Trigger Drugs

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CP, Dec, p484-85, How to 26/11/09 10:40 Page 484

484 Clinical Pharmacist December 2009 Vol 1

Although increasing numbers of adverse medication events are being reported to the National Patient

Safety Agency, many such occurrences still go unreported. Is there more pharmacists could be doing?

How to use “trigger drugs” to help

identify adverse medication events
By Gillian Cavell, MSc, MRPharmS medicines that, in our experience, can also
indicate possible ADEs. A list of these

harmacists have the skills and remit medicines, incorporating those used in the Pharmacists in secondary care can help
to identify and report adverse drug global trigger tools and by KCH, is to identify adverse drug events (ADEs)
events (ADEs), including adverse provided in the Box below. within their organisation. They can use
drug reactions and medication errors. In the Simply monitoring the incidents where “trigger drugs” to help them identify
UK, pharmacists working in secondary care trigger drugs are prescribed is not when such events take place as part of
aim to screen all inpatient drug charts sufficient. First, not all trigger drugs the pharmaceutical care process.
clinically every working day. During this indicate ADEs in every clinical setting. For Interventions made following
process, they will encounter patients who example, the need for intravenous identification of an ADE can be used to
promote medication safety. This allows
have been prescribed medicines to treat omeprazole on a medical ward is a good
pharmacists to identify recurring risks
ADEs or who have had medicines indicator of acute gastrointestinal bleeding,
with medicines use and contribute to
discontinued because of these events. which is possibly drug-induced. However, risk reduction strategies and education
However, on many occasions these ADEs go on a surgical ward, it might be within their organisations.
unreported. administered routinely following surgery.
One method for promoting ADE Second, in some instances a trigger drug
reporting could be to offer pharmacists might be prescribed (for use when What can pharmacists do?
clear specifications for the types of required) at the same time as a high-risk When they monitor inpatient prescriptions,
incidents that should be reported and medicine so that it can be administered pharmacists can identify the prescribing
provide a tool for identifying when such promptly if needed. For example, naloxone and administration of trigger drugs. Where
incidents occur. prescribed at the same time as an opioid, or such medicines are administered,
glucagon prescribed for patients who are pharmacists should be prompted to
Trigger drugs receiving insulin. Here, it is important to investigate the reasons why.
Medicines prescribed and administered to check whether the medicine was actually Many pharmacists do not realise the
prevent harm from an ADE can be classed administered. need to investigate isolated ADEs that have
as “trigger drugs”. These include antidotes
(eg, naloxone, flumazenil, vitamin K,
glucagon), medicines that treat the Possible trigger drugs
symptoms of an ADE (eg, antiemetics and
antidiarrhoeals) or medicines that mitigate DRUG POSSIBLE ADVERSE EVENT
the adverse event itself (eg, calcium Antidiarrhoeals* Drug-induced diarrhoea
gluconate to treat hyperkalaemia). Antiemetics* Nausea related to medicine use
The Institute for Healthcare Beriplex (dried prothrombin complex) Over-anticoagulation with warfarin
Improvement in the US and the Patient Calcium gluconate Drug-induced hyperkalaemia
Safety First campaign in the UK advocate Chlorphenamine IV Drug hypersensitivity
using a “global trigger tool” to measure Corticosteroids (topical) Drug-induced rash
rates of patient safety events and monitor Dextrose 20% / insulin 10 units Drug-induced hyperkalaemia
improvements in the quality of patient care. Diphenhydramine* Drug hypersensitivity
The tools include lists of medicines that are Flumazenil*† Oversedation following benzodiazepine use
indicators of possible ADEs. At King’s Glucagon† Drug-induced hypoglycaemia
College Hospital, London, we have Glucose 50%† Drug-induced hypoglycaemia
extended this list to include other Hydrocortisone IV Anaphylaxis
Hydroxyzine Drug-induced hypersensitivity
Ion-exchange resins* Drug-induced hyperkalaemia
Naloxone*† Opioid-induced respiratory distress
Octaplex (factor IX) Over-anticoagulation with warfarin
Omeprazole IV Drug-induced gastrointestinal bleeding
Gillian Cavell is consultant pharmacist Vitamin K (phytomenadione)*† Over-anticoagulation with warfarin
for medication safety at King’s College
* Included in US trigger tool
Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. † Included in UK trigger tool
E: Both UK and US trigger tools advise that abrupt cessation of any medicine might be as a result of an adverse event
CP, Dec, p484-85, How to 26/11/09 10:41 Page 485

Vol 1 December 2009 Clinical Pharmacist 485

been treated successfully. However, an in-

Figure: Example of questioning to identify an adverse drug event following vitamin K administration
depth investigation is not needed to
determine whether an ADE has occurred; a Vitamin K administered to correct patient’s INR
simple questioning approach can be
sufficient. This approach is illustrated in
the adjacent Figure — using vitamin K as
an example. Why did the INR need to be reversed?
The ease with which ADEs can be
identified varies according to the specificity
of the trigger drug as an indicator of
medicines-related harm. Naloxone and Because the patient has Because the patient has Because the patient
flumazenil are good indicators because they been taking warfarin an elevated INR and is has a coagulopathy
are specific reversal agents for reactions to and has become scheduled for a surgical associated with liver
opioids and benzodiazepines, respectively. over-anticoagulated procedure disease
Ion-exchange resins are not so good
because hyperkalaemia, for which these
products are often prescribed, can be a
symptom of deteriorating renal function as
Why was the patient NOT PREVENTABLE — no report needed
well as a side effect of drug therapy (eg,
with potassium supplements, potassium-
sparing diuretics or angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors).
Glucagon administration can be used to
identify incidences where hypoglycaemia The correct dose The patient has The patient has An incorrect
has occurred. Nevertheless, the precise of warfarin was been taking been prescribed a dose of warfarin
cause of hypoglycaemia is often difficult to prescribed but warfarin but has medicine that has been
establish. the wrong dose not been monitored interacts with prescribed for
was given adequately warfarin the patient
What intervention is needed?
Pharmacists must find out why a trigger
drug has been used in each instance so that
they can identify ADEs and take steps to
prevent these recurring. It may be PREVENTABLE — the adverse drug event should be reported
necessary for them to advise medical staff
on how best to change a patient’s drug
regimen following an ADE — eg, by about drug interactions with warfarin and Wider learning Incident reports should
reducing a dose or dosing frequency, on the occasions when patients need to be be used to identify local risks with
discontinuing a medicine or starting a monitored more carefully. medicines use and prompt reviews of
more suitable alternative. ADEs resulting from medicines systems to promote safe medicines use.
Identifying an ADE can highlight the administration errors can highlight issues Once incidents have been reported
need for a medicines-related discussion with product identification (eg, because of locally, they should be passed on by the
with the patient, for which the pharmacist confusing labelling or packaging, poor hospital to the National Reporting and
could take the lead. For example, a patient storage, etc) or can identify training needs Learning System (operated by the
who is prescribed hydrocortisone and for staff who administer medicines. Once National Patient Safety Agency). Here,
chlorphenamine to treat a serious allergy identified, these issues can be acted on and, they can be reviewed alongside those
to a medicine will need to understand that if necessary, the lessons learnt can be fed from other organisations to identify
he or she needs to avoid that medicine in back to all staff using alerts, bulletins or national trends and inform learning that
the future. The patient should be teaching sessions. can be disseminated through NPSA
counselled and his or her updated allergy publications.
status clearly documented. Also, the Learning from ADEs Where an actual or suspected adverse
patient’s GP should be informed of the Even when interventions are managed drug reaction is identified, pharmacists
reaction upon discharge. In the case of within the clinical team, the opportunities should also consider reporting it to the
anaphylaxis, the patient might be advised for wider learning must not be overlooked. Medicines and Healthcare products
on where to obtain an alert bracelet. Reporting ADEs, whether they result in Regulatory Agency via the yellow card
Lack of prescriber knowledge can also patient harm or not, is essential to enable scheme (
be addressed. Pharmacists who identify this learning. All NHS trusts have systems
patients who have become over- in place to report ADEs. These systems
anticoagulated because of a drug rely on staff recognising and being willing
interaction with warfarin should advise to report such events. Although using NOTE Clinical Pharmacist PRACTICE TOOLS do not
constitute formal practice guidance. Articles in
medical staff on the interaction and an trigger drugs is a method for prompting the
the series have been commissioned from
alternative therapy. It is also an recognition of ADEs, staff still need to be independent authors who have summarised useful
opportunity to offer general information motivated to complete the report forms. clinical skills.

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