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ROBOTICS 2019/2020

Issue 0



- festival -





Academic Qualifications:

2015: MaGIC Global e@Stanford Programme

2010: PhD (Bioengineering) - Imperial College London

2003: M.Sc. (Electrical) - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

2001: B.Sc. (Electrical – Mechatronics) - Universiti Teknologi



University Position: Associate Professor

Company (DF Automation and Robotics) Position: Co-Founder

and Director
Field of Expertise:

Embedded System
Smart Manufacturing
Internet of Things (IoT)

Spin-Off Companies:
1. DF Automation & Robotics Sdn
2. Redeincor LPT
3. Techcare Innovation Sdn Bhd
about the company
J u n e 2 0 12
c o r p o rated: M a laysia
r t e r : J oh o r ,
t r i b u to rs ) :
a ers/di s
Headqu A s p a r t n
i a , V ie tnam,
t in ( ones
Presen i ngapo r e , I nd
s i a , S d M e x
Malay i l i p p i n es an
h a i l a n d Ph

1. Design
, manufa
Vehicle ( cture &a
AGV) tot mp; supp
al solutio ly Autom
2. Design n ated Gui
& su de d
solution p p ly autom
ation & a
mp; robo


Our vision is to be the leading company in South East Asia for
designing Automated Guided Vehicle’s (AGV) and providing
AGV related solution.

To provide process based companies with an efficient and
affordable Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) solution that will
further enhance their output.
some of the
Zalpha MG-E

Zalpha Series Magnetic Strip Guidance AGV – Extended Size Model

Zalpha Series Magnetic Strip Guidance AGV is a cost-effective, user-friendly
and flexible mobile robot used to transport goods in various kind of industry.
The robot is using Magnetic strip to navigate around and is easy to be set up,
programmed and implemented. There are various types of size and payload can
be chosen to fit in different application.

Zalpha MG-L
Zalpha Series Magnetic Strip
Guidance AGV is a cost-effective,
user-friendly and flexible mobile
robot used to transport goods in
various kind of industry. The
robot is using Magnetic strip to
navigate around and is easy to be
set up, programmed and
implemented. There are various
types of size and payload can be
chosen to fit in different

Zalpha Series Magnetic Strip Guidance AGV – Low Bed Size Model
Zalpha TS-S

Zalpha Series Laser Guidance AGV – Standard Size Model

Zalpha Series Laser Guidance AGV is a cost-effective, user-friendly and flexible
mobile robot used to transport goods in various kind of industry. The robot is
using Lidar to navigate around and is easy to be set up, programmed and
implemented. There are various types of size and payload can be chosen to fit in
different application.

Zalpha TS-E
Zalpha Series Laser Guidance
AGV is a cost-effective, user-
friendly and flexible mobile robot
used to transport goods in
various kind of industry. The
robot is using Lidar to navigate
around and is easy to be set up,
programmed and implemented.
There are various types of size
and payload can be chosen to fit
in different application..

Zalpha Series Laser Guidance AGV – Extended Size Model

------ AUTO M AT E D G U I DE D VE HI CLE ------

AGV has been used

extensively since 1950. It can
work but unable to achieve
full usability or adoption.
However, there are some
challenges in implementing
current AGV solution where AGV
solution are di cult to program,
not exible and costly for poor
local support.

Therefore, Dr Yeong decided to

become the
rst AGV Manufacturers
and Solutions Providers
in Malaysia. He quickly gathered
his students, especially those who had
represented Malaysia in the Robocon
Competition, to start
DF Automation and Robotics Sdn Bhd.

'' AGV itself is not very useful.

It would only work if you had a
professional team to diagnose
your requirements, then design
and customise a comprehensive
solution to implement in your
business. Our team build all our
products from scratch, which
make our services very flexible
and customer-oriented. "
" Most of the existing AGV software
was very complex to use. Therefore, we developed our own FMS Software,
NavWiz (Navigation Wizard) to be the brain of our AGV Products.
It took us quite some time to build it, but all that efforts paid off. "
--------- Dr. Yeong Che Fai

Operating system with AI to control robots or
machine autonomously developed by DI.

It is easy to
use, IoT
ready and
for other

The NavWiz software and the

experiences that they’ve gained
enable DF Automation & Robotics
to speed up the production
time of new AGV models. In
the past, it took them at least one
year to develop a new AGV system.
Now, for a simple AGV model, they
only need three months to roll it
Che Fai, YEONG graduated with He is an entrepreneur with having
PhD from Imperial College founded a few companies and has His name is well-
London.He is serving as a Director led the companies to achieve some associated also with
for his spin-o company DF recognitions including Finalist in robotics and inventions in
Automation & Robotics Sdn Alliance Bank Biz Smart Innovation Malaysia as he has won
Bhd. He is also a senior lecturer in Challenge, one of the Top more than 50 awards
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. performance company in Cradle nationally and
Coach and Grow program, MaGIC internationally including
MAP program and MaGIC
e@Stanford program. World Invention Award
at British Invention
Show, Korea Inventor
Award Festival,
Innovate Malaysia,
Philips Young Inventor
Challenge and others.

He also has been a team

instructor and team
advisor for UTM
Robocon team for 7
years and represented
Malaysia to Thailand,
Korea, China, Thailand
and Hong Hong.

Director of DF Automation &

Robotics Sdn Bhd
Dr. Yeong Che Fai
DF Automotion & Robotics

✓ Up to 25 Million Category, Best Innovation Platinum Award at Star Outstanding Business Award
✓ MERIT, Cross Category: Research and Development at MSC Malaysia APICTA Awards
✓ MERIT, Cross Category: Industrial Manufacturing at MSC Malaysia APICTA Awards
✓ Designer, Good Design Award Japan

✓ Frost & Sullivan 2017 Malaysia Entrepreneurial Company Of The Year Automated Guided
Vehicle Market
✓ Winner, Best of Industrial Applications at International APICTA Awards Dhaka
✓ Winner, Best of Industrial Applications at MSC Malaysia APICTA Awards
✓ Best Cost E ective Solution Award, Universal Robots Channel Partner Meet

✓ Growth Achieve Award, Universal Robots 2016 Distributor Meet
✓ Best Industrial Application Award, Universal Robots 2016 Distributor Meet

✓ Winner, Best of Start-up at MSC Malaysia APICTA
✓ Winner, Best of Industrial Applications at MSC Malaysia APICTA
✓ Merit, Merit in the Industry Category, International APICTA Awards Sri Lanka
te r v ie w
Se s s io n
. Y e o n g
w ith D r

What made you decide to be an entrepreneur and found a robotics

company (DF Automation and Robotics)?

I had joined many competitions and won many of the top awards in the
competitions. Besides, I was also one of the founders of Robocon in 2002
and I acted as an instructor for the team for six years. I did all of these
because I love to do it. Then, I went to the UK for my PhD studies. There, I
realised that all that I had achieved so far did not bring any value to our
country. I also noticed that there is a huge difference in mindset between
foreign countries such as the US and UK and our country. The people I met
there had big dreams. The ecosystem is very different. For instance, there
are only a few unicorn companies in Malaysia. A ‘unicorn’ is a start-up
company which is valued at over one billion dollars. In Silicon Valley, you
could find big names like Facebook and Google within a stone's throw
away. Here, there is no one who you can regard as a role model. Malaysia is
missing its very own success stories. Therefore, I had the idea of wanting to
do something technologically-based to make a big impact for our country.
After I came back from my PhD studies, I started to talk about my idea of
starting a business with my students and colleagues. Unfortunately, they
doubted that it would work but I believed it would. In 2010, I co-founded
Techcare Innovation which develops rehabilitation devices. It is also the
focus of my PhD studies in London. Then, I co-founded DF Automation
and Robotics. It all started when a customer came to us to request for an
Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV). Back then, it was very costly to obtain
one from foreign countries such as the US and Japan. It happened that there
were sufficient requests for such a device that we realised it was a business
opportunity. There were ups and downs along the way but we managed to
improve our products from simple robots to more advanced robots which
could compete on the international market.
Besides DF Automation and Robotics, what companies did you found?
I used to have more than ten companies but I have closed down most of
them and DF is one of the few which is still running. Besides DF, I also
co-founded Techcare Innovation, a company which develops smart
rehabilitation and fitness devices, Redeincor LLP, a consultancy and
training company and a multimedia company which makes videos.

What are the key factors to be a successful entrepreneur?

I would say that I have access to the most difficult sought-after element
in order to do well in a business which is a good team. Next is
opportunity or timing. Thirdly, finance is another important factor
which usually comes after the aforementioned factors. All three of
them must be present in order to do well in a business. For example,
back in our company’s early days in 2012, our robots were ten times
cheaper that other robots. We went for a PwC exhibition where we
paid five to ten thousand for a booth. Many people came and asked
about our products. When they were told that our products are robots,
it turned out that they were not familiar with robots. Therefore, no
sales were made at all at that time. Two years ago, our Prime Minister
said that it is very important for Malaysia to develop robots due to
Industrial Revolution 4.0. Then, people started to learn about robots. It
was a tough time back then as there was not much opportunity.
However, we could foresee the future of the market and started to plan
for the next few years.

What are the challenges that you face as an entrepreneur?

The biggest challenge which I faced when I started my journey in
entrepreneurship was battling the mindset that university lecturers are
not fit for business. Lecturers usually occupy themselves with research
and business is totally a different thing.
Another challenge is that my knowledge was limited when it comes to
managing a business. Therefore, I joined many innovation
competitions to close the knowledge gap. In this case, I was fortunate
to meet some mentors who guided me along the way.
The next challenge is the financial aspect. Back then, we encountered
cash flow problems due to a business deal. We were in big trouble since
we could not raise the fund. We tried many options such as asking
money from the bank but we still failed to raise enough money.
Fortunately, I had a mentor who gave me half a million without
interest to support the company.
The last challenge would be the ever-growing complexity of a business
organizational structure. When a group consists of three persons, it is
easy to settle issues right away. When the group grows bigger, a
different set of problems will emerge. For instance, a bigger working
space may be needed. As the number of employees grows, I start to
have trouble remembering all of them. There is a disconnection. To get
all members to be close together again, we must create a good culture
for our company.

What are your future plans for DF Automation and Robotics?

We have a road map to work towards becoming an Initial Public
Offering (IPO) company in the next three years. Besides, there is a
plan for DF Automation and Robotics to be acquired by big companies.
In this case, there are talks going on with potential companies from
Japan, United Kingdom (UK) and Spain. They wish to buy our
company because they want to enter the market in this region.
Do you have future plans which are not
directly related to DF Automation and

Yes. I will be opening another company soon. I have another student

working together with another big industry and we visited a company last
week. We are looking into developing AI (Artificial Intelligence) in
maintenance of systems and equipment. So, this is the next big thing. We
will be forming this new company in the next one or two years and see how
it goes. I also have a new project which is not considered as a new venture
where I am working with some badminton halls with Dato’ Lee Chong Wei
Badminton Academy where we want to transform the training to be more
How do you cope with your
responsibilities towards the university,
your students, your company (DF
Automation and Robotics) as well as
your family?

I think time management is very important. As long as you manage

your time properly, everything will be fine. For me, every Sunday is
the time I spend with my students, Wednesdays are for my classes
and Fridays I will be in my company. That is from the daily
perspective. From the hourly perspective, 8.30 pm to 11.00 pm is
my family time. If you plan your time systematically, then you can do
a lot more things. Plan well, work smart and you can do many

What do you do to destress?

For me personally, I like to watch movies. Sometimes, I will go

watching movies with my kids. I also like shopping. Every now and
then I will do online shopping. Even with my busy schedule, I am
still able to travel overseas.
Do you have any regrets in your career as an entrepreneur?
I have a philosophy in me, every decision that I already
made is the right decision. You can’t go back to the
past to do better when you made a wrong decision. I
still remember when I brought a shareholder into the
company, it was my decision to bring him in. He ended
up pulled my employees away from my company. It was
a huge loss for me and my partners. But I did not
regret, if it wasn’t him I wouldn’t push me harder and
make me stronger. For me, if you have already done
something incorrectly, why would you spend more time
and energy to think or to regret on that something
which already happened, that you can’t change. So,
keep in mind, every decision that you already made is
the right decision.

What advice would you want to convey to students?

Most importantly you need to know what you want to
do, what you aiming for. You need to show what you
can offer. You have to push yourself hard and show
your dedication, hard work, passion, and then seek for a
mentor to guide and to help you. You have to grab every
opportunity that you have, make good use of the final
year project, most of the students just delivering the
final year project as a normal work in order to graduate.
Instead, you can create products, to sell it, or to join
competition and win awards, by then you can get
exposure for your products, followed by sponsorships.
Funding is not a problem, in a successful business the
most important one is the people.









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