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1. Story telling is an activity that will best help learners understand math concepts.
2. Generalization part of the lesson, mathematics concepts are synthesized.

3. What makes the K to 12 curriculum relevant and responsive?

It responds to the needs of the community and matches learning with labor market
4. Practical work approach let the learners perform activities in order to arrive at a
conceptual understanding of situation.

5. Characteristic of a discovery approach

The learners learn how to learn rather than know what to learn.
6. Regarding the use of manipulatives in teaching mathematics in the classrooms these are
the characteristics:
a. Manipulatives increase mathematics achievement of learners.
b. Manipulatives improve children’s long-term and short-term retention of math.
c. Manipulatives help students move from concrete experiences to abstract reasoning.
7. Feature of K to 12 curriculum as learner-centered.
It focuses on the optimum development of the Filipino child.
8. Science curriculum emphasizes the minds-on/hands-on approach to teaching science. This
is consistent with the philosophy of teaching and learning called constuctivism. The
following are its characteristics:
d. The learning environment is democratic.
e. The learners are actively involved in the learning process.
f. The learners are encouraged to analyze, interpret, and predict information.
9. Characteristics of an integrative approach;
g. It encourages learners to work together towards common goals.
h. It helps learners organize information to develop a solution to problem.
i. It helps learners discover new ideas by actively participating in a challenging task.
10. In the K to 12 curriculum, science is taught formally from Grade 3 onwards. How do
science contents and process skills introduced to Grades 1 and 2?
They are integrated across different learning areas.
11. Asking the whole class to answer the learning activity or situation based on the concepts
learned. In which phase of the lesson does this activity take place?
12. Evaluation phase of the lesson, a teacher provide an activity or situation to find out if the
lesson objectives have been achieved
13. Inquiry approach is a science teaching approaches that uses carefully planned operation
14. When using science instructional materials, which of the following should be a primary
They should match the readiness levels of the learners.
15. Paper and pencil test in words building is the least authentic mode of assessment of
language teaching.
16. What must an English teacher do to ensure systematic and effective transition between
language activities?
Have the language tools/materials at the start of the activities.
17. Discovery approach divided the learners into several groups and gave each group
problems to work and report the results to the class.

18. A teacher teaches English as a second language. She uses word cards, open-ended
sentences, dictation, dialogues and writing exercises in teaching a lesson about library use.
What can you say about her works?
The teacher uses multiple techniques.
19. Effectiveness of language activities
The application of language skills learned in daily conversations.
20. Essay is a type of tests that measure the learners’ ability to organize thoughts and ideas
which eventually will be shared with others via the language they are skillful.
21. Which can help teachers in implementing effective teaching strategies in language
Interactive teaching
22. Teachers are enjoined to make use of authentic assessment in language particularly
communicative skills. Actual application of communicative skills learned in the outside
world accompanies authentic assessment.

23. What do the learners possessed if they used language with facility and effectiveness in any
given circumstances?
Communicative competence
24. Providing hands-on learning experience contributes to an effective English language
a. Computer assisted learning
b. Educational games
c. Multi-media
25. Araling Panlipunanan internalizes lifelong skills.
26. Role Playing is a strategy that provides learners the opportunity to feel the real situations
in a given event.
27. Visualization/imagination exercises is strategy that could be best used to make learners
think of alternatives in solving real-life problems.
28. Advantage of presenting lessons through education channels on television
Places, events and objects projected on screen help in visualizing life-like happening.
29. key features of the 21st Century Education
Lifelong education for all.
30. For effective use of instructional materials, the following criteria should be met
I. Authenticity
II. Appropriateness
III. Cost
IV. Interest
31. Why journal written by students important to the teacher?
It assesses what transpired during the learning process.
32. Industrial Arts is the field area in the present k to 12 TLE Curriculum that covers the
competencies on drafting, electronics and automotive technology

33. Every TLE subject has its curriculum map. How are these curriculum maps used in the
teaching-learning process?
It provides guidelines on what subjects and prerequisites to finish the course.
34. Authentic assessment uses real-life situations, objects and materials existing in the
35. One of the most authentic method of assessment is performance-based
36. Important characteristic of a constructivist teacher
Emphasizes cooperative learning.
37. Music is both an aural and a temporal art. Basic characteristics:
I. The nature of music is expressive, ongoing and creative.
II. Music is a creative avenue for man’s individual quest for self-expression and
III. Music conveys ideas and feelings in a way that addresses the human spirit.
38. The content of k to 12 Music and Arts Curricula is presented on a ladderized scheme. Its
implication to the teaching-learning process is that application of basic skills requires
teacher’s proficiency.
39. Learning to knowis UNESCO’s Pillar of Learning that focuses on the mastery of numeracy,
literacy and life skills
40. Rubrics is a scoring tool identifies the various criteria relevant to a learning activity in order
to assess student’s learning
41. Which of the following characteristics of the Health curriculum applies life skills to
specific health choices and behavior?
Health and Life Skills-based
42. What health content area emphasizes developmental milestones and health concerns during
puberty and adolescence?
Growth and Development
43. Grade Level Standards is a feature of the Health Curriculum that serves as basis for the
teacher to develop desired concepts appropriate to the grade level
44. The Learning Pyramid shows strategies that could retain high percentage of students’
interest in the teaching-learning process and teach others have the highest percentage of
retention rate.
45. Application is a part of the teaching process that helps the teacher determine if she has
achieved the lesson’s objectives.
46. Constructivism apply scaffolding in the learning process.
47. Characteristics of instructional materials in teaching values have meaningful and suitable
to the lesson
48. What is the most significant role of a Values Education Teacher?
Modifying abstract values to practical values.
49. A physical Education teacher provides a number of tasks to the learners to carry out
independently within the given time. What teaching style is associated with the situation?
The practical style
50. What learning strand of PE relates to the fundamental movement patterns and motor skills
that form the basis of all physical activities?
Movement skills
51. Individualized instruction enables the learners to perform the assigned task/s with less
supervision from the teacher
52. Selection and utilization of PE instructional materials
a. They must be reviewed before they could be used.
b. They must be appropriate to the learner’s age and maturity.
c. They have proven effective in improving cognition and skills of learners.
53. Cooperative learning helps learners develop their non-verbal communication skills?
54. Body movement is the learning strand of PE that requires the learner to demonstrate
understanding of body awareness, space awareness, qualities and movement relationships
through participation in different physical activities.
55. Command style allows the teacher to make all the decisions about the entire teaching
process and give step-by-step procedures that must be followed by the learners.
56. Teacher C teaches elementary in a rural community not reached by the electricity yet, but
she has some tapes which can be useful to teach the topics on weather. What practical
audio-visual material should she use instead? (Pictures)
57. Value clarification as a strategy in Values Education classes is anchored in Idealism
58. Conceptualization of a value system is the highest level of Instructional objectives in the
affective domain that includes receiving, responding, and valuing.
59. A Physical Education teacher wrote this objective in her lesson plan, "To execute the four
fundamental dance steps." When observed by the school principal, she was showing her
class how to execute the basic dance steps correctly. Why did the teacher use a
demonstration method to implement her objective?
It is easier to imitate a teacher who shows the steps.
60. Teacher Maila wants to develop the listening ability of her pupils. Which should she do
Repeating questions and students' responses.
61. To teach your students how to follow steps in a recipe effectively, which method should
you use?
62. Why ICT?
I. The use of ICT has negative effects
II. The use of ICT has a lot of benefits.
63. The following statements describe the team approach in differentiating instruction for
Teachers, other professionals and parents share information and skills to make student's
education as effective and consistent as possible.
64. The Basic Education Curriculum is grounded on the constructivist philosophy of
education. Who is then the ideal teacher of the BEC?
One who enables learners to become discoverers of knowledge.
65. It is best for a teacher to use educational technology in a constructivist way.
Student writes a reaction paper to an article read on the internet.
Student does group project slide deck presentation to the class.
66. After the holidays, there was much chatter and sharing of stories in class. You are
confronted with behavioral management. You have a well-planned lesson which you
cannot start. What is the best strategy for the class to settle down so you can start the
Give the class 10 minutes to share how they spent the holidays.
67. Real objects are instructional materials serve as most effective to the tactile learners.
68. In democratic classrooms students participate in the kind of "learning to live together".
69. Visual learner verbally describes what they learn to another person.
70. Demonstrationt is the best method to use in presenting a lesson which would need
sophisticated and expensive equipment and technical know-how.
71. Principal Andales wants her teachers to be constructivist in their teaching orientation.
Which does she want her teachers to do?
Make their students derive meaning from what is presented.
72. Panel discussion generates many ideas.
73. In preparing storyboards for Slide deck presentations, the rule of 6x6 must be strictly
74. Activities appealing to the bodily-kinesthetic learners
a. Making math moves
b. Joining extramural events
c. Doing simple calisthenics
75. A Digital divide means
I. The gap between people with effective access to digital and information technology
and those with very limited or no access at all
II. The imbalance both in physical access to technology and the resources and skills
needed to for effective participation.

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