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Ch37 7/10/08 9:47 AM Page 388


Upper Airway Obstruction

José C. Yataco, MD
Atul C. Mehta, MD

Critical Care Pearls

• Upper airway obstruction (UAO) is a life-threatening emergency that requires prompt

diagnosis and treatment.
• Severe UAO can be surprisingly asymptomatic at rest if it develops gradually. Sudden
clinical deterioration is unpredictable.
• Patients with possible UAO must never be sedated until the airway is secured. Minimal
sedation may precipitate acute respiratory failure.
• Achievement of airway patency in total airway obstruction and reestablishment of venti-
latory airflow is the first and foremost goal of the treating physicians.
• Critical care physicians must be aware that pharmacologic interventions (epinephrine,
steroids, and heliox) provide temporary support but cannot significantly improve
mechanical UAO.
• Bronchoscopy constitutes the most accurate diagnostic tool and frequently provides the
best way to correct UAO.
• Cricothyroidotomy is the surgical intervention of choice to reestablish airflow when
medical interventions have failed.

U pper airway obstruction (UAO) is one of

the most serious emergencies faced by
critical care physicians. Early diagnosis fol-
method appropriate at the time. No single
method is suitable in all instances; selection
depends on the assessment of the circum-
lowed by restoration of airflow is essential to stances (1-3). The timing of the intervention,
prevent cardiac arrest or irreversible brain medical, or surgical, is determined based on
damage that occurs within minutes of com- the condition of the patient. In practice, an
plete airway obstruction (1,2). elective procedure before acute decompensa-
Although a long list of causes may be tion is always preferable.
responsible for acute UAO, management must
begin almost immediately after recognition of
the problem. If there is an actual or potential Etiology and Pathogenesis
obstruction sufficient to cause ventilatory or
oxygenation impairment, an intervention to For purposes of this chapter, upper airway
secure the airway is indicated by whatever is considered to represent the conducting

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passages extending from the nose or mouth linear airflow is a function of the fourth
to the main carina (Figure 37-1). power of the radius (2-4). Although UAO
UAO may be functional or anatomic and occurs at any level of the upper respiratory
may develop acutely or subacutely. Relapsing tract, laryngeal obstruction has a particular
polychondritis constitutes a good example of importance because the larynx is the narrow-
functional UAO caused by lack of a firm carti- est portion of the upper airway. The narrow-
laginous structure to support the tracheal est portion of the larynx is at the glottis in
wall. Squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx adults and the subglottis in infants (5).
represents an anatomic example of UAO. Some infections such as parapharyngeal
Narrowing of the upper respiratory tract or retropharyngeal abscesses and Ludwig
has an exponential effect on airflow because angina (mixed infection of floor of the

Palatine tonsil
Oral pharynx
Retropharyngeal space
Root of tongue
Geniohyoid muscle
Mylohyoid muscle
Vocal cord
Thyroid cartilage
Cricoid cartilage



Figure 37-1 Anatomy of the upper airway. (Adapted from Aboussouan L, Stoller JK. Diagnosis
and management of upper airway obstruction. Clin Chest Med. 1994;15:35-53; with permission.)
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390 Systemic Disorders

mouth) can be associated with severe soft tis-

sue swelling causing UAO.
The differential diagnosis of UAO is wide
and varies by age group and by clinical set-
ting. Table 37-1 summarizes the most com-
mon causes of airway obstruction. Figures
37-2 and 37-3 show examples of benign and
malignant causes of UAO.

Clinical Signs and Symptoms

In a conscious patient, signs and symptoms of
UAO include marked respiratory distress,
altered voice, dysphagia, odynophagia, the
hand-to-the-throat choking sign, stridor, facial
swelling, prominence of neck veins, absence of Figure 37-2 Tracheal amyloidosis causing
air entry into the chest, and tachycardia. In an narrowing of the distal trachea.

Table 37-1 Differential Diagnosis of Upper

Airway Obstruction According to Etiology
Traumatic causes
• Laryngeal stenosis
• Airway burn
• Acute laryngeal injury
• Facial trauma (mandibular or maxillary fractures)
• Hemorrhage
• Suppurative parotitis
• Retropharyngeal abscess
• Tonsillar hypertrophy
• Ludwig’s angina
• Epiglottitis
• Laryngitis
• Laryngotracheobronchitis (croup)
• Diphtheria
Iatrogenic causes
• Tracheal stenosis post-tracheostomy Figure 37-3 Extrinsic compression of the
• Tracheal stenosis post-intubation trachea caused by intrathoracic malignancy.
• Mucous ball from transtracheal catheter
Foreign bodies
Vocal cord paralysis unconscious or sedated patient, the first sign of
Tumors airway obstruction may be inability to ventilate
• Laryngeal tumors (benign or malignant) with a bag-valve mask after an attempt to open
• Laryngeal papillomatosis the airway with a jaw-thrust maneuver. After a
• Tracheal stenosis (caused by intrinsic or few minutes of complete airway obstruction,
extrinsic tumors) asphyxiation progresses to cyanosis, bradycar-
Angioedema dia, hypotension, and irreversible cardiovascu-
• Anaphylactic reactions lar collapse (1-3).
• C1 inhibitor deficiency
Occasionally, UAO can develop slowly and is
• Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
confused with reactive airway disease. However,
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the obstructive noise or stridor is thought to be the radiology suite for scanning need to be
a specific for UAO. Stridor is heard during the carefully considered.
entire respiratory cycle but typically intensifies
during inspiration and is usually more promi- Spirometry
nent above the neck. The presence of stridor
indicates severe airway obstruction (airway pas- Spirometry can be used in the patient with
sage <5 mm) but unfortunately does not help to gradual and mild symptoms of UAO. It is rela-
specify its nature or location (4). tively insensitive and has no role in the man-
agement of a patient with acute respiratory
distress (3,4). Analysis of the flow-volume
Investigations loops may be helpful suggesting the location
and functional severity of the obstruction
The most important diagnostic tool if UAO is (Figure 37-4 A-D).
suspected is a quick history and physical
examination. Many times, management of a Bronchoscopy
patient with UAO must start simultaneously
with the diagnostic process. It is useful to Rigid or flexible bronchoscopy with direct
separate patients with potential UAO into visualization is the most effective tool in
those with severe symptoms and impending establishing diagnosis and frequently pro-
respiratory failure and those with a more vides the best way to correct UAO. The rigid
indolent course and less severe symptoms. It bronchoscope can be used in the emergency
is important to understand that airway resist- setting to secure the airway by carefully pass-
ance varies inversely with the fourth power of ing it through the stenotic segment.
the radius at the point of UAO, and that small Flexible bronchoscopy can be used to estab-
changes in the underlying pathology may lish the diagnosis as well deliver treatment
dramatically worsen respiratory airflow. including laser therapy, photoresection, electro-
cautery electrosurgery, balloon bronchoplasty,
Plain Chest and Neck Radiographs and tracheal stenting once the airway has been
secured and the patient stabilized (2,3). It is
Plain neck and chest films may be useful as important to have a secured airway or the
screening tests by identifying tracheal devia- immediate means to have one because flexible
tion, extrinsic compression, or radiopaque bronchoscopy can worsen UAO to a critical level.
foreign bodies. Lateral neck radiographs
are considered insensitive and may result
in unnecessary delay in securing the airway Management
Establishing a secure and patent airway is the
Computed Tomography most important goal in the resuscitation of a
patient with acute UAO. A quick evaluation
Computed tomography (CT) can be impor- considering age group, history, physical
tant in investigating UAO in the stable examination, and clinical circumstances helps
patient or in the unstable patient with an determine the site and cause of obstruction,
already secured airway. High-resolution CT the severity of the obstruction, and the need
of neck and chest can help identify intrinsic to establish an airway urgently.
and extrinsic tumors, vascular structures, In the outpatient setting the most common
and foreign bodies. It can also provide infor- cause of UAO is obstruction of the larynx with
mation on the degree and extension of airway a foreign body. Heimlich maneuver is recom-
compromise in UAO (1,4). However, the risks mended for relief of the airway obstruction in
and benefits of transporting such a patient to adults and children one to eight years of age. A
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392 Systemic Disorders

10 10

5 5

Airflow, L/ S
Airflow, L/ S

5 Inspiration 5 Inspiration

10 10
100 0 100 0
A Lung volume, % VC B Lung volume, % VC

10 10

5 5
Airflow, L/ S

Airflow, L/ S

Inspiration Inspiration

5 5

10 10
100 0 100 0
C Lung volume, % VC D Lung volume, % VC
Figure 37-4 Flow-volume curves in upper airway obstruction. (A) indicates the normal contour of
the inspiratory and expiratory curves; (B) With variable intrathoracic obstruction (e.g.,
tracheomalacia within the thorax), obstruction is marked during exhalation with marked truncation
of the expiratory curve; (C) With variable extrathoracic obstruction (e.g., collapse of tracheal carti-
lage in the neck following trauma), obstruction is more marked during inspiration; (D) Finally, with
fixed obstructions (e.g., tracheal stenosis), both the inspiratory and expiratory curves are markedly
truncated. (Adapted from Hall JB, Schmidt GA, Wood LD, eds. Principles of Critical Care. New York:
McGraw-Hill; 1992; with permission.)

subdiaphragmatic abdominal thrust can force cheal intubation (transnasally or orally),

air from the lungs; this may be sufficient to tracheotomy, cricothyroidotomy, fiberoptic
create an artificial cough and expel a foreign intubation, racemic epinephrine, corticos-
body from the airway. Repeat abdominal teroids, helium–oxygen mixtures, laser ther-
thrusts may be needed to clear the airway. apy, bronchoscopic dilation, and airway
Several medical and surgical approaches stenting (Table 37-2). The selection of the
are available in the management of UAO intervention will depend on the cause of UAO
including oropharyngeal airways, endotra- and the urgency to obtain a secure airway.
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Upper Airway Obstruction 393

Table 37-2 Interventions in Upper Airway reducing airway edema. Randomized trials
Obstruction have confirmed the usefulness of corticos-
teroids in the treatment of croup with
Medical Interventions decreases in the need for intubation and
Heimlich maneuver (suspected foreign body
hospital stay (9). However the treatment of
epiglottitis with steroids is controversial and
Oropharyngeal airways
Endotracheal intubation (transnasally or orally) often contraindicated (5).
Racemic epinephrine Experimental studies in animals have
Corticosteroids shown that corticosteroids given at the time
Helium–oxygen mixture of extubation decrease capillary dilatation
Surgical or Bronchoscopic Interventions and permeability as well as edema formation
Fiberoptic intubation and inflammatory cells infiltration. The pre-
Cricothyroidotomy ventive use of steroids for postextubation
Tracheostomy laryngeal edema is until now widely accepted.
Laser/electrocautery/balloon dilation
However, a placebo controlled, double-blind,
Airway stenting
multicenter study showed that dexametha-
sone does not prevent laryngeal edema after
Racemic Epinephrine tracheal extubation, regardless of intubation
duration (8-10).
Racemic epinephrine is usually used in cir-
cumstances when the patient with a partial
UAO is still conscious and able to ventilate, Heliox
and vasoconstriction is desired to decrease
mucosal edema. Heliox, a helium–oxygen gas mixture, is
Racemic epinephrine administered by effective in reducing the work of breathing by
means of a nebulizer has been proven to be decreasing airway resistance to turbulent
effective in treating croup (laryngotracheo- flow in the density-dependent pressure drop
bronchitis) in the pediatric population across the airway obstruction. Heliox has
decreasing morbidity, mortality, and hospital been used in several conditions including
stay (6). Conversely, racemic epinephrine is postextubation laryngeal edema, tracheal
not effective in the treatment of epiglottitis stenosis or extrinsic compression, status
and may be deleterious (7). asthmaticus, and angioedema (11,12).
Racemic epinephrine also is used to treat To be effective, the helium–oxygen ratio
postextubation laryngeal edema, which has must be at least 70:30. Unfortunately, most
been reported to occur from 2.3% to 6.9% (8). patients with UAO also have lung disease with
The typical case is that of a patient, breathing varying degrees of hypoxemia preventing the
easily for the first two or three hours, followed use of heliox at effective concentrations.
by the gradual progression of dyspnea, Although the work of breathing and dyspnea
inspiratory stridor, and increased work of improves to some degree with the use of
breathing. In this situation repeat racemic heliox, the mechanical obstruction is still in
epinephrine treatments can be used as a tem- place. The use of heliox in patients with
porary measure until the acute swelling and severe UAO should only be used to provide
inflammation subsides. These patients should temporary support pending definitive diagno-
remain in the intensive care unit under care- sis and management.
ful observation until it is confirmed that the
UAO has resolved or greatly improved. Endotracheal Intubation

Corticosteroids In most cases of UAO, the patency of the

upper airway can be reestablished with endo-
Corticosteroids have been used to treat UAO tracheal intubation after rapid assessment of
because of their potential beneficial effect in the patient’s airway anatomy. Evaluation of
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394 Systemic Disorders

mouth opening (>40 mm), dentition, cervical roidotomy be converted to formal tra-
spine mobility (flexion-extension), thyromen- cheotomy if longer than 72 hours of use is
tal distance (normal is >3 finger breadths) anticipated.
and the function of the temporomandibular Tracheostomy is probably the last option
joints are key to subsequent success and available to establish an airway in acute UAO.
avoidance of complications (13,14). Laryngeal trauma is a relative contraindica-
Orotracheal intubation under direct visu- tion to cricothyroidotomy and laryngotra-
alization with a laryngoscope is the most cheal intubation; it is the only indication for
commonly used route for emergency intuba- emergency tracheostomy. This procedure is
tions. In patients with distorted airway time-consuming and requires expertize and
anatomy or suspected cervical spine injury, attention to detail. Comparison of emergent
fiberoptic bronchoscopy can be used to guide versus elective tracheotomy reveals a twofold
the intubation. The endotracheal tube is posi- complication rate in the former because of
tioned over a bronchoscope; the operator the time spent on isolating the trachea as a
introduces the fiberoptic bronchoscope into result of commonly occurring bleeding (13,15).
the patient’s mouth or nose and advances it Cricothyroidotomy has a higher success
through the vocal cords into the trachea. The rate than tracheostomy; it also has better
endotracheal tube is then advanced over the patient neurologic outcome based primarily
bronchoscope. on less time required for the procedure (11).
A prompt and successful intubation in a Overall, patients requiring an emergency
patient with UAO allows restoration of ade- surgical airway have a relatively high mor-
quate ventilation and oxygenation and the tality (15).
performance of further diagnostic and thera-
peutic procedures. Laser Therapy

Surgical Interventions Carbon dioxide or neodymium:yttrium-alu-

minum-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser therapy can be
Overall, emergency laryngotracheal intuba- used to treat intraluminal tracheobronchial
tion is effective in approximately 97% of lesions once the UAO has been stabilized with
cases (13). Thus, a surgical airway is needed a secure airway. Although the onset of airway
in only 3% of such emergencies. The need for compromise is usually gradual, some patients
an immediate surgical airway must be evalu- remain asymptomatic despite airways that
ated considering the potential difficulties are only two to three millimeter in diameter.
associated with emergency intubation. In These patients only develop dyspnea on exer-
cases of UAO the surgical airway is consid- cise or when complete blockage results from
ered emergently in cases of laryngotracheal mucus, bleeding, or inflammation with
trauma, foreign body lodged in the pharyngo- swelling. Laser therapy can be used to excise
laryngeal area, or severe anatomic deformity tracheal webs, to treat benign obstructive
caused by trauma. lesions, or as palliative therapy for malignant
When surgical airway management is tracheobronchial lesions.
required, cricothyroidotomy is the procedure
of choice in the emergency setting; it is faster Tracheal Stenting
(average 30 sec), simpler, and more likely to
be successful than tracheotomy. Intraluminal Tracheal stents placed using either rigid or
diameter of the trachea is narrowest at the flexible bronchoscopy can be helpful to main-
level of the cricoid; there is concern that pro- tain a patent airway in patients with tracheal
longed use of a cricothyroidotomy may cause obstruction caused by benign or malignant
subglottic injury and lead to subglottic nar- conditions. Airway resection and reconstruc-
rowing. It is recommended that cricothy- tion provide the definitive correction, but
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many patients have unresectable disease. For monary condition (18-20). There are two
these patients, therapeutic bronchoscopy types of postobstructive pulmonary edema.
provides rapid palliation that can be life- Type I follows a sudden, severe airway
saving and improve quality of life. Benign obstruction such as postextubation laryn-
lesions can be managed with dilation, with or gospasm, epiglottitis, croup, strangulation,
without laser resection. Malignant lesions choking, and hanging. Type I is associated
often require core out of the tumor with a with any cause of acute UAO. Type II pul-
rigid bronchoscope followed by laser, photo- monary edema develops after surgical relief
dynamic therapy, brachytherapy, cryotherapy, of long-term UAO. Reported causes include
or electrocautery. Airway stents are a valuable tonsillectomy and removal of upper airway
adjunct to these techniques and can provide tumors. Postobstructive pulmonary edema
prolonged palliation from an unresectable usually occurs within one hour of a precipi-
recalcitrant benign stenosis or rapidly recur- tating event but it has reported to occur up to
rent endoluminal tumor. six hours later. The exact pathogenesis is
Neither silicone nor the available metal unclear but the current theory is that young
stents conform to all the ideal characteristics patients are able to generate extremely high
desired for an endobronchial stent. The sili- negative intrathoracic pressure, which
cone stent has the advantages of being easily increases venous return, decreases cardiac
repositioned or removed, causing minimal output, and causes fluid transudation into
granulation, and being inexpensive. Its disad- the alveolar space. The cause of type II posto-
vantages are the need for rigid bronchoscopy bstructive pulmonary edema is less clear,
and general anesthesia, reduced inner diame- but it appears that the obstructing lesion
ter, and the potential for being dislodged or produces a modest level of positive end-
distorted (16,17). The expandable metal stent expiratory pressure (PEEP) and increases
has the advantages of being easily delivered end-expiratory lung volume. The sudden
with flexible bronchoscopy, having minimal removal of this PEEP may then lead to inter-
migration, and conforming well to the stitial fluid transudation and pulmonary
anatomy of the airway. The major disadvan- edema (20).
tage is that it is permanent and can cause sig- The treatment of postobstructive pul-
nificant granulation tissue within the stent monary edema is supportive with supplemen-
(17). Because of the intrinsic problems asso- tal oxygen, intubation, and application of low
ciated with airway stents, regardless of type, levels of PEEP (5 cm H2O). The role of diuret-
it is important to remember that these ics in this setting is unclear. Most patients
patients require lifelong management and respond promptly to appropriate treatment
are at risk for development of stent obstruc- and have full recovery.
tion or migration. In one series, 41% of
patients required additional endoscopic
interventions to maintain airway patency. In Summary
patients with benign disease and normal life
expectancy (e.g., relapsing polychondritis) a Upper airway obstruction is a potentially fatal
much higher percentage of patients require emergency faced by critical care physicians. It
further interventions (16,17). can be caused by myriad conditions that will
require a particular treatment after appropri-
Complications ate diagnosis. Regardless of the specific cause,
the patient with UAO must be carefully moni-
Pulmonary Edema tored in the ICU for impending respiratory
Postobstructive pulmonary edema is the sud- failure. A secure and patent airway should be
den onset of edema following UAO without established if clinical deterioration is seen.
evidence of any other underlying cardiopul- Pharmacologic interventions have limited
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396 Systemic Disorders

Stridor suggestive of

Quick history and physical


Impending respiratory failure Gradual onset and mild


Urgent establishment of Selection of appropriate ancillary

patent airway studies:
• Bronchoscopy
Is ET intubation • CT upper airway
possible? • Spirometry

Direct or fiberoptic

Crycothyroidotomy vs

Figure 37-5 Algorithm for management of upper airway obstruction. (CT = computed tomography;
ET = endotracheal; UAO = upper airway obstruction.)

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