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nt P tice
C o n di

ti o n y o u r s

he a ®
a n d w ell-b ein g
Chunyi Lin
Paul R. Scheele
All worldwide rights are reserved and exclusively owned by Learning Strategies
Corporation. No part of this publication or recording may be reproduced or
distributed in part or in whole in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or
retrieval system, without prior written permission.

Copyright 2007 by Learning Strategies Corporation

ISBN-13: 978-0-925480-70-5
First Edition May 2007
“Paraliminal,” “PhotoReading,” “Genius Code,” and “Natural Brilliance” are
registered trademarks of Learning Strategies Corporation. “Spring Forest Qigong” is
a registered trademark of Chunyi Lin. “Holosync” is a registered trademark of, and is
licensed by, Centerpointe Research Institute. “Diamond Feng Shui” is a trademark of
Marie Vyncke-Diamond.
Any application of this program is at the user’s discretion and sole responsibility.
This program is not intended as a replacement for any medical treatment or therapy
by a physician or other licensed health care provider. If you have any neurological or
respiratory disorders or severe mental and/or emotional problems, please contact your
physician or other licensed health care provider for advice on using this program.

Learning Strategies Corporation Spring Forest Qigong

Discover your vast potential and rich internal resources A healer in every family and a world without pain
2000 Plymouth Road 7520 Market Place Drive
Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305-2335 USA Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344-3766 USA
Toll-Free 1-888-800-2688 • 1-952-767-9800 1-952-593-5555 • Fax 1-952-593-5557
Fax 1-952-475-2373


Paraliminal, as derived from the Greek para (beyond) and liminal
(threshold), means “beyond the threshold of conscious awareness.”

Stimulate your mind with a Paraliminal recording to quickly improve your

life and maximize your potential. More than a million Paraliminals are
already in use by people all around the world.
Listen with stereo headphones to receive a unique, multilevel
communication for each hemisphere of the brain–all without subliminal
messages. You’ll hear a variety of messages coming into each ear in a
soothing, effective, and pleasurable way.
As you listen, choose which message to attend, or float down the middle
between the voices. From time to time your attention will switch, causing
you to perceive the recording differently with each listening. BUT, your
nonconscious mind receives and processes the entire message each time,
which is part of the effectiveness and beauty of Paraliminal technology.
On a very deep level you will be learning strategies to help you respond
differently in the world so that you get the results you want. That’s the
source of our company’s name, Learning Strategies Corporation.
More information on how Paraliminals work can be found at

tips and insights

• Create quiet time to focus inwardly. Choose an environment relatively
free from distractions. Sit comfortably or recline. You will receive
minimal benefit if you merely play a Paraliminal in the background; do not
listen while driving or operating machinery.
• On some Paraliminal recordings you will be asked questions to help you
focus on the benefit you desire. Pause the recording as needed.
• If interrupted, simply open your eyes, deal with the matter, and then continue.
• If you fall asleep while listening, you will still gain benefit providing you
clearly state your purpose for the session at the beginning.
• To listen to more than one Paraliminal, take a 20-minute break between.
• Paraliminals are catalysts for change. They facilitate access to strengths
already within you. When you succeed, it’s your success–not the recordings.
• Most changes are integrated within three days. Continued listening can
reinforce continued development. When not getting the results you want,
consider changing 1) the time of day you listen, 2) whether you are sitting
or reclining, 3) the room, or 4) the furniture you sit or recline on (listening
on a sofa might not generate results if you usually use the sofa for napping).
• You will finish your Paraliminal session with the Ending Exercise as you
would at the end of a Sitting Meditation. You may wait to massage your
ears until after Chunyi Lin concludes the session and you remove your
stereo headphones.
• Visit our online Discussion Forum to gain additional insights and support
from others who practice Spring Forest Qigong. You will also find a forum
to interact with other Paraliminal users who have the same quest as you:
maximize potential!

paraliminal sleep learning

To enjoy the benefits of sleep learning, set your audio player to repeat the
Paraliminal sleep learning track (Track 3). Adjust the volume so that you
can tune out the sound as you sleep. Waking is an indication that your
mind had completed the process, so turn off the player at that time. Use the
Paraliminal sleep learning feature as often as you would like.

holosync audio technology

Holosync audio tones, which you might hear as a hum, have been
embedded in the recording to increase your ability to benefit and learn from
this Paraliminal session.
Centerpointe Research Institute’s Holosync audio technology, when
listened to with stereo headphones, creates the electrical brain wave patterns
of many desirable states. These states include deep meditation, increased
creativity, focus and concentration, and accelerated learning ability. Using
Holosync creates new neural pathways between the left and right brain
hemispheres, balancing the brain, enhancing mental/emotional health,
improving mental functioning and self-awareness, and healing unresolved
emotional problems.
For more information on how you can use Holosync to accelerate mental,
emotional, and spiritual growth, and to receive a free Holosync demo CD
and a free Special Report, visit

Paul R. Scheele
Paraliminal developer Paul R. Scheele skillfully crafted each listening
session. Paul is highly trained and internationally acclaimed in the fields
of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, and preconscious
processing. His unique expertise creates an incredible experience for you.
Paul has designed over fifty programs relating to personal development
including PhotoReading, a unique reading system for processing the written
page at 25,000 words a minute. He has authored two books: PhotoReading
and Natural Brilliance. His works have been translated into 15 languages.

Chunyi Lin
Chunyi Lin is a certified International Qigong Master and the creator
of Spring Forest Qigong. He devotes his time to teaching the powerful,
healing benefits of Spring Forest Qigong and creating a healer in every
family and a world without pain. He is also highly skilled in Tai Chi,
Chinese herbal medicine, and acupuncture, and he holds a Masters Degree
in Human Development-Holistic Health & Wellness.
Master Lin created and directs a fully accredited program in Spring Forest
Qigong at Normandale Community College, in Bloomington, Minnesota.
He is creator of the Spring Forest Qigong personal learning courses and the
focus of the DVD Your Healing Power: Healing Yourself, Helping Others,
published by Learning Strategies Corporation. He is also the coauthor of
the bestseller book Born a Healer and of a chapter on Qigong healing with
Dr. Nisha Manek of the Mayo Clinic in the Textbook of Complementary
and Alternative Medicine, Second Edition.

consistent pr actice
Condition yourself for health and well-being

Condition your brain to diligently practice Spring Forest Qigong, building
trust in the universal energy to work for your good health and well-being.

Take a moment to think about your intention for listening.
• Are you ready to let go of resistance and doubt that keeps you from
gaining full value of the Spring Forest Qigong exercises and meditations?
• Are you willing to go into the emptiness and trust the universal energy
and your master’s energy to support you?
As you say “Yes” you are opening yourself to a universe that will inspire
and guide your practice and gaining the immediate benefits of the Master’s
energy flowing through you.

• Condition your brain to diligently practice Spring Forest Qigong.
• Integrate your practice into daily living.

• Eliminate resistance that holds you back.

• Learn to go into the emptiness with ease.
• Deepen your trust in the universe to guide your practice anytime
you choose.
• Melt blockages and open your energy channels.
• Recognize and feel the flow of Qi through your body.
• Connect with beneficial sound frequencies that elevate your energy.
• Relax deeply into loving, supportive rest.
• Improve your mental focus and imagination.
• Gain the immediate benefit of the Master’s energy flowing through you.
• Heal yourself.


• Listen to this session once daily for a week to increase your motivation
and help you build a consistent Spring Forest Qigong practice into your
normal schedule.
• Listen to this session for two or three days anytime you find yourself
slipping or struggling with your commitment.
• If you can, do a few minutes of Spring Forest Qigong bouncing before
listening. Bouncing helps waken the energy in your body. With your feet
flat on the floor, relax your body and lightly bounce up and down while
focusing on your knees. Let your breath come in through your nose and
out through your mouth at its own rate.
• Sit with your back straight, but not rigid, and away from the back of
your chair. Your shoulders should be relaxed and at ease. You may also
choose to lie back in a position that is comfortable for you.

• When Chunyi guides you, say the password I am in the universe, the
universe is in my body, the universe and I are one.
• Chunyi will instruct you to call upon your Master’s energy to assist you.
This could be Chunyi or another healer or teacher who has achieved a
high level of mastery, a religious deity, saint, spiritual guide, or even a
parent or grandparent. You may call upon one person or many together,
simply by using the intention of your mind.

This session strengthens your practice of Spring Forest Qigong, making it
easier to follow through and gain the full value of all the active exercises
and meditations. You know and have felt the value of the concentration,
breathing, movement, and meditation exercises developed by Master Lin.
This session guides you to focus on those benefits, strengthening your
commitment to practice. When you make a commitment to practice, your
capacity to practice increases automatically, because your commitment
connects you with the Master’s energy that supports you.
As you focus on your commitment to practice Spring Forest Qigong, you
improve your consistency of practice. Doing so helps you go into the
emptiness, deepening your trust in the universe to guide healing at all levels.
Listening to this session takes you into the calm, natural, peaceful energy
of the spiritual healing level, connecting your practice with the flow of
this pure energy. You immerse into the reality of life, seeing the beauty in
people, releasing attachments to negative emotions, and seeing everything

around you with a deep appreciation. You will perceive that life is good no
matter what, maintaining the nonjudgmental view of love.
This recording harmonizes your thoughts and emotions with all others
around the world who support the love, forgiveness, and kindness that heals
humanity. You hear a metaphoric journey, seeing how energy flows in the
body, and how every emotion can come and go with easy release.

Possibilities FOR GOING BEYOND

• Practice Spring Forest Qigong active exercises and meditations every day,
preferably at the same hour. Include your practice in your daily schedule
book or planner. In this way you will set up a system of regulation that
can be very healthy to the body.
• Practice Spring Forest Qigong at least half an hour a day. The longer you
practice, the greater the results. If you do not have half an hour every
day, find twenty minutes, or even ten minutes. You will see its benefit
and power. Consistent practice cannot be emphasized enough to keep
your energy balanced and your body healthy. It is just like taking care of
a house. Keeping your house clean and in good working order is much
easier if you do daily maintenance.
• Let those around you know when you plan to practice so they come to
expect it–family members, coworkers, and clients. It’s like the boy who
tells people he’s going to be the Most Valuable Player on his basketball
team. His friends and family will find ways to support him–asking him
why he’s watching TV and not out practicing his free throws.

• Never give up on your practice. When you first practice Spring Forest
Qigong, you might feel the energy strongly. After a week or so you
might not feel it as strongly. Why? At the very beginning, your body is
like a small energy container: only a little energy will fill it up. After you
practice for a while, more energy channels open and your body becomes
a bigger container. You need more energy to fill it up. So, when you come
to the time you don’t feel anything, you have reached the best time to
develop your energy further. Your body is collecting more energy and is
getting ready to go up to a higher level. If you give up and stop practicing,
the already-opened channels will close again. Be persistent. Practice
Spring Forest Qigong daily, and reap the rewards.

Remember, the first secret to practicing Spring Forest Qigong effectively
is to go into the emptiness, the place where thoughts ultimately cease or
greatly diminish and sensory connections to your body fade. It is a state of
pure energy where we are one with the universe. Every time you sleep your
body naturally directs you to the emptiness without your even noticing. This
automatic meditation brings your mind and body into deep relaxation. Most
of our daily energy blockages are opened and resolved this way.
By practicing Spring Forest Qigong you actively go into the emptiness
where you effortlessly balance the Yin and Yang. As the balance of energy
comes back, your body heals. It is not uncommon for the mind to zone
out for a while when in this “nonconscious” state. If that happens to you,

just continue your exercise or meditation from the movement or place that
seems best for you.
The second secret for effectively practicing Spring Forest Qigong is
to keep it simple. Qigong need not be mysterious. In its fundamental
form, Qigong is very simple. For instance, it is very easy to open energy
channels. When you open your fingers, all the energy channels in the
hands open. When you move your heels up and down, you open all
six energy channels in the feet. It is not necessary to learn complicated
movements to open channels and release blocks.
The final secret is to use your conscious sensation of your body to feel the
moving Qi. How you use your mind influences the flow of Qi. Positive
thoughts, for example, encourage you to gain back your health and
instantaneously direct Qi in optimal ways. Negative thoughts, on the other
hand, discourage you from fulfilling your task, block energy, and create
sickness. These mental activities, as well as prayer and will, belong to
consciousness, and mental power is more powerful than physical power.
Finally, as you engage in your Spring Forest Qigong practice, know that
you are supported by the energy of people throughout the world also
engaged in healing exercises and meditations of every kind. The resonate
frequency of their combined energies raises the vibrational universal
love energy all around you, making it even easier for you to mediate and
practice your active exercises.

Tap the power

of paraliminals
Self-Growth for Busy People
If you enjoyed Consistent Practice, you will love
The Ultimate You Library of Paraliminals. This
popular collection of the original 22 Paraliminal
CDs is enhanced with “Holosync” audio
technology to create the most receptive brain
state for personal transformation. The Ultimate
You Library will help you quickly get results,
whether you want to boost self-confidence, eliminate
procrastination, or shed a few pounds.

Just think of what you want, sit back for 20 minutes or so, and drift into a
peaceful world of relaxing music, nature sounds, and words. Your mind
will immediately–and gently–begin learning how to serve you best.

Paraliminal learning sessions increase your personal power by activating

your “whole mind” through their unique application of accelerated learning,
preconscious processing, and neuro-linguistic programming technologies.
Each CD, carefully scripted by Paul R. Scheele, stimulates your genius
mind to generate immediate and long-lasting results. Truly, nothing gets
results like a Paraliminal.

Here’s a brief description of the individual

Paraliminal CDs

Anxiety-Free–Gain freedom from fears and project strength

Automatic Pilot–Eliminate negative self-talk and vaporize
Belief–Strengthen belief in your ability to achieve
Break the Habit–Free yourself from addictive behaviors
Creating Sparks–Ignite fun, attraction, and romance
Deep Relaxation–Enjoy profound and rejuvenating relaxation
Dream Play–Profit from remembering and using your dreams
Get Around To It–Eliminate procrastination and succeed by design
Holiday Cheer–Feel love, peace, and joy toward yourself and
your world
Ideal Weight–Reach and maintain your ideal weight–naturally
Instantaneous Personal Magnetism–Turn on poise, charm, and
sex appeal
Memory Supercharger–Strengthen your memory and concentration
New Behavior Generator–Neutralize unwanted behaviors & take on
new ones
New History Generator–Transform emotions and memories that
block you

New Option Generator–Resolve issues with new solutions and choices

Peak Performance–Fire up your motivation for superior results
Perfect Health–Align your mind and body for self-healing and
Personal Genius–Accelerate your learning abilities
Positive Relationships–Create strong, beneficial, and lasting
Prosperity–Open the flow of abundance in your life
Sales Leap–Perform with the winning attitude and skills of
the best
Self-Esteem Supercharger–Gain profound confidence & feel great
about you
Smoke-Free–Effortlessly cut back and give up smoking
Talking to Win–Communicate with ease, present with authority
Youthful Vitality–Enjoy the creative energy and vitality of youth
10-Minute Supercharger–Energize your body and mind in minutes

Tap the power

of your mind
To Accomplish Greatness in Your Life
You can maximize your potential in the easiest and most enjoyable ways
possible with other programs by Learning Strategies Corporation.
Experience Your Healing Power
This DVD follows a 6-day retreat led by teacher and healer
Chunyi Lin and organized by Learning Strategies. In Your
Healing Power, you’ll see practitioners use Spring Forest
Qigong, hear their commentary and personal insights, and
witness miraculous healings. You will learn a soothing
chant that helps heal the body, an easy way to reap healthful
benefits of fasting, Chunyi Lin’s process for helping
another person heal, a powerful group healing method that
you can use at home, and a sample exercise to experience
the healing benefits of Spring Forest Qigong.

Enjoy the gift of health, balance, and energy with

Experience six diverse, yet phenomenal ways to feel a natural, euphoric
high. Learn to instantly enter a sense of calm whenever you want. Regularly
feel blissful happiness, love, rapture, and peace of mind.

Instantly transform with Sonic Access

Access powerful vibrational frequencies to align your
body’s energy system and quickly create significant and
lasting change in virtually every area of your life. This
extraordinary program brings together Paul Scheele’s
unique Paraliminal technology, the cutting-edge audio
frequencies of Holosync, the energy principles of
Diamond Feng Shui, and the ancient healing sounds of
Spring Forest Qigong, all wrapped into the transformative
music of Paul Hoffman.
Create balance, harmony, and good fortune with
Diamond Feng Shui
Universal energy continuously flows in and around our homes and
workplaces. Learn to attract positive energy and deflect negative energy so
that you experience fortune and happiness in the four main areas of living:
success, health, relationships, and spiritual growth.
Feng Shui master Marie Diamond shows how universal energy responds
to you personally, including how a room with good Feng Shui actually
stimulates your brain to access desirable alpha brain waves. You also learn
how to energize your home and workplace, reduce stagnant energy, and
harness a type of dynamic energy that ebbs and flows over time.

Read super-fast with PhotoReading

Use your whole mind to read with speed, comprehension, and enjoyment
with PhotoReading. Experience how mentally photographing the printed
page turns your mind into an information sponge. As a beginning
PhotoReader you will get through your reading at least three times
faster than you can now…without the stress of speed reading. Hundreds
of thousands have already used the self-study course or attended the
PhotoReading seminar.
Explore the realm of genius with Genius CODE
Your powerful inner mind talks to your conscious mind through a steady
stream of images. Break the code of these messages to boost your IQ, solve
any problem, accelerate learning, recognize golden opportunities, and
supercharge your intuition.
Boost your memory with Memory Optimizer
A poor memory robs your income potential, steals your personality, and
creates frustrations throughout your day. Capitalize on recent brain research
to easily improve your memory without tiresome memorization exercises.
Bring riches into your life with Abundance for Life
This wealth-making course will help you rewrite the script of your life for
overflowing abundance. Whether you want outward prosperity of family
ski trips, additions to your home, and BMWs, or a spiritually complete
lifestyle of Truth, Beauty, Freedom, and Love, or both, you will learn the
secrets to having things you want miraculously appear as well as the mental
processes that make it happen for you.

Overcome any challenge at will with Natural Brilliance

Unshackle blocks that have held you back. Move from feeling stuck to
achieving success with four simple steps you do in your mind. See how you
might be living with the model of failure instead of the model of success.
Activate the power to bounce back with Resiliency
Some people are able to overcome adversity and thrive in most any
circumstance. What an important skill in today’s world of uncertainty.
Learn the mental strategies for this awesome and vital ability. You’ll soon
find yourself turning misfortune into fortune.
Sharpen your verbal edge with Million Dollar Vocabulary
Breakthrough processes help you learn 600 new words to use naturally in
every- day life. People with a strong vocabulary are thought to be smarter
and more capable, which is why they are generally given all of the breaks
and earn the most money. See how your vocabulary will grow from the
very first listening.
Embrace the power of reflection with Boundless Renewal
Don’t let the speed of life get the best of you. Rescue yourself from feeling
overwhelmed, burned out, disengaged, or out of control with Bernie
Saunders and Paul Scheele’s Boundless Renewal. Use these breakthrough
insights and strategies with reflection to bring greater emotional,
intellectual, and spiritual balance to your life.

For more information or to order, visit

You may also call us toll-free at 1-888-800-2688.
Consistent Practice

“ Condition your brain to easily and diligently

practice Spring Forest Qigong every day–or as

often as you would like. Let go of the resistance

Paul R. Scheele,
Paraliminal Developer that holds you back. Gain full value from your

regular use of the active exercises and sitting

meditations. Go into the emptiness. Build trust in

how universal energy works with your body to

Chunyi Lin,
Qigong Master
build good health and well-being. ”
Review this booklet before listening


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