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CIE 525 Reinforced Concrete Structures Instructor: Andrew Whittaker


4.1 Recommended Reading

1. Paulay, T. and Priestley, M. J. N., Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry
Buildings, Wiley InterScience, Chapter 3

2. MacGregor, J. and Wight, J., Reinforced Concrete, Mechanics and Design, Prentice Hall,
Fifth Edition.

4.2 Redistribution of Moments in RC Systems

4.2.1 Gravity-Load-Resisting Systems

Section 8.4 of ACI 318 permits redistribution of moment in continuous reinforced concrete
flexural members.

 linear elastic analysis of a nonlinear component

w kips/ft

Prismatic cross section, M

Elastic moment diagram

Plastic moment diagram Plastic hinges?

For a prismatic cross section with positive and negative moment capacity M n , the maximum
load w by analysis is

12 M n
 Elastic analysis: we 
max L2

16M n
 p
Plastic analysis: wmax 
 1.33wmax

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CIE 525 Reinforced Concrete Structures Instructor: Andrew Whittaker

So, the use of plastic analysis produces a larger permissible load than elastic analysis. How can
this additional capacity be realized?

 adequate ductility in the plastic hinging regions

 ductility is a measure of inelastic deformation capacity beyond the yield deformation

 use moment-curvature analysis to determine deformation limits

 degree of concrete confinement will affect the deformation limit

 maximum concrete strain c max

4.2.2 Lateral-Force-Resisting Systems

Redistribution of lateral forces underpins the response of framing systems subjected to

earthquake and blast forces because components attain their maximum strengths at different
levels of deformation. See the beam-sway mechanism below that is a preferred mechanism in
earthquake engineering.

 why is beam sway a preferred mechanism?

 effect of gravity load moments on component response?

Flexural demands on a beam




So, adequate deformation capacity must be provided for all of the hinges to form as shown

 large inelastic deformation in the concrete

 large ductility achieved through the use of appropriate details, including confinement

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CIE 525 Reinforced Concrete Structures Instructor: Andrew Whittaker

4.3 Moment-Curvature Analysis of Unconfined Sections

4.3.1 Response Calculations

For hand calculations, the moment at three levels of curvature are established

 curvature at cracking of the cross section (at M cr )

 curvature at yield of the cross section (at M y )

 curvature at the ultimate concrete strain (at M u )

The procedures are illustrated below for two unconfined sections: (1) a slab with tension rebar
only, and (2) a beam with tension rebar (part 1) and tension and compression rebar.

4.3.2 Moment-Curvature Analysis of a Slab

This analysis represents the simplest of all moment-curvature analyses. Some simplifying
assumptions are made to calculate the moment-curvature ( M   ) relationships, and all are basic
assumptions in flexural theory, namely,

1. Sections perpendicular to the axis of bending that are plane before bending are plane after
bending, or plane sections remain plane. See the figure below.

As such, curvature and strain are related as follows:


where y is the distance from the neutral axis.

2. The strain in the rebar is equal to the strain in the concrete at the same level in the cross

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CIE 525 Reinforced Concrete Structures Instructor: Andrew Whittaker

3. The stresses in the steel and concrete can be established from the individual stress-strain

The example slab is shown below. The objective is to calculate the moment-curvature
relationship for the slab section. Assume a 12-in wide section of slab for the purpose of
calculation, Grade 60 rebar, and f c = 4 ksi. Assume 1 in of cover to the longitudinal rebar.

#4 @ 6”

Three sets of calculations are made, at cracking, at yield, and at ultimate.


bD 3 12  63
Ignoring the rebar (and having to transform the section), I g    216 in 3
12 12

E for the concrete is 57, 000 4000 psi  3604 ksi

fr I g (7.5 f c ) (216)
Calculate the cracking moment, M cr    34.2 kip-in
yt 1000 3

M cr 34.2
Calculate the curvature at the cracking moment, cr    0.000044  4.39E-5
Ec I g 3604  216

So the data point for cracking (cr , M cr ) is (0.000043, 34.2)


For this calculation, use is made of the cracked transformed moment of inertia. The limiting
strain is the yield strain in the tension steel. For information on the calculation of transformed
moments of inertia, see Chapter 9 of Wight and MacGregor (WM).

b nAs y

Transformed Strains Stresses


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CIE 525 Reinforced Concrete Structures Instructor: Andrew Whittaker

The assumed stress distribution in the concrete is shown above. The depth to the neutral axis is
kd. The strain in the rebar is  y . For a singly reinforced section,

k  2n  (n) 2  n

where n is the modular ratio (= Es Ec ) and   As bd .

0.5 2  (0.2 in 2 )
For the subject cross section, d  6 1  4.75" ,   0.0070 , and
2 12  4.75
29, 000
n  8.04 , and k  0.28 . (Is this value reasonable?)

Taking moments about the centroid of the concrete compression block, which is located at a
distance of kd below the top of the slab,

kd 0.28  4.75
M y   As f s ( jd )  As f y ( d  )  (0.4 in 2 )60(4.75  )  103.4 kip-in
3 3

The corresponding curvature is

y 0.0021
y    0.00061  6.1E-4
(d  kd ) 3.42

So the data point for yielding ( y , M y ) is (0.00061, 103.4)


See the figure below for the information needed to solve for the ultimate moment and ultimate
0.85 f c
c max
c 1c


 y

Strains Stresses

Assuming a rectangular (Whitney-type) stress block, calculate the depth to the neutral axis c:

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CIE 525 Reinforced Concrete Structures Instructor: Andrew Whittaker

As f y 0.4  60
c   0.69"
0.85 f cb1 0.85  4  12  0.85

The ultimate moment M u is calculated in the traditional manner, namely,

1c 0.85  0.69

M u  As f y ( d  )  0.4  60  (4.75  )  106.9 kip-in
2 2

The corresponding ultimate curvature is

 0.003
u  c max   0.0043  4.3E-3  9 y
c 0.69

So the data point for ultimate ( u , M u ) is (0.0043, 106.9). Note the small difference between M u
(107 kip-in) and M y (104 kip-in).

Moment (kip-in)



0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005
Curvature 1/in

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CIE 525 Reinforced Concrete Structures Instructor: Andrew Whittaker

4.3.3 Moment-Curvature Analysis of a Beam

This sample analysis for a beam presented below builds on the slab example presented above.
Two cases will be considered: (a) tension rebar only, and (b) tension and compression rebar. Key
information for the analysis is presented in the table below.

f c 4 ksi 2”

fy 60 ksi 2#9 (part b only)

fr 0.474 ksi 22”

Ig 13,210 in4
3#9 (parts a and b)
Ec 3604 ksi
 0.0099

 0.0066

Part 1: No compression rebar


M cr  (0.474)  573 kip-in
M 573
cr  cr   1.19E-5/in
EI 3604(13,310)


n  8.04
k  2(0.0099)(8.04)  (0.0099  8.04) 2  0.0099  8.04  0.327
kd 0.327  20
M y  As f y (d  )  3.00  60(20  )  3207 kip-in
3 3
y 0.0021
y    1.56E-4/in
(d  kd ) 13.46

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As f y 3.0  60
c   4.15"
0.85 f cb1 0.85  4 15  0.85
1c 0.85  4.15
M u  As f y (d  )  3.0  60(20  )  3282 kip-in  1.02 M y
2 2
 c max 0.003
u    7.2E-4/in  4.6 y
c 4.15
   4.6

Part 2: Including compression rebar

Cracking (as before)

M cr  (0.474)  573 kip-in
M 573
cr  cr   1.19E-5/in
EI 3604(13,310)


n  8.04
k  (  ) 2 n 2  2(   )n  (  )n  0.301

Now the general equation for the moment M y is

kd kd
M y  As f y (d  )  As f s(d   )
3 3

where the stress in the compression steel is a function of the distance k and is assumed to be
positive in tension. If the stress in the tension rebar is f y , then the strain in the compression
rebar can be calculated using similar triangles, namely,

(kd  d )
f s  f  17.3 ksi
(d  kd ) y
0.301 20 0.301 20
M y  3.0  60(20  )  2.0  17.3(2.0  )  3238 kip-in
3 3
y 0.0021
y    1.50E-4/in
(d  kd ) 13.98

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The calculation of (u , M u ) requires some iteration to establish the location of the neutral axis.
For hand calculations, initially assume that the strain in the compression steel s exceeds the
yield strain, and check this assumption later in the analysis.

As f y  As f s 3.0  60  2.0  60

c   1.38"
0.85 f cb1 0.85  4 15  0.85
M u  (0.85 f c1cb)(d  )  As f s(d  d )  3321 kip-in
cu 0.003
u    0.0022
c 1.38

Checking the assumption regarding the strain in the compression steel,

c  d
s   c max ( )  0.0015  0.71 y

and so the assumption is not valid and another trial is required. Following a few iterations,
c  2.90" , f s  27 ksi , and

0.85  2.90
M u  (0.85  4  0.85  2.90  15)(20  )  2.0  27(20  2)  3331 kip-in
 c max 0.003
u    0.0010
c 2.90
   6.7

Consider now the tabulated data below.

Compression Rebar
No Yes
My 3207 3238  negligible increase

y 0.000156 0.000150  no increase

Mu 3282 3331  negligible increase

u 0.00072 0.0010  40% increase

 4.6 6.7  40% increase

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CIE 525 Reinforced Concrete Structures Instructor: Andrew Whittaker

4.4 Moment-Curvature Analysis of Confined Sections

4.4.1 Response Calculations

For hand calculations, the moment at three levels of curvature are established as before for
unconfined sections

 curvature at cracking of the cross section (at M cr )

 curvature at yield of the cross section (at M y )

 curvature at the ultimate concrete strain (at M u )

The procedures are illustrated below for one confined section: the beam cross section of Section
4.3.3 with tension and compression rebar. Assume that #5 perimeter hoops at 4 inches on center
confine the cross section.

f c 4 ksi 2”
fy 60 ksi 2#9 x

fr 0.474 ksi #5 ties @ 4 in. on center


Ig 13,210 in4
Ec 3604 ksi
 0.0099

 0.0066

The first step in the calculation process is to establish the properties of the confined concrete.
Consider for this example moment on the cross section that produces compression in the top of
the reinforced concrete beam (x-x bending). Axes x and y are as shown.

For the cross section shown, and using the terminology of Module 03 (from Paulay and

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CIE 525 Reinforced Concrete Structures Instructor: Andrew Whittaker

hx  13.2 in
Note: these dimensions will
hy  20.2 in violate the minimum cover
requirements of ACI 318
2  0.3
y   0.0114
4  13.2
2  0.3
x   0.0074
4  20.2

Is it reasonable to calculate the degree of confinement based on a weighted average of  x and

 y if the bending is around the x-x axis and prior experience would indicate that the neutral axis
will be located close to the top of the beam?

 conservative to average  x and  y

 what will be the effect on the moment-curvature relationship?

Assuming an effectiveness coefficient of 0.75,

flx 60
 0.75  0.0074   0.083
f c 4
fly 60
 0.75  0.0114   0.128
f c 4

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From the above figure, and noting that the largest effective confining strength in this example is
fly , the value of K is 1.6 and the strength of the confined core is therefore

f cc  Kf c  1.6  4  6.4 ksi

The remaining parameters needed to defined the stress-strain relationship for the confined cross
section are

1.4( x   y ) f yh  sm 1.4(0.0188)60  0.1

 c max  0.004   0.004   0.028
f cc 6.4
f cc 6.4
 cc  0.002[1  5(  1)]  0.002[1  5(  1)]  0.008
f c 4
f cc 6.4
Esec    800 ksi
 cc 0.008
Ec  57, 000 f c  57, 000 4000 psi  3604 ksi
r  1.28
Ec  Esec
x  125 c
f cc xr 6.4(125c )1.28 1024c
fc   
r 1 x r
1.28  1  x1.28
0.28  (125c )1.28

The stress-strain relationship for the confined and unconfined concrete in this cross section is
shown below.

Compressive stress (ksi)

3 Confined
2 Unconfined

0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03
Compressive strain (in/in)

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CIE 525 Reinforced Concrete Structures Instructor: Andrew Whittaker

To calculate the ultimate moment and ultimate curvature for this section, the stress block
parameters must be established. From before,

 K = 1.6, c max  0.028 , and cc  0.008

 c max 0.028
   3.5
 cc 0.008

From the above relationships,   1,   0.9,   0.9 . There is now sufficient information to
complete the moment-curvature analysis.

Cracking (as before)

M cr  (0.474)  573 kip-in
M 573
cr  cr   1.19E-5/in
EI 3604(13,310)

Yielding (as before)

n  8.04
k  (  ) 2 n 2  2(   )n  (  )n  0.301

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(kd  d )
f s  f  17.3 ksi
(d  kd ) y
0.301 20 0.301 20
M y  3.0  60(20  )  2.0  17.3(2.0  )  3238 kip-in
3 3
y 0.0021
y    1.50E-4/in
(d  kd ) 13.98


For the purpose of the calculation below, the effect of the compression rebar will be ignored.

 impact of this decision will be discussed later

With confinement, the maximum concrete strains will substantially exceed the spalling strain
that will be assumed to be 0.004. Therefore, the calculation at ultimate conditions should assume
that the cover concrete has spalled (see the orange hatched zone on the figure below).
 b = 13.2”
 d =19.1”
#5 ties @ 4 in. on center
As f y 3.0  60 22”
c   2.36"

f cc b1 0.9  6.4  13.2  1 2”
  cb)(d - 1 )  3215 kip-in
M u  (f cc 3#9
1 2
cu 0.028 15”
u    0.0119
c 2.36
  79

What is the strain in the tensile reinforcement?

 Will it limit the maximum curvature? If so, to what?

 Will it limit the curvature ductility? If so, to what?

Consider now the tabulated data below.

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No Yes

My 3207 3207  no change

y 0.000156 0.000150  no change

Mu 3282 3215  negligible change

u 0.00072 0.0119  increase by a factor of 17

 4.6 79  increase by a factor of 17

What is the effect of ignoring the compression rebar in the above analysis?

 effect on the depth to the neutral axis c when compression rebar is included?

 if the maximum compression strain is unchanged, and c is (increased/decreased) by the

addition of the compression rebar, what is the effect on the ultimate curvature?

What is the effect of ignoring strain hardening in the steel rebar in the above analysis?

 on maximum strength? on ultimate curvature?

In summary, how are the ultimate curvature and curvature ductility of a cross section increased?

Increase in u ,   ?

No Yes

Increase in 

Increase in 

Increase in f y

Increase in f c

Increase in 

Increase in axial compression

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4.5 Moment Curvature Analysis of Complex Sections

Most moment-curvature analyses undertaken in the design office make use of computer
software. XTRACT is one such piece of software that was developed by Chadwell at UC
Berkeley in the late 1990s (

The computer codes operate in a somewhat standard manner with different post-processing
features and GUIs. Below is a short presentation on how moment-curvature relationships are
established for arbitrary cross sections. Some of the presentation is adapted from Priestley,
Seible, and Calvi. For the presentation below, it is assumed that the stress-strain relationship has
already been established for the concrete.

To date, the moment-curvature analysis has assumed that the stress-strain relationship for rebar is
elastic perfectly plastic. Such an assumption simplifies hand calculations but is substantially
conservative. The figure below from Priestley, Seible, and Calvi shows monotonic tensile stress-
strain curves for different grades of rebar.

 nominal yield strength versus measured yield strength

 strain range for yield plateau and maximum strain for three grades of rebar

 values of  sm for the three grades of rebar

Consider the stress-strain relationship below for monotonic loading of Grade 60 rebar (from
Priestley, Seible, and Calvi).

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For this grade of rebar, the expected yield strength ( f ye ) will exceed the nominal yield strength
( f y ) by a factor of between 1.1 and 1.3. The strain sh can be taken as 0.008 and the ultimate
strain in the rebar su can be taken as 0.12. In the strain-hardening region of the curve
(  sh   s   su ), the stress in the rebar can be taken as

0.12   s
f s  f ye [1.5  0.5( )2 ]

For analysis involving concrete strains greater than 0.003 and 0.004, the analyst must distinguish
between the confined and unconfined regions of the reinforced concrete element:

 concrete contained within the hoops is considered to be confined

 concrete outside of the hoops is considered to be unconfined

The figure below, from Priestley, Seible, and Calvi, presents nomenclature for the remainder of
this module.

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The moment-curvature analysis is an iterative procedure involving considerations of axial and

moment equilibrium on the cross section and a selected values of extreme fiber strain in
compression ( c ).

Consider the circular cross section. The solution for the rectangular cross section is similar but

From axial equilibrium on the cross section

( D / 2) n
P  [bc ( x ) f c ( x )  (b( x )  bc ( x ) ) f cu ( x )]dx   Asi f s ( xi )
x  ( D / 2)  c i 1

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x  ( x  0.5 D  c)

From moment equilibrium on the cross section

( D / 2) n
M  [bc ( x ) f c ( x )  (b( x )  bc ( x ) ) f cu ( x )]xdx   Asi f s ( xi ) xi
x  ( D / 2)  c i 1

and from before


In the above equations, f c (), f cu (), and f s () are the stresses in the confined concrete,
unconfined concrete, and rebar, respectively, as a function of the strain; and Asi is the area of the
rebar at distance xi from the centroidal axis. Other terms are defined in the figure above.

The solution scheme is as follows

1. Select an extreme fiber strain and an axial load P.

2. Solve for c by trial and error using the known axial load P and the specified extreme fiber

3. Calculate the moment M and the curvature  using the above equations.

4. Select a new extreme fiber strain (up to the ultimate compression strain) and repeat steps
2 and 3.

5. Select a new axial load P.

Note that if the subject section is rectangular, the above equations are simplified as follows:

 b( x )  b and bc ( x )  bc

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4.6 Cross Section Analysis with Xtract

The results of the analysis of the confined beam cross section using XTRACT are presented on
the following two pages. The moment-curvature relationships are summarized below. Note that a
limiting longitudinal rebar strain of 9% is specified and the failing material in these cases is such


Moment (kip-in)


Rebar elasto-plastic
Rebar strain hardening

0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006
Curvature (1/in)

Note the effect of including rebar strain hardening in the analysis

 a substantial increase in maximum strength (to be considered for capacity design)

 a substantial reduction in ultimate curvature if rebar strain does not limit curvature

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