

*Method: P: Presentation; D: Discussion; Q&A: Question & Answer; Pr: Practice
General: TBD: To Be Decided
Media: EL: e-learning; LS: Live Streaming; OC: On campus

Reference List:
No. Reference Code Cat


LSPR1802 4 of 5 Powered by

S2 Communication Studies LSPR. Course: Consumer Behavior [CB907]

● Tipe: MR: Mandatori Reference, OR:Optional Reference

● Cat/Category: B: Books, J: Journal, P: Paper, W: Web link

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