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-and much more!



....... ----_.... ::::.:;"

From the Dublishers of

Aboullhe Aulhor

ongtime modeler Andy Lennon

L has been involved in aviation

since the age of 15, when he
went for a short ride in a Curtis Robin.
He soon joined the Montreal Flying
Club and began flying D. H. Gypsy
Moths and early two-place Aeronca
cabin monoplanes.
He was educated in Canada
at Edward VII School, Strathcona
Academy, Montreal Technical School, McGill University and the
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario.
Andy entered the Canadian aircraft manufacturing industry and
later moved to general manufacturing as an industrial engineer.
Throughout his career, he continued to stud y all things aeronauti-
cal, particularly aircraft design, aviat ion texts, NACA and NASA
reports and aviation periodicals. He has tested many aeronautics
theories by designing, building and flying nearl y 25 experimental
RIC models-miniatures of potential light aircraft. His favorite
model, Seagull III, is a flying boat with wide aerobatic capabilities.
Andy is a valued contributing editor to Model Airplane News , and
he has written for Model Aviation, Model Builder, RC Modeler and RC
Models and Electronics. His two other books are " RIC Model
Airplane Design" and "Canard: A Revolution in Flight."
He continues to fly full-size airplanes and is licensed in both
Canada and the U.S. And when he isn 't at his drawing board or
in his workshop, he's likely to be at the flying field testing yet
another model aircraft design . ...

Copyright ~ 1996 by Air Age Media Inc.

ISBN: 0-911295-40-2.
Reprinted in 2002; 2005.

All rights reserved , including the right of reproduct ion in whole

or in part in any form. This book, or parts thereof , may not be
reproduced without the publisher 's written permission.

Published by Air Age Media Inc.

100 East Ridge
Ridgefield , CT 06877-4066

ME 0 I A





Introdudion .•........•.....•.4 Chapter 14

Design for Flaps .•....•... 63
Chapter 1
Airfoil Selection ...•..•....• 5 Chapter 15
NASA "Safe Wing" 69
Chapter 2
Understanding Airfoils .• 9 Chapter 16
Landing-Gear Design .... 72
Chapter 3 Chapter 23
Understanding Chapter 17 Tailless Airplane
Aerodynamic Formulas .. 13 Ducted-Cowl Design 77 Design 111
Chapter 4 Chapter 18 Chapter 24
Wing Loading Propeller Selection and Hull and Float
Design •.•.•...............•... 19 Estimating Level Flight Design ......•.......•......•.. 119
Speeds ....•.......•....•......83
Chapter 5 Chapter 25
Wing Design ...••. ..••. ..•.. 21 Chapter 19 Basic Proportions for
Design for Aerobatics .. 90 RIC Aircraft Design .... 125
Chapter 6
CG Location and the Chapter 20 Chapter 26
Balancing Ad ..•.......•... 27 High-Lift Devices and Construdion
Drag Redudion .••...•..... 93 Designs 129
Chapter 7
Horizontal Tail Design ••32 Chapter 21
Appendix •••••••••••••••••••• 134
Centrifugal Force and
Chapter 8 Maneuverability •••••••••• 98
Horizontal Tail Incidence
and Downwash Chapter 22
Estimating ...•.....•..••••.• 37 Canards, Tandem-Wing
and Three-Surface
Chapter 9 Design .••.•.•...•...•....•••.. 102
Vertical Tail Design and
Spiral Stability .•....•.•..•42

Chapter 10
Roll Control Design •.....47

Chapter 11
Weight Distribution in
Design .•....•.•.•..••.•.•...••50

Chapter 12
Improve Performance by
Reducing Drag ..•.••••.... 52

Chapter 13
Stressed-Skin Design and
Weight Estimating ••.•.•.. 58



~. ~

- ••• ••.

ndy Lenno n ha s written The design process begins with

A an outstan ding book tha t

covers all required aspects
of the preliminary design process
weight estimation and structural
optimization in the name of
reduced weight. The book covers
for mod el aircraft. Fur the r, much th ese topics for models better than
of the con ten t is equally applicable any sources I have encoun tered so with electric models, which are
to military RPV an d h om ebu ilt air- previou sly. Next in design comes rapidly becoming popular. They are
craft design . Reviewin g the book drag analysis and redu ction, which clean, noi seless and thoroughly
was som eth in g of a nostalgia trip are cove red professionally yet in an enjoyable alternatives to gas/glow.
for me afte r 46 years of designi ng understandable way for the ama- However, the design process chal-
full -scal e and mod el aircra ft. teur designer. Wh at a treat to see lenges our ability to build strong
Would that I h ad been able to the consequences of flat-plate drag but ligh t models with low zero-lift
carr y thi s book wit h me to an from seemingly small items like and induced drag and an optimized
unsuspectin g aircraft industr y land ing-gear-wire legs properly thrust system, be it prop or jet.
when I graduated college in 19S1! illuminated. I recently had this Short of information on the design
My areas of disagreem ent here top ic driven home dramatically of electric powerplant systems, this
and there as I read were mostly on wh en I wen t all out to clean up the book gives you everything you ot h-
exotic top ics and did not amo unt drag of my electric fan A-6 Intruder erwise need , even the impact of car-
to mu ch . When review ing my prototype. The improved perfor- rying heavy batteries. Perhaps Andy
not es jotted down while reading mance after the clean-up surprised will tackle elect ric power plants at a
the draft, I found that many of my me quite pleasantly. What I did fut ure date. ...
comments simply amplified what is could have been drawn directly
said in th e text and reflected even ts from thi s book. - Bob Kress
from my own career related to the Stability and control, after per- Retired Vice President, Grumman
book topic at hand. The ch apters formance, is what we see as an
on pitch and lateral/d irection al sta- immediate result of our efforts.
bility and control remin ded me of Result s vary from joy to th e black-
some Gru m man his tory. We ness of the re-kitting process.
seem ed to blow an aerodynamic Andy's book will keep you away
fuse on every fifth aircraft prot o- from the latt er end of th e band
type-to wit, th e XFSF Skyrocket, through proper selection, arrange-
mo st of whic h lande d in Lon g ment and sizing of th e aircraft com-
Islan d Sound, and the XF10F, pon ents contributing to both longi-
which, abo ut all axes, was said to be tudinal an d lateral /d irectional sta-
lias stabl e as an up side-down pen- bility and control.
dulum ." Th e only thin g that The book is ori ented mainly
worked flawlessly was th e variable toward gas/g low-powe red model
sweep, which we feared th e mo st! aircraft design. With gas models,
Maybe Andy's book could ha ve available power rarely is a problem.
helped. Sadly, Grumman never got Coping with marg inal thrust sim-
the chance to go beyond th e F-14 ply results in using a bigger engin e
and try an F-1S E and a tendency to ignore drag! Not


Chapter 1

ne of th e most important • Spe ed . Lift, drag and pitch ing

O choices in mod el o r full-

scale airplane design is the
selectio n of an airfoil. The wing sec-
moment are proportional to the
square of the speed.
tion chosen should have charac teris-
tics suited to th e flight pattern of the
• Wing area. All three are propor-
tional to wing area.
Selectio n
type of model being designed.
There exis t litera lly h undreds • Wing chord(s). Pitch ing mom en t
of airfoil sectio ns from which to and Reynol ds number are propor-
choose. They are described in "air- tional to chord. ever, it isn 't necessary to perform
foil plots" similar to EI9 7 (see Figure lab or ious calcula tion s for each
1). Selection of an airfoil demands a • Angle of attack (AoA). In the use- potent ial airfoil. Direct co mparison
reasonable understanding of this ful range of lift, from zero lift to just of th e curves an d coefficients of the
data so that one can read, under- before the stall, lift, profile drag and candidate airfoils is more easil y
stand and use it to advantage. pitching moment increase as the done, wit hout deterioration of the
Providing th is understanding is AoA increases. result s. Th is com parison calls for an
th e subject of thi s chap ter. Referring understanding of the data . Start by
to EI97 , note that the data is given • Aspect rati o (AR). All three are examin ing th e right -hand illustra-
in terms of coefficien ts, except for affected by aspect ratio. tion of Figure I- Eppler EI 97- in
th e angle of attack. These coeffi- deta il.
cien ts are C L for lift, CDo for profile • Planform, i.e., straight, tapered or Eppler E197 is 13.42 percent of its
d rag and eM for the pitching elliptical. All impac t lift, drag and chord in depth. This plot is th e
moment around the 1/4-chord point. pitching moment. result of win d-tun n el test s per-
The actual lift, total drag and form ed at th e University of Stuttgart
pitching moment of a wing depend • Reyn ol ds number (Rn). Th is in Germ any under the direction of
on seven factors no t directl y related reflects bot h speed and chord and is Dr. Dieter Althaus.
to its airfoil section . These are: a measure of "scale effect." The horizon tal lin e is th e AoA (n,
or alph a) line in degrees (measured
In develop ing thes e from th e airfoil 's ch o rd line)-
1 .6
airfoil plots, aerody- positive to th e right and negative to
1.4 namics scientists have the left.
1 .2 screene d out six of
1 .0 these factors, leaving .20 r - - - - - - -- - - ,
it .8
An (Reynolds
onl y the cha racteris-
tics of lift, profile drag
i .6 - - 100 ,000
and pitching moment .1
=~ z o o , o o o

- - Z50 ,000 unique to each indi- a::

8 .2 Prollle drag vidua l airfo il. The
E coe ffic ien t (Coo) '"
seventh, Rn, is refer- ...
~ .1

-.2 ence d separately on I-

the airfo il plot.

-. 4 ~ .0
Formulas th at incor- ::::J
-.6 .....
porate all six variables C
and these coefficients .0
Figure 1. permit accurate calcu-
Airfoil data for Eppler
E197: tift curves
lation of th e lift, total
(right-hand illustra- 10 14 18 drag and pitching
.25 .50 .75 1.0
tion) andpolar curves moments for your
(left). wing and choice of CHORD TI P/CHORD ROOT
-.6 .1 ~ .,--. airfoils. Figure 2.
""'-:. .Z.,, .
In the airfoil selec- Taper-wing conecuo« faclorfor non-elliptic lift
tion process, h ow- distribution.



1.4 AR = 18 AR = 5 AR = 2.5
~ 1.2
1.0 ;? 1.0
ii: I-
....w 0.8 z
w 0.8
Q c:;
'-' 0.6 ii:
t: ....
w 0.6
:::; 0.4 Q
c:I '-'
z t: 0.4
3 0.2 :::;
c:I 0.2
0 z
5 10 15 20 25 o
1 1 0

Figure 3. Figure 6.
How aspect ratio affects the stallangle ofattack. How aspect ratio affects drag ata given lift.

The vertical line, on the left, pro- trum of 18 degrees. CL max is 1.17. STALL
vides the CL, positive above and These lift curves are section val- 1.4
negative below the horizontal line. ues for "infinite aspect ratios" and
On the right of the vertical are two-dimensiona l airflow. For 1.2 - - . • • ~1 97
the pitching moment coefficients, wings of finite AR and three-
e .
_. ,' - .~-
negative (or nose down) above, and dimensional airflow, the slope of
positive (or nose up) below the the lift curve decreases as shown
Rn 200,000
: ,. it
horizontal line. in Figure 3. At these finite ARs, the ., ... ./ '. E168

In the center are the three Rns AoA must be increased to obtain .: ,,/
covered by this plot, coded to iden-
tify their respective curves.
the same lift coefficient. These . ,.
increases are called induced AoAs. I
For example, Figure 3 shows that
if, with a wing of AR 5, you can
.25 .---- - - - - - - - - ---, achieve a CL of 1.2 with an AoA of :2 " +6 +10 +12 +18
e .20 20 degrees, then with an AR of 9 ::-.t
u you can achieve the same CL with
1f .15
~ .10
an AoA of 17 degrees. A higher AR
... ,.. .4

: ./ -.6

.... wing will stall at a lower AoA. ,


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
In addition, the AoA m ust be
increased to compensate for the ".i
I .
I ,.'
ASPECT RATIO fact that straight and tapered <1'.. ,.,'

wings are not as efficient as the

FIgure 4. idea l elliptical wing planform . Figure 5.
Straight-wing correctionfactor fornon-elliptic Figures 2 and 4 provide adjust- Lift curves of three airfoil types. Note that
lift distribution. ment factors (T, or tau). E168 lifts equally well inverted.
The pitching moment curves
In the left-hand illustration, quantify the airfo il's nose-down delta, provide the adjustment fac-
E197's chord line is straight and tendency, increasing with increas- tor to adjust induced drag
joins leading and trailing edges. The ing AoA, but not linearly like the lift to compensate for the wing's plan-
dotted, curved line is the "mean" or curves. form. The total wing Co is the
"camber" line, equidistant from The curves in the left-hand illus- sum of profile and induced drag
both upper and lower surfaces. tration of Figure 1, called "polar coefficients.
The vertical line is graduated iden- curves," compare CL to Coo' Note
tically with the CL line on th e right. that E197 shows very little increase ___ Camber
CL is positive above and negative in profile drag despite increasing (~
/7;' ::;' ~
" ~5
below the horizontal line, which is lift, except at the lowest Rn.
itself graduated to provide the profile Again, these are section values. II Heavily cambered
drag coefficient Coo'
Now, back to the curves in the
The profile drag values do not
include induced drag, defined as
iii C?7??7
Moderately cambered-semisymmetrical
right-hand illustration . The lift "the drag resulting from the pro-

II ~
lines provide the CL data on the duction of lift" and which varies
E197 airfoil. Note that this section with AR as shown in Figure 6.
Symmetrical- no camber
starts to lift at the negative AoA of Wing planform also affects
minus 2 degrees and continues to induced drag . As shown in Figures 2 Figure 7.
lift to 16 degrees, for a total lift spec- and 4, the curves identified by 0, or Broad types of airfoil sections.


Airfoil Selection ... CHAPTER 1

and higher profile drag.

The highest Rn in these plots is
l- I-
....Z Rn 250,000 . For a wing chord of 10
u z.o Rn = .oz
u inches flying at sea level, this is
~9 .0 m ill i o n .......
equivalent to a speed of 32mph-
0 1.5 0 .01
u .......6.0 " u ideal for sailplanes, but low for
Ii: ~ 3 .0 " Cl
< powered mod els, except at landing
~0.5 "
z g; .01
0 z speeds. A lO-inch chord flying
;::: 0.1 " 0
....uen t; .00
90mph is at Rn 700,000 at sea level.
en Figure 8 indicates th at both lift
and drag improve at higher Rns,
-8 -4 0 4 8 lZ 16 ZO Z4 -.5 0 .5 1.0 1.5 improving E197's good performance.
Figure 8. The final selection of an airfoil for
Effects of Reynofds number onsection characteristics. your design depends on the design
and on how you want th e airfoil to
In clarification, AoA is th e angle at more pronounced at low Rn. This perform, i.e., its "m ission profile."
which the wing strikes th e air (in "hysteresis" is caused by separa - For a sailplane, high lift , low
flight) measured from the chord line. tion of the airflow on the wing's drag and pitching moment at low
Ang le of incidence is a drawing upper surface at the stall that doe s Rns is the ch oice . For an aerobatic
referen ce and is the angle of the not re-a ttach until the AoA is model, a symmetrical section with
win g's (or horizontal tail's) chord reduced. Some airfoils have a mo re low CM and the capacity to ope r-
line relati ve to th e aircraft's cen- emphatic version of th is phe nome- ate both upright or inverted is
terline or referen ce line. non. desirab le, along with a sha rp stall
for spins and snap rolls and as
There are three broad types of airfoil Compare pitching moments of air- For a sport model, an airfo il like
(as in Figure 7): heavily cambered foils E197, E168, E214 and E184 in E197 is ideal. It has high CL max,
(such as E214), modera tely cambered the appendix. The more heavil y low drag and a moderate pitching
(such as E197) and no camber, or cambered the section is, the greater moment. Th e stall is gentle. Note
sym metrical (such as EI68). Each th e negative pitch ing momen t. that the so-ca lled "fla t bo ttom "
type has its own characteristics (see The sym me trica l sectio n in E168 airfo ils like the Clark Y (popular
Figure 5). Greater camber increases has virtually no pitch ing mom ent for sport models) are, in fact, mod-
CL max, i.e., moves th e lift curve to except at the stall, where it erately cambered airfoils.
the left so that the angle of zero lift becomes violently negati ve. This is
becomes increasingly negative, and a stable reaction. The airfoil strives FORMULAS
the pos itive AoA of the stall is to lower its AoA. E168 would be an Now for those "dreaded" form ulas.
reduced. Note th at symmetrical air- excellent pattern-shi p airfoil selec- Don 't be alarmed; they're sim ple
foils lift equally well upright or tion ; CL max is good, an d it's th ick arith metic with just a tou ch of alge-
inverted. eno ugh for sturdy wing structures. bra. Their solutions are easily com-
Airfoil E184 has a reflexed mean puted on a hand calcu lator that has
STALL PATTERNS line toward its traili ng edge. This "square" and "square root" but -
There are three major types of airfoil acts like "up-elevator," reducing the tons.
stall pattern, as in Figure 9: sharp, as pitching-moment coefficient, but These formulas ha ve been modi-
for E168; sudden lift reduction; and also reducing CL max. In airfoils, fied for simpli city, and to reflect
th e soft, gentle stall as for E197. yo u don't get anythi ng for no thi ng. mo del airplane values of speed in
E168 has ano the r airfoil quirk E184 is design ed for tailless mod - mp h, areas in squa re inches, ch ords
(see Append ix). At the stall, lift els-and not e the zero lift AoA shift in inc hes, pitching mo me nts in
drops off but doesn 't return to fu ll to th e righ t at low Rn. inc h/ounces and weight, lift an d
value until the AoA is redu ced by a drag in ounces .
few degrees. This phenomenon is DRAG AND
REYNOLDS NUMBER Form ula 1: Reyn olds num be r (Rn)
The polar curves of airfoils E197,
E168, E214 and E184 show the Rn = speed (mph) x chord (in.) x K

adverse reactio n, in both CL and
Co, to lower Rn an d to inc reasing (K at sea level is 780; at 5,000 feet is
AoA. Each airfoil has a different 690; and at 10,000 feet is 610)
Sharp Sudden Lin Gentle
reaction-and this should be a seri-
(E1 681 Loss (E197) ous consideration for narrow wing- Form u la 2: Aspe ct ratio (AR)
tips and small tail-surface chords,
FigureS. particu larly where, at low Rns, AR = span (in.)2
Types of airfoil stall. th ere's a reduction in the stall AoA wing area (sq. in .)



where in formu las 6, 7,8,9 and 10:

CL = lift coefficie nt (formula 7);
1- C-1- C-I
- I C/2-
CIL --j-";'''''::<':'---i Sweep
CD = tot al drag coefficien t (for-
mula 5);
V 2 = speed in mph squared;
1;4 MAC S = wing area in square inches;
C = me an aero dynamic chord in
in che s (see Figure 10);
CM = pitchi ng mo ment abo ut th e
% MAC at the calculated CL in
inc h/ounces;
I-I o (sigma) = den sity of air (sea
C level, 1.00; 5,000 feet, 0.861 6;
STRAIGHT 10,000 feet, 0.7384).

Figure 10.
Method for locating themean aerodynamic chord (MAC). A: Lift coefficient per degree
of angle of attack adjusted for
aspect ratio and planform.
Formula 3: Taper ratio (A.-Iambda) "squa red"; Refer to Figure 1, Part 1 E197. At CL
AR = aspect ratio; 1.00 and AoA of 7 degrees, plus th e
Taper ratio = tip chord (in.) I) (delta) = planform adjustment 2 degrees negati ve, a o is 9 degrees.
rootchord (in.) factor (Figures 2 and 4); Apply Formula 4 to obtai n a. Divide
CL 1.00 by a to obtain CL per
(A straight wing has a taper ratio COEFFICIENT CONVERSIONS degree.
of 1.) Up to th is point, coefficients have
had on ly abstract values. To convert B: Angle of attack (or incidence)
Mean aerodynamic ch ord (MAC) th ese to meaningful figures, we' ll for level flight. CL required divided
Figure 10 provides a graphic use the six variables ment ion ed pre- by CL per degree of angle of
method for locating the MAC and viously in th ese formulas. attack.
its lA-chord point. The MAC is Knowing wing area, weight and
defined as "tha t cho rd rep resenta- Formula 6: Lift (or weight) cru ising spee d, calculate th e CL
tive of th e wing as a who le and needed as in Formu la 7. Divide th is
about which the lift , drag and Lift (or weight)« CL x a x V2 x S CL by CL per degree as above to
pitching moment forces can be 3519 obt ain lift spectrum. Deduct any
considered to act." negative AoA to zero lift.
If you want to determ ine th e lift
Formula 4: To ta l of section and coefficien t needed for a given air C: Stall angle of attack adjusted for
induced a ngle of attack (AoA) speed an d weight: aspect ratio and plan.
Ad just th e stall AoA for AR and plan-
a (alpha)« a o + (18.24 x CJ x (1 + 1) Formula 7: Lift coefficient required form as in Formula 4. Deduct an y
AR negative AoA to zero lift to obtain
CL = lift x 3519 positive value of stall AoA...
where a = total of sectio n AoA and axV2xS
induced AoA;
a o =section AoA from airfoil plot; If you wan t to know the mod el's
C L = lift coefficient at section speed at a given CL and weigh t:
AoA from airfoil plot ;
AR = aspec t ratio; Formula 8: Model speed
T (tau) = plan form ad just me nt
factors (Figures 2 and 4). v= Ii x 35 19 REFERENCES
a x CL x S Airfoil Design and Data. by Dr. Richard Eppler,
Form ula 5: Total of profile (sec- and Profilaren fu r den Modellflug, by Dr. Dieter
tion) and induced drag coefficien ts Formula 9: Total profile and Althaus, available from Springer-Verlag, New
Yorle Inc., P.O. Box 19386, Newarle, NJ
induced wing drag 07 195-9386.
CD = CDo + (0.318 x CL2) x (1 + 0)
Airfoils at Low Speeds (Soart ech #8), by
AR Total drag = CD x a x V2 x S Michael Selig, John Donovan and David
3519 Frasier. available from HA Stoleely, 1504
where CD = tot al of profile and North Hor seshoe Cir., Virginia Beach,
VA 23451.
induced drag coefficients; Formula 10: Pitching moment
C Do = sectio n profile drag coeffi- Model Aircraft Dynamics, by Martin Simon,
Zenith Booles, P.O. Box I/MN121, Osceola,
cient at CL chosen from airfoil plot ; Pitching moment = CM xa x V2 x S x C WI 54020.
C L2 = lift coefficient chosen 3519


Chapter ·2

In 193 7, NACA issued Report No.

he selection of an airfoil
T section for most powered
models is considered not to
be criti cal by many modelers and
586, whic h shows th e shocking
adverse impact of scale on airfoil
characteristics (based on tests in a
kit designers. Models fly reasonably variable-density wind tunnel over a Airfoils
well with an y old airfoil , and their wide range of Rns, as shown in
high drag is beneficial in steepen-
ing the glide for easier landings.
Some years ago , there was a rumor
that a well-known and respected :i~~I~ H ~~
-n J ~ ~ -,o~U
. /J
.09.1=L -J,I.1' -
. --
8fr=11f,Hitt~ ·t-- -
Eastern model de signer developed
his airfoils with the aid of the sales
in =i1f
1 ' 1."

66 1 - 4 10
~~ -::Jl -· --
0 0 co ~ 60 80 100
P~ r c . '" o IZ.O _ (c /' o ..d
-- ----_- . - -·- '·.. ' 8 .§\! 0 1 ~
~.08 ~ _, e~~ :-:-_-= 21.·~~~.oooo =_ ___::
· ~=:·=:=~5 J6J.
~ ,JJ,
ggg " '1_=- := - -\:::
)0 r 38 - 4 fl
of hi s size 12 Florsheim shoes. 19:n :Jf~
- - - ~.
~== :-:-~~~:~gg --J- - \
In co n trast, the RIC soaring fra- ~ 1 ~ :~_:~ - -
lJO J 15 - 1. $11
-- -
- .. - - -
- -
/6 8,06 -- -
v- _ ·· - - ··4 1.5 00
I - .= I
ternity is very conscious of the 90 108 - .&Z - - 1 4 1- g-.os - - - - - - - - -- - - - - 1
~ ~!~ (~ 1$ - - ' r~ ~ ~; ~ .-=- .= _-
need for efficien t airfoils . Their -- - _- '.f :: ., _
L.C. Rod : I ,SlJ _~ i -- . ~ - _ 12 r..:: ~ .04 _ _ _
models have o n ly one power ~ ;:::-:~ _. -~ 1. 0.~_ ..P.OJ 1"l. _ .. - - ~~ -
source: gravity. Th e better the air- c"oc ", l/lD _ ~~ _ ~~. _. - _ . 8~ . 02 ~ :~ .. -- 1-l~,~,+~.l}__-+-:t;'lJf~UV.. ;,, ~ -
foil, the flatter th e glid e and the
longer the glider may stay aloft. __ _===
_ _ _
~ _ <>-- 05"
: __ . 6 ~ .0/~~W~~~~~~~~~~r~~
~ O.04J _ _ .4 '':;
This chapter is in tended to pro-
vide readers with a practical, easy
- ~ --
- - II -- - - •. -
~~ :-::u -
-1- ::~~-
9 ' -2 " - - .04 5 - - .2
- .. - III .- - vi-T " I S · O· - - 05 of- - 0
understanding of airfoil characteris- IJ ':'- -
_ ~ __ A,rfo il.'NA .C.A . c4' c
tics so that their selection will suit lJ
_ Sir e : 5 "u O· V, l(fI./$ ~ c J' 6S
P,-e $ .($ / nd. o l m ) : 1/-4 l o CO

the type of performance they ho pe " {! ~ r. sl , y.O T Il 64 001. , 8 "34 _

_ _ .!!!..'!..-~'~_~:1 . M A. L._~ ·
to achieve from their designs. It -8 -. 0 • 8 ', 2 16 £0 N <B 32
Ang le of o lloclf. fo r i,,'i"nil~ 03~ C ' r o No, ct, (d~9r ~ I!.s)
do es not go into detail on such sub -
jects as laminar or turbulent flows,
Figure 1.
turbulators, separation an d separa- Characteristics of NACA 2412 at various Reynolds numbers.
tion bubbles, etc . (These are fully
descr ibed in Martin Simon's "Model
Aircraft Aerody nam ics" and Selig-
Donovan and Frasier's "Airfoils at
Low Speeds"-see the source list at
E~ ~_
C '!; - - - -
_ NumEer.=t.J' c.. ... _

the end of this chapter.)

t'Q -IO - - _. - .0
_ < > - - - J . / 0.6J -- 0
r: .--
O 20 40 60- 80 I <J - - - e.380.000 - V- .8 3 .00 1
~er ce ,.,1 ofch.:va Z .O
0 -
- - -- -- - - - I. J 40.000 -- - /.0 ' ' of ' 0 -
- . - - - - 660. 00 0
. - .. - --- 3 3ll000
~ . 7 o - - · - ~ ·l1a ooo
! -/.I-· J -- -

A most important consideration in 8.06 - - . -

- - j - -- -
u - - .. - - -- - - ".

airfoil selection is "scale effect." g'.o5 - - -- - - - - - -

-Ii - - . - -- -..
The measure of scale effect is the
Rn. Its formula is:
'I - - -- -- -
° .0 3 - - .. -- - -- - - - -
.. - .. - - - - -"
.0 Z . .- -
Rn = Chord (in inches) x speed (in .0 I
- -- -
mph) x 780 (at sea level) . " . ---- -
- -~ - - - - -- - - -- - -. - - - - -
- - - - - - - -- - - .e j -./ - - - -- - - ,x
A full-scale airplane flying at H--H-l}l - - - - - - - - - --- -- - - -- - - - -

200mph with a wing chord of 5 feet ~tJf\::tS;ze: $ ".(30 "

Airlo d, N.A.C.A. OOIZ
VeL (ft./~t!cJ--68
~ - Z0 ~ -.z3 - -- - - - - - - -- -
- - -
_ Pre$.(~/hd. alm~: lio ZO ~ -. - - - A;rfo'~; N.A.C.A OO/ e
(60 inches) is operating at Rn .
- Dale : J-jJ
9,360,000. A scale model flying at '-'-~ -'-L""",r;hs:,.~v,~;~::7/:"Af':I' :J 'JJ -. '1 ~ - .'1 Tes! :V-OT.IZ j 7-8
{k!~ ul'~ co r r ec t ed 10 in f in/l e Q~Ptlcl r o lio
-8 ·'1 0 Ie . 16 .1'0 24 ee J<
4 8 'Ii -.'1 .Z 0 .Z .'1 .6 .8 10 I Z 1.4 L6 L8
60mph with a wing chord of 10 An9/e of attock fo r inf/I1IJe aSptl c l r a ti o. a . (deqre " J L i tt coeffic ien t. C..

inche s flies at Rn 468 ,000. When

landing at 25mph, the model's Rn Figure2.
is reduced to 195,000. Characteristicsof NACA 0012at various Reynolds numbers.



reduced from 16 degrees to 11

degr ees. Both lift and stall angles
are higher than for NACA 0012 .
Profile drag increases almost
threefold at th e lowe st Rn. Owing
to th is airfoil's cambered mean
lin e, the pitching moment is
minus 0.06 .
For NACA 6412 in Figure 3, th e CL
max goes from 1.7 to 1.35 (79 per-
cent). The stall angle is reduced from
16 degrees to 12 degrees. Profile drag
doubles at th e lowest Rn.
. • 0H-H-+t+-J-f-H-H-+t+-J-f-H-t-H It sh ould be noted, however,
~ -.I th at camber increase obviously
"e" .2 -
- .- - .. - _.
improves CL max and stall angle for
- .. - - this relatively thin (12 percent) sec-
t• -.3 - _ - Ai r f od: N A C A. 641a

~ -. J
_ . Date: 8 -34 Tes/ : V.O.T. ff65
_ ~$ COrr ec ' ~d ' 0 " 'inile o SP Kf ratio
tion at low Rns.
·8 -4
An9 /~
0 4 8 /2 16 eo 24 28 .32
o f o lJoch (o r infin"'~ o ~p e e.l r ono. ct, (d~qr t!t!$)
-. 4 -. 2 0 .2 .4 .6 .8/0 l 2
L i f! coe " jc ie nI, C.
1.4 /.6 18 The pitching moment, due to its
higher camber, is 0.135 negative. A
horizontal tail would need to pro-
Figure 3.
Characteristics of NACA 6412 at variousReynolds numbers.
duc e a hea vy download to offset
this pitching moment, resulting in
an inc reased "trim drag ."
Figures I , 2 and 3). Note that the moment, except beyond the stall In 1945, NACA issued Repor t No.
Rns shown are "test" results and where it's negative (nose down) and 824, "Sum mary of Airfoil Data ";
require correction for a "turbulence stabilizing. it includes data on their "six-
factor " that wasn 't recogni zed dur- NACA 2412 in Figure 1 is a pop - number" laminar-flow airfoils.
ing th e tests. This factor is 2.64. ular spo rt-model airfo il. Com pared NACA 64}"412 is typical (see Figure
Each Rn in Figures 1, 2 and 3 with NACA 0012 , th e ma ximum 4). The lowest Rn is 3,000,000.
should be incr eased by th is factor. lift coefficient is slightly h igh er at Th ese airfoils were developed
The airfoils involved in these fig- 1.6 at the highest Rn. At the lowest similarly to those in NACA Report
ures are "rela ted sections." NACA Rn, with the tu rbulence factor No . 460: a sym me trical section
0012 is symmetrical ; NACA 2412 accounted for (4 1,500 x 2.64 , wrapp ed around a cambered mean
was develop ed by "wrapping" th e whi ch equals 109,560 ), th e CL max lin e. However, careful study of pres-
symmetrical section around a cam- drops to 0.95, or 59 percent of th at sure distribution allowed this type
bered mean lin e so th at th e upper of th e highest Rn. The sta ll angle is of airfoil to obtain a ver y low
and lower surfaces were eq uidistant
from th e camber line. For NACA
2412 , this mean lin e ha s a camber
height of 2 percent of th e cho rd ,
length, with its highest point at 40
NACA 0012 in Figure 2 shows a ,.

shocking reduction in maximum

lift coefficient from 1.55 for th e
highest Rn to 0.83 for the lowest- " t
a difference of 54 percent of the .-
, ,~,
higher value.
Similarl y, th e stall AoA is sharply ~

reduced from 17 degrees for the
highest Rn to 10 degrees for th e
lowest. One very interesting ph e-

nomenon is this airfoil's beha vior ! r t

beyond the stall at th e lower Rns. It

continues to lift up to 28 degrees at
},:. - i.J]-,
- ~ ~1~
'\ "I' ~(l~
1 (,' It

lilt . . . . .. ..I
almost full value . ., , -0"'1''1_11'" 1
'.'.."" ,._J_'I.....,",,_....,. . I j''

~ t>tI . • 1

I . II .

Profile drag at low Rns is almost ,. .'O

Jr lr:- ~-i I II If I r I

double th at at high Rns and increases

very significantly at th e stall and
., , . r.t
: I

beyond-not surpri sin g, conside r-
ing the post-stall lift beha vior. Figure 4.
NACA 0012 has a zero pitching Aerodynamic characteristics of the NACA 641-412 airfoil section, 24-lnch chord.


Understand ing Airfo ils .. CHAPTER 2

trailing edge. This produces a posi-

tive (nose -up) pitching moment.
Cambered meanline
This airfoil would be suitable for a

tailless or delta-wing model.
Inevitably, C L max is adversely

Chord line
Thicker wings permit strong but
light construction. They may also
Straight mean line
exact a small penalty in drag

E __~
increase. Tapered wings with th ick
root airfoils that taper to thinner,
but related , tip airfoils, are strong,
light and efficient. Laying out the
intervening airfoils between root
and tip calls for much calculation-
or computer assistance.
Figure 5. For high speed , an airfoil such
The cambered mean line of E197 (top) was straightened outandthe envelope redrawn, resulting as E226 shown in Figure 6 is sug-
in a symmetrical airfoil (boNom). gested. Drag and pitching moments
are low, as is the CL max, and the
profile drag (over a limited range of 100mph is operating at Rn airfoil performs almost as well
lower lift coefficients). The P-51 780,000. inverted as it does upright. E374
Mustang WW II fighter employed The selection of an airfoil for a would also be a good high-speed
airfoils of this type. The "low drag design should start with a review of airfoil section.
bucket" at C L 0.4 shown in Figure 4 airfoil plots of the type in this chap- The author has had success with the
shows this drag reduction. ter. In this author's experience, the E197 for sport models. It has low pro-
In 1949, NACA issued Technical plots of the University of Stuttgart file drag, good lift and a gentle stall,
Note 1945. This compared 15 published by Dieter Althaus are the but a fairly high pitching moment.
NACA airfoil sections at Rns from clearest and most comprehensive. The E168 is suitable for strong hor-
9,000,000 (9 x 10 6 ) to 700,000 The airfoils developed by Dr. izontal or vertical tail surfaces, or for
(0.7 X 10 6) Richard Eppler are favored. wings of aerobatic models. It performs
The C L max of NACA 64 1-412 at as well upright as it does inverted.
Rn 9 x 10 6 is 1.67, but it drops to MEAN LINE CAMBER
1.18 (70 percent of the highest Rn ) A symmetrical airfoil has the lowest
at Rn 0.7 x 10 6 . Profile drag CL max and stall angle. An airfoil
increases from 0.0045 to 0.0072 for
the same Rn range, and the stall
with increased camber produces a
higher maximum CL, but it starts to
ang le is 16 degrees, but it drops to lift at higher negative angles of
12 degrees at the low Rn. Pitching- attack with a broader range of lift
moment coefficient is 0.063.
This report concluded that at low
before stalling. Increased camber,
however, produces increased pitch-
C =====-
Rns, the laminar-flow section did ing moments.
not offer substantial advantages
over those in Report No. 460 and
Out of curiosity, the camber
mean line for the E197 airfoil was
Report No. 610. NASA (NACA's suc- straightened out and the envelope
cessor) continued to do research
into laminar-flow airfoils with
was redrawn as in Figure 5. The
result was a symmetrical airfoil
c:= ==---=-
much success; but at the hig h Rns resembling the E168.
of full-scale airfoils and aided by Some cambered airfoils have a
computer analysis.
The worldwide RIC soaring fra-
lower surface trailing-edge "CUSp"
created by a localized and increased
c= ====--
ternity, however, has done much curva ture in the camber mean line,
wind-tunnel testing and computer as in the E214, Figure 6. The cusp C
design of airfoils for model gliders increases both CL max and pitching
(referen ces 10 to 15 inclusive). moment; it's called "aft loading. II

Though the Rn range of these tests E197 in Figure 6 has a slight cusp;
seldom exceeds Rn 300,000, any
airfoil that offers good perfor-
airfoils E207 and E209 are similar to
E197, but they lack the trailing-
mance at this low Rn can only edge cusp (reference 12). Airfoil
improve at the higher Rns of pow- E230 in Figure 6 has an upwardly Figure 6.
ered flight . A lO-inch-chord at reflexed camber mean line near its Eppler airfoils.



PITCHING MOMENT developed perfor ma nce curves is cant. Having selected these, an y
The airfoil's pitching moment is th at th e forme r provides an accu- adverse characteristics mu st be
impo rtan t both struc tur ally and rat e "picture" of th e airfo il's behav- accep ted and compensa ted for.....
aerodynamically. In flight-partic- ior at th e stall and beyond.
ularly in maneuvers-the pitch ing In general, th ere are th ree bro ad
moment tri es to twist th e wing in a types of sta ll (as shown in Figure 9
leadi ng-edge-down di rection. This of Cha pter 1, "Airfoil Select ion "):
adds to th e torsional stress place d sharp ; sudde n lift drop; and gentle.
o n the wing struc t ure by the For sport mod els, a gentle stall is
ailerons and ext ended flaps. High- desirable. Sha rp sta lls and th ose
pitching-mo men t airfoils require with a sudde n lift drop are appro-
wings that are stiff in torsion, and priate for man euvers in whic h the
th at favors thicker sections and full abili ty to stall a wing easily is NACA AND NASA DATA
wing skin s, particul arly for high-AR required, such as spins. 1. Report 460* : The characteristics of 78
wings. Related Airfoil Sections from Tests in the
Aerodynamically, th e nose-down ZERO LIFT ANGLE Variable Density Wind Tunnel; 1933; Jacobs,
Ward and Pin kerton.
pitching moment requires a hori- The ang le of zero lift for a sym-
zontal tail do wnl oad for eq uilib- metri cal -section airfo il is zero 2. Report 586 * : Airfo il Section Characteristics
as Aff ected by Variations of the Reynolds
rium . Thi s adds to th e lift th e wing degrees AoA. Cambe red airfoil sec- Number; 1937; Jacobs and Sherman.
mu st produce and in creases total t io n s su ch as E21 4 shown in 3. Report 610* : Tests of Related Forward
d rag- called "t rim d rag ." The Figure 6 sta rt to lift at almost 6 Camber Airfoils in the Variable-Density Wind
pit chi ng moment is little affected degrees negati ve AoA, but for this Tunnel; 1937; Jacobs, Pink erton and
by var iations in th e Rn. airfo il, that ang le is una ffect ed by Greenberg.

variatio ns in th e Rn. 4. Report 628* : Aerodynamic Characteristics

of a Large Number of Airfo ils Tested in the
STALL BEHAVIOR Co n trast th is wit h airfoil E211. Variable-Density Wind Tunnel; 1938;
One reason for preferring wind- This airfoil 's angle of zero lift Pinkerton and Greenberg.
tu n nel test data ove r co m puter- moves closer to zero degrees at th e 5. Report 824 * : Summary of Airfoil Data;
lowe r Rns. 1945; Abbott, von Doenhoff and Stivers.
The forward wing of a canard 6. Technical Note 194 5* : Aero dynamic

AIRFOil mu st stall before th e aft wing; but,

for longitudin al stability, the aft
Characteristics of 15 NACA Airfoil Sections at
Seven Reynolds Numbers from 0 .7 x 106 to
9.0 x 106; 1949; Loftin and Smith .
wing mu st reach its airfoil's zero-lift
CONSTRUCnON ang le before th e front wing 's airfoil. 7. Technical Note NASA TN 7428*: Low-
Speed Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 17
If th e forepl an e's airfoil reach es percent Thick Airfoil Designed for General
Most powered model aircraft operate in
zero lift first, a violent d ive results Aviation Applications; 1973; McGhee, et. al.
an Rn range from 200,000 to well over
1,000,000. This is above the critical an d, becau se th e aft wing is still 8. NASA Technical Memorandum TM X
lifting, a crash is almost inevit abl e. 72697* : Low SpeedAerodynamic characteris-
range of Rnsat which turbulators are tics of a 13-percent Thick Airfoil Section;
considered to be effective. The low-Rn behavior of the E211 1977; McGhee, et. al.
For the more recently developed air- mea n s th at , at low spee ds-or nar- 9. NASA Technical Paper 1865* : Design and
foils, there is a considerable degree of row cho rds- th is airfoil m ay reach Experimental Results for a Flapped Natural
laminar flowthat significantly reduces zero lift more readily. Its use as a Laminar-Flow Airfoil for General Aviation
forwar d-wing airfoil on a cana rd is Applications; 1981; Somers.
their profile drag. This flow is easily
upset by protuberances on the wing's to be avoided. Airfoil E214 is more 10. Profilpolaren fOr den 1900 Ellflug, Book 1;
1980; Dieter Althus, Neckar-Verlag,
surfaces. suitable. Klosterring # I, 7730 Villingen-Schwenningen,
For smooth surfaces, full wing sheet- Germany.
ingis suggested, with a film overlay- MAXIMUM LIFT COEFFICIENT 11. Profilpolaren fur den 1900 Ellflug, Book 2;
either over a foam-core or built-upcon- From zero lift , h igh er cam ber 1986; Diet er Alth us, Neckar-Verlag,
struction- that will promote the most results in a higher C L max and Klosterring # I , 7730 Villingen-Schwenningen,
laminar flow and also resultin a wing- Germany.
higher sta lli ng angles. This
stiff in torsion (see Chapter 13,"Stressed impacts the mo del's takeoff, sta ll 12. Eppler Profile MTB 12; 1986; Martin
Skin Design"). Hepperle. Verlag fUr Technik und Handwerk
and landing spee ds. A h igh C L GMBH. Postfach 1128, 7570 Baden-Baden,
There are large models whose wings ma x permits slower flight in all Germany.
have multiple spars on both top and bot- three points; a lo wer C L m ax 13. Model Aircraft Aerodynamics, Second
tomsurfaces and are covered only in
reve rses these co nd itio ns . Edition; 1987; Martin Simons.
plastic film.
14. Airfoils at Low Speeds-Soartech 8; 1989;
Because it shrinks onapplication, the
SUMMARY Selig-Donovan and Fraser, Zenith Aviation
film tendsto flatten between each rib Books. P.O. Box I , Osceola, WI 54020.
In aerodynam ics, nothing is free. In
and each spar. As a result. multiple
ridges run both chordwise and span-
gene ral, high lift mean s in creased 15. Airfoil Design and Data; 1980; Dr. Richard
Eppler, Springer Verlag, New York, NY.
wise. rendering laminar flow impossible. drag and pit ching moments; for
Contrast this with the very smooth high spee ds, CL max is redu ced and 'Available from U.s. Departmen t of
surfaces of high-performance RIC so on . The type of performance Commerce, National Technical Inform a-
t ion Service, 5285 Port Royal Rd.,
soaring gliders. sough t for a design dictates whic h Springfield. VA 22161.
airfo il charac te ristics are signifi-


Chapter ·3

school arithmeti c is n eeded . A

h is book reflects a deep and
T lifelong interest in aviation;
a close study of the vast
amo unt of timeless aero dynamic
pocket calculator with "square" and
"sq uare-roo t" buttons simpli fies
the work.
The problem seem s to be "ho w Aerodynamic
research data, both full-scale an d
mod el, tha t is readily available. and from where to obtain the num-
This, cou pled with th e practica l bers." This ch ap ter is designed to
application of this data to the an swer this. The various figures are
marked to illustrate the sources of
design, construction and flying of a
wide variety of model airp lanes , those numbers, and th e speci fica-
reflects those many years of study tions of an ima gin ary model air-
and experien ce. plane are used as sam ples.
(Th ese models perform well, and The most imp ort ant formul as deal
photos and 3-view drawings of with lift, drag and pitching mom ent. Induced d rag incre ases at low ARs.
them are incorporated in to this Airfoil plot s mu st be adjusted to :
book and are compiled in Chapter LIFT
26, "Con struction Designs .") The airfoil plot of Eppler E197 (see • reflect th e AR of your wings; and
Layma n's language is used, but Figure 1) shows thi s airfoil's behavi or
inevitably some aerodynamic jar- for "infinite AR," i.e., no wingtips. • reflect the wing 's planform-
gon and symbols have to be intro- Airplane wings, even very high- straigh t (co n stan t chord) or
duced. The many charts, curves and AR glider wings , have "finite" ARs tapered .
formulas may be intimidating to and do have wingtips. Lift is lost at
th ose readers who are not familiar those tips; th e wider th e tip cho rd, An elliptica l wing planform needs
with the use of the mass of infor- th e greater th e loss. only th e ad justme n t for AR.
mation they contain. Once actual The wing's AoA must be The form ula for both AR and
numbers replace symbols in the for- increased (in duced AoA) to obtain plan form ad justments is:
mulas, only pla in , old , public- the CL needed as AR decreases.
a = ao + 18.24 x CL x (1. + T)
Cl cL CM
RE 1.6 -.4 wh ere a = tot al AoA (AoA) nee ded;
C 100000 aD = "sectio n" or airfoil plo t AoA;
==--==- + 200000
X 250000
1.4 -.35
CL = CL at that AoA;
CL max1.17
/ AR = aspect ratio;
1.2 T = Plan form ad justmen t factor.

Profile drag YS. 11ft .8 Refer to Figure 2. E197 produces lift

.8 COYS. CL of CL 1.00 at 9 degrees AoA, from
zero lift, for infi n ite AR.
A con stant-chord wing of AR 6
.4 has an adjustment factor T of 0.17
~ (see Figure 4 of Chapter 1).
.2 Pitching moment
CM YS AoA Replace th e symbols with these
.12 .14 6 10 14 18
-.4 Co Angle 01 attack a = 9° + 18.24 x 1.00 x 1.17= 12.5°
-.4 .1 (AoA)
E197(13.42"/0) -.6 .15
Had th e win g been tap ered wit h a
tap er ratio of 0.6 (tip chord 7.5
Figure 1. inches divided by root chord 12.5
Eppler E197 airfoil plot. in ch es, o r 0.6), the planform



of both win g and tail airfoils set at

1.6 1.6 -.4
HE zero degrees rela tive to thei r fuse-

1.4 c ===-------- 100000
+ 200000
CL 1.4 -.3 CM lage centerli nes . A sym m et rical
airfoil at zero degrees AoA will pro -
X 250000 1.2
1.2 .25 duce no lift .
Wh at happen s is that, to take
off, th e pil ot commands up -eleva-
.8 tor, thus adj usti ng the wing to a
posit ive AoA, and it lifts. The lift
.6 CL of1.00 af 9· from zero "" produces down wash th at strikes
CL 01 0.111 per degree
the hori zontal tail at a negative (or
downward) angle causing a down-
.2 load on th e tail that main ta ins the
wing at a posi tive , lifting AoA. In
.04 .06 .08 .1 .12 .14 -14 14 bo th upri gh t an d inverte d flight,
-.2 Co AoA the fuselage is incline d nose up at

Foraspect ratio6-constant chord a sma ll ang le, an d with so m e
'.4 .1 added dra g.
CL 011.00 at 12.5 Irom zero Ii"
-.6 -.6 .15
E197 (13.42%) c.. of .08 degree SOLUTION N o. :z
Thi s m ethod is mo re accurate and
Figure 2. in volves o ne of the "d rea de d"
Eppler airfoil E197 produces lilt of CL 1.00at 9 degrees AoA, from zero lilt , for infiniteAR. form ulas, as follows:

ad just ment factor would be 0.067 5, The re are two solutions to the deter- Lift = CL x a x V2 x 5
reflecting the lower tip lift losses min ation of the wing 's AoA to sup- 3519
from th e narrower tip chord. port th e plane in level flight at th e
A CL of 1.00 for 12.5 degrees is estima ted cruising speed . Because we wan t to obtain the CL
1.00 divided by 12.5, or 0.08 per need ed, th is form ula is modified to:
degree. Th is is the "slope" of the lift SOLUTION N o.1
curve at AR 6 and constant chord. Refer to Figure 3. At a wing loading CL = Lift x 3519
Our exam ple mod el design h as of 21.6 ounces per square foot and a xV2 xS
th e following specifications : at a speed of 50mph, the win g
needs a CL of close to 0.20. where CL = CL needed;
• Estima ted gross weigh t of 90 Our wing develops a CL of 0.08
ounces; per degree AoA. To produce CL 0.20
would req uire an AoA of 0.20 100
• Wing area of 600 square inch es divided by 0.08, or 2.5 degrees from 95
(4.17 square feet); zero lift, which for E197 is minus 2 90 I--
f-- Wing liff V- '>
degrees. ~ 11 ~ /
85 V
The wing would thus be set at /
• Wing chord of 10 in ch es; 80
(2.5 minus 2) or 0.5 degree AoA- 75
• Spa n of 60 inches; and at 0.5 degree ang le of incidence I / I~
to th e fuselage centerline on your / V
65 V
• Estimated cruising speed of 50 d rawings. I~ n ./

mph; and Note that a symme trical airfoil's ...

:I: 60
:IE 55
/ / ./
ang le of zero lift is zero degrees AoA. / / / V 4JlV
• Wing load ing of 90 divided by If our wing used a symme trical sec- .........
c 50
1/ / / ./ V 5.~ V
4.17, or 21.6 ounces per square foot . tion, its AoAwould be 25 degrees, as I / V V V I~ V
'" 40
would its angle of incid ence. V/
/ V V V- t!J V
35 1

This is the "rigging" for a spo rt 30 I I / / ""V V- ~v

I/V, ~ .> V ......
model, using a cambered airfoil l.-- ~
,../ I-
such as E197, i.e., 0.5 degree AoA. mph} 20 V/ , / .....-: 1.17 ,../ V ~ ~ I-
Most pattern sh ips use symmetrical
wing and horizont al tail airfoils;
such airfoils h ave no pitching
(16 15
mph) 10

'/' /'"
~ :::::: :::::::
1:80 l::= I -
mom ent and perform as well invert-
ed as th ey do upright, but with 4 8 12 16 2o 24 28 32 36 40 44 4
The three-surface "Wild Goose" was lower maximum lift coefficients (CL (21.6)
designed to theaerodynamic andstructural WING LOADING
principles in this book; specifically those
max) compared with cam bered air-
describedin Chapter 22, "Canard, Tandem foil sections. (See Cha pter 2, Figure 3.
Wing andThree-Surface Design." It's an "Unde rstanding Airfoils.") Nomograph for quickdetermination of wing
excellent flier. The se agile mo dels h ave ch ords loading, lilt andspeed at sea level.


Understanding Aerodynamic Formulas • CHAPTER J

Lift = model's gross weight in CL

ounces; 1.6 RE 1.6 -.4 C Stall CL max
V2 = estimated cruise speed in 1.4 C ~ 100000
+ 200000 1.4 -.35 M~
mph "squared"; Stall climax X 250000 CL 1.17
S = wing area in square inches; 1.17
1.2 1.2 -.3
o = density ratio of air (at sea
level, it's 1.00; at 5,000 feet, it's
0.8616; and at 10,000 feet , it 's .8 .8
0.7384). Pitching moment at
.6 0.5 AoA ot 0.060
Profile drag at CL
A modeler living in Denver, CO, at .4 0.20 010.01 3
5,000 feet above sea level would use
a 0 of 0.8616.
For our model, at sea level, th is
.12 .14
would be CL = (90 x 3519) divided -.2
10 14 18
by (1.00 x 502 x 600), or 0.21 1. Co
Our sample wing has a CLof 0.08 -.4 Profile drag at CL .1 AoA
per degree. The wing 's AoA would max 011 .17 010.015
-.6 -.6 .15
be 0.211 divided by 0.08 , or 2.64
E1 97 (13.42%)
degrees, less the E197's 2-degree
negative to zero lift, or 0.64 degree,
rounded out to the n earest 1;4 Figure 5.
degree, or 0.75 degree. Profile dragandpitching moments.

FIGURE J good con trol , would be 26.4m ph. our sample model had slotted flaps
This nomograph is one of the mo st Th is no mograph is mo st useful th at, when extended, increased the
useful charts in this author's "bag in th e early stages of a mo de l's wing's CL max to 1.80, the stall
of tricks." It compares three impor- design . For example: speed would decrease to 16mph
tant factors: speed (m ph), wing from the unflapped 22mph , or
loading (oz./sq. ft ) and wing CL. It • At constant speed, it sh ows the becom e 27 percent slower.
reflects the impact of changes in effect of cha nge s in wing loading,
these factor s. i.e., win g area and /or weight, on • At constant CL, changes in wing
For example, our paper design the CL nee ded for level fligh t. As loading are reflected in the speed
has a wing loading of 21.6 ounces wing loading in creases, so mu st needed for level flight , and vice
per square foot of wing area; th e the C L. versa.
wing has airfoil E197, which has a
CL max of 1.17. Using Figure 3, its • At constant wing loading, it dis- STALLING ANGLES
stall speed is 22mph. Adding 20 plays th e effect of the CL on speed In Figure 4, at infinite AR, the E197
percent, its landing speed, under (or vice versa). For illustrati on , if stalls very gen tly at about plus 11.5
degrees, or 13.5 degrees from zero
lift. For our wing of AR 6 and con-
1.6 1.6 -.4 stant chord, th is would be:
CL CM a = 13.5 + (18.24 x 1.17 x 1.17
1.4 C 100000
+ 200000 1.4 -.35 Stalls divided by 6), or 17.5 degrees from
X 250000 zero lift, or 15.5 degrees AoA at
For landing, however, this stall
an gle is greatly modified by:

Stall at inlinite AR -----'"'1-~--..., • Ground effect. As shown in
CL Figure 6, at 0.15 of the Wingspan
.4 Stall at AR 6-constant chord -~Lk~~:i::::~ (60 x 0.15 , or 9 inches) above
.2 ground, th e stall ang le is reduced to
0.91 of its value at altitude, or to 14
.12. .14 18 degrees.

• The level fligh t wing AoA.
Because th e wing is at 0.5 degree, it
-.6 will stall at 13.5 degrees higher AoA.
E197 (13.42%)

• High-lift devices. As Figure 7

Figure 4. shows, slotted flaps extended 40
The stalling angles of Eppler airfoil E197. degrees would cause a further



.c; 1.
. - l.--::::==: E::::=: r::::::::
.25Cand .30Csloned flaps

1 0
12 I- with leading-edge slot

-... 0.9I
i- 1--8~
1. 0 -
;;:::::V-- V
_... 10 !

-::::::"" zen
...... 8
<: ~ 1-- 6 V encc
V ........ i-
4~ ~ffi
...'" 0.8
v <, u
l 4
Plain split
u ' " Wing aspect rallo Q~ flaps
:;;'" / !:!... /'
'0 1-0
u ... 0

Sioned flap ~ ---

<, - - -r- _
::::> ....
e;, Qc:l
<: "'z
0.7 -4

0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Height ot wing from ground FLAP DEFLECTION ANGLE- DEGREES (@ Rn 250,000)

Figure 6. Figure 7.
Impact of ground effect onangfe of attack. The effect onflaps andLEslotsontheangte of attack at maximum lift.

reduction of 4 degrees to 9.5 tion wit h LE slots. on ly. The C L max profile drag of the
degrees stall ang le. Had the slotted Slotted flaps and fixed LE slots un flapped E197 is 0.0 15 (Figure 5)
slaps been combine d with fixed co mbine to mor e th an dou ble the and for full-spa n slo tted flap s
leading-edge (LE) slots, there would C L of mos t airfoil sections, produc- wou ld be an additional 0.121
be a gain of 9 degrees, to 22.5 ing STOL performa nce . (Figure 11), for a to tal of 0.136 in
degrees stall ang le. For example, our E197 CL max is profile drag. Induced drag is not
1.17. Equipped with deployed 30- included. Note the very small
The model's landing stall angle has percent-chord slotted flaps with increase in E197's profile drag for
a major impact on landing-gear extended lip and LE slots, bo th CL 0.20 to CL max 1.17.
design. (Chapter 16, "Landing Gear full-span, th e Wing's C L max would The formula for calculation of
Design," goes in to this in detail.) be 1.17 plu s 1.25, or 2.42 . total wing drag is:
Figure 8 shows the geometry of a Our sam ple model so eq uipped
fixed LE slot . Note how the slot would stall (Figure 7) at 14mph. CD = CD o + 0.3 18 X CL 2 x (1 + 0)
tapers from the lower entry to the Figure 11 shows the added profile AR
upper exit . Co to be added to the section's pro-
Figure 9 displays the benefits of an file CD' when calculating the total where CD = total of both profile
LE slot in added CL and additional of bo th profile and ind uced drags , and induced drags;
effective angles of attack before the discussed un der "drag," as follows. Coo = section profile drag
stall. Drag is little affected. coefficient at the chosen wing CL;
Figure 10 shows the additional DRAG C L2 = wing lift coefficient
CL to be obtained from various The drag coefficients shown in "squared";
types of flap alone, or in combina- Figures 5 and 11 are profile drag AR = aspect ratio;
o = planform drag adjustment
factors .
1+-------.23C -------.t
Our model's wing has a Coo of
0.013 at CL 0.20 (Figure 5) and a
drag planform adjustment of 0.05
(see Figure 4 of Chapter 1).
Slat--+--....... Replacing symbols with numbers
for the plain wing:

CD = 0.013 + 0.318 x 0.22 x 1.05

.0185C or 0.01523 .

If our sample wing had full-span

R.23C slotted flaps that extended 40
degrees and that were 30 percent of
Figure 8. the wing chord, the total CD' at a
Geometry of thefixed leading-edge slot. CL max totaling (1.17 + 1.05), or


Understanding Aerodynamic Formulas A CHAPTER 3

1.8 .36
I I "..

l l / \
s lOlled Wlng I \
1.6 .32
1I1l lncrease
/ I
I \

1.4 .28
/ I

/ <,
v: .24 The Wild Goose shown withslotted flaps on
// / I both front and main wings extended for

Plain wing '7'"1
/ 1 //
"L .20
slow, stable landings.

Note that a tapered wing's roo t


.8 tL
.16 t:l
chord always flies at a hig he r Rn
th an its tip chord at any speed,
::; j I I <
a: owi ng to the narrower tips (whic h

.6 / I
rl .12
can be pron e to tip-stalls as a result).
Full-scale airfoil research da ta
/ V/ c::; may be used for model airplane
u .4
-/ Rn @ 609,000
wing design-with careful regard
for the major effect of scale on par-
/ /
/ V'" CD 0
ticularly lift, dra g and stall angles.
~/ ".. :;; V ADA Increase
p :::..----
The se ha ve noth ing to do with
0 0 baseball! All cam bered airfoils have
.4 0 4 8 12 16 20 2 no se-down , or nega tive, pitch ing
mom ent s. Symmetrical airfoils have
(Rn 600,000) no pitching moments, excep t at th e
stall. Reflexed airfoils may have low
nose-down or low nose-up pitch ing
Figure 9. moments.
The benefits of thefixedleading-edge slot. Nose- down pitc hi ng momen ts
must be offset by a horizon tal tail
2.22 (Figure 10), would be: (Note: in Figure 2 of Chapter I , th e do wnl oad tha t is ac hieved by
lower drag correction fact or 0 for havin g that tail's AoA set at a neg-
CD = (0.15 + .12 1) + 0.318 x 2.222 x 1.05 th e tapered wing , of taper ratio 0.6, ative ang le to the down was h fro m
is 0.02 co mpared to that for a the wing . (Chapter 8, " Hor izo n tal
or 0.410. constan t-chord win g of 0.05. ) Tail In ciden ce and Dow nwas h
Esti ma ting," goes into det ail.)
(Figures 5 and 11) SCALE EFFECT
Scale effect is measur ed by Rn. In 1.80
The formula for total wing drag is : E197, lift and pitching moments
.30Cslolled flap
are little affected by th e reduction ~ 1.60 with extended
Drag (oz.) = CD x a x V2 x S in Rn from 250,000 to 100,000, but ...
lip and leading-
edge slot
3519 profile drag increases substa ntially. 15 1.40
The formula for Rn is simple: ~ 1mI 1+------T~
11l 1.20
Repl acin g the symbo ls wit h num-
bers for th e plain wing at 50m ph : Rn = speed (mph) x chord (in.) x K ~ m:J ....- _"--,.,p;..- -=l
~ 1.00

Drag (oz.) = 0.0 1523 x 1 x 502 x 600 K at sea level is 780; at 5,000 feet, ~
:E .80
3519 it's 690; and at 10,000 feet, it's 610. =>
Our samp le mo del's win g cho rd i .60

or 6.5 ounces. is 10 inches, and at a land ing speed o

~ .40
of 26.4m ph and at sea level, its Rn !!1
And for the full-span, slotte d-flap would be 26.4 x 10 x 780, or 205,920. ~ .20
ve rsio n at a sta lling speed of In Denver, the Rn wo uld be
14mph, 30-percent-cho rd flaps at 26.4 x 10 x 690 , or 182,160. o r---"""T"-..,......~-+-~--I
40 degrees: A quicker solution at sea level is
given in Figure 12. Layin g a
Drag (oz.) = 0.410 x 1 x 14 2 X 600 straightedge from "speed" left to Figure 10.
3519 "chord" right, Rn is read from th e Increments of maximum lift due to flapsand
or 13.7 ounces . cente r colum n . leading-edge slots.



.28 PM ill ill-OZ. = CM x a x V2 x 5 xC STATIC RPM LEVELFLIGHT NOMINAL

Q 35 19 X1,000 SPEED (MPH) PITCH
4 18.3 4
~ .24 20
u where C M = airfoil pitching-
u::: 25
.20 moment coefficient at the AoA of 5 5
level flight; 30
<.> yf 35
C> .16 V2 = speed in level flig ht
V 40 6
~ "squared "; 6

1---:; z-:
u::: S = wing area in square inches; 7
~~~iit" nd
0 7
z .08 BO~ C = chord in inches;
0 t-SIOfl flaps a = density ratio of air. 8 8
e .04
en ~ 9
0 Our sample Wing's nose-down PM is:
..... 10 10
::E 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 11 11
PM = 0.060 x 1 x 502 x 600 x 10 150
<.> 12 12
13 13
or 255 .75 in-oz . 200
250 15
Figure 11. 15
Increments of profile drag coefficient at CL
A moment is a force times a dis- 16 300 16
max or increasing flapdeflections. tance. In our sample, if a tail- 17 350 18
18 400
moment arm dis tance were 30 19 19
450 20
inches, the tail download to offset 20
21 500
As Figure 5 shows , the E197 air- the nose-down moment would be 22
foil has a negative CM of 0.060 at 255.75 divided by 30, or 8.52 24
an AoA of 0.5 degree. Note that CM, ounces. (Chapter 8 goes int o thi s in
like c., varies wit h th e AoA. detail.)
Also, the C Mapplies to the wing's Figure 13.
V4 MAC; on our straight wing of 10 RPM, SPEED AND PITCH Nomogram for choosing suitable prop
pitches anddiameters.
in ch es chord, at a point 2.5 inches NOMOGRAM
from its leading edge . Figure 13 was developed to help
model designers choose prop
The pitching moment formula is: pitches and diameters suitable for
both plane and engine to ob tain
optimum performance.
NUM8ER INCHES This is explained in Chapter 8.
3400 000 24 Figure 13 should be used with
180 23
3,DOd,ooo Figure 3, "Wing Loading Lift Speed
2,5000,000 22
140 21 Nomograph. " Don 't use Figure 13
120 2,000,000 20 alone to estimate the speed of any
1,5000,000 19 prop/plane/engine combi na tio n; if
18 the prop pitch and dia me ter aren't
90 17
80 1,000,000 16 suitable for a model's character is-
70 800,000 15
tics, the nomogram will not be
60 14
50 It would obviously be poor judg -
500,000 13
ment to use a h igh -pitch, low-
400,000 12
40 diameter propeller on a large, slow
300,000 11 flying, draggy model with low wing
30 loading. Simila rly, a low -pitch ,
large-diameter prop on a low-drag ,
III 150,000 9 fast airplane with a high wing load-
ing would be a poor choice.
20 8 I hope that this chapter will over -
come any problems some reade rs
15 7 may have wit h formulas in th is
60,000 book. To succee d, one mu st try! No
50,000 effort , no success! ...
10 6
32,000 5

Figure 12.
Nomograph for quick determination of
Reynolds numbers.


Chapter 4

ing loading is simply be "performance-objective oriented."

W your model's weight in

ounces (including fuel)
divided by its wing area in square
Wing loadings vary widely; glid-
ers and sailplanes have wing load-
ings that range from less than 10
Wing Loading
feet. It's expressed as "ounces per
square foot of wing area."
ou nces per square foot to IS ounces
per square foot. Sport models are
In th e in itial stages of design of a usuall y in the I S to 20 ounces per
new model aircraft, man y major square foot range. Pattern mo dels
decisions have to be made that will have wing loadings from 23 to 26
determine its ultimate size and ounces per square foot. Scale mod-
configuration: els are min iatures of existing air-
craft. None of my scale modeling
• the size and make of engine (if friends knows or cares what his
any) ; model's wing loading is. They relate further up the slope of th e lift curve
gross weight, in pounds, to engine and closer to the stall. Entry in to
• th e type of performance goals disp lacement to ensure adequate maneuvers that in volv e wing
sought; (basically, is it a sport power. stalling, such as spin s, snap rolls
model of moderate speed and Scale models don't often involve and avalanches, is more readily
maneuverability or one that's fast the same design latitude as other achieved.
and aerobatic? As a glider, is it a types of model, but some are Once you 've est imated your
thermal seeker or a fast, sleek, aero- fantastic examples of excellent design 's gros s weight (with fuel)
batic sailplane?); workmanship. and decided your wing loading,
the wing area (in square inches) is
• the Wing planform (straight, HIGHER WING LOADINGS simply:
tapered or elliptical); I personally favor higher wing
loadings because they result in model gross weigllt (oz.) x 144
• the airfoil; and smaller, stronger, faster and-if willg loading (oz./sq. ft.)
you 're careful in the design and
• the estimated weight. construction phases-less "draggy"
Your mode l's wing loading is one of Higher wing loadings, however, Wing loadings and landing speeds
these major decisions-and sho uld result in higher stall and landing are closely related. Refer to Figure
speeds. Level flight 2, and read up from th e 16 ounces
requires a higher per square foot point at the bot-
angle of attack or tom of the chart to the C L of 1.00
Gap seal
greater speed. The (most airfoils' C L max is close to
60· most serious impact 1.00). On the left side of the chart,
of a higher wing load- you 'll see that the stall speed is
ing is on centrifugal 20m ph. Do th e same thing on the
loads when engaging 36 ounces per square foot line,
in maneuvers that and you' ll see that the stall is
involve heavy eleva- 30mph. Adding a "safety margin"
tor action. Such man- of 20 percent to each stall-speed
euvers include tight estimate results in landing speeds
turns, sharp pull-ups of 24 and 36mph. The latter is too
or dive-recoveries. fast for comfort.
An advantage of a
higher wing loading CENTRIFUGA L FO RCE
is that, at an y given Centrifugal force is expressed in
Figure 1. speed , the wing must multiples of "G", where 1G is nor-
The author proposes theuse of plain flaps, depicted above, on operate at a higher mal gravity. Its formul a, including
pattern ships (see text). lift coefficient that's the model's 1G weight, is:



N = 1 + (1.466 x rnph)2
Rx G
.. .1"
chord tha t are 35 to 40 percent of
the semi span in len gth;
lilt /' /
where N = load factor in G's: 85
CO " I lents ~ .15 ./ • plain flaps inbo ard of the ailerons
mph = speed in mph; 80
/ to th e fuselage; and
R = man euver radius in feet; 75
/ I V
G = acceleration of gravity (32.2 V V ~ • E168 with a C L max of 0.98 , th en
feet/second per second). 65 / / th e full y dep loyed flap at 60
/ ~k degrees would provide a wing CL
Aerodynamically clean mod el air- ~ 55 max of 1.30 and, at 20 degrees of
craft tha t have powerful engi nes
an d are correctly "propped" can
1/ / /
V ·5!V
deflection , a wing C L max of 1.13.
CL / 1/ V "'!!IV
ach ieve very h igh speeds. The en 40 The pilot could extend th ese flaps
/ 1/
v r""" 1J1i-
no rm for patte rn shi ps is 100mph. 35 / /' V V ,88',....-
up or down at any angle to suit th e
/ 1/ j / v :./
My "Swift" h as a top speed of 30 m an euver in progress. Land ings,
f/ / /.. /' :./ ,....- ...... 1J11 i--

----- --
125m ph ; its gros s weight is 92 25 ;..--: -::- V ,....- ..... with a 60-degree flap deployment,
'/ ~ !-"
ounces , and its wing loading is 22 20 with a high wing loading of 28
15 -0 r:/. :.- ~
ounces per square foot. At 90mph , ~~ ~ :;:::::. V
ounces per square foot , would be at
it flies at a CL of 0.072. 10.~ 28mph- a comfortable speed.
In a stee p tu rn of a SO-foo t 5 In addi tion, for sharp-turn ing
radi us, th e load factor would be 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 4044 48 m an euvers, lowering these flap s
Wing loadlng- Ol./Sq . ft. partially to 20 degrees would pre-
N = 1 + (1.466 X 90)2 = 11.8 G'S ven t high -speed stalls.
50 x 32.2 Figure 2. At 100mph in level flight , a CL of
From wingloading at thebonom, read 0.068 is required. For a turn radius
In th is maneuver, th e Swift's wing vertically to the appliicable liff coefficient
andthen move leff (horizontally) to findthe
of SO feet at 100mph, th e load fac-
has to lift 11.8 x 92, or 1,086, speed in milesperhour. The stallspeed is tor would be 14.34G's. This calls for
ounces-a shocking 68 pounds. based onanairfoil'smaximim liff coefficient. a CL of 0.97, whi ch is dangerously
Ju st think what thi s mean s bo th close to th e E168's CL max of 0.98 .
aero dy na mica lly and structurally. Th e 20-degre e flap deflec ti on
This is why I favor stiff, stro ng, woul d provide a CL of 1.13, whic h
fully shee te d and stress-skin ne d 1.17). Tighter tu rns are possible would be safer.
structures. witho ut danger of a h igh- speed With flaps up , th e high er load ing
The lift coefficient in this turn stall. The Swift's sturdy flaps are wo uld move th e level-flight CL
wou ld increase 11.8 tim es to CL strong enoug h to accept this high er up th e lift slope, closer to CL
0.85, well wit hin its E197 airfoil's treatment. max. In tu rn, th is provides easier
capacity of CL max 1.17. The re's a The Swift was n' t design ed to be entry into any man euver requiring
hea lthy marg in before th e stall. a stu n t m od el; it 's a "spo rt-fo r- th at th e win g be stalled.
If th e Swift's airfoil were E168 fun " model wit h a wide spee d A .60 -powered pattern m odel
with a CL max of 0.98, however, range and low landin g an d takeoff that weigh s 8 pou nd s (128 ounces),
th en th is margin wou ld be greatly speeds, i.e., with flap s deployed . an d has a win g loading of 28
diminish ed . (See append ix fo r Its slott ed flap s aren' t suita ble fo r oun ces per square foot would have
Eppler airfoil data.) the wide range of aerobatics that a wing area of 4.57 squa re feet, or
It's impossi ble to gauge accu- pattern shi ps per form, both 658 squ are in ch es.
rate ly th e mo del's turning radii upright an d in verted . Patt ern sh ips have evolve d over
from several hundred feet away, tim e into beauti ful configuratio ns
hence th is safety facto r is needed to PLAIN FLAPS of startling similarity to one another.
avo id "high-speed sta lls" (whic h Plain flaps (Figure 1), h owever, in It's tim e to consider some fresh
would probably result in un com- win gs with sym me t rica l ai rfoil approaches to th eir design . Perh aps
manded sna p rolls). sections , suc h as E168 (sta n da rd flaps and higher wing loadings are
o n pattern mod els) wou ld func- such approaches. A
SLOTTED FLAPS tion equally well angled down (for
The Swift-slotted flap s up-Will uprigh t fligh t) o r up (for inverted
land at 30mph. With flaps down flight). They ach ieve their C L max
40 degrees, at a CL m ax of 1.9, its at 60 degrees of deflect ion an d
lan ding speed is 22mph. Flaps thus would add an additional C L of
eliminate th e adverse effect th at 0.62 at that ang le, plu s addition al
higher Wi ng load ings ha ve o n dr ag to slow the mo de l. At 20
landing speeds. degrees of deflecti on, the addi-
In high -speed, short-radius turn- tional CL wo uld be 0.25.
ing man eu vers, 20 degrees of flap If we assum e:
deflecti on would in crease th e
Swift's CL ma x to 1.6 (from flaps-up • ou tboard ailero ns of 25-percent


Chapter ·5

• Landing gear-tricycle with 2-

he Swift's design is the cen- Wing Design
T tral theme in this chapter. It
weighs 92 ounces fueled , has
600 square in ches of wing area (4.17
inch-diameter wh eels.

The rem aining weigh t of 45.5

ou n ces (or 49.6 percent of th e
square feet), an AR of 6.3 and is
powered by an O.S. Max 0.46 SF gross) is com posed of win g, fuselage
engin e rotating a lOx9 or lOxlO and tail surfaces. Th is portion is
APC prop . Its top speed is 125mph , under the control of th e design er. The th eir fixed weights.
and flaps fully exte nded, it will stall wing loading he selects will dictate Sim ila rly, h av in g decided o n
at 18mph. Its wing loading is 22 th e wing's area, and gen erally, th e th e wi ng loading, the variab le
ounces per squa re foo t, and its size of fuselage and tail sur faces. It weig h t of wings, tail surfaces and
power loading is 200 ounces per will also influen ce th e structure; fuselage m ay be estimated with
cubic inch of engi ne displacemen t. lower wing load in gs an d lower reasonabl e acc uracy. My own esti -
A detailed ana lysis of th e Swift's speeds redu ce flight loads, particu- m at es h ave o nly ra re ly been
weight of 92 ounces reveals that larly tho se du e to centrifugal force, "righ t on"; th e t enden cy was to
46.5 ounces (or 50.4 percent) of that pe rmitting lig h te r, less rugged underestimat e. In compensatio n,
weight can be classified as "fixed." structural design . the Swift 's gross was overestimated
This we igh t, over whic h the It's poss ib le to design a model of at 100 ounces, whe reas the actua l
design er has no control, consis ts of: 800 square inc hes of wing area is 92 o u nces- 8 o u nces differ-
(5.56 square feet) wit h th e same ence. Whil e n ot p er fect , thi s
• Power unit-sp inn er, prop, gross weig ht as th e Swift by use of rationa l but p racti cal approach
engi ne, mu ffler, cow l, tank an d a mo re open structur e. Th is m od el shou ld n't result in a differen ce
fuel; wo uld ha ve a lower wing loading between th e est imate and act ual
of 16.5 ounces per square foot and of m or e th an 10 pe rcent .
• Co n t rol unit- receiver (6- wo uld sta ll at 18mph. With weigh t estimates of both
ch an ne l), batt ery (700mAh), five Thus, flaps for landing wo uldn 't fixed an d var ia ble compo nen ts
servos, an on/o ff switch, and foam be n eed ed . The weigh t of the fifth achieved and the wing load in g
shock in sulation ; (flap) servo; the additiona l weig h t selecte d, th e wing area is easily
of the 700 mAh battery (versus calculated:
500mAh); an d th e add it io na l
weig h t of the flaps, th eir h in gin g Win g area in square inches =
an d thei r actua tio n would all be Weight in oz. x 144
"saved ." The performance of this Wi ng loading in oz. per sq. {to
mod el would n ot be as goo d as the
Swift 's, h owever, largely owing to It's useful at the ini tial stages of a
the increased to ta l d rag resu lting new design to h ave a prelim ina ry
fro m its larger size. estima te of th e new model's tot al
The point of all thi s is th at th e weight and wing area. In Chapter
typ e of performa nce desired by th e 13, "Stressed Skin Desig n ," the
des igner dictates th e win g loading weight versus wing area of 14 models
and, to a large extent, th e structure . is an alyzed, disclosing a surprising
For the Swift, hi gh spee d and consistency in th e weight versus
ma ne uve rabili ty were the obje c- area relati onshi p of 0.1565 ounce
tives, calling for a rugged, stress- per squa re in ch-or 22.5 ounces per
skin ned and low-drag design. Thus, squa re foo t . For those ado pti ng
withi n reason able limits, win g load- str essed -skin co ns truct ion, th ese
ing governs performan ce and struc- figur es provide an easy weight-
tura l design . estima te basis.
For others who prefer lighter,
WEIGHT ESTIMATING mor e open structures, a study of
Havin g selected th e power and con- constru ction arti cles an d product
trol units and typ e of landin g gear, reviews will help .
it isn' t difficult to closely estimate A word on tank size. It makes no



sense to provide a 16-ounce fuel Figure 2 of Chapter 1). For wings of ing edges and sweptback leading
tank on a model powered by a 040 smaller models, this taper ratio edges are popular for pattern ships.
to .SOci engine. Most sport flights results in narrow tip chords and These wings tip-stall readily for easy
seldom last more than 25 minutes undesirably low Rns at low speeds. entry into wing-stalling maneuvers
so, on landing, the 16-ounce tank is Increasing the taper ratio produces such as snap rolls, spins, etc.
still half-full. Your model is penal- larger tip chords. The resulting loss Structurally, a sweptback wing's
ized to about 1;2 pound carrying in efficiency isn 't great and is the lift tends to reduce the Wingtip'S
thi s useless weight. A guide to tank "lesser of the two evils." AoA, particularly at high speeds
size relative to engi ne displacement Structurally, the tapered wing and high centrifugal force loads. A
is 20 ounces per cubic in ch of has lower root bending moments, stiff wing structure will prevent
engine displacem ent. Th us, for a and the wider, deeper root chord potentially damaging wing flutter.
AOci engi ne, an 8-ou nce tank is provides the greatest strength
right on . where it 's needed most-at the • Swept-forward wings. These
Now, let 's cons ide r the many root. A tapered wing can be lighter tend to stall at the wing root first.
othe r design decisions to be made. yet stronger than a rectangular The unstalled tips promote good
It's fun ! wing of the same area. aileron control at high angles of
attack. The root stall reduces lift aft
WING PLANFORMS • Sweptback wings. This causes of the CG, causing a nose-up pitch.
• Elliptical wings. Th is is the similar behavior to decreased taper Forward sweep is destabilizing in
"ideal" win g planform. lt has the ratio (smaller tip chord) and leads yaw. The centers of drag and lift of
lowest induced AoA and induced to early tip-stalls with a nose-up the advancing wing panel move
drag and stalls even ly across its pitch, since the tips, being behind inboard; on the opposite, retreating
span. These factors in crease for the CG, lose lift. lt has a dihedral panel , these centers move outboard.
tap ered or rectan gular wings. For effect; 21;2 degrees of sweepback The unequal drag moments increase
exam ple, a rectangular wing of AR (measured at 25 percent of the the yaw, while the unequal lift
6 would requ ire an induced AoA (T) chord) is roughly equivalent to 1 moments cause a roll, but in a direc-
17 percent highe r and with induced degree of dihedral. lt also promotes tion opposed to the yaw. Control of
drag (&) 5 percent higher than an directional stability; if yawed , the this instability calls for increased ver-
elliptical planform . (See Figures 2 advancing wing's center of drag tical tail surface area and effective-
and 4 of Cha pter 1.) moves away from the CG, and the ness, along with generous dihedral.
Structurally, th e elliptical wing is opposite, retreating wing's center Structurally, a wing very stiff in
difficult to produ ce. Each rib is dif- moves inward. The resulting drag torsion is required to overcome the
ferent an d wing skins all have a imbalance works to oppose the wingtips' tendency to increase their
double curva ture, chordwise and yaw. Large sweptback angles AoA. Any flexibility could be disas-
spanwise. The Spitfire 's elliptical increase induced drag and lower trous at high speeds.
win g is a classic exam ple. the wing's maximum lift. In full-scale airplanes, modest
Wings of moderate taper ratios sweep forward moves the wings'
• Rectangular wings. Th is is the (0.5 to 0.6) with straight-across trail- main spar aft, out of the way, and
easiest typ e to design and build.
All ribs are th e sam e, and wing
skins ha ve a sing le chordwise cur- I 01· INDUCEDDRAG
vature . Whil e it suffers in com par-
ison with th e elliptical, for small
mod els, it ma in tains a constan t Rn
across its spa n, whe reas a tapered
wing of the same area could have
tip Rns in th e high dra g/lower lift EFFECTIVE LIFT -
an d stalling-ang le ran ge of low
Rns, leading to premature tip- stalls
at low speeds.
Structurally, the wing roots need
reinforcing , owing both to narrower
root chords and higher bending
moments. The cen te r of lift of a
each win g hal f is farthe r from the
cen te rline than an elliptical or
tap ered wing .

• Tapered wings. A taper ed wing

with a tip cho rd of 40 percent of
th e root chord comes closest to the
ideal elliptical planform in both Figure 1.
induced AoA and induced drag (see The origin of Induced drag.


Wing Design ... CHAPTER 5

improves the pilot's forward and

downward vision. IAIUli Power loading Wing loading Aspect ratio
Model type oz./cid 2-strl!ke oz./sq. ft .
• Delta wings. The triangular shape
of a delta wing is so called because of
its resemblance to the capital letter
delta (d) in the Greek alphabet.
These have very low ARs. Low-AR
wings stall at high angles of attack-
but with high induced drag. Vortex
flow is high , since a delta wing is vir-
tuallyall "wingtip."
Deltas don't need flaps for land-
ing owing to their high AoA capabil-
ity, but should be landed with some The AR of a wing has a major percent. At 30mph, tot al wing drag
power-on to overcome their high impact on its "induced drag"- is 4.3 ounces, of whic h 2.3 ounces,
induced drag. Power-off, they have defin ed as th at drag caused by th e or 54 percent, is induced drag-
the glide charac teristics of a brick! development of lift-and is sepa- useful in slowing th is model for
A tailless delta-wing model, with rate from th e drag caused by th e landin g.
the whole trailing edge composed wing airfoil's for m an d frictio n, It's th is relat ion ship that explains
of elevons , is highly maneuverabl e called "profile drag." th e power-off, brick-like glide of a
and will not spin , but requires sym- As Figure 1 indicates, increasi ng delt a wing . The low AR and h igh
metrical or reflexed airfoil sectio ns th e AoA causes th e lift to tilt rear- lift coefficients result in very high
for longitudinal stability. ward, resulting in a horizontal vec- induced drag for low-speed delta
Structurally, deltas are ve ry tor th at prod uces ind uced drag . flight.
strong. The deep, wide center The classica l formula for the Figure 2 depicts typical airplane
chord promotes strength, and the induced drag coefficien t is: drag curves . Where the induced
low AR reduces the bendin g drag equals the parasite drag is th e
moments at the wing's center. Lift coefficient2 speed of the maximum lift-to-drag
st x Aspect ratio ratio and of the maximum range.
• Co m b ined rectan gular and Range, for model airp lanes, is n ot
tapered wings. This planfor m is or a factor of any consequence, except
rectangular for roughly 50 percent in rare instances, since most pow-
of the semispan (in board) and 0.3 18 X CL2 = CDi ered RIC flights seldo m exceed half
tapered for the remaining 50 per- AR an ho ur in dura tio n .
cent to the wingtip. Piper Warriors
and Cessna 172s typify this plan- Obviously, th e high er the AR, th e ASPECT·RATIO PROS
form. It comes close to the ellipti- lower will be the induced drag For a given wing area, increa sing the
cal in shape and efficiency, yet is coefficient-an d the lower th e Wing's AR will reduce th e induced
more ea sily produced than a induced drag. Th is is wh y soaring drag. The narrower chord tip s result
tapered or elliptical wing. Th e gliders h ave suc h lon g, narrow in smaller wingtip vortices; th e lift
com men ts earlier regarding th e high- AR wing s. per degree of AoA increases so that
hazards of low Rns of narrow An airplane's tot al drag is com- th e model flies at a lower AoA.
wingtips apply. The rectangul ar posed of two types: parasite drag These all favor high ARs.
inner portion is wider in chord, (in cludi ng profile dr ag), which
which provides a stro ng win g doesn 't con tr ibute to lift; and ASPECT·RATIO CONS
root, and bending moments are induced drag, whic h results from Lower chords on sma ller mod els
lower than for a rectangular wing . the Wing's produ ction of lift. Figure result in lower Rns-particularly at
2 illustrates thi s relati on sh ip. low speeds . Scale effect causes an
ASPECT RATIO Induced drag has a very signifi- increase in wing profile drag, a
Th is im portan t ratio is th at cant difference from both lift and redu ction in maximum lift an d
of wingspan to mean chord. Its parasite drag. The latter two are lower stalling angles .
formula is: pro portio nal to th e square of th e The centers of lift of each wing
speeds; induced drag, however, is half are farther from the fuselage for
Span2 = Aspect ratio inve rsely prop orti on al to the squa re high-AR wings, resulting in substan-
A"T'ea of th e speed . It's lowest at h igh tial increases in root bending loads.
speeds and h ighest at low speeds . In addi tio n, long, na rrow wings
The Swift 's wingspan is 61.625 Lift and parasite drag are low at low must be stiff in torsion to preven t
inches and its area is 600 square speed and h igh at high speed . twisti ng un der loads from two
inches. Its AR is: At 100m ph , th e tot al of profile sources-pitch ing-mo ment changes
and induced drags for th e Swift is as th e mo del man euvers and the
61 .6252 = 6.3 22.4 ounces, of wh ich th e in duced opposed action of ailerons. Wings
600 drag is 0.215 ounce-or less th an 1 weak in torsion have been known to





Figure 5.
I AnIllustration of the
wingtip vortex flow.


Figure 2.
Typical airplane drag curves. Parasite drag varies directly as the speed squared; induced drag
varies inversely asthespeed squared.

experience "aileron reversal." This carefu l drag reduction is needed

occurs when heavy down-going along with sound propeller selec-
aileron action twists the wing lead- tion. Higher flight speeds result with
ing edge down . The up-going twists lower lift and profile drag coeffi-
th e lead ing edge up. The model cients and lower induced drag until
banks in a direction opposite to that the to tal drag equals the th rust. To
intended by its bewildered pilot. provide the optimum strength-to-
High ARs result in weight weigh t ratio to overcome h igh
increases, particularly for models centrifugal force loads, stressed-skin
designed for high speeds where structu ral design is suggested. To
high centrifugal loads are encoun- reduce landing and takeoff speeds,
tered. Increased weight results in slotted flaps are recommended.
higher wing loadings and higher
parasite drag. Obvio usly, there must STALL PATTERNS
be some compromises. Figure 3 illustrates how the various
With his neck "stuck way out," wing planforms stall at high angles
thi s author suggests th e following of attack. Note th at th e rectan gu lar
classifications for radio-controlled Figure 4. wing stalls root first, perm itt ing
Asair tlows pasta wing from leading edge
mod el aircraft (see Table 1): to trailingedge, positive pressure is effective aileron control well into
From this designer's poin t of view, created below theWing, while negative the stall.
to obtain th e maximum efficiency, pressure exists above. At the wingtip, the There are a variety of ways in
positive-pressure bottom wing air flows whic h tip -stalling may be delayed
around thetip andis drawn Into thenega- to higher angles of attack. The best
tivepressure region above the wing. This and simplest form is the NASA-
action gives rise to the wingtip vortex, as
well asto lesser vortices along thetrailing developed and tested partial-span
edge. wing -leading-edge droop. This fea-
ture has been used very successfully
on six of my model designs .
Figure 6.
REARWARD AND The downwash and
wake for a convention-
al, rear-tailed, air-
craft. Note thesug-
gested droop fuselage
thatwould decrease
drag. Time frames
above the wing are
Figure 3. TIMEFRAMES spaced farther apart to
Stallprogression patterns for various Illustrate higher-
planform wings. velocity air.


Wing Design .... CHAPTER 5

Figure 7.
The Schuemann
wlRg planform.


FlgureB. Root
Modified wing
planform Figure 9.
geometry; 45" Spanwlse loaddistribution of modified wing at
swept tip. CL = DAD.T!!e wing features a 45· swept tip.

Figure 10.
Rutan model 81 Catbird. Note three surfaces.

WINGTIP DESIGN damaging to both model and its 10 and 11 illustrate these designs.
The major difference in efficiency designer's ego! This author us es a modified
between the elliptical planform, Over the years, aerodynamicists sheared wingtip that is both sim ple
considered the best, and other have explored many wingtip con- and rugged. Figure 13, a top view
planforms is largely due to wingtip figurations in their search for of the Snowy Owl's wing , illus-
losses. The elliptical has no pro - improved wing performance. Two trates this tip form .
nounced tip-one could say it is forms, somewhat resembling each
"all tip "- whereas the rectangular other, have emerged. FLAP CHORDS
planform has the widest tip . First is the Schuemann planform Earlier model designs, such as th e
Tapered wingtip widths vary with (Figure 7). Snowy Owl, had slotted flaps wh ose
taper ratio. The second is the "sh eared" chord was 26 percent of th e win g's
Figures 4 and 5 portray the air- wingtip, largely developed by c.P. chord and were close to 60 percent
flow over and under a wing and Van Dam of the University of of the wing 's semi-span in len gth
particularly the tip vortex flow. California. Figures 8 and 9 provide (see Figure 13).
Figure 6 shows the wake and down- an outline of a sheared tip along After being throttled back and
wash resulting from the wing 's pro- with its spanwise load distribution. having their flaps fully extended,
duction of lift. Note how close "modified" is to these model s porpoised upward sud-
Obviously, the narrower the tip, "elliptical" in Figure 9. This form of denl y. Elevator down -trim applied
the lower the tip losses with due tip has been, or is being, applied to simultaneously with flap extension
regard to stall patterns and scale full-scale aircraft designed by such would prevent this behavior, which
effect, particularly at low speeds. A no ted aerodynamicists as Burt was annoying.
tip-stall close to the ground may be Rutan and Peter Garrison. Figures Analysis disclosed that the



X 1.8

~ E '"
u'1 .6
0.2566e slolle d lIap
"E 1.4
l Oll( . oe --'I'!J ; 0.015e ~ .10
0.30e Fowler lIa p; t E .8
gap ; O.015e 'O'q,c/ 'x
c: .6
- - 0.2566e s lolled lIap
•••• 0.30e Fowler tlap;
~ .4 gap ; 0.015e
I~nooe - - .\ g~p ; 0.02e
- 0.30e slolled tlap

with extended lip;
0.30e slolled lIap gap ; 0.02e
with extended lip; a V
gap ; 0.02e t'
10 20 30 40 50 60
Flap deflection, degrees.

Figure 12.
Comparison of increments of section maximum tift coefficientfor three flaps ona NACA 23012

increase in an gle of downwash

from the extended flaps was forcing
the tailplane down and creating a
greate r force th an th e increase in
nose-d own pitch . The wing 's AoA
and lift increased, an d the model
r------- - --~-~~

Eppler 197
-.-- -
zoo med upward until the excess (9.75" Chord)
speed bled off. The mo del the n ~
nosed ove r in to th e flap-d own ,
slow glide.
Experi ence with three of my 100%
models (Sea Gull Ill, Sea Hawk and Eppler 197M
(10.1 " Chord)
Swift) has proven that widen ing
th e flap chord to 30 percent of th e
wing chord produces a ba lance
between these "nose-up" an d
"n ose-do wn" forces, flap s full y
extended. All three models exh ibit
no change in pitch on lowerin g
flaps-but fly mu ch more slowly.
On landing approach , groun d
effect redu ces th e downwash angle
and in creases the nose-down pitch.
The glide close to th e ground steep- Figure 13.
en s, but appro priate up -elevator Snowy Owl's flaps were 60% of the wing semi-span.
action raises the nose so th at a
gentle, slow landing result s. ....


Chapter ·6

airfoil's pitching moment was cal-

he location of the center of
CG Location
T gravity has a major impact
on longitudinal stability,
the selection of the horizontal tail's
culated at 15.4 ounces at 60mph
level flight . A CG at 5 percent of the
MAC, almos t 2 inch es ahead of the
angle of incidence and on the aerodynamic center, wou ld further
model aircraft's maneuverability. increase the required tail download .
For sport models, it's customary to This results in three things:
locat e the CG at the wing's aerody- man euverabl e. Mov ing the CG
namic center (25 percent of MAC). • It increases th e weight the air- rearward improves man euverability
There is, howe ver, a range of CGs plane's wing must support. but redu ces pitch stability.
both ah ead of and behind the
wing's aerod ynamic center. These • It reduces the ho rizontal tail's REAR CG AND
positions result in varying degrees pitch maneuverability. This is THE NEUTRAL POINT
of long itudinal stability. The steel because a major part of th e tail's lift Modern aerod yn amic ana lysis for
ball in a saucer is a very graphic capaci ty is taken up with overcom- assessing the stability of an airplane
manner of describing pitch stability ing the nose -down combination of is based on the fact tha t a win g an d
at various CGs (see Figure 1). Note pitching moment and CG. tailplane represent a pair of airfoils
that at position 4, the neutral point, in tandem. Each has its own aero-
the ball is on a flat surface and may • This limited capacity makes dyn am ic center, but th e combina-
be moved in any direction without achieving a full stall attitude diffi- tion will also have a correspo nding
returning to its original location in cult, if not impossible, in ground MAC equiva lent to th e point whe re
contrast to positions 1, 2 and 3, effect (th is pressure of the ground the total lift (and drag) forces of th e
where the ball does return . At point reduces downwash). Moreover, two airfoils effectively act. Thi s
5, the ball will roll off the inver ted with slotted flaps fully extended, MAC is called th e "ne utral point"
saucer, indicating serious instability. the wing's nose-down pitching (NP). It follows th at th e NP will lie
The following will outline the var- moment is further increased even betwe en th e aerodyna mic cen ters
ious CG advantages and limitations. with full up-elevator. of th e two airfoils and closest to the
larger or mor e effective lift produc-
FORWARD CG However, at this forward CG, the er, i.e., th e wing of conve ntio nal
Th e most forward CG possible model's longitudinal stability combinations, or th e aft wing of a
depends on the downward lifting would be h igh, and it would recov- canard. Any disturban ce in pitch
capability of the horizontal tail. er by itself from any pitch distur- that mom entarily upsets th e n or-
When I designed the Swift, the tail bance, returning to level flight . It mal flight path of th e aircraft will
download needed to offset its wing would be easy to fly, but not highly cause a ch ange in AoA of both air-

1. Very Stable 2. Stable 3. Less Stable 4. Neutra l 5. Unstable

CG Poslt lons---.. 5% MAC 25% MAC 30% MAC 35% MAC BEHIND THE NP

sa ucers ?

Steel Ball

Wing 's MAC ---.

Aerodynamic Center----+
25% MAC

Figure 1.
In Ihis illustration, a ball bearing in a saucer simulates therelative pitchstability of various CG locations.



and NP). It's also the farthes t aft

pos ition possib le for th e CG wh ile
WEIGHT ANAlYSIS FOR THE sWln still avoiding instability.
Calculation of the NP's precise
FIXED WEIGHTS DUNCES PERCENT location is very complex. The re are
man y factors inv olved:
POWER: Spinner, prop, engine, muffler, engine
mount,fuel tank, fuel cowl (3 oz.), fuel tubing, nuts and bolts. 26.35 28.7% • tail plane efficiency;
CONTROL: Receiver (6-channel), 700mAh battery, • areas of wing and tailplane ;
five 5148servos, switch, two extension cables, foam-
rubber protection for receiverand battery. 15.0 16.3%
• distance between wing's and tail's
aerodynamic centers;
TRICYCLELANDINGGEAR: 2-inch-diameter wheels,
51.l2-inch-diameter music-wire legs, fairings, nose-wheel
bracket and steeringarm, nuts and bolts. 7.0 7.6%
• slopes of th e respective airfoil 's
lift curves;
FIXED SUBTOTALS 48.5 oz. .52%
• fuselage area distribution in plan

WING: 600 square inches at 0.039 oz/sq. in., Y1 6-inch-thick • downwash varia tions; and
balsa skins, two spars, ailerons, slotted flaps
(control cables included). 23.4 25.4% • the many effects of th e pro-
peller's rota tion.
HORIZONTAL TAIL: 120 square inches at 0.028 oz.lsq. in.,
Y16-inch-thick balsa skins and elevators; 40% Full-scale practice is to calculate the
(mass balanced .) 3.4 3.7% NP's approxima te posit ion and
the n to fina lize its precise location
VERTICAL TAIL: 40square inches at 0.030 oz./sq. in., by wind-tunnel tests an d/ or by
Y16-inch-thick balsa skin, one spar and rudder. actual flight tests at in creasingly
(Mass balanced.) 1.2 1.3% rearwa rd CGs.
For practical mod el design pur-
FUSELAGE: Length from the engine bulkhead to the rudder poses, the "power-on " NP is located
tail post is 34.5 inches, 6 inches deep and 4.5 inches wide. at 35 percent of MAC from its lead-
This comes to 931 .5 cubic inches at 0.017oz.lci assuming
ing edge. The "power-off" NP
31.l2-inch-thick balsa skinsand3116-inch-thick balsa corners
moves a few percentage points
(control cables included). 15.8 17.0%
fart her aft, so tha t a mo del is more
• Experience with several models indicates an average stab le in an "engine-idling" glide .
fuselage weight of 0.017ounces percubicinch, given the With CG at 25 percent MAC and
construction noted. NP at 35 percent, th ere's a healthy
stability margin of 10 percent. The
minimum suggested stability mar-
gin is 5 percen t, or a CG of 30
percent MAC.
TOTAL WEIGHTS 92.3 oz. 100% Locating the CG farther aft, say
at 33 percen t MAC, would be dan-
WEIGHT (gross per square inch of wing area): 92.3/600 = 0.1538 oz./Sq. in. gero us. As fuel is consumed, th e CG
mo ves back an d could easily reach
a po int behi nd th e NP, leading to
pitch instab ility under power.
foils. This will be tran slated as an called th e "static margin ." For th e Patt ern- sh ip design ers recognize
increase (or decrease) in th e total same setup, mo ving th e CG aft th is risk an d position their fuel
lift at th e NP. The system is longi- would reduce th is static margin tanks on the mod el's CG. As fuel is
tudinally stab le if th is change in lift (and, thus, th e inherent lon gitudi- consu med, the CG does not sh ift.
pro duces a correc ting effect, which nal stability) until a con dition of Engi ne -dr iven pu m ps force the fuel
it will if the NP is beh ind th e CG. A neutral stability is reached whe n to the carburetor.
nose-up disturbance inc reasing lift the CG an d NP coinci de . Further These designers use symmetrical
would apply this lift inc rease at th e movement of the CG aftward to wing airfoils (with lower CL max )
NP, behind the CG, causing th e behi nd NP would result in serious because of their little or no pitch-
nose to drop and vice versa. longitudina l instability. ing mo ments and aft CGs close to
The degree of inhe rent stability is The NP's position govern s the the NP. A sma ll tailplane upload
governed by ' th e distan ce between margin of stabil ity available (static balances th e aft CG. The result is a
th e CG and the NP aft of it. It's margin, or distance between CG h ighl y man eu verabl e model-but


CG Location ... CHAPTER 6

fashioned from pushrods and bell-

cran ks. With this setup, radio/i nter-
ference hasn 't been an issue for at
least 10 mod els.
As the ph ot o of th e Swift's win g
clearly illustrates, th e wing cen ter
sectio n is open ahea d of the main
spar and behind the aft spar. This
he lps in providing access.
This aut hor makes the following
suggestions for the installation of
the cont rol components:

• Positio n the receiver aft so that it

and the an tenna are away from the
wiring to th e servos-and keep th e
antenna as far away from the con-
tro l cables as possible.
Using the techniques describedin this chapter, the Swift's CG was righton themoney. No
ballast was needed. • Position engine, rudder and ele-
vator servos close behind the tank.

one that m ust be co nstantly plus bellcranks for ailerons and • Position servos for ailerons and
"flown," demand ing in tense con- flaps . Such installation s requir e flaps in the open wing center sec-
centration from its pilot. that rudde r and elevator servos be tion, between the main and aft spar.
Since th e stability is close to neu- located near the wing trailing edge
tral, any distur ban ce will divert th e and tha t th e fuselage be "open" • The receiver's battery sho uld be
mod el from its flight path, but th e interna lly back to th e tail surfaces. located so that "ma jor surge ry"
aircraft will not seek to return to its In addition, th ey vibrate he avily isn 't requ ired for its removal and
origina l course volunta rily, as a pos- when th e engine is running, doing replacem ent.
itively stable model would. both servos and control surfaces no
good. Bellcran ks lead to "slop" at • Finally, all in-fuselage and in-
IN THE WORKSHOP th e contro l surfaces. wing equipment should be readily
You have design ed and bu ilt your Stranded stee l cables run ni ng in accessible.
very own model airplane . Wisely, plastic tubing permit the fuselage
before you go out to th e flying servos to be moved forward for easy These objectives hav e been realized
field, you decide to check th e ph ys- access; th e cables are run down th e in the Swift . The front top
icallocat ion of your model's CG. To in side walls of th e fuse lage, or of the fuse lage is rem oved by
your disma y, you fin d it's well away th rough th e wing ribs, out of th e unscrewin g one bolt. Similarly, th e
from its design location . You are way, and permit direct "no -slop" lower engine cowl is even easier to
not alon e; it has happened to oth- linka ge between servos and control remove . All compo nents are readily
ers, including thi s author. surfaces. No bellcran ks are needed; accessible for adjustment, replace-
To correct th is situatio n, you' ll cables do not vibrate as do link ages ment or any othe r reason. The tan k
find th at you do n't have as much is fueled with the
flexibility in rearrang ing thi ngs as fuse lage top "off."
you might think. Your eng ine , fuel Straigh tening the nose
tank and servos are in fixed loca- gear after a hard land-
tions. The onl y items that are read- ing is easy (you simply
ily moveable are the receiver and unscrew the steering
batte ry. ar m setsc rew an d
remove th e gear).
SERVO INSTALLATION Getting back to your
AND CCi new design; if you are
Questions of CG inevi tably lead to un able to relocate your
a consideratio n of the arrange me nt actua l CG to where you
of in ternal components and link- want it, your on ly
ages. Bitter experience in dicates recourse is to add bal-
that wiring from servos to receiver last, either up front for
should be kept well away from both tail -heaviness-or aft
Side view of theSwiftplan with power, control andlanding-
receiver an d an tenna to avoid radio gearcomponents. The balance-line fulcrumis in position at the
for nose-heaviness.
in terference. This author dislikes lower center. (I used a triangular draftsman's scale as a ful- Lead shot, lightly coat-
dowel push rods from servos to rud - crum, but a spare piece of 3A-inch balsa triangle stock would ed with epoxy or
der and elevator, and wire push rods also work well.) dissolved cellulose



off, weigh s only 5 ounces. It may be used on any confi gura-

Tank sizes are nominal, in tion, con ven tional, canard, flying
fluid ounces, wh ich is a boat, etc. Used for the Seagull 1Il
measure of volume, not flying boat during the design stage,
weight. Use your scale to th e balancing act resulted in mov-
weigh the tank, both ing the engine nacelle forward 2
empty and full. The dif- inches; its weight of 31 ounces
feren ce is fuel weight! compensated for a substantial tail
A scale is essential for heaviness. On completion, this
good design. The author model required no ballast. Time
uses an old beam scale, spent on th e balancing act avoid ed
but th e type used for maj or and difficult modifications
weighing ingredients in to the finished model-or addition
cookin g is available at low of a substantial weight of ballast up
The balance beam is onthe fulcrum and the weight-at the
shortend- is positioned so that beam andweight (a drafts- cost. It is recommended front .
man's "duck") balance onthe fulcrum. that you use one with Here are the steps needed:
a lO-pound capacity-
graduated in pou nds , • Gat he r all the fixed-weight
cements (like Sigment or Ambroid), ounces and ounce fraction s. components that you possess. For
may be stuffed into convenient cor- those you don't have, make "dum-
ners and is self-adhering. Having to THE BALANCINCi ACT mies" of th e same weight. Your
add much ballast isn't good design Concern with correctly locati ng th e scale is used here. Expired AA, C
practice, how ever. Added weight actual , physical CG durin g the and D batt eries, lead shot, fishin g
doesn 't improve the model's design process lead to developmen t sin kers, et c., are useful for
performance. of th e techniqu e th at I refer to as "dummy" purposes.
th e "balancing act." Th is pro cedure
WEICiHT ANALYSIS has been used successfully on man y • Similarly, make dummies for each
In Chapter 5, "Wing Design, " an mod els-and th e resulting CG's of the variable weight items and
analysis revealed th at over 50 per- ph ysical and design location s coin- win g, fuselage and tail surfaces,
cent of the Swift's gross weight was cided or were very close. both horizontal and vertical.
com posed of three groups of items of
fixed weight:

• power com pone nts and fuel;

• control components; and

• landing-gear components.

On ce selected, these are items over

which the designer has no weight
control; the engine is an exam ple.
If you don't alread y have th ese
components on hand, their indi -
vidual weight s are easily obtained.
Don 't be fooled by the tank size.
The fuel in an 8-ounce tank, topped The Swift's wing is bolted in position. Note thatall components remain accessible.

c~ ING co
' ;'~ U'S f:'" cc \/Efn . 'A.\\.. cc, • Positi on th e CGs of the variabl e-
lANK y i ~ Ec.
weight items as follows:
SE RVO{ " . ' B A,T l . - win g with flaps: 50 percent MAC
- win g without flap s: 40 percent
-horizontal ta il: 40 percent MAC
- vertical ta il: "eyeball" the CG
-fuselage: normally 40 percent of
th e distanc e from engine bul kh ead
to rudder post. (Because of th e
concave aft contours of the Swift's
All the actual anddummy, fixed and variable weights in position-andagain thebalance beam fuselage, this was adva n ced to 35
is level. The actual and design CGs now coincide. perc ent.)


CG Location .... CHAPTER 6

Seagull III. The original design hadthe

engine nacelle farther back. The "balanc-
ing act" indicated that it was tail heavy.
The nacelle was moved forward 2 inches;
no ballast was needed when the model
The Swiff's fuselage is designed for easy access. was completed.

• Draw a side view, full-scale, of If balance is achieved-good. If interna l structure then may be
yo ur design sh owing the positi on s th e beam tilt s down at the tail detailed. (See Chapter 13,
of your fixed- weight it em s. Show end, your design is tail heavy. "Stressed Skin Design .")
your de sign 's CG clea rly-but Slight forward movement of
don't det ail any internal structure . power components, nosewheel The balancing act is not too time-
unit and possibly fuselage servos consuming, is certainly dependent
• Locate and identify th e CGs of should achieve balance. Measure on reasonably accurate weight esti-
your variab le-weight items-wing, th e distance of this forward move, mates for the variable weight items
fuselage and horizontal and vertical and elongate the design 's fuselage and has proven itself to be a valu-
tails. Draw vertical lines from th eir accordingly. able design tool. Having to add
CGs to th e board th at will be used lf the beam tilts down at the gobs of weight, fore or aft, to your
as a balance beam . front, yo ur design is nose heavy. model to pin down that elusive CG
The best solu tion is to move the to its design location is no t good
• Place a fulcrum, e.g., a spa re piece design's wing forward . engineering. The balancing act will
of 314-inch balsa angle stock, on Carefully move the beam and its surely reduce the amount of weight
your worktable. The fulc rum weigh ts backward-then move needed, if it doesn't eliminate it
should be vertically in line with the wing, wing servo and landing gear entirely. ...
model's CG. (or dummies) forward to the origi-
nal positions relative to your side
• Place th e "balancing beam" on view. Some trial -and-error move-
th e fulcru m and weight the short ment will achieve balance. The dis-
end so th at th e beam is balanced tance the beam is moved backward
on th e fulcrum . will indicate the distance the wing
must be moved forward to get the
• Carefully posit ion th e fixed and actual and design CGs to coincide.
variable weigh ts, actual compo- Now tha t the posit ions of all the
nen ts and/o r dummies in their components have been established
respecti ve position s, ver tically for the correct CG, mark your draw-
below th eir design positions. ing acco rdingly. The fuselage

The Swan canard, flaps extended onIts cradle. Twelve ounces of ballastwere needed-and
providedfor-as a resultof using the "bafancing act."


Chapter J

reflexed airfoils have no pitching ward direction called "downwash."

Horizontal Tail mom ent. Symmetrical sections are (See Chapter 8, "Horizon tal Tail
popu lar for aeroba tics; they fly Incidence and Downwash Estimat-
equally well upr igh t or inve rted. ing," for furthe r discussion.)
Design Reflexed sectio ns are used on tail- Obviously, no self-respec ti ng
less mod els. horizontal tail should find itself
located in this very disturbed wake.
• Upwash and down wash. The angle of the downwash
Upwash origi na ting ahead of th e depends on th e lift coefficient at
wing strikes both prop eller disk and which the wing is flying . An air-
fuselage at an angle , ah ead of th e plane ha s man y level flight speeds,
wing , and th is causes a nose -up from just abo ve th e sta ll at low
reac tio n . Down wash from the engine rpm to its maximum speed
wing's trailing edge strikes both the at full throttle.
he design of an airplane's aft fuselage and th e horizontal tail At low speed, th e wing's angle of

T horizontal tail surface raises

many questions. What area
should it have? How far behind the
downward, and thi s also causes a
nose-up reaction .

• Thrust line. A thrust line above

attack mu st increase, as does its lift
coefficient, and the downwash angle
is high. At top speed, th e reverse is
true, and the downwash angle is low.
wing should it be locat ed? Where
should the tail be located vertically, the CG causes a nose-down reac- At low speed, the hori zontal tail's
relative to th e wing? What ang le of tion. If it is below th e CG, a nose- downward lift must be increased to
incide nce shou ld it have? Wha t air- up reaction result s. force th e wing's airfoil to a h igh er
foil? What proportion of its area AoA. Part of this download is sup-
• Cen ter of drag. A high-wing plied by th e increase in the down-
should the elevators have? And model has its center of drag above
what type of construction should wash angl e. At high speed, the tail 's
the CG. A nose-up reaction occurs. down load must be reduced to lower
be used? Th is cha pter will answ er A low-wing mod el reverses this
th ese que stion s. th e wing's AoA- but again, since
reaction. th e downwash angl e is reduced, th e
tail download is reduc ed.
A mid - or sho ulder-wing location The point of all thi s is th at as the
An airplane in steady level flight is perm its th e cen ters of lift, drag,
a remarkable "balancing act." Lift model's level flight speed varies
thrust and gravity to be closer to with the throttle setting from low
must equ al th e model's weight; each other. This, in turn, min imizes
forces causing the model to nose th e im balance of forces th at fre-
down must exac tly equal forces quently oppose one another. 1.4
causing a nose-up reaction ; thrust The horizontal tail sup plies th e
mu st equa l drag. balan cing force to offset the net 1.2
Wha t are these forces? result of all th ese forces, and its
chord line mus t be at an angle to 1.0
• CG placement. A CG ahead of th e downwash th at provides either R =420,000
the wing 's center of lift causes a
nose-down reaction. Behind the
th e upward load or (most often) the
down load requ ired.
. .
wing's center of lift, a nose-up .6
actio n takes place. A CG vertically WAKE AND DOWNWASH
in line with the Wing's aerodynamic The tail surfaces of a con ventional, .4
cen ter, i.e., at approximately 25 rear-tailed airplane operate in a very
percen t of th e MAC, exerts no nose- disturbed atmosphere. The air .2
up or nose-down force. sweeps down ward off the wing 's
trailing edge as the result of th e lift
• Pitching moment. The pitching generated. This airstream is called
moment of semisy m me trical or th e "wake." This wake is tu rbulent, Figure 1.
flat-bottomed airfoils causes the air- and it infl ue nces the air- both Polar curves fora flat-plate airfoil at low
craft to nose down . Symmetrica l or above and below itself-in a down- Reynolds numbers.


Horizontal Tail Design ... CHAPTER 7

to high-or vice versa- the hori- ho rizontal tail surface depends on TAIL AIRFOIL SECTION S
zontal tail's lift mu st vary accord- th ree factors: Since th e hori zo n tal tail surface
ingl y. On mod el airpl an es, th is is has to pro vide lift-both u p and
acco m plishe d by changing the • area and tail moment arm; down-sym metrical airfo ils suc h
an gle of th e elevators. This angl e is as Eppler E168 are recommended .
controlled by the elevator tr im • airfoil section; and Many m od el s in co rpo rat e flat
lever on th e transmitter-literall y balsa sheet or flat built-up tail
at o ne's fin gertips (a little up- • aspect ratio. surfaces. These are less effect ive,
elevator at low speed and some aerodynamicall y, th an sym metri-
down for high speed ). AREA AND cal airf oil s.
The an gle of incidence of th e TAIL·MOMENT ARM Figure 1 shows polar curves (CL
fixed portion of th e horizontal tail , The tail -mo ment arm (TMA) is the versus Co) for a flat plate airfoil at
i.e., th e stabilizer, is important but distance between the mean aerody- low Rns. Lift is greater, and drag is
no t too critical. For semi symmetri- namic chords of the wing an d tail. less for E168.
cal or flat-b ottomed wing airfoils , It is, in effect, th e lever on which As explain ed in Chapter 13,
an angle of incidence of minus 1 the tail's area wor ks. "Stressed Skin Design ," symme trical
deg ree (as measured against the tail surfaces may be made lighter
da tum lin e) is appropriate. For Lift an d stronger than shee t balsa and
symmetrical wing airfoils, an angl e 4 -=tT ~R=1 8 , AR.9 ARcS AR.2 .S-
1. much stronger th an built-up sur-
of incidence of zero degre es is sug- ) .2 Basicsection f,'i / . '. faces (and only slightly heavier).
1 . o AR=lnfinite-.e.- "/
gested. Th ere are some exceptions
to these rules, as you will see.
;g -
l5. / ...-
.> I


a; .6
3 4 / /
~ The upper portion of Figure 2 illus-
::; . 1
v ' -' I I I

trates the effect of AR on lift and
AoA. For AR 5, th e stall occurs at a
25 27
In addition to th e downward deflec- 20-degree AoA, and at AR 2.5, the
tion of th e air by th e wing , resulting stall is at 27 degrees-both at a lift
from its production of lift, both pro- coefficient of 1.2. Thus, at AR 5, the
file and induced drags "pull" the air tail surface responds more quickly to
along with th e wing, so that by th e changes in AoA th an at AR 2.5 since
time it reaches th e tail, it has lost the lift per degree of AoA is greater.
some of its velocity. (This is easier to For sma ller models, however, th e
visualize if one con siders th e air- tail 's ch ord sho uld not be less than
.1 .15
plan e fixed with the air passing at 5 inches to avo id unfavorable low
Wing drag coellicienl Co
level flight speed, as in a wind tun- Rn effect s. An AR of 4 to 5 with
nel.) This reducti on adversely affects Figure 2. constant cho rd is reco mmen ded .
Effect of aspect ratio on wing characteristics.
th e tail's effectiveness.
The greater th e vertical distance SLOTTED FLAP EFFECT
betw een th e Wing's wake and th e Based on experience, this author When slotted flap s ar e full y
hor izontal tail , th e smaller (flatte r) uses a simp le meth od for establish- extended, several things occur :
the downwash angle is and the less ing the horizontal-tail area (HTA). If
the reduction in velocity of the air you have a wing AR of 6 and a tail- • Both lift and d rag increase sub-
is. A T-tail location, atop th e verti- mo ment arm that is 2.5 times the sta ntially, and th e model's speed
cal tail surface, raises it well abov e wing's MAC, th en a tail area of 20 dec reases.
th e win g's wake and puts it in less percent of th e wing area is adequate.
disturbed air. Here is the formula : • The wing's nose-down pitc hi ng
Other T-tail advantages are: moment increases sha rply.
HTA = 2.5 x MA C x 20 % x WA
TMA • Th e down was h angle also
• Th e elevato r ma y be sit uated
increases in proportio n to th e lift
above th e prop slipstream .
where HTA = horizontal-tail are a in increase from th e lowered flap s.
square inches; Thi s increases th e horizon tal tail
• It is out of th e fuselage's bound- TMA =tail-moment arm in inches; download .
ary layer. WA = wing area in square inches;
MAC = Wing's mean aerodynamic Experienc e with th e Seagull III, th e
• It does not blank et th e rudder, for chord in inches. Seahawk and th e Swift indicates th at
better spin recov ery. the flap chord (in percen t of th e
For short TMAs, this formula wing's chor d) influ ences th e model's
For high -wing models, a low-set will increase th e tail area ; for long flaps-down beh avior.
horizontal tail brings it well belo w TMAs, area is reduced , but wha t Flaps with wider ch ord s-up to 30
th e wake . aerodynamicists call "tail vo lume, " percent of th e win g's cho rd- gene r-
In addition to its vertical i.e., area times TMA, will remain ate very little pitch cha nge when
location, the effectiveness of th e constant. extended. The increase in tail down-



level, "gro und effect" occurs. When FORWARD CG

a plane is in grou nd effect: See Figur e 6. A CG ahead of the
1.0 wing 's aerodynam ic center ha s only
I ~ ::::::: :;:: • The wing beh aves as though it one advantage: it improves longitu-
I ~t, :---
_ 10
8 z> ~ had a h igh er AR; lift increases and din al stability, since it increases the
'.--' ~ ~ ...--
th e sta ll AoA decreases (see Figures "stability margin." (See Ch apter 6,
Wing Aspecl Ratio I 2 and 3). "CG Location .") A forward CG has
th ese consequences:
0.7 • The induced drag of the wing
0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Height 0' Wing From G,ound/Wingsp,n
decreases (see Figure 4). • The model's maneuverability is
reduced , particularly when cen-
• The most im portan t ch ange is a trifugal for ce comes into play.
severe reduction in the downwash (More on th is subject further on. )
an gle to about hal f its value at
:c 1.0 high er altitude . • The tail download to balance the

i ::
c; 0.7
V Lowering flaps causes an increase in
th e down wash angle and in the
for ward CG adds to the load the
wing mu st support, in addition to
the model 's weight. Profile and

:i 0.6
V nose-down pitch; but th e severe in duce d dr ags (called "trim drag")
" ~ 0.5 downwash angle reduction , du e to of both wing and tail increase.
gro un d effect, red uces th e tail 's
~_! ::: 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 dow nlo ad, causing the mod el to • In gro und effect, and particular-
Height 0' Wing FromG,ound/Wlngsp,n nose-down in a sha llow dive. This ly for a flapp ed model, more pow-
is part icularly noticeable for models erful tail downlift is needed to
Impact of grou,,~ effectpn induced drag - with wide-chord (up to 30 percent raise th e model' s nose for a flaps-
of th e Wing's cho rd) slotte d flaps. down landing. This is more pro-
This beh avior requi res consider - n ounced for wings using cam-
able up-elevator force to sto p th e bered , i.e. , semisymmetrical or
dive and to raise th e aircraft's nose flat-bottom ed, airfoils owing to
. .__v »> to th e n ear- st all touch down the Wing's nose-down pitching
-> posture. moment. For sym m et rical-win g
.4 /' airfoils, the tail download need
-: I ELEVATOR EFFECTIVENESS o n ly balance the nose-down
Q / The larger th e elevato r area , in moment of the forw ard CG and

0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

proportio n to the ho rizontal ta il's the nose-down pitch from the
SelSl tot al are a, th e mor e effective th e ex ten ded flaps .
elevato r, as shown in Figur e S.
For slotted flapped mode ls, an • The forward CG should be no
elev ator are a of 40 perc ent of th e farthe r forward than a point 16 per-
h ori zontal tail's area is suggested. cent of the MAC, i.e., measured aft
Th is prop ortion provides adeq ua te of th e lead ing edge.
elevator auth or ity to achi eve n ear-
fu ll-st all lan d in gs, with fla ps • With respe ct to an y m aneuver
load th at tends to cause a nose- ex te n ded an d in gro u nd effect. involving centrifugal force (an d
up reactio n is equalized by th e Wit h out flaps , a pro po rtion of there are few that don 't ), that
Wing's hig h er nose-down pitching 30 to 3S percent is adequate. force acts at the CG and also sub-
m om en t. It is very satisfying to Full eleva to r deflection of 2S stan tially increases the load the
lower full flap, after th rott ling back degrees, both up and down , is wing must support. (See Chapter
and have th e model continue on its appropriate. Th is m ay, at first, 4, "Win g Loading Design .").
m erry way, with out nosi ng up or prove sensitive but , with practice,
down , but flying noticeably slower. has proven to be no problem . At In a tight turn at h igh speed, cen-
For narrower chord (2S percent) high speeds, elevator low dua l rate trifu gal forc e increases the wing
flaps, th e flap-induced tail down load is suggested. lift and the weight at the CG
is greater th an th e nose-down wing ahea d of the wing's aerodynamic
pitching moment. When th e flaps CG LOCATIONS cen ter. A force couple results that
are extended, this causes the model The o ptim um CG is vertically in resists the turn . Th is imposes a
to nose up sha rply an d rather lin e wit h th e wing 's aero dy nam ic he avy addit io n al load on the hor-
alarmingly. center at 2S percent of its MAC. izontal tail th at , even with full up -
Th ere are, h owever, ad vantages elevato r, it ma y be unable to
GROUND EFFECT and di sadvantages in h eren t in su ppo rt- an d it stalls-limiting
Wh en an airplan e is on fina l positioning the CG ah ead of o r the model's maneuverability.
approach and descen ds to half its behind the Win g's aerodynamic For a CG vertically in line with
wingspan abov e ground (or water) cen te r. the Wing 's center of lift , these


Horizontal Tail Design A CHAPTER 7

tio ns for stability • The relative size of the areas of

and flight control. th e hori zo n tal tail and wing.
En larging the tail will move the NP
• Attempting to rearward for a larger static margin .
CG Symmetrical redu ce trim d rag
Tail download
Pitch moment Wing lilt _ Downwash by movin g th e CG • Sim ilarly, a longer tail moment

r:~-re-d---=----""'·~ :1
too far aft can arm will move the NP aft .
download ca use problem s.
Th is requires an • The relat ive vertical positioning
in crease in the of the wing and horizontal tail has a
tail's positive AoA significant bearing on the tail 's
Figure 6. for equili brium. In effectiveness, or efficiency. A tail
Forward CG force diagrams. a sha llow dive, th e located close to the wing's wake, in
wi ng's AoA an d heavy downwash, loses effective -
Cl both decrease. ness . At this location, the tail is in
Since th e down- reduced dynamic air pressure
Tail upload
wa rd angle of caused by the drag of both wing and
w'n g lilts NP _ _ _
:=-=---=- Down~
the down wash is
prop ortional to
fuselage. This redu ces that ta il's
effectiveness to un der 50 perce nt. In
Pitch moment CG th e wing's Cl , th e co ntrast, a T-tail is 90 percen t
/.. Wing lift - dive reduces the effective.
I C--,"_--,..:=--NP Downwash .... do wnwash ang le,
Cambered which becomes This reduced efficiency affects the
CG Taildownload more nearly paral- NP locati on . It acts like a red uct ion
lel with th e fuse - in tail area : it moves the NP for-
lage cen te rline . ward and reduces the static ma r-
Figure 7. The tail's AoA and gin. The larger the vertica l sepa ra-
AffCG force diagrams.
lift increase, result- tio n between wing and tail, the
ing in a so me- better. For models whose wing is
forces are directly opposed and do times violent "tuck under." Soaring on or in th e middle of the fuse lage,
not add to the tail 's load. gliders with CGs so located have lost a 'l-tall is best . For high wings
wings in the resulting steep dive. above the fuselage , a low tail is
AFTCG Moving th e CG forward and redu c- indicat ed.
See Figure 7. A CG behind th e ing th e tail's AoA is th e rem edy. There is another aspect to all
wing's aerodynamic center offers this. For the same NP, a high , more
advantages, but ha s seriou s pot en- • This author is nervous about efficient tail may be red uced in
tial disadvantages: th e use of an aft CG coupled with area, yet would have the same
slotted or Fowler flaps. The large effectiveness as the lower, larger
• Maneuverability is increased- increase in down wash angle created tail. If made larger in area , th e
centrifugal force acting on th e aft by th e extended flaps could cha nge more efficient hi gh er tail will
CG actually reduces the tail load s th e tail's AoA substa ntially, conver t- move the NP aft, thereby en larg ing
needed for these maneuvers. ing a positive up-
load (or mild nega-
• Owing to th e nos e-down pit ching tive dow nload) to a
moment of a cambered airfoil, th e h eavy download .
horizontal tail normally has a The combination of B
download requirement. The aft an aft CG and a Basic airfoil , NACA 2412, maximum Iltt coellicient 1.00at stall speed of
CG's moment about the wing's heavy tail down- 24mph , angle of atta ck14 degrees , Rn 183,000 and wing loading of 24
ounces persquare foot.
aerody n amic center redu ces this load might well
tail download. result in a disas-

trous stall.
Slatc:L (.
For sym me trical airfoils , the hori- Slot ..
zontal tail's airfoil is set at a positi ve NEUTRAL·POINT Flap
AoA , relative to the downwash, to MANIPULATION III
Slotted and flapped airfoil, maximum CL 2.20at stall speed of 17mph,
produce an upload to offset the aft- The re are ways to angle of attack 24 degrees, Rn 135,000 and wing loading 24 ounces per
CG's nos e-up moment. The wing's have both a mod- square foot , speed reduction 7mph (29%).
total load and trim dra g are both estly aft CG and
reduced. a healthy stability
The disadvantages of an aft margin between th e Horizontal talt-plane section , NACA 23,009, inverted and slotted .
CG are: CG and th e NP. The
ma jor fact ors in flu-
• The stability margin is redu ced, enci ng th e neutral Figure 8. :
which could ha ve serious implica- point's location are: Crane wing andtail sections.



the static margin. Thus, th e modified version

Structurally, a tail in the fuselage would also ha ve a healthy stability
presents few problems. A T-tail do es margin with a CG at 31 percent of
impose heavy loads on the vertical the model's MAC, well behind the
fin. If thicker symmetrical airfoil s, wing's aerodynamic center of lift at
such as the Eppler 168 or NACA 25 percent MAC.
0012, are em ployed for the vertical
tail along with stressed-skin con- CAMBERED AIRFOIL
struction (see Chapter 13), the fin SECTIONS
will have adequate strength. Semisymmetrical or flat-bottomed
A simple formula for estimating airfoil sections may be used in the
the mo st aft CG locati on, but still horizontal tail. They ha ve a wider
leaving an adequate static margin range of AoAs before the stall and a
for safe, controllable flight is: higher CL at the stall than symmet-
rical airfoils. Where a powerful up or
download is requ ired, such sections
. 17 + (.30 x TMA x SH x HTE) x 100= are useful. For uplift, the tail airfoil is
MAC SW right side up ; for downlift, the airfoil
is inverted. It should be noted that a
CG location, in percentof the MAC, cambered airfoil starts to lift at a
measured from the MAC's leading edge, negative AoA, not zero degrees as for
where: symmetrical sections. The Eppler
TMA = tail-momentarm in inches 205 section and the Eppler 222
MAC = meanaerodynamic chord in inches section are suggested as tail airfoils
SH = horizontal tail area in square inches (see Appendix). Note the shift to
SW = wing area in square incnes lower negative angles of zero lift at
HTE = /lOrizontal tail efficiency, estimated low Rns.
at between40 and 90 percent and based An example of the need for a
on the tail'svertical location relative to the powerful download, in gro u n d
wing's wake
effect, is the "Cran e," a short take-
off and landing (STOL) model.
This model had full-span , fixed ,
leading-edge slots and, flaps
Th is formula reflects the fuselage's down, it stalled at 20 degrees AoA.
contribution to the NP location . After some trials, this model was
Depending on its size and shape, able to achieve full-stall landings.
the neutral point can ad vanc e up to An all-moving tail with an invert-
15 percent of the win g's MAC ed , cambered and leading-edge-
under th e fuselage's in flue n ce. slott ed airfoil, call ed a "stabila-
Calculation of the fusel age's co ntri- tor, " as in Figure 8, was required ...
bution is complex and beyond the
scop e of this article.
Using the Swift 's actual and
im agin ary m odified va lues will
illu strate all thi s.

TMA-25 .5 in .; MAC-9.75 in .;
SH-120 sq. in .; SW- 600 sq . in .;
HTE-90 percent.

TMA-29.25 in .; MAC-9.75 in .; REFERENCES
SH-150 sq. in .; SW-600 sq. in .; Report 648 * : Design charts tor prediding
HTE-90 percent. downwash angles and wa ke characteristics
behin d plain and fl apped airfoils. by
The actual mo st rearward CG is Silverstein and Katzoff• .1939.

at 31 percent of the MAC. Since the Report 65 1*: Down wash and Wake Behind
Plain and Flapped Airfo ils. by Silverstein.
design CG is at 25 percent MAC, Katzoff and Bullivant, 1939.
there is a healthy static mar gin . In
*Both reports are available fro m the
the modified version th e most rear- Natio nal Technical Informa tion Service. 5285
ward CG would be at 37 percent of Port Royal Rd., Springf ield. VA 22 16 1.
the MAC.


Chapter 8

Horizontal Tail
Incidence and
n airp lane in level flight at • Setting the tail 's incidence, Downwash
A its selected cruising speed
is a classic balancing act .
To achieve this balance, both nose-
relative to the downwash at the cal-
culated AoA to provide th e balanc-
ing moment.
down and nose-up moments must
be evaluated. The horizonta l tail MOMENT EVALUATION
must balance the net result of these The fo llowing de ta ils the four
moments. (A moment is simply major mo ment sources. There are
a weight or force multiplied by o the rs, which are beyond the
a distance-also called "arrn'") The scope of this article, but small ele- • Airfoil pi tching momen t.
horizontal tail 's AoA, relative to vator trim adjustments would Symmetrical sectio n s have no
the wing's downwash , should be compensate for their minor pitching moment; semisymmetri-
sufficient to provide the upward, values. cal and flat-bottom airfoils have
or most often, the downward such moments, which are always
lift required to provide th is • CG locatio n. A CG that's ahead negative, or nose-down. Their value
equilibrium. of the wing's 1/4 MAC causes a is calculated using Formula 10
The penalty for having an incor- nose-down, or negative, moment. (pitching moment) in Chapter 1,
rect tail incidence is heavy elevator Its value is the horizontal distance "Airfoil Selection."
deflection at cruise speed . This adds between the CG and 1;4 MAC, in
drag and could result in a lack of inches, multiplied by the model 's • The wing's drag moment . The
adequate elevator authority to gross weight in ounces. Having wing's total of both profile and
bring the airp lane to a near-stall the CG behind the Wing's 1;4 MAC induced drags, in ounces, at the
lan ding posture wh ile in ground causes a positive or nose-up wing 's AoA for the design cruising
effect, with full flap deflection and moment. Its value is calcu lated in speed, is calculated using Formulas
with a CG located ahead of the the same way as for a forward CG, 5 ("Total of profile [section] and
wing's aerodynamic lift cen ter. but it has positive value. In level induced drag coefficients ") and 9
Establishing the appropriate tail flight, a CG that's vertically in line ("Total profile and induced wing
incidence calls for: with the wing's lift (at 1/4 MAC) drag"), of Chapter 1.
contributes neither up moment The drag moment is the drag in
• An evaluation of the moments, in nor down moment. ounces multiplied by th e vertical
inch-ounces, both n ose-u p and
nose -down to obtain the ne t result.
Nose-up moments are offse t by 1 4 - - - - - - -Dislance X
nose-down moments;
Tail Ve MAC Tail eNiciency
• A determination of which type of Wing l/ e MAC
tail lift-upward or downward-in Plus M
ounces is required to provide the 1 0.65
i'l wing MAC
balancing moment at the model's
selected cruising speed .
Wake ce lerllne
• A calculation of the tail angle Minus M 0.65
Wake displacemenl
of attack required to provide this '1- - ---- 0.9
tail lift.

• An estima te of th e do wnwash Figure 1.

angle at the horizontal tail's location. Wake and downwash determination.

proced ure A: "Lift coefficien t per

degree angle of attack adjusted for
aspect ratio and planform" and spe-
cial procedure B: "Angle of attack
(or in cidence) for level flight" in
Cha pter 1. Identify whether th e
angle is po sitive (upward lift) or
negati ve (dow n ward lift).

The first step is to determine the
location of the wake centerlin e at
th e tail (Figure 1) so as to obtain th e
wake displacem ent H. With H and
two other dimensions from your
drawi ngs, plus (or minus) M and
distance "X," you can easily locate
the wake cen terline relative to the

• Wake centerline. Factors con-

trolling the wake disp lacemen t are
- wing aspect ratio;
- wing planfor m; an d
- wing's CL at th e design cruising
If a th orough design job has been
done, th e CL will hav e been dete r-
mined in calculating th e wing's
angle of in cidenc e for level flight
For more detail, see Ch apter 18,
"Propeller Selec tion an d Speed
distance, in inc hes, between the CG horizontal tail plane m ust provide. Estimati ng."
and the wing's 1/ 4 MAC on th e air- Usually, the ne t result is a nose- Refer to Figure 2, A to F. This was
foil's chord line. If th e wing is do wn , or negative figure. extrac ted from NACA Report No.
below th e CG, th e moment is nos e- 648 and is not difficult to use. First,
down, or negative. If it's above th e T AIL LIFT NEEDED not e th at all th e dimen sions are
CG, the mom ent is no se-up , or pos- Dividing th e net mo men t figure given as a percentage of th e wing's
itive . If th e wing is on the CG, given in th e previous sectio n by th e sem i-span .
it contributes 110 dr ag pitch ing tail's lever (or tail moment arm-
moment. the distance fro m CG to th e tail's 1/4 • The colum n on th e left covers
MAC in inches) will tell how much th e wing planforms, both straight
• Th rust moment. A thrust line lift, in ounces, the tail mus t develop and tapered, for aspect rati os of 6, 9
above th e CG pro mo tes a no se- to provide the balance moment. If and 12. Dihedral and sweepback
down (negative) moment. Below the n-et moment is negative, or may be ignored. Select th e plan-
the CG, th e mom ent is nos e-up nose -down, the tail must lift down- form closest to your design.
(positive). The thrust, in ounces, is ward. If positive, the tail lift must
difficult to pin down witho ut a be upward. • The center column provide s the
wind -tunnel test. An ed ucated wake displaceme nt for each of the
guess is a thrust of 40 percent of the TAIL ANGLE OF INCIDENCE planform s for a CL of 1.00. Note the
model's weight for level fligh t at The tail lift required, in ounces, decrease with increasing aspect
th e de sign cruis e speed . The sho uld be ad justed to compensate ratio. If your win gspan is 60 inches,
moment, in inch-ounces, is the for the tail 's efficie ncy (or lack the sem i-span is 30 in ch es. If
estimated thrust multiplied by the thereof) . See Figure 1. That ad just- distance X in Figure 1 equals 24
vertical distan ce in in ches from ment would be: lift requ ired divid ed inc hes, th en wake displacement is
th rust line to CG. If th e thrust line by tail efficiency. For a T-tail where 24 divided by 30, or 80 percent of
passes th rough th e CG, there is no the lift required is 100 ounces, this the semi -span. In th e center col-
thrust pitching momen t. would increase to 100 divided by um n, Figure 2A, th e wake displace-
0.9, or II I ounces . ment at 80 percent of sem i-span is
• Net result. The net sum of th ese To calculate the tail AoA needed 8 percent of the semi-span, for a CL
four mom ent sources will provide to provide that lift, use Formula 7 of 1.00. If your win g's CL is, say 0.3 ,
the ba lancing moment that the ("Lift coefficient required": specia l thi s displacement wou ld be reduc ed


Horizontal Tail Incidence and Dow nwash Estimat ing .& CHAPTER 8

to 0.3 multiplied by 8, or 2.4 per- d iffer en ce between a n gu la r • With the wing on the CG, the
cent of the semi-span (distance H in setti ngs for u p righ t camber ed win g's drag moment is no nex istent.
Figure 1). sectio ns and in vert ed cam be red
Now convert distance M into a sections . • The thru st line passes th rough
percentage of the wing's semi-span. th e CG. Tail surfaces are generous
If, for your design, M equals 4 PATTERN ·SHIP DESIG N in area. "More is bett er" is the pre-
inches, wake displacement is 4 Pattern shi ps hav e evolved into vailing belief. Thes e large area s
divided by 30, or 13.3 percent of configurations in wh ich th e four move th e NP aft, improving th e sta-
semi-span. Note that M is negative ma jor moment sources have been tic mar gin and pe rmit ting th e CG
for tails below the wake centerline. reduc ed to a min imum : to be beh ind the wing's 1;4 MAC. In
Adding distances Hand M gives man euvers, centrifugal force, acting
the vertical location of the hori zon- • The CG is on or close to th e at th e aft CG assists; the model is
tal tail relativ e to the wake CL • In wing 's lift cen ter (Vol MAC). more agile.
our example, H plu s M, 2.4 percent
plus 13.3 percent is a total of 15.7 • The symmetrical airfoils have no The win g and tail airfoils are both
percent, and distance X is 80 pitchi ng mom ent. set at zero inci de nce-a "n o-lift"
percent of th e wing semi-span.

Refer to the th ird vertical column
in Figure 2A. At 80 perc ent Wake and Downwash
"Distance behind" and 15.7 percent
"Vertically above ," the down wash
Droop fuselage Rearward and
angle, for a CL of 1.00, is between for better streamlining downward acceleration
5.4 degrees and 4.8 degrees, or 5 Where to

position failplane
degrees . For our CL of 0.3, thi s
would be 0.3 x 5, or 1.5, degrees
..... DOW~WASH
and is the downwash angle at the
horizontal tail's location.
- - -:----- ---
- - -- - -.,., "
I ,I
In Figure 1, there is a dotted out- ---- /

line of a tail below the wake center- UPWASH ~ -:.

line-the tail location for man y
I ~
high-wing aircraft. The downwash-
angle-estimating procedure appli es, -I-----..
but the differen ce is that distan ce
M would be a minus figure and H a
positive figure, which would redu ce The downwash andwake 01 a conventional, rear-tailed aircraft.
the vertical displacement. Note
how the downwash an gles are he tail surfaces of a conventional, rear- increase in the downwash angle. Athigh
reduced as the vertical displ ace-
ment is incr eased.
T tailed airplane operate In a very dis-
turbed atmosphere. As the figure Illustrates,
speeds, the tail's download must be red uced
to lower the wing's angle 01 attack; but
the air sweeps downward oil the wing's trail- again, because the downwash angle is
TAIL INCIDENCE ing edge asthe result 01 the lilt generated. reduced , the tail download is reduced.
In the example abo ve, the down- This airstream is called the "wake." This The point 01 all this is that asthe mcdel's
wash angle is 1.5 degrees. If th e wake is turbulent, and it influences the air- leveillight speed varies with thethrottle set-
tail AoA needed for balance were both above and below itself-in a downward ting trem IDW to high-or vice versa-the
minus 2 degrees, that 2 degrees direction called "downwash. II horiznntal tall's lill must vary accDrdingly.
would be relati ve to the down- Obviously, no sell-respectinghorizontal tail On mndet airplanes, this is acenmpllshed by
wash angle. Figure 3 di agr ams should linditself in thisvery disturbed wake. changing the angle 01 theelevators. This
this relationship and sh ows that The downwash angle depends on the 1m angle is controlled bythe elevator trim lever
the tail 's angle of incidence (rela- coenicient at which the wing is flying. An air- on the transmitter-literally at one's finger-
tive to the model 's centerline, for plane has many leveillightspeeds, from just tips(a little up-elevator at lowspeeds and
this example) should be minus above the stallat lowengine rpm to its maxi- some down lor high speeds) .
0.5 degree. CAUTION: for cam- mum speed at full throttle. Atlowspeeds, The angle DI incidence 01 the fixed part of
the wing's angle of attack increases, asdoes the herizuntal tail, i.e., the stabilizer, is
bered airfoils, the angle of zero
its lilt coellicient, and the downwash angle is impertant, but nottoo critical. FDr semisym-
lift is not the ch ord lin e as it is
high. Attop speed , the reverse is true, and metrical Dr flat-bDttDm-wing airfDils, an
for symmetrical sections, but it angle of incidence of minus 1 degree (as
the downwash angle is low.
can be sever al degrees ne gat ive as Atlowspeeds, the horizontal tail's down- measured against the datum line) is appro-
shown in the airfoil plots for the ward lill must be increased to force the priate. For symmetrical-wing airfoils, an
section concerned. Th is mu st be wing's airfoil to a higher angle 01attack. angle 01 incidence of 0 degrees is suggested.
considered when establishing the Part 01 this download is supplied bythe (There are same exceptions to these rules.)
AoA relative to the downwash .
Note also that there 's a major



A -n I
. t---1. I
N r-- • I-i-
~q 5<
., 60
o ki\l,.
80 100 120 140 160

Distancebehin d' , -chord point, pen;entsemi-span Distancebehind ' ,-chord point,percentsemi-span

B 60

2O f"-.t--t-+-"l'--4:::++-t--t-t-t-j
41' 36"
i i I I I
20 60 80 100 60 80 160

Distance behind ',-chord point, pen;entsemi-span

) 60 80 100 120 140 160

Distance from C, ' oecen semi-span Distancebehind ' s-croa point, pen;entsemi-span

o 60 '"
I '

o 20 40 60 80 100
.. 60 80 100 120 140 160

Distance trom C" pen;entsemi-span Distance behind I ,-chord point, percent semi-span Distance behind I '-chord point, percentsemi-span


E 60

D .
e-- I -I- 1
t. r-, -i I - I- L~ I
o 20 .cJ 60 80
Distance from C" pen;entsemi-span
tCQ 60 80 100 120 140 160

Distance behind ' ,-chord point. pen;entsemi-span

o k· ~
60 80 100 120
1.60 160

Distance behind ' , -chord POInt, percentsemi-span

F 60
1 I
.. ,

C- I- 3
- -- _:? ~ •
.. I I
.. 60 80 100 120 1.. 160

Distancebehind ' '- chord point, pen;ent semi-span Distancebehind ' , -chord point, percentsemi-span


Horizontal Ta il Incidence and Downwash Estimating ... CHAPTER 8

condition. However, as soon as up-

Downwash angle
elevator is applied, the wing's AoA
becomes positi ve; both lift and
down wash are produced. That Downwash
downwash strikes the horizontal Horizontal
tail at a ne gativ e angle, producing
tail downlift that maintains the L..- Tall angle otlncldence
wing at a positive lifting angle. Ta ll angle of anack relative to downwash
In verted, th e sam e conditions
apply. In both positions, th e fuse-
Figure 3.
lage is inclined at a sligh t nos e-up Tailplane angle of Incidence.
an gle to provid e th e win g's lift.

TAIL DEEP STALL • Swan canard. The nose-dow n

Some authoriti es state that, at high pitc h of the h igh thrust line is off-
angl es of attack, the wake from the set by th e aft Wing 's drag moment.
wing may blanket the horizontal Pitching moments of both fore and
T-tail, and the airp lane will have aft wings add to the fore plane's
difficulty recoverin g from a stall. load. The foreplane down was h
This co ndition is called "deep stall. " reduces th e wing's AoA and lift in
Cases of full-scale deep stall have the area shadowed by the fore-
resulted in fatal crashes. All have plane. The wing's AoA in th is area
inv olved test-flights of twin or tri-jet was increased to compensate.
aircraft with aft, fuselage-mounted
engines and rearward CGs for th e • Seahawk float and tricycle gear.
tests. In a stalled condition, the Here , the major nose-down
wing and engine-pod wakes may moments are caused by th e wing's
blank et the horizontal tail. drag, below the CG, an d the wing' s
There are many prop- and jet- airfo il pit ch ing mome nt . A thrust
driven aircraft with T-tails th at have line above the CG adds to the nose-
no deep-stall probl ems . down moment. The 1;4 MAC is ver-
tically in line with the CG and pro-
RECENT DESICN ANALYSIS duces no moments in level fligh t.
The following mod els are further
discussed in Chapter 26, "Co nstruc- • Osprey tail-dragger and twin
tion Design s." float plane. The major moment s
caused by wing drag and the wing's
• The Swift. Th e Swift's thrust airfoil pitching moment oppose
lin e, wing drag and CG are in line, each other. Th rust line an d CG
and the CG is vertically in lin e coincide, an d th e latt er is vertica lly
with the 1/:! MAC of the wing. The in line with the 1;4 MAC in level
only sign ifican t moment is the flight ....
result of th e win g's airfoil pitching
moment. At 60m ph cruis e speed, a
tail setti ng of minus 1 degree
proved to be correct.

• Seagull III fl yin g boat. Thi s

model had two major nose-down
moments: th e high thrust line and
the wing's airfoil pitching mo me nt.
Centers of lift and drag coincided
with the CG. The pusher engine
arrangement was chosen so that
th e horizontal tail would be partly
subme rged in th e powerful prop
slipstream in th e hope th at pit ch
changes caus ed by power (rpm)
variations would be minimized.
Luc kily, th is was successful; the
model exhibits no change in pitch
as rpm are varied.


Chapter 9

Vertical Tail Airplane Design. " "Lateral area "

refers to aircraft surface areas that
model airplane is concentrated in
two elements, one representing the
face sideways. This th eory, in a nut- mass ahead of the CG and th e
she ll, states that if: other, the mass behind the CG.
Design and There are thus two principal axis
• th e model's CLA was at about 2S systems to consider:
percent of the tail moment arm aft
Spiral Stability of th e CG; • the aerodynamic, or wind, axis,
through the CG, in the relative
• a lin e through CLA and CG was wind direction; and
horizon tal; and
• the inertia axis through the CG,
joining the two element masses (see
• the win g joining the front CLA Figure 2).
an d the rear CLA sloped upward to
the front ,
If, in level flight, the aerodynamic
and inertial axes are aligned, no
ertical tail desig n is mo re then the model would be spir ally

V complex than one might

imagine. It involves con-
sideration of wing di hedral, fuse-
stable. Figure 1 illu st rat es th e lay-
out req uired by this theory.
Put in to pract ice by many
mo delers, this theory was proven
inertial coupling will result from
rolling motion.
If, however, the inertial axis is
inclined to the aerod ynamic axis, as
lage and landing-gear side area s, in Grant's th eory, rotation about
CG locati on and the importa n t time an d time again and was
th e aerod ynamic axis will create
vertical tail area . applied in th e early days of rudd er-
centrifugal forces th at , through the
A brief summary of model air- on ly RIC by such
plane history is timely. In th e 1930s, well- kn ow n an d
models were light, tissue-covered respec ted modelers
and rubber-band powered. To fly as Hal deBolt and Bill
properly, they depended solely on Win te r. The latter's
their inherent stability. beautiful "Cloud-
The small, single-cylinder gasoline Niner" (outlined in
engine, such as th e Brown jr., with its Figure 1) still reflects
fuel tan k, ignition coil, condenser Charlie Grant's ideas.
and battery, revolution ized model Today, with th e
aviation. Gas models were bigger, very precise, power-
heavier and flew faster and longer. ful and reliabl e
They still depended on inherent sta- control provided by Figure 1.
bility to avoid damaging crashes. mod ern RIC equ ip- Side viewof "Cloud·Nlner" with estimated CG andCLA locations.
Radio control was still ahead. ment, which permit s
Early RIC "rudder-only" mo dels unlimited aero batics,
still relied on the model's inhe rent this theor y is less
stability. Rudder control really only important , but none-
"steered" the mo del. It becam e theless valid.
appa rent that there was a serious
spira l instability problem. Mod els IN ERT IAL ROLL
were spiral-diving into the ground . COUPLING
This autho r surmises
CENTER OF LATERAL that ine rtial coupling
AREA CONCEPT in rolling plays as big
In 1941, Charles Hamp to n Grant, a part as side areas
then editor of Model Airplane News, in under st and ing Figure 2.
publi shed his cen ter of lateral area Grant's CLA ideas. Side view of "Cloud-Niner" showing estimated aerodynamic and
(CLA) th eories, in h is book "Model The ma ss of a inertialaxis.


Vertical Tail Design and Spiral Stability ... CHAPTER 9

DIHEDRAL profile to reflect the additional pair

Vertical surtace map With today's of surfaces. Add the necessary lay-
Pinhole 2 mo dern radio ers of car dboa rd as shown cro ss-
control an d h at ch ed in Figure 3. Note that for
ailerons, the this configura tion, at the wing ,
high dihedral three layers wo uld be needed , two
Rear CLA
angles th at for the wings' side areas (because
were built into of dih edr al, each wing has a left
free-flight and and right "lateral surface" com-
rud de r-o nly prised of the vertical rise in the
models are no wing , as seen from the side) and
Distance D (25 to 28 percent
01 distance Irom CG
longer needed. on e for the canopy outline .
to vertical MAC) For powered Size yo ur ve rtical tail sur face to
R/ C mod els an area th at looks righ t. You' ll
Figure 3. with ailerons, soo n fin d out how accura te your
The center of lateralarea (CLA) relative to the CG. th e following estimate was.
dih edral angles To locat e the CLA of th is profile,
actio n of inertial forces, cause a are suggested: sim ply establish its CG. It is easily
pit ch ing mom ent. This is "inertial done by inse rting a pin through
roll coupling" (see Figure 2). • high wing-2 degrees th e profil e at pinhole no. I , in
Sin ce th e inertial axis slopes Figure 3; pu sh the pin into some
upward to th e fron t, a nose-up pitc h • mid wing-3 degrees ve rt ica l surface , door jam b, or
will occur when the mod el rolls. edge , and allow th e profile to
This prevents th e fatal spiral dive. • low wing-4 degrees h an g free under gravity. Make a
This type of spiral stability is great loo p at one end of a 3-foo t length
for sport models, but th e inerti al Sweepback also has a dihedral of string, and slip it over the pin -
coupling mu st inhibit any man eu- effect. Two to 3 degrees of sweep- h ead; to th e other end of the
ver wh ere rolling is involved. back is equivalent to 1 degree of string, tie a small weig ht, e.g., a
Look at the side view of the dihedral. nu t, key, or paperclip. Allow it,
author's Swift (see Cha pte r 26, too, to h an g free under grav ity.
"Co nstructio n Designs") . The CLA LOCATING THE CLA Th e profile's CG will be some -
is at 2S percen t of th e tail-mom ent The following procedure has been wh ere along the thread line ; mark
arm , as per Grant, but th e position s used by this author for many years this line on th e profile. Repeat this
of th e two element masses make and on ma ny models-all success- procedure from another point ,
th e aerody na mic and inertial axes ful fliers-to determine vertical tail somew ha t distant from pinho le 1.
almost coincide. In rolling, noin er- area . It is applica ble to all configu- In Figure 3, th is is shown as pin-
tia coupling (tha t could in terfere ratio ns, flyin g boat s, canar ds, float- hole 2.
with aerobatics) will occur. Patt ern planes, etc. Wher e the two thread lines
models have similar configurations. In h is "full-scale" book, "The inte rsect is the cardboard profile's
Design of th e Aeroplane ," British CG and your model's first CLA.
aerodyna micist and author Darrol The CG (an d CLA) will not, in all
Stin to n recommend s a very similar probability, be at 2S percen t of
procedure. TMA; redu ce or add to your verti-
Cut out a cardboard profile of cal surfa ce area until it does. You
your desig n, full size, tha t repre- may h ave to repea t this proc ess
sen ts the late ral surfaces of th e air- several times to get th e righ t tail
craft. For two lat eral surfaces, e.g., area /Cl.A relation sh ip-un less yo u
for the right and left sides of the are smarte r th an th is au thor
fuselage , a sing le cardboard profile (wh ich cou ld well be!).
cutou t will su f-
fice. If there are
The Wasp was another .15-powered mor e than two
model-a tandem-wing biplane with4 stacked lateral
degrees of dihedral on each wing. The CLA
was originally at 25 percent of the VTMA,
sur faces (viewing
but owing to doubts about theforward fuse- the plane from
lage's Impact on directional stability, the th e side), e.g., the
vertical tall area was Increased to bring the wing's d ih edral,
CLA to 30percent. The Wasp was spirally landi ng -gea r or
unstable andunpleasant to fly. Cutting off ve rtical-tail sur -
thefin tops to the rudder top levels (flnoto-
my!)andadding smallstreamlined caps
faces, an addi tio n - Figure 4.
Improved thespiralstabilityandthemodel's al piece of card- Blanketing of the vertical tall In a spin, asaffected bytheposition
behavior. The CLA was then back to 25 board will have to of the horizontal tall. Notice the absence of blanketing In a T-tall
percent of VTMA as originally planned. be layered on th e configuration (0).



impression that its designer knows turning up to 270 degrees of its cir-
wh at it is all about! cular path, it is spirally stable. The
rap idity with which it rights itself
Center portion fixed
"'.' " . to top 01 vertical tail A dor sal fin area of 10 percent of is a measure of its degree of spiral
.. ". 1 vertica l tail area is suggested . stability.
". Outer parts
'pivot about
hinge line
Mass balance ALL·MOVING • Neutrally sp irally stable . If it
HORIZONTAL T·TAILS continues to turn without the angle
Rudder Figure 5 sketc hes an all-moving of bank increasing, it is neutrally
Mass balance T-tail or "sta bilator" that's suitable spirally stable.
both for powered models and for

% chord
sailplanes; for the latter, mass
balancing ma y not be required if
• Spira lly un stable. If the angle of
its bank slowly increases as it turns
(HINGE LINE) th e glider is in te nded to fly at a rel- and its speed gradually in creases in
ative ly low spee d. A "T" stabilator's a descending spiral, it is spirally
, Alternate rudder
Mass balance area ma y be reduced 10 percent unstable. The rap idity with which
from th at of a conven tional stab- it increa ses its bank angle is an
elevator hori zontal tail plane. index of its degree of in stability.
Figure 5.
Perspective drawing of anall-moving RUDDER POWER LEVELS OF
horizontal T-tail or stabilator. For powered spo rt models, a rudder SPIRAL STABILITY
area of 30 percent of the vertical tail High spiral stability is needed for
area, with ang ular tr avel of 30 free-flight models (for obvious rea-
VERTICAL·TAIL degrees eithe r side of neutral, is sug- son s) and for trainers. When a
ASPECT RATIO gested. For sailplanes with high-AR novice pilot gets into trouble, if his
The AR of horizontal and vertical wings and for pattern sh ips, a rud- model has good spiral stability, he
tails (and wings) bears on th eir effec- der area up to 50 percent of the need only neutralize his controls
tiveness . Vertical-tail ARs of 2.5 to 3 vertical tail area is recommended. and the model will, on its own,
are suggested. To determine your ver- recover, provided it has en ough
tical tail's AR, use thi s formula: RUDDER AILERON EFFECT altitude.
A rud der that has its "area-center" For sport models, a moderate
ARv = 1.55 x Bv 2 above a horizontal tail line through degree of spiral stability is desirable.
Sv th e CG will act like an aileron when This applies also to flying bo ats,
used. It induces a roll th at is floatplanes, canards and partic-
whe re ARv = vertica l tail aspec t oppose d to th e rudder-forced yaw. ularl y to rudder- and elevator-only
ratio; To avoid thi s, the rudder's area models, both powered and gliders .
Bv2 = heigh t of vertica l tail from cente r sho uld come close to or fall For pattern and aerobatic models,
fuse lage botto m, in inc hes, o n th e horizontal lin e through the neutral stability or mild spiral insta-
"squared"; and CG. The portion below th e CG bility is needed for good maneuver-
Sv = vertica l tail area in squa re opposes and neutralizes the rolling ability. The spiral dive is slow to
inches, incl ud ing fuse lage below action of the portion above the CG develop , so the expert pilot has no
the fin . • (Figure 1), and the rudder action problem controlling th e model.
causes yaw on ly. A high degree of spira l in stability
A T-tail cap ping th e vertical tail Upwardly dihedral V-tails have
surface, as in t he "Swift," effec- pro n ounce d anti-yaw roll action
tively increases th e vertica l tail's AR whe n th e ruddervators act as rud-
effect . ders. Downwardly dihedralled
Figure 4 shows how th e horizon- (an hedralled) V-tails have rolling
ta l tail could dan gerou sly blanket actio n in the same direction as
the vertica l surface in a spin. The th e yaw.
T-ta il in Figure 4D is not blan keted
in th is way. SPIRAL STABILITY
To assess an existing model air-
DORSAL FINS plane's spiral sta bility-or lack of Snowy Owlwas a AD-powered model with5
The Swift has a sma ll do rsal fin . It it-is easy. In level flight, at the degrees of dihedral, slotted flaps, aT-tail
has three useful func tio ns : mo de l's normal cru ising speed and anda CLA at 25 percent of its VTMA. It flew
at a reasonable altitude, put it in a well, butin slow, nose-high, flaps-down,
• inc reases fuselage stab ility at high 15- to 20-deg ree bank, then neu- levelflight at lowrpm, it developed a mild
side slip angles; tralize th e contro ls and watch its Outch roll. Theorizing thatturbulence, from
both the nose-upposture andthelowered
be havior closely. flaps, was blanketing the vertIcal tail, I
• reduces vertical tail stalling; and doubled the dorsal-fin area; this corrected
• Spirally stable. If it returns to the problem. The 5-degree dihedral was
• just plain look s good!; it gives the n orm al level flight, upright, in found to be too highfor good inverted flight.


Vertical Tai l Design and Spiral Stability ... CHAPTER 9

is not desirable, nor is too much enjoys some pen-

spiral stability, which in h ibits du lu m stability
man euverability. that's absent from
Testing the spi ral stability of mi d- an d sho ul-
an existing mo de l as noted above der-win g posi-
is hindsigh t. The old saw that, tions. Wit h CG
"Foresig ht, as goo d as hindsight, is above the wing
a damn sight better" applies. We AC (as in a low-
n eed a way to incorpo rate th e wing setting)
desired degree of spiral stability in a the re is pendu-
design while it is still on the draw- lum in stab ility,
ing boa rd. he nce, th e di f-
feren t dih edral
LATERAL AND degree figures.
Spira l stability requires a bala nce like dih ed ral. In
between lat eral (roll axis) and direc- level flight, 2 to 3 30 to 3S percent of vertical-tail
ti onal (yaw axis) forces. The degrees of sweep back are equivalent moment arm (VTMA) position ; 2)
extremes are: to 1 degree of dihedral. The dihe- h igher dihedral (as d iscu ssed
dral effect increases both with angle abo ve); and 3) a limit in the for-
• Large di hedral angles on the wing of sweepback and CL and so, unlike ward sweep to not more th an 30
along wit h a small vertica l tail area normal dih edral, it increases with degrees measured on th e qu art er-
leads to "Dutc h roll" (characte rized high er AoAs. chord lin e.
by tail wagging cou pled with a Man y pattern ships use tapered In addition , the model will be
slight side-to -side roll) or even a wings wit h straight-across trailing spir ally un stable. The major advan -
stall-spi n crash. The lateral forces edges and sweptback leading edge s. tage of forward sweep is th at th e
are too high . The angle of sweepback on the wing stalls at the roo t first. Roll
quarter-chord line is about 7 damping and effective aileron con -
• A large vertica l tail area along degrees on a wing of AR6 and taper trol continue to high AoAs before
with little or no dih edr al leads to ratio (roo t to tip) of 1:0.6 and the wingtips stall. Th is permits
sides lip; the large tail resists the nee ds no dih edral. Without dihe- slow, high-AoA flight.
slip, and a killer spiral ensues. The dra l, there are no side area s pro -
directiona l forces are too great. ject ed by th e wing ahead of the • Directional stability. The major
CLA, and that reduces the vertical factors are th e amo unt of vertical
Somew he re between these extremes tail area needed. tail area and its moment arm to th e
lies th e correct balance of lat eral High sweepback angles on full- CG (i.e., verti cal tail volume). Th e
and di rectiona l forces that will pro- scale aircraft increase latera l stability vertical-tail AR, like that of a wing,
duce the degree of spiral stability to such an extent that negative is a contributing fact or. High er-AR
that suits the designer's pe rfor- dihedral (anhedral) is introduced to vertical tail s have stee per lift-cur ve
ma nce objectives. redu ce lat eral stability for better slopes; th ey are th erefo re mor e
lateral control. The Lockheed sen sitive , but stall at lower AoAs. At
BALANCE OF FORCES Galaxy is an example. high side-slip ang les, a high- AR
Since spi ral stability req uires a - Forward sweep. Heav y forward vertica l tail ca n sta ll, resultin g
balance between lat eral and d irec- sweep (20 degrees or more) is very in reduced contro l. A dorsal fin is
tional forces, i.e., a balan ce between desta bilizing both laterally (in the recommended to ove rcome a lack
th e effects of dih ed ral ang le and roll axis) and directionally (in the of vertical-tail effectiven ess at high
vertical tail surface area, th e desig n yaw axis). When yawed, one wing AoAs, such as wh en flap s are
procedure is to establish the lateral adva nces and the other retreats; the extended and at high sid eslip
parameters (di he dral) first, an d cen te rs of lift an d drag of the angles.
then to bal ance the d irectio n al adva nci ng wing panel have reduced
paramet ers (vertical tail area) to moment arms to th e CG . The Sweepback aids directional stability.
m atch , at the chosen CLA mo me nt arms on the retreating When yawed, th e advancing wing's
posi tion. pa ne l are increased. The differential cen ters of lift and drag hav e greater
in drag momen ts increases the yaw; mom ent arms th an th ose of th e
• Lateral stab ili ty but the lift-m o men t differential retreating wing. The drag-moment
- Dihedral. The Wing's dihedral causes a roll in a direction that's differential reduces the yaw, and the
ang le is a major con tr ibutor to op posed by th e yaw. The model will lift differential promotes a roll in
lat eral stability. See th e chart "co rkscrew" and probably crash the dir ection of th e yaw.
"Sugges ted Dihe dra l Angles." un less there is sufficient vertical tail - Ailerons. Good aileron design, with
The relative positi ons of wing area and/or vertical-tail moment differential, reduces or elimina tes
aerodynamic ce nter (AC)-2S arm to prevent th e yaw. aileron-induced adverse yaw. (See
percent of the MAC-and CG bear This req uires: 1) an area that's Cha pter 10, "Roll Contro l Design .")
on th e di he dra l ang le. A high wing sufficie n t to bring the CLA to the - CG location. If th e CG location of



The increase in moti on is opposed by th e effect of

Verlical tail lf4 MAC vertica l tail area th e dihedr al, th at dihe dral sho uld
Center 01 required to move be no larger th an is necessary to
gravity (CG) the CLA aft is sur- meet othe r criteria.
prisi ngly large. For
one model, the • Directional (w ea th ercock)
Skylark, an increase stability. Modification s that increase
in vertical tail area dir ectional sta bility, suc h as an
of 60 percent would increase in vertical tail area, perm it
have been needed greater roll rates to be obtained and
Figure 6.
Conventional profile model. to move the CLA aft make th e perform an ce of a given
from 22 percent to banking man eu ver possible with
30 percent of its ver- decreased aileron deflection .
Center 01lateralarea (CLA) Verlical tail lf4 MAC tical-tail moment The effect on later al man euver-
---l--r?.4~~ arm-a distance of ability of cha ng ing th e tail len gth
Center 01
gravity (CG ) "::::'~-=:::::::~-::-::--4~:::::::"'-i.: 1.65 inches. while maintai ning th e same direc-
tion al stability, i.e., th e same tail
CONCLUSION volume, an d th ereby incr easin g th e
Areas .>-""'----.j ~ The profile method damping in yaw, is negligible.
for balancing lateral
and directional fac- • Adverse yaw. The effects of
tors, at the selected adverse yawing mom ents on rolling
Figure 7.
Canardprofilemodel. center of lateral area, velocity may be decreased by increas-
is certainly not high- ing directional stability, or by
tech, but it's simple, decreasing dih edral.
an existing model is moved for- effective and applica- In Frank Zaic's 1935/36 yearboo k,
ward from a position that's verti- ble to the great majority of conven- under th e heading, "Determination
cally in line with the wing's AC, it tional planform configurations. of Rudder Area," a similar profile
lengthens both the VTMA and the The CG/CLA relationship and th e method is described. In it, th e CLA is
distance from CG to CLA (spiral SSM bear a remarkable resemblance called th e "directional center." It was
stability margin or SSM). For to the CG-neutral point and static- intended for use on rubber-powered,
example, the Swift has a VTMA of margin concept in the longitudinal free-flight models. Grant's procedur e
24 inches, and with the CG under stability considerations outlined in was a refin em ent of this early
the wing's AC, the SSM is 25 per - Chapter 6, "CG location" and the method. Thanks to Martin Simon s
cent of the VTMA, or 6 inches. material discussed here will well for brin ging th is to my attention.
Moving the CG forward 1 inch reward the model airplane design er. Those wh o are interested should
increases the VTMA to 25 inches, These techniques have worked well read NACA Technical Note No. 1094
and the SSM becomes 7 inches, or on a variety of designs built and of 1946: II Experimental Determin-
28 perc ent of the VTMA. Thi s flown by the author, and they're a ation of th e Effects of Dihedral ,
is enough to change the spiral good stepping-off point for further Vertical Tail Area and Lift Coeffi-
stability from mildly positive to exploration of stability considera- cien t o n Lateral Stability an d
neutral. tions in model design. Control Characteristics ." A
If the CG is mo ved aft of the
wing AC by 1 in ch, both VTMA POSTSCRIPT
and SSM are reduced. For the Swift, While reading an old (1947) NACA
the VTMA would be 23 inches and Report No . 868 -"Summary of
the SSM 5 inches, or a CLAlocation Lateral Contro l Research"-I found
21.7 percent aft of the CG. This is a some very significant data (th e data
very spirally stable location. in NACA reports are timeless).
Though expressed in general terms,
SPIRAL STABILITY MARGIN without specifics, they rein force th e
Refer to Figures 6 and 7. These static ideas expressed in this article and
stability margins are suggested: Grant's CLA theories.
Powered by a .45 converted to diesel opera-
• Lateral stability. High , positive , tion, Osprey was designed as a trainer with
SSM as % of VTMA effective dihedral combined with 3 degrees of dihedral, slotted flaps and a
weak dire ctional stability, i.e., small generous dorsal fin. CLA was at 25 percent
Super spiral stability 22 vertical tail area, result s in a large of the VTMA, and tail-dragger landing gear
opposing action to an y rolling was used. It was a stable, yet maneuverable
Good spiral stability 25 model to fly. Banked 15 to 20 degrees and
motion (experien ced with the controls neutralized, it would returnto
Neutral spiral stability 28
Skylark) and can lead to a pre- upright level flight in about 90 degrees of a
Mild spiral instability 30 dominance of lateral oscillation, circle. Flaps down, it was stable, andon
Very spirally unstable 33 and up i.e., Dutch roll. Since the banking floats, it was pure fun.


Chapter 10

esirable roll or lateral • all-moving horizontal tails Roll Control

D control characteristics are
important for good and easy


There are several types of roll con- This form of rudder-only lateral
tro l in use on today's model aircraft: control is popular for sailplanes
and some powered sport mod els.
• none or minimal (via roll cou- Wings for this type need additional
pling)-on rudder and elevator- dihedral. For powered models, th is
only models; would be 5 degrees for high wings,
6 degrees for mid wings and 7
• conventional ailerons; degrees for low wings.
Thermal glid ers have po lyhe-
• external airfoil ailerons; dral-typically 5 degree s from root farther from the model's CG, the y
to 3/ 5 of the semi-span, with an have more leverage. One serious dis-
• flaperons; increase of 3 degr ees from the advantage is th at, with equal up and
pol yhedral joint to th e wing tip. down movem ent, th ey pro duce
• spoilers and slot lip ailerons; On this type, whe n rudd er is greater adverse yaw th an do strip
applied, the model yaws. Air aileron s. The downgoing aileron has
• all-moving wings (pitcherons): strikes the wing at a sligh t dia go- mo re drag than th e upgoing, and
and nal. For the win g on th e outside of th is unequal drag tends to yaw th e
a turn, th e wind that mod el in a direction opposi te to the
strikes th e wing at tu rn commanded.
25° up an y given point on A rem edy for thi s condition is
the LEexit s from the aileron dif feren tial, where t he
of TE at a point slightly upgoing ailero n's ang ular travel is
Mass clo ser to the fus e- two to three times th at of th e
lage. Because of the do wn goin g. This author uses a
dihedral, there is an mod ified Frise, top-h inged ailero n
effective increase in with a differential of 2.5:1. The
A. MODIFIED FRISEAILERON AoA. This situation extended lower, forward lip projects
is reversed on the in to the airstream below th e wing
opposite wing. Both whe n th e aileron is raised, produ c-
25' up cause the model to ing drag that favors th e turn (see
roll. It is important Figure I A). Turns are made without
i that such models use of rudd er. Figures 1Band 1C
-*-1 0' down have good spiral sta- show two ot her forms of barn-door
bility. ailerons.
The outboard locat ion permits
B. PLAINAILERON CONVENTIONAL use of flaps spanning 60 to 65
AILERONS percent of the wing's sem i-span.
In general, th is type This wide, short type of ailero n
~ 25' up
falls into two cate- sho uld be mass balanced for flutte r

i gories: outboard, or elimination.
..... -'+1-- "barn door," and strip Two othe r forms of ailerons
,~·I J 10· down ailerons. Outboard developed to overcome adverse
17~ I" ailerons (see Figure I), yaw are slotted and Frise ailerons.
- 25% chord - -I usually are 25 percent Use of differential ailero n is more
C. TOP HINGEDAILERON of the wing chord in effective in pro ducing desirable yaw
width and 35 to 40 moments than is the use of eith er
Figure 1. percent of the semi- of th ese two aileron types. Both
Outboard ailerons. span in length. Being slotted and Frise ailero ns require



EXTERNAL ailerons, there is a h igh degree of

Hinge AIRFOIL adverse yaw that cannot be over-
~- AILERONS come by aileron differential action.

'f Exte rna l ailerons
20' up
Rudder control, either manual or
were a Ju nker's electronic, must be introduced to
- ...-
25~ """"""
20' dawn

develo pm en t and
may be seen on
som e full- scal e
counter the adverse yaw of th is
type of roll control. Mass balancing
is recommended.
ultraligh t aircraft
10"/0 Chard ~
flyin g today. As SPOILERS AND
Figure 3 shows, SLOT·LlP AILERONS
th ese co nsist of Figure 4 shows a typica l spo iler.
Figure 2. sma ll, se para te Provided its leadin g edge is beyond
Strip aileron.
win gs th at are 70 percent of th e wing cho rd, there
tu cked under the is no lag in th e contro l's aerody-
more deflection than plain ailerons main wing's TE, which provides a namic actio n . On ly one spo iler
for the same roll rate. slot effect over the small wing. These op erat es at one tim e-the on e on
Strip ailerons (see Figure 2) are are full span; the outboard porti on s th e inside of th e turn. The opposite
long, narrow and almost full span. form ailerons, and th e inboard form spoiler stays retracte d. They pro-
They simplify wing construction, a type of slotted flap. Hinged exter- vide posit ive into-the-turn yaw,
and they produce less adverse yaw nally, the y should be mass balan ced work inverted, and require no mass
than outboard ailerons, since their for flutter elimination. balan cin g. A version of the spoiler,
center of area is closer to the CG. some times calle d the "slot-lip
Most are actuated by ser vos FLAPERONS aileron" is shown in Figure 5.
mo ving horns on their inboard Flaperons are a for m of plai n Th is form of roll contro l proved
ends so that differential is easily aileron that can be ope rated as very effective on both my Crane I
introduced . Made of solid balsa TE ailerons and drooped simulta ne- an d n. The roll rate was fast and
stock, they are prone to flutter and ousl y as flaps. They extend for most wo rked inverted. With flaps low-
should be mass balanced at th e of th e Wing's semi-span, like strip ered, roll con tro l was very crisp
outboard end to avoid this aileron s. When in th e fully lowered at low speeds, since raising the
problem. position as flaps, and th en used as spoiler destroyed the slot effect
ove r th e flap, reducing its addi-
tional lift. Yaw was favor able. This
model's performance, at low speeds
particul arly, was spectacular.
Hinge ~

~ ~'" --- ~_\~~--- These are a recent developmen t for

RIC sailplanes. Each wing pan el

c: :~~2~~S~5:'~ t~
rot at es aro un d spa n wise pivot s
.. ....... ........
Neutral located at the wings 1/4 MAC. Both
10' dawn are contro lled by one servo, but
considerable differenti al is needed
to offset adverse yaw.
Figure 3. Very few degrees of rotation are
External airfoil aileron. n eeded since each wing panel


-. c Basic airfoil

-----:-::-_:: :=- ~A
~ Nate gap
'- 10"/o - J SI~"'.;1'(
" Spailer·up.... ~ '" . - Slat
I Chard
_ _ 20"/oChard ~~'
Retracted_ ~
Pivot paints

Figure 4. Figure 5.
Spoiler. Slotted andflapped airfoil.


Roll Control Design A CHAPTER 10

Downward aileron
ot her types of h ingin g, some form
of gap seal is advised.
Upward aileron

I~ I
Figure 7 provides sugges te d pro-
por tions for ailerons, strip ailerons
Servo arm and spo ilers that were deve loped
travel ~==---t--ji>'.......
by NACA. They are goo d sta rting
poi nts when yo u are creating your
own designs. A


II( B/2 ~I

Figure 1 aileron
I I .25 C
Figure 6.
Aileron differential (schematic for one 1+ .40 B/2 ..; t I
aileron linkage).

Figure 2 aileron
rotates in its entirety. The wing-
fuselage joint would need special
- .16 C
attention to avoid local separation I+-- .60 B/2 ~ T
and increased drag. I

Some recent jet fighters use such Figure 3 aileron
tails . They move in opposite direc-
tions for roll control, and up or ! .10 C
down for elevator action---or any ~ .80 B/2 - . i I- I
combination of the two. They seem
very effective and, for a model,
higher ARs would provide longer
.60 C Figure 4 aileron i t
I Cx
moment arm s. Adverse yaw would
be small.
1. - :-l
1 .25 x Cx 'I
--M -A .25x60C·

Pivoting on the spanwise pivots ~ .40 B/2 ~ I

at 1;4 MAC wou ld result in low

operating loads, as for all moving
Figure 5 spo iler
wings. This form of roll control
1. I
might have app lication on pattern
ships, leavin g the wing free for full-
span flaps .
I .2C

t~ .60 B/2 -+l

.10 C

Figure 6 shows how to use a Figure 6 spoiler
servo's rotation to produce aileron
differen tial.
~ .15C

.2' ~ .50 B/2 -J +

Wind-tunnel tests have proven
that a 1132-inch gap on a lO-inch-
.60 C
Figure 7 spoiler i .~+Cx 1J .15x6C
chord wing will cause a loss of Y~
I -

rolling moment of approximately .20xCx --.. ~I "II .20x6C

30 percent. A gap seal for all con- l' I k- .50 B/2 ~ I
trol surfaces is suggested. The side-
bar "Flap and Aileron Actuation Suggested aileron and spoiler geometrieslor model alrcratt, Irom NACA Report No. 605. Resume and Analysis
01 NACA Lateral Control research . Weick & Jones. 1937.
Hin ges" of Chapter 14, "Des ign • 25"10 of 60"10 01the lull chord.
for Flaps," provide s a hinging
method that has proven durable Figure 7.
and inherently gap sealing. For Typical control-surface geometries.


Chapter 11

the distributio ns of th ese heavy Lon gitudinally, the moment to

Weight unit s alon g th e length of the fuse- ov ercome the moments of in ertia
lage has a major effect on th at of both units for maneuvers is the
model's man euverability. model's TMA multipli ed by the
Distribution Massing both units as close force gene rated by deflecting the
togeth er an d as close to the CG as elev ato rs. Th e model's TMA is
possible while keeping th at CG in mea sur ed from CG to 1/4 MAC of
in Design its design locati on will result in a
highl y man euverable model.
the hor izontal ta il. For a given
TMA an d elev ato r force , the
Moving th e power unit for ward greater the moments of inertia of
by elongating the fuselage ahe ad of th e PU and CU, th e slower the
the wing requi res that the control model's reaction . Loops will ha ve
un it move aft to keep th e CG at its greate r diameter, and th e model
de sign location. Man euverability will be less agile.
will be redu ced as a result . A few With th e man euver underway,
n anal ysis of th e weight of

A th e average .40 to .50 glow-

powered, rad io-con trolled
mod el aircraft with ailerons discloses
sim ple defi nition s will h elp in
unde rsta nding thi s reduction:

• Moment. A force times a distan ce.

both the PU and CU acquire
mom entum. To stop the maneuver,
thi s mom entum mu st be overcome.
Larger mom en ts of inertia produce
th at th e power and con tro l uni ts,
combined, weigh very close to SO larger momentum and slow the
percen t of the aircraft's gross weight. • Inertia. The resistan ce of an ob ject recovery from that maneuver.
The power un it (PU) is composed to any cha nge in its motion or to Directionally, the same applies.
of spinner, pro p, engine, muffler, being moved from a state of rest. The rudder will have less effect in
engine mou nt, fuel tank, fuel, cowl, yawing the model. Also, as
fuel tubing and nuts and bolt s. The • Moment of inertia. The inertia explaine d in Chapter 9, "Vertical
contro l unit (CU) is made up of resista nce tim es its distance from Tail Design and Spiral Stability, "
receiver, battery, servos, swit ch , some related point. In our case, that elongating the fuselage ahead of
extension cables, foam protection "related point" is th e mod el's CG. th e CG in creases its directionally
for receiver and batt ery and servo destabilizing side area, requiring
screws. In th e design of a mod el, • Momentum. An ob ject in motion increa sed vertical tail area for stabil -
has mom entum equal to its mass ity and control, further aggravating
times its veloci ty. In maneuvers, the situation. Greater moments of
both th e PU and CU acquire in ertia h ave one advantage: they
momentum in a direction different offer more resistance to any distur-
from th e origin al line of flight. bance. In level flight , the model
will "groove."
The PU's weigh t multiplied by its
dista nce from th e mod el's CG is its SPINNING
"momen t of in ertia. " The same In a ta ilspin, one wing panel is fully
app lies to th e CU. stalled, but th e opposite panel con-
Obviously, th e greater th e dis- tinues to lift. The model rotates
ta nce of both th e PU and CU from rapidl y, nose-down, around a verti-
th e mod el's design CG, the great er cal axis through its CG. Up-elevator
those mom ents of inertia will be and rudder into the spin maintain
and th e greater th e resistan ce to the the rotation.
man euver. Cen trifugal force acting on the
Also, lon ger moment arm s (in model's components comes into
th is case, distance of the PU and CU play. The long er moment arms of
from th e CG) requ ire bo th PU and both the PU and CU result in these
CU to move th rough greater dis- uni ts rotating at higher speeds, gen -
Figure 1. tances, for a given angular displace- erating greater centrifugal forces,
Three-view drawing o(Granville canard. me nt, as the aircraft maneuvers. wh ich act horizontally, away from


Weight Distribution in Design ... CHAPTER 11

dangerou s ailero n flutter greatly

outweighs th e small reduction in
maneu verability that 's occasioned b y
th e ma s s -balan ce weights. Th e
same comments appl y to mass bal-
ancing of elevators and rudd er.

For con vent ion al designs, it is not
difficult to position both power
an d con tro l un its so as to minimize
th eir mom ents of inertia.
Rear-engin e canards, without aft
win g sweep, are a different matt er.
Such aircra ft ha ve t he ir CGs
betw een fore and aft wings, closer
to the latt er. The PU at or behind
the aft wing is balanced by locating
the CU as far forward as possible. In
most cases, additional ballast is
requ ired up fron t to locate th e CG
corre ctly. The mo ments of iner tia
of both uni ts (and ballast) could
not be greater.
My Swan canard was not intend ed
to be aerobati c, but in level flight , it
grooved beautifully. The re are
Figure 2. canard configur ati on s that h ave
Three-view drawing of Long-fl. lower moments of inerti a.

• Granville canard (Figu re 1).

the spin axis. Th is action flatt ens servos to be positioned in the wing Both PU and CU (th e pilot) are
the spin . center sectio n. located close to the CG for good
The lon ger mom ent arms maneu verabi lit y. A modernized
increase th e momentum, reduce While aileron mass-balance weights version of th is clever design would
th e rudd ers' effectiveness in sto p- work against lat eral maneuver- be interesting.
ping the spin and delay th e spin ability, keeping th e ailerons light
recove ry, which could lead to a reduces the mass-balance weight • Ru ta n 's Long-EZ (Figure 2).
damaging crash. correspo ndingly. Freedom from The sweptback aft win g perm its th e
PU to move forward , shortens th e
LATERAL CONTROL fuselage and permits th e CU (pilot)
Inertia roll coupling is a con sidera- to mo ve aft, close to th e CG. The
tion in lateral control. For those big wing-root strakes house th e fuel
designs in wh ich th e aerod ynamic on th e CG. The wingtip vertica l
and inertia axes coincide, axial surfaces have reason able mom en t
rolls are little affected by larger arm s for good direction al control,
moments of in ertia . In snap rolls but th eir loca tio n increases th e
and barrel rolls, centrifugal force wing 's mom ent of ine rtia, redu cin g
comes into play, as it does for spins , lateral man euverab ility.
resulting in slower initiation of and
recovery from these maneuvers. • Miles Libellula (Figure 3). This
The model's wing is a factor, as it was a British wartime design. The
weighs close to 2S percent of the twin engines ahea d of th e moder-
model's gross weight. For good lat- ately swept aft wing br ing th e
eral maneuverability, keeping th e power units closer to th e CG longi-
wing panel's CG as close to the tudinally. Both fore and aft wings
fuselage center line h elps. Th is have flaps. Note th e h igh-AR fore-
results from : planes on bot h the Long-EZ an d
th e Libellula. ...
• Tapered win g of mod erate AR.
Figure 3. .
• Ailerons, mass balanced to avoid Three-viewdrawing of the Miles M.39S
flutter, permit aileron and flap Libel/uta.


Chapter 12

Reducing Drag area and speed, it will accurately pro-

vide the actual drag in ounces. For
looks rep resentati ve of ma ny of
toda y's fuselage shapes. From its CD
our purposes, the CD provides the of 1.261, deducting th e prop CD of
t will come as a surprise to most relative drag value of each shape . .577 and adding th e extra drag of

I mod elers (an d some model

design ers, too) to find how
much air resistance, or drag, their
Analysis of the Cos in Figure 1 will
provide some surprising results.
Deducting the .198 CD of fuse-
lage 1 from that of fuselage 8 (0458 )
.260 for tricycle gear/tires and of
.336 for the fully exposed engine,
results in a worst-case CDof 1.28. At
40mph, this would gene rate a 19-
miniature aircraft generate in flight .
The sources of much of it are such gives a CD of .260 for the landing ounce drag; at 50mph, a 30-ounce
things as expos ed or partially gear on ly-or more th an the drag of drag. Surprised? Th is doesn 't
cowled eng in es; wire landing-gear fuselage 1. This gear was lI8-inch- include wing and tail-surface drag.
legs; fat tires; dowels and rubber diameter music wire , and the A good drag-redu cing design could
bands that are used to hold down wheels were the thin, symmetrical, lower this to a CD of .38 (5.7
th e wing s; large, exposed control cross-sectioned type that was popu- ounces) at 40mph but, again , th is
horns and linkag es; and thick TEs lar at the time. Current tricycle wouldn't include wing and tail-sur-
on wings and tail surfaces. landing gear with their large, fat face drag. Figures 3 and 4 from
This doesn 't impl y that the mod- tires would, con -
els don 't fly well; they do! In fact, servatively, double
th e h igh drag is benefi cial: it causes the CD to .520-
fairly stee p glides-engine throt- or more than Nose Fuselage

tled-that ma ke the landings of

th ese relat ively low-wing -loading
model s easy to judge. Their perfor-
2112 times that of
fuselage 1.
Deducting the
o c==--- .198

.198 CD of fuse- 2
~ C ~
mance suffers in all other flight .340
aspects, however. lage 1 from that of
Many years ago, Model A irplane
News published a very sign ificant
fuselage 9 (.775)
provide s a CD of 3 C) ~====== .237

.577 for the sta-

article by Hewitt Phillips and Bill
Tyler, titl ed "Cutt ing Down the
Drag." It was based on wind-tunnel
tionary propeller.
From fuselage II's
4 ~ .225

tests conducted at the Massach u-

setts Institute of Technology Aero-
n autical Laborat or y at model
CD of

prop CD of .577,
the 5 o C -========- .242

airplane speeds of from 15 to the landing gear 6 (Q) .269

CDof .260 and the
40mph. Th e test models were
Elastic band
48 inc hes long and of typical .340 CD of fuse- .261
lage 2, resul ts 7
mod el airplane con struction.
Figure 1 sum marizes the results, in th e exposed

: ~ £========-
engine-cylinder .458
wh ich are given in term s of their
Cos. The actua l drag in ounces of a drag of CD .084.
mod el fuselage depends on three A fully exposed
factors: engine, muffler .775
and firewall
• airspeed;

• cross-section area; and

wou ld, conserva-
tively, have a CD
four times as 1°f!\F 1.034

11 ~~ ~
great : .336. 1.261
• sha pe of the fuselage. Fuselage 11,
which is 48 inches
The CD for each reflects the drag long and 33
value of that shape. When used in a square inches Figure 1.
formula th at include s cross-section in cross-section, Drag coefficients of various fuselages.


Reducing Drag ... CHAPTER 12

This chart permits accurate

scale construction of the
~--------- ---­
---~----- -------- fuselages depicted in Figure 1.

--~. CJ Station Fuselage

no. S

----~-------------- -
10% 0.0660% 0.0980%
20% 0.0920% 0.1130%
30% 0.1080% 0.1 030%
Figure 3. 40% 0.1130% 0.0750%
High-drag airflow around wirelanding-gear leg. 50% 0.1030% 0.0520%
60% 0.0900% 0.0390%
70% 0.0710% 0.0325%
Phillips and Tyler's article illustra te fuselag e. The air has to expa nd 80% 0.0490% 0.0250%
the high drag caused by unfaired from the hig h point of the wing to 90% 0.0250% 0.0180%
landing-gear legs. Figure 2 provides the TE and also fill the re-entrant 100% 0.0000% 0.0000%
data for reproducing fuselages 1 and corner formed at the TE and the
S in Figure 1. lower fuselage. Th e resultant turbu-
lent flow cause s high d rag and Figure2.
TYPES OF DRAG reduces tail -surface effectiveness. Fuselage diameter asa percentage of fuse-
Here's a list of the various types of The cur e is wing-root fairings , e.g., lage length for feast-drag circular fuselages.
drag an d their caus es: those on the Spitfire, but they're
difficult to make.
• Skin friction is proportional to th e • Trim drag. Conside r a l Ou-ounce
amo un t of exposed surface area and • Wing an d tail-surface profile model, which has its CG 1 inch
its roughness as well the Rn at which drag. The se are similar to skin- ah ead of its wing's cen ter of lift. A
the model flies. Th e smooth, friction drag and depe nd on the no se-down moment of 100 oz.-in.
reflexed, pressure-recovery shape of shapes of the airfoils and on the Rns results . To maintain level flight, th e
fuselage 1 in Figure 1 has the least at which the y fly. horizontal tail must lift downw ard.
surface area, and this contributes to Using a TMA of 2S inches, that
its low drag. • Ind uce d drag results from the download would be 100 -;- 2S = 4
production of lift, and it depends on ounces.
• In terference drag is caused by the several factors: the wing area, th e
breakdown of smooth airflow owing wing AR, the wing plan form, the To achieve this negative lift, the hor-
to such things as landing-gear legs, flight speed and the CL at which the izontal tail surface must be at a neg-
bracing struts, dowels, open cockpits, wing (and the tail surfaces) operate. ative angle to the wing's downwa sh;
etc., that disturb the air flow over the It's normally less than th e wing-pro- this would result in in creased
aircraft aft of the cause (Figure S gives file drag. induced drag. Since th at extra 4
examples ). ounces must be supported by th e
• Pow erplant drag. This is caused win g, its induce d drag also increases.
• Separation drag. An exampl e of by exposed engines, cylinder heads, The re are othe r forces that cause
this is a th ick, low wing on a round mufflers and tuned pip es. nos e-up or nose-down actions and,
to achi eve level flight, th e horizon -
tal tail mu st ove rco me the net
resultant force:

o c_==-
~--=---=J !AI" dla. music wire
• Wing-pitch ing m oment . This is
a nose-down moment, except for
symmetrical or reflexed trailing-
edge sections, which have little or
no pitching mom ent.

J""' \ r
j -
• Upwash/downwash . In level
7" flight, ai r doesn 't flow hor izontal-
ly o n to th e wing's LE, o r fro m it s
t TE. Ahead of the wing , th e air
flow s upward to the LE (called
Figure 4. upwash ) and downward off the TE
These two objects give thesame drag. (downwash) .



of both its ap pearan ce and

Wrong Righi
• Flying a low-d rag, slotted-
flap- equipped mod el provides a
new and th rilling experience.

Th e foll owing deals wit h dr ag

reduction for win gs and tail sur-
faces and th e eng ine and muffl er.


There are three ma jor considera -
tions in wing design: wing cross-
section or airfo il; aspect ratio ; and

• Airfoils . Of th e three, airfo il

selection is th e most crit ical. Select
from th ose ai rfoil sectio ns for
which th ere are wind-tun ne l test
curves at model airplane Rns.
In th e Eppler E197 sectio n (see
appendix), th e lift curves show a
maximum Cl of 1.17 with a gentle
stall. The pitching mom ent is fairly
Figure 5. cons ta nt for all AoAs. The pola r
Causes of interference drag. curves show th e profile Co versus
th e C l . Note th at th e profile CD is
low despite th e increasing C l ,
Upwash causes a nose-up force • At slower speeds and lower rpm, except at th e low Rn of 100,000. A
on the fuselage ahe ad of the wing fuel consumption is reduced . wing of 6 inc hes in cho rd flyin g at
and on th e prop eller, because air 20mph would be ope rating near Rn
flows into th e pro peller disk at a • The fully balsa -cowled engine 100,000 . Tabl e 1 provides the dat a
slight, up ward ang le. Downwash and muffler are distinctly quieter. for rep rodu cing E197 for any ch ord
im pacts on the aft fuse lage and on len gt h . Th is airfoil is 13.42 perce n t
th e horizontal tail surface , and it • The use of slotted flaps as outlined of its chord in dept h, perm itt ing
causes a nose -up action. in Chapter 14, "Design For Flaps," strong, but light, wing structures .
will provide very quick takeoffs For tail surfaces, see th e curves
• Thrust-line location. If it 's wh en half extended, and slow, ste ep for the sym me trical Eppler E168
above th e CG, it produces a nose- land ing approaches and gentle sectio n. Not e th e h igh er profil e
down couple; below th e CG, a touchdowns when fully extended. dr ag at Rn 60, 000. A 4-in ch cho rd
nose-up co up le. By selecting the angle at which th e flyin g at 20mp h would be operat-
flaps are deployed (from 0 to 40 ing at Rn 60,000. Avoid chords of
• Center-of-drag location. If it's degrees) and adjust-ing engine rpm , less than 5 in ch es on tail surfaces.
abo ve th e CG, it causes a nose-up it's possible to fly at any chosen Table 2 provid es data for dupli cat -
force; below th e CG, a nose-down speed from just above the stall at in g this secti on.
force . 20mp h to th e maximum speed; for
the Swift, that's at 138m ph . • Aspect ra tio. This has an impact
Som e readers may question th e value on induced d rag; th e high er th e AR,
of th e drag-redu ction techniques • The quickly
outlined in this cha pter, particularly and easily removed
since th ey involve extra time, effort engine cowl and
and cost to achieve. Redu ced drag upper fuselage make
has th e following ben efits: servicing of the
eng ine , fuel tank,
• Improved accelerati on and, with servos , etc. , very
prop er propeller pitch and diam eter con ven ient.
selectio n, h igh er flight speeds and
better vertical performance. A drag • The model will
of 30 ounces at SOm ph in creases look sleek and fast
th e mod el's weight by th at amo unt even standing still;
wh en climbing. one can be proud The Seagu/lllf is an example of a low-drag airplane design.


Reducing Drag .& CHAPTER 12

ha ve higher profile
drag at low Rns. This
defeats the lower
Table 2: Eppler 168
induced drag bene- Chord Upper Lower
fits of the high ARs. Station Surface Surface
Long, slender wings NR xrr YOIT YUIT
impose greater stress- 1 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000
es at the wing roots 2 0.99893 0.00006 -0.00006
and require stronger 3 0.99572 0.00027 -0.00027
structur es. In aero - 4 0.99039 0.00071 -0.00071
batics , they slow any 5 0.98296 0.001 42 -0.00142
maneuvers involv- 6 0.97347 0.00238 -0.00238
The Canada Goose is a canard thatuses the low-drag techniques ing rolls. 7 0.96194 0.00352 -0.00352
described in this chapter. For RIC spor t 8 0.94844 0.00477 -0.00477
models, ARs of 5 to 7 9 0.93301 0.00609 -0.00609
are suggested-a nim- 10 0.91573 0.00754 -0.00754
th e lower tha t drag. Th is is wh y ble airpl ane results and, on smaller 11 0.89660 0.00914 -0.00914
soari ng gliders have lon g, slen der, models, prevents narrow chords
high-AR wings . For mo dels, high 12 0.87592 0.01094 -0.01 094
and low Rns.
AR results in narr ow chords tha t 13 0.85355 0.01293 -0.01293
14 0.82767 0.01513 -0.01513
• Planform. This is the wing 's
shape as viewed from above . It may 15 0.80430 0.01754 -0.01754
Table 1: Epp er 191 be straight, tap ered , a combination 16
of straight and tapered, or elliptical.
AerodVDamic zero It may also be swept back or swept
-2.1 Degrees The elliptical is the most efficient 20
planform, but it's difficult to make .
Chord Upper Chord Lower In addition, the tips fly at low Rn 22 0.59755 0.03879 -0.03079
Station Surface Station Surface
XU YU XL YL and are prone to tip-st alling. 23 0.56526 0.04210 -0.04210
24 0.53270 0.04535 -0.04535
.000 .000 .000 -.200 Tapere d wings with taper ratios 25 0.50000 0.04848 -0.04818
.318 .789 .279 -.640 (ratio of tip ch ord to root chord) of 26 0.46730 0.05143 -0.05143
1.104 1.683 1.1 64 -1.278 .5 to .6 are close to elliptical wing s 27 0.43474 0.05415 -0.05415
2.335 2.633 2.555 -1.893 in efficiency. Each rib is different, 28 0.40245 0.05650 -0.05658
3.996 3.600 4.438 -2.454 an d laying them out is time-
29 0.37059 0.05865 -0.05865
6.075 4.556 6.797 -2.945 consuming. The wing is strongest
8.551 5.478 9.610 -3.365 30 0.33928 0.06027 -0.06029
at th e root , but, on small wings, the
11.402 6.345 12.852 -3.706 lower tip chord results in lower Rns, 31 0.30866 0.06146 -0.06146
14.599 7.139 16.493 3.955 higher drag, and risk of tip-stalling 32 0.27006 006211 -0 06211
18.112 7.844 20.495 -4.125 at low speed. 33 0.25000 0.06220 -0.06220
21 .902 8.442 24.818 -4.1 95 This also applies to combined 34 0.22221 0.06169 -0.06169
25.933 8.918 29.414 -4.185 straight and tapered wings, in which 35 0.19562 0.06057 -0 06057
30.1 59 9.250 34.231 -4.085 th e wing is straight for 50 to 60 per- 36 0.17033 0.05881 -0.05881
34.551 9.413 39.236 -3.855 37 0.14645 0.05640 -0.05640
cent of th e semi-span and th e out-
39.085 9.394 44.415 -3.535 38 0.12408 0.05335 -0.05335
board 40 to 50 percent is tapered.
43.735 9.191 49.723 -3.165
A modest sweepback of 5 to 10 39 0.10332 0.04971 -0 04971
48.474 8.806 55.091 -2.765
53.282 8.246 60.447 -2.365 degrees is popular in pattern mod els 40 0.08427 0.04555 -004555
58.146 7.542 65.718 -1.965 because it im prov es aerobatic per- 41 0.06699 0.04094 -0.04094
63.028 6.752 70.834 -1.595 form anc e. Sweptback wings tend to 42 0.05156 003595 -0.03083
67.860 5.920 75.725 -1.266 tip-stall more readily. Forward 44 002653 0.02535 -0 02535
72.575 5.079 80.323 -.965 sweep reduc es tip -stalling, but it 45 0.01704 0.01980 -0.01980
77.105 4.254 84.564 -.715 imposes heavy tors ion loads on th e 46 0.00961 0.01444 -0.01444
81.384 3.466 88.388 -.505 wing structure. 47 0.00428 000910 -000910
85.349 2.733 91 .738 -.325 Straight, untapered wings of AR 48 0.00107 0.00460 -0.00460
88.939 2.068 94.572 -.185 of 6; use of th e NASA "safe-wing" 49 -0.00000 0.00000 000000
92.096 1.478 96.864 -.075 LE dro op ah ead of the ailerons (see
94.778 .960 98.572 -.009 Chapte r 15) and holl owed balsa
96.960 .530 99.637 -.005 DickelT... = 0.124 RuecklagelT = 0.250
blo ck wingtips are recommended.
98.604 .219 100.000 .000 WoelbunglT = 0.000
Horizontal tail surfaces sho uld RuecklagelT =0.001
99.642 .050 have lower ARs (4 to 4.5) to keep
100.000 .000 Profiletiefe... =T
chords above 5 inches and to avoid
low Rn profil e drag. Streamlined



forms such as E168 have lower drag

than Y4-inch-th ick sheet-balsa sur-
faces. By use of stress-skin ned tech-
niques, th ey can be lighter and
stronger. .
For both wings and tail surfaces,
avoid thick TEs; sand them to YJ.6
inch thickness with rounded edges.
Thick TEshave th e same drag as wire
landing-gear legs and are longer.


Exposed engine cylinders and muf- The Seahawk at rest, flaps extended.
flers are majo r sources of drag. Fully
exposed engines, firewalls and muf-
flers are even worse. The basic low-drag features may, flight at that speed. At other speeds ,
Some mufflers permit cowling of however, be incorporated. Such a the increase in fuselage drag must
both engine and muffler completely. model is shown in the photo of the be accepted. Figure 2 of Chapter
This type of cowl has been used on Seahawk . Another photo displays 4-the lift, wing loading and speed
seve ral mo de ls powered by .40 this airplane on its single float. The chart-is very useful in this con -
to .45 an d .46ci engi n es with model 's large Youngman flaps, fully necti on. Using that chart, pro ceed
absolutely no coo ling problems. extended, are very effective. as follows:
The two cooling air outlets are At a gross weight, on wheels , of From the wing loading of your
at points of reduced air pressure 110 ounces, powered by a .46 mod el at the bottom of the chart,
on th e sides of the fuse lage. engine turning an llx8 prop, this read upward to the cruise speed
Rem ember, on ly th e air that actu- model's per form an ce is th rilling you've selected. Where th e vertical
ally hits th e eng in e cylinder do es an d justifies the drag-reducing and horizontal lines int ersect, you 'll
th e coo ling . This thick balsa cowl techniques in this chapter. find the CL need ed. For example, a
also acts as a sound damper. Engine In plan view, the fuselage sides wing loading of 24 ounces per
noi se is noticeably reduced. (See should be straight and parallel at square foot at 60mph needs a CL
Chapter 17, Ducted Cowl Design.) the wing-fu selage intersection to roughly ha lfway between CL 0.15
avoid separation dra g. Reflexing and CL 0.2o-say CL 0.17.
FUSELAGE starts just afte r th e wing TE. Refer to the lift-drag curves for
The fuselage with th e lowest CD' The angle of incidence at which the win g airfoil of your choice, and
fuselage no. 1 in Figure I , isn't the wing is set relative to the fuse- det ermine the AoA for CL 0.17.
entirely practical for an RIC model lage centerline is important. It's Using Eppler E197 as an example,
th at seeks to simulate the appear- safe to assum e that the fuselage's an angl e of minus 0.5 degree will
ance of its full-scale big brothe rs. lowest drag occurs when it's flyin g, produce CL 0.17. To adju st for the
in level flight , with its wing 's AR of 6, another 0.5 degree
centerline hori zontal. should be added to this and the rec-
Music-wire landing-gear leg The wing's being tangular planform, bringing the
fixed to the fuselage will AoA to zero degrees.
cause variations in th e In your design, the an gle of inci-
fuselage 's centerline den ce of th e wing to th e fuselage
attitude. At low speed, centerline would be zero degrees to
the wing must operate at obtain the lowest fuselage drag at
a higher AoA to provide the 60mph cruise speed.
1t.lz" ply care
adequate lift for level
flight. At high speeds, LANDING GEAR
lower AoAs furnish the This ne cessary, but drag-producing,
. needed lift. Hence, the appendage provides a significant
fuselage's centerline opportunity for reducing drag.
Sand to streamline shape
5T ~I departs from the hori-
zontal, nose up at low
speeds, and nose down
Aluminum landing-gear legs
should h ave rounded LEs and TEs
tapered to an almost knife-edge as
at higher speeds, both in Figure 6.
with increased drag.
The solution is to OVERALL DESIGN
select a level-flight Good overall design will do much to
\ Alumi num landing-gear leg
crui sing speed and to reduce trim drag. A shoulder or mid-
ad just the win g's angle fuselage wing location, along with a
Figure 6. of incidence to provid e high thrust line (inverted engine),
Streamlining landing-gear legs. the lift needed for level will brin g th e centers of lift, thrust,


Red ucing Drag .. CHAPTER 12

sen to remove it It's important that your engine be

from the fuselage adju sted to its lowest, con tin ual
boundary layer idle- aroun d 2,500rpm . At an y-
and the propelle r thing hi gh er, say 3,00 0 to
slipstream into 3,500rpm, it may be necessary to
undisturbed air. stop the engine in flight once th e
Since this location final approach has been established.
result s in only two Th e mod el's struc ture is of
corners, instead of stre ssed-skin construction. You'd
the four of an in- en joy flying a mod el such as this! ..
fuselage location,
Below the Seahawkon its single float. Note the sub fin below the drag is reduced.
horizontal tai/plane. The receiver and
transm itte r should
h ave one extra
gravity and drag very close to one channel of "proportional" natu re so
ano ther, thu s mini mizing th e hori- that flap extension may be tailored
zontal tail's load, reducing its, and to the flying speed desired.
th e wing's, ind uced trim drag. The Figure 7 provides wing and tail-
model will also be more nimb le. surface airfoil profiles and control-
surface th rows.
THE SWIFT Ailero ns, elevators and rudder
This mod el airc raft's design was are mass-balan ced for flutter pre-
ba sed on the co ncepts in th is ventio n. In a dive, this model's
cha pter and Chapter 14. See the 3- speed would be high.
view of the Swift in Cha pter 26 . A feature of this mod el is th e
This is a sma ll, fast, highly removable fuselage top, from fire-
mane uve rab le mo de l, but with wall to just aft of th e wing. It's held
flaps down 40 degrees, th e plan e by dowels at the front and one
will sta ll at 17m ph . A "safe" land- nylon bolt at the rear. Its easy
ing spee d wou ld be 25 perce nt remova l provi des access to all ser-
greater, or about 21mph. Top speed vos, receiver, fuel tan k and nose-
is 138mph. Total drag at 50m ph is wheel lin kage, etc. This is a real con-
estimated at 12.5 ounces, in clud- venience.
in g wing an d tail su rfaces . At Note that th e flap width is 30 per-
90m ph , th is would inc rease to 42 cen t of th e wing's chord, rather
ounces . The T-tail location was cho- th an 25 percent. Thi s pro vides
great er dr ag
when it's extend-
ed for a landing.
The Swift is very

~ ~
clean aerodynam-
?Pler 1 97 and sl o~ " ically, and th e
addit ion al dra g
of th e wider flap
will prove ben e-

An aerodynami-
cally clean model
such as the Swift
is capable of land-
Fin and rudder ' '~,- {
ing, flaps down ,
at air speeds in
Hinge _;'; the 20 to 25mph
- - _"" • - : ;; -20~ Up range. It doesn't
C =at: ,'. - , 20~ Dn need much prop
Stab and elevator ' " ,.f,
thrust to fly at
very shallow
Figure 7. an gles, making
Swift airfoil selections. landings difficult.


Chapter 13

• Shear. Forces opposed to one below th e neutral axis are shown.

Stressed-Skin anothe r. Cutt ing paper with scissors Consider Figure 2, illustration B.
is "shea ring." Each blade opposes The beam is com posed of balsa
th e ot her. lx 7/i6-inch upper and lower flanges
Design joined by a V16-inch-thick balsa web
• Leverage. A 90-pou nd person sit- with its grain vertical. Both A and B
ting 2 feet away from th e balance have the same cross-section areas.
point of a seesaw will be exactly bal- Obviously, th e "leverage" from
anced by a 6O-pound person sitting 3 th e neut ral axis to the flange centers
feet from th e same point , but on the is greater in B th an in A. B will be
opposite side. The greater leverage substantially stro nge r than A in
on th e lighter person 's side offsets bending because the material is far-
the other's greater weight. Both sides ther from tile neutral axis.
have 180 foot/pounds of leverage. The balsa web in B is under shear
t's a sound engineering principle in th e ben ding of th e beam . Balsa is

I that, to maximize strength an d

to minimize weight, the structur-
al material shou ld be located as far
These forces exert th em selves in a
much stro nger in shear across the
wood grain than along the grain;
and stro nger along th e grain in both
from th e "neutral axis" as possible. variety of ways. Figur e 1 shows a ten sion and compression .
This chapter will explain, in sim- l-in ch- square balsa strip being Consider Figure 3. It displays the
ple terms, what this ne utral axis bent; all four forces come in to play same beam as B in Figure 2, but
business is all about and how to he re. The fibers on the outside of without th e ba lsa shea r web-an d
arrange the structure of your mod el the bend are bein g stretche d- as part of a wing structure under
for maxim um strengt h wit hout under ten sion . On th e inside of flight loads. The upper flange is
adverse weight pen alty. the bend, th ey'r e bein g pu sh ed under compression , and the lower
To start with, a nod ding acquain- together under compression. These is under tension .
tance with basic forces is needed. opposing forces develop shea r. In Failure will occur by the upper
There are only four : our balsa strip, tha t shea r acts on a flange buckling as shown in Figure
line mid way th rou gh called th e 3, illustratio n B; and in the absence
• Tens ion. Pulling on an elastic "ne utra l axis." of the web, th e opposing forces will
band puts it under tension. Now look at Figure 2, illustration distort th e structure.
A. This shows th e en d view of the With th e vertical-grain shear web
• Com pression . Opposite of ten- l-inch-square balsa stick. The neu- in place, the buckling is resisted , as
sion . A column supporting a roof is tral axis and the leverage from the are the shear load s. These webs add
under compression. centers of th e balsa areas above and mu ch strength for littl e addition al
weigh t.
Obviously, th e farthe r apart the
flanges are, the stronger th e beam;
or, by reducing flange size and
weigh t, obta in th e same strength .
A thicker wing ca n be made
stro ng but light; its spar flanges are
farther apart and smaller.

Torsion is composed of shear and
tension. In Figure 4, a tube is being
twisted in opposite directions at its
ends. The arrows in th e center show
opposi ng shea r forces; th e twisting
tends to elongate th e fibers in
The Canada Goosecanard features stressed-skin construction. Power is a .35ci engine. tension .


Stressed-Skin Design • CHAPTER 13

result fro m the

airfo ils' pitch in g
mom ent and from th e
twistin g act io n of
ailerons in opposite
d irecti ons and the
nose-do wn loads of
flap s when extended.
These loads are all The Snowy Owl has an external glow-plug
power plugin thejack. Plug remo val is
substantially increased salelyaway from the dangerous rotallng
in high-speed maneu- prop. It's AUcipowered,
Figure 1.
Bending. vers such as steep
turns , sharp pull-ups,
etc. where centrifugal wood grain; and th e skin aids the
In Figure 5, A is a solid cylindri- forces come into effect. spar s in tension and com pression
cal rod; B is a hollow cylinder with The D-spar structu re of Figure 6 is loads par allel to the grain .
the same cross-sectional area of designed to resist all th ese loads. It Horizontal and vertical tail sur-
ma terial as A. Again, obv iously, B is combines a cylinder and a beam . faces have to contend with , princi-
much stronger in torsion and bend- Note that the materi al is as far from pally, bending loads as elevators
ing than A because of the mat erial 's the neutral axis as possible and that and rudd er op erate, The same struc-
great er leverage from th e neutral th e beam is close to the wing 's tur al principles apply.
axis. thi ckest point. Fuselages enco unter a wide vari-
Th ere is a limit to this leverage Ailerons and flaps, as mentioned, ety of loads in flight and particular ly
length, i.e., the point at wh ich on landing. A tubular structure is
you can still retain best able to resist the heavy bend-
the sa me cross-sec- I ing, twisting and tension loads, In
tional area of materi- A ~ 1-- 1' ~ r-'/Y]' balsa, a tubular or oval well-stream-
al; beyond this limit, I
r -1'--j I.iM!r
'/y]' , . .
lin ed fuselage is difficult to
the ou ter skin would 1 .: ' ' , ' 1 •I prod uce. In fiberglass, it can be
.. Neutral Axis don e, but th e mold s requ ired are
becom e so thin that it - 1'
would fail by local
bu ckling under load.
Fu ll-scale airp lanes
have thin-skinned fuse-
1 . .

uL B I' , Ii
expe nsive for "one-off" models.
The compromise, in balsa, is flat
sheet sides, top and bottom with
gen erou s corner radius, This comes
lages rein for ced by closest to th e local round or ova l
lateral frames and lon- cross-section.
Figure 2.
gitudin al stringers to Beam construct/on. It always sur prises me to find
resist buckling. how stro ng stressed-skin structures
A beam such as that become after assembl y of pieces of
in Figure 2, illu stration B, is weak impo se loads th at, on larger models, flimsy balsa . Built strai ght, they do
in torsion. Figure 6 illu str at es this req uire a seco n d spar in fron t not warp . Models built 10 years ago
beam in a win g. An airp lane win g, of th ese surfaces, with some tor- are in flyabl e condition today.
in addi tion to bendin g loads from sion-resi sting structure . Full balsa
lift, m ust resist drag and torsion shee ting in YI6-inch balsa skins , WIN GS, A ILERO N S
loads . Drag load s are du e to air top an d bottom of th e wing, main - AND SLOTTED FLAP S
resistance or drag . Torsion load s tain s the airfoil sectio n and adds Figure 7 details the wing structure
little weight, but con- of th e "Swift"-a model with slot -
sidera ble st reng th. ted flaps that's designed for low
Ribs ma y be "cap- drag . Its aerod ynamic desig n was
strippe d" bet ween
A. Flanges / spars with th e cover-
ing sagging between
the ribs, reducing
the airfoil's integrity.
Both fu lly an d par -
tially shee ted wings
are cove red wit h
B. yo ur choice of mate-
rials. The grain of th e
1/16-inch skin runs
parallel to the span
Figure 3. to resist torsion and The Sea Loon-a .15ci-powered twin-boom
Flanges buckling under load. drag loads across the flying boat. Flaps arefully extended.



9 .75" chord


Y1." plywood slot lip


y 1." Balsa skins -

E197 lop and bottom
Figure 6.
O-spar wing structure. A. Swift Inboard wing and flap sectio n Aap p ivot point

described in Cha pter 12, "Improve 10.1 " chord

Perform an ce by Reducing Drag."
The Swift's structure is based on
the principles outlin ed previously
. . . - Yl.·· X t~4 ·· ca
- .
Dou ble MonoKole
h Inge
20 u p

in this chapter. "A" is a section cut

through the flapped portion, and
"8" is cut through the aileron and
NASA "drooped" LE. E197 with NASA Webs - GR vert. 'I." balsa 10 ° down
' 'droop''
Figure 7A shows th e Swift's two- B . Swift outboard wing and aileron section
spar wing with vertica l-grain ed
webs running from top to bottom Figure 7.
flanges and between th e wing ribs. The wing structure of theSwift.
The 3/i6-inc h-square LE spar adds
littl e streng th but prov ides gluing V,o" balsa skins V. " A alsa
surfaces for joining top and bottom
VI6-inch balsa LEskins. The aft spar
absorb s th e flap drag an d lift load s
when flaps are extended .
E193 Vo" balsa V32" ba l sa
Figur e 78 sho ws th e structure at skins
the ail eron s design ed to res ist
A . Spanowhawk wing and flap section
aileron twistin g load s. The diag o-
nal VI 6-inc h balsa sh eet running V." A balsa
V,o" balsa skins
from the lower flang e of th e aft Hinge
spar to th e upper skin stiffens the
ailero n attach me n t poi nt. Th e
ailerons and flap s are simple box
V32" balsa
structures. E193M Vo" b al sa skins

B . Spanowhawk wing construction

Figure 8.
The wing structure of the Sparrowhawk.

The Swift's ailerons are of modi- to pro duce "in to-th e-turn " yaw.
fied Frise design. With equal up and Rudd er acti on isn 't nee ded; th e
down travel of "bam -doo r" ailerons, mod el turns on aileron action .
th e downward extension produces Both aileron s and flaps of thi s
more drag than th e up ward one . con stru ction are stro ng, stiff units.
Figure 4. This uneven drag pulls the wrong Note th e lead-wir e, aileron mass
Tube under torsion. way-out of the turn-and require s balance.
coordinated rudd er to correct the The win g cente r sectio n is ope n,
resulting adverse yaw. with the center section main and
The Swift's aileron s have differen- aft spa rs runnin g across the fuse-
tial travel-the upgoing moves twice lage. This leaves the cen ter section
the angle of th e downgoin g. Also, free for in stallati on of aileron and
th e lower forward lip of th e upgoing flap servos where th ey're accessib le
aileron projects into th e airstream by removal of th e canopy as in
below the wing, producing favorable Figur e 10. It also pro vid es access to
Figure 5. drag as in Figure 7B. . th e elevator, rudder an d en gin e
Round structures. Th ese two factors combine servos in th e fuselage.


Stressed-Skin Design .... CHAPTER 13

! . - 5 .1 " chord j A Removable canopy

Y," b,balsa ~ ~~~~~~ B


Y1. ·· ba lsa s k ins V,"= re . . . .: : : ~

A. Swift stab and elevator construction 2 3 4 5 6 7 - B ulkheads

Swift fuselage construction

Figure 10.
Swlfffuselage construction.

Y. " x V. " balsa g ra in

Va' bal sa
-, ::, J'
.60ci en gines.

The sides, to p .... ...

th e fuselage top edges (Figure 10)
reinforce these edges, along with tri-
.... : : : ,.
B. Swift typical fin and rudder construction
and bottom are angular gussets at th e upper-fuselage
all 3/32-inch firm to bulkhead corners, as shown.
Figure 9. balsa sheet with
Typical cross-sections of IheSwlff's tail. th e grain run- LANDING GEAR
ning length wise Both main and nose-gear struts are
Th is open center sectio n leaves it of th e fuselage. The generously s/32-inch-diameter music wire. Fair-
relatively weak in tors ion . How- radiused corners are of 31I6-inch balsa ings have to be added an d shaped to
ever, th e wing is firm ly bolt ed to sheet and are as far from th e neutral streamline cross-sections.
the fuse lage struc ture at four axis as possible. The nose strut has a shock-absorb-
poin ts. The tor sion load s are The typical bu lkhead is com- ing coil that's entirely inside th e
absor bed by th e fuselage structure, posed of four pieces of lAl-inc h balsa fuselage for low drag. The mai n
as are th e main landing-gear loads . th at are ceme nted together at the stru ts have a square "U" in that
ove rlap p ing
HORIZONTAL AND co rners. No te
Figure 9 details typica l cross-sec- orientation .
tions of th e Swift's tai l. "A" displays The firewall C anopy
pa rti ng
th e stab and elevator sectio ns. The is 31I6-inch ply- 0/,," / li n e
stab has one spar with tri-stock wood and does dou~tlX/7Jfh:::::====':::::::=JHmrt1 "
rein forcing th e up per skin at th e trip le duty. In 0/," b,
~;::=~===:::::::::::::L~~~ t.. . . . gusset,
elevato r's doubl e Mon oKot e hinge. front are motor '/2" thick 0/,," 001sa
Eleva to rs are composed of mount and sides,

J"s-inc h balsa L.E. spar and l!J6-inch cowl, and land- All bulkhead parts
--- ~tt';, ~
balsa skin s, top and bottom . Ribs ing-gear n ose- Ya" balsa
(No t e grain direction)
are 3/32-inch balsa sheet. wheel brackets
Because th e h orizontal tail is are on the rear.
mounted on top of th e fin, th e fin The wing and
struc ture incorpora tes a spa r an d lan d i n g-ge a r
shea r web , as in "B," to absor b the a ttac h me n t
loads im posed by this T-tail loca- bu lkh eads are Fuselage section A-A
tion . The rud der co nst ructio n is balsa with ply- 0/, ,"00 1sa si d es,
top an d botto m
similar to th at of the elevator's. wood reinforce-
Figure 9, illustration A's con struc- ment. The eas- I
tio n has been used successfully on ily removable
sma ll model wings of up to 7-inch ca no py an d
chord, as shown in Figure 8A and B. top in Figure
Flaps, ailero ns, stabs, elevators , fins 10 weaken th e
and rudders of th e sma ll mod els are fuselage struc-
all skin ned in 1/32-inc h balsa shee t ture. Ben eat h
with llI6-inch balsa ribs. th e wing, the
fuselage is rein -
FUSELAGE forced by th e
Figure 10 provides an outline of th e four-bolt, wing- Fuselage section BoB
Swift's fuselage construct ion and t o - f u s el a g e
Figure 11 shows typ ical fuse- assemb ly. Figure 11.
lage sections for models with .40 to Doublers alon g Typical fuselage sections for models with .40 to .BOci engines.



Over the years , this author has

800 designed, built and flown 14
model aircraft, all RIC, and all of
700 the type of stressed-skin structure
described in this series. These are
detailed in the Table, "14 Stressed
Skin Designs " and plotted on the
accompanying graph.
The total weight of the 14 was
1,151.75 ounces, and their com-
400 bined wing areas totalled 7,359
square inches; the weight per
300 square inch of wing area was
0.1565 ounce. Power loadings
200 (ounces per cubic inch of engine
displacement) varied from 200 to
100 just over 300 ounces per cubic inch
displacement. A model that has 625
square inches of wing area would
0 10 20 30 40 5 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 weigh an estimated (625 x 0.1565 )
o or 97.8 ounces.
Gross weight, In ounces
Average weight: .1565 ounces per square Inch of wtng area Obviously, the lower the power
loading, the greater the power-to-
Notes: theOsprey was notfully sheet covered and, hence, was lighter. The Swan had12 weight ratio , and the better the
ounces of leadballastin the nose to position theCG in thedesign location. The Wasp hadonly climb performance and top speed .
fourservos, not tive. Anyone interested in designing a
model to these structural princi-
ples, in the 0.15 to .46ci range , will
portion in th e fuselage; the horizon- WEIGHT ESTIMATING find this tabulation a useful guide.
tal legs are shock-absorbing torsion Estimating the weight of a mod el Stressed-skin design results in the
bars that distribute land ing loads airplane while it's still in th e con- optimum weight-to-strength ratio.
over the same two bulkheads that ceptual stage is an importan t and There are logical justifications for
absorb wing loads. difficult decision. all the Swift's design features-
except one-the styling of the
lower rudder TE. The author just
likes it that way! ...
14 Stressed-Skin Designs
Gross Wing Wing Power
Eng. Model weight area loading loading
Model disp. type (oz.) sq. in./ oz./sq. ft. oz./ci
sq. 't.
1. Seahawk 0.46 Sporttrike 110.0 655/4.54 24.22 239.0
2.Seagull III 0.46 Ryingboat 112.0 694/4.81 2328 243.0
3. Swift 0.46 Sporttrike 92.0 60014.16 22.11 200.0
4. Osprey 0.45 Tail-dragger 113.0 768/5.33 21 .2 251.0
5. Swan 0.45 Canard 115.0 669/4.64 24.78 256.0
6. Crane 0.45 STOl trike 101 .5 643/4.46 22.75 226.0
7. Gull 0.40 Sport trike 93.0 643/4.46 20.85 232.5
8. Snowy Owl 0.40 Sport trike 104.0 643/4.46 23 31 260 0
9. Canada Goose 0.35 Canard 75.0 44413.08 24.35 214.0
10. Flamingo 0.35 Flying boat 74.0 500/3.47 21 .32 2110
11. Sparrowhawk 0.15 Sport trike 38.0 25011 .73 21 .96 253.0
12. Wasp 0.15 Tandem wing 36.3 30012.08 17.42 242.0
13. Sea Loon 0.15 Flying boat 42.0 250/1.73 24.27 280.0
14. Skylark 0.1 5 Spor trike 46.0 300/2.08 22.11 307.0


Chapter 14

Design for result s from th e high flap dra g

wh en the flaps are fully extended.
turns of a spin, which is th en con-
verted int o a fast spiral dive (cour-
Stalls-flaps down-are at 17mph. tesy of th e NASA droop) and from
Flaps On a low-wind day, full-stall slow
land ings are pure fun-like a bird
which recovery is prom pt upon neu-
tralizing the controls.
landing on a branch-and ground On a windy day, it will hove r,
roll seldom exceeds 4 feet. alm ost moti on less, flaps fully
With a lOx7.S prop , the Snowy extended, engine throttl ed back and
Owl's top speed is estimated at with full up-elevator. Aileron con-
7Smph. It's fully aerobatic, but it trol is still effective in th is nose-high
refuses to do more th an one or two altitude, and no tip-stalls occur.

n RIC mod el designed

A specifically for flaps ope ns

up a n ew and exci ti ng
dimension in sport flyin g. This air-
plane will be fast , structurall y
rugged and well-streamlined, and it
will have a higher-than-usual wing
loading; but with flaps lowered, it
will land at tra in er spee ds of
around 20m ph. It will also have a
very wide speed range!
This chapter will first deal with
the design of a model th at will use
flaps; then it will detail th e design
and actuation of th e flaps th em-
selves and give tips on flyin g with
To illustrate the featur es of a
model designed for flaps, consider
the Snowy Owl (see sidebar). Th is
plane was built IS years ago and is
still flying. Powered by an old 040
engine, it weighs 104 ounces, has a
wing area of just under 4 1;2 square
feet, a wing load in g of sligh tly less
than 24 ounces per square foot, an d
a power loading of 260 ounces per
cubic inch of engin e displ acem ent.
It features th e NASA "safe win g"
droop modification.
This model's performance has
proven to be bett er than any other
AO-powered mod el encoun tered so
far. Takeoffs- flaps h alf extended-
from grass requ ire no more than
10 feet with a fast stee p climb.
Lan din g approac hes- flaps fully
extended and engine idling- may
be very steep (almo st vertical) with-
out significant accelerati on . This



The Seagullll/-anamphibious flying boat.

Powered by an 0.5. Max 46SF engine, it
weighs 113 ounces andis an excellent
performer. Its large slotted flaps arefully
extended for landing.

It's great fun to make a low

pass-flaps fully exte nded; engine
throttled; nose-high attitude-
at about 2Smph , followed by
another pass with flaps up and
engine wide open .
The Snowy Owl's speed range
is remarkable. Maneuvers-flaps
down-are very tight indeed. On a
day with littl e or no wind, do n 't
attempt to land the Snowy Owl
flaps-up , because the glide is fast
and very flat, and you could easily
overshoot the flying field.
On the other hand, landings on
a very windy day should be made
flaps-up . The high wing loading
pro vides good penetration, and th e
high airsp eed gives good control.
Thanks to the NASA droop, there
are no wing-tip-stalls when maki ng
nose-high landings.

Let's make a bold stab at design in g
a wing for a slotted -flap-eq uipped
model call ed the "Swift." To
a greater exten t th an the Snowy
Owl, it will take advantage of th e
lift-increasin g capacity of the
extended flaps.
For th is project, the chosen
wing loading is 25 ounces per
sq ua re foot of wing area. This is
higher than Snowy Owl's a nd
should result in a smaller, ligh te r
model with even lower drag . By
comparison, a gross weig ht (wit h
fuel ) of 100 o unces see ms
reasonable. The wing area would
thus be 100 divided by 2S to eq ua l
4 square feet, or S76 squa re one that performs best for this wing loading of 2S ounces per
inches. The Swift is powered by model. At 1l,000rpm, a 10x9 prop square foot and a C L max of 1.933,
a .46 engine, and its power load- would produce an estimated top this model will stall at just under
ing is 217 .3 ounces/cubic inch speed of 90mph. 18mph at sea level. If you have the
displacement. Figure 2 shows th e actual dimen- CL for a particular airfoil and wing
For this project, test-fly with sions of th e Swift's wing and the loading, stall speed can be estimat-
lOx9 and lOxlO props to select th e proportions of its features. With a ed quick ly by using th e curves


Design for Flaps ... CHAPTER 14

ward surface of th e flap and the

undersid e of th e slot lip should
co nverge o r na rrow stea di ly from
th e slot en try in th e wi ng under-
side to th e ex it over th e flap top
surface. Th is accelerat es the air-
flow ove r th e flap, del aying its
sta ll and im provi ng its lift. It's the
reason the slo tted flap is superior
to either th e split or the plane
va riety.

• Air flowin g from th e slot should

merge smoo th ly into th e air flow-
ing around th e win g and the flap .

• Having an appreciab le length of

Sparrowhawk is a 15-powered airplane with a wing area of 250square inches and a wing load- slot lip on the upper wing sur face is
ing of 22 ounces per square foot. It's nimble and fun to fly. adv antageou s.

shown in Figure 3 of Chapte r 3.

Ad d 20 percent to this sta ll speed
for a safe ty margin, and this mod el
would be capable of tou ch in g
do wn , no se-hi gh at 22mph under
"no-wind" co nditions. This is a
comfortabl e landing speed .
Well -d evel oped flap s o n a
model design ed specifically for
flap s will produce an aircraft th at
ha s high top speeds an d is ve ry
stro ng and rug ged . It will also
ha ve a ve ry wid e speed ran ge, an d
this will permit slow landings
(flaps-d own) and flight at an y
speed desired within that speed
range. Th e plane will be more ve r-
satile than the ave rage sport .40
and much more fun to fly.

CUIDELINES The Osprey is a tail-dragger. Powered by an O.S. Max45 FSR, it weighs 113ounces andhas a
• With flap extended, th e slot wing loading of 26.5 ounces persquare foot. Under "no-wind" conditions, it takes off from
form ed between the upper for- water in less than40 feet onfloats.

1+------- -- - - - -- - - -'-- - - - - - - 58.5 01..-- - - - - - - - - -1

1+-- - - - - - - - A- - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - 29.25"--- - - - - - -.1
.35 A---t

C .80 C
_1 I __ L _
.25 C
.15C-j ...--- - .65 A - -'-- - i. }.'V\!... I+- ---'' - --


Figure 2.
Outline of the Swift's wing (576 square inches: aspect ratio of 5.94).



the bottom. Each flap has two

t----------C -----------, pivot ribs and one horn rib-all
1-- - - - - - - -.80C- - - - - - - - - made of plywood; the rest of the
Slot li p
ribs are made of 313z-in ch -th ick
~_.£ Arc of a cir Ie
sheet balsa .
/ # .25C -
The form of slot entry shown in
Figure 3 was used on Snowy Owl.
1/16 Rad ius
Although this smoothes the airflow
into the slot, it leaves a drag-pro-
Figure 3.
Slotted flapproportions. ducing gap when the flap is retract-
ed. Later designs simply have the
lower wing skin extended to the
flap's LE (see Figure 5) without any
apparent adverse affects.


Slot When slotted flaps are extended in
flight, a num ber of things happ en:

• Wing lift increases substantially.

Figure 4.
Flap In the40-degree-down posit/on. • Wing drag also increases, and this
slows the model.

Figure 3 provides the proportions FLAP CONSTRUCTION • The nose-down pitching moment
of a slotted flap for the Eppler 197 AND OPERATION increases .
airfoil that conform to these guide- Figure 5 details the structure of
lines. This is based on proportions both the wing and the flap. The • The angle of the downwash from
developed in the wind-tunnel tests 1116-inch-thick plywood flap sup - the wing and the lower flap
outlined in NACA Report 664, Flap ports and the 313z-inch -th ick ply- increases sharply; this impacts on
Type lb. wood pivot and horn ribs are the horizontal tail at a negative
This flap extends by rotating shown in Figure 6. The enlarged angle and leads to a tail download
around a fixed pivot, to 40 section of the "Flap support-pivot that induces a nose-up pitch.
degrees. Note that only the top rib" shows the sanding required to
front and LE curves are added to streamline this assembly. The outcome of these force changes
form the flap's profile; the rest are The flap has 1/16-inch-thick is some degree of nose- up pitch.
provided free by th e wing profile balsa-sheet skins on the top and This is overcome by applying nose-
itse lf.
Figure 4 shows th e flap in the
40-degree-down position and pro -
vides the proportions of th e slot Rib 31.l2" balsa 1,.;6.112" ply slot lip
gap and t he slot lip overhang.
These proportio ns are important
for good flap performance.
Positioning the pivot point so
that the flap -up and 40-degree-
down positions coincide with those Cross-seellon/
cutaway line .....
shown on the drawi ng is done by a
simple trial-and-error method.
Trace the flap profile and chord Figure 5.
line on translucent material such Wing andslotted-flapconstruction andhinging.
as onion-skin paper, tracing paper
or drafting film. Lay this tracing
over the flap drawing in the lip
position. Using a pin as a pivot,
3132" ply
rotate the tracing so th at the flap 1/16" ply
extends. Trial and error will guide
you to a pivot point where the
tracing coincides exactly with the
drawing of the flap, in bo th the up
1/16" balsa
and the 40-degree-down posi- 3132" music-wire pivot
tions. Mark this position carefu lly
on your drawing. Enlarged cross-section of flap support-pivot rib.


Design for Flaps ... CHAPTER 14

wing and flap downwash angle

decreases to roughly half of the
angle at higher altitude. Th is
reduces the tail download propor-
tionately. This occurs at a bad
po int; the tail download should be
increasing to raise the nose to a
high angle for a slow landing.
Powerful elevators are needed to
produce the tail download required.
An elevator area of 40 percent of
the total horizontal tail area with a
travel of 30 degrees up and down is
recommended for a model that's
equipped with slotted flaps .
In normal flight-flaps up-
these large elevators may be sensi-
tive at first, but with experience,
you'll adjust to them.


Figure 9 shows details of the tail-
surface airfoil and the structural
design used on several successful
models. The depth of this section
provides a very strong, light, simple
structure with low drag. The same
principles of airfoil and structure
apply to the fin and the rudder.

Well-streamlined model aircraft
with fairly high wing loadings and
powerful engines can achieve very
high speeds, particularly when div-
Flap support Pivot rib ing . This invites the very real dan-
ger of control-surface flutter, which
could destroy that surface very
quickly and would probably result

in a disastrous crash .
This is particularly true of the
(4 required) '116 D (2 required) wide-chord control surfaces inher-
ent in "designing for flaps." The
only certain way to prevent flutter
Figure 6.
Flap plywood componenls.
is to offset the weight of the control
surface behind its hinge with
weight in front of the hinge, with
down trim by means of the elevator A T-tail operates in air that's both weights balancing at the
trim lever while simultaneously only lightly disturbed by the hinge line.
lowering the flaps. With a little downwash . It's thus more effective The modified Frise aileron shown
practice, this becomes almost than a lower tail , which is in air in Figure 7 lends itself to mass-
automatic. that's disturbed by the fuselage, in balancing very easily. Shielded horn
The nose-up pitch varies with heavier down wash and in the balsa tips on rudder and elevator
the speed at which the model is prop's slipstream. The T-tail is permit this mass-balancing (see
flying when you lower the flaps more affected by the increase Figures 9 and 10). Flutter preven-
and the extent to which they're in downwash angle on lowering tion for flaps has proven to be
lowered. th e flaps. unnecessary. Thanks to their
Experience has proven that T-tail stressed-skin construction, wings
models, e.g., the Snowy Owl, pitch- GROUND EFFECT AND and tail surfaces are torsionally very
up to a greater degree than those in ELEVATOR DESIGN stiff and free of flutter.
which the horizontal tail is in the In ground effect, at an altitude of See also Chapter 20, High-Lift
fuselage, e.g., the Osprey. less than half the wingspan, the Devices and Drag Reduction," for



Sullivanstandard cables (.056" Dla.)

./ '<

th e benefi ts of O. 30c chord slott ed

1,!16-inch-thick balsa skin Double 1__- - -- .40 C Flying RIC m odel ai rcraft is
-,. MonoKote hinge elevator
challen gin g, exciti ng and fun . I
• "'-...: -----::0 'l1I-inch balsa spars
hop e th at "flapp ed flying" will add
1f16-inch balsa rib to your enj oyment of th is spo rt . It
SIDE VIEW ha s for mel s,
sl16-inch triangle (cutaway)
Tiphorn detail 'l1I-inch-dia. lead wire ~ stock balsa

Figure 9.
Typical tail surface construction- E168 airfoil.

Stabilizer at hinge
Elevator line

'111" dia.
lead wire - - -- _ _-.J TOP VIEW

Figure 10.
Typical shielded horn andmass balance for elevator andrudder.


Chapter 15

··Safe Wing"

markedly. Lowering an aileron to

introduce a roll input at this angle
The SnowyOwl in slow-speed f1ighl with flaps extended. The increasing leading-edge droop increases the wing 's AoA at that
ahead of theailerons is clearlyvisible. aileron, and ma y cause it to stall-
just the opposite of the action com-
ere's a grim statistic: roughly speed. At the same AoA, doubling manded by the pilot.

H 30 percent of all fatal acci-

dents involving light, full-
scale airplanes are caused by
the speed increases lift fourfold.
Also, lift varies directly with the
AoA, from the airfoil's zero lift angle
Suppose an inexperi enced pilot is
stalling and spinning at low alti- to its stalling angle . In high-speed flying a h igh-wing aircraft . He's in a
tud es, and ground impact occurs flight, the wing operates at a low left-h an d pattern for landing at a
before th e spin fully develops. AoA; at low speed, that an gle must busy airport, and a light crosswind
Several members of my club have be increased to maintain level is blowing from left to right. After
discovered that R/C model aircraft flight . The stalling angle of the turning onto th e base leg of his
are also prone to this insidious fail- wing's airfoil determines the low- approach, he slows th e airplane by
ure. What's happening? est speed limit. throttling back and increasing its
As a private pilot, I've been inter- Centrifugal force plays a signifi- AoAby applying up-elevator. While
ested in wing modifications that cant part in stalls and spins because scanning the area for other traffic,
will improve th e stall/spin charac- it increases the weight that the wing he lowers the flaps, trims the air-
teristics of both full-scale and R/C mu st support. It's encoun-tered when craft and announces his intention
model airp lanes. Most modelers banking steep ly, sharply pulling up to land.
know that a model's wing lift is pro- in to climbs, and when you panic At an altitude of 300 feet, he
portional to the square of its air- and use full-up-elevator when pulling turns left again onto final
out of dives at low approach, and our inexperienced
altitude. aviator finds that th e crosswind has
For example, made the plane drift well to the
a full-scale Cessna right of the centerlin e. To correct,
172 at gross weight he cranks in more left aileron to
stalls at S7mph. steepen his bank, and he adds up -
In a 6O-degree elevator to accelerate his turn; both
banked turn, its stall increase the centrifugal load. As the
speed increases by aircraft is realigned with the run -
42 percent to way, the pilot applies hea vy, right
81mph, and this is aileron to straighten up. The down-
0)1 due entirely to the aileron (left) wing stalls, and over
extra load imposed he goes to the left as the plane
by centrifugal force. starts to spin . Unable to recover at
Actual lllght path
As a normal wing this altitude, he becom es another
approaches the stall- statistic.
Figure 1. ing angle, aileron- In an attempt to remedy the
Classic stall/spin flight path, frequently fatal. Wrong way to "hit" control effective- spin/stall syndrome, a variety of
therunway. ness deteriorates wing modifications were tested by



r--- ----- 23'-3" - - - - ------.,

The Osprey, powered by a .45 diesel, about to start its takeolfrun.

The leading-edge droop shows clearly.

aerona utica l eng inee rs: fixed or h igh in sur an ce

retractable LE slots; win g washou t p rem iu m s ,
to reduce tip angles; greater camber they're building
at the wing tips an d slot-lip fewer, full-scale
ailerons. While modi fication s did ligh t airp lan es.
im prove stall beh avior, they also Verilite Aircraft
agg rava ted spi n ch aract eristics. Co. Inc. has
Man y of th ese changes worsened developed a
aircraft perfor ma nce and inc reased new design th at
the complexity and cost of con- incor pora tes
struction and maint en an ce. NASA's LE mod i-
ficatio ns . The
NASA'S SOLUTION Sunbird (Figure
In th e late '70s , NASA's Ames 2) is th e first air-
Research Center initiated a program craft designed to
to develop an imp roved LE that provid e spin
wou ld be inexpe nsive to manufac- resista nce an d
ture and would requ ire no mainte- th ereby reduce
nance. After determinin g th e best stall/s pin acci-
wing modification th rough exten - den ts. NASA has
sive wind-tunnel tests, NASA incor- run extens ive
porated th ese design changes into an win d - tun n e I Figure 2.
R/C scale model. Stall/spin character- tests on th is air- Verilite Aircraft Co. Inc. Sunbird.
istics were significantly impro ved, craft, and it has
and , to confirm these R/C model built an d tested a sma ll scale NASA's LE droop has been suc-
results, four, full-scale light aircraft- model, a lA-scale R/C model and a cessfully inco rpora ted in to seven
a Grumman Ame rican Yankee, full-scale version . A 28-degree AoA R/C model aircraft: th e .IS-po wered
Beech Sierra, Piper Arrow and Cessna was recorded before th e stall was Sparrowh awk; the AO-powere d
I 72- were mo dified and flown encountered. Snowy Owl II; the .IS-powered Sea
extensively. On th e previous page, a photo of Loon (a flying boat); the Swift; the
Because ma nufacture rs pay such my Snowy Owl (one of my earlier Seagull III; the Seahawk; and the
models) is in slow- Osprey, which is a AS-powered
speed flight with craft designed to be used with both
its flaps extended. whee ls and floats.
The increa sing LE While th e smaller models can be
droop ahead of the forced to spin, onl y one or two turn s
ailerons is clearly are achieved before the spi n
visible, an d it becom es a spiral dive, and recovery
reach ed its maxi- is inst an tan eou s when the controls
mum at the wing- are neutralized. Aileron control is
tip s. This modifi- greatly improved in the stall, with
cation succeede d th e flaps up or down . Despite man y
in delayin g th e atte mpts, I h aven 't been able to
stall, but the spin th e larger models.
aile ron s proved As th e illustratio n of the airflow
The Sea Loon in its natural element-water. The leading-edge droop ineffective in th e over the NASA wing shows, the out-
startsat the inner-wing stripe. att itude shown. boa rd, drooped pan els become very


NASA " Safe W ing " ... CHAPTER 15

th e cross-hatch ed section, an d a
light LE spar. Cove r th em with
t------------C -----------~
bond pap er or th in balsa, and glue
thi s unit to th e outboa rd wing LE. I
haven 't tried th is droop on sym-
Chord line
metrical airfo iled wings , but it
m ight delay th e stall in both
upri ght and in vert ed flight (see
A. Flat-boUom airfoil Figure 6C).
Co ng ratulatio ns, NASA, for your
maj or contribution to avia tio n
...--- - - -- - - - - - C- - - - - - - - - - - --l
safety. I h ope th is "safe" wing will
be in corp orated in future aircraft
Chord line designs. ...

B. Semisymmetrical airfoil

- - - - - - -- - - - C- - - - --1

Chord line

C. Symmetrical airfoil

Figure 6.
NASA droop (cross-hatched areas) on various airfoils.

low-AR wings, with a stall that's you could modi fy th e wings by

considerably delayed. The droop adding droop . (See th e cross-
itself, which delays the stall to hatched areas in Figure 6 A and B).
approximately twice the stall angl e For evaluation purposes, I've do ne
of the basic wing, perm its effective this by using Styrofoam , wh ich is
aileron contro l at th e high er AoAs. held in place with transparent tape.
If yo u fly models with flat - As an alternative, you co uld add
bottom or sem isym metrical airfoil s, balsa ribs like th e ones sho wn in

0.388/2=1 Vortex

f----- - - - - - - , . - -- - ---,

I Centerline Centerline

Figure 7. Figure 8.
The wing planform showing theproportions of the added leadlng- The airflowover theNASA wing at high angles of attack. While the
edge droop. Note that the corners formed by the Inboard end of Inboard, undrooped section Is stalled, the sharp-cornered notch In the
the droop mustbe sharp where the droop addltlon meets the leading edge produces a chord-wise vortex that effectively separates
normal alrfoll. thetwo areas.


Chapter 16

Landing-Gear he landing gear of a pro - On the gro und, however, it

T peller-driven aircraft has
two major functions. The
first is to provide adeq uate clear-
should no t be possible to rotate to
or beyond the wing's stalling ang le.
Such a stall on takeo ff or lan ding
ance betwee n prop tips and the could be damaging, both to the
ground. The second, an d no less model an d to its design er's ego!
imp ortant, is to permit th e plane to For windy-day flying, good judg-
rotate on bot h takeoff and landing m ent dicta tes flaps-up landings,
so that the wing's AoA comes close an d at a lower AoA for goo d con -
to th e stalling angle of its airfoil. At trol. The wind's speed redu ces th e
that AoA, the wing is near the air- model's ground speed accor dingly.
foil's CL max . This permits the low- This chapter dea ls with th e land-
est landing and takeoff speeds of ing -gear function . Int elligent deter-
which the model is capable. mination of the AoA for lan ding

1. 6


1 .2

1. 0

~ .8
Rn ,=
= .6
.! - - 1 00 ,0 00
.8 .
:: = 2 00 ,0 00

- - 250, 0 00 1 .6 .
- Pitch ing
The Wasp tandem wing. The prop's position,
just behind the mainlanding gear, hasno
.2 moment clearance problem.
1.' -.3/ coelllclent
Dra g coeff ic ient (CD) (CM)
.06 .08 .1 .12 .1' 1 .2 ·.3
- .25
" and takeoff requires consideration
1 .0

.. of the following :

·.e • The airfoil's characteris tics and

the Rn at landing an d takeoff

• Adjustme nt of "section values" to

those for your wing's AR and pla n-
form .
6 10 14 18
Angle ot a lta ck
• The effect on the stalli ng angle of
. ... •1
flaps when extended.

·. 6 . 15
(URlmsity of Stuttgart,
• The impact of ground effect.
Figure 1.
Airfoil data for Eppler 197.
• The wing's AoA in level fligh t. If
th at ang le is 3 degrees an d the lan d-


Landing-Gear Design ... CHAPTER 16

ing/takeoff angle is 12 degrees, a "fi n ite" AR and

th en t he pl an e h as to ro ta te wingtips. In addition,
th rough on ly 9 degrees to reach th e the wing' s pl anform
12-degree angle . (straigh t or tap ered) h as
an impact . The for m ula
• Wings incorporating the NASA prev iously discussed in
"droop" will have an increase in Chapter 3 will help you
landing/takeoff ang les. to adjust the Wing's AoA
to provide th e lift coeffi-
LANDING GEAR cient selected and com-
For conventional models, the wing pen sate for both AR and
characteristics control the land- planfo rm. The Canada Goose Canard'stricycle landinggear. Propeller
ing/takeoff AoA. For canard or tan- Using the dat a in clearance ontakeoffsandlandings is critical for rear-engine
dem-wing models, lift is generated Figure 1 and noting that
by both wings. Well-behaved th e E197 airfo il starts to
canards or tandem wings h ave lift at minus 2 degrees and achieves HIGH·LIFT DEVICES
fron t wings th at mu st stall first, so CL 1.1 at plus 8 degrees, th e section Slotted flaps reduce takeoff and
tha t for landing-gear design , only AoA wou ld be 10 degrees. Using an landing AoAs (as shown in Figure 7
the fore-plane 's characteristics are AR of 6 (this depends on your of Cha pter 3). A 20-degree flap
to be considered, not the aft wings . design, of course), th e tot al AoA deflec tion causes a reduction of 1
Now, about those six factors : equals 13.91 degrees. Let's say 14 degree , bu t for the full 40-degree
Figure 1 provides the lift, d rag and degrees-less the minus 2 degrees deflection, it is 4 degrees . Since
pitching-moment character istics of (sin ce it starts lifti ng at m in us landin gs are more cri tica l th an
the Eppler 197. On the left, CL 1.1 2 degrees), or 12 degrees for th e takeoffs, use 4 degrees . As one for-
ha s bee n selecte d as th e hori zontal. mer jet fighter pilot pu ts it,
takeoff/landing CL at "Takeoffs are optional; landings are
an 8-degree AoA. This un avoidable."
is well below this sec- 1_ -+-_ _ Semi·span - - - _ Sum ma ry :
tion's stalling angle of our AR 6 GROUND EFFECT
16 degrees, and the straight- wing This phenomenon starts at half the
with airfoil model's wingspan above the
stall is gentle with no "''---- - --+- --.. E197 would gro und (or water) and becom es
hysteresis. Figure 1 of
Cha pter 14, "Design require a 12- more intense closer to the groun d.
for Flaps," gives th e degree AoA Both landin gs and takeoffs, hence,
additional lift coeffi- to achieve are ma de in "ground effect." It acts
1/ CL 1.1. like a subs tantial incr ease in AR.
cient that slotted flaps A
develop. A reduction in the stall AoA and in
If yo u know (o r - 0.57 0.38 _
can reason ably esti -
ma te) your mode l's
wi ng loa di ng in
:£: S'. A'A~
~1 1 ~ o.03Chord ~
ounces pe r sq ua re
foot , and if you calc ulate yo ur
Wing's "c1 ose" to C L max., as ~ --. BaSICwing
above, with slotted flaps deployed
Leading-edge droop
20 degrees for ta keoff and 40
degrees for lan di ng, Figure 3 of
Cha pter 3, "U n de r sta n ding 1 .0 Drooped leadingedge
Aero d ynamic Form u-las ," will
provide th e means to estimate both _ .8 T I /
landing and takeoff speeds in mph. -'
!:. I " I
With the Rn under your belt, select I " "-i
the appropriate Rn curves of your "0 .6 I /'1'- --
airfoil. Note th at Figure 1 offers dif- Basic airfoil
:~ I
ferent curves for different Rn num- =cii .4 I
bers. For E197, lift is littl e affected, <.1
but profile drag increases at low Rn.
.2 - I
40 50
Th e values in Figure 1 are called Figure 2.
"sectio n values" and are for "in fi- The NASA safe-wing droop.
Angle 01altack-degrees
n ite AR." A model's wi ng has



induced drag results. For a model the stall for takeoffs/

with a span of 60 inches, and with landings. Runway

its wing 8 inches above the ground The remedy would
on touchdown and AR6, this reduc- be to lower the aft Tire drag ~
« I
tion would be 10 percent of our 12-
degree AoA, or 1.2 degrees.
fuselage to reduce
the tail angle so as to
Airplane CL
Using the Swift as an example, avoid the stall. This Figure 3.
the wing's AoA for level flight is would affect spiral B. A.
zero degrees, so no adjustment for a stability as discussed
pos itive AoA is called for. in Chapter 9,
"Vertical Tail Design CG CG
NASA SAFE·WING DROOP and Spiral Stability." AirplaneCL
This is recommended for sport The longer gear
models (see Figure 2). lt delays tip- would increase both A.
stalling and provides effective weight and drag .
aileron control in the stall. Since Figure 3. The dynamics of tricycle landing gear. With the CG ahead
ofthe main gear, the inertia ofthe CG tends to keep the model mov-
the droop occupies 38 percent of THE "CRANE" II ing straightforward. Figure 4. The dynamics oftail-dragger landing
the sem i-span , it is estimated that it The Crane II, a STOL gear. With the CG behind the main gear, the inertia ofthe CGtends
provides a full 4 degrees more in model, had a very to exaggerate anydivergence from a direct path straight forward.
the takeoff/landing AoA. nose- high landing
Summary: the adjusted AoA for posture. It had an ships of 2-stroke or 4-stro ke models,
CL 1.1 of airfoil E197 is 12 degrees; ll-inch-diameter variable-pitch but not 2-stroke versus 4-stro ke.
slotted flaps reduce this by 4 prop; full-span LE slots and slotted The formu la is sim ple:
degrees; ground effect makes a fur- flaps. Spoilers on the wing 's upper
ther reduc tion of 1.2 degrees ; and surface provided roll control. The 1 x 'gross weigllt (oz.) = power loading
the NASA droop adds 4 degrees for horizontal tail had an inverted and engine cid
a ne t AoA of 10.8 degree s. LE-slotted lifting airfoil to provide
For the Swift, this was increased the high tail download that is need-
slightly to 11 degrees to provide a ed to achieve the very high AoA (20 A trainer that weighs 80 ounces
2-inch prop-tip ground clearance degrees ) provided by the Wing's an d is powered by a .40ci 2-stro ke
with a lO-inch-diameter prop. The slots and flaps. eng ine would have a powe r loading
Swift illustrates the benefit of a The Crane II had a fueled weight of 1 divided by .40 x 80 = 200
high thrust line provided by an of 101.5 ounces and a wing loading ounces/cid. The crane's power load-
inverted engine (see 3-view in of 22.75 ounces/square foot ; power ing of 225 ounces/cid with a
Chapter 26) . If the engine was was a .45 engine; power loading 2-stroke engi ne shows that it ha s
upright and still fully cowled, the was 225 ounces per cubic inch or greater weight for its power th an
th rust line would be lowered by engine disp lacement (cid). the train er.
roughly 2 inches. A landing gear 2
inches longer, to preserve th e POWER LOADING CG AND LANDING GEAR
2-inch ground clearance, would be Power loading in ounces per cubic The CG location, in both th e hori-
necessary. This could entail a sub- inch of engine disp lacement is a zontal and vertical senses, is th e
stantial increase in the "tail angle," useful "ru le of thumb" for evaluat- focus around whic h th e landing-
bringing the Wing's AoA to above ing the weight-to-power relation- gear geometry is established. For
mod el aircraft, th e only cause of a
CG shift during flight is th e reduc-
tion in the weight of the fuel as th e
flight progresses. For a conventional
model, th is causes a rearward shi ft of
about 3 percen t of the MAC. For a
rear-en gine canard, the fuel tank is
typically behind the CG so th at a
sim ilar, but forward, CG shi ft
occurs. The vertical CG location is
usually "eyeball" estimated. lt is bet-
ter to get it a bit higher th an lower.
Tail angle, -200 There are two major types of
landing gear:

Wheelbase • Tricycle. The CG is ah ead of the

ma in wheels, and the nose wheel
Figure 5. is steerable.
Fuselage upsweep required to obtain a hightall angle and a short landinggear. This drawing
shows the Crane, which was designed bythe author. • Tail-dragger. Th e CG is behind


Land ing-Gear Design ... CHAPTER 16

3 degrees, as rudd er application is needed for

A. shown in Figure 6, directional control on takeoffs and
is sugges te d . On on landings.
landi ng, after th e As the tail comes up, propeller
nose-wheel h as torque and gyroscopic precession

made contact with cause the model to veer.

~ d i ameler A th e groun d, th is Compensating rudder is applied
no se-down ang le until the aircraft is just airborne.
will bri ng the If liftoff is forced by hea vy up-
wing close to its elevator action, the model ha s
B. ang le of zero lift. ample dihedral and coarse rudder is
The mo de l will still applied, a sudd en snap roll may
tend to cling to occur. Unless your reflexes are very
the ground . The quick , a damaging and embarrass-
pot ential for nose- ing crash will occur. It has hap-
gear dam age is pened to this author!
reduced, and expe- Another disadvantage of a tail-
rience has pro ved dragger is its tendency to nose over,
Figure 6.
that this nose- which is hard on props! Moving the
The geometry of tall-dragger tanding-gear design (above) andtricycte down atti tude has wheels farther forward to reduce
tanding-gear design. no adve rse effect this tendency aggra vates the
on takeoffs. model 's directional instability on
the main wheels, and the tail Figure 9 illus- the ground. To avoid nosin g over,
wheel is steerable. trates th e tri ke geometry for a rear- taxiing, particularly on grass,
engine canar d such as the Canada should be done ho lding full up-
Bicycle landing gear is a varian t of Goose. Obviousl y, a ver y hi gh elevator.
tricycle gear; a single rear wheel thrust line is needed to avoid the
replaces the normal tricycle main need for an un dul y lon g landing DETAIL DESIGN
wheels; th e front wheel is steer- gear for prop-tip protection . The Figur e 6 illustrates the procedure
able, and tricycle geometry Swan canar d illustrates thi s point. for positioning the main lan din g-
applies. For such craft, add 5 degrees to th e gear wheels for both trik es and
The single-wheel CG of some tail angle. tail-draggers. Take th e tail angle
sailplanes is a variation on tail- Figure 5 shows how fuselage describ ed previou sly and, on a side
dragger style and geometry. The upsweep may be
high tail an gle is n ot n eeded used to reduce
because there is no prop, and th ese th e length of th e Fuselage outline
r- ,.- --- - --
gliders land in a nearly horizontal land in g-gear legs Firewall- ::
for models that ~6'-"
attitude. plywood ::
requ ire large tail %~ :' - - - - Br~~kel
ang les, suc h as Plywoo0 : Steeringarm
LANDING·GEAR DYNAMICS th e Crane . wedge : If -diameler
• Tricycle gea r. On the landing or This high tail Wheel <:
collar / : : Coil
takeoff run, tricycle landing gear- angle moves th e
ail wheel
with the CG ahead of the main wheel axles far- lY<"
wheels- is self-correcting direction- ther behind the diameter
ally (see Figure 3). The nosewheel CG and requires
steers, pre vents the plane from heavy up-elevator C Caster
"nosing over" and protects the d efl ecti on to
propeller. rotate th e model
Wh en a "trike" -geared model for takeoff; but as
tips backward so that the tail skid th e tail goes
rests on the ground, the CG rotates down, the wing's
with it. If this rotation brings th e lift ahead of th e Figure 7.
CG behind the wheel axles, the CG aids th e Nose- andtail-gear detail (two arrangements for a nose wheet andone
model will stay tail-down-a most mod el's rotation for a tail wheel).
undignified po sture! Shifting the for quick takeoffs.
landing gear rearward from the CG view of your design, draw a line
by 5 percent of the MAC, as sho wn • Tail-draggers. As soon as a tail- that defines the tail-angle to the
in Figur e 6, prevents this from dragger's speed, on takeoff, permits horizontal, originating either at the
occurring. th e tailwheel to lift off, it becomes ta ilskid or at the tail wheel.
Most trikes sit with their longitu- direction ally uns table (Figure 4). The
dinal center line parallel to the CG wants to get ahead of the main • Tricycle gear. To prevent the
ground. A nose-d own angle of 2 to wheels (see "B" of Figure 4). Coarse model from sitting back on its tail,



follow this procedure. Draw a verti- AR 6 with the same area. The for-
cal line through the point th at is 5 mula for AR equ als span squared
percent of th e MAC behind th e CG. divid ed by the area. Knowing that
Draw a second line through th is th e AR is 6, th e im aginary span
point that defines the tail angle to can be easily ca lcula te d ; the 1:; load
the vertical line just dra wn (see wh eel-tread dimension will be 25
W squat
Figure 1). Notice that th is tail angle is percent of that spa n .
th e same on e as that defined by th e
line drawn from the wheel to th e STATIC LOAD SQUAT
Wheel lread-
skid. Where th ese two tail-angle lines Mod els with mu sic-wire or alu- 25%ofaspect ratio 6 span
intersect, draw a horizontal line for- minum landing-gear legs originat-
ward to th e nose-wheel position, and ing in the fuselage and sitting on
then draw a short vertical lin e th e ground bearing the model's Figure 8.
upward from the same int ersection. gross weight (iG) will "squat." For Wheel tread andsquat detalf.
The main wheel axles should be on .40 to .SOci-powered models, this
the short vertical line , with th e squat is about 1;2 inch and reduces
wheels' ou tside diameter resting on the tail angle for takeoff. To com- nose -wheel arrangements (A and B)
the horizontal line. Decide whether pensate, reduce your landing gear and one for a tail wheel (C) .
a nose-down angle is to be used, and legs' "included angle " (see Figure 8) The nose-wheel gear is mounted
if it is, draw th e nose angle at 2 to 3 to lower the wheels and compen- on the rear surface of the ply engine -
degrees to the horizontal line. Nose sate for the squat. mount bulkhead. For a conventional
and tail gear will be discussed later. design, this determines the position
WHEEL DIAMETER of the nose gear. For a canard with a
• Tail-dragger. Draw a line at 15 to Smaller wheels hav e less air drag. rear engin e; th e nose wheel should
20 degrees from the CG, in front of For paved runways, a 2-inch diame- be well forward, as in Figure 9. Note
th e vertical, as in Figure 6A. Where ter is th e recommended minimum; that, in Figure 7, A and B, the shock-
th e two lines in tersect, draw both for grass, a 21;4- to 3-inc h diameter absorbing coil is totally enclosed in
horizontal and vertical lines . The is suggested. the fuselage to reduce drag.
main wh eel s' outside diam eters For tail-draggers, this author
should rest on th e hori zon ta l lin e, NOSE· AND prefers a somewhat forward tail-
with their axles on the vertical. TAIL·WHEEL DESIGN whe el location, with the tail-wheel
Steerable nose- or tail-wheel gear leg supported internally by nose -
TREAD WIDTH sh ou ld incorporate a modest whe el brackets bolted to plywood,
Both trik e and tail-dragger land- am ount of caster. A modest amount as in Figure 7C.
ing gea r should ha ve a lat eral of offset, as in the case of a grocery-
spacing ("tread width," or the dis- cart caster wheel, facilitates steer- MAIN LANDINCi-CiEAR LEGS
tance between the centerlines of ing. Similarly, in th e case of landing Main landing-gear legs should be a
each tir e) of 25 percent of th e gear, such gear tracks well and per- continuous piece of metal from
wingspan of an AR 6 win g (see mits easy steer ing. Too much offset whee l to wheel so that bending
Figure 8). invites "sh immy." An offset of 20 loads do not have to be absorbed by
If the wing has a higher AR, cal- percent of the wheel 's diameter is the fuse lage structure, but are
culate what the span wou ld be for sufficient. Figure 7 illustrates two contained in the landing-gear legs
themselves. ...

Outboard stabilizing wheels; diameter 3

(bicycle landinggear only) Diameter 3 025 ciamete 1

~::e~~~ft:;::~:~~fl~se~moSicenJte~lol grav;:
"', ....... al angeI Propeller
.. !'w~eel r
_ diame,?
~ plus 3° s-:
10° to W Wheel -:;-_
.1 Wheel diameter 1 ~iameler 2

~'~:"'-- Wheel base •

Caster action, 0,10 xdiameter 1 (min.)

Figure 9.
Layout geometry fortricycle Dr bicycle landing gear fora pusher canard.


Chapter 11

man y models, both kit-built and

original designs , at our flying fields?
This author surmises that there are
three major objections:
• Removing a cowl to service the
engine is a nuisance to be avoided. In
most cases, it is necessary to remove
th e spinner, th e prop , the need le-
valve needle and up to a half-dozen
Pusher engines
small, easy-to-lose screws. Replace-
Inletarea (A x B) x140% ment reverses this boring sequence .
Outletarea (A x B) x 140%
the cylinder and muffler does the
Figure 1.
• Cowls are difficult to make. cooling. Air passing 1 inch away
Sizing cooling-air inlets andoutlets. from the cooling fins does no thi ng.
• Fear that a cowled engine will not A good , low-drag cowl design
be adequately cooled . requires:
ur model airplane engines,

O by th emselves, are beauti-

ful, powerful examples of
precision machining and engine
The design, con struction an d fas-
tening of the cowls describe d in this
cha pter responds to and overcomes
all three objections:
• An in let;

• an exp anding chamber, or

technology. "diffuser";
Hung on the front of a model air-
plane and left uncowl ed, they are • The remo vable portion of each • th e item to be cooled: radia to r,
hideous from a drag poin t of view. cowl described is almost ridiculous ly or cylinder and muffler;
Even when partiall y cowled but with easy both to rem ove and to replace.
the cylinder sticking out, th ey make Taking off the spinner, the prop and • a contracting part, or "nozzle(s) ";
a model look like a full-scale Cessna th e needle-valve needle is unneces- and
172 with a garbage can above the sary, and there are no screws
engine just behind th e prop-ugly! to laborio usly unscrew (and lose). • outlet(s) into the passing air stream
A well-designed cowl greatly The engine is easily accessible for at point(s) of low air pressure.
reduces drag, improves a model's servicing.
appearance and actu ally im proves Prop-driven air enters the diffuser,
engine cooling. Wh y are th ere so • Such a cowl is easy to make, as slows down, cools th e cylinder an d
few cowled engin es amo ng th e th is ch apt er will demonstrate. muffler, expands because of the heat
• Cooling is adequate, as
proven by test runs on
hot summer days at full
rpm with the model sta-
tionary and consu ming
full tank s of fuel.

%" ... balsa
For min imum drag , the
cooling-air entry should
be as small as possible,
yet large enough for ade-
quate cooling. Bear in
mind that onl y th e air Figure 2.
The Swift's cowl; note the jacklocation. that actually contacts Cowl top view-internal muffler.



Figure 3. The pusher nacelle ontheSeagull III flyingboat. The NACA inlet and
Cowl section A-A (see alsoFigure 6-internal mUffler). theoutletbelow thespinner show.

absorbed, speeds up in the nozzles ENGINE AND This type of fuselage lends itself to
and exits at considerable velocity. ENCLOSED MUFFLER a wide r forward sectio n witho ut a
British WW II Hurricane fighters' Figure 3 shows a horizontal cross- drag penal ty. Figures 3 and 6 detail
ducted-eng in e coolant radiators sectio n th rough the Swift's cowl th e cowl installation.
were based on th ese principles; they with a mu ffler. Both the engine and Exha ust stacks may exte n d
contributed thrust, not drag. The the muffler are wholly enclosed. It th rough the cowl, and the neces-
hot, expanded air exiting th e duct's has an in let, a diffuse r, a cylinder, sary holes mu st be elongated side-
nozzle provided some jet-like muffler and nozzles; and the exits ways 1;8 inc h for cowl rem oval.
propulsion. This is not to suggest are at points of reduc ed air pressure They ma y also end just clear of th e
th at th ese cowl designs will con- on th e fuselage sides (they look like inside of th e cowl with slightly larg-
tribute thrust, but there will certain- gills on a fish!). The fuselage mu st er, round hol es.
ly be substantial drag reduction. be widened to accommodate th e
engi ne and muffler as in Figure 3. ENGINE AND
INLET AND OUT LET The "teardrop" fuselage was EXTERNAL MUFFLER
SIZING-TRACTOR ENGINES described in Chapter 12, "Improve Figure 7 shows the cross-section of
Figure 1 shows th e side view of a Performance by Reducing Drag." a cowl for an engine equipped with
mod el engine . An em pirical rule of a stock m uffler. While the muffler
thumb, based on experience, is to (and pressure tubi ng to the tank) is
pro vid e an air-entry area that's Cowl "box" outlines exposed, its drag is largely over-
equal to th e area of th e fin ned por- __.----
, !~:~I
, ,y
come by th e jet-like exha ust gases
tion of th e cylinde r, as shown . ,, squirting backward. With an exter-
Whether th e openin g is round, I :
nal muffler, th e fuselage may be
square, or rectangular makes no dif- I
narrower, as shown .
ference provided the entry has the
, '
area described. ,
The cooling air exit(s)' rule of ,, '' The rem ovable portion of the
r- -, I

thumb is th at th e total exit area be \~r i- --\l -) cowl is he ld in position by three

140 percent of the entry area. For )f' balsa she••
"flat hold-downs " (FHDs). One is
example: an en try area of 1.25 in th e cooling air-entry former in
square inc hes requires an exit of fro n t, and two are at th e rea r of
1.75 square inches for one, or 0.875 Figure4. the cow l (see Figures 4 an d 6). All
square inch each for two exits. Spinner ring/entry and rearhold-down detail. th ree engage n o . 2 shou lde r

________ . 2 shoulder screw

.....---- 2.56 bolt & nut - - -..,;

Figure 5 A andB.
Goldberg flat hold-down (FHD) installation.


Ducted-Cowl Design ... CHAPTER 17

eit her just above or just below it.

Parting line Obviously, a suitable slot or slots
(half above and half below the part-
ing line ) is essential to clear the
If an external muffler is used,
~1I1111. ..- - Ply bulkllead
then suitable cutout(s) must be
made to clear the portion from the
engine exhaus t to the mu ffler. In

J'Tec muffler ---Ir----'~~

»; 't:
vert.. i,
, ,
Figure 9, no te the I13z-inch plywood
parting-line separator that guides
the shaping of the cowl both inside
and outside. It is firmly cemented to
the removable portion of the cowl.
Alum inum tube =::::= ~:::~7:.z:!!
Photo A shows balsa sheet, tri-stock
and plywoo d components partially
Figure 6. assembled into the cowl 's two
Cowl sideview-tractor engine; internal muffler. parts . Carefull y trim the length of
both parts of th e cowl's balsa to suit
the len gth of your installation, as
shown in Figure 6.
screws ; two are screwed into the struction described previo usly has At this stage, the fuselage sho uld
plywood eng ine bulkhead, an d been used on at least seven model be finis hed (but n ot covere d).
one in to the plywood spinner designs . Th e soun d-dea dening Temporarily install th e engine (less
ring. properties of thick balsa shee t are a the needle-valve needle) and muffler
Ini tially, this author used these definite advantage. In this chapter, on the engine mount so that the
FHDs as shown in Figure SA. A I will give more details on ducted- cowl can be shaped inside as shown
knife blade inserted at the parting cowl construction and also touch in th e ph otos and drawings. The ply
line and then twisted, detached on design considerations for a cowl parting-line separator guides this
the cowl. On smaller models, this mounted in a pusher configuration. effort. A Dremel sanding dru m and
method was satisfac tory. On larger That portion of the cowl beh in d drill will do this quickly and easily.
mod els- and after losing severa l the spinner and surrounding the The cowl structure around the
de tachable portions in flight engine crankcase is solidly CA'd to crankcase requires only minor
(n o n e was ever found de spite the engine bulkhead. The other, internal contouring to clear the
len gthy searches)-it was evident removable, portion surrounds the muffler; the removable portion
th at this form of cowl attachment cylinder. The level of the parting needs con siderably mor e in ternal
was unsatisfactory. It was belatedly line between these two par ts is shaping to clear the cylinder and
realized that th e wrong end of th e important. It mus t be horizontal, muffler.
FHDs was being used, and th e and it mu st separate th rough th e The three flat hold-downs are
arrangem en t shown in Figure 58 center of the needle-valve need le- both CN d and bolted (2-56 bolts
was employed very satisfactorily-
no more lost cowls !
A useful byprodu ct of this ___- - - - .. Nozzle exit
Cowl box sides3/ 4" balsa
change was that removal requires
only a sha rp knuckle rap on the
removable portion's side opposite
th e muffler. Replacement requ ires
the alignment of the "hooks" on
th e FHDs with the shoulder screws
and a rap on the cowl 's muffler
side. It is amusing to have a star-
tled onlooker exclaim, "How did
you do that!"
~~"----.:J~:.:.....i-._ Nozzle exit
Over the years, I have designed and External muffler
built many types of cowl. They
ranged from laboriously hollowed-
out solid balsa to fiberglass-and-
epoxy lay-ups on dissolvable foam Figure 7.
man drels. The ducted-cowl con- Cowl section A-A; external muffler.



th e fuselage contour, as shown in

....- Trim to length 01cowl
shown in Figure 6
~ I Photo C.
W' • balsa cementing strips Next, rem ove th e cowl and take
__ - / 7- - - -/- - -;--: the engine and muffl er off the
motor mount. Epoxy the rear FHD
ply assembly in the rem ovable por-
tion of the cowl as shown in th e
photo. This requires some trim-
ming of both the ply and the bal sa.
Note that the open side of all three
FHD's "hooks" sho uld face away
from th e muffl er side.
3111" • Now clamp th e cowl into position
balsa as you did before, carefully align ing
it with th e spin ne r and fuselage.
Through th e air-entry hole, using
the rear flat hold-downs as guid es,
mark the positions of th e no. 2
should er screws on the engine bulk-
head. Remove the cow l, drill VI 6-
Figure 8.
inch holes in th e bulkhead , put
Cowl box detail; lJ2-inch balsa sheet; internal muffler. some CA in th e holes, and install
th e two screws.

and nuts) to their plywood parts.

(No te th e bolt-orientation nuts
inside.) File th e round bolt heads
level with th e bottom of the screw-
dri ver slo t after th ey've been
in stall ed in th e plywood .
In stall and lightly tack- glue th e
cowl "box" to the engine bulkhead
as shown in Photo B, wit h the
spinn er ring coolin g-air entry
assembly cem ented to both por-
tions of th e cow l.
Using an old spin ner backpl at e
of the correct size, clamp th e box
into position by ins talling th e prop
nut and washer, putting a Y32-inch
bal sa-sheet spacer between th e
spinner backplate and th e ply spin-
ner ring.
Shap e and sand th e ou tside sur-
faces to mat ch th e spin ne r; th e Photo B.
cooling-air en try plywood pa rt ing The cowl "box" hasbeen clamped intoposition for external shaping.
lin e; th e 1132-inc h ply separator and

Photo A. Figure 9.
Cowl components areshown partlyassembled. Top view of pusher engine cowl.


Ducted-Cowl Design .. CHAPTER 17

Cowl bOI top and bO"O~-=-_~"~+: ~o~3~"_Sha: ~xt~nsion With the engine en clos ed, the
--- ----------, glow plug is energized by mea ns of
a two-con d uc tor, closed-circui t
II type, Radio Shack phone jack. To
II energize the plug, a mating, 1;8-
inch, Radio Shack plug is wired to
t h e ex te rnal power source an d
inserted in to the jack . This is a
maj or safety feature because the
jack ma y be located well away
Short stacks from th at deadly, rota ti ng prop for
plug removal. Figure 6 details the
bronze glow-plug clip that's easily
dis engaged from th e glow plug
when plug replacement is necessary.
Figure 10.
The jack is mounted th rou gh a
Side view 01 pusher engine cowl. 713z-inch -d iameter ho le in a small
square of 1/16-inch plywood. Both
are epo xied to th e inside fuselage
wall so that the jack's knurled nut
pro jects throug h a 5/ 16-in ch -
diameter hole in th at wall. Figures
Permanently install the 12, 13 and I S provide a wiring dia-
engi ne and muffler, con- gram and engine-servo detail for an
nect th e carb-to eng ine- "onboard " glow -p lug energizing
servo linkage, rep lace system that hea ts th e plug in flight,
th e needle-valve needle, but on ly at low rpm. The system
install the fuel and muffler ensures a reliable idle , parti cularly
pressure tub ing from the for 4-stroke engines.
engine to th e fuel tank ,
an d connect the glow-plug ENGINE PRIMING
clip to the glow plug. Priming a fully cowled engine is
Solidly CA the fixed por- easy. Invert th e model on your field
tion to the engine bulk- box to bring the engin e upright.
head, an d clamp the With a squirt bottle, in ject a few
Photo C.
The shaped andsanded cowl. The upper portion has been whole cowl in to position drops of fue l in to the carburetor. If
CA 'd to the engine-mount bulkhead. as before, as shown in th e carb is closed, the carb entry
Pho to C. In Photo D, both forms a small cup which, wh en
parts are ready for paint- filled, provid es adeq uate priming.
ing. The engi ne's accessi- The coo ling-air entry hole permits
bility is evident. this method of priming without

Section C-C

:-- ---~r-r-~T~--- -~
- I

i ~I :
- ---;---!- -r-
I 31.12"
I Plywood

?'::-'~7>1-:-:_=:= ==:
"' I I
:s I 3J.l2" plywood

'- ----~ t L - - - -'

I ' :

Photo O.
Figure 11. This cowl detail shows thatservicing the
Pusher engine cowl sections andhold-down detail(see Figure 10). engine is easy.



Table of Lip
ordinates Outer surface
'YL Y;Yf
Ramp~ floor~-_-=DePth
0 0
0.1 0.004
0.2 0.084 Entry ratio of Section A-A of 7° ramp
0.234 width/depth = 3 to 5
0.386 A'~~
0.612 _ _- " i .- - -+_~.... '-Wt th- W

0.7 0.688
0.8 0.764
Glow 0.9 0.842 A
plug 1.0 0.917 1.0 ~ ~ 0
Glow-plug Ramp length "L"
hookup wire
(#278-293) Figure 14.
Details andordinatesof NACA submergedintake.

Figure 12.
Onboard glow-plug wiring diagram.
Trimonly ~

Engine cutoff -_W'''

Tothrottle Push rod

connector Tothrottle
Section A-A
servo wheel A

Cut out of round

servo wheel

Figure 13.
Smallengine servo (Futuba 533-5133).
Figure 15.
Engineservo lengthwise in fuselage.

cowl removal. If, after a flight, the ward , and it could not be reversed, NACA CooLING·INLET
engine is stopped by closing the because that would foul the prop DESIGN
carb, subsequent engine starts don't and prevent the propeller from Figure 14 shows how to develop the
require priming. To avoid "hydraulic rotating. shape of the NACA sub merge d
lock"-having fuel trapped between Cooling air enters the cowl intake . Note the intake width-to-
the piston and the cylinder head- through two, NACA-developed, depth ratio and the ramp floor at 7
apply your electric starter with the low-drag, submerged air intakes degrees to th e outside surface.
model inverted (engine upright ). recessed into the nacelle (or fuse- Over th e years, I've used pusher
lage) sides ahead of the engine engines cowled as described on five
PUSHER ENGINE bulkhead. The combined areas of models . Cooling problems have no t
INSTALLATIONS these intakes is the cylinder area occurred.
Figures 9, 10 and 11 show the described in Figure 1 plus 40 Throughout this chapter, illustra-
pusher installation of the Seagull percent. The exit slot under the tions and photos show inverted
III-a flying boat. The engine sits in spin n er has the same total area as engines (author 's addiction). For
a nacelle above the hull. the entries . The rotating prop upright installations, simp ly turn
For improved streamlining, a 3J4- "sucks" cooling air out of this the photos and drawings upside-
inch crankshaft extension was cooling slot. down! ....
used, as shown in Figure 12. An Construction, shaping and fas-
enclosed muffler is mandatory, tening the removable portion and
because the external muffler would glow -plug energizing are identical
exhaust the wrong way, facing for- to the tractor installation.


Chapter 18

he wide variety of propeller and that tapers to th e tips . These Propeller

T makes, shapes, mat erials,
diam eter s and pitches avail-
able toda y can be somewhat con-
small airfoils have all th e cha racter-
istics of a wing's airfoil. They have:
Selection and
fusing . The choice of a prop to suit • A chord line;
your model, its engine and your
style of flying requires some under- • an angle of zero lift;
standing of how a propeller func - Estimating
tions. It also requires an appraisal • a stalling ang le;
of the weight, wing area and aero-
dynamic drag of your airplane and
of th e power loa ding of th e
• inc reasing profile an d ind uced
drags as th eir AoA increases;
Level Flight
model-plus some insight into its
engine's power characteri stics. • a pitching moment; and
In addi tion, th e propeller's h igh - Speeds
speed rota tio n leads to effects that • upwash ahea d, an d wake and
every modeler should be aware of. downwash behind the blades .
These are:
Propeller blades differ from the
• Slipstream; wing's airfoil in th at they operate at high, particularly at its center. These
much higher speeds th an th e wing. stresses result from a combination of
• asymmetrical blade effect; A 12-inch-diameter propeller that centrifugal and thrust forces, plus
advances 5 inches per revolution th e blade's airfoil pitching moment
• propeller pitching moment; and turns at lO,OOOrpm has a tip trying to twist th em.
speed of 360m ph, while th e model
• torque; and it propels flies at only 47m ph. DIAMETER AND P IT CH
A wing normally flies at the same Prop ellers are sized in both diame-
• gyroscopic precession. speed across its span. A propeller, ter and pit ch in inches. Diameter is
however, operates at different simpl y the len gth of th e prop, tip
Th is chapter will cover th ese points speeds: high at the tip and progres- to tip . It identifi es the size of th e
and he lp to narrow propeller sively slower from tip to root . At half imagin ary cylinder in which the
choice for a given model to one or its diameter, its speed is half that at prop rot ates and adva nces. Increas-
two diameters and pitches. the tip . Stresses on the propeller are ing th e diam eter increases the load

PROPELLER ACTION Direction olllight Direction 01 propeller rolallon

A propeller generates thrust by forc-

ing a column of air backward- Propeller disk
called the "slipstream" as in Figure
1. In the slipstream , th e air's velocity
is increased above th e aircraft's for-
ward speed, and its pressure is
reduced. In addition, a substa ntial
part of this increase occurs ahead of
the prope ller. This slipstream swirls
around the fuselage in the same
direction as the propeller rotation.

A two-blade "prop" is actua lly a
pair of small wings; each has an air-
foil cross-section that is th ick close Figure 1.
to the hub for strength an d rigidity, The propeller's action.



imagine cutting the cylinder length-

wise down one side, from start
to finish of that one revolution.
Blade section Imagine opening and flattening it.
Figure 3 shows th is flatt ened
cylinder along with the geometric
Nominal pilch

Plane 01 rolation
and actual pitches and blade cross-
sections at 100 percent, 75 percent,
50 percent and 25 percent of th e
blade's length.
Note how the geometric angl e of
Figure2. the blade varies from tip to root so
Propeller pitches.
that the re is a con stan t AoA.
Calling suc h a pro p "cons tan t
on th e engine and redu ces its rpm. resistance. Under these conditions, pitch" is a
For each prop diameter, there are the propeller must operate at higher bit of a misnomer; th e blad e is
several different pitch es available. AoAs or slip, with increased profile obv iously twisted. "Co nstan t angle
For exa mple, a lO-inch -diameter and induced drags. This reduces the of attack" is more accura te.
prop is typically offered in pitches engine's rpm . It shou ld be noted To calculate the pro peller's speed
from 6 inches to 10 inches. The that, while pitch is a major factor in at any point along its leng th is easy.
higher th e pit ch , th eoretically, the speed, a plan e obviously can' t fly Take th e prop tip in Figure 3; in one
greater th e adva nce per revolution, faster in level flight th an a speed that revolution, it moves from A to B;
and the higher the engine load- is close to tha t permitted by its geo- AB is the hypotenuse of a right-
again , reducin g its rpm . metric pitch mul tiplied by the rpm . angle triangle. Recalling high
Thus, both diam eter and pitch In a dive, with th e engi ne at full school geome try: "the square of the
mu st be consi dered in propeller rpm, th e actua l advance per revolu- hypotenuse of a right triangle is
selec tion. For high-speed flight, tion may increase to a point where equa l to the sum of the squ are of
reduced diameter and increased th e prop's airfoil is operating at a the other two sides." In formula
pitch apply; for slowe r flight, very low or a negative AoA. The pro- form and Figure 3:
increased diam eter and lower pitch file and induced drag reduce sub-
prevails. stantially, the prop "unloads" and AB = -,) (ACZ + BCZ)
There are several variations for a th e engine over-revs-which does it
given pitch dimension, as follows no good! Experienced fliers throttle A 12-inc h-dia meter prop, advanc-
(see Figure 2). back in dives for this reason . ing 5 inches per revolution , would
have a hypotenuse of:
• The "no mina l pitch " is measured CONSTANT·PITCH
across th e flat back surface of th e PROPELLERS -,)(12 x 3.1416)2 + 52
blade-usually measured at 75 per- Each point on a propeller blade-
cen t of the diameter. This is wha t rotating and simu ltaneously advanc- or 38.02 inches.
you buy! ing-describes a h elix insi de an
imaginary cylinder. Consider one Tip speed for th is prop turning at
• The "geometric pitch" is mea- blade advancing one revolution; lO,OOOrpm would be:
sured across the airfoil's chord line.

• The "t rue pit ch " is th e actua l dis- - - - - - - - Flatlened cylinder - - - - - - - -

tance the prop advances per revolu -
tion. The difference between geo- B
metric and tru e pitch angles is th e
AoA at whic h the prop airfoil is
tru ly operating and is called the True advance
prop eller "slip." perrev

A prop eller has much in common I
with a screw. In fact, th ey are fre- A c
quently called "airscrews." A screw 25%
being turned in a threaded hole will 100%
f+----- - - - - - Diameter x 3.1416 - - -- - --
always advance its full pitch for each
revoluti on. A propeller "screws" into ·1
air that is fluid. The advance per rev-
t i
Tip Root
oluti on is not fixed. A heavy model
with high air drag and in a steep Figure 3.
climb ing attitude will offer high "Constant pitch" propeller.


Propeller Selection and Estimating Level Flight Speeds ... CHAPTER 18

they are close enough for all practical

Drag purposes.

• The model 's aerod ynamic d rag.

A "clean " model such as the Swift
will offer much less air resista nce
than one with an exposed eng ine,
large flat Windshield, large round
or rectangular (in cross-section)
wheels, unfaired landing -gear legs,
dowels and rubber bands for wing-
to-fuselage attach me n t, and other
A. Blade at 75% diameter B. Bladeat 25% diameter "built-in headwinds."
Parasite drag inc reases in propor-
Figure 4. tion to the square of the speed.
Liff, drag andthrust vectors at 75% and25% diameters. Doubling the speed results in a four-
fold drag increase. High drag mea ns
increased "slip" (the prop will oper-
38.02 in. x 1O,OOOrpm x 60 min. /hr. in ounces per square foo t of wing ate at higher AoAs) and rpm an d fly-
12 in ./ft. x 5,280 ft./mi. area and the faste r it must fly in ing speed will suffer adversel y.
level flight (or at h igher AoA with Lower pitches and larger diameters
or 360. 12mph . h igh er dr ag). are appropriate. While Figure 15
At 50 percent of th e blade length , Most mo dels, in level flight, fly at does not reflect th e im pact of high
the spee d wo uld be 50 percent of CL of 0.2 to 0.3. If you know the drag, it will pu t yo u "in the ball-
360 .12mph or 180 .06mph . Those mod el's weight and calculate its wing park" as far as rpm and pitch are
blades are lethal; take care! area in square feet, its wing loading is concerned.
Figure 4 sh ows blad e cross- easy to arrive at. Figure 5 provides a
sections at 75 percent (A) and 25 qu ick way to estimate the model's • The weight-to -power ra tio, or
pe rcen t (B) of the blad e length flight speed. Say the model's wing power loading. A large engi ne pow-
from t he hub. Both are operati ng loading is 20 ounces per square foot; ering a small , light mo del will obvi-
at the same AoA. No te that at 25 reading upward from 20 to CL 0.2 ously outperform a heavier, larger
percent, because of the bla de an d 0.3, level flight speeds are, on model powered by a smaller eng ine .
ang le, the lift is more in cli ne d, th e the left, 40 to 48mph. These speeds With the large variety of both
d rag vec to r is increased and the are minimums; something more is models and engines available, some
thrust vec to r is reduced in co m- required for clim bi ng and other
par ison wit h the 75-percen t point.
This in ne r po rtion is less efficien t,
man euvers. Adding 25 percent gives
speeds of 50 to 60mph and a mean
and from 25 pe rcent to the prop speed of 55mph. V"" /
90 Coefficients H
cen te r o n ly worsens. A sp in ne r of Now refer to Figure 15 (page 89):
:- ./
ro ug h ly 25 percent of the prop's the rpm /pitch /speed nomograph .
d iamete r wo u ld cover th is porti o n Place a straightedge at 55mph in '1<1 / ;/
and wo uld smoot h ou t t he airflow the central, leve l-flight-speed col- 75
V V .,..
moving backward. For a 1O-inch- umn, and read off the static rpm 70
/ V
diameter prop, a 2l12-inch-diame- and corresponding pitches that / V ,,-
ter spi nner does just that . will provid e 55mph. For example: a .c:: 60
/ ;7
In Figure 4B, the high er blade 7-inc h pitch at 7,OOOrpm or an 8.5- ~55 H
/ V .9- ......
angle, reduced thrust and increased
drag reflect the effect of h igher
inc h pitch at 6,OOOrpm both pro -
vide 55mph .
~. 50
.. 45
/ 1/ 1/ ~ .51. ......

pitch es for the prop as a whole. The The nomograph in Figure 15 is

~ / / l/ V V .9- ......
40 II / 1/ / V V V :!I- ....-
increased d rag red uces engine rp m; based on a 1O-percent increase over 35 / / / V y / ...... .lJI....-

- ---
lower diam eters are indicated . The the nominal pitch advance per rev V
30 f/ / 0- t/"',,-V V ,..- .!JI
reverse is also true ; lower pitches and on a gain of 10 percent in engi ne
25 r./~ »: ~- I-"" I-"" '-" ~
wit h larger diameters.

revolutions as the prop "unloads "
from a static position at high AoAsto
the level flight speed at much lower
1 5V~ ~
10 .
~ V~ ':::::-
r:::::-- -
I::- :.--
The design of the model has a AoAs. This graph will enable you to 5~
major bearing on the selecti on of arrive at a reasonably close estimate
its propeller diam eter and pit ch . of your model's to p speed, based on 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
The factors are: the engine's stati c max rpm and its Wing loadlng- oz./sq. tt.
prop's nominal pitch. These results
• The weigh t a n d wing loa ding. will never be 100 percent accurate, as Figure 5.
The heavier the model, for a given the model's weight and drag will Nomograph for quick determination of wing
area, the highe r its win g loading have an unavoidable impact, but loading, lift andspeed.



sim ple way of establishi ng the insight in to their design and con-
"weigh t-to-power ratio " is needed struction . They provide tabula-
to perm it ready comparisons. One TO CHOOSE tions of static rpm of an engine
way is to calculate what the weight while it is powering various diam-
in ounc es would be if both en gine
and model were scaled up (or
APROP eters and pitches of propellers.
Table 1 shows Billinton's recording
down) in proportion to 1 cubic This procedure is recommended for of rpm for the Fox Eagle 74 (Model
inch of engine displacement (cid). sefecting propelfers for YOllr modef. Airplane New s, October '91) and
For example, th e Swift is powered Table 2 shows that of Lee for this
by an O.S. Max .46 SF engine, and engine (RIC Modeler, March '91) . In
weighs, fueled, 92 ounces. Its
weight-to-power ratio is 92/0.46, or
O For a given coefficient of lilt
and wing loading, lind the esti-
mated airspeed as indicated in the
addition, Billinton provides per-
formance curves of the 74 in
200 ounces per cid. nomograph (Figure 5). Increase the Figure 7. Note that with silencer
Another example is of a model speed by 25 percent to allow for and standard .330 carb , the brake
weighing 300 ounces, powe red by climbing and any appropriate aero- horse-powe r (b .h p) peaks at
a 1.2ci engine. Its power loadin g is batic maneuvers, e.g., convert a 15,000rpm, and the maxim um
300 / 1.2, or 250 ounces per cid. 50mph estimate to 63mph . tor q ue is in the 7,000 to
This comparison has obvious lim i- 11,OOOrpm range.
tat ions. It assumes that power out- a Look at the rpm/speed/pitch Data of this type- an d the
put of various sizes and makes of W nomograph (Figure 15), and engine manufacturers' recommen-
engines is proportional to their pick out a pitch and rpm that will dations-provide very useful guide s
give you the airspeed you want.
displacemen ts-th is assumption in selecting th e diameter to match
isn 't too far off the mark. It's the pitch and rpm determined from
invalid fo r comparing 2-stroke
A Look at a published evaluation
Figures 5 and 15.
~ of the eng ine you arelIying
with 4-stroke eng ines . Each class and see the reported rpm for various
mus t be separately eva lua ted, e.g., props tested on the eng ine. Also look MATCH THE PROP
2-strokes should be compared with for the rpm range where torque is As previously noted, for a 20-ounces-
2-strokes and 4 strokes with maximized , if this information is pro- per-squa re-foot wing loading, a
4-strokes. Experience indicates vided. Pick a few props that provide 55mph speed is indicated, and a 6-
that 2-stroke models with a 200- rpm within the high-torque range and inch pitch prop turning 8,OOOrpm is
ounce per cid powe r loading th at achieve the desired speed range . on e possible selection . Look at Table
are well "propped" will h ave exce l- 1 (Figure 6) for the Fox Eagle 74. A
lent performance. High er power o
Test these props at thelIying IS-inch diameter by 8-inch pitch
loadings, up to 300 ounces per cid, field and stickwith the one that prop would tu rn at aro und
will resul t in diminished, bu t still providesthe best performa nce. 8,OOOrpm. Figure 7 indicates that
acceptable, performance. these rpm aren 't too far off the peak
of the torque curve for this engine.
• The t yp e of perfo rm a n ce ond, a 10xl 0 (a "square" prop ) Another choice could be a 12xlO
desired. In designing a model, turns 11,000rpm sta tic. prop also turni ng in the 9,OOOrpm
selecting a kit to build, or choosing From Figure 15, level flight range. Like low gears on a car, the
a mod el to scratch-build from mag- speeds are estima ted to be 125 and lower pitch of 6 inches would pro-
azine plans, the mod eler has perfor- 130mph-very close! This model 's vide quicker acceleration and better
mance objectives in mind that vertical per formance is that of climb, but lower top speed.
probably reflect his or her flying a "homesick angel"; it perfor ms
skills. The design goal may range vert ical 8s wit h ease and grace. TOOLS
from a slow, stable , easy-to-fly air- There are two items of equi pment
plane (for a beginner) to a fast, ENGINES every serious modeler should pos-
h igh-powe red, aero batic model (for Today's model aircraft engin es are sess. First is a pho tocell tachometer,
the expert). For th e beginner, low fine examples of mod ern engine either digital or ana log, to measure
wing loadings and a h igher weight- technology and precision machin- the static rpm of your engine. It is
to-power ratio of 275 to 300 ounces ing. Most are "over square"- the useful to compare the performance
per cid would be in order. bore diameter is larger tha n th e of props of various diameters and
At the other end of the scale, stroke. Th is author prefers 2-stro ke pitches with th e published data as
consider the Swift. Designed as a eng in es becau se th ey'r e sim pler, described above. These tachometers
sport model with a wing loadin g of mor e rugged, lighter, more power- may be used safely from behind the
22 ounces per squa re foot of wing ful and less costly th an the 4-stroke prop, and they aren't expensive.
area, a power loading of 200 ounces version s of the same displacement. The second too l is a propeller bal-
per cid and with the least drag that Engine-evaluatio n articles, suc h anc er, the type with two sets of
could be reasonably expected- as th ose by David Gierke an d Mike overlapping, free-turning disks .
short of retracts-it is fast, maneu- Billint on in Model A irplane New s, Balance every prop-you'll be sur-
verab le and fun ! It has flown with and Clarence Lee in RIC Modeler, prised how many require balanc-
two propellers. The first, a lOx9, provid e performan ce dat a on cur - ing-to avoid vibration. On rein-
has a static rpm of 12,000. The sec- rentl y avail abl e en gin es an d forced plastic props, a coat of silver


Propeller Selection and Estimating Level Flight Speeds .... CHAPTER 18

aro und the airplane in th e same direction of its axis. The hea vier
direction as th e propeller's rot ation , th e pro peller and the hig her the
but at higher th an flight speed. It rpm, the great er this resistance. If a
strikes body, wing and tail surfaces force is applied to tilt the plane of
at angles an d increases the drag of th e prop's rotation, it is "precessed"
any obstacle in its path. Its most 90 degrees onwa rd, ill the direction of
un favorable impact is on th e verti- the prop's rotation.
cal tail surface- it causes yawing This effect shows up markedl y
th at calls for rudd er-trim correc- on tail-dragger takeoffs if the tail
tio n. is lifted too soon and too h igh .
The increase in th e velocity of Precessio n causes a yaw to the left
the oncoming relative wind (i.e., (for props ro ta ti ng clo ckwise,
ahead of the pro p) reduces the viewed fro m be h in d) th at could
prop's effective pitch, as does one result in a groun d loop unless
blade's dow nwash on t he next . corrected by rudder action.
Such dow nwas h furth er redu ces The author's flying -boat design,
th e prop's efficiency. The situatio n Seagull III, was in itially flown
is made worse wit h three or more wit h a Grau pn er llx8 prop that
blades. For mod el airpla nes, such was mo unted in a pu sher configu-
m ulti-blade props aren 't recom- ration with the propeller's plan e
mended, except for scale models of of rotation di rectly over the CG
aircraft so equipped. (th e th rust line was 6 inc he s above
In full-scale aircraft, mu lti-blade th at CG). Co ming ou t of a left -
props are used to absorb the high h an d turn, the mod el wo uld en ter
powe r of modern piston and turbo- an uncommanded , gen tle right-
prop eng ines. They also redu ce the h an d tu rn, n osin g down slightly.
propeller's diameter so as to avoid It was easily corrected, but annoy-
compressibility effects fro m ti p ing . Replacing the Graupne r (an
speeds close to the speed of sound. excellen t prop) with a Zin ger
The loss of efficiency in this reduc- wooden equivalent of h alf the
tion must be accepted. Gra upner's weight elimin ated this
• Asym m etric blade effect. Wh en
th e plane of the propeller is NOISE
paint (after a gentle surface rough- inclined to the direc tion of flight as Many clubs are experiencing prob-
in g with fin e sandpa per for bett er in Figure 8, the advancing blade lems because of noi se that origi-
paint adhe rence) will aid th e ph o- opera tes at a hig her AoA than the nates from two sources: th e engine
to cell to "see" th e prop. Any retreating bla de . Th rust on the itself and the prop eller. Engine
imbalance is easily corre cted by advancing side is high er tha n on mu fflers and tuned pipes now avail-
adding paint to th e lighter blade . th e retreating side. This causes a able go a lon g way to redu ce eng in e
All thi s will narrow th e cho ice to pitching or yawing couple. noise to acceptable levels.
two or three props. However, there
is just no substit ute for actual flight • Pitching moment. When the
test s in yo ur fina l selectio n to thrust line is tilted as in Figure 9, a
obta in th e performan ce soug ht and vector is introduced that causes a
the optimum out put of prop and pitching mo ment. It may combine
eng ine. with the asym me tr ic blade effect.

PROPELLER MATERIALS • Torque. The resistance to rota-

Props are available in wood, nylon tion caused by the prop's drag tries
and reinforced plastics. This author to rotate the whole airplane in the
favors th e reinforced plastic prop s opposite direction . This is particu-
becau se of th eir ruggedness and larly true in a steep climbing atti-
efficien cy, even th ough they weigh tude at low forward speed and max-
roughly twice th e weigh t of their imum rpm whe re the prop is oper-
wood en equivalen ts. Avoid unrein - ating at high AoAs, such as just
forced n ylon props; th ey lack after liftoff. A to uch of op posite
enough rigidit y for use during high aileron in put may be needed to off
power. set th e torque. tf:r
n metre

P RO P ELLER EFFECTS • Gyroscopic precession. Like a

• Slipst ream. The slipstream (see gyroscope, a rotating prope ller Figure 7.
Figure 1) moves as a helix rotating resists any effor t to cha nge the Performance curves for IheFox Eagle 74.



ated at th ose rpm . The nomograph

was based on two assumptions:

• In to p-speed flight , there would

be a gain of 10 percent in rpm ,
since th e prop is operating at a
lower angle of attack, with less
drag, th an it would if th e mod el
was stationary.

• A loss of 15 percent in advance

per revolutio n of th e prop com-
pared with the prop's nominal pitch
advance. This was incorrectly based
on th e oft-repeated statement that a
prop /en gin e co mbi na tion devel-
op ed only 85 percent of the engine's
Figure 8. Figure 9. output in terms of thrust.
Asymmetric blade effect. Propeller pitching moment.
David Gierke's "Real Performance
Regarding prop noise , th ere's a effect of too much inci dence or too Measurement" (RPM) repo rts in
trend to long-stro ke engines th at littl e. In both cases, fuselage and Model A irplane News on engine and
develop their h igh est torque at horizontal tail drag is h igh er. prop eller performance are, in th is
lower rpm so th at, for example, The probl em is to estimate th e writer's opinion, outstan ding-a real
they can swing pro ps wit h model's level-flight cruising speed. breakthrough and a major contribu-
increased pitch es. Higher pitches Som e chaps like to fly aro und th e tion to mod el airplane design.
and lowe r diameters reduce ti p "pea patch" at maxi mum rpm and For each engine under study, he
speeds and prop noise . Propellers top speed; others, such as yours provides not on ly horsepower and
with pitches equal to their diameter trul y, are more conserva tive and torque curves and details of its
or greater (over square ), such as en joy flying at some thing less than construction and hand ling, but also
ll x ll s, llxl2s, ll x13s an d top speed-say, 75 percent of th e static and level-flight rpm and the
ll x14s, are now widely available. model's highest speed . Either way, mod el's actual airspeed at those rpm.
evalu at ion of the aircraft's top He uses a variety of prop makes,
LEVEL FLIGHT SPEEDS speed is requ ired. diameters and pitches that are suit-
For both full-scale and model air- Some years ago, a nomograph was able for the engine being evaluated .
planes , good design practice developed for qu ickly determining a
requi res that th e ang le of incidence model's speed based on its engine's • Knowing static and flight rpm
at whic h th e wing is set (on the maximum static rpm and the nomi- allows you to evaluate the gain in
drawing board) result in th e lowest nal pitch of th e propeller being rot- revolution s in flight.
fuselage an d horizontal tail drag at
the aircraft's selected cruising speed.
At lower speeds , the aircraft mus t
nose-up, through elevator trim , to Down-elevator
achieve the AoA that provides ade-
qu ate lift. At highe r speeds, th e
reverse takes place; down-elevator .. . -_ --
trim reduces the AoA.
To determi ne the wing's an gle of
incidence, you need the wing's air-
foil and its lift/drag curves; th e air- Figure 10A.
craft's gross weight in ounces; the Too greatanangle of incidence.
Wing's area in square inches; and
last, but not least, th e selected
level-flight speed in mp h.
It is assumed th at th e lowest

drag will occur whe n th e mod el
flies with its fuselage cen terline
horizontal. The wing's angle of
incidence, relative to that center-
line , will then be th e same as the Nose-up
calculated AoA. Figure 108.
Figures lOA an d lOB show th e Too little an angle of incidence.


Propeller Selection and Estimating Level Flight Speeds .. CHAPTER 18

Propeller airfoil sections

Static RPM L ev.1 Flight Nom'n.'
x 1 ,000 Speed IMPH) Pitch

4 18.3 4

• •• • _
Zero lift -6°

I pitch

8 I

7 I 81
Figure 11.
T 78
Graupner prop section.
I 81
i II

1 lDI

f ~l

••••••••••• ••••.• -
Zero lift-4°
J:. Geo~etric
, pitch
1 Nomin~~

I I pitch
13 2110
Figure 12. 18 31D
APepropsection. 17 151
11 411
ZI 451
• Knowin g in-flight speeds an d Z1 5111
• The assumption of a lO-percent ZZ +
rpm allows you to calculate th e gain in rpm from static to level ZI
ThiS g ra p h will enable you to a rrive at
Z4 •"
a reasonably close e st imate of y our
actua l advance per revolution and flight was no t too far off. Z5
model's to p speed

compare it with th e prop's "nomi-

nal" pitch adva nce. • The big surprise was that th e
This calculation is: advan ce per revolution exceeded Figure 15.
the pro p's nomina l pitch by any- This nomograph will enable youto arrille at
Advance per rev = where from 7 to 18 percent. a reasonably close estimate of your
model's top speed. Align a straightedge
Speed x 5,280 (ft./m i.) x 12 (in./ft.) from rpm (left) to propnominalpitch
rpm x 60 (min./hr.) Figure 12 is a prop blade section . (right). The speed in mph Is readoff the
For th e actual advance per rev to center scale.
Analysis of David's figures brought exceed th e nominal pitch advance,
two facts to light: th e blade's actual AoA mus t be
somewhe re betwee n th e "nomina l
pitch " and "zero-lift" ang les. The
nominal pitc h is measured, with a
Flight speeds pitch gauge, on the blade's rear sur-
face, at a point 75 percen t of the
blade's length , measured from the

prop's cen ter. The blad e's airfoil,
. ..... .. ...... . the leading-edge radius and its posi-
...-.- tion relative to the nomina l pitch
all have a bearing (see Figures 11,
12, 13 and 14). ..
Figure 13.
Master Airscrew section.

I ••••••••••••• •••••••
~ Z,ro n, ,'
-y.; '!ieometric
•••• 0.75'
I !Nominal
I pitch

Figure 14.
Wooden "power" prop section.


Chapter 19

Design for model's d rag will increase enor-

mou sly; this slows th e mod el and
tical climbs and vertical 8's with
littl e discern ible speed change.
reduces th e load. The high est load , All five wings used for this com-
th erefor e, occurs at the start of th e parison have AR 6 and taper ratios
Aerobatics maneuver-before drag slows th e of 0.6, i.e., tip chord = 0.6 x root
model appreci ably. The problem chord, and were unswept (see
lies in selecting th e wing area and "Wing Area Ana lysis" chart).
ai rfo il sect ion th at will suppo rt
th ese heavy loads. To better under-
stand th is, five mod el aircraft with
Symm etrical sectio ns perform
wing areas of from 400 to 800 equa lly well invert ed and upright,
square inc hes were analyzed.
have zero pit ch ing m oments and
n the design of an aero batic The basis for this an alysis is

I model airp lane, the first consid-

eration mu st be for th e heavy
loads- bo th ae rody na m ic an d
mode l 3, which reflects th e specifi-
cations of th e author's Swift. This
model h as a wing area of 600
are ideal for aerobatic models. Th e
air foil used in th is study was
NACA 64 1-012-an early laminar-
flow airfo il. NACA Technical Note
structural- impose d by centrifugal squa re in ch es an d gross es 92
1945 pro vides data on th is airfoil
and NACA 00 12 at Rns down to
700 ,000 (0 .7x lO 6) . A lO-inch-
cho rd wing flying at lOOmph at
sea level is operati ng at an Rn of
780 ,000.
The disad vantage of symmetri-
cal airfoils is their low maximum
lift capability compared with cam-
bered airfoil s. Thi s ha s two effects:

• At high-G load s, additional wing

area is needed.
Model1-the Swift.
• Landing speed s will be hig her,
unless slotted flaps are used.
force in h igh -speed, shar p, turning ounces with a full tank (a glow-
ma neu vers. These load s are in addi- powered airp lane wit h an em pt y At Rn 700,000, NACA's 64r-012 air-
tion to the mod el's own weigh t. tank cannot fly!). foil has a CL max of 0.9 and a min-
A patte rn ship flying at 100mph All five h ave the same 0,46ci imum CD of 0.007.
in a 120-foot-diam eter (60-foo t engine , RIC equipment and land- NACA 0012 ha s CL ma x of 1.05
radius) turn will sustai n loads of ing gear. Anal ysis of th e Swift's and minimum CD of 0.0065 at Rn
more th an 12 times it s gross weight discloses th at th e po wer and
weight. If th e co mbina tio n of wing co ntrol uni ts, plus landing gea r
area and th e airfoil's C L max is inca- accounte d for 48.5 ounces. It was
pable of sup po rting this load, a estimated th at for each 100 square
h igh-speed sta ll will result. A pan - inches of wing area added to or sub-
icked pull-up from a steep dive, at tracted from th e 600 square in che s,
low altitude, that results in such a there would be a weigh t cha nge of
sta ll co uld be ve ry da mag ing. 5 ounces; a 700-square-inch-area
Simil arl y, th e model 's st ruc ture model would gross 97 ounces, and
mu st not fail un der such heavy a 500-square-inc h versio n would
load s (see Chapter 13, "Stressed weigh 87 ounc es.
Skin Design "). The Swift's power loading of 200
It's true th at at the high er AoAs ounces per cubic inch of en gin e dis-
needed to suppor t th ese loads, the placemen t permitted sustaine d ver- Model2-the Wasp tandem wing.


Design for Aerobatics A CHAPTER 19

_2 .0

.. ..
.028 .028

~1 .6 ' I
>'< ~ .024
c .024
.. ,
~1 .2
~ .8
\~ .
:: .020 J .020 \ ) ,;
y~ ~
u .016 ::.
0 .016 , \. I /~
~ .4 ~
~ g . '~>~" '~
'. ~..-../d~30~1)1
.!; .012 R r:! 012 .'. \. d
.. 0 c 0
0.1 . 10'
'" ' .4 :ii .008 0 1.0
0 1.5
li .008
~. • 1>6.0
'0 9 0

C -.8
~ .004 Flaool'llJl11bolld...te "" 2.0
standard roughness
'" .004
AawodIJl*b--.. .....,;....

-1.2 -.8 -.4 0



.8 1.2 1.6

-.8 -.4 0 .4 .8 1.2

~ .1 Section Ii" coetticient Section lillcoelliclent
..g -.l
C 0
0-0 ' ; 0 ::e:c
0.1 .106 .253 .059

o 1.0 .251 .031

:lO -.2 o
u o 1.5 .261 .020
-24 -16 -8 16 24 C • !'c, 2.0 .265.005
E ". : 1~ \1 3.0 .256 .DZ6
o I> 6.0
Section angle 01 attack 1
.259 .011
:lO -.1_.8 -.4 0 .4 .18 1:2 1 .6 '0 9.0 .262 -.ODZ

Figure 1. Section Ii" coellicient

Section 11ft andpllchlng-moment characteristics of theplain NACA
Figure 2.
641-012 airfoil section, 24-lnch chord.
Section drag characteristics andsection pitching-moment characteristics
about the aerodynamic center of the plainNACA 641-012 airfoilsection.

.028 .026

c --=- I .024
31.2 CD
::: 3 .016
= .8
~ .012

~ .4

'" 0


c -·4
3! -.8
'" o
-.8 ' .4 0 .4.8 1.2
:.;; Section Ii" ecefticlant

C .1
E 0
. ~~~
DO~ _ ~

~ .~ ~~ o
.253 .059

CD o 1.0 .257 .031

~ -,1

Flagged symbols denote standard roughness

u ~~ o 1.5 .261 .020
·.2 '--------,-- ---,- - -r-- -,-- ---,- - -r-- -,-- ----, c CD <'1-- 1 ; ; l , 1 ; 1C
6 2.0 .265 .005
E v 3.0 .256 .DZ8
-24 -16 -8 16 24 o I> 6.0 .259 .011
:lO -.t.8 -.4 0 .4 .8 1.21 .6 <J 9.0
.262 ' .002
Section angle 01 attack Section
Figure 3. Figure 4.
Section 11ft andpitching-moment characteristics of theplain NACA Sectiondrag characteristics andsection pllchlng-moment characteristics
0012 airfoil section, 24-lnch chord. about the aerodynamic center of the plainNACA 0012 airfoil section.

700,000 and wou ld have been a DRAG would change on ly sligh tly in
bett er cho ice considering the Rns of Other imp ortant considera tio ns are len gth; th e differen ce in th eir con-
th ese mod els. However, 64 1-012 wing dra g, profil e drag an d particu- tr ibution s to each model's to tal
was used in the calculatio ns (see larly induced drag. A model with dr ag would be min imal.
Figures I , 2, 3 an d 4). h igh wing drag in both level flight
and under high G-force will not COMMENTS
perform as well as one with lower • Mode l 1-400-square-inch area.
dra g under both. The cha rt shows The CL of 0.874 is dang erous ly close
some startli n g comparisons of to 641"01 2's CL max of 0.9. Since
level-fli ght d rag to h igh-G-force this model's level-flight drag is the
drag . lowest, it could exceed th e 100mph
This study con siders only total speed, despite its high-G wing drag
wing drag; it do es not include th e of 77 ounces, and it could stall at
drag contributions of fuselage, ta il high speed. Its sm all size would
surfaces and landing gear. Altho ugh adversely affect its visibility, and its
the tail feathers wo uld var y in landing speed is high.
proportion to each model's wing
area, th e fuselages would all have • Model 2-S00-square-inch area.
Model 3-the Canada Goose canard. th e same cross-sectiona l area and Much the same as for model l , with



Wing Area Analvsis

Model 5-the Wild Goose three-surface


• Wing-drag coefficient
The profile Co of airfoil 64 1-012 at a
CL of 0.654 is 0.0155 (see Figure 2).
1 400 82 994 77 6.6 29.5 178 0.874 35 The total of both profile and
induced drags is:
2 500 87 1,054 69 8 25 189 0.742 33
Profile CD + 0.318 x lift CL2 x (1 + 8*)
3 600 92 1,115 67 9.7 22 200 0.654 29 Aspect rati o
*8 (delta) is th e wing planform cor-
rection factor. For a wing of taper
4 700 97 1,175 67 11.2 20 210 0.590 27
ratio 0 .6, it is 0.5 .

0.0155 + (0.318 x 0.6542x 1.05) =0.393


the exception that the lower CL at with exa mples for any fellow • Wing drag (ou nces)
high G's of 0.7 42 compared with the design er to follow. Drag (oz.) =
C L max of 0.9 provides an improved Total wing CDx speed2 X wing area
safety ma rgin agains t h igh- speed • Cen t rifu ga l force 3,519
stalls. Landing speed is h igh . G's = 1 + (1.466 x speed- m ph)2
Turn radius (feet) x 32.2 At 12 G's,
• Model 3-600-squa re-inch area, 0.0393 x 100 2 x 600 67 oz .
wh ich is th e optimum in th is At 100mph and turn rad ius of 60 3519
author 's opinion . At 0 .654, its feet,
high-G lift coefficien t provides a 1 + (1.466 X 100)2 = 12.12 G's Plug in the numbers, and the for-
good safety m argi n . Its level-fli ght 60 x 32.2 mulas may be solved using simple
wing d rag of 9.7 ou nces is good , arithmetic. Happy designing! A
a nd it s h igh -G wing dr ag is rea son- • Lift coefficient needed
ab le. Lan d ing speed of 29 m ph is CL =
acce ptable. Its power load in g of Gross weight (oz.) x 35 19 x G*
200 ounces per cubic inch dis- Speed Z x Wing area (sq . in.) x K
placement proved satisfactory o n
the Swift, and it is large eno ug h to At sea level, K is 1.00 ; at 5,000 feet ,
be read ily vis ible. 0.8616; an d at 100,000 feet , 0. 7384.
* If greate r than 1G,
• Models 4 and 5-700 and 800-
square-inch areas, respectively. Both CL = 92x 3,519 x 12.12 = 0.654
have the same hig h-G wing drag; but 100 2 x 600 x l
level-flight wing drag increases wit h
the added wing area. Combi ned with
th e models' grea ter weigh ts, th is
wou ld adverseiy affect maneuver-
abilit y. The greater wing area result s
in lower landing speeds and bett er

In developi ng t h is compa riso n, for-
mu las pub lished in previous articles
were used and are rep eated below Model 4-lhe Swan canard.


Chapter 20

igh-lift devices (HLDs) on a High-Lift

H model specifically designed
to take advantage of the sub-
stantial lift and drag increase they
Devices and
provide, coupl ed with good drag
reduction techniques, will result in
smaller lighter, more nimble air-
planes, with a greater range of
The Crow in level IIight.
Drag Reduction
speeds, from stall to top speed. Their
appearance will be sleek-very simi-
lar to today's full-scale planes-yet current models are reminiscent of
they will be sturdy and capable of the high-drag aircraft of the '30s.
sustaini ng high -G loads of centrifu - Very few modelers take advantage
gal force in their maneuvers. of HLDs and drag reduction . Flaps
The h omebuil t movement, in are limited largely to scale models of
cooperation with the Experimental aircraft so equipped. Hopefully, this
Aircraft Association (EAA), has devel- article will persuade modelers to
oped man y superb full-scale, single- inco rporate flaps and drag reduction
engine airplanes of composi te con- in new and innovative designs; the
struction. They have excellent per- benefit s justify the effort.
formance on relatively low horse-
power. These are the "Lancairs." STALL AND The Crow at rest. Note the wing's high-lift
"Glassairs," "Swift Lightning" and devices (HLOs).
"Pulsars," to name a few. Their out- Landing speeds have not been
standi ng performance is due to good much discussed in the model air-
design and careful drag reduction. plane press, but are a major consid- ing of 40 ounces per square foot, stall
All have flaps to permit acceptable eration in full-sca le design . speed increases to 33mph. If th e
landing speeds. In contrast, most Landing speeds are a fun ction of wing max CL could be increased
the model's with the HLDs to 2.40, the stall
sta lli ng speed, speed would still be 20mph at 40
SPECIFICATIONS MODEL A MODEL B whic h in turn, ounces per square foot. (See Figure 5
depends on of Chapter 18, "Propeller Selection
Wing area (sq. in.) .750 500
weigh t, wing and Estimating Flight Speeds.")
Fueled weight (oz.) 96 88 area and the U.S. Federal Air Regulati ons
Wing planform Constant chord Constant chord airfoil's maxi- (FARs) specify a stall speed of not
Aspect ratio 6 6 mum lift capac- more th an 60 knots (or 69mph) for
Span (in.) 67 54.75 ity. Weight and aircraft weighing less th an 12,500
Chord (in.) 11 .2 9.13 wing area are pounds of gro ss take off weight.
Wingloading (oz/sq. ft. ) 18.4 25.3 combi ned in Sixty-nine miles per hour is as fast
t h e form of as some models can fly at top
Wing airtoil : E197 E197
"wing loading" speed! Most ligh t, sing le-engine ,
Tail airtoil .Flat E168 in ou nces per full-scale aircraft stall, flaps extended
Airtoil Cl max 1.17 1.8 (flaps at40°) sq ua re foo t of 40 degrees, power-off and at gross
Power (cid) .•................................0.46 0.46 wing area. weight at about 50mph. This is still
Power loadings (ozJcid) 208.7 191.3 At a wing load- too high for model aircraft. A
Propeller 11x6 10x9 ing of 16 "scale" speed is needed!
........., 11,000 11 .000 ounces per In "scale realism" (lv[odel Airplane
(mpht ..·..······..··..·75 1oo square foot and News, September 1993 issue), Kent
wing max CL of Walters' suggestion th at scale speeds
..1 19.5 18
1.00, the stall be calculated using "the square root
...............5 speed is 20mp h. of th e scale factor" is explained . This
At a wing load- is a very sensible suggestion . Most



.40- to .50-powered models will be Obviously, a tap ered wing o f

abo ut 1;6 or 1;; of the size of th eir big equa l area and aspect ratio,
bro thers. The square roots of these compared with a co ns ta n t-chord
scale values are 0.408 and 0.378, wing and the same length
respectively. Multiply 50mph by of slotted flap , would have a higher
th ese numbers: 50 x 0.408 = 20mph C L max, since a greater portion is
and 50 x 0.378 =18.9mph. A model's "flapped" (see Figure 1). To deter-
stall speed of 20mph seems reason- mine the stall speed, flaps down,
able. FAR no. 23 stipulates that refer to Figure 3 of Cha p te r 1,
approach speeds sho uld be 1.3 times "Airfo il Selection"; kn owin g the
th e stall speed, or 26m ph. Twen ty- Flapsdown. theCrow is descending. model's loading and C L max, the
five to 30mph are sensible speeds- stall speed is read off the vertica l
fast enoug h for good control left-hand scale for sea-level condi-
respo nse, but slow enough for good son abl y accurate method is to use tions; otherwise, use this formula
pilot response. the C L max of the wing's airfoil. For (WA = wing area; OF = densit y
In the absence of an airspeed indi- £197, this is 1.17. For a wing with factor):
cator, it is not possible to judge a partial-span slotted flaps of 30 pe r-
model 's exact speed. If the glide is cent of the wing's chord in width, Stall speed mph =
too flat and slow, most models will the flapped portion will produce an
alert th eir pilots by gently stalling additional CL of 1.05 at 40 degrees weight (oz.) x 3519
and nosing do wn (a signal to apply a deflection (see Figure 10 of Chapter C L ma x x WA (sq . in .) x OF
bit of nose-do wn elevator trim). 3, "Understanding Aerodynamic
A mod el with slotted flaps flying Formulas"). Using £197 again , the The den sity factor at sea level is
on a windy day lands into th e wind flapped portion provides 1.17 + 1.00; at 5,000 feet of altitu de, it's
flaps up for more airspeed with 1.05, or a C L max of 2.22. The 0.8616; and at 10,000 feet , it's
better pen etration and control unflapped area has a C L max of 0.7384. This is one variation of the
response. Th e higher wing loadings 1.1 7. To obtain the avera ge CL max, lift formula; involved are four fac-
are less affected by gusts, and the proceed as follows : tors: weight, wing area, speed and
touchdown speed is reduced by the lift coefficient. Knowing three, the
wind's velocity. An unflapped Unflapped area (sq. in. ) x 1.17 = x fourth is easily calcu lated as follows:
model , with a lower wing loading, is Flapped area (sq. in. ) x 2.22 = Y
easily distur bed by gusts, making Total area = x + y Lift (oz.) =
land ings more difficult.
To find the average CL max, div ide CI. X speed 2 (mph) x WA (sq. in.) x OF
MAXIMUM LIFT (x + y) by the total area. That por- 3,519
COEFFICIENT tion of the win g in or on the fuse-
To determine the CL max for an lage is considered as unflapped Wing area (sq. in .) =
unflapped win g, a simple and rea- wing area .
Lift (oz.) x 3.519
C L x speed- (mph) x OF
Straight Wing
o 03C .... Span ~
Lift coeffic ient =
t Drooped LE
Span 13 r4
••2•• _. __• __•
N ~ ~ Flapped areas
Lift (oz.) x 3.519
c ,
--- I /
Speed - (m ph ) x WA (sq. in .) x OF
.._-_..... _. . ... . ... . . ..................

o.25C ......
: I Flap

f------ Fuselage
To illustrate the advantages of
HLOs and drag reduction, the spec-
ifications of two models (A and B)
0.03Cr .....:'-- _ are outlined-both designed for

t Drooped LE
!f!!!.. 138%
- ~- - - - - -- - _ . - - - -
stall spee ds close to 20mph. Both
are powered by .46ci engines and
have the same control unit, but
model B ha s an extra (fifth) servo
for flap actuation.
Model A is typic al of many mod-
els seen at an y flying field: exposed
C engine; small spinner (or none);
Tapered Wing bare music-wire landing gear leg; big
fat wheels, flat windshield; square
Figure 1. cross-section fuselage; dowels; and
Desirable flap proportions for straight-wing andtapered-wing designs. rubber-band wing hold-downs; flat


High-Lift Devices and Drag Reduction .. CHAPTER 20

further 8 ounces (at 70mph) for a

total drag redu ction of 12 ounces,
permitting a high er top speed for
mod el B. This is confirmed by expe-
rien ce with oth er previo us designs.

• Takeoffs. Assuming rotation at

liftoff to 8 degrees AoA, un flapped
model A would becom e airborne at
24mph. Mod el B, flaps exten ded to
1o-- -.3c
20 degrees and similar ly rota ted to
Flap pivot polnt - + 8 degrees, would be airbo rne at
20mph with a shorter takeoff and
Figure2. steeper climb, flaps still exte nded.
The Crow's wing airfoil section. With its lowe r power-to-weight
ratio (power loading) of 191. 3
balsa tail surfaces; exposed control ounces , leaving 51 ounces for th e oz./cid, mod el B's lower drag would
horns; lots of "built-in headwinds" structure of fuselage, wing and tail permit sustaine d vertical climb .
(ben eficial for steepening the surfaces. Model B's wing area is
model's glide and making landings two-thi rds that of model A; it is rea- FLYING FLAPPED MODELS
easy). It has no flaps. The wing is D- sonable to estimate that model B's Wind y-day lan din gs, flaps up , have
spar construction, plastic-film-cov- structu ral weight would be two- been discussed. On a qui et day,
ered; the fuselage is lite-ply; and the thirds of model A's, or a weight wind-wise, th e mod el may be
tail surfaces are V4-inch balsa sheet. reduction of 17 ounces. slowed, flaps fully deployed, and
Model B has a ducted cowl Model B's weight wou ld, however, no sed down as steeply as 45 degrees
enclosing the engine; a large spin - be in creased by the du cted cowl, to th e horizontal. The flap drag will
ner; landing-gear leg fairings; small large spinner, landing-gear leg fair- limit th e model's term in al velocity.
streamlined wheels; concealed wing ings, full balsa stressed skins, flap s There is no possibility of a sta ll an d,
hold-downs; balsa-sheeted, stressed- plus th eir servos and linkage, ma ss at a reason able height above th e
skin structure with a film overlay; balancing of control surface s and a ground, the model is flared for a
streamlined windshield; and mini- 700mAh battery replacing th e sho rt-field landing. Landi ng flaps-
usual onboard unit of 500mAh. up on such a day will be tricky; th e
This is estimated to add 9 ounces, glide is fast and flat , an d ove rsho ot-
leaving 8 ounces, reducing model ing th e landing area is a real possi-
B's weight to 88 ounces. Th e Crow bili ty. Maneuvers under power,
at 500 square in ch es of wing area, flap s exte n ded , can be almos t
grossed 87.5 ounces, con firmi ng in cred ib ly tig ht, and th e flap s
model B's estimated weight. th emselves are sturdy eno ugh to
As for model A, the Osprey had a perm it th is treatment.
wing area of 768 square inches and
weighed 113 ounces. It had slotted
~ flaps, six servos, a ducted cowl and
heavy landing gear weighing 14.5
ounces The fuselage was hea vily
Figure 3. reinforced for use with twin floats.
Geometry of thefixedleading-edge slot. The fuselage, wing and tail surfaces
were no t fully balsa-sheet-covered.
By comparison , model A's fueled
mum exposure of con trol horns. It weight of 96 ounces for 750 square
has slotted flaps, 30 percent of th e inches of wing area is conservative.
wing chord in width and 60 percent Retracted
of the semi-span in length. • Drag comparison. At 70mph,
Because of its sleek, low-drag model B's win g wo uld ha ve 4
design , similar to the Swift's, it is ounces less profil e and induced
capable of high speeds. Mass bal- drag than mod el A's wing ; but that's
ancing of ailerons, elevator and rud- not all! The engine cowl, spin ner,
der is incorporated to avoid flutter shorter rounded fuselage, smaller
that could be very damaging. tail surfaces, landing-gear leg fair-
ings and small streamline d whee ls,
WEIGHT ANALYSIS overall smoother surfaces an d
Look at the chart on page 93. The absence of dowels and rubb er bands
power and control units and land- holding the wing are conservatively Figure 4.
ing gea r of model A weigh 45 estimated to reduce drag by a Geometry of theretractable Lf slat.



On e advantage of the "30 per- • Wing t railing-edge

ce n t of win g chord flap s with HLDs. Figure 1 of Chapter
exten ded lip" is that there is very 14, "Design for Flaps" and
litt le pitch ch ange wh en lowerin g Figure 12 of Chapter 5, 1.6 H-+-+-+-+- .32
the flaps. The Swift continued on "Wing Design ," describe
its merry wayan lowering full and show the additional 1.4 H -+-+-+-+ -HH -
flaps, but it flew appreciably more lift provided by five types
slowly. of flap: plain, split, slotted, d 1.2 .24
slotted with extended lips g-
• Centrifugal force. One concern and Fowler. 0 1.0
with higher wing loadings, such as The most practical type, ~ 0.8 E
for mod el B, is that in a tight turn giving the optimum addi- 'iii
or sharp pull-up, centrifugal force tional lift with lowest 8 0.6 .12
plu s the model 's weight could added drag, is the 30 per-
exceed the wing 's max imum lifting cent of chord slotted flap 0.4 .08
capacity. This could result in a dan- with extended lip. These
gerous, high-speed stall, particularly are easily operated by one 0.2 .04
wh en pulling out of a steep dive at standard servo; th ey're
a low altit ude. Assuming a turning rugged and very effective. o 0
o 4 8 12 16 20 24
radiu s of 60 feet (l20-foot diame- Becauseof their low drag at Angle 01 attack In degrees
ter), the following tabulates the 20 degrees extension, they
G-forces involved compared with may be used for takeoff
Figure 5.
model B's maximum lift capaci ty, advantage. Figure 2 iIIus- The benefits of thefixed Lf slot.
also in G, at various speeds. trates the flap design for the
Cre w's wing. The onl y dis-
Speed WI. + cent.* Wing max. advantage is the longer streamlined and a delay in stall to a 9-degree
(mph) lift (G) lift (G) arms from flap to pivot point needed higher AoA, with only a small drag
60 5.00 6.80 to provide the backward movement increase.
70 6.45 9.25 from 0.7 percent of chord to 0.85 or The retra ctable versions are self-
80 8.11 12.00 0.9 percent of chord. opening at higher AoAs, but they
90 10.00 15.30 Though the Fowler flap provides demand smoothly operating, non-
100 12.12 18.90 greater lift, its backward and down- jamming mechanisms and should
ward motion demands complex be linked so that th e slats of both
*centrifugal pivoting arms or other mechanisms wing panels extend simultaneously
and powerful servos. for obvious reasons. They may also
For model B, lift exceed s load at be servo ope rated .
all speeds . Note the loads the • Wing LE h igh -lift devices: LE To this author, the added com-
mod el's structure must sustain at slots . Figure 3 illustrates fixed LE plexity of th e retractable slat is not
higher speeds. In a tight turn at slots; Figure 4, retractable LE slats. justified by its benefits. The Crow
90mph, the load is 880 ounces, or a Figure 5 shows the benefit of fixed has full-span, fixed LE slots, as
surprising 55 pounds. LE slots: an increase in CL max of 0.4 shown in Figure 2.

1+-- + - - - - 8/ 2 - - - - - - - + l
,.~ . ;,,;~
Leading-edge droop
Drooped leading edge
.s 1.0
o .8
.. .6
:g .4


o 10 20 30 40 50
Angle 01attack- In degrees

Figure 6.
Wing Lf modification for Improved stall/spin resistance.


High-Lift Devices and Drag Reduction ... CHAPTER 20

"tail ang le" (also called the "tip-

Inverted LE slot back ang le") must be large enough
to permit the model to land at very
close to its stall ang le of attack and
its slowest speed.

• Control unit . Flap operation

requires an extra servo, which may
Mass balance
be operated by the retract switch on
a 5-channel (or more) radio , but
this provides only full-up or full-
Figure 7.
The Craw's stabilator section. down flap positions-no in between!
An auxiliary channel is desirable,
controlled either by a three-
• NASA LE droop . As shown in mal ailerons when full-span flaps position snap switch that provides
Figure 6, these de lay the stall by are used. On both the Crane and full-up, 20 degrees down and 40
about 8 degrees; they provide the Crow, these have proven to be degrees down-flap positions; or
extra lift at higher angles of very effective , and they work a proportional slide switch that per-
attack; and they have low drag. inverted. At anyone time, only one mits a choice of any flap position
Used as shown for 38 percent of works- that on the inside of the from full-up to full-down .
t he semi-span, ahead of the turn; the opposite one lies flat. The
ailerons, they greatly improve raised aileron reduces lift and has A TRIBUTE
aileron control effectiveness at into-the-turn yaw. Both are lightly Dick Murray and Ken Starkey-two
h igh AoAs. The "droop" was used spring loaded to hold th em down friends and fellow club members-
on the Swift to advantage. when th ey aren't being actuated. have test-flown each of this
With flaps extended, they are even author's new designs . Both are
• Ho ri zontal -t ail LE sl ots. To more effective. Raised, the slot pilots of consummate skills; and
obtain the high AoAs, before the effect over the flap is destroyed, both offered valuable, constructive
stall, of the wings wit h LE slots and redu cing flap lift and adding into- comments on the flight characteris-
slotted flaps, a powerful downforce the-turn drag . They provide crisp tics of each model. For lending me
on the horizontal tail is needed to roll control at lower speeds of flap- their skills and for their friendship,
raise the model's nose. The Crane extended flight-when most need- I am deeply grateful. Do try HLDs
needed inverted LE slots on its hor- ed! The dimensions of these slot lip and drag reduction. Models of this
izontal stabila tor to ach ieve this ailerons on th e Crow were: width- type are highly versatile, and flying
attitude. Similarly, the Crow STOL 15 percent chord; length---60 per- them is pure fun-well worth the
model's horizontal stabilator is cent of sem i-span. extra effort their design and con-
equipped with inverted LE slots as struction entails. Above all, they are
shown in Figure 7. • Landing-gear de sign. Landing- sleek and beautiful. ...
gear design for models with HLDs is
• Slot-lip a ile rons. Illustrated in thoroughly discussed in Chapter
Figures 2 and 8, these rep lace nor- 16, "Landing Gear Design." The


A. Flaps down B. Flaps up


Figure 8.
Slot-lip aileron act/on.


Chapter 21

Centrifugal This chapter describes the evaluation

of CF and analyzes various center-of-
increase to provide the additional
lift needed .
liftjCG position s for conventional
(tail-last), tandem-wing, canard and • Drag. Both profile drag and
Force and three-surface configurations. induced drag increase .

CENTRIFUGAL FORCE • Downwash. The increased lift

Maneuverability EVALUATION coefficient causes an increase in
It's easy to evaluate the maneuver- the downward deflection of the
ing loads brought about by CF. Two downwash striking either the hor-
important maneuvers will be con - izontal tail or the aft wings of the
n aerobatics, cen trifugal force sidered: turns in a vertical plane tandem, canard, or three-surface

I (CF) imposes bot h aerodyna mic

and structura l loads on an air-
plane that may be many times the
and turns in a horizontal plane.
Most aerobatics invol ve a combina-
tion of these.

• Pitching moment (PM). For

cambered airfoils, the wing's PM
mod el's weight . It deserves serious
con sideration. CFacts at th e plan e's • Turns in a vertical plane-a series may increase with increase in its
center of gravity (CG). The cen ter of loops. The CF will be evaluated at angle of att ack (AoA). The charts
of lift may be ahea d of, on , or th e bottom of the loop where weight for the airfoils involved must be
beh ind th e CG in man euvers. and CF act downward. consulted.

• If the cen ter of lift is ahea d of the • Turns in a horizontal plane-a • Thrust moment. If the thrust
CG, lift is upward ; CF and weight steady, level, coordinated turn in line is above the CG, a nose -down
pull down ward at th e CG. A force which weight acts downward but moment results. If the thrust line
couple is created th at causes the CF acts horizontally. passes through the CG, the result is
mod el to nose up, and thi s assists in neutral. If it is below the CG, a
th e turn or climb. nose-up moment occurs.
Assume that a plane flying at SSmph
• If th e cen ter of lift is behind th e is at the bottom of a continuing 200- • Drag moment. If the center of
CG, th e force coup le will cause th e lift is above the CG, the increased
foot-radius (400-foot diameter) loop
mod el to nose down an d resist the drag will cause a nose-up effect. If
(see Figure 1). The combined weight
maneuver. center of lift and CG coincide, the
and CF total 2G's, or twice the
result is neutral. If the center of lift
model's weight, and thi s force acts at
• If the center of lift and CG are is below the CG, a nose-down
th e mod el's CG. The increase in the
vertically aligne d, weight and CF action result s.
load the wing must support is mod-
are neut ralized by lift and do not est. Had the loop been flown at
affect man euverability. 90mph,with a lOO-foot radius, • Maximum lift coefficient. If the
combined weight and CF in small-
the CF would
radius, high-speed turns exceeds
have increased
Speed-55mph Centrifugal force-1 G the wing's maximum lift capacity, a
to SAG's, plus
Turn radius-200 fl. Model's weight-1G high-speed stall will occur.
Total load- 2G's the model's IG
weight, for a
total load of • Structure. The model's structure
mu st withstand the substantially
mom~~ t..... lifl (2G) Downwash
increa sed load without failing .
Referring to
, : Neutral point-.35 MAC Figure I , the
~ C J 0/ ----= ~ake Download......' resulting force HORIZONTAL TURNS
CG & AC~ L ....- Weight and centrifugal force 2G .. changes are: See Figure 2. With a plane flying
.25 MAC L~Static margin-.10 MAC at SSmph in a steady, level, coordi-
• Lift. The nated, 200-foot-radius turn, CF acts
Figure 1. Wing's AoA horizontally; to provide lift to
Loads in a vertical turn (loop). an d CL mu st oppose it, the model must be


Centr ifugal Force and Maneuverabil ity ... CHAPTER 21

horizontal tail controls the longitudinally. In man euvers, how -

Speed-55m ph
Turn radlus-200 n.
Wing's AoA and compensates ever, a force couple is created; CFand
Centrlfugallorce-1G (see Fig. 1) for moments caused by weight acting at the CG pull down -
Model's welght-1 G thrust, drag , pitch and CG ward; wing lift at th e aerodynamic
location. center pulls upward ; both cause the
Figures 6, 7, 8 and 9 dis - airplane to move away from the loop
.---_---,., B play configurations in which or turn, resisting the maneuver.
two surfaces actively provide A substan t ial in crease in tail
CG lift , share the model's weight download is required to overcome
. - - - - - - - - - -.~
-~,...!!... ....,..L-+I
and provide additional lift this. Elevators whose are a is 40
;( I
to overcome th e various percent of the total horizontal tail
Centrifugal force-1G I
I mo me nts listed abo ve. area will ha ve ad equate authority,
Elevators for planes shown but at high CF values, they simply
in Figures 3, 4 and 5 are on the can't provide adequate download,
Model's Welght-1 lt'l"""
horizontal tail's trailing edge. and the tail stalls. This limits the
For th e tandem wings shown mode l's high- sp eed, low-radius
Figure 2.
Loads In a horizontal turn.
in Figure 7, elevators may be tu rning capab ility and its
on th e trailin g edges of either maneuverabilit y.
banked as shown. But th e wing's lift the fore or the aft wing . The increase in the downward
must also overcome the model's Canard eleva to rs are usually on deflection of the down wash striking
weight. As in Figure 1, line CF repre- the fore plane's trailing edge the horizontal tail does assist, but
sents IG , and it must be opposed by (Figure 8). th is brings th e tail closer to its
a centripetal force of IG. This results For the three-surface designs stalling angle.
in a force diagram that is solved by shown in Figure
vector analysis. In Figure 2, line AC 9, the elevators
is th e centripetal force of IG and
line BC is the model's weight of IG.
are on the hori-
zontal tail's trail-
~ Lin at .25 MAC
/ NP at .35 MAC
ABC is a right-angle triangle in ing edge.
=-_-,W ~a~k!!..
e _-.l~ download
which our old friend , "the square of In all cases, ~I~~~~ rg l n . . to balance
the CG must be CG at - - - . . . 0 MAC PM
th e hypotenuse is equal to the sum .25 MAC
of the squares of the other two ahead of the Pitching Increased downwash angle
ne utral poin t moment
sides" applies . As Figure 2 shows,
the result is 1.414G 's, and the ang le (NP) for longitu - V
~ .... L1n 2G .. ~
~ NP 11\111
dinal stability.
of bank is at 90 degrees to line AB.
Obviousl y, in terms of turn radii Note the rear- ~~ ..0( ~ake ~o~~{:~~
Load 2G 0 orce c~ ~
and speeds, the hor izontal turn is ward shift of the
less demanding than the vertical CG from Figures
turn . These comments on lift, drag, 3 to 9 as th e
etc., for vertical turns, however, do mod el's configu- Figure 4.
app ly to horizontal tu rns . ration s cha nge. Loading withCG at .25 MAC in a 2Gturn.
The following
CG LOCATION ana lyzes each configuration and its • CG on the aerodynamic cen te r
Figures 3 through 9 illustrate seven response to CF and other forces, (Figure 4). The wing's lift, at its
possible stab le CG location s. both in level flight and under a aerodynamic cen ter, is vertically in
Figures 3, 4 and 5 are for conven- 2G load. line with th e CG. In turns, CF nei-
tional airplanes wh ere only the ther adds to nor reduces the hori-
wing's lift supports the model; the • Forward CG. The CG is at 15 per- zontal tail's load.
cent of the If the wing's airfoil is cambered,
wing 's MAC, the tail must compensate for the
p't hi ~ Lin at .25 MAC Downwash .. cr==- ahead of the nose-down pitch ing moment. If it is

- ~o~e~g V NP-.35 MAC ' __
wing's aerody- symmetrical, th ere is no pitching
- Jf ~Download
namic center moment; this increases th e horizon-
CGat - . . .. of lift, which tal tail's effectivene ss. The increase
•15 MAC is at 25 per- in the downwash angle that results
Pitching Increased downwash angle cent MAC. from the wing's increased lift coeffi-
moment ' ~~ L1n_2G . .~ The generous cient aids the maneuver.
'-....... ,. , ~~.Igher static margin Elevators of 30 percent of the
"'---- NP 11\~ down·
..-::=~ Wake load of 20 percent horizontal-tail area are suggested.
Nose·down ..
MAC ensures The Swift typifies this arrangement.
Load-2G---.- force couple that the
model will be • CG aft of t he ae ro dyn am ic
Figure 3. easy to fly and center (Figure 5). In this configura-
Forward CG loading In 2G turns. very stable tion, the CG is slightly behind the



wing's aerodynamic cen ter at th e 25 percent of the Lift at .25 MAC

percent MAC location by 2 to 5 per- horizonta l tail
cent MAC. A modest increase in th e is adequate. ~ Lift at .25 MAC
Oownwash. ~
Pitching moment
horizontal tail's area of 3 to 5 percent The con figu- N:=_~ .45 MAC lifting tall -..+
of th e wing's area will move the neu- ration is uns uit- Wake
tral point aft and maintain a health y able for a mod el
static margin of 10 percent MAC. equipped with
Under CF loads, the force coup le is flaps on the ....: Low
Pitching moment Increased downwash angle .......:- uplift
upward at the aerodynamic cen ter
and downward at the CG behind the
wing. Fully ex-
ten ded, th e flaps
f -e-unzn
/ NP "IUIIl______
--- ~
aerodynamic center, and that helps woul d:
the elevator action (as does the
increase in downwash deflection).
c ~~~
• Substa ntially Load 2G ~ Nose-up force couple
An elevator area of 25 percent of the inc rease t h e
horizontal-tail area is adequa te. wing 's lift and
lift coefficient. Figure 6.
LIFTING TAILS lifting tail loadin a 2G turn.
See Figure 6. This type could almost • Sharply in -
be classified as a tan dem-win g crease the down-wa rd angle of the support th e mod el, plu s addition-
model ; both wing and hor izontal tail downwash striki ng the horizontal al forep lane lift to compe nsate for
share in lifting the model's weight tail, reducing its lift or reversing it to th e nose-down pitching moments
and in compensating for the various downlift. of both wings' cambered airfoils.
moments. It's an old free-fligh t The combined center of lift of the
setup, typified by the late Carl • Move the combined center of lift two wings is thus ahea d of the
of the wing CG. Application of down-eleva tor
and tail for- on the foreplane does two thin gs:
Downwash .. ~w uplift ward. it increases the foreplan e's lift ,
and th e downward ang le of th e
NP at .40 MAC • Increase the down wash reduces the aft Wing's
~ke mo ment arm lift. Both act to move th e
CG at _-~ _ .10 Static margin ----..
between this combined center of lift far the r
.30 MAC combined cen- forwa rd .
Pitching I
ter of lift and CF acting at the CG aft of this
mom!!!l- ncreased downwash angle
;: ~ Lift-2G ---h the CG, aug - combi ned center of lift gre atly
~ _~~l<~NP "IUIIl~ ~ download menting the
nose-up force.
aids the ma ne uver. In ret rospect ,
the momen t arm from CG forward
~ to the forepla ne's 25 percent MAC
Nose-up force couple The combina- is short. A better option wo uld
Load-2G --..
tion of in - have been to place sma ller eleva-
creased wing to rs on the aft Wing's t railing
lift, reduced or edge, bet ween the vertic al sur-
Figure 5.
CG aft of .25 MAC loading in a 2Gturn. reversed ta il faces, with ailerons on the fore-
lift and the plane. Flaps, if used , would be
increased force required for bo th wings.

Goldberg's classic Comet design and couple between - Lift .25 MAC 1""'-- Combinedcenter of lift
advocated by H. deBolt.
The lifting tail has a flat-bottom
cen ter of lift
and CG would
mom" , !r /
/ Nose-upforce couple opposing
wing's pitching moment
airfoil and is 35 to 40 perce n t
MAC of the wing in area . Th is
render the air-
plane dan ger-
f ~C, !°lNP Wake

mo ves th e NP aft to 45 perce n t ous ly unstable

r ~ Statlc margin -c !.....,l;-LJ~

MAC, permitti ng a CG at 35 per- in pitch when 1G -... - Oownwash t"~

cen t MAC, well behind th e wing's th e flaps were Pitching ~ ""{- CCof L ~
aerody nam ic center at 25 percent extended . ~mom~t Increased
MAC, but pro vides a healthy sta t- <; f_ lift
ic margin of 10 percen t MAC. TANDEM -----.::~ \CG NP
Up-elev ato r reduces the tail's WINGS Elevato r ~"" ~ke P~ .....,l;- Reduced
~,, _ lift
upward lift. CF acting at the CG is See Figure 7.
behind th e center of lift , and the This configura- ~
Increased downwash angle
resu lt ing stron g force coup le tion is shown Load-20-'"
actively assists up -elevator action, in the Wasp.
as does the increased angle of Both wings Figure 7.
downwash . An elevator area of 20 sha re th e lift to Tandem-wing loading in a 2G turn.


Centr ifugal Force and Maneuverability At. CHAPTER Z1

center Oll~
mome P1"h'"'~ .-u:::' results, and this
helps with the
m an eu ver.
elevators are sens it ive; a rat io of 20
percent elevat or area to total tail
area is adequate.

L" t
The Can ada
Pitching .25 MAC CG NP Goos e and the
momeiJY " y Stali c margin INVERTED FLIGHT AND
Swan had slotted
f Wake
-..:..:.=--).~ 1G Nose-up lorcecouple flaps on both fore MANEUVERABILITY
and aft wings . Of th e seven co nfigura tio ns dis-
II/creased d mo ~ nt "- Red uced lin
cussed so far, on ly Figures 1, 2 an d 3
THREE· will easily fly inve rted. The rest rely

h~g Combined
center- .
01 lin
, .- Increased lin
See Figure 9 .

Increased nose-upcouple
on two wings for suppor t. Inverted,
th ese types wou ld not satisfy th e
two critical requ irem ents for longi-
The Wild Goose tudinal stability:
1f ~ 1( ' - 1utY shown in the
Elevator / ~~
2G load photos illustrates • The foreplane mu st stall first.
th is design . The
Figure 8. h o rizo n tal tail • The aft plane mu st achieve zero
Canard loading In a 2G turn. controls pi tch ,
and both wings
CANARDS have slott ed slaps for slower land- 4 0 . - - - - -- - -r----,
See Figure 8. Like in th e tandem- in gs. The tail's area m oves th e neu -
wing version , th e foreplane mu st tral point aft, and that permits th e 35
lift its share of th e mo del's weigh t, CG to move aft as well.
plus provide additional lift to offset The closer spacing (longitudin al-
th e cambered airfoils' pit ch in g ly) of the wings results in a short 30
moments; this puts the combined
center of lift ahead of th e CG. Since
moment arm from CG to for epl an e
AC. This results in a higher load on
.~ 25
th e distance from CG to foreplane the foreplane to ov erco m e the ...
AC is greater than for the tandem pitching moments of the tw o 20
type , the canard foreplane's pitch- win gs. The combined cen ter of lift
ing -mo ment load is less than for the is thus ahead of th e CG.
tande m foreplane . Up-elevato r reduces the for e-
Depressing the forep lane's eleva- plane's load but doe s not reduce its
tors increases its lift and increases lift . The combined center of lift 10
the downwash deflection; thi s moves forward ; CF acting at th e
redu ces the rear plane's lift in the CG prod uces a nose-up for ce 5
portio n "sh adowed" by the front couple.
wing. Both move th e combined The combined elevator down-
cen ter of lift forward. Un der CF, a load an d the reduced foreplane 50 100 150 200
grea te r n ose-u p fo rce co up le load are very effective in pitch . The Speed (mph)

Downwash 3C:=::=- Figure 10.

Gforces in pullingout of a vertical dive at
..-1I" .25 MAC No load

----------... \~ r?Y --+---~

center 01 Ii"
various speeds andturnradii, including
model's' 1G weight. Example: at 100mph in
---+-~..:- a100-foot turn radius, Gforces are 7.7

Pitching limesthemodel's weight.
mom?:", J~:" MAC yeo .l-+,"Stalic margin
1G load -rt~'-=
1 Wake.. -
lift first. For conven tional tail-la st
"-1I" .25 MAC types , optimum man euverability is
obtain ed by havin g a sym me trical
2 airfoil and ens uring th at thrust,
drag and lift forces run through th e
CG. Th is arrangement neutralizes
'- Increased nose- the disturbing moments and allows
up coup le
the tail full effectiveness, particularly
if it is T-mounted.
Except for its airfoil, whic h is
Figure 9. semisymmetrical, th e Swift's design
Three-surface loading in a 2G turn. com plies with these stipulations. At.


Chapter 22

• Increased sa fety. For we ll-
way than conve ntio nal aircraft . The
three-surface design is better in th is
designed, full-scale canard, tan de m- respect because its foreplane loading
wing and three-sur face aircraft, th e may be reduced, but t hree s u r -
Tandem Wings majo r adva n tage of th eir design is fac e s mean mor e interferen ce drag.
tha t it frees th em from th e to o-
often -fata l, sta ll-spin -at-low-alti- • Lim ite d aerobatic capab ilities.
and Three- tu de crash . Though the fore plane The high foreplane loading, com-
ma y stall, th e main wing does not. bin ed with the inability to stall the
aft wing, lim its th e aerobatic capa-
Surface • Shared load; reduced main-wing
area. In a conventional aircraft, th e
bilities of these three classes. (See
Chapter 4, "Wing Loadi ng
wing does all the work; th e horizon- Design .")
tal tail is lightly loaded (downward
Designs in most cases) an d simply contro ls
th e wing's AoA. On th ese three types
For all three types of forward-win g
of front-wing aircraft, th eir forward
aircraft, airfoil selection is very criti-
surfaces work hard and share the
cal. There are three broad catego ries
load with th e main win g, whi ch
istory rep eat s itself. The first of airfoil: heavily cambered (such as

H successful pow ered flights

were made by canards; sub-
sequent design s incorpo rated both
may, as a result , ha ve a reduced area.

• Main wing spar may be out of

the way at th e rear of th e cabin; th e
E214); moderately cambered (such
as E197); and no-camber, symme tri-
cal type (such as EI68). (See Figure 7
a can ard forepl an e an d a tailplane in Chapter 1, "Airfoil Selection. ")
conventional version's spar goes
behind th e wing, i.e. three surfaces. Figure 2 compa res lift with AoA
through the cabin an d interferes
Even tually, th e wing and rear tail curves for th ese three airfoils. Note
with passenger seating (particularly
versions predomin at ed , and th ey're th at, th ou gh th e heavily cambered
true of low- an d mid-wing types).
now th e conve ntional configura- E214 sta lls at a lower AoA, it starts
tions. Recently, however, large ly lifting at a hi gher negative angle
• Smaller, lighter, more compact
ow ing to Burt Rutan 's efforts, th e th an the othe r two . Th e symmetri-
airplane-achieved by dividing the
canard, th e tandem-wing and th e cal E168 sta rts to lift on ly at a posi-
requ ired win g area between two
th ree-sur face versio ns have reap - tive an gle, and its max CL is th e
lifting surfaces.
peared (Figure 1). Today, Burt's lat - lowest of all th ree. (See th e appen -
est design s are more conventional, dix for the sectio n characteristics of
but still uniqu e, and in this chap- DISADVANTAGES these airfoils.)
ter, I'll discu ss th e design of th ese • Hea vil y loaded foreplane. For Since all three co nfigur ations
three configurations. stability, th e forepla ne m ust h ave both forwa rd and main wings
be mu ch more heavily loaded (in sh aring th e lift, two requireme nts
terms of ounces or are of critical impo rta nce for suc-
pounds per square cessful, stable flight:
foo t of wing area).
The foreplane's • The front win g must stall befor e
loading co n tro ls th e main win g stalls. If the main
th e aircraft's stall wing stalls first, th e scenario dep ict-
spee d, which is ed in Figure 3 will result; at low alt i-
co nsi de rab ly tude, a crash is inevit abl e.
h igh er th an the
main Wing's stall • The main wing must arrive at its
speed. Canard and ang le of zero lift before the fore-
t and em - w in g plane ach ieves zero lift. If th e fore-
ty pes take off and plane ceases to lift while the ma in
land fast er and wing still lifts, th e behavior shown
The Swan canard pusher. need a longer run- in Figur e 4 results.


Canards, Tandem W ings and Three-Surface Designs ... CHAPTER 22

t roubl e. In th e • Th e sta ll angle is redu ced .

lan ding flare, if th e
foreplane were to • The negative an gle of zero lift is
sta ll sudde n ly, in creased.
landing would be
very hard an d • CL max is increas ed substantially.
would probabl y
damage the nose- REYNOLDS NUMBERS.
whee l landing gear. ASPECT RATIO AND
Figure 1. For th e three- PLANFORM
Rutan 's around-the-worldVoyager. surface airp la ne High asp ect rati os red uce the
wit h a h ori zontal stalling an gle (desirable for for e-
tail an d elev ato rs, plan es) but result in lower Rns,
With these considerations in mind, a sharp foreplane stall is de sirable parti cu la rly at la nd ing speeds .
look again at Figure 2. Obviously, to prevent up- eleva-
airfoil E214 would be an excellent tor action from
choice for the front wing. Its early
stall and h igh negative angle of zero
lift satisfy both requirements, and
its stall is gentle.
For the main wing, airfoil E197
stalling both th e
front and m ain
Wings .
action would p re-
vent a sudde n n ose

would again be excellent. Its stalls firsl --- A. Foreplane reaches zero
drop . See Ep ple r lill angle first
higher AoA at the gentle stall and its E2 11-a forepl a n e
lower negative angle of zero lift com- airf oil with a sharp
ply with both manda-tory require- stall at low Rn-in
ments. E168 would not be suitable the appe n dix. No te
for either front- or main-wing air- the reduction in th e
B. Bolh
foils, but it would be a good section negative AoA of wings stall
for the horizontal tail-plane of a zero lift as Rn is
three -surface design. reduced . Figure 3. Figure 4.
An airfoil's stall pattern at CL max Using slotted flaps Nose-uppilch as aft wing Steep dive as foreplane hils
and at the wing's flight Rn is another on th e foreplanes of stalls first. zero-lift angle first.
important consideration. Obvi-ously, canard and tandem-
for a canard or tandem-wing fore- wing models for
plane to have sudden-lift-loss pitch control ha s three effects (see Cho rds of less than 5 inche s are to
or sharply stalling airfoils invites Figure 5): be avoided . (For more on these
subjec ts, refer to Ch apter 1.)

--;:1 Low aspec t ratios in crease th e


.. - f-- -'~ sta llin g angle (de sirable for th e

mai n wings) of all three types.
Add itional lill " / Shorter main wingspans im pro ve
Irom flapat 20' / Slall
roll resp on se.
RE 200,000
A-=-~E1 97
E214 with .40C "I
decrease A mild forwar d swee p on th e
forep lane promotes roo t-stalling
first (see Ch apter 5, "Win g
slottedflap /
depressed 20' 1. Design "). The result is a gen tle,
/ progressive stall as th e angle of
~egati ve angle /
Increase / attac k in crea ses. Such forward
/ sweep sh ould no t exceed 5 degrees
I Basic airfoil E214
RE 200,000 on th e 1;4 MAC line. On a three-
surface design, forwa rd swee p

) /? . I
I would also ben efit th e hor izontal
Ii -. -'0 .. DOWNWASH AND
\. / Pos. Dow nw ash is th o ro ughl y dis -
il\l_/ , cussed in Chapter 7, "Hor izon tal
Angle 01 attack
_ NegatlYe -Angle01 Attack-PosltIYe _
"Alpha" -. Tail Incidence", and cha rts for esti-
ma tin g downwash ang les are
Figure 5. provi ded . Each of the th ree, for-
Figure 2. Impact of a 40% chord slottedflap deployed ward-wing aircraft is affected by
Lift curves of three airfoil types. to 20 degrees onairfoil section 214. downwash .



Tip vortices An plane To avoid th e impact of foreplane-

tip vortices on th e main wing , a

- T Reduced
vert ical gap between foreplane and
main plane of half the aft wing's
MAC is suggested-eithe r th e fore-

angle 01
atlack plan e low and th e main plane h igh ,
or th e reverse may be used. The
forep lane -tip vortices will th en pass
Forep lane under or ove r the m ain wing.
Longitud inal separation or "stag-
Figure 6. Figure 7. ger," between 1/4 MAC points of
Downwash impact ona canard. Downwash impact ona tandem wing. each wing, of two to three times the
aft wing's MAC, is ap propriate .
• Can ar ds: foreplane down wash plane's level-fl ight down was h For the th ree-surface design, it is
impacts on a portion of th e aft angle. The part of th e wing th at 's suggested that th e horizon tal tail be
wing (equal in span to that of the out of downwash is left at the AoA "T"- mounted on th e fin where it
foreplane), reducing th e angle of calcul ated to produce adequate lift. will be mo re effective, and th e stag-
attack and lift in the downwashed This calls for a "jog" in th e wing ger be 1 to 2 times the aft wing's
area (Figure 6). and was used on th e Swan . MAC.
A variatio n of th is is to use th e
• Tandem-wing aircraft: the NASA dro op for th at part of th e LOGICAL DESIGN STEPS
whole span of th e aft wing is simi- wing th at 's out of down wash , so • Power and contro l unit selec-
larly affected (Figure 7). that th e inboard en ds of the droop tion . The powe r and control units
are just behind th e foreplane tips. together weigh SO percent or more
• Three-surface models: th e main A simpler method , where th e of most mod els' tot al weight . The
plane is affected as in th e canard forep lane spa n is roughl y half tha t first step in design is to choose
(Figure 6); and th e horizontal tail is of th e main wing, is to in crease th e these un it s an d obtai n their
affected by th e down wash from that wh ole ma in wing's AoA by half the weights.
portion of th e main wing that's forep lane level-fligh t downwash
"shadowed" by the foreplan e down- ang le. The main wing outboard • Overall we igh t esti mation.
wash. The reduced AoA of th e "shad- porti on s will have high er lift coeffi- Obtaini ng a rough prelim ina ry
owed" port ion of th e main wing cie nts, closer to the stall. The weight estimate while th e model is
may be compensated for as follows: Canada Goose used this me thod. still in the conceptual stage is essen-
- For tand em wings of equal span: A third method is wing wash out tial but not easy. The data on weight
for level flight at th e design ed cruis- wit h in creased root AoA an d estimating in Chapter 13, "Stressed
ing speed, the aft wing's AoA should reduced tip AoA. An accura te built- Skin Design and Weight Estimat-
be inc reased by the down wash in twist is needed, but it resu lts in ing," will help. Whe n th e model's
angle generated by the foreplane . an increase in wingtip stall margin size and proportions h ave been
-For canards and three-surface air- an d is stabilizing on a sweptback established, a more accurate weight
planes: shadowe d portion s of th e main win g. appr aisal is advisable. Chapter 5,
main win g should have an in crease In all cases, th e net lift sho uld "Wing Design ," also pro vides
in AoA th at 's equa l to the fore - equal th e calculated lift needed. insight into obtaining thi s estimate.

~----....,_---Lon g itud i na l separation ,...-------l~-- Longitudinal separation

~~ ~,*~gj"'I------ Area B

Area A Area B Area 01

Area 01 CG reduced
Area A reduced effectiveness
effectiveness in downwash
_ __ 1-_ in downwash at 80%
CG at 80%

25 MAC 01 alf-wing 2. Area B-1ess 20% lor downwash
static-margin - 1. Area A
2. AreaB-1ess 20% tor impact onarea affected
downwash impact on 3. Longitudinal separation
Distance N= area A x separation areaaffected Static margin 25% Distance N=area A x separation
total 01 areas A + B 3. Longitudinal separation 01 alf-wing MAC
total 01 areas A + B

Figure 8. Figure 9.
Locating a canard's NP andCG. Locating tandem-wing NP andCG.


Canards, Tandem Wings and Three-Surface Designs ... CHAPTER Z2

tion and effective- area relatio nship of fore an d aft

_----4-,+-- Longitudinal separation n ess. Figure 8 wings . A pu sh er-en gin e design
1-__-ti~~::::::;::::"'71;4 MACs covers NP and wou ld require an aft CG, a small
Area ot
CG locations for canard and a large wing . A front-
--~-"1Il'II--reduced canards, Figure 9 engine design would reverse this
ellec' for tandem-wing situation.
Area C In down- designs and Figure If flaps are used, they mus t pro -
wash at 10 for three-sur- vide bala nced lift when extended.
face mod els. The Too mu ch additiona l lift fro m
normal static mar- eit her fore or aft wings wo uld
I + - -+I p 1. Area A gin for stability is result in very serious pitch prob-
2. Area Hess 20% for 10 percent of the lems- eith er a dive or a stall.
downwash shaded
main wing's mean Obviously, both sets of flaps must
Iroo----=~~=~!!:!!!!t;tR:- 3. area Area -less 15% aerodynamic be extended simultaneously for
(H ail)
4. Separation and tall- chord (MAC). Use balance.
moment arm of a 25-percent With a small canard of 15
Distance N= (area A lOP) + (area 0100)+ (area C lOR) static margin as percent of th e aft wing in area,
total of areas A+ 0 + C suggested leaves a flaps on th e aft wing would be
15 percent mar - much more powerful than those
Figure 10. gin of error. Test- on the foreplane . Another disad-
Locating tnree-sutteee design NP andCG.
flying the model vantage of a small canard and rear-
with cautious rear- ward CG is the reduction in
• Wing loadi ng selection. The ward CG move- momen t arm to the MAC of the
type of performance desired ment will confirm your calculations. vertica l tail surface(s); it necessi-
governs the choice of wing load- tat es very large vertical areas. Burt
ings. Chapter 5 suggests wing load- Rutan solved th is problem by using
ings in ounces per square foot of aft-Wing sweepback and placing
wing area. the vertical surfaces at the wing tips
If th e design is to incorporate (Figure 11 ). This substantially
flaps, then higher wing loadings increases the moment arm . The
are in order. When deployed, their Canada Goose design, with a
additional lift and drag will pro- mod est 5 degrees of aft -wing
vide reasonable landing spee ds . sweepback, h ad the same philoso-
With weight and wing loading ph y applied to it.
established, the wing 's total surface Sweepback reduces lift. As model
area is easily calculated: airplane designer John Roncz put
it, "You get around 14 percent
Wing area (sq. in. ) = more lift per degree of ang le of
attack at zero sweep than at 30
Weight (oz.) x 144 degrees of sweep."
Wmg loading (oz.jsq. ft.) The Swan had a straight aft wing,

• Level-fligh t spee d esti mate. This

is essential in determining the Figure 11.
angles of attack of the fore and aft Three-view drawing of theRutan Long-EZ.

• Th e n eutral po in t and CG loca- • Sizing of fore and aft wings.

tion. The NP concept is discussed in The tot al wing area, having been
the Chapter 6, "CG Location." For established, must be divided
the three types of forward-wing between the two lifting surfaces.
models , both CG and NP will fall
somewhere between the two lifting CANARDS
surfaces. Precisely calculating their From the discussion of NP an d CG
locations is very complex and locations, it is apparen t th at th e
beyond the scope of this article. In smaller the foreplane, the farthe r
full scale, the calculations are con- back NP and CG will be and vice
firmed by wind-tunnel tests or actu- versa . The area relationship
al flight tests with the CG at various between the two lifting surfaces
locations. determines NP and CG.
A simplified method is proposed; The heaviest component is the Figure 12.
it considers areas and their separa- power unit. Its location dictates th e Three-viewdrawing o( theRutan Quickie.



100 x 600 chapter and flies very well. All four

130 illustrate the added flexibility
or 461.5 square inches in area . offered by this three-surface
The designer needs to take the con figuration.
area relationship into consideration.
• Aspect ra ti o and p lanform
TANDEM WINGS selection. In addition to determin-
This type has wings with close to ing the areas of the wings, you must
equal area. The NP and CG are well also select their aspect ratios and
forward . A pusher engine behind planforms as previou sly discussed.
th e aft wing would pre sent an
impossible CG problem. • Longitudinal and vertical sepa-
Rutan's Quickie (Figure 12) illus- ration. Longitudin al separation
trates a front-engine tandem-wing
ve rs ion, with its vertical tail
mounted on an extension of the
The Wasp is another tandem-wing
version. The pusher engine is just
Figure 13.
Roncz'sEagle three-surface trainer. beh ind the front wing. The aft wing
and vertical surfaces were supported
on booms, This model was very sta-
but its vertical surfaces projected ble, but it had no flaps owing to its
behind the wing . Twelve ounces of low wing loading .
ballast were needed to correctly
position its CG- as had been antic- THREE·SURFACE AIRPLANES
ipated after doing th e "Balancing The comments on wing sizing for a
Act" (see Chapter 6) for this model. canard appl y to the fore and main
The minimum canard area is 15 planes of the three-surface type .
percent of that of the aft wing. For The presence of a horizontal tail
a front-engine aircraft, such as th e causes both NP and CG to move
ill-fated "Pugm obile," a foreplane rearwa rd (com pared with a
area of close to 60 percent was used. canard). The tail's elevators provide
The Canada Goose had 31 per- pitch control. Slotted flaps on both
cent foreplane; the Swan had 37 Figure 15.
fore and aft plan es permit higher Piaggio P 180 Avanti three-surface twin.
percent. Using a foreplane of 30 win g loadings with reasonable
percent as an example, total wing landing speeds.
area would be 130 percent. Figure 13 sh ows John Roncz's (stagger) measured from the 25-
"Eagle"- a successful trainer that percent-MAC points ranges from 1
For a total wing area of 600 square pro ved safe and easy to fly. Its to 3.25 times the aft wing's MAC.
inches, foreplane area would be: forward wing area is 67 percent Verticalseparation (gap) shou ld be
of the main wing area , and 1;2 the aft wing's MAC as discussed.
30 x 600 both win gs are equipped with Tail surfaces of a three-surface
130 slotted flap s. design should have a tail-moment
or 138.5 square in ch es; an d aft Rutan's "Catbird " (Figure 14) is arm as ou tlined in Chapter 7. A
wing area would be: another three- T-tail design is favo red.
sur face design .
Note the sligh t • Airfoil selection. As previously
forward sweep of explained, thi s is critical for stab le
both canard and flight. Additional information and
horizontal tail. formulas can be found in Cha pter
The Piaggio 1. The horizontal tail airfoil of a
P180 "Avanti" is three-surface design should be of
a twin-pusher- symmetrical section
engine, three-
surface, slotted- LEVEL FLIGHT
flap airplane In level flight, at the selected cruis-
(Figure 15). The ing speed, the fore an d aft wings
author's "Wild must support the model's weight.
Goose" was built The calculation of the weight distri-
according to th e bution , leading to loadings for both
Figure 14. design approach wings, is shown in Figure 16. The
Rutan model 81 Catbird (VSAEROmodel); note three surfaces. outlined in this foreplane must, however, support


Canards. Tandem Wings and Three-Surface Designs .... CHAPTER 22

(see Formulas 5 tance for longitudinal stability are:

and 9 of - The foreplane must stall first.
Chapter 1). -The aft plane must hit zero-lift
Figure 18 pro- first.
vides simple Now that the angles of attack of
for mulas for both wings have been calculated, it
estab lishing is time for this test:
the effect of Using "Special Procedure" C in
drag moments Chapter 1, determine the stalling
on the fore- angle for each wing and the zero-lift
plane load in angles from the airfoils' curves at the
ounces. The landing speed Rns.
The Wild Goose, a successful three-surface design. total foreplane Compare the spread from AoA to
load is com- the stalling angle, but before estimat-
posed of its ing the downwash compensation.
share of the Raising the foreplane's lift by lower-
an additional load beyond that model's weight plus the ne t sum of ing its flaps will bring it to its stall
resulting from weight alone. This the moment source loads, pitching attitude; the increased lift produced
results from :
moments, thrust moments and by both the foreplane and its flap
drag moments (in ounces). Both will increase the angle of downwash ,
• The fore and aft wing's pitching thrust and drag loads may be posi- increasing the aft wing 's stall margin ,
moments always being nose-down tive or negative; take care to iden- but only for that portion of the aft
or negative.
tify each so that the net value will wing in the foreplan e's downwash;
be correct. that part out of downwash isn 't
• Propell er thrust loading. affected. If your foreplane's calculat-
LIFT COEFFICIENTS ed angle of attack is 3 degrees and it
• Drag moments of both fore and Having determined the wings' areas stalls at 12 degrees, there's a spread of
aft wings .
in square inches and th eir loadings 9 degrees. With an aft wing at 1
in ounces, the level-flight design degrees, stalling at 14 degrees, the
Explanation and evaluation follows: speed estimated (see Formula 7 in spread is 13 degrees so that the fore-
Pitching moments are explained Chapter 1) permits calculation of plane stalls first.
in Chapter 1, and Formula 10 of the lift coefficients required for Similarly compare the spread from
Chapter 1 permits the calculation each wing's airfoil. Applying zero-lift angles of attack to your
of these moments in inch-ounces. "Special Procedures" A and B will calculated angles for both wings .
Symmetrical airfoils have no pitch- determine the angles of attack to That of the foreplane should be sub-
ing moment. provide those lift coefficients. stantially higher than that of the aft
If the propeller thrust is above an Decide which
imaginary horizontal line drawn of the proce-
through the CG, a nose-down (or dures will be 1;4 MAC 1;4 MAC
negative) moment results. Below used to com- "L"
that horizontal line, thrust pro- pensate for the
duces a nose-up moment that reduction in
reduces the foreplane load. If the AoA caused by CG
CG is on the thrust line, there is no
thrust loading. The thrust, in
ounces, required to propel the
model at the design's level flight
speed is difficult to evaluate; an
the downwash
affecting the aft
wing behind the
The foregoing Figure 16.
"D" - - - - - - 4 7 - "C" -

Fortplan. toadinl- Gross weight I C An plan. loading. Gross wllghtI 0

estimate would be 40 percent of provides condi- Calculation of wIngloadingsdue to weIghtonly.
the model's gross weight. For a tions for level
weight of 100 ounces, th rust wo uld flight at the

't ="L.
be 40 ounces. design speed;
Figure 17 provides formulas for any variations 1;4 MAC 1;4 MAC
calculating the wing pitch and from that speed Thrusllines-T
thrust-related foreplane loads in
ounces. Fore- and aft-plane drag
will require
the same trim CG PM2
~ High

moments consist of the total of pro- adjustments as "D" A-. /- ! \ F1 Level

file and indu ced drags, in ounces, for a conven- Fortpl.l •• P"dl'mllh~
;;I.'dl.1JS [. ~\ \ F2 Low
multiplied by the distance, in inches, tional model.
the wing's Y4 MAC is above or below High t!lnJsl PM1 + PMZ+ (ll F1) Low thrust PMl. PM2 • (T I F2) L• .,elthrust~
0 0 D
the CG. If it's above the CG, the • Stability test.
moment is nose-up, or positive, and Two points of FIgure 17.
below it, it is nose-down, or negative critical impor- Additional foreplane loadIng from wing pitching moments andthrust.



plane. As the foreplane mov es • Unique b e-

A. ForeplanB high
toward zero lift, its downwash angle h a vior of the 1;. MAC 1;. MAC
is reduced, increasing the aft wing's three-surface
lift in the down washed area and
increasing the spread from zero lift
configuration .
Flight tests of th e . Drag . 1
~ "L'
to actual AoA. Wild Goose dis- CG
P "D"
-cp- "CO 1
Eppler £214 has a zero-lift angle of closed un iqu e Plus Minus Q
minus 4.75 degrees; if set at 3 beh avior th at .Drag . 2
degrees, as above, the spread is plus relat es dir ectly I
B. ForBplanB low
3 degrees to minus 4.75 degrees, or to th e three
7.75 degrees. Eppler E197 has a zero- options outlined 1;. MAC 1;. MAC
" L"
lift angle of minus 2 degrees. Set at above. Option 1 I

plus 1 degrees, the spread is plus 1 had been select- .1 !

.Drag . 2
degree to minus 2 degrees or 3 ed for th is ·Drag #1
1 "D" ,cp, "C" I Q

degrees, leaving a healthy margin of model. During P CG f

4.75 degrees. its design, th e i I Minus Plus
airplane's wing Foreplane load= (orao -'1 I PI + lPraa+' 2 I 0)
This type presents more options calculated to be
Figure 18.
than either canard or tandem wing 46 ounces. per Foreplane loading from fore andaft wing-drag moments.
configurations as regards the lift square foot for
distribution between all three th e foreplane
surfaces. and 22 ounces. per square foot for • Elevator pitch control was very
1. The can ard and main wing pro- th e aft plane in level flight at sensitive.
vide all the lift needed. The hori- 60mph.
zontal tail pro vides no lift at the The foreplane's loading consist- • Landing speed, flaps-up, was more
selected speed, but its elevators ed of 18 ounces. per square foot in keeping with th e aft Wing's lower
control pitch and trim. for its sh are of th e mod el's weight, loading and comparatively slow-
2. Have the canard pro vide most of plu s 28 ounces per squa re foot due an estimated 25mph.
its share of the n eeded lift with th e to the nose-down load from the
horizontal tail pro viding a com- airfo ils' pit ching a n d th e air - The explanation of this surprising
pensating download. plan e's thrust and drag moments. behavior was reasoned as follows: a
3. Have all three surfaces share the Th is h igh forepl an e loadin g was of conventional, tail-last, airplane
lift . This author's choice would be concern; but slott ed flaps on both with its CG well ahead of its wing 's
1/ 11/ abov e---canard and ma in wing fore and aft wings were calculated center of lift requires a tail-down
do ing all the lifting. Calculation of to bring takeo ff and landing load (up-elevator) for level flight .
wing loads would be that for speeds to reason abl e levels. The CG of the three-surface design
canards and tandem wings During test flights, two unusual is well ahead of the aft Wing's
described previously. characteristics became very evident: cen ter of lift, and in level flight, the

Top view
1---+ A To all flap
V4" ply
servo -- ~- Front view
mounts n----+--i?cii;i~~18=i:);~~~~
To thef1apevator

at section

Bush with11ll-lnch-o.d. brasstube

Figure 19.
Elevator-flap servo Installation.


Canards, Tandem Wings and Three-Surface Designs A CHAPTER 22

the aft wing. The major method for 20 degrees deflection and aft-plane
tan dem win gs is a plain flap of full flaps to such deflection as balanced
or part ial span on the foreplane . the in creased foreplane lift.
'" 12
The horizontal tailplane's elevators Slotted flaps provide their maxi -
<'" ..
are the sole pitch control for three- mum additional lift at 40 degrees

"''''" , 8

surface designs .
If option 1 is cho sen and fore
deflection so that the forep lane
flap, still under control of the first
.5 ...
_u and main planes provide the neces- servo, may move up to ne utral or
0 ..

.si 0 sary lift, th e horizontal tailplane's down to the full 40-degree deflec-
..,'" AoA should be zero degrees to the tion from its 20-degree position for
a: downw ash from the main wing . pitch control. Deflecting the fore-
Th at downwash angle is based on plane flap results in a substantial
10 20 30 40 50 60 th e level-flight lift coefficien t gen - increase in downwash on the aft
Flap detection-degrees (@250,000) erated by th e main wing , which is, wing, reducing its lift and that of
itself, in the foreplane's downwash! the aft flaps in the area "shadowed"
Figure 20. Ch apter 7 provides charts for esti- by the foreplane's downwash.
The effect of flaps andleading-edge slots on mat in g downwash. Any attempt to calculate the aft
theangle of maximum lift. flap deflection angle to balance the
• Directional control. Chapter 9, front flap 's 20-degree deflection
foreplane 's lift provides th e balan c- "Vertical Tail Design and Spiral would have been very complex.
ing upward lift. Up-elevator down- Stability," provides the basis for Instead, cautious flight tests were
loads the tail and unloads the fore- obtaining good directional control. performed, progres sively increasing
plane, reducing its wing loading For tandem-wing and three-surface aft flap deflection on each flight ,
substantially. The for epl an e's mod els, the mom ent arm from CG until balance was ach ieved. Bear in
surplus lift is then adding to th e to MAC of th e vertical tail surfaces is mind th at the foreplane flap could
up-elevator action , causing th e ele- large eno ugh to permit reasonably be raised or lowered to correct any
vator sensitivity. sized surfaces. minor imb alance, and if the imbal-
This results in a very beneficial Canards, particularly those with ance was major, retracting both sets
reduc tion in landing and takeoff small foreplan es and pu sher of flaps would restore the model to
speeds, both flap s-up an d flap s- eng ines , do not ha ve adequate n ormal, flap s-up , flight . This
down. This unique beh avior ha s moment arm s. Recour se is: worked ; the Swan's aft wing slotted
an impact on the three options -Larger vertical surfaces flaps, of partial wingspan, were
listed abo ve. -Booms or fuselage extensions exten ded to 3S degrees in balancing
Option 1 is cons idered above; suppo rting sma ller surfaces. the forepl ane's full-span slotted
option 2 would redu ce th e fore- -Aft wing sweepback and wingtip flaps deplo yed to 20 degrees .
plane's wing loading, its angle of vertical surfaces. In flight, lowering the flaps
attack, its lift coefficient and its cau sed the model to "Ievitate"-
downwash angle. The aft wing's FLAPS at much slower speed, but with no
loading would increase, requiri ng Flaps were previously mentioned, up or down pitch-and the fore-
an in crease in its an gle of attack. and their limitations were briefly plane flap continued its function as
This would bring both wings' air- outlined . Since both fore and main
foils closer to dangerousl y unstable wing s sh are th e pro vision of lift,
conditions, but it could redu ce ele- the additional lift provided on flap
vator sen sitivity. extension must not upset the lift dis-
Option 3-having th e horizontal tribution between the wings. Too 1.2
tail lift upward-would add to th e mu ch lift from eithe r win g would ~
foreplane 's loading and would result
in even greater elevator sensitivity.
result in dangerous nose-up or
nose-down pitch. Both sets of flaps
'E 1. 0
In this author's opinion, optio n mu st be lowered simultaneously for 'ii
8 .8
1 is best. Elevator sens it ivity may th e same reason .
be overcome by use of the eleva - Both of this author's canard 0. .6
tor's low dual rat e, or by redu cin g designs-the Swan and the Canada <;;
the elevator's area to 20 or 2S per- Goose-had slotted flaps on both ~ .4
cent of the horizontal tail 's area wings. The foreplane flaps also pro- ..,

instead of the Wild Goose 's vided pitch con trol as "flapevators." < .2
40 percent. On both model s, one servo actuated
the foreplane slotted flap for pitch o 10 20 30 40 50 60
• Longitudi nal control methods. control, but it was mounted on a Flapdellection-degree s
The dominant pit ch control for slide th at permitted it to move back-
cana rds is a slotte d flap on the ward under control of a second Figure 21.
canard. Another method is a flap fixed servo (Figure 19), lowering Additional flapCL example: .40slotted flap
on the forep lane and sim ulta neo us both th e fore and aft plane flaps depressed20 degrees provides t:,. CL of 0.80
up or down action of ailerons on simultaneo usly- foreplane flaps to to 11ft of basic airfoil sect/on.



elevator under control of the first tics of the foreplane govern landing-
servo. Almost full foreflap deflec- gear design, for all three versions.
tion was needed, in ground effect,
to raise the nose for a gentle landing. • Structural design. The discus -
Flap deflection reduces the sion of stressed-skin design in
stalling angles of both fore and aft Chapter 13 applies to all three types
wings and greatly increases the of front-wing-first airplanes. Use of
foreplane's angle of zero lift this type of structure would simplify
(Figure 20) . For three-surface weight estimating and provide
designs, the same comments optimum weight-to-strength ratios . The Plover glider canard.
regarding balanced flap lift and
simultaneous extension of both GLIDER EXPERIMENT
sets of flaps apply. However, the At first glance, the "Plover" appears
foreplane flap serves only as a to be a tailless glider; in fact it's a
flap; pitch control is effected by canard. The forward-swept inner
the tailplane's elevators so that panels are the aft plane, and the
the foreflap may be deflected 40 unswept outer panels are the
degrees. canard. The in ner and outer panel
Slotted flaps on a tandem-wing aerodynamic centers are shown in
design would present the same Chapter 26, "Construction Designs,"
problems as canard flaps. Slotted as are the area's airfoil sections'
flaps with chords of up to 40 per- neutral point and CG locations.
First test glides, with a vertical
sur face of normal size, were a disas-
ter and the treacherous behavior of
swept-forward wings was forcibly
revealed .
When yawed, the retreating
~educed : : Increased panels' centers of drag and lift
hit L: : lilt ! move outboard. The advancing

C< ~
· ~
• ' I r. " I W
panel's centers move inboard. The
' I' • ••••
.. • •• • ••• • • • •
/••• •
' ••

::.-- / - drag imbalance greatl y exaggerates

the yaw, and th e lift imbalance
causes a violent roll in the opposite
direction. After a couple of damag-
Figure 22.
The aymmetric canard downwash due to
ing crashes and some pondering,
sideslip. the vertical surface was enlarged by
300 percent of its original area. The
model then flew well.
cent of the wing 's chord may be The forward panels were readily
used on foreplanes, as shown in damaged on landing. After a sum-
Figures 20 and 21. Use of such mer of repeated flying and repair-
wide-chord flaps on the aft plane is ing , it was put to one side. The
not recommended. Chapter 14, basic concept has merit; it avoids
"Design for Flaps," provides insight the impact of foreplane downwash
into flap design, construction and on the aft plane. A powered ver-
actuation. sion wou ld be an interesting design
• Dihedral. Foreplane downwash
impacting asymmetrically on the
aft wing in a side slip creates a pow-
erful dihedral effect when the plane
yaws (Figur e 22). John Roncz 's
three-surface "Eagle" has no dihe-
dral; its wings are "flat." Flight tests
confirmed that dihedral was not
required. The same would apply to
canards and, to a lesser extent, to
tandem-wing design

• Landing-gear design. Chapter

16, "Landing-Gear Design" covers
this subject. The stalling characteris-


Chapter 23

Tailless tance behind

the CG to pro- Lm
v ide a long
moment arm, Static Aerodynamic center-neutral point
Airplane so that a rela- margln -
tively small tail C!~ ~ -- -- -~ -
area does the
Design job.
For a tailless
\ Center 01gravity
_ Balancing

aircraft, the Weight

wing itself must Figure 1A.
provide this bal- Plain taillessforce diagram; Eppler 184 airfoil.
ancing force.
he flying wing has intrigued

T designers since the early days

of flight. Its structural sim-
plicity, graceful flight and low
On a straight
wing (Figure
lA), the mo-
ment arm is
weight and drag potential ha ve short, so a larger
major appeal. Despite this, no full- balancing force
scale, tailless airplane or flying wing is required to
has ever been produced in quantities produce the
that could rival those of conven- moment need-
tional aircraft. This chapter explores We ight
ed. To increase
the pros and cons of tailless design. the length of
Figure 18.
the moment Sweptback taillessforce diagram; Eppler 168 airfoil.
CENTER OF GRAVITY arm , designers
LOCATION ha ve resorted
For longitudinal stability, the CG of to using wide Lilt
an y type of airplane must be ahead Balancing lorce Statlc ~
chords , forward
~ ~~1~~_~~~~~~~~~~_~ ~~~_?-ACfllP ~
of its neu tral point (NP). On a con- and backward
ventional (with tail) airplane , the sweep and delta I
horizontal tail's area and its distance wings (an ex-
from the wing (both horizontally Wash-in CG
treme example Tail-momentarm
and vertically) determine the NP of sweepback).

location. It is possible to have th e

CG ahead of the wing's aerody- I Figure tc.
namic center (which lies at 2S per- • For pain Swept-forward taillessforce diagram.
cent of the wing's MAC) or behind it sweptback and
and still maintain an adequate static delta wings, the AIRFOIL CHARACTERIST ICS
(stability) margin between the CG balancing force acts downward, With their limited tail-momen t
and the NP behind it (see Chapter 7, reducing the wing's lift and requir- arms , tailless airplanes-with the
"Horizontal Tail Design"). ing additional wing area to com- exception of forward-swept ver-
On a tailless aircraft, the wing's pensate (Figur es lA and lB). sions-can't tol erate airfoils that
aerodynamic center (AC) and the NP produce high nose -down pitching
coincide. For longitudinal stability, • For a forward-swept wing, the bal- moments; such airfoils include
th e CG must be ahea d of the AC/NP ancing force acts upward, increasing those that have heavil y cambered
location. This results in a nose-down the wing's lift. This allows less wing mean lines.
imbalance. For equilibrium, the area and higher wing loadings See the lift, drag and pitching
wing must provide a balancing force (Figure l C). moments for cambered airfoils £197
as shown in Figures lA, lB and LC, and £214 in th e appendix. Such air-
For a conventional airplane, Owing to the high balancing forces foils, when used on a tailless air-
th is balance is achieved by the needed, a tailless airplane is espe- plane, call for a substan tially
horizontal tail, which is at some dis- cially sensitive to CG location. greater balancing force. Some early,



full-scale, tailless designs that HIGH·LIFT DEVICES For an aircraft with a win g CL
employed cambered airfoils had The lift that a wing generates is equal max of 0.90 to achi eve th e Swift's
sweepback and inve rted, wash ed- to the square of its flying speed. stall speed would requ ire a wing
out airfo il sections toward the Assuming a constant AoA, doubling loading of 11 ounces per square
wing tips. This provi ded th e balanc- the speed increases lift fourfold. foot . Because of the lower load ing,
ing force, but certainly did not At high speed, it's obvious that a substantial increase in wing area
imp rove th e wing's lift. less wing area is required (see and weight would result. It is not
To reduce or eli min ate the Chapter 5, "Wing Design" ). At high improbable that this in crease
ai rfoil 's n ose-d own pitching speeds, less wing area means would equal the weight savings
moment, sym me trical airfoils or reduced drag-both profile and that would result from usin g a
airfoil s wit h reflexed mean lin es induced-but substantially higher shorter fuselage and absence of a
were used. In the appe ndix, E1 84 stall and landing speeds . Th e Gee horizontal tail. Using the Swift's
and E230 are two reflexed airfoils; Bee racers of the '30s reflected this gross weight of 92 ou nces, to
E184 h as a low nose-down pitch- philosophy, and they landed "hot." achi eve the 17mph stall, th e wing
in g moment, and E230 has a n ose- To provide slower landing speeds area for a tailless model would be
up m omen t. An E18 4 airfoil with reduced wing area, the mod- 1,200 squa re inches-a 100-percent
plac ed inboard with an E230 air- ern approach is to use high-lift increase. Top-speed performance
foil placed outboard on a swept- (HL) devices (such as split, slotted, would be advers ely affected.
back wing could pro vid e suffici ent or Fowler flaps) on th e wing's trail-
balan cin g force. E168 is a sym me t- ing edge (combined, in some cases, SWEPT·FORWARD
rical airfoil that ha s no pitching with leading- edge slots and flaps). TAILLESS AIRCRAFT
mom ent, exce pt at the stall during Use of these devices results in very Of the taille ss configurati ons , onl y
which the airfoil becom es nos e- large increases in the wing's CL max. the swept-forward (SF) ha s an
do wn and is sta bilizing. Under the conditions described upward lifting balancing force,
Reflexed and symmetrical air- above, the wing's area is determined which adds to the Wing's overall
foil s ha ve substa n tially reduced by its HL-device-assisted CL max and lift, rather than th e downward, lift-
max lift coe ffients; E214 ha s a C L the landing speed desired. Unfortu- reducing balancing force of the
max of 1.25, whereas E230 has a natel y, when deployed, these high- other con figurations.
C L max of on ly 0.78 . Sin ce both lift devices produce hea vy nose- Very few SF taill ess aircraft-
sta ll and lan ding speeds are direct- down pitching moments that are either full-scal e or model-have
ly related to the airfoil 's CL max, beyond the capability of tailless air- been design ed and built, owing to
these redu ced values result in sub- craft (with the exception of forward- two major factors :
stantially h igh er landing speeds or swept types). To overcome this, small
they n ecessitate an in crease in split flaps, which produce more drag • The SFwing has a strong tendency
wing area (lowe r wing loadings) to than lift, are sometimes used. to twist under load, increasing its
ach ieve those lower speeds. On conventional "tailed" air- AoA. Unless the wing is torsionally
planes, the increased nose-down very strong, thi s tendency leads to
pitching moment is compensated flutter and disastrous failure. A stiff,
for by the hea vy downwash angl e heavy structure is need ed. Modern,
increa se provided by the deployed composite, stressed-skin design has
HL devices striking the tail , largely overcome this problem.
and by stabilizer/elevator action.
Obv iously, on a tailless airplane, • An SF win g is directionally unsta-
the Wing's downwash provides no ble and requires large vertical
such compensating force. surfaces for directional stability.
For tailless airplanes (except Since lift is all upward, the nos e-
swept-forward configurations) all down pitching moment of cam-
three factors-CG location, reduced bered airfoils is easily overcome
airfoil CL max and limited use of with an SF wing. Such airfoils, with
HL devices-require an increase in their higher CL max , ma y be used.
wing area compared with con ven-
tional aircraft , and this reduces th e High-lift devices, such as slott ed
tailless craft 's efficiency. flaps, may be incorporated at th e
This author's Swift has 600 square inboard trailing edges. Elevators are
inches of wing area and weighs 92 depressed at the wingtips to increase
ounces (gross) for a wing loading of lift forward of the CG and offset
22 ounces per square foot. Its airfoil both the added lift and the nose-
is the E197, and it is equipped with down pitch of the extended HL
slotted flaps who se chord is 30 per- devices that are behind th e CG. In
cent of wing chord, and which occu- this condition , both elevators and
py 60 percent of the wing's trailing flaps add to th e wing's total lift.
edge. The CL max (flaps extended 40 An SF wing characteristically
degrees) is 1.80; stall speed is 17mph. stalls at the wing root first. Because


Tailless Airpane Design A CHAPTER 23

PLAIN TAILLESS AIRCRAFT wide, thick win g was light. A trac-

Figure 2 is a three-view drawing of tor engin e and prop were th e only
the Arnoux "Simplex"-a 1922 rac- choices.
ing monoplane, which was pow- The low-AR, wide-cho rd con figu-
ered by a 320hp Hisp ano-Suiza ration was develop ed in to the
engi ne . Its top speed was 236mph Hoffman disk-typ e airplane shown
an d its landing speed a brisk in Figure 4. The airfoil was a stable ,
Figure 2. 84mph. It crashed during a test reflexed M-section; th e ailero ns
The 1922Arnoux "Simplex" racing mono- flight before the Coupe Deutsch. were the wing tip, floati ng variety;
plane designed by Carmier. Flight controls were elevons and the elevators were inset at th e semi-
rudd er, and the airfoil was a sym- circular trailing edge, and a large
this area is aft of the CG, such a stall metrical Goettingen 411. The very vertica l surface was provided. An
causes the airplane to nose-up . To short tail-moment arm from the CG 85hp tractor engine and prop were
permit th e SF wing to stall ahead of to the elevons must have made lon- used. It flew well, but no further
th e CG first (causing nose -down ), gitudinal control and CG location developments took place.
an increase in the wing 's angle of very sensitive; stops restricted the Low-AR wings do not stall until
attack toward the tip (wash-in) is dow nwa rd movement of the they reach high an gles of attack;
desirable. This adds to th e wing's elevons. Roll and yaw control was and th e dan ger of spins is remote.
twisting tendency and reinforces satisfactory, and the structure was Slow, safe, landings at h igh angles
the need for torsional strength. of attack are possible. Th e
It does not require much imagi- Hoffm an 's lon g main landing gear

~ =>
nation to see a parallel between this reflects thi s capability.
SFwing and a canard config uration: In RIC model term s, th e tailless
plain win g con cept is alive and well

• In both, lift is upward. in Bill Evans' "Scimitar" series.
. .
• The can ard foreplane and the SF SWEPTBACK AIRCRAFT
wing 's outboard areas mus t both o i
Sweepback (SB) favors high er aspect
stall first. ratios. For a given angle of SB (mea-
sured on th e Y4 cho rd line) h igh er
• The aft wing of a canard and the ARs result in longer tail mom ent
inb oard portions of a SF wing must arms for better lon gitudin al con-
arrive at their angles of zero lift trol. Higher SB angles have the
before that of the foreplane or out- same effect but result in lower lift.
board panel. High ARs demand greater
Figure 4. stren gth and high er weigh t. Also,
Canard design technology is thus Hoffman disk-type alrpane. swee pback in duces twist under
applicable to SFtailless design , with flight load s, an d that tends to
one major difference: the inner good . To obtain the correct CG, a reduc e th e Wingtip'S angle of att ack.
portions of the SF wing are no t tractor engine and propeller were Good , tor sional stiffness is required
affected by dow nwash from the on ly choices . The major disad- to remedy this.
the outer portions. In canard vantage, longitudinally, of the plain During th e '30s, the Germa n
design , downwash from the fore- wing is the short tail-moment arm . Hort en brothers developed a series
plane significantly affects the aft- Obviously, lower aspect ratios of flyin g wings as shown in Figures
plane and is a design consideration. with the resulting longer chords
wo uld be an improvement.
Coupling low AR with heavy taper

~A~ results in even longer central

moment arms.
Figure 3 illustrates the concept-
the Fauvel A.V. 10 of 1935. Powered
~ by a 75hp Pobjoy engine, it had a

~-_ .-
sharply tapered wing with an AR of
5.4. Its airfoil was heavily reflexed,
without washout, and uniform
across the span . Inboard trailing-
edge elevators provided pitch con-
trol; ou tboard ailerons provided roll
control; and a rudder controlled yaw.
The AV 10 performed well and
was granted a French certificate of Figure 5.
Figure 3. airworthiness, but no further devel- The Harten brothers' lirst "Ilying wing"
The 1935 Faurel A.V. 10tailless lightairplane. opments occurred. Structurally, th e sailplane01 1933.



A more recent flying-wing design,

the Davis Wing, is shown in Figure 8.
It incorporates the design features of
the ill-fated Northrop flying-wing
bombers of the '40s. It also bears a
close resemblance to the Horten
The engine is a 65hp, water- Figure 9.
cooled Rotax 532, in a well-stream- The Wenk-Peshkes "Weltensegler"
Figure 6. sailplane at the 1921 Rhiin Competition.
A 60hp pusher propona Horten glider. lined pusher installation.
This wing had an AR of 6.67, a sur-
5 and 6. prisingly large wing area of 240
The Horten flying wings had: square feet and a gross weight of 975
pounds for a wing loading of 4.06 ~
• Thick , sharply tapered planforms pounds per square foot (low for a
of symmetrical airfoil sections. powered full-scale light airplane). A
Cessna 172 weighs 2,300 pounds, ~ ~~ ..

• Washout toward th e wingtips. has 174 square feet of wing area and
wing loading of 13.2 pounds per Figure 10.
Wenk-Peschkes "Weltensegler" sailplane
• Elevators inboa rd and ailerons square foot. (1921 type).
outboard on th e trailing edges. The Davis's top speed was a brisk
150mph---excellent, on 65hpi stall plane. This design illustrates the
• Yaw control was provided by air speed was a modest 42mph, thanks combined plain and sweptback
brakes placed outboard on both the to its low wing loading. Its empty wing plan form, with a rectangular,
top and bottom surfaces, flush with weight was 565 pounds, so it carried dihedralled center section and
those surfaces whe n not being used. 73 percent of its weight as useful anhedralled, sweptback, outer pan-
No vertical surfaces were used. load. els. The outer panels are set at lower
The wing is sharply tapered and angles of attack to provide the
• Dihedral on the lower wing swept back 28 degrees on the 1;4 download to balance the forward
surface. CG. Controls were on the trailing
edge of the outer panels.

• A cabin arran gem ent th at, in Th ese outer panels, like an
later mod els, requ ired th at th e pilot inverted V-tail, provided both hor-
lie in a prone position, completely izonta l and vertical surfaces. The
enclosed in the wing. elevons acted, in concert, as eleva-

tors: but differentially as ailerons.
One version had an enclosed 60hp The downswept controls also
engine driving a pusher prop on an acted as rudders into the elevon-
extension shaft (Figure 6). For RIC . ~:=.:::t:
== ...L -L
I: = = induced turn, thus overcoming
models, an electric motor enclosed any adverse yaw.
in the wing, with an extension shaft, Figure 8. As Figures 9 and 10 illustrate, the
driving a push er prop at the wing's The Davis Wing. wing was externally braced, it had
trailing edge would be practical. an AR of 11, and it weighed a low
Figure 7 illustrates th e Buxton 93 pounds for a span of 53 feet and
glider of 1938. Th is interesting chord line. Controls consist of split- an area of 195 square feet. It flew
design had a thin, high-AR wing, drag rudders outboard and elevons successfully, but later broke up in
symmetrical airfoils washed out to inboard. Wisely, the narrow tips are flight , causing the pilot's death.
the wingtips, and vertical fins and equipped with fixed leading-edge Figure 11 portrays a British pro-
rudders at the wingtips. Outboard slots to delay wingtip stalling.
elevon s provided pitch and roll con- Obviously, th e pusher engine and
trol. The pilot was hou sed in a pod prop are best. No dihedral is needed
below th e Wing. Small split flaps on sweptback wings.
were used at the wing roots. Richard Engel's "Winglet" (Model
Airplane News, March 1994),
powered by a pusher .40 and with a
wing area of 900 square inches,
is a good example of a flying -
wing design.


Figure 7. Figures 9 and 10 show the 1921 Taillessairplane of F. Hadley Page andG. V.
The Buxton gliderof 1938. Wenk-Peschkes IWeItensegler" sail- Lachmann.


Tailless Airpane Design ... CHAPTER 23

Figure 14 illustrates the original shows a swept-forward, tailless,

configuration of a Delta RPV free-flight model. Note the heavily
(remotely piloted vehicle), which cambered airfoil sections and the
underwent wind-tunnel and flight large vertical surface.
tests at the Langley Research Center
Figure IS shows the modifications Adverse yaw is an important con-
resulting from wind-tunnel tests, sideration when dealing with high-
confirmed by subsequent flight tests. aspect-ratio (AR) wings of plain,
Figure 12. Note the NASA leading-edge droop swept-back or swept-forward con-
The Tscheranowsky-Gruhon "Parabola. ..
(Model Airplane News, June 1990- figurations-particularly for ail-
NASA Safewing) and RAO slots on erons or elevons located near or at
ject: th e Handley Page-Lachma nn the outboard wing panels to improve the wingtips. On this au thor's
twin-pusher-engine tailless. This stall resistance. An RIC model based designs , the modified frise aileron
craft had the combined plain and on the modified design would be an (see Figure lA in Chapter 10, "Roll
swept planform, but with large ver- interesting project. The low AR, wide Control Design" ) with heavy differ-
tical surfaces at the wingtips. This chord, and thick airfoil result in a ential has been proven to provide
compensated for the fuselage and light, strong structure. Obviously, a roll control without adverse yaw.
countered an "engine-out" situa- However, if they're used as elevons
tion. for elevator control, they should
The tab on the floating airfoil in have equal up and down action. A
front of the main plane is coupled two-servo arrangement, where the
with the landing flaps to counteract elevator servo moves the aileron
the nose heaviness caused by the servo back and forth , will provide
deflected landing flaps. The advent the elevons with equal up and
of WW 11 probably stopped further down action as elevators, and with
development of this in teresting differential action as ailerons.
design. On plain or delta wings of low AR,
the need for anti- yaw differential is
DELTA WINGS greatly reduced. On swept-forward
The delta plan form has the advan- wings (without high-lift devices),
tage of flying to very high ang les of modified frise ailerons located at the
attack before stalling. High-lift
devices are neither practical nor {cQ. <1! wingtips and with anti-yaw differen-
tial are suggested. Elevators are then
needed on this type of wing . located at the inboard trailing edges
Over the years, many delta-wing where their moment arm from th e
Figure 14.
designs have evolved. Figures 12 and Delta RPV; three-view sketch of base-line CG is the greatest .
13 illustrate two such planes. Figure configuration. For swept-forward wings with
12 is of the Tscheranowsky-Gruhon
"Parabola," which was built by the tractor power unit is
Z.A.H.I. in 1931. Its wing section had required; a pusher instal- Aileron and elevator chord
Increased 100% oc:::a=-
a thickness of 7.7 percent. Figure 13 lation would present
shows a design that might raise prob- serious problems in cor- A-A
lems with lateral stability-the 1930 rectly positioning the
Abrial A-Viii light airplane. It was CG.
powered by a 9Shp engine; it had a
22.4-foot span and 173 square feet of SWEPT·FORWARD
wing area; and it weighed 1,320
pounds. Note the reflexed airfoil.
Few swept-forward tail - 20
less airplanes have Notch- l

been developed. Figure
16 shows one such
design-the Landwerlin-
Berreur racing mono- leading- - ~
dg droop
plane of 1922. This
"Buzzard"-type aircraft
featured separate eleva - ~ l Increased vertiul talllf'!1
1nct'll$Id moment arm
Incn.~d rudder ...~
tors and ailerons and a
low -aspect-ratio tail
fin . It was powered by a
Cross-section {t:
~3a~lp tins
Figure 13. 700hp engine.
The 1930 Abrial A-Viii light delta-wing Figure 17 (from an Figure 15.
airplane. Aeromodeler annual) Delta RPV configuration modifications.



cal tail area is cussed. On swept-forward wings,

described in Ch ap-ter becau se of th e dir ectional ins tabil-
9, "Vertica l Tail ity of this planform, large central
Design and Spiral vertical surfaces are man dato ry.
Stability.") Th is auth or's Plover glider (see
Note that the Cha pter 26, "Con stru ction
sidewa ys -p ro jected Design s") had a vertica l ta il-
areas are proportional moment arm of twice the win g's
to the angle at which MAC and an area 10 percent of the
these outer panel s are Wi ng's. A large vertical surface
anhe-draled; and their could result in spiral instability
plan -view area is
inversely proportional SPLIT·DRAG
Figure 16.
to th is angle. RUDDERS AND SPOILERS
1922 Landwerlin-Berreur. On sweptback Northrop and Davis flying wings
employed split-drag
inboard, high-lift devices, slotte d rudders at the wingtips
elevators/elevons (similar to the as in Figure 20. Opened
slotted flap shown in Cha pter 14, WingleIIncidence -I" on one wing panel , the
"Design for Flaps") are suggested. Upper lip, upper wlnglel ·4' added drag acted like
Lowerrool, upper wlnglel -7'
These provide additio na l lift to bal- Lower wlngle! ·11' rudders . Engel's
"Winglet" also has split-
ance that of th e high-lift devices. J2yplcal WingleI Secllon drag rudders .
It's suggested that elevators that
are separate from ailerons be used T.:I" Spoilers may be used
where possib le. The top-hinged for both glide control
variety (see Figure l C in Ch apter and direc tional control,
10) with equa l up/d own actio n is but they may also
sugges ted. replace ailerons for roll
control when use d
VERTICAL SURFACES on the Wing's upper
For plain, delt a and swept-forward 0.16CT
ta illess planforms, a single vertica l
surface on the cen terline is opti-
Figure 18.
mum. Placing the rudder-hi nge Whitcomb Winglet
lin e at or behind the wing trailin g
edge provides a hea lt hy mom en t
arm . Positioning 1;4 to 113 of th e
vertical tail area below th e wing
ta illess wings, the loca-
tion that pro vid es the
1--. _..(. Upper surface

\ TYPlcal Wlnglel Section

will improve its effectiveness at greatest ve rtica l tail - 4'

win g-h igh angles of atta ck whe re mom en t arm is at the

the above-wing portion may be wingt ips (con t ro l sur -
blan keted by the Wing's turbu- faces with greater
len ce. The anhe-draled and swept- moment arm s n eed less
back oute r pa ne ls of the combined area for equal effective-
plain and sweptback tailless con - ness) . If symmetrical air-
figura tion present side areas that foil sections are used in
act as vertical surfaces. (The verti- the dual-wingtip vertical Figure 19.
su rfaces, "toeing -in " Grantz Winglet.
their chord lines by 2 or
3 deg rees is sugge sted .
Two forms of winglet s-the
Whitcomb and th e Grantz- may
be used as win gtip vertical sur faces
(see Figures 18 and 19). The
"': =&
.25 Chon!

dimensions of bot h are related to Closed

the wingtip chord and will provide
vertical areas that ma yor ma y not
be adequate. Determine the areas C_~L:~/O'
nee ded and, ma intaining the sam e
proportions, size the winglet s to
\ ) 30'
Figure 17. the de sired area. Rudder are a
M-tailless (with negative sweepbackj should be 30 percent of the area of Figure 20.
byK. Ginalski o ( Poland. an y of the vertical surfaces dis- Split -dragrudder design.


Ta illess Airpane Design ... CHAPTER Z3


~ Chord-----..

H.4lI ChO~fi
Desp ite washout, swe pt -bac k,
1_ highly tapered win gs are prone to
Open tip-stall ing at high angles of
attack. Th is resul ts in loss of lon-
Figure 21. gitudin al control. Fixed LE slots,
Spoil-flapdesign. as sh own in Figure 22, delay th e
stall about 9 degrees an d in crease MACl MAC 2
surface only. the max CL substa n tially, but ha ve Formulas
Placing the spoiler's LE beyond very low drag. Both Northrop an d Distance Y (ACIDeation) = (AreaA I Xl ) + (Area 8 I X2)
(Area A + Area 8)
70 percent of the wing chord Davis used th em at th e wing ti ps, Wing MAC . (Area A I MAC 11+ (Area 8 I MAC 2)
avoids the lag between control extendin g for 2S percent of th e (Area A + Are a 8)
action and response, which is char- wing's semi-span.
acteristic of spoilers located farther The basic dimension s for the slot Figure 23.
forward on the wing chord. shown in Figure 22 may be applied AC andMACof mult/-tapered wings.
Spoilers create desirable into-the- to any airfoil sectio n.
turn yaw, because onl y the spoiler
on the inside of the turn is raised; its
mate remains flush with th e wing.
0.?6 ~ l~T.JIIJ=i~ r:~~
~_ .:=ft :e> ,,+,r
+ .
The Hortens used spoilers on ~ 0.?4tL tJ8I
~ 022 ' ,
s ~!I
I s·t+- .
I -;" I I j "

both upper and lower wingtip sur- ¥: I . i !

, ,
.? Z . 4 4 r.:.020
faces for direction al control. Wh en
not in use, both split-d rag rudd ers 2.0 .4 0 «; I I

lO /D
and spoilers lie flush with the wing
surface and cause no drag . ~ .OI4 I I ,
,j, I ,
Spoil flaps are shown in Figure 21. ~OO8
They were used on th is author's a. 006 I
"Dove"-a powered glider. The spoil I'
u .004

flaps were used for glide control and

,I I ,
s .GO.?
proved to be successful. Their com-
bined areas were 7 percent of the

, 2

.0 4
.. -
. I ~ I

~ 0 , - ./
Dove's wing area. Extended, they ~ , I

didn't change the Dove's in-flight • I e -z Airfoi l: 2R, -/5 -8 50

1: R.N. (~/fec fi vt!J 8.24a OOO
8 , I
, - .3 Oar~ : 10 -3 -34 Tt!$t: V.O.T.1/80
attitude, but the y did cause a greater I I
o .<, .4 6 8 10 I ~ 1.4 1.6
u t r co efficie nt. C,
sink rate. They were used for slow, C..... - M .,.SJ
steep descents from height and for
short, no-float landings. Used sepa- Figure 23.
rately, they could act as drag rudders. TaperedNACA 2RI - 15-8.50 airfoil.

f- ~
U ' ..1_ i ~
I 1 ,,
, ,
4 :.....684r..,: Oe<4 f ' I
'Tf' . , +1
2 , I ,( I . 1 -r-1
. I !
I : : ! ' I ' ~\~
I I I . 'i l l ' ~
8+ I
Hi - ~-+-!-t=tE.\1::
, . . .\--f-
6 ,
,I , , :
._ --++ -+-
8 j6

~1.. P'~ I ,-Q! "7"-~~

.. -- i
O .SltJ"~,.;nq
• I 32 I
I ~
: I i '/1 ,
I I l"~ f
II , !
j'--... I


I , I
, ,
i ! /Y IA I
, I
I I I ;/,1 I I I I
, I
, I I I
I , I ! , ;, I I I I I , I .. !
, I I ! ,. ,
I ,
~';f , ,
e I I
/2 C. I Co I
I c. '• •A,rfo il:2R, -15 ' O z .o,o ,I
- It /i-j;../ , i
08 Vt![ ( f l /s ec .j : 70..3
~Ze~~5fn~o;;:;,t;o.~· I.';;~:J.(!to.°Ooo - .2

Alrfo ,f: 2R, -15- 0


.CW . -8
! I I
W~re f("$fed: L.M.AL T("sf : V.DT. 1/77
Corre c t ed for t VI'Vl t! /- w olf effeet. -. H=
R.N (e'fUfio,e! 8.090.00 0
Dol/!: ' -2 7-34 tesr - VO.T.1177

48 1r
I ;
!:' 0
16..,2 8 4 0 4 8 12 /6
M 9 /(" o ( o tr oc» , a (rif!tr e e sJ . re f~rr~
20 24 28 32
t o r o of chord
.2 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 10 12 1.4
u « co effic ie nt, CI.
Anq'. 0'
a"~, a C. . ... - M .... $1
-<lIUWt.-t:Kial " CWt; T __ wit .. ' - ' . .... oIoiC

Figure 22. Figure 24.

Fixedleading-edge slot at Rn600,000. Tapered NACA 2RI -15-D airfoil.



As previously discussed, the AC and
NP of tailless airplanes coincide . For
stability, the CG must be ahead of
the AC/NP. This produces a "force
couple"-lift upward and CG down-
ward-that must be balanced by a
1 , I rear download.
I ,,
, I
The larger the static margin (the
, I
,, distance between the CG and
I AC/NP), the greater the aft down -
C" , , I I •
I I , load necessary. Centrifugal force cre-
, ,
ated during maneuvers requires an
increase in all three : lift, weight at
the CG and balancing force.
Large static margins, however, are
more stable longitudinally; small
margins promote maneuverability,
but reduce stability. A safety margin
~~ ~ ~ 0 4 8 ~ ~ . N M R
M g ' . of af1 aclf , ct (d~(r~e 3J r e t err ea f a r o of c hOrd (SM) of 5 to 10 percent of the wing's
MAC is suggested.
Figure 26. TaperedNACA 00-15-3.45 (4 to 1) airfoil The swept-forward wing obtains
equilibrium by increased lift created
toward its tips. This permits the use
of cambered, high-Cj-rnax airfoils,
healthy stability margins and high-
lift devices.

This is important, longitudinally, for
tailless airplanes, because of their
28 limited longitudinal control when
L/. compared with "tailed" airplanes
3 20 (Chapter II , "Weight Distribution in
go /s , I
Design"). Massing the fixed weights
, ,
{) /2
of power and control units as close
to the CG as possible is recommend-
ed for tailless designs. Positioning
o f
(J -./
the fuel tank on the model 's CG will
-: avoid a possibly destabilizing shift of
e - .2
Airfoil : 00 -/5 - 3.45
the CG as fuel is consumed and the
R,N. (e ffec t;.,.) 8, / 3O,(}(XJ
DoTe: 9 ~28 ·3"
o .Z . ., .6 .8
Te3f : V OT- IIlS
1.0 U l 4
tank becomes lighter.
Lilt roe" ;".· '" t'i
C... _.. .. .~ ,~
Figure 27. Tapered NACA 00-15-3.45 airfoil In Chapter 1, "Airfoil Selection,"
graphic methods for locating the
WASHOUT AND SWEEPBACK provide root and tip airfoil ordi- AC and MAC of straight, tapered
Figures 24, 25, 26 and 27 reflect nates and aerodynamic center loca- and sweptback wings are explained.
wind-tunnel tests performed by tion. "S" is wing area and "b" is For multi-tapered wings-such as
NACA on four different wings. All span. Although tested at high Rns, the one shown in Figure 23--obtain
were stable at the stall (pitching these wings are a useful guide for the Y4 MACs of each panel (A and B)
moment becomes nega tive). The swept-back designs. using the methods shown in the
wing shown in Figure 24 has a aforementioned article. Calculate
reflexed airfoil and 8.5 degrees of DIHEDRAL the area of each panel (in square
washout. The wing in Figure 25 also Sweptback and delta wings need no inches) and , using the simple formu-
has a reflexed airfoil but no washout. dihedral. The plain and swept- las that accompany Figure 23, obtain
The wings shown in Figures 26 and forward types should have the dihe- the wing's AC and its MAC. A
27 have 3.45 degrees of washout. dral angles that are suggested in
In Figures 24, 25 and 27, the Chapter 9. Combined plain and
taper ratios are 2 to 1 from root to sweptback wings need a healthy
tip. In Figure 26, the wing's 4-to-l amount of dihedral in the plain sec-
taper invited early tip-stall, along tion to compensate for the
with reduced CL max. These figures anhedraled tips.


Chapter 24

Hull and Float -There must be adequate buoyancy

with substantial reserve while afloat.
The hull or floats described here
- Planing surfaces should have a were developed by NACA scientists
wetted area that's large enough to and tested in 2,OOO-foot-long towing
Design permit the model to accelerate to basins. Recorded were:
flying speed quickly.
-The hull's (or float's) trim angle at • Water resistance, with a range of
the hump should not cause the loads.
wing's airfoil to exceed its stalling
ew events give greater satis- angle of attack. • Trim angles, "free to trim " under

F faction than the successful

first flight of a model air-
plane that one has conceived,
-Spray should be well-controlled;
in particular, it should be prevented
from hitting the propeller.
hydrodynamic forces in the displace-
ment range, i.e., up to the hump and
at various controlled trim angles at
designed and built. Ensuring the -There should be no porpoising on plan ing speeds in excess of hump
success of that first flight and of takeoff, and no skipping on landing. speed.
subsequent flights is what th is -The model should weathercock to
series is all about. face into the wind when at rest, or • Scale-wing lift forces were included
Flying off water adds two new when taxiing on water at low speeds. in th e tests.
elem ents: hydrostatics (buoyancy)
and hydrodynamics (planin g lift). PLANING ACTION • Spray, porpoising and skipping
Flying boat or floatplane flying AND THE STEP tests were co n ducted during
is, if anything, mo re fun than fly- Figure 2 illustrates the step's func- simulated takeoffs and landings.
ing off land. There are few trees tion. Planing at speed, the forebody
over water to reach up and grab creates a trough in which the after- • Optimum CG location s, relative to
your model, and water is more for- body planes . With adequate step th e step.
giving than terra firma. depth, the hull or float rides on two
areas, and porpois ing, or skipping , is Two hull or float des igns were
• Float a n d h ull b asics. Figure 1 minimized. selected for th is chapter. The
shows views of a float , or hull,
with three cross-sections. Note the
Forebody Afterbody
following key points: Top contour CG~ - 100
-The "step" separates the fore-
body from the afterbody.
-The "keel flat" is the reference Bow
"=~k:ri"'=4::::::=Ea-- Sternpostangle
line for the "trim angle" shown in -""-'-----~
Figure 2. Keel
-The "sternpost angle" governs Chine

the hull's (or float 's) trim angle at Water rudder

e~triP~_,,<_ - _~
th e "hump."
-The "beam " is a critical
-The "step depth " is also a critical
-The "angle of deadrise" bears on Section A-A
Section B-B
the hull's planing performance.

Tumblehome - -- - - - - "

-The "deck" is only a reference
line. The top contour is the design-
er's choice.
'">".,"'". J n
I=- Spray strips

• Float a n d hull factors. For

successful water flying, the follow- Figure 1.
ing conditions must be met: Hull or ffoatbasics.



,- -
- Tnmangle

CG ------- C

<, 10' ----------.

degrees h as hum p trim of 12.5
degre es--well above the Wing's
stalling angle.
A properly designed forebody bot-
tom and spray strips will run very
cleanly. Spray hitting th e wings, tail,
or propeller can slow takeoff, not to
mention dam age the prop. At prop-
--------------- tip speeds of close to 300mph, water
Wakearolile----- Sternpost- - - is pretty " soli d."


Figure 2. The hull/float maximu m width, or
Forces ona hull In two-step ptanlng. beam, is critical for good water per-
formance. Too milch beam add s
dimensions of both are comparable tion of the stern post ang le, one can weight and air drag and makes th e
to those of R/C mode l water planes. control hump trim angles within a model hydrodynamically ready to
The first design has a short after- fairly wide range. lift off before the wing provides ade-
body that's suitable for floatplanes. There are two causes of hump quate lift. Skipping and wing stall
The second, with a long afterbody, is resistance: may result.
suitable for flying boats. Both With too little beam, the model sits
designs were tested with stern post • The hull is transitioning from low in the water and has higher
angles of 6 , 8 and 10 degrees. being a floating object supported by hump resistance and heavier spray.
hydrostatic buo yancy to being a Takeoff runs are lon ger. Too mu ch
THE "HUMP'" planing object supported by hydro- beam is bett er th an too little.
Figures 3 and 4 provide resistance dynamic forces that act mainl y on A study of NACA reports on hull
and trim angles for the short and the forebody bottom, but with buoy- design indicated th at a hull, plan ing
long afterbody hull/floats. Both fig- ancy still having some effect. at th e wing's stall speed, should gen-
ures merit close scrutiny. erate enough hydrodynamic lift to
Note the high points in the resis- • The hu ll/float must rise from full support th e model's gross weight.
tance curves--known, for obvious displacement dep th, floating, to its Further, at thi s speed, th e "wetted"
reasons, as the "hump." Not surpris- planing depth aided by wing lift as it len gth of th e forebody bottom
ingly, the maximum trim angles accelerates. would roughly equal th e beam. The
coincide with the hump. Beyond wetted area would then be the beam
hump speed, trim and resistance fall If the wing's AoA is above its stalling multiplied by th e beam (beam-),
off as the hull accelerates to plane angle at hump trim, the wing will The stall speed of a model depend s
lion the step." stall, and its contribution to raising on two factors: th e wing's CL max
Up to the hump, trim is controlled the aircraft will be largely lost . and its wing loading in ounces per
by both hydrostatic and hydro- Stalled, the wing will lose roll damp- square foot of wing area.
dynamic forces with little effective ing and aileron control, and the Model airfoils have a broad aver-
elevator action. Beyond the hump, wing floats may dig in and cause age CL max of 1.00, so wing loadin g
trim is progressively elevator - water looping. is the major factor govern ing a
con trolled as speed increases to A model wing's stall angle-at low mod el's sta ll speed. It was con -
liftoff velocity. Notable is th e influ- Rn, in ground effect, and with slot- clud ed th at a plani ng area (bearn-)
ence that stern post angles have on ted flaps extended-may be as low as relationship to wing loadin g could
trim angles at the hump for both 10 degrees. A short afterbod y hull / be used for floa t/hull-bea m
afterbod y lengths. By judicious selec- float with a stern post angle of 10 determination.

2.4 6
ui 2.0 5
1 1.6 ,/ 4 ~1 D'
UJ w
~ 1.2 LIFT
3 ~ 8

~ OFF ~ 6'
~ 0.8 8° 2 <
en .<,
UJ 4'
a: 0.4 ,

Omph 14mph 27mph 0'

Dmph 14mph 27mph

Figure 3.
Resistance andtrim angles; short afterbody andsternpost angles of 6, 8 and10degrees; beam2 loading at 2.5 oz. persquare inch.


Hull and Float Design ... CHAPTER 24

ui 2.0 5 /7

E //~~"._ " "

T 1.6 HUMP . : 4
~ 1.2 LIFT 3
s!!! 0.8 OFF
a: 0.4
4° .:»

Omph 14mph 27mph Omph 14mph 27mph

Figure 4.
Resistance andtrim angles; long afterbody andsternpost angles of 6, 8 and10degrees; beam2 loading at 2.5 oz. per sq. in.

An em pirica l so lu tio n to the percent of 6 inches, or 0.5 inch for name: "plani ng ta il hull. "
beam pro blem was devel op ed by an each float. This author designed, built and
analysis of the wing load ing s versus flew a model with this hull-the
beam- load ing of some 25 model Figures 1 and 2 show th e best CG Flamingo (see Chapter 26, "Con-
flying boats an d floatplanes, as location: along a line at 10 degrees to struction Designs"). Powered by a
shown in Figure 5. th e vertical, ahead of th e step/ Torpedo 0.15cid engine and con-
The curve in Figure 5 averages the forebody bottom com er. trolled by a Babcock receiver and
various po ints and may be used to The wing's optimum location is escapements, it flew well; the hull
determi ne your mod el's beam as fol- with its center of lift (Yo! of MAC) ver- was efficient.
lows: tically in line with th e CG. Some years later, it was modern-
ized with an 0 .5. Max O.35cid engine
• Estimate your design 's gross weight PORPOIS NG AND SKIPPING and a 4-channel radio that provided
(Figure 6 will help). Porpoising is th e up-and-down oscil- rudder, elevator aileron and engine
lation of the bow that occurs beyond con trol.
• Divide gross weight in ounces by hump speed . Skipping occurs One very und esirable trait sur-
the model's wing area in square feet on land ing when th e plane touches faced: th e Flamingo always weather-
to provide its wing loading in ounces down several tim es. Landing too fast cocked pointing downwind-not
per square foot. co ntribu tes to skipping, but good for takeoffs ! This was because
adequate step depth (8 to 9 percent of its narrow afterbody, rearward
• Refer to Figure 5, and select th e of the beam) avoids both of these CG and deep step, all of which
beam- loading th at correspo nds to undesirable cha racteristics. combined to make the model's
th e wing loading. For example, a stern sink low in the water.
wing loadin g of 20 oun ces per PLANING
sq uare foot (horizon tal) calls for a TAIL HULLS
bea m- loading of 2.6 ounc es per Durin g th e
square inch of beam (vertical). 1940s, in search
o f impro ved Beam = ~ ~g!!UQU 0
• Divide gross weight by the beam - p erf orman ce , Beam2 loading
loading. The result is th e forebody's NACA co n ti n -
wette d area in square inc h es. ued it s towing- 0

A gross weig ht of 93.6 ounces, ba sin tests, bu t @

divided by a beam - load ing of 2.6 on a new hull ~ 4

ounces per square inch gives a wet- form. 9

ted area of 36 squa re inches. This hull fea- :. 0 0
~ 3 00 0
tured a deep o 0
0 0 0 0
• The beam is the square root of th e po inted ste p ~o 00

wetted area. For 36 square inches, and a CG posi- 0

th e beam would be th e square root tioned at o r
of 36, or 6 inc hes . behind the step.
The aim was to
• For a twin-float plane, divide th e ha ve the afte r- Oo z So z 100.1 15 0 % 2 0 0 .1 250.1 3 0 0 .1 35 0 .1
beam in half for each float, i.e., 6 body contribute
divided by 2, or 3 inches per beam for more to th e
each float. Step depth should be hull 's hydro-
based on the total beam (6 inches, in dy na mic lift- Figure 5.
th is example) and would be 8.5 h en ce, th e Beam chart.



Above-water side areas were well

forward; below-water side areas were
well aft. Wind striking the side Hull
caused the model to weathervane-
but poi n ting downwind. Water-
and air-rudder control tried hard to
co rrec t this condition , but the
downwind win gtip float's water
dr ag rendered these controls I Trimangle
-- - ------- -- - --=
ineffective. Water line Hull wake profileruns betweenbooms
NACA tested further variations
of this hull and arrived at a config-
uration with no afterbody, just a Figure 7.
ver y de ep po inted ste p. Two Sea Loon II-planing action of hull andtwin boom afterbodies.
boom s exte nding back from twin
engin e nacelles replaced th e after-
body and carried horizontal and tive hydrodynamically, but it planes BUOYANCY
twin vertical surfaces at their aft with heavy spray. V-bottoms (type B) A cubic inch of water weighs 0.58
ends. This concept is reflected in absorb landing shock, but reduce ounce. A model weighing 100 ounces
th e author's Sea Loon (Figure 7). It effectiveness and have heavy spray. would require a displacement of 100
flew well. Types C, D and E are designed to divided by 0.58, or 173 cubic inches,
But the booms, which also pro- reduce "pounding" on takeoff and plus 100 percent reserve buoyancy, for
vided lat eral stability on the water, landing. Type F "cathedral" is popu- a total of 346 cubic inches.
did not sin k into the forebod y's lar for motorboats; spray is well- The NACA models on which Figure
wake as in Figure 2, but rod e on or controlled without external spray 10 was based were designed with 100
just under the undisturbed water strips, which are fragile and cause percent reservesfor a 94-ounce model
on either side of the forebody, as high air drag. (at the hull's lowest load). Adequate
in Figure 7. Type G "suggested" combines the buoyancy is not a problem.
Figures 3 and 4 do not appl y to efficiency of th e flat bottom with the For twin floats, a maximum dep th
this con figuratio n. Hump trim for spray control of the flared and cath e- tha t's equal to the maxim um beam
th e Sea Loon was established by dral types. Above all, its construction and a length th at's 60 to 70 percent
carefully selecting the verti cal-step is both simple and rugged (as shown of the airplane's length provide ade-
depth to provide a 9-degree stern- in Figure 9) and applies to both hulls qua te buoyancy and reserves.
post an gle. Th e ob jective was to and floats.
avoid wing stall at hump trim. Afterbodies do not require spray FLOAT OR HULL
Once past the hump, the twin strips; otherwise, construction is the PROPORTIONS
booms were clear of the water. same as that shown in Figure 9 and Figure 10 provides proportions of
based on the principles in Chapter both short- and long-afterbody hulls
FOREBODY 13, "Stressed Skin Design." or floats. The short version, if used
Figure 8 provides typical forebody for a flying boat, would require an
cross-sections of full-scale water air- BOW CONTOURS extension to provide an adequate
craft. Type A "flat" is the most effec- Bow contours for full-scale aircraft tail-moment arm (TMA) for longitu-
depend on the dinal stability. The long version pro-
aircraft's func- vides such a TMA.
140 ti o n. Fly ing
' 30
boats for
heavy sea duty

' 20 No spray control·LH With spray control-RH

lrf1 ~
Z 1 10 would have
3 1 00 boat-like bows;
• JO o for more mod- ~adrlse
g 80 erate dut y, A . Flat B. V·bollom C.Dornler
~ 70 0 bow s may
u 50 ~ 0 have a more
a 50 00 0
streamlined D. Flared E. "Edo" F. Cathedral
~ -"0 CD 0 sha pe. The double flared

~ 30 0 type illustrated
0 in Figure 10
0 has proven
00, 300, 600' 900, 12001 15001 18001 2100z 24001 2700z
i tself for
GROSS WEIGHT INOUNCES. model hulls G.Suggested bollom
and floats, and Figure 8.
Figure 6. it's not diffi- Hull andlIoat forebody bottoms andspray
Engine displacemenl vs. gross weight. cult to make. control.


Hull and Float Design .A CHAPTER 24

Knowing the hull's (or float's)

total length and having arrived at ,...-- - Forebody100% - - ---,..- -- - -
the beam, th e dim ensions of either h~::::;s=::::::::;::::=;::==1====¢::=:;:==~;;;;;;;;;~__I_l
version are easily calculated. Note
that hull or float depths are based on
the forebody length, and widt hs are : : : 04.=l~l=JJ~~J::::ls; :hordt~a;fte:rtbo:dy;:sSit;e rn;-;po~st~a~n~g,:
103.8% lorebody 01
Stern post depth
in percentages of the beam.
For twin -float planes, the calcu- 8.5% 01lorebody
lat ed beam is divided by 2 to provide Step=8-9% 01 max beam
each float's beam. Overall float --- --- -- -
length is 60 to 70 percent of the Five equal spaces Five equal spaces
plane's length . The step depth is
based on th e total beam and is
applied to each float.

WING ANGLE OF INODENCE Topview 65% 01 beam I--- - - Short afterbody

Chapter 18, "Propeller Selection and '--- - - - l ong afterbody -----..l

Estimati ng Level Flight Speeds," pro- 0.5 1 2 3 _ .4 _ Topcontour 5A

vides th e basis for calculating th e
angle of incidence necessary to pro-
vide adequate lift at the model's esti-
mated level cruise speed. For th e
Seagull Ill, th is was 0.5 degree. Q strIP , mm.65 beam
p:'yJ [ ]' Io P


5~-DJ ---
Chapter 16, "Landing Gear Design," 58 6 7 8 9
Afterbody sections
details the calculations necessary to
arrive at the wing's stalling angle (at FOl8body deplhs In pen:enl 0' forebody lenglh Beam widths In pen:enl 0' maximum beam al sla tlon 4
landing-speed Rns, in ground effect Station 0 0.5 1 2 3 10 5 Station 0 .5 1 2 3 4 5a-b 6 7 B 9
and with flaps extended) . Deck10 chine 8.9 11 15.3 22.5 24.8 Lon anerbod 10 59.6 74.7 88.8 97 100 99 96 87 68 37.3
The Seagull Ill's net stalling angle Deck to keel 8.9 17.5 21.6 24.8 24.8 Short an erbody 10 59.6 74.7 88.8 97 100 99 93 75 38
during the takeoff run is 15 degrees.
Since the wing is set at 0.5 degree in Figure 10.
level flight, the stall would occur Hull or float proportions.
14.5 degrees later.
The Seagull III's hu ll is th e long- degrees. With a wing stall at 14.5 wind float or even capsize the model.
afterbody type with a stern post angle deg rees and h ump trim of 10 These wing floats may be located
of 10 degrees. Hump trim for th is deg rees, the re is a good safety anywhere from the wing's tip to its
hull is 12 degrees; but because the margin- and wing stall at hu mp root. Mounte d close to the root, the
forebody keel flat is set at plu s 2 trim is avoided. floats must be larger to provide th e
degrees for level flight, this model's Beyond the hump, th e elevators greater buoyancy needed; fart her
hump trim angle is reduced to 10 take control of the model's trim, out, the y may be smaller and light er
an d at liftoff speed, moder- and have less drag.
ate up -elevator causes th e The planing surfaces of these
r---;;----- 8eam: 6" - - -- --, mod el to become airbo rne . wing floats must be of adequate area
3/16" balsa Corner radII: 1"
sheet .L and set at a great eno ugh angle to
FLYING BOAT LATERAL the hull's keel flat to cause the float
STABILITY AFLOAT to recover quickly while planing
Flying boats and single-float when disturbing forces cause th e
seaplanes need wing floats to model to heel, lowering one wingtip
/( prevent th em from tipping float to the water surface.
~" balsa bulkhead over. These must provide suf-
(f ficient buoyancy to cover a WlNGnp FLOAT DESIGN
situation in which th e model Refer to Figure 11. When th e mod el
is slowly taxiing crosswind heels to submerge one float, th e CG
with the hull (or single float) is displaced a distance "X ." This dis-
on the crest of a wave and the tance, in inches, multiplied by the
downwin d float in a nearby mode l's weight in ounces, gives the
trough. The upwind wing unb alan cin g mom ent in inch-
panel is elevated at a consider- ou nces. The corrective force is the
Figure 9. able angle to the wind, tend- buoyancy of the submerged float in
Typical hull or floatconstruction. ing to submerge the down- ounces, mu ltiplied by th e distan ce



volume lor wingllp 1I0at
inches) = " X" (CG movemen t inl nches) x gross weight (ounces ) x 3.5
Distance · Y" (Inches) x 0.58

Angle 01 heel-IIoatsubmerged
--I e
\ CG movement · X" __ -/
-- -----_
Seagull III in a flaps-down landing. Note the
-- - .... well-controlled spray from the forebody bot-
tom andthe plane's "at the hump" an/tude.

3 degrees to th e hull 's keel flat, as

shown. Viewed from th e front, th e
float bottom should para llel th e
water surface at con tact for maxi-
mum recovery action when plan ing.
Figure 11.
Wingtip-float-volume calculation. Wing

between the float and hull center- 75% of length and width
lines. The corrective buoyancy in at botlom
ounces has to be converted to cubic Front
inches and increased for th e reserve Total
buoyancy. The formula in Figure 11 depth
for float volume does all this and
includes a 2S0-percent reserve.
To design a float that has low drag
and the required volume is not diffi-
cult. Layo ut a block that will provide
the volume in cubic inches that pro-
vides the calculated buoyancy (Figure 1I0at volume (cuIn.) x 0.58
12). The width is the float beam Beam formula =
Hull beam 2 10ading
based on the hull beam- loading; its
length will be roughly four times that
of th e beam. Both depth and beam Wingtip 1I0at volume (cL)
Block length= --.:.....:..-- ----'---',---,
are calculated using the formulas in Beam [ln.] x etleclive depth (In.)
Figure 12. Draw the 3-views of your
float in and around this block as
shown. The float bottoms should be
Figure 13.
flat with sharp chine corners. Development of "Thurston" float from basic bfock.
The float bottom sho uld be set at

The Seagull III incorporates th e
Beam fOrmula =V 1I0at volume (cu.!n.) x 0.58 Float depth= Float volume ( Thurs ton float at its wingtips. These

FloatIJH",~~.m:2- O;:~ ~ :~:_=_=_=_=_=_~_i====F=lo=:at: b: e~a m>(-l<n: : :J'

are light and rugged, easily made
using sheet balsa and have low drag.
depth ~
Figure 13 provides their design basis.
Float oulline Side Front WATER RUDDERS
Water planes should have water rud-
ders for directional con trol because
th e air rudder is ineffective when th e
plane taxies at low speed. The
Seagull III has a water rudde r at the
base of the air rudder. The Osprey
1-- 4 x beam _
and Seahawk have water rudders
Top operated by separate servos twinned
(note lIat botlom) to the receiver's rudder channel. All
have good water control. .&

Figure 12.
Method of developing float tines from basic block of wingtip float volume.


Chapter 25

'I. MAC 1% 01wing area-aileron
-~A 8o/.-Rudder onIY _ _-l~1-
Proportions f o r ......- 1.5 10 2 !Chon!

.2· /f::::::::::::::::::=.._.!!R~ud!.llder 35% VT ----I~~ \.

IJ:.--,---<:- 1"
.............. ··· ·· ·· ······· C G,~ · ~ · ····

RIC Model \.i8~

~: '~ .
i 10· '. / ' Tricycle gear
, _~...._. __._.. ····----·· l·
Aircraft Area 1810 22%_ _~
10· t _

_ _ _ _ 01 wing area
AR 3105
Elev. - 35% ollail area

any mod elers design th eir

M mod els to reflect th eir

own ind ividuality. For
many reason s, they do not choose
- - -+-- 2.5 10 3 x chord

Wing area =span x chord Y

'I. M C
to follow th e detailed and some- Semi span
times complex suggestio ns present- 15% strip ailerons
Dinedral Angles
ed by authors such as me. Wing w/all . no all.
25% "C" High 2· 5·
The basic proporti ons presented Aspecl rallo 5 I 7 Mid 3· 6·
here are for a ran ge of mod els to l ow 4· 1·
A , ..

help modelers exercise th eir urge to . t / "

originate uni que, yet success ful, AR = Span
I ' 40%'
semi-span /~
models. They are easy to follow and ailerons Dihedral
requ ire a mini m um of calcul ation ; I
and th ey're divided in to six cate-
gories represented by:

• Figure 1. Basic proportions for 50% 01 semi-span

eight mod els with en gin e sizes of Figure 1.
from .10 to .60. Basic airplane proportions

• Figure 2. Basic twin-float


• Figure 3. Basic flyin g boat

proportion s.

• Figure 4. Basic glider proportions.

• Figure S. Proportion s for aerobat-

ic models powered by .40 to .50

• Figure 6. Airfoil layou t procedure

and ord in ates for six airfoils. See
appendix for performanc e cur ves.



~------- Length 5 x Chord - - - - - - .-1

42% 01 length 58% 01 length .-I
lorebody aherbody
Size to suit engine/1ank
.J.Jr-1=F: :;~
:;:' Area 15% 01wing--.,
rudder 35% V.T.- -/-""Oo,l '''1

- -- A - rea 20% 01 wing

'......:-'""'U""--;:::!~....----.---, -:. -
Elevators 40% H.T.

Aspect ratio6
.25 chord
75%01II mlspan


Depth 8.5%
ot lorebody
length See Fig 2 lor hull
- --_·__··_- w ._ . ._J>.__ Beam bonom design and
C .25 I chord stern post depth
All • 40%semi-span

Figure 3.
Basic flyingboatproportions.

m, Spray
,L Step

Strlp L-+::-~~::r-~;,,;:-,=:.e::!c~
Eng. disp.
beam (in.)
depth (in.)

0 10 2375
Forebod; V 0.15 2.5 151.32
0.25 2.5 151.32
035 2.825 1!.1
04 0 3.00 9/ 16
045-6 3.25 191.32
0.50 3.375 %
0.60-1 3.5 11/ 16

_. ...L._.L j __
l....-.l .
i..- 50% 01 semi-span --..: Figure 2.
Basic twin floatproportions.


Basic Proportions for RIC Model Aircraft A CHAPTER 25

;"'1( - - - - - - Length ------~ Section NACA 0012

Nosemoment arm Tail-moment arm _

1.5t 02 rMAC TNA Hor. tail Vert. tall

% wingarea % wingarea

l~~ ~ ~

Bto 10% 01 length 13% 6% :q

V~~?JL.J.!::~~---===It==~, \
Rudder 35% VT
.....·.... . . . . . . ..J(10·

l==]::~=t===ti~~~~ ~5;C
• CG
25% Mac I

I Semi
span Section NACA 0012
Aspect ratio 4.8
section NACA 001
area 20% of wing
elevator 40% H.T.
Aspect ratio 7 to 10 ~
slotted flaps
30% chord
Taper Root 2 - 11Pl and~ % .25
semi- MAC
Aspect ratio 6

Figure 4B.
Basic gliderproportions.

Taper ratio 0.6

_.- 25C

Figure 5.
Basic aerobatic airplane proportions.

AIRFOIL LAYOUT PROCEDURE • Leading-edge radius and location th e ch ord lin e, from the leading
Every serious modeler should know of its center. edg e. Some in terpolat io n is
how to develop an airfoil from its ne cessary.
published ordinates. All measurements are percentage of Depths abo ve and below the
These describe each airfoil by the chord length. An exception is chord line are measured in 1/ 50 -
three meas ureme nts: th e Clark Y, whose depth is mea- inch intervals; some interpolatio n
sured from its flat bottom, not its is n eed ed . The necessary calcula-
• Chord length and stations along chord lin e. With the bottom level, tions are sim ple.
the chord. the Clark Y is at an angle of attack
of 2 d egrees, measured on it s Stations
• Depth (ordinates) above and below chord line. Cho rd length x station percentage.
th e chord line at each This author measures the sta- Example: chord 7 in. x station 50 is
station . tions in l/ lO-inch intervals, along 3.5 inches from the leading edge.



Ordinates (depths) for a high-aspect-ratio tapered wing tical line at each chord station. In
Chord len gth (in.) x percent depth with many different ribs, this pro- Figure 68, the ordinate lengths,
2 cedure is both long and tedious. above and below the chord line
Example: a 7-in ch chord with Given chord lengths, airfoil have been measured. Using French
7.88% depth at station 50 is 7 + 2 x setion designat ion s, skin thick- curves, the points are joined
7.88 = 27.58 fiftieth s above the ness/spar location and sizes various smoothly to outli ne the airfoil. ....
chord lin e at station 50. companies can provide very accu-
rate computer-generated airfoil sec-
Most calcul at ors have a "Constant" tions at a reasonable cost.
feature. Using it, th e cho rd len gth Figure 6A illustrates a layout of a
is entered once; the sta tion or ordi- 7-inch chord E193 section with ver-
nate percentages on ly are needed
to complet e the calculatio n.
Note th at ordi nates below th e
chord lin e are negative, e.g., -2.5 . I
o .10 .20 .30 .40
Chord 7 inches
.50 .60

Nose ra d ius
Qu o ted as a percentage of the
chord's len gth, NACA airfoils, such
as NACA 241 2, locat e the center of
the nose rad ius by "slope of rad ius
through th e end of chord 2120."
Simp ly measure 2 in ch es from th e A- locating stationsand verticals
chord leadi ng edge; erect a vertical o .10 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.00
line 0.2 inch h igh , above th e cho rd
line. The d iagon al, from th e cho rd
line to th e top of the vertical line ,
locates th e cen ter of th e nos e
radi us. On a lO-inch wing chord,
this radius would be 0.158 in ch.
Laying out o ne airfoil sectio n take s B- Measure ordinatesand draw curves
15 to 20 minutes. For an un tap ered
wing, thi s is no problem . However, Figure 6.
Drawing £193 from ordinates.


, CLARK Y E193 NACA 2412 , E197


Chapter 26

Designs +3.5 0

ere are a few of the innov-

H ative RIC airplan e models

that th e author has
design ed . Th e various sport
plan es, canards, three-surface and
amphibious design s and gliders

included illustrate a variety of the

design elements and approaches 1 + - - - NACA 441 5 51 "
described in thi s book.
4.5" chord

.... mmmm T 3-------1

mmI!LE!m- - - - - - ....
Immm- - - - Type t:lIlUlltJ
Type urp/liblollllllort GrOll welgbl 7S oz.
Groll welgllt 110 oz. (I.nd); Wing ar• ..............................44411/. IR.
121 oz. (nlBI) Wing loading '4.3 oz. III. It.
Wing a~• ..........................666I11. I". Engine , ,............•3010.•35
Wing loading '4.3 oz••• tt. Prop 11Jx5 0I11JxB puhlr
(I.nd); tI.• oz••• It. (nlBI) Power loading 215oz./cld
881m2 loading 3.33 oz.
Engine ............................................•41 (Modll AI",,.,,, 1IIWtI, ..". '81)
Prop 11x6
Power loading 239.9oz./rld(l.nd);
213oz./rltJ (11II"')

(MtltJeI AI"".", NIWtI, OCt. '92)





r~H~t+~~ , 150

~~~J.~~Ofd;X:: r::S

1mID- - - - · --. ~ Slotted flaps

lftIe sport l....--- I---
I, ,.,::r r-r-
GrOSS welgbl 92 OZ. :,.,
.Wing area 60811I. In. "":
Wing loading 22 oz./rq. If.
"" ,............ ,
Engine ..48 ~/d '-..l:...... ""'-
Prop APe1M ,
Power loading 2tID oz./t:ld <0
E2.1!..... em

u:i i--:<= l -
-. 5" I.-
(Model AI",I."" NIIWB, SBpt. '93) ~f.

-. ~,, ~m~
-. 8.25" '--

GrOSS welgbl
EIImlm- - - - - - - - - - -
tllrltl-lllrlll. ".""
f11 oz.
1!I!1!II- - - - Wing area 226 III. In. (Iorsp");
Type pOWtlrsd glldIT
4!iIJ III. In. (III p8); 11211I. Ill.
Gross welgbl 55.375 (1ItJrlztJIIm1 mil)
Wing area 60211I. In.
Wing loading 21.7oz./dd
Wing loadln 13.16 oz./Iq. If.
Englne 46SF
engine 16
Prop APe 11116
Prop APe 8X4 Power loading 210.8 oz./dd
Power loading 367oz./Cld
(Mod,1 AI",I,,,,, 1IIwI, Jan. 'II)
(1Iodel AI",I,,,,, NIIWB, NOli. 1994)


Construction Designs ... CHAPTER 26

1+--- -- - -- - -- - 43.5"- - - - - - - - - - -

Inverted LE slot
\ Pivot
• E168
Stab llator section B-B
Mass balance

; ,. j,;
., JYpe
--- S
GrOSl weight : 81
Wing area .,.
Wing loading 25.4 DZ./ItI. II.
Engine 46
Inverted L.E. slots Prop APC 11x1 IN 11xT
Slotted flaps Power loading 191.3 oz./fI1I
(30% Chord)

(MtIII" AJIJI',n, Ntnn, Au,. '96)

l'cl",",I --t--Slot lip aileron

eetA A
Slot lip aileron
/rl - " -.
"':.1 Slot lip \
~" ~'~ ~7 --..0;:::::-"
--':::" \:

, , Fixed L.E. slot /
- -_ _: :'C ---
Wing section A.A Slotted flap /

Flap pivot - . +

Dihedral 3 0

1lDII- - - - - - - - - --.
_ ",ortAIoBt plBn,
GrOSl weight 113OZ.; 143oz. (wA/08I6)
Wing..... .. :; 76B.,. In.
Wing loldlng 211.112 DZ./BIt. 11.;
26.5 oz. (wA/DBI6)
EngIne 45
Prep APC 1M
Pow8r loading 251 oz./rlll;
317oz./CIII (wIl108I6)
(llstlB11lIII1fIIt, JIm, '91)



E214 @+3.5° E197 @+1.25° 15.8"

Ouler panel AC


average chord

Dihedral 5°

CG ~


Construction Designs ... CHAPTER 26

.--- - - - - - 5 1 " ------~

NACA 0012 _1 0 - -.===-.
Clark Y_ 2° NACA OO15 -

WL 0" -- __:.~ ~~ .~80---- -

--,---'-- - 20" 31" - - --

_L E193-

Wingspan: 61" 35" 1 75'

beam 38

Si~"n 1--- - 17" +---+-+-- 17625"



mmD- - - - - --....
... . . . . . .. . . ... . .•mpIJllJl_
Gross weight 4IIoz.
Wlig 11'8I 2511 If. III.
WIng loading 23I1Z./1f. It.
BeamZ loading 3.26 oz./lti. It.
Englnl 16
Prop .. 7x4 /IlIIIItI1
Power loading 261.6 oz./CIII
(fIDdB1 AmtItJn, Ot:t '87)

mm!I!J]]I- - - - ----,
. . . ....................................ttyI",1JuI
8r8a weight 112oz.
Wing 1I'8I 1BfIII. In.
Wing loading .. . 23.3 oz./lll. fl.
Btlmz loading 3.1111Z./1f. I".
ElgI 4Idd
Prep 11Jl8 puB/IM
Power IoadIH 243 oz./rld

1\4+':< (Re ..,.,., 011. '12)


~ Cl " Cl 001

Eppler 197 is a -."

moderately csm-
bered airfoil with a "
soft, gentle stall.
II has very low

.. . 12 '0

-, -, ..
- 0 300

.~ --
(/- O.

... ~
es os
1/ - 0.100
rr- Eppler airfoil 168 is
symmetrical with no

I:, t"' pitching moment,
" except at the stall, duro
-01 0 .. 0 .. 0.10 0.12 0' 4
il-'o '0 II
ing which the airfoil

- I<

-03 becomes nose-down
\\ 01(10
andis stabilizing.
- os -05

\\ O,1!lO

t~ ~::
- 01
"'- 0....

c: ---............ Cl
- "'5

" 12 -,
Eppler 214 is anaft·
loaded aIrfoilthathas
good lift. II starts to lift at
a negative angle of attack
and has camber near the
trailing edge.
- ,
.12 .. co .. II

" -.'
-, -, .rs
Cl Cl
" "

Eppler 211 is a foreplane
airfoil wIth a sharp stall
at lowRn. Note thereduc-
tionin angle of attack of
- , zero lift asRn is reduced.



o.", . J ......
Eppler 205Is moder-
atelycambered. It has
good 11ft andlow drag
at lowRn andIs thin-
nerthen Eppler 197.

Io400 ELllll I NOKANl l

E 105 110.5%1

· ......

Eppler 222 Is alsomoder-
atelycambered. It has
good 11ft andlowdrag at
lowRn andIs thinner than
Eppler 197.

E 222 110211


12 •.3

1 -25

Eppler 184 Is a
reflexed airfoil with a
low, nose-down pitch-


' 2 12 -.3
c --==--_
• eoooo
• '00000

, 200000
8 -,2

e -.1!l

02 ... .ce . 12 .14 10 1. 18


Eppler 230has a reflexed

trailing edge andhas a .e
nose-up pItching moment.

-e · 11 2

-, 25


A comprehensive guide to designing radio control model airplanes

• CHOOSING AIRFOILS Have you considered customiz-
ing one of your models to
• WING LOADING enhance its performance? or
• CG LOCATION designing your own RIC model
airplane? If you have , this book
• BASIC PROPORTIONS contains a gold mine of practi-

cal guidance, hints and tips that
will guarantee your scratch- ...
building and model-customizing success. From aerodynamics to structures
and control surfaces, Andy Lennon offers practical solutions and an under- - --- -
standing of why they work.
Which type of airfoil should be used? How should the weight and balance be
calculated? How can a plane be designed so it will be stable and have very lit-
tle drag? Should flaps be incorporated, and are they beneficial in reducing
landing speeds? With several decades of designing and flying successful model
aircraft, Andy answers these questions and many more in a practical, concise
way that will help you with nearly any project currently on your workbench.
Andy's book presents a thorough and comprehensive introduction to the
intriguing world of model aerodynamics. It's jam-packed with graphs and
charts that are easy to understand and extremely helpful to the new or sea-
soned designer. Airfoil selection , the all-important wing-loading calculation
and finding the proper CG location are just some of the topics to be found
in the opening chapters.
Learn how to design efficient horizontal and vertical tails , determine horizon-
tal tail incidence and estimate the downwash that affects that incidence. Andy
explains why these estimates are necessary and tells how to do it. Reducing
drag is a constant battle for the model designer; Andy shows how to do it
by properly shaping fuselages, streamlining land ing-gear wires, and cor-
rectly mounting the wing on the fuselage. If you 're seeking improved
aerobatic performance or a design that will perform well in a high-G turn,
Andy again spells out the answers.
Interested in building unconventional models that utilize canards or three
lifti ng surfaces? Andy clearly sets out the design principles. Sec rets for suc -
cessful seaplanes and floatplanes are also covered. Andy tops off his book
with a look at a few of his published designs, all of wh ich incorporate the
design pr inciples presented in this unique volume.
Whatever your modeling background , this book will be a valuable refer -
ence source in your RIC library, and it will never be outdated. Filled with
timeless insights that range from the findings of early NACA reports to
approaches adapted in modern aircraft, this work will serve you well time
and time aga in.
2023 12/05 2M HG

ISBN: 0 -911295-40- 2

i A'
II IIIII 90000>
9 78091' 295405

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