Auntie's Young Lovers by Donna Allen

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Most of us lead two lives-real and fantasy. The housewife imagines herself leading a life of luxury. The
businessman imagines himself away from the rat race, fishing by a quiet lake. The schoolboy dreams of
becoming a famous athlete. And then there are sexual fantasies-wild dreams that we seldom expect to
see come true.

In this story, Maureen Griffin has learned to be honest with her sexual desires, and she becomes a
woman whom many would brand a slut and others would merely call liberated. She is a woman
dedicated to becoming a sexually liberated soul-a person who not only feels sexually free, but who has
been compelled to unshackle others from the bonds of Puritanism.

AUNTIE'S YOUNG LOVERS deals with a volatile issue, an issue that government has tried to define,
that churches have tried to repress, that swingers have tried to advocate-but perhaps the answer lies
with the individual. Let each decide his own standard of morality where sex between consenting
individuals is concerned, just as Maureen Griffin has done.

-The Publisher


The sheet tossed away to uncover her overheated body, Maureen Griffin listened to the sounds of
fucking coming from the other side of the wall. Her brother and sister-in-law, Hal and Sandy, were in
the neighboring room and they'd been fucking up a storm for nearly an hour. The moaning and
groaning and creaking of the bedsprings forced all sorts of lewd images into Maureen's mind as she
tried to imagine the husband and wife in action.

I'd give anything to watch them, she thought.

Then she shivered at the wickedness of the idea. It was all due to loneliness. She was twenty-seven
years old and still without a husband. If she'd have a man of her own, someone, to fuck whenever she
was in the mood, she'd be with her husband tonight instead of lying there listening to her brother and
sister-in-law fucking like a pair of rabbits.

With a deep sigh of frustration, Maureen ran her hands over her naked tits. She always slept in the
nude. She liked her body uncovered and free; She liked to be able to touch herself whenever she felt
like it.

I certainly feel like it now! She thought with a soft giggle. A woman had to be made out of cold rock in
order not to react to the sounds coming from the other room.

Briefly pinching her nipples, Maureen moved her hands down over her belly to the dense bush of hair
covering her crotch. Pulling her knees back, she spread her thighs wide and fingered open the lips of
her cunt.

"Oh, Jesus, that feels good!" she breathed as the tugging of her cuntlips pulled on the, sensitive hood of
her clit..

She was primed, wound up like a spring and ready to blast off. It wouldn't take much. A
few strokes with her fingertip and she'd have an orgasm. She certainly needed it, but instead of going
on with it she held back. She liked teasing herself, teasing her demanding pussy, her dripping cunt, her
quivering clit.

Scooping some cuntjuice out of her cunthole, sit on the hood of her clit.

I need a change, she thought. She ought to make up her mind to be less shy and get more dates, or at
least more fucking. It wasn't the dating that was important, it was the fucking! Maybe the new job
would help. She'd certainly be meeting men. How wonderful it would be to have a man all her own, a
man with a hard cock and a pair of jism filled balls, a man who could fuck her brains out!
Damn Hal and Sandy! She tried picturing them again. She had always wondered what Hal's cock was
like. She hadn't seen it in years and years, not since they were both small children. Sandy had often told
her that Hal was a capable lover and had hinted on more than one occasion that he had a big cock.
Maureen groaned as she tried to picture Hal's big co k sloshing in and out of Sandy's little blonde
pussy. She was little, Sandy was, but she had a full curvy ass and a gorgeous set of tits. She was
definitely an adorable little
package, and Maureen was not surprised at the way Hal doted on her.

Her hips gently bucking now, Maureen probed two fingers into the hot hole of her cunt and moaned at
how wet she was.

Pulling her fingers out of her pussy, she sniffed the smell of her cuntjuice and shivered. God, how hot
she was! She was thankful she had no inhibitions about playing with herself. She was shy with men,
even though she'd lost her virginity at a young age, but when it came to diddling her pussy there was no
shyness at all.

Twirling her left nipple with the fingers of her left hand, she snaked her right hand down to her crotch
again. She gave the meat of her cunt a few strokes of vigorous massage, delighting in the squishy feel
of her thick wet cuntlips, and then she pushed three fingers inside her cunthole, her little finger inside
her asshole, and positioned her thumb an her quivering clit.
She thought about cocks, about the first boy she'd ever fucked, about the way his cock had spouted jism
like a fountain the first time she'd jerked him off.

Oh, God, I'm going to come soon! she thought.

Her hand jiggled in her crotch, massaging

her clit, strumming her cunthole and asshole. Cuntjuice oozed and gushed out of her pussy to wet the
sheet under her ass. The three fingers she had in her cunt were about the thickness of a good-sized
cock, and she imagined now that a man was fucking her. She pretended she had a man pumping his
cock between her thighs, stretching her cunthole, filling her hungry pussy with his rampant fuckmeat.

Her mouth hanging open, her eyes shut tight, she humped her cunt up and down to meet her pumping

"Oh, sweet Jesus in heaven!" she gasped.

She came suddenly and without any warning, her ass bouncing up and down on the bed and her fingers
going crazy inside her cunt. Then it was over, the moaning sounds of ecstasy escaping from her throat
and dying away as she coasted down from the peak. She sobbed when she realized it wasn't enough,
not nearly enough.

Her body coated with sweat, her hand coated with cuntjuice, she left the bed and walked into the
bathroom to clean up.

Maureen shared a bathroom with Hal and Sandy. The first thing she noticed when she entered the
bathroom was that the door to their bedroom was slightly ajar, just a crack,
but enough to see into the room.

Biting her lip, Maureen avoided the door. She refused to look. Instead, she sat down on the toilet,
opened her legs, and began playing with her cunt again.

She could hear them mare easily now than she had before, Hal was grunting and Sandy was moaning.
They sounded like they were in the midst of a wild fuck, a fuck that seemed to just go on and on
without end.

Shuddering with lust, Maureen began working her cunt up all over again. This time she used both
hands, the finger of one hand inside her asshole and the fingers of the other hand inside her cunt. She
had never had a cock up her ass, or even a man's ringer, but she'd often had fantasies about it. She
wondered if Hal ever fucked Sandy in the ass. Just thinking about it made her tremble with excitement!
"Uuuunnnggghhh!" she breathed. She came again. The climax was stranger than the first one and it left
her heart pounding. Wiping her pussy, with some toilet paper, she rose up and listened once more to
Hal and Sandy.

The urge to have a look at them was too strong to resist, and moving stealthily to the door she peered
into their bedroom.

Maureen had to muffle a gasp with her hand. The light was on in their bedroom and
she could see everything. Sandy was riding Hal. They were both naked and for the first time Maureen
had a good look at Sandy's nude body. The blonde's tits were heavier than she'd imagined, like two ripe
fruit with wide pink nipples. Sandy's tits were jiggling in a crazy dance as she bounced up and down on
Hal's cock.

"Oh, yummy, what a good fuck!" Sandy squealed.

Hal responded with a grunt. His hands were clutching Sandy's quivering asscheeks, and now he moved
his hands up to her swaying tits and held the luscious globes in his palms.

Maureen had never before seen anyone fuck, and the sight of her brother and sister-in-law going at it
just a few feet away overwhelmed her senses. She stood there transfixed, her eyes on Sandy's humping
body. At moments she thought she could see glimpses of Hal's cock when Sandy lifted up, but she
couldn't be sure. Then Sandy leaned forward to rest her big tits on Hal's chest, and when the blonde
raised her ass, this time Maureen could see her brother's thick cock coated with Sandy's cuntjuice.

Stifling a moan, Maureen slipped a hand between her legs to massage her steaming cunt.

"Suck my titties, honey!" Sandy giggled.

"They always need attention!"

Maureen couldn't help smirking as she watched the blonde push one of her tits into Hal's mouth. Sandy
certainly had no inhibitions about telling him what she wanted!
Hal sucked Sandy's hanging tits, first one and then the other, and then he twisted his mouth away and

"Come on, move your ass! Let's fuck!

Mewling with pleasure, holding, up her heavy tits in her hands, the blonde began rocking up and down
on her husband's stiff cock.

Maureen tried to imagine how it would feel to have Hal's hard cock sticking up inside her cunt like
that. She had never fucked a man that way, riding on top of him as though he were a horse. It looked
like a delicious way to fuck! Would her tits bounce around like Sandy's? Her own tits weren't too much
smaller than her sister-in-law's and she imagined they would bounce around just as nicely.

Hal was fucking back now, bucking his ass to pump his cock in and out of Sandy's cunt. Maureen could
distinctly hear the squishing sound of Sandy's cuntjuice sloshing on Hal's cock.

"Oh, fuck!" Sandy groaned. "It's delicious!"

"Yeah!" Hal grunted. "Keep fucking,
baby! Keep your ass moving!"
Her fingers pistoning in and out of her own cunthole, Maureen shuddered and fingerfucked herself to
the tempo of the fucking on the bed. Cuntjuice oozed out of her pussy in a flood to stream down the
insides of her thighs. Her nipples were long and thick, tingling with passion, and her clit felt as though
it were about to explode.

Now Sandy was riding Hal's body as if he were a bucking bronco horse and she a rodeo rider. She
twisted and humped and rocked her ass, her teeth pulled back in a grimace of lust and her breath
coming in gasps. When she reached back to squeeze Hal's balls, he roared like a lion.

Hal was coming. Maureen was proud that her thirty-seven-year-old brother could still shoot off his
rocks like a bull. It was really hard to believe Hal was that old. Neither of them were getting any
younger. Hal, in fact, had an eighteen-year-old son by his first marriage. Having a nephew as old as
Stevie Griffin continually reminded Maureen that her life was slipping by.

"Oh, fuck, I'm coming!" Sandy groaned.

As the pair on the bed convulsed in the throes of their orgasms, dejected Maureen slipped back to her
own room.

Lying on her bed again, her breath coming in deep gulps, Maureen had to convince herself that she had
really watched her brother fucking his wife. The memory of the scene made her heart pound. It had also
set her to thinking about her nephew, Stevie. She had to admit to herself now that she'd been thinking
about him for along time.

She was going to masturbate again, there was no question about that. After witnessing Hal and Sandy
fucking, there was no way Maureen could get to sleep without at least a few orgasms. She decided that
this time she needed something more substantial than her fingers, something that would be more like a
cock in the way it stretched the mouth of her cunthole. Her mind raced through all the possibilities, and
then she finally giggled and slipped on her robe to go to the kitchen. She knew exactly what she
wanted, and sure enough it was there in the refrigerator,
Out of the vegetable box she removed a large cucumber. Hiding it under her robe, she quickly returned
to her room and locked the door. She felt a little silly creeping around in the middle of the night with a
cucumber, but there was nothing silly about the yearning in her cunt! If she didn't get something in
there soon, she'd go crazy!

The problem was to get the cucumber warm. She decided to risk going back into the bathroom again.
Thankfully, Hal and Sandy seemed fast asleep, and Maureen softly closed the door to their room and
set about warming the cucumber with some hot water from the sink.

Back in her bed again, she began teasing her cunt with the blunt end of the cucumber. The vegetable
was about the size and shape of a large cock, maybe even a bit too large, and she shivered with
anticipation of how it would feel inside her pussy.

Holding her cuntlips open with the fingers of her left hand, she played the end of the cucumber around
the mouth of her cunthole. Her cunt was thoroughly drenched with cuntjuice, and there was certainly
no need for any lubrication.

With a soft moan she pushed the cucumber into the steaming hot channel of her pussy.

Oh, God, how good it felt! The exquisite stretching of the mouth of her cunt caused a shiver of ecstasy
to roll up her spine. As she pushed in, the smooth skin of the cucumber rubbed against her clit in just
the right way. She quivered and moaned, squirming her ass from side to side on the mattress as the
vegetable cock filled her cunt. So thick, so
long, so lusciously firm!
She remembered Sandy's wet cunt sliding up and down on Hal's cock. Too bad she hadn't seen all of
him. How nice it would be to see all of her brother's big cock!
Then, as she began slowly screwing the cucumber in and out of her cunt, Maureen once again thought
about her nephew. She wondered about the size of his cock and balls. There were times when she found
it difficult to avoid staring at the bulge in his crotch.

I'm like a horny slut! she thought.

Did Stevie ever notice her in a sexual way? Sometimes she thought he did. Sometimes she could see
his eyes gauging the size of her tits. She knew that boys his age were all tit-crazy. There were days
when she enjoyed teasing him by leaving off her bra so that her tits jiggled each time she moved. Hal
and Sandy would usually crack some kind of joke about it to Maureen.

There's no sense denying it any longer, she thought. She had the hots for her nephew. Part of it, of
course, was her frustration at having no man at the moment. But the other part was that Stevie really
turned her on.

Closing her eyes now, site imagined the cucumber was Stevie's cock. She tried to picture what it would
it be like to fuck him, to
have him in the saddle pumping his thick cockmeat in and out of her pussy, his pink young balls
slapping against her ass and his thick tongue filling her mouth.

She pumped the cucumber in her cunt faster now, churning her cuntjuice into a white froth, stretching
the mouth of her cunt with a rotary motion, bucking her ass off the bed to meet each stroke.

God, how good it was! Definitely the best of the evening! She could feel the most gorgeous come
building in her crotch.

"Oh, sweet Jesus, I'm coming!" she moaned.

Her nipples tingling, her clit quivering like a hot little bean, her cunt spasmed and gushed a flood of hot
cuntjuice on her pumping hand.


During the days that followed, Maureen found her sexual hunger more intense than ever. The memory
of her brother and sister-in-law fucking burned in her brain. She had fantasies about fucking her
nephew and even about fucking her brother. She masturbated constantly, but her hand was a poor
substitute for what she really needed.

She soon realized that Stevie was the simplest solution to her problems. He was old
enough to fuck a woman and he certainly seemed interested. The difficulty was that he was inhibited by
the fact that she was his aunt. She showed off her tits and ass whenever she had the chance, but so far
all he did was look.

I'll have to make the first move myself, she thought. It would only increase her guilt over seducing her
own nephew, but there seemed no other way.

Then something happened which made it easier than she'd ever imagined.

She came home one afternoon and found the house quiet. Hal and Sandy were away. As she walked
down the hall to her own room, she noticed Stevie's door was ajar. She was almost past it when with a
gasp she realized what she'd seen.

He obviously was unaware that she was in the house. Stepping carefully back, she looked once again
into his room.

Her nephew was sitting on his bed pumping his cock with one hand and holding a magazine with the
other hand.

Maureen was mesmerized. The sight of the boy's swollen throbbing cock sticking up from his crotch
above a pair of large pink balls made her heart pound and her pussy quiver.

Stevie was stroking his cock very slowly, and each time he pulled down on his foreskin his
red glistening cockhead popped into view like a succulent fruit.

His cock lacked delicious. Maureen stifled a moan as she imagined what it would be like to take that
juicy cockhead into her mouth and suck on it lovingly. She could almost feel his pulsating cockmeat
stuffing her mouth and stretching her lips wide. She wondered if any of Stevie's girlfriends ever did
that to him. She wondered how much experience he had with girls and women. Kids were so
precocious these days, he might very well have more experience than she did!
She guessed by the cover of the magazine that he was looking at a picture of a naked woman, one of
those girls with her legs spread open to show all of her hairy cunt. It was understandable that a hot-
blooded boy would find pictures like that exciting, but Maureen was jealous of the girl, whoever she
was. She had a hairy cunt of her own to show him, if that's what he wanted to look at.

His fist was pumping his cock faster now. She remembered her high-school days and the boys she had
jacked off after sessions of heavy petting. Watching a boy's cock send a geyser of thick white jism into
the air had always turned her on. She'd seen a few men do it, but they never had as much jism as a boy.

God, how I'd love that cock of his, rammed into my cunt! she thought. His cock looked big enough to
send her over the rainbow. She remembered him as an infant-a tiny baby with a tiny prick. Now the
tiny prick had grown up into a full-size cock and his Aunt Maureen wanted a taste of it!
He's an expert, she thought with a smile. Just looking at the way his fist moved so efficiently up and
down his cock, it was obvious he'd been doing it for years. Come on, honey, pump that meat! she

The pleasure he was feeling began to show on his face as he approached his orgasm. She hadn't been
sure she would get to see him come, but now it seemed she would. The thrill of watching him fist-fuck
his cock and the anticipation of seeing his jism had turned her cunt into a lake of hot cuntjuice.

Did she dare to get her fingers inside her cunt? There seemed no reason not to. He was top preoccupied
with his cock, and. even if he did see her, so what? Quietly lifting up her dress; she slipped a hand
inside her panties and began massaging her dripping cunt.

He was groaning now. He dropped the magazine on the bed and leaned back against the headboard
with his eyes closed. His fist flew up and down on his cock, pumping his
meat, rubbing his foreskin back and forth over the rim of his cockhead. His knob looked bigger than
ever, swollen and hot, ready to pop like a bloated fruit. Maureen trembled with desire to be there to
catch his jism in her mouth when he blew his nuts, but she told herself that any move on her part would
spoil everything.

Fingers deep inside her cunt, she mashed her wet cuntmeat to the rhythm of the boy's jerking fist.

He seemed oblivious to her presence, but if he ever turned his head he'd see her standing there with her
hand under her dress. God, how wet she was! Her fingers squished inside her cunt, and for a moment
she was afraid he'd hear the noise. His eyes were still closed, however, and he was probably imagining
himself fucking the girl whose picture he'd been looking at.

"Oh, shit!" he suddenly groaned, the fist holding his cock freezing, pulling his foreskin down so that his
cockhead swelled up red and angry. Maureen kept her eyes fixed on his cockhead, and then she gasped
as his pisshole suddenly widened and a thick spurt of white jism shot up into the air. Before it landed
on the bed sheet, another spurt followed, and then another and another. The supply of his jism
seemed endless as he groaned again and fell back on the bed with his cock still spitting cum.

Oh, God, that turns me on! Maureen thought. Her eyes feasted on the slippery cream dribbling out of
his twitching cock. She could almost taste his hot jism in her mouth. She imagined herself rolling his
fuck-cream over her tongue and teeth before finally swallowing it. Her fingers now pumping furiously
in ha cunthole, she quickly brought herself off as the boy on the bed milked the last drops of jism out of
his cock with his hand.

Then he turned his head toward the door.

Maureen held her breath, her legs frozen to the floor, her hand under her dress and on her cunt. Closing
her eyes tightly, she shivered and came again.

Did he see her? His eyes looked away again and she wasn't sure. Then a sudden impulse came over her.
Pulling her hand away from her cunt and out from under her dress, she abruptly walked into the room.

Stevie bolted up on the bed. "Jesus fucking Christ!" he groaned. Grabbing a pillow, he covered his
juice-coated cock. "I thought nobody was home." His cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he
avoided Maureen's eyes.

"Don't be upset," Maureen said gently. "The door was open and I couldn't help looking in. It's nothing
to be ashamed of, Stevie."
"Oh, fuck!"
"Really, everyone does it, honey. And that includes me."
The look of surprise on his face was almost comical. She was the one embarrassed now, but at least she
had made her move and started something between them.

Sitting down on the bed beside him, she took hold of the pillow and pulled it away..

He resisted at first, but after a moment he let go and she was able to uncover his cock.

"Don't hide it," she said softly.

"You saw everything, didn't you?" he said with a croaking voice.

"Yes, and it was beautiful, honey. It really was."
He blushed again. She was tantalized by his youthfulness. He was half boy and half man, but the heavy
trunk of his cock now lying on his thigh looked about as full grown as it would ever get. It was the
cock of a man, wet with his jism and still occasionally twitching.

She had a strong desire to put a hand on his cock, but she held herself back.

"I'm going to take off my clothes," she

said. "It's not fair that you're naked and I'm dressed, is it?"
"Jesus!" he breathed.

Chuckling, Maureen began undoing the row of buttons that ran down the front of her dress from
neckline, to hem. She rose up to stand before him, delighted by the hungry look in his eyes, and slowly
peeled the dress off her body.

"Do you like my body?" she asked in a husky voice.

"Christ, yeah!" he breathed, his eyes moving back and forth between her heavy bra encased tits and the
bulge of her cunt bush still hidden by her panties.
With a deft motion, she unhooked her bra and slipped it off her bobbing tits.

A groan of pure joy gargled put of his throat. She remained motionless, letting his eyes feast on her
fruity tits, then she cupped her hands under her tits and playfully pointed her thick dark nipples at him.

"You like tits, huh?"

"Jesus, what a pair!" he hissed.

"Better than the girls in that magazine?"

"Shit," he growled. "Those are just pictures. I've been dreaming about your tits ever since you came to
live with us."
She laughed. The ice was broken now and she felt more at ease. Her eyes fixed on his
cock, she toyed with her nipples and smiled.

"You'll have to promise to keep this a secret," she said. "We'll have a heap of trouble if anyone finds
out. Do you promise?"
"I promise," be groaned.

A voice in the back of her head told her she was being very foolish to get involved with him like this,
but there was no way she could stop it now. She wanted him too much. She shivered with lust as she
thought of all the things she could do with him. The fact that they were blood relatives didn't matter
anymore. What mattered was that he had a randy cock that would probably give her a great deal of
pleasure once she got it hard again.

"You can touch my tits, if you want," she said. "There's no sense in just looking."
Moving closer to the bed, she leaned forward a bit and wriggled her shoulders so that her tits swayed
like heavy melons in front of his face.

"Go on," she whispered. "DO something!" He was either afraid or shy or too dumbfounded by the
while experience. She looked him square in the eye and tried very hard not to seem angry.
"Are you a virgin, Stevie?"
"Yeah," he groaned.

"Haven't you ever touched a girl's tits

"Sure, but not like these!"
With a sigh of exasperation she grabbed the back of his head with one hand, one of her tits with the
other, and pushed a stiff nipple into his mouth.

"Suck it, you little bugger!" she hissed. "Suck it good!"

After that it was easy. Whatever fears he had flew away somewhere and got, lost. She told him she was
sorry she'd been irritated at him, but he was too busy sucking her tits to care. He squeezed her boobs
and chewed on her nipples until they felt raw and tender. Finally pulling her tits away from his mouth,
she stepped back and peeled off her panties.

His hot gaze riveted to the dense bush of dark hair covering her cunt. He groaned softly when she pried
her cuntlips open and showed him the pink-red interior of her pussy. Putting one foot up on the bed,
she held her cunt open in front of his face.

"Put your finger inside," she said. "Don't you do that to your girlfriends?"
"Aw, shit!" he protested. "You're making fun of me!"
She giggled and pulled his hand up to her cunt. She showed where to touch and how hard to rub. When
he had the idea, she remov-
ed her hand from his and purred.

"That's it, honey! Just keep rubbing your old auntie's twat!"
"You're not old," he snickered, his eyes fixed on the dripping wet meat of her open cunt.

"I'm as old as your stepmother."

"She's not old either."
"I bet you've thought about fucking her," Maureen chuckled. She was getting bored with his fingers. He
was more interested in exploring her anatomy than in giving her pleasure. Pulling his hand away from
her cunt, she sat down on the edge of the bed and made him stand in front of her.

"Have any of your girlfriends every sucked you off?"

"Christ, no!" he said.

She closed her hand over his balls and gently pulled on his ball-sac. His cock was hard again, and this
time she was close enough to it to admire the shape of his cockhead. He trembled when she ran a
fingertip over the flared rim of his spongy knob. His balls felt deliciously full. She remembered how
his cock had erupted just a short time before, and she wondered how much jism she'd get out of him
now. Using her thumb and forefinger, she pinched the tip of his cockhead to squeeze out some clear
cockjuice from his pisshole.

He groaned when she leaned forward and wiped up the drop of cockjuice with her tongue.

A moment later she closed her full lips over his throbbing cockhead and started sucking.
As the heat and thickness of his cock filled her mouth, her cunt began quivering and twitching in a
demand for attention. Holding his cockshaft with one hand while she sucked, she slipped the other hand
down to probe and stretch her cunthole.

Gluttonously, her lips dribbling saliva in a steady stream, her eyes closed as she concentrated on her
pleasure, she bobbed her mouth up and down on the pole of his cock.

"Oh, Jesus Christ!" Stevie groaned, his head thrown back, his teeth clenched as he trembled in the
ecstasy of his first authentic blowjob. Maureen was actually not the first-there had been a girl or two-
but her expertise made the others look like idiots, and she definitely had bigger tits.

"Unnnnnnggghhh!" he grunted. "I'm coming! Oh, shit, I'm coming!"

Maureen sucked harder and pumped her fingers more furiously in and Out of her cunthole. The first
spurt of hot jism shot straight down her throat and she almost choked. She caught the second on her
palate and
the third under her tongue. After that his cum oozed out of his cockhead in thick dribbles, but it was
manageable. She finally squeezed his jerking balls and pulled her mouth away from his cockhead with
a last juicy suck to drain him.

Her lips coated with his thick white jism, she looked up at his-face and smiled.


After that first blowjob, the relationship between aunt and nephew was never again the same. Maureen
tried avoiding him for a while. She felt guilty over what she saw as her seduction of an innocent boy. It
was true she was only ten years older than Stevie, but she'd always maintained a certain distance from
him, always behaved the way she thought an aunt ought to behave towards a nephew. Now all that was
changed. Whenever they looked at
each other, even at the dinner table with Hal and Sandy, Maureen was conscious of the memory of
having his throbbing cock in her mouth and his hot jism shooting down her throat.

Stevie, of course, was panting like a young bull to be alone with Maureen again. He was in a daze the
first few days, not believing the reality of what had happened, but when he finally accepted the
memory of his young aunt's mouth on his cock he quickly realized there were many more goodies to be
had. He'd always thought Maureen was a hot-cunted bitch, and now he was certain of it. He told
himself that if he played his cards right he ought to be able to get whatever he wanted from her-
fucking, sucking, the whole shebang. He had friends who had been fucking girls for years. Now it was
his turn and he sure in hell was going to press his advantage.

The first time they were alone again, he told Maureen he wanted to fuck her.

"Really, Stevie" she said, arching up a neatly plucked eyebrow, "maybe we ought to forget about what
happened the other day. I guess I just lost my head."
"Bullshit!" he hissed.

They were sitting beside each other on the living-room sofa watching television. Hal and

Sandy were out for the evening. Maureen's new job as a cashier at the Blue Horse Cocktail Lounge had
so far turned out to be a bore. She hadn't yet met a man who could make her wet her pants and she was
certainly horny enough to fuck her nephew. When he picked up her hand and put it in his lap, she
resisted at first, but she finally gave in with a sigh.

"Take it out," he said.

A shiver of lust ran up his spine. He might be only eighteen, but he knew how to be forceful. It was just
what she needed on this stupid night when she had nothing to do and no place to go. Unzipping his fly,
she brought his cock out into the open.

His young prick was as hard as an iron bar and cockjuice was already leaking out of his pisshole. She
toyed with his silky foreskin, pulling it up and down a few times to cover and uncover his rosy
cockhead, and then she leaned over and closed her lips over his leaking knob.

"Suck it!" he groaned. "Suck my dick!"

Gobbling up his cock until she had his cockhead jabbing at the back of her throat, she gradually pulled
up to leave his cockshaft coated with her saliva. Sucking deeply at the very end of his cock, she pressed
down at the base of his cockshaft to make his knob swell
up even further. Now that she had a juicy cock filling her mouth, the evening began to look promising.

When she finally pulled her mouth away from his cock, he grinned at her. "You sure know how to
suck!" he said.

She blushed. Cocksucking was one of her favorite sports, but he was still her nephew. Suppose Hal
found out?
His hard cock sticking out of his open fly, Stevie left the sofa and brought over a hassock in front of
Maureen. Sitting down on it in front of her legs, he forced her knees apart.

"Show me your cunt," he said, his eyes feasting on her nylon-covered crotch.

Why not? she thought. They would get there sooner or later. Besides, there was always a chance she
might get him to use his mouth. A few minutes of cunt sucking was just what she needed in order to get
primed for heavy fucking.

He helped her peel of her pantyhose and panties. This time he was more in command of things and he
wanted a leisurely look at her cunt. She pried open her cuntlips for him and let him look.

"Do you know what a clit is?" she asked.

"Yeah," he replied. "I can see it."

"You sure can. You can see it even better if

I bring it out like this." Pulling back the hood of her clit, she exposed the tiny passion-button to the
boy's hot gaze.

"Play with it," he said.

"Play with it. Show me how you do it."
"You're a little devil!" she giggled.
She began strumming her fingertip along the side of her clit. She was very hot and she imagined be
could see her cuntjuice oozing out of her cunthole. Her clit was swollen and exquisitely sensitive to the
touch of her finger. She nodded when be ran his hands over her thighs and into her, crotch.

"Touch me," she said.

When he moved his hand to touch her cunt, she was shocked to feel his finger probing her asshole. She
held her breath as he rubbed the puckered ring and then pushed his finger into the hot grip of her shit
"Oh, God, that feels good!" she moaned.

She continued massaging her clit as he probed and stretched her shithole with his finger. When he
added another finger, she gasped.

"Yes!" she hissed. "Now put your thumb in my cunt!"

When he had two fingers in her asshole and his thumb in her cunthole, he began slowly pumping her
cuntmeat with his hand, his eyes
moving back and forth between her crotch an her face as he watched her jerk off.

"Oh, you fucker!" she groaned. "Where did you learn how to do that?"
Stevie grinned. "I read it in a fuck book," he said.

Maureen groaned again and rolled up her eyes as the orgasm washed over her body.

She came down from the peak of her climax to find the boy's mouth on her cunt.

"Oh, God, suck me!" she cried.

She held her cuntlips open as he drilled his tongue inside her cunthole and rubbed his nose against her

She slumped back on the sofa, her knees pulled up, her thighs spread wide, her cunt open to the boy's
voracious mouth. Rocking gently back and forth, she pumped her cunt into his face with a steady
rhythm. She leaned her head to the side to look at his cock. He had his fist on his fuckmeat. He was
jerking off and eating her at the same time.

"Fuck me!" she cried. "Fuck me his mouth away from her cunt, he wiped her cuntjuice off his face
with his sleeve. She watched him undress. When he was naked, he came to her, draped her legs over
his shoulders, and drilled his hard young cock deep into her steaming cunt.

It was over quickly, but she didn't care she was as ready as he was. When he began spurting his jism,
she got her hands on his asscheeks and squeezed his muscular flesh to help dump his load.

They took off the rest of their clothes and went to Maureen's room. Maureen was concerned about Hal
and Sandy coming home, but she decided she had to chance it. She was too horny for more fucking to
let the boy get away now.

As Stevie lay there stretched out on the bed recovering his strength, Maureen leaned over him and
began sucking his balls.

He reacted as though it were a new sensation for him, and when she asked him about it he told her no
one had, ever done to him before.

"Do you like it?"

"Shit, yeah!"
She smiled. Of course he liked it. So did she, She felt very tender towards him when she had his balls
in her mouth. His lovely balls, so round and firm in the sac, stuffed her mouth deliciously. She first
sucked one at a time, and then she managed to get both balls inside her mouth together. When she
pulled her lips away, his ball-sac was completely drenched with her saliva.

She moved her mouth up to suck on his

cockhead. She could taste her cuntjuice on the spongy knob. He was still only half-hard, and she began
working him gradually up again, enjoying the feel of his warm cock slowly stiffening inside her mouth.

At intervals she would pull her mouth away to look at his swollen cockhead, to gaze at the clear
cockjuice brimming in his pisshole, to squeeze some of it out and scoop it up with her tongue.

He slowly pumped his hips up and down, gently fucking her mouth with throbbing cock.

Her lips glistening with spit, she broke away and looked up at his face.

"I'm not the first to do this to you, am I?" He hesitated, uncertain about whether to tell her about his
girlfriends. "What's the difference?" he finally murmured.

Maureen chuckled. "You've answered the question. I really don't care, honey. Why should I?"
"Well, I thought maybe.. ."
"I'm not the jealous type," she said with a giggle before dosing her mouth over his cockhead again.

Dribbling spit over his hot cockmeat, she pushed her tongue into his pisshole, sucked vigorously on his
juicy knob, and finally rammed her mouth down to get one more jab
of his cockhead against the back of her throat. He groaned when she pulled her mouth free. "Come on,"
she said. "It'll feel better in my cunt. Fuck me now."
Rolling over on her back, she pulled her knees up and opened her thighs. When he crawled between her
legs and sat up on his haunches, she used the fingers of both hands to open her cunt under his gaze.

"Come on, baby, fuck me!" she hissed. "Give it to me hot and hard!"
Dropping down in the saddle, he fit his cockhead to the socket of her cunthole and lurched his cock

"Oh, that's good!" she cried. "All the way! Give me all of it!"
He pushed his cock into the hilt; grinding and screwing his hips until he had his balls slapping against
her ass.

"Oh, shit, it's great!" he groaned. He could feel the muscles of her cunt closing around his cock like a.
fist. He'd thought a woman her age would be big and sloppy, hut instead her cunt was so tight he was
afraid the friction would make him shoot his load too soon. He tried moving as slowly as possible, but
she wanted him to fuck her hard and she wouldn't stand for it.
"Come on, fuck me!" she moaned. "Fuck
me hard! Give it to me!"
She adored the way his cockmeat stretched her cuntmouth, but she wanted a hard ramming. She wanted
his cock sawing in and out of her sopping hole like a piston. She wanted her cunt thoroughly reamed
out by his fuck pole.

"Uuunnnggghhh!" he grunted. He was moving faster now, and she crooned in his ear to urge him on.

She loved the length of his cock. He was just long enough to pound the end of her fuck channel without
hurting her. The length of his cock combined with its delicious thickness was heavenly.

"Come on, lover, sock it to me!" she cooed. His cock seemed to be swelling up inside her cunt, getting
thicker and thicker each moment, stretching her cuntmouth further each time he stroked in and out of
her juice-drenched hole.

Lifting her legs up, she crossed her ankles over his back and reached down to grab his asscheeks with
her hands. There was nothing in the world mare pleasurable than holding a man's ass while he pumped
his cock in and out of her cunt.

She wondered about the girls he'd had. She realized now that he'd been pretending innocence. He was a
wise little fucker, but that
was really part of his appeal. He gave her a feminine feeling of being dominated, even though he was
still a boy.

But a boy with a lovely cock! God, how wonderful his fuckmeat felt inside her hungry pussy!
"Ohhhhh!" she groaned. "Ohhhhh, God, yes! Ooohhh!"
He was pounding her now, not with rapid strokes, but with long deep strokes that slammed his
throbbing cock in and out of her cunt with a steady rhythm. At the end of each stroke his bloated
cockhead jabbed at her insides, his balls slapping against her asscheeks and tickling her asshole.

Her clit felt on fire and she knew she'd be coming soon. Her cunt felt primed and ready, like a bomb
about to explode.

"Ohh. . . ohhh, wow! Ohhhhhhh, yes, yes, yes, darling, yes!"

Her ass bucked up and down, slamming back at his cock, turning and twisting to give her cunt the
maximum friction, to get her clit rubbed as much as possible by his pistoning cock. She was going to
come hard. She could feel it growing inside, mushrooming out, getting ready to swamp her cunt with
the ecstasy of orgasm.


"Oh, shit!" Stevie groaned.

"Uuunnnggghhh! Coming! I'm coming!"

"Jesus fucking Christ!"
His cock felt like a hot bar of iron inside her spasming cunt. With each contraction of her pussy, the
walls of her cunt gripped him like a tight fist. She felt as though her cunt were milking him, sucking his
cock like a mouth.
"Shoot it!" she cried. "Give it to me! Shoot it into me!"
She felt his cock suddenly swell up and twitch, and then he stiffened and groaned above her, his lips
pulled back to show his clenched teeth, his eyes shut tight, his neck muscles flexed as he teetered on
the brink.

Digging quickly with her hand, she found his asshole and drilled her middle finger into his shitter.

"Oh, Jesus fucking Christ!" he groaned. "Aaaaaarrrggghhh!"

"Come, honey! Come inside me!"
He twitched and lurched, his body convulsing, his cock jerking and throbbing as he shot his hot load
deep inside her cunt. She could feel his jism splattering the walls of her fuck channel. She could feel
his hot rubbery shit tube contracting around her finger each time his cock spurted his juice. The
exquisite feeling of his body clamped between her legs, of his
youthful vigor as he ferociously fucked her cunt, drove her out of her mind.

He's not the only boy in the world, she thought. I owe it to myself to get more of this.


There was a boy next door. His name was Ronnie, and Maureen decided that if she was really going to
fuck another boy Stevie's age she ought to get involved with a kid she trusted. Picking up some half-
grown stud downtown might result in a heap of trouble. The other factor was that she and Ronnie were
already on speaking terms and it would be no problem to get him alone inside the house. Once that was
accomplished, the rest would be

And so one day when Hal and Sandy and Stevie were away, Maureen sat on the living room sofa with
young Ronnie Price and pretended to be interested in baseball. Since she knew almost nothing about
baseball, they quickly exhausted the topic and she adroitly switched the conversation to sex. She was
surprised to discover that he'd lost his virginity a long time ago. She finally dragged out of him the
information that his first fuck had been one of his aunts..

"Oh, Lord!" Maureen chuckled.

The boy was embarrassed, as though caught giving away a family secret. He calmed down when she
reassured him that that sort of thing went on all the time, and that it was probably the best way for a
young boy to learn about sex.

"And I'll bet you learned a lot, didn't you, honey?" she teased 'with a meaningful glance at the
promising bulge in his crotch.

He caught the direction of her glance and smiled. "Yeah," he said simply.

"You're feeling horny right now, aren't you?"

"I sure am!" he breathed.

There was a definite chemistry between them, and Maureen knew they were past the
point where any further seduction was necessary. When he put his hand on her thigh, she leaned back
and closed her eyes with a sigh.

"I feel horny, too!" she purred.

Words were no longer needed after that. A moment later he slipped his hand under her dress and
moved it up along her thighs. She kissed him, and when he cleverly put his tongue in her mouth, she
greedily sucked on it. She was sorry now that she was wearing pantyhose. Things would have been
much simpler if she had a bare pussy under her dress.

When his fingers found the mound of her cunt, he massaged her cuntlips through the material of her
pantyhose and panties.

Her crotch was sopping wet, wet enough for him to get the sticky feel of her cuntjuice on his fingers.

Moaning softly, she squirmed her ass on the sofa cushion. When they finally broke apart, he grinned at

"I've been dying to ball you for months," he said. "Ever since you came to live with the Griffins. Let's
get to a bed and stop wasting time."
"You certainly seem to know what you want," she said meekly.

"Don't you wanna fuck?"

She smiled at him and rose. "Come on, lover. Let's find out who wants to do what."
Taking his hand, she led him down the hall to her bedroom. The insides of her thighs were so wet, she
imagined she could hear a squishing sound as she walked.

Inside her bedroom he took her in his arms and kissed her. She could feel his hard cock pressing
against her cunt through the layers of clothing between them. He was a few months younger than
Stevie, but he was actually brawnier. His cock certainly felt bigger.

"Let's fuck," he whispered when they broke apart.

They undressed facing each other, and her blood raced when she saw him for the first time with his
clothes off. His body was lean and muscular, and his cock and balls were impressively big. He had the
equipment of a well hung man rather than a young boy. Closing in on him, she palmed his heavy balls
and fingered the soft skin that covered his ironhard cockshaft.

"You're hung like a horse," she giggled.

"And you've got tits like a cow," he said, putting his hands on her naked tits and tugging on her thick

Their bodies pressed one against the other, they put their hands on each other's asses and

"Tell me about your aunt," Maureen said. "Do I remind you of her?"
"Yeah." he chuckled. "She's got big tits just like yours. You've got a nicer ass, though."
"Do you like asses?"
"You bet!" he said.

She wondered if he'd ever fucked his aunt in the ass. The idea of having this boy's huge cock up her ass
made her tremble.

"Let's hurry," she said, stretching out on the bed and looking up at him.

He loomed over her at the side of the bed, flexing his muscles, his swaying cock impatiently dripping
cockjuice. He smiled when he saw the lust in her eyes.

"You like big cocks?"

"Every woman does," she replied.

"Some of the girls I know say it's too big." "They're girls and not women," she chuckled. "Bring that
slab of horsemeat over here, honey."
He moved closer, standing beside the bed and dangling his cock and balls over her face. His cock was
almost perfectly straight, without a curve, and had a foreskin that almost covered the head even though
he was fully erect. Below his magnificent cock, his
large balls swung loosely in an almost hairless sac.

He stretched out on the bed beside her and began kissing her tits.

His tongue felt like a hot poker as it moved over her body. She trembled as he slid down over her belly,
his mouth leaving a wet trail of saliva. When his face was down at her cunt bush, he spread her cuntlips
open with his fingers and looked at the inside of her pussy.

"That's a hot juicy cunt!" he said.

My God, this kid is making my pussy sing! she thought.

Pulling back her knees, she opened her thighs to completely expose her crotch to his gaze.

"Yeah!" he breathed.

"Go down on it!" she moaned softly. "Eat my pussy!"

His head swooped down. She gasped as she felt his mouth touch her flesh and his tongue probe and
begin licking up and down over the hard nub of her clit. He thrashed his tongue over her clit and then
sent it down to push inside her brimming cunthole.

"Yes, yes!" she moaned. "Suck me! Eat that thing, baby!"
She feasted her eyes on his head buried between her legs. His hands slid over her belly
and up to her tits, gripping the globes firmly, his thumbs raking her stiff nipples. He squeezed her tits to
the same rhythm as the fucking of his tongue in her steaming cunt.

"Uuunnnggghhh!" she mewled.

She held his head with her hands, playing with his cars, pulling his face more firmly against her crotch.
She squirmed and bucked her ass, grinding her cunt against his mouth. He was obviously an
experienced cunt lapper. He had the freshness of youth and the knowing mouth of a man who loves to
suck cunt. The combination was devastating to her senses, and she was soon quaking and shuddering
with pleasure.

His tongue went wild in her dripping cunt as he sucked up her gushing cuntjuice with a noisy
slobbering and slurping. She felt as though he were literally eating her up, sucking out her insides,
draining all the juices out of her body.


Holding his ears in her hands, she humped her ass up and down off the mattress, fucking his face with
her slippery hot cunt. She was so hot now, her biggest fear was that something would happen to keep
him from finishing her. Her teeth clenched, her breath snorting
through her nose, she pumped her cunt under his sucking mouth.

Her climax was on the way.

"Harder!" she cried. "Suck me harder!"

Digging his fingers into her tits, he licked firmly up and down the open gash of her cunt.

"Yes, yes!" she moaned. "Suck it! I'm almost there, baby?"
Pushing his mouth into her more forcefully, slobbering up and down the wet folds of her cunt, he
continued squeezing her tits. She bucked and pushed and spasmed on his face.

"Oh, God, I'm there! I'm there! Suck me! Suck my cunt!"
Shuddering and shaking through the rush of the orgasm, she gave a final heave under his mouth and
collapsed on the mattress.

"Jesus Christ!" he grinned, pulling his face out from between her thighs. "You sure had a big one, didn't
Opening her eyes, she looked down at him and groaned. "Fuck me," she said softly.

He straddled her body, one knee on each side of her hips, sitting on her thighs and leaning forward
slightly so that his broad cockhead rubbed against the mouth of her still quivering cunthole.

Reaching down while they both watched, she massaged her clit with his cockhead. At the
same time, using her other hand, she pulled his foreskin back and forth on his cockshaft and tickled and
scraped his balls with her fingernails.

"That feels good!" he groaned.

"I've got something else that feels good," she giggled. "Come on up here and put that big salami
between my tits."
When he leaned over her, she pushed her tits together to enclose his cock in a tight channel of tit-flesh.
He began humping, driving his cock in and out of the channel, his glistening red cockhead pushing out
under her chin at the end of each stroke. Pulling her chin down and opening her mouth, she lapped her
tongue across his pisshole each time his cockhead came within striking distance.

She quivered with pleasure at the musky odor of his cock and the taste of his cockjuice oozing out of
the slit in his fat cockhead.
She put her hands on his ass, feeling his firm muscles rippling as he moved back and forth. Her fingers
slid into the crack of his ass and probed his asshole. He stopped moving a moment, raised his ass
slightly, and then relaxed as her finger pushed into his shitter.

"Uuunnnggghhh!" he groaned.

Her finger deep inside his ass, she began massaging his shit-tube as he continued fuck-
ing her tits. Each time she moved her finger in his ass, she flicked her tongue across the end of his
cock. Quivering and moaning, he moved his hands down to her cunt and shoved two fingers inside her

She was sweating now, and the sweat lubricated the channel between her tits and made it easier for his
cock to slide in and out. He was beginning to tremble as his orgasm approached. She wanted him to
come in her mouth so that she could taste his thick young jism on her tongue and teeth. She wanted the
feel of his slimy cream sliding down her throat as she swallowed it. She sucked harder, craning her
neck forward to get his big cockhead at the back of her throat.

But the boy had no intention of coming in her mouth. He wanted to fuck her. Scooting down and
covering her, he closed his lips over a tit and at the same time pushed his cockhead forward into her
steaming cunthole.

"OH, YES!" she cried. "OH, SWEET JESUS!"

She closed her eyes as she slid his cock forward into the grip of her fuck-channel. . She had known
large cocks before, but nothing like this. His length and thickness seemed to rip her cunt apart. She
clawed at his back and groaned with pleasure as he rammed his huge
cock harder and deeper into the soft wet meat of her pussy.

"Oh, God, fuck me!" she moaned, her head tossing from side to side on the pillow, her legs pulled up to
offer him the saddle of her crotch.

"You like it?" he grinned.

"You're so big!"
"Shit, you love it!" he laughed. "Move your cunt! Fuck back at me!"
He looked dawn at her crotch, watching his thick cock piston in and out of her body, feeling her cunt
rhythmically tighten on his cock. He knew he had a big cock. His aunt had told him his cock was a
woman's dream but it took a hot-cunted bitch like Maureen to appreciate it. He wondered if Stevie
Griffin was getting any from her. He'd have to find out from Stevie. In the meantime he had Stevie's
aunt moaning under his cock and he loved every moment of it. He loved watching a hot bitch
squirming under him as he shoved his big cock in and out of her soft slimy cunt.

As they settled down to a steady rhythm of fucking, Maureen felt the gradual buildup. She had a
delicious young animal between her thighs and he was carrying her along with him to a breathless

Sweat continued streaming down their bodies and she could feel the warm trickles
between her thighs and under her tits. She gasped as she worked her cunt harder, urging him on to the
moment when his cock would explode and pump his hot jism deep into her quivering cunt.
"Fuck me, you sonofabitch!" she cried. "Fuck me and come!"
"I'm not coming yet!" he giggled, bending forward to fuse his mouth with hers, to push his tongue
between her teeth and down her throat.

Spreading her legs wide apart, she lifted them and wrapped them around his body. She held him
clasped tight with her arms and legs, her body shuddering with the rhythm of his hard fucking.

She had so much cuntjuice gushing out of her cunt now, she could distinctly hear it squishing as he
pumped his cockmeat in and out of her fuckhole.

"Oh, shit, I'm coming!" he suddenly cried. She felt his cock expand and jerk and grow thicker inside
the hot channel of her cunt. Then he suddenly began coming, shooting spurt after spurt of hot jism,
filling her pussy with it until his cream splattered out of her cunt to gush down her ass. Then, as he
came to his peak, he jammed his cock as deeply as possible inside her cunt and held, fast.

They lay locked together while he continued shooting until his orgasm was over.

After a while she could feel their juices running down and oozing out of her cunt in a flood.

When they finally relaxed, she felt his cock soften and slip out of her fucked-out cunthole.

"You're a good fuck!" the boy groaned. Slipping a hand down to playfully and gently squeeze his balls,
Maureen chuckled. "So are you, honey. You'd better get home now. We don't want to get caught here,
do we?"
Ronnie snickered. He felt damn sure now that Stevie was fucking her. He wondered where Stevie was
at that moment. Would Stevie be angry when he learned Ronnie had fucked his aunt?


At that very moment Stevie was too busy to give a damn about his aunt. He had his face buried in a
naked girl's lap. The girl's name was Cheryl and she was teasing Stevie by keeping her legs together
and preventing him from getting his mouth on her cunt. He could get his tongue no further than the top
of her slit. Stevie was persistent. He knew that Cheryl was a hot little bitch and that she'd soon give in.
He was right. In a moment Cheryl sighed,
humped up her ass, and opened her pray legs. "You're making me crazy, "Cheryl said.

"If you really want to do that, go"

Stevie grinned and pushed her legs apart to give himself room to lie between them. Cheryl was a tease
but she was a great fuck. Fucking his aunt had given him the confidence to take on a girl like Cheryl.
She claimed she made it with girls as well as boys, but he didn't care about that.

Cheryl raised her hips up now, and Stevie slipped his hands under her ass and pressed his mouth
against her cunt.

"Oooh!" Cheryl moaned as his tongue pushed back the hood of her clit and circled her tiny joy-button.

He nibbled her clit and cuntlips. Her hands caressing his head and ears, she rotated her ass and smeared
her cunt over his face.
"Oh, you give nice head! Oh, shit, yes! Suck it, baby, suck it!"
The warm smell of her cunt drove him wild. Now she drew her knees up to plant the soles of her feet
close to her asscheeks. This freed her ass to move in a crazy figure-eight under his mouth. He kept his
mouth clamped on her cunt as best he could, sucking her clit without letup as she started coming.

"Uuunnnggghhh!" she cried. "Ooohhh!

Glancing up over her cunt bush, he could see her face contorting, her head rolling from side to side, her
tits bouncing like ripe little pears on her ribcage. He could feel her fingernails digging into his scalp.
He could smell the syrupy cuntjuice pouring out of her pussy. He kept sucking until the end, until she
gave a final heave and collapsed under his mouth.

"Where did you learn how to do that?" she said with a groan when she recovered.

Stevie chuckled. "My aunt taught me.

"Your aunt?"
"Yeah, we sort of get it on, if you know what I mean. We fuck."
Cheryl was silent a long time. When, she looked at him again, her eyes were glittering. "Jesus, that
turns me on! Suck my pussy again!"
With his hands under her knees, he raised her legs, bending them back towards her head. He stared at
the slit that ran from the bottom of her spine up to the top of her pussy. The pink slit of her cunt
gleamed wetly between the blonde curls lining each cuntlip. Juice dribbled out of the mouth of her
cunthole to run down into the growth of fine blonde hair surrounding the tight puckered ring of her

Her cute little asshole was irresistible.

Leaning forward, he tongued around the brown muscled ring of her shithole, lapping up her cuntjuice
and swabbing the stretch of skin between her asshole and cunthole.

Fitting his mouth over her cunthole, he pushed his tongue inside and began to suck deeply, pulling out
her thick cuntjuice between his lips.

"Ooooooohhh, God!" she wailed.

She moved her ass up and down, sliding her drooling cunt over his nose and mouth. When his hands
moved up over her belly, she caught hold of them and pulled them up to cover her tits.

"Suck me out!" she cried. "Suck my cunt!" He could sense she was close to coming again. Anchoring
his chin, on her asshole and the bridge of his nose on her clit, he opened his mouth to vacuum-suck her
cuntflesh between his teeth.

She bucked her hips and rolled her ass as a flood of cuntjuice gushed out of her streaming pussy.

"Oh, God, it's wonderful! It's way out! OOOH! SUCK MY PUSSY!"
Sucking cunt is the greatest thing in the world, he thought as her ass dropped and she collapsed again.
He could feel her nipples swell
and harden between his thumbs and forefingers. He continued sucking her cunt, then he brushed his
tongue up and down along her puffy cuntlips, lapping up her juice, and finally he moved up between
her legs and lay on top of her with his hard cock pressing against her sopping pussy.

"Put it in!" he groaned.

Groaning back at him, she grabbed his cock and stuffed his swollen cockhead into the mouth of her

"Oh, yes, fuck me!" she crooned. "Fuck my brains out!"

He was too far gone to last very long. He slammed into her with short savage strokes. Soon his jism
was boiling up in surging waves through his balls and cockshaft to explode out of his cockhead in a
geyser. The pressure was so great he felt as though he were pissing cum. Her cunt convulsed as she
took his load and came again with a series of soft moans.

As his cock shriveled in her cunt, he nibbled at her tits and sucked her nipples tenderly.

"Am I better than your aunt, Stevie?"

"Shit, yeah!" he said. "But she's nice, too, if you know what I mean."
"Does she have big tits?"
"Big and luscious.
"Mmmmmmm," Cheryl cooed. "She
sounds interesting. I like big tits. We could fuck together, if you want. The three of us. Don't you think
that would be fun?"
At first he looked at her as if she were crazy. He was silent a long time. Then a grin broke out on his
face and he giggled. "Jesus fucking Christ, what a great idea!"
Opening his mouth wide, he sucked in half of one of her little tits.

Getting Maureen to agree to a threesome with Cheryl wasn't all that easy. Her first response to Stevie's
suggestion was anger. She told him she thought he and Cheryl were perverted brats. She said she was
surprised that a boy his age would dare to come up with such freaky ideas. Stevie was smart enough to
save his trump card for the end. When he threatened to tell his parents about their little affair, Maureen
finally caved in and agreed.

"You're a lousy little bastard!" she said. "I'll have to get drunk to go through with this!"
Stevie told her he didn't care if she took opium. All he cared about was having some fun with two

"Fun my ass!" Maureen whined. "I'll hate

She was wrong, of course. Stevie sort of guessed she would be wrong, but he kept it to himself. There
was no use arguing with his Aunt Maureen when she was in one of her nutty moods.

Stevie waited for a weekend when his parents were out of town visiting his grandmother on his
mother's side. Maureen kept her promise about getting drunk. She started drinking when Stevie left the
house to pick up Cheryl, and by the time the boy returned with his girlfriend, his, aunt had finished off
half a bottle of bourbon.
"This is Cheryl," Stevie said.

Woman and girl eyed each other, Maureen with uncertainty and embarrassment and Cheryl with
amusement. Cheryl brazenly ogled Maureen's big tits. Maureen blushed and admitted to herself that the
teenage girl was certainly pretty. Cheryl, in turn, decided that Stevie's aunt would be a luscious treat.

"Stevie told me all about you," Cheryl cooed suggestively.

There was a pretense of propriety at first. They sat in the living room chatting about the coming State
Fair. Then Cheryl moved to sit beside Maureen on the sofa. Stevie left the room to get some more Coke
for himself and

Cheryl, and the first thing he saw when he returned was Cheryl's hands on his aunt's tits.

"Fantastic boobs." Cheryl giggled.

Maureen blushed. She was forced to admit to herself that it turned her on to have this pretty teenager's
hands moving over her tits. She was wearing a sexy low-cut dress with a bra, and, Cheryl was giving
her tits a lovely workout. The teenager knew exactly how to pinch and squeeze. When their mouths
fused in a wet kiss, Maureen shivered as her mouth accepted Cheryl's probing tongue.

Cheryl's hands were soon busying themselves with Maureen's dress, pushing and pulling the fabric in
strategic places, and in a moment the top of the dress was down at Maureen's waist and her luscious
heavy tits were bared.

"God, what a treat!" Cheryl giggled.

The teenage girl filled her hands with Maureen's naked tits, and then she lowered her head to begin
sucking the older woman's long nipples.

His eyes wide with fascination, his cock as hard as a rock, Stevie watched his girlfriend suck his aunt's
tits. Watching the teenager's pretty mouth working over his aunt's ripe flesh made the boy's cock twitch
and throb. Maureen's tits came out of the girl's mouth
swollen and wet, glistening with a coating of spit.

"Ooooooohhh, honey!" Maureen moaned. By the time Cheryl had her mouth pulled away from
Maureen's tits, Stevie had his zipper down and cock rearing up out of his fly. His bloated purplish
cockhead dripped cockjuice on the rug. Closing his fist around the shaft of his cock, he slowly pumped
his fuck pole under the eyes of the two women.

With a soft chuckle, pulling back her dress and opening her thighs, Cheryl stared at Stevie's throbbing
cock and massaged her panty-covered cunt with the flat of her hand.

"I need some dick up my pussy," she giggled.

Kicking off his sneakers, Stevie peeled off his socks and pants and shorts. The women purred at the
sight of his big jism-filled balls.

"He looks like he's got enough in there to drown both of us!" Maureen laughed.
"I want that slab of meat in my pussy!" Cheryl said. Pulling aside the crotch of her panties, the teenager
showed Stevie her juice drenched cunt.
Maureen kept her eyes fixed on Stevie s swaying cock. She no longer felt strange sitting there stripped
to the waist. She liked the feeling of freedom. She liked the attention she was
getting by having her heavy thick-nippled tits naked. Cheryl's fingers were still playing with one of her
stiff nipples and the older woman found herself shivering with pleasure under the teenager s expert

What Maureen wanted more than anything else, however, was to get Stevie's cock into her mouth. The
sight of that lovely fuck-pole throbbing and dripping juice made her mouth water.

Cheryl, who had her panties off and her legs spread apart as she waited for Stevie's cock, was now
surprised to see Maureen lunge forward and gobble the boy's cock up with her mouth.

Purring and mewling, thick gobs of spit dribbling out of the corners of her mouth, Maureen began
sucking Stevie's cock with a bobbing motion of her head. Up and down, up and down the boy's fuck-
pole her lips moved in a steady rhythm.

Stevie, standing in front of his aunt with his hands on his hips and a wide grin on his face, pumped his
ass as he fucked his cock in and out of his aunt's hungry mouth.

"Oh, fuck!" Cheryl complained. Grabbing Maureen's hair, the teenager pulled the older woman's face
away from the boy's cock.

Crying out in protest, Maureen pulled

herself free and gobbled up Stevie's cock again.

"Fuck you!" Cheryl screamed. Once again she pulled Maureen away from the boy. This time she pulled
Maureen's face down to her crotch. "Suck my cunt?" Cheryl hissed. "If you like sucking so much, suck
my pussy!"
Maureen found her nostrils filled with the smell of the teenager's cunt. This was the first time the older
woman had ever had a cunt so close to her face. She sniffed the warm female odor seasoned with piss
and cuntjuice. She was surprised to find the heady scent a turn-on, and after a moment of hesitation she
tentatively stuck her tongue out and began licking.

I must be crazy, Maureen thought. For the first time in her life she was tasting another woman's

She could see the girl's dark red clit waiting for her, protruding between swollen cuntlips. Pressing her
lips against the teenager's reeking cunt, Maureen caressed Cheryl's bristling cunthair with her tongue.
The warm thick cunt-smell filled her head and excited her. She tentatively touched the girl's clit with
the end of her tongue. The quivering joy-button was hot and slippery, thick with cunt slime.

"Oh, yeah!" Cheryl moaned.

Maureen slowly swabbed her warm wet

tongue back and forth across the girl's throbbing clit.
She moved a hand between the girl's plump asscheeks. Her ass was fleshier than a man's ass, but her
asshole was just as puckered and as tight. Maureen pressed one finger against Cheryl's shithole, and
when the ring dilated she slid her finger inside.

"Uuunnnggghhh!" Cheryl groaned. "Fuck me, baby, fuck my asshole!"

Maureen moved her finger in and out slowly, feeling the girl's asshole yield and open up. Pushing in a
second finger, she screwed both fingers in and out of the girl's shitter with a rotating motion of her

"Oh, Christ, yes!" Cheryl cried.

Pressing her face against the girl's cunt, Maureen closed her lips around the teenager's stiff clit and
began sucking.

Behind his aunt now, pulling up her dress over her waist and pulling down her panties, Stevie stared at
Maureen's lovely ass as she continued sucking Cheryl's cunt. Maureen's thighs were spread apart and
he had a full view of her pouting hairy cunt, the deep crack between her asscheeks, and the tightly
closed bud of her asshole.

Stroking her asscheeks with his hands, he let his fingers trace into the crack between them to
caress her asshole and the deep wet entrance to her cunt. A moment later he mounted her, gripped her
shoulders, and drove his pulsing hot cock deep inside her cunt.

A muffled wail came out of Maureen's throat. Her mouth filled with cunt and her cunt filled with cock,
her mind whirling in a frenzy of lust, she rocked back and forth between the girl and the boy.

Oh, God, Maureen thought, if Hal and Sandy ever find out about this they'll kill me!
She experienced fear for a moment, and. then the pleasure in her body took over and once more her
mind was preoccupied with cunt and cock.


Sandy Griffin was the first to get an inkling of what was going on.

Hal and Sandy, leaving the house one night to see a movie at a drive-in, returned home anxious to cap
off the evening with a session of solid fucking.

Sandy was exceptionally horny. She'd been priming Hal's cock for hours and now she wanted her
husband's hot prick reaming out her cunt. As she undressed in the bedroom, she
made sure Hal got an eyeful. Her new bikini bra and panty set was transparent enough to show the
shadows of her nipples and cunthair. When she slipped off her flimsy bra, she leaned forward a bit to
let him have the full effect of the hang of her tits.

"You've still got the best jugs in town," Hal grinned.

Sandy blushed. "That girl in the movie had more.

"Which one?" Hal asked. "You mean the one that gave that great blow-job?"
Sandy nodded, Watching people fuck on a big screen always made her as hot as hell. Thank God Hal
had no inhibitions about watching fuck-films! They had seen a particularly good one tonight and her
pussy was still responding to it. She remembered the girl with the luscious tits sucking for what seemed
like an hour on that young guy's cock. He'd been a boy, really. He'd reminded her of her stepson,
Stevie. She'd had fantasies about Stevie on more than one occasion. She certainly wouldn't mind
sucking Stevie's cock-for a minute or an hour or a week!
There were also a few things she wouldn't mind doing to Hal's sister. Sandy had never considered
herself a lesbian, but there were times when a woman as attractive as Maureen
put kinky thoughts in her head.

She found some excuse to turn away from Hal to slip off her panties. She had a full firm ass and she
liked to show it off. Hal was often forgetful about how much she liked attention paid to her ass, but
looking at it usually gave him a good hard-on. When she turned around again, she wasn't disappointed.
Hal had his shorts off and his cock looked as hard as an iron bar.

"Mmmmmmm!" Sandy purred. "That looks ready!"

Grinning, Hal fisted his cock and pulled back his foreskin to show her his swollen cockhead.

She lay down on the bed and opened her legs to completely expose her wet cunt. She was glad she had
no inhibitions about showing her fuckmeat to her husband. She had read somewhere there were still
women who undressed in the closet after thirty years of marriage. Well, she certainly wasn't one of
them! Letting Hal have a gander at her hair rimmed fuck-hole never failed to bring out the beast in him,
and what she wanted in bed with her at the moment was an animal and not a gentleman.

As if to make sure she got what she wanted, she slipped her hands down to her crotch and
pulled open her thick cuntlips with her fingers. Grunting his approval, Hal climbed on the bed to
crouch between her legs and look at her pink oozing cunt.

"Prime pussy!" he chuckled.

"Stick it in!" Sandy hissed. "Give me a good fuck!"

When he obligingly moved into the saddle, she grabbed his cock and helped him get his fat cockhead
centered in the socket of her cunthole. A moment later he lurched forward and rammed his cock
smoothly in to the hilt.

"Oh, God, that feels good!" she groaned. "I'm going to fuck you into the floor!" he growled.

"Oh, yes! Fuck me hard! Give it to me!"

She loved him when he was like this. She was in the mood to feel his long thick cock ramming her
insides. Putting her hands on his hairy ass, she squeezed and pinched his asscheeks to urge him on.

After years of marriage, they were familiar with each other's needs. Hal knew how to pace himself with
an easy but firm rhythm, and Sandy knew how to move her body to keep him primed. She kept her legs
pulled up to raise the angle of her cunt channel. This made it possible to get the full length of his cock
each time he rammed it home.

He gradually increased the rhythm of his fucking, and when she sensed it was time, she slipped her
fingers between his asscheeks and probed his asshole.

He groaned as she pushed the length of her middle finger deep into his shitter.
"Come on, baby!" she moaned. "Give it to me. Shoot your load!"
Humping his ass now like a wild bull, he grunted and groaned and began spurting jism into her
steaming cunt. She pictured his cum splattering the walls of her pussy and came along with him.

"Christ, what a nice fuck!" he groaned as he rolled off her body.

After a while Sandy left the bed and went to the bathroom to clean up. As she usually did, she put one
leg up on the toilet seat and used a mirror to look at her cunt. Her poor little pussy sure looked fucked
out! She watched Hal's creamy jism ooze out of her cunthole in thick gobs. Then she carefully wiped
her cunt dry and slipped into her robe. Hal would be fast asleep and snoring by now, but she was too
restless to join him. This was one of those nights when she needed more than one orgasm to calm her

She walked out on the veranda. She was about to sit down in a rocking chair when she
heard a woman moan.

The sound came from Maureen's bedroom window. After a moment of silence, Sandy heard the same
moan again.

She's either sick or she's fucking, Sandy thought. It couldn't be anything else.

Holding her breath and moving as carefully as possible on the creaky floor, Sandy crossed the veranda
to Maureen's window.

The shade was pulled down, but because of the warm night the window was open. Between the bottom
of the shade and the window sill there was a space just wide enough to look into the room. Crouching
down, peering into the bedroom of her sister-in-law, Sandy's heart nearly stopped when she realized
what she was looking at.

Maureen and Stevie were on the bed. They were naked and they were fucking.

Sandy's mind rebelled at first, refusing to believe what her eyes were seeing. Was it a dream? Maureen
moaned again and the reality of the scene was impossible to deny.

Her stepson and her sister-in-law were fucking.

She could see Stevie's hard muscular ass slowly pumping between Maureen's spread thighs. Each time
Stevie raised his ass, Sandy could see his thick young cock pull out,
glistening with Maureen's cuntjuice. Each time Stevie lowered his ass, Sandy could see his big balls
slapping against Maureen's dark winking asshole.

Her heart pounding, Sandy slipped a hand inside her robe and massaged her cuntlips. Her pussy was
still swollen from Hal's fucking. Now she was wet again, cuntjuice oozing out of her cunthole and her
cuntlips puffing up with need.

Watching the couple on the bed was more exciting than anything she'd ever imagined!
Aunt and nephew were fucking like old lovers, their hands roaming over each other's bodies, their hips
moving in perfect rhythm.
Three fingers churning the juice in her cunthole, Sandy watched as the boy moved his hands under
Maureen's ass and pushed his fingers into Maureen's cunt alongside his cock.

God, how big he is! Sandy thought. Her stepson's cock looked much bigger than his father's! All the
fantasies she'd been having about Stevie now rushed into her mind to make her cunt hotter than ever.

She was suddenly jealous of Maureen as she imagined how good it must feel to have that boy's big
cock ramming in and out of her cunt.

She was also terribly excited by the sight of

Maureen's naked body. Hal's sister sure had the goods! God, what lovely tits she had! And her dark
hairy cunt looked so ripe and fleshy!
Sandy could see Stevie's hands moving around under Maureen's ass, and she suddenly realized that the
boy was searching for his aunt's asshole. A moment later his finger found Maureen's brownie and
pushed in. Groaning and squirming, Maureen pushed her ass down to get more of his finger.

As a woman Sandy could appreciate the pleasure Maureen was feeling at having both cunthole and
asshole stretched at the same time. As far as Sandy was concerned, there was nothing more delightful
than having a finger or a cock reaming out her shithole.

"Oh, yes!" Maureen groaned. "Fingerfuck my ass, honey! It feels good!"

Moaning softly, her breath coming in gasps, Sandy busily fingerfucked her cunt. She tried using the
same rhythm as Stevie's pumping cock. She almost felt as if she were in there fucking with them. She
was a little jealous of Stevie. It must be fun to fuck a woman as pretty as Maureen. She could see the
boy's hand turning and twisting as his finger reamed out Maureen's tight little asshole.

Sandy also had a good view of Stevie's ass and dangling balls. Once again she was
amazed at how big his nuts were. She had never expected the boy to be better hung than his father, but
there it was! She wouldn't mind getting in there and playing with his swinging balls while he continued
fucking Maureen. If she really got hot, she might even stick her tongue up his ass. A guy had to really
turn her on before she did something like that. She imagined what it would be like to hold the boy's
cute little ass in her hands while she slithered her tongue in and out of his bunghole. Oh, God, her cunt
was so wet!
Sandy's cunt was gushing out a flood of cuntjuice now, wetting her crotch, her hand, and the insides of
her thighs. She tried wiping some of it up with her robe, but it didn't do much good. Her pussy was on
fire, and whenever it got like that the juice always came pouring out.

The two people on the bed were evidently as hot as Sandy was. Carefully watching Stevie's ass
bouncing up and down, Sandy decided he would be shooting his load soon. She automatically began
pumping her fingers inside her cunt more rapidly. In the back of her mind she imagined that her fingers
were actually Stevie's cock. She imagined the boy was giving her a vigorous fuck, the kind of fuck she
expected from a teenage boy. So
many years had passed since Sandy had fucked a boy Stevie's age, she'd almost forgotten what it was
like. She knew that Stevie would be a marvelous fuck. He had the lean hard body of a boy and the cock
and balls of a fully-grown man.

"Oh, fuck, you've got a tight cunt!" Stevie groaned.

"Uuunnnggghhh!" Maureen mewled. "Your cock is so big! I can feel it right up in my chest! God, what
a prick!"
Maureen squirmed on the plunging cockshaft as it pistoned in and out of her dripping cunt. She
squirmed her ass on the boy's pumping finger. Each time his cock slammed home into her cunt channel,
his finger drilled into the hot grip of her shitter.

Now Sandy could hear the wet squishing sounds of cock fucking cunt as the couple on the bed
approached their orgasms. Maureen dug her heels into Stevie's back and began humping her cunt on his
plunging cock. The boy's muscular ass was now pumping like a pile-driver.

"Oh, fuck, I'm coming!" Stevie grunted.

"Fuck me!" Maureen cried. "Don't stop! Uuunnnggghhh! Ooooohhh! OOHH! Oh, sweet Jesus in
heaven! FUCK MEEEEE!"
Her mind filled with the image of Stevie's
throbbing cock squirting jism into Maureen's hot cunt, Sandy's hand moved like a vibrator as she
massaged her cunt to an orgasm.

On the bed, Stevie slumped against Maureen and groaned. "God, you're really some fuck!"
Maureen giggled. Her hand snaked between their bodies to fondle and squeeze his balls. "That was
delicious!" she purred. "I came so hard!"
Chuckling, Stevie eased his juice-covered cock from his aunt's dripping cunt. When his cockhead
popped out, a gob of jism oozed out of her cunthole onto the bedspread. Patting Maureen's ass, he
moved over to sit on the edge of the bed.

Moaning softly, Maureen spread her legs wide and fingered her juicy cunt. Sandy was fascinated by the
appearance of her sister-in-law's fucked-out pussy. She had always found it exciting to look at her own
cunt after a solid fuck, but it was even more thrilling to look at the cunt of another woman when it was
ragged and fucked over and covered with jism and cuntjuice. She was amazed that Maureen felt no
inhibitions about playing with her cunt in front of the boy. Once again it was obvious that aunt and
nephew had been lovers for some time.

Stevie rose up now. His glistening cock dangled over his low-hanging balls, but his cockhead still
looked swollen. Sandy quivered as she imagined herself closing her lips over that lovely cockhead and
sucking it clean.

Carefully stepping away from the window, Sandy moved as quietly as possible across the veranda and
back to her own bedroom.

Stretched out on his back, the covering sheet down at the foot of the bed, Hal was snoring.

Sandy giggled softly at a sudden idea.

Sitting down on the bed, she leaned over and sucked her husband's limp cock all the way into her

Hal grunted and opened his eyes. When he realized what was going on, he groaned and put his hands
on Sandy's head. "Oh, yeah, baby!" he whispered. "Go to it!"
Sandy began sucking and slurping on his warm cock, swishing her tongue around his swelling
cockhead and gripping it with her lips.

As his cock hardened, Hal began hunching at her mouth.

With her free hand, Sandy pulled her robe open and groped for the wet meat of her cunt. She crammed
three fingers inside her cunthole, twirling them around, massaging the inner walls of her hungry pussy.

"Oh, shit, yeah!" Hal groaned. "Uuunnnggghhh!

Suck it, baby! You're gonna make me shoot off t Oh, yeah! Aaarrrggghhh!"
Sandy hunched and pumped her cunt at her plunging fingers as she puckered her mouth on his
throbbing cock. Her pussy was on fire. Hal's cockshaft, wet with her saliva, slid in and out of her mouth
as though her mouth were a grasping cunt. She wanted his thick slimy jism splashing her gums and
sliding down her throat.

"Oh, fuck, yeah, I'm going to come!" he groaned. "Take it, baby! Suck it all out! Jesus fucking Christ!
Aaarrrggghhh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh!"
She began swallowing as soon as she felt his cockhead swell up. A moment later his hot jism began
splattering the back of her throat in heavy spurts. She continued sucking and gulping as his slimy fuck-
cream erupted out of his bloated cockhead. With one hand holding his balls to squeeze out the last of
his juice, she fucked her cunt. with the other hand and brought herself off. Her last thought before
collapsing on the bed in a tired heap was the memory of Stevie's jism oozing out of Maureen's fucked-
out pussy.


Maureen continued working at the Blue Horse Cocktail Lounge. She continued hoping that sooner or
later she'd meet a man and get married. She needed steady fucking and marriage seemed the only way.
The problem was that nearly all the men she met at work were married. One exception was her boss,
Tony Marco. Tony was unmarried, but he was also old enough to be her father. Maureen wasn't sure
she ought to get involved with a
man that old. Tony's interest was obvious, however, and they flirted together whenever they had the
chance. Maureen knew that eventually she would go to bed with him. Their conversations were
becoming more and more sexy, more and more raunchy, and it was only a matter of time before they
fucked. Maybe when it happened she'd be rid of her obsession with teenage boys. The important
question was whether her orgasms would be as strong with a man like Tony Marco as they were with a
boy like Stevie.

The question was answered sooner than she expected. One night, just before closing time, Tony began
flirting with her as he usually did at the end of the evening. This time, however, he seemed more
insistent. As they joked and chatted behind the cash register, he put his hand on Maureen's ass.

Maureen decided to remain cool. Having the hand of her boss on the cheek of her ass wasn't the worst
thing in the world. It surely wouldn't kill her, and it would certainly help her keep her job. The problem
was that as soon as she had talked herself, into accepting his hand on her ass, he said something that
shocked her even more.

"I'd like to suck your ass!" he hissed.

Maureen trembled. "What?"

"You heard me."

"I thought I did, but I wasn't sure."
"Stay around awhile, we'll have a little party. I'll drive you home later."
"But, Tony."
"Stay around, baby," he said as he walked away.

The erotic images which now welled up in Maureen's mind soon overwhelmed her senses. The one
image which caused her pussy to quiver the most was that of Tony with his face pressed between the
cheeks of her ass. Just thinking about it made her cream her panties! Would she accept his offer? She
certainly would! Twenty minutes later she was sitting on the sofa in Tony's office holding a glass of
champagne in one hand and Tony's stiff cock in the other hand. He had a lovely long cock, a little on
the thin side, but with a juicy-looking purplish knob and lots of thick blue veins on his cockshaft. No
matter what his age, his cock definitely looked as fit as a fiddle. Dipping her hand in the champagne
glass, she slowly rubbed her wet fingers up and down the silk skin of his fuck-pole.

"Oh, Jesus, that feels good!" he groaned. "You're a hot little tomato, Maureen! Let's have a look at the
Maureen giggled. Tony Marco was not a
man to waste any time! She was ready for him, however. She had removed her underwear in the ladies'
room and she now had nothing on under her dress. Leaning away from him on the sofa, she held still
while he rolled up her dress and exposed her ass.

"Like a nun!" Tony breathed. "I knew it!" Puzzled, Maureen looked at him over her shoulder. "Huh?"
Tony explained. One time when he was a boy, the nuns had taken his school class on a field trip into
the woods. As everyone wandered around looking at nature, one of the nuns quietly left the group and
walked into the forest. Tony secretly followed her and after a few minutes of searching found her with
her skirts up taking a long healthy piss behind a tree. The memory of the young nun's gorgeous white
ass had remained with him all his life.

"You got the same kind of ass," Tony said warmly. "Same size, same look."
Maureen purred. She liked the idea that Tony could remember a thing like that after all these years. She
liked the idea that she reminded him of a nun, but she wiggled her ass to let him know that was where
the resemblance ended.

Tony chuckled. Dipping his fingers in champagne, he spread the bubbly liquid over
her smooth asscheeks and in the crack between them.

Maureen squirmed as the cool liquid ran over her hot asshole.

She squirmed even more when Tony lowered his face and began lapping up the champagne with his

Tony Marco was not a novice. He knew when he had a luscious woman under his nose. He'd had his
eye on Maureen ever since she'd started working for him. Now he had the two gorgeous globes of her
ass swelling out from under her dress in all their peaches-and-cream beauty.

As his tongue slipped down between her thighs and began to brush lightly over her asshole and
cuntlips, Maureen began to move her hips in a gentle and easy rhythm.

"You like that, baby?" Tony asked.

"Mmmmm," was all she answered, but it was enough. He could feel her thighs trembling with

He straddled her and let his cock glide over the slippery skin of her ass. His long swollen prick danced
all over her asscheeks and slid in and out between her thighs. Maureen lay there moaning gently and
swaying her hips back and forth.

Dipping his finger in more champagne,

Tony worked it up her asshole.

"Oh, Jesus!" Maureen groaned.

"Take it easy," Tony said. "I'll get you wet enough so it won't hurt. You got a gorgeous little shithole,
baby. Gorgeous!"
He made sure to get her bunghole nice and wet. A dry asshole made for a lousy fuck and a screaming
woman. He could never understand why they let him fuck their asses in the first place, but some of
them seemed to love it. And it wasn't only the older ones. He'd known a few teenagers who wouldn't
take a cock any place but up the ass.

When his wet finger slipped up the tight channel of Maureen's ass as far as his knuckle, she shuddered
with a mixture of pleasure and pain.

He used his free hand to collect some of the cuntjuice oozing out of her pussy. He rubbed the juice over
his cock at the same time as he continued frigging her asshole with champagne.

Cute little hairy asshole, he thought. It was going to look beautiful stretched around the meat of his

Now he withdrew his finger from her asshole and replaced it with the tip of his throbbing wet cock. For
a moment he did no more than rub his cockhead against the dark
puckered ring. He took his time. An ass like this was to be enjoyed leisurely.

"Okay," he said finally, "set up on your knees."

He positioned her over the arm of the sofa with her ass in the air. She liked the feel of his hands on her
body. He was strong and masculine, but not brutal. When a woman gave her ass to a man she was very
vulnerable, and she was thankful that Tony was gentle with her.

She trembled when he spread her asscheeks with his hands and nudged the head of his cock against her
asshole. She knew that this time he would go in. In a moment she felt his cockhead pushing against the
tight ring of her shitter. She pushed her ass back to help him. She concentrated on opening her asshole,
and then suddenly the tight puckered ring gave way and his spongy cockhead slipped inside.

"Uuunnnggghhh!" he groaned.
Pushing forward, he rammed his long hard cock all the way up her ass.

Maureen moaned. "Ooooooohhhhhhh, Tonyyyyy!"

"Does it hurt?"
"A little," she gasped. "But it feels good, too! I like it!"
Wiggling her hips, she tightened her asshole
around his cock and giggled when it brought a groan out of his throat. His cock felt like a big turd
stretching her shit-tube. She wondered if he could see any of her shit on his cock. She was momentarily
embarrassed by the thought, but then she decided that if a man wanted to fuck a woman's ass he ought
to expect some shit on his cock.

He began moving in and out of her asshole now. He pumped slowly at first, but she was soon loose
enough to take the full length of his cock in long smooth strokes. Bending over her back, he grabbed a
hanging tit in each hand and whispered in her ear.

"You've got a juicy ass, baby!"

His thrusting was powerful now. He rammed his long cock in and out of her ass like a well-oiled
piston. She shuddered and quaked with pleasure as his fuck-pole pumped in and out of her spasming

"Oh, God, fuck my ass!" she moaned.

Grunting, ramming his cockmeat into the hot rubbery grip of her luscious ass, he cried out and began
splattering her bowels with his thick jism. When she realized he was coming, the image of his
cockhead spurting jism inside her ass triggered a series of intense spasms in her empty gushing cunt.

When they cleaned up afterward, they did it

together in Tony's private bathroom. It was fun washing his, cock and balls. There were traces of shit
on his cock, but Tony was very casual about it and she wasn't embarrassed. She felt very much at ease
with him. It was a warm comfortable feeling; and she told herself she wouldn't mind having his cock up
her ass every day of the year. Her asshole still tingled, but the sensation was very erotic.

"You're a sweet kid," he said.

Maureen blushed as they sat on the sofa finishing off the bottle of champagne. It was strange how Tony
always made her feel like a young girl. It was thrilling to be dominated by him. When he looked at her
now with a thin smile, she waited meekly for him to tell her what he wanted.

"Suck my cock," he said.

Putting away her glass of champagne, she got down on her knees between his legs. His cock was a long
limp sausage draped over his hairy balls. She tried to forget that his cock h d been up her ass. She had
washed him up herself, so it really didn't matter. From the way he sat there, with his arms folded like a
little dictator and his legs spread wide, it was obvious he was trying to humble her. She didn't care
about that either. She liked it.

Leaning forward, she lifted his soft cock

with a finger and sucked his dark spongy cockhead between her lips.
She had always taken pride in her cocksucking ability, and she knew that Tony was experienced
enough to appreciate her. She wondered how many women had sucked his cock. Maybe hundreds. A
man in Tony's business always had women around him, and since some women enjoyed sucking cock
almost as much as fucking, he'd probably had his prick sucked by experts. Maureen was determined to
be as good as the best of them.

She gave him plenty of saliva, wetting his cock over its entire length, letting her spit dribble down over
his cockshaft and onto his balls. She sucked hard, pulling in her cheeks to make her mouth as snug as a
tight cunt. Unfortunately, nothing worked and his cock stayed soft.

She finally spit his cock out of her mouth. "Maybe you're too tired, Tony."
"Bullshit!" he growled.

Leaning back, he pulled his feet up on the edge of the sofa cushion. This turned up his whole crotch to
expose his cock and balls and asshole. Maureen gazed with fascination at all the dark hair running
down into the crack of his ass. He was the hairiest man she'd ever fucked, and she was surprised how
much it
turned her on.

"Let's have something special," he grinned. He wanted a tongue-bath. He had already done it to her and
she saw no reason not to return the favor. In any case, it wasn't that much of a favor, The idea of
running her tongue over his balls and ass made her shiver with excitement.

She began with his balls. She licked around the base of his cock and then over the hairy wrinkled sac
that held his two big nuts. Stiffening her tongue, she probed over and under his balls and finally sucked
each ball in turn inside her mouth. His nuts dropped out of her mouth coated with her saliva.

"That's nice," he groaned.

Well, at least she was getting to him. She thought there was a slight hardening of his cock, but she
wasn't sure. She next moved her tongue to his asshole. When he felt the first touch of her tongue on the
ring of his shitter, he looked down at her and hissed.

"Oh, yeah, baby! Daddy digs that! That's good!"

She kept her tongue on the outside of his asshole, running over the puckered ring and along the stretch
of skin between his balls and shithole.

"Do my ass!" Tony hissed. "Get your

tongue in there!"
She was shocked at first. The idea of actually reaming out his asshole with her tongue had never
occurred to her. It was one thing to tickle him on the outside, and something else to actually get inside
the hole.

Turned on by the idea and shuddering with lust, she stiffened her tongue and began to work it slowly
into his bunghole.

The fit was tight and the inside of his asshole was hot..

She worked her tongue far into his shitter, down to the root of her tongue with her lips pressed against
the ring of his grommet.

"Oh, yeah!" Tony breathed. "Ream me, baby! Ream out my ass!"
The words made her shiver. Her nose pressed into his ball-sac, she began tongue fucking his asshole.
He soon contracted his ass around her tongue, grabbing the long slithering muscle by its root. She
snorted with hot lust and bit into his crotch like an animal. She had no idea what he tasted like
anymore. She didn't care. Pressing her face into the crack of his ass, she worked his asshole with her
lips and tongue until she had him trembling.

"Oh, you hot little cunt!" he groaned. "Come on, give it to me! Get that tongue in there! Oh, shit, that's

As she sucked and probed and twisted her wet tongue inside his rubbery shithole, his dock slowly
thickened and rose up. Before long, he had a full hard-on, his cock as long and stiff as ever.

"Enough!" he grunted. "Come on, sit on it! Do a little fucking!"

Almost reluctantly, she retracted her stretched tongue and pulled her lips away from his asshole. When
he put his legs down, she straddled over him and brought the mouth of. her cunt to the head of his cock.
A moment later, with a groan of frenzied pleasure, she impaled herself on his throbbing fuck-pole.


When Maureen began a hot and heavy affair with her boss, it was only a matter of time before her
nephew began squawking. The boy was bitterly jealous. They had a fight about it one evening, and
Stevie stormed out of the house in a rage. Maureen found herself alone with Sandy, and she was now
concerned that her sister-in-law might realize that she and Stevie were more than just aunt and nephew.
She was relieved when Sandy chuckled.

"He doesn't like competition," Sandy said


Maureen blushed. "Competition?"

Sandy smiled. She came over to sit beside Maureen on the sofa. "Listen, honey," Sandy said, her hand
touching Maureen's arm. "You don't have to hide anything from me. I know about you two."
"Oh, God!" Maureen groaned, covering her blanched face with her hands. "How did you find out? Did
Stevie tell you? Does Hal know?"
"Relax, honey. I don't think Hal knows anything. Never mind how I found out. The important thing is
that I don't think it's that awful that you're teaching that kid something about sex. God knows he's old
enough. Anyway, I know how things are. A woman gets lonely and she needs a man. I don't blame you
for having some fun. I get lonely myself. Hal has been gone just two days on that stupid business trip
and I'm as horny as an old she goat!"
Sandy's hand was now moving up and down along Maureen's arm. The two women hardly ever
touched each other, and Maureen found herself strangely responding to the caress. A moment later
Sandy leaned over to plant a soft kiss on Maureen's cheek, and when Maureen turned her head, their
mouths suddenly fused
in a wet open kiss.

When they broke apart, Sandy whispered, "Have you ever tried it with a woman?"
"Not much," Maureen said with a quavering voice. "I'm not a lesbian."
"Neither am I," Sandy laughed. "I'm just horny. Come on, honey, forget about Stevie's big cock and
about that old guy you've been fucking at work. Just for one night. Let's make it together. I've always
liked you, you know. Let's have some fun together."
With a combination of fear that an unfriendly Sandy would tell Hal about Stevie, and an inner lust to
try sex with a woman, Maureen allowed herself to be led away to Sandy's bedroom. There was no
question in Maureen's mind about her own response-just thinking about it had drenched her pussy with

God will strike me dead, she thought.

Evidently not so quickly. Inside Sandy's room, Sandy locked the door and pulled Maureen into her

Maureen gasped. "Maybe . ."

"Relax, honey. Sandy will take care of everything."
Once again their mouths fused in a wet kiss. This time Maureen could feel Sandy's lovely body
pressing against her own, Sandy's heavy
tits pressing against her own, the bulge of Sandy's cunt-mound pressing against her own pussy. Sandy
was not wearing a bra, and the feel of her tits gave Maureen a delicious thrill.

They moved their bodies against each other, tit sliding against tit, nipple against nipple. Maureen was
amazed by the lovely softness in her arms. It was so different from a man! There were no hard muscles,
no scratching beard, no rough clothes. Just softness. A soft body and a soft, wet mouth.

Maureen had never been kissed like this, not by man or woman. Sandy's tongue slithered in and out of
her mouth like a wet eel. It Went everywhere, explored every crevice, swabbing Maureen's gums and
polishing her teeth.

When Maureen shifted her body slightly and pushed her thigh against Sandy's crotch, she could feel the
heat of Sandy's pussy against her leg.

"Please go easy with me," Maureen groaned. "I've never done anything like this before.

"Don't worry," Sandy purred. "Just relax and let your body take over. Just do what you feel like doing."
They continued rubbing their tits together. Since Maureen was also without a bra, there was nothing
between them except the thin
material of their blouses. Looking down, Maureen could see the outline of Sandy's stiff nipples. She
was slightly taller than Sandy, and she had to stoop a little to get her own nipples pressed exactly
against those of her sister-in-law.

Sandy kissed Maureen again. This time Maureen found her tongue sucked into Sandy's mouth.
Maureen trembled and gave herself over to the deep, saliva-drenched kiss. She moved her tongue in
and out of Sandy's mouth like a soft wet cock. A shiver of pleasure ran up her back when she felt
Sandy's hand on her tit.

Maureen moaned. Sandy pulled her mouth away from Maureen s and smiled. "You have gorgeous tits,"
Sandy cooed. "They're sensitive, aren't they? Just like mine. Sometimes I can even come when I get a
good tit-sucking. Has that ever happened to you, honey?"
"Yes," Maureen said weakly. The feel of Sandy's hand on her tit was marvelous. The other woman
seemed to know exactly how to explore, how to probe and heft the swelling globe. When Maureen's
nipple gradually stiffened, Sandy rolled the long thick bud with her open palm.

"Ooooh, that really comes out, doesn't it?" Sandy giggled. "I've always been a little
jealous of your nips. They're much bigger than mine. Longer, really. Sometimes when you go without a
bra and wear a thin dress, Hal gets turned on. I bet you didn't know that, did you?"
Maureen shook her head. She'd sometimes wondered if her brother ever looked at her sexually.
Knowing that he did gave her a strange thrill.

Moving her hand off her tit, Sandy slowly unbuttoned Maureen's blouse. In a moment Sandy's hand
was slipping inside to cup Maureen's naked flesh..

Maureen groaned at the contact and pushed her pussy more firmly against Sandy's crotch.

"Gorgeous tits!" Sandy breathed softly. She was pulling the blouse aside now to have a look. Using just
one hand, keeping the other hand on Maureen's waist, she fluttered her fingers over the under slopes of
Maureen's heavy tits and then over her long thick nipples.

Maureen shivered. Running her hand along Sandy's arm, her fingers made contact for the first time
with Sandy's melon-like boobs.

Sandy remained motionless, giving Maureen all the time she wanted to fondle her tits. Maureen found
that Sandy's large tits were softer than her own and the blonde's nipples smaller. She could feel Sandy's
hardening under the caresses of her fingers.

Sandy now peeled Maureen's blouse off her shoulders and almost completely exposed her tits. Her eyes
glittering with passion, her tongue wetting her lips, the blonde lowered her head to kiss her way from
Maureen's right shoulder to the peak of her right lit. With a satisfied murmur, Sandy closed her mouth
over the swollen nipple.

"Oh, God, that feels good!" Maureen groaned.

The brunette was soon trembling. Her sister-in-law was a woman and she knew exactly how to suck a
tit to give the most pleasure. Maureen's swollen nipple was soon tingling and throbbing like a tiny cock
in Sandy's mouth. At just the right moment, the blonde pulled her mouth away and moved to the other
tit and the other nipple.

Maureen had both hands on Sandy's tits now. Sandy was still wearing her blouse, but the feel of her
bra-less tits in Maureen's hands was still wonderful. Maureen squeezed and fondled the heavy globes,
pulling at the tiny nipples with her fingertips.

"Let me get on the bed," Maureen moaned. "I can't stand up anymore!"
Pulling her mouth away from Maureen's tit and smiling. Sandy straightened up.. She
finished peeling off Maureen's blouse. The brunette was now naked to her waist, her heavy tits showing
a slight droop. Her long dark nipples wet with Sandy's saliva. Maureen shivered when she saw the lust
in Sandy's eyes.

"Lovely!" Sandy said softly.

Maureen continued to hold Sandy's tits in her hands, and now the blonde looked down at Maureen's
fingers and smiled.

"Do you like touching me?"

"Yes!" Maureen hissed.

She began unbuttoning Sandy's blouse. When she had all the buttons undone, she pulled the blouse out
of the waistband of Sandy's skirt and peeled it off the blonde's body. Sandy's tits tumbled forward in all
their glory, and, unable to resist the impulse, Maureen quickly lowered her head and closed her mouth
over a pink nipple.

"Oh, yeah, honey, that's nice!" Sandy groaned. "Suck my tit!"

Maureen had never had a woman's tit in her mouth before. She was surprised at how much it turned her
on. She sucked and slurped on Sandy's nipple, dribbling saliva on the blonde's smooth white skin
before pulling her mouth away to work the other tit.

Sandy fumbled with the snaps on the side of Maureen's skirt, finally opened them, and

Maureen's skirt slid down to the floor. Sliding her hand down Maureen's back and inside her panties,
Sandy cupped and fondled Maureen's naked ass.
"God, what a luscious ass!" Sandy hissed.

Her mouth filled with Sandy's soft tit Maureen groaned as Sandy's fingers squeezed and probed and
finally moved into the crack of her ass. She trembled when she felt Sandy's fingertip touch her asshole.
She humped her ass back to offer Sandy encouragement, and a moment later Sandy's finger drilled
inside her tight shitter.

"Oh, Jesus!" Maureen wailed, pulling her mouth off Sandy's fat tit.

Sandy giggled, pushed her finger in and out of Maureen's asshole a few times, and finally withdrew it.
Pushing her hand further down between the checks of Maureen's ass, she slipped her fingers into the
brunette's dripping cunt.

"God, you're wet!" Sandy cooed.

With three fingers now inside Maureen's cunt-channel, Sandy began finger-fucking Maureen with a
slow sensuous rhythm. Maureen quivered. She not only had Sandy's fingers in her cunt, but she could
feel Sandy's wrist pushing between the cheeks of her ass.

"Please let me get on the bed!" Maureen


Sandy chuckled and slowly withdrew her hand from Maureen's cunt. Smearing Maureen's ass crack
with her cuntjuice, she gave a final probing of the brunette's asshole and stepped away.

Wearing only her panties, Maureen groaned as she stretched out on her back on the bed. She watched
Sandy finish undressing, and soon she was able to look upon her sister-in-law's naked body for the first
time since she had accidentally seen her fucking Hal. Sandy's body was very sexy. She had large tits
and large hips and a dense growth of cunthair covering her pussy.

"Lie back," Sandy said as she climbed onto the bed between Maureen's legs. "I'm going to make you
feel good."
Her tits hanging down like huge cantaloupes, the blonde trailed her hands down Maureen's body to the
waistband of her panties. Maureen helped by raising her ass off the bed, and in a moment Sandy had
the panties off Maureen's legs and tossed away.

Slowly, knowing the importance of the moment, Maureen moved her legs apart to show Sandy her

"Oh, yeah!" Sandy breathed, her eyes feasting on the wet oozing pussy. "Delicious!"

The blonde's fingers trailed over Maureen's thighs to flutter over the wet meaty folds of Maureen's
steaming cunt. Once again, Sandy pushed three fingers inside her sister-in-law's fuck-channel. This
time Maureen was on her back and able to close her eyes and imagine that the fingers were a cock.

"Oh, God!" Maureen groaned. "Fuck me! Fuck my cunt with your hand!"
"You've got a lovely tight cunt!" Sandy hissed. "I'd give anything right now to have a cock so I could
fuck you! I'd like to be a man just this once!"
Man or woman, Sandy's expert hand was bringing Maureen closer and closer to a volcanic orgasm.
Maureen could feel it building in her crotch like a dam getting ready to burst.

Sandy sensed it and slowed down. Keeping her fingers in place inside Maureen's cunthole, the blonde
gently strummed the brunette's clit with the ball of her thumb.

"Oh, Jesus!" Maureen cried. "Bring me off! I can't stand it!"

Chuckling, her eyes gleaming with lust, Sandy pushed Maureen's knees back until they were almost
touching her shoulders. Maureen got the idea and hooked her arms under her legs to hold them back on
her chest. Her ass
was raised up now, her crotch pointing at the ceiling, her cuntlips open.

Leaning forward, her fingers pulling Maureen's cuntlips apart, Sandy sniffed and licked and finally
slithered her tongue inside her sister-in-law's brimming cunthole.

"Oh, God, suck me!" Maureen moaned. "Eat my cunt! Oh, yes!"
She quivered and quaked in response to the delicious sensation of Sandy's tongue and mouth slurping
on her cunt. She groaned with delight when Sandy's tongue-tip massaged her throbbing clit.

Looking down now over her belly and between her folded legs, Maureen could see Sandy's mouth
plastered between her hairy cuntlips. Hot juice flowed out of her cunt to drench Sandy's face.

"Oh, God, I'm going to come soon!" Maureen wailed..

Sandy paid no attention. She continued her tongue-massage of Maureen's clit with the same slow
rhythm. The result was a build-up of ecstasy in Maureen's cunt to a point she had never before
experienced. She began fucking back at Sandy's face, pumping her cunt at the blonde's mouth,
instinctively begging for further friction and pressure, for the final attention that would bring her off.
"Oh, please!" Maureen mewled. "Please let me come!" Then she added, "Let me suck your cunt, too!
We can do it together!"
Puffing her mouth away from Maureen's hot cunt, Sandy looked up between the brunette's legs. The
lower half of the blonde's face glistened with Maureen's cuntjuice. Licking her lips, Sandy smiled.

"Are you sure?"

Shifting her body around, squatting her crotch over Maureen's face, Sandy straddled her sister-in-law's
body in a sixty-nine position. A moment later she lowered her dripping cunt down to Maureen's waiting

Gasping, her nose filled for the first time in her life with the smell of warm cunt, Maureen began
slurping up the heavy juice oozing out of Sandy's cunthole.

Sandy's mouth was on Maureen's clit again. The first deep suction pushed Maureen over the brink into
a shuddering orgasm. As her cunt convulsed, the lips of her mouth began pulling at Sandy's stiff little
clit. Moments later, Sandy climaxed with a gush of hot cuntjuice on Maureen's face.

By the time sleep came later that evening, the two women had completely drained each other.


Having her pussy diddled by her sister-in-law was no solution to Maureen's problem with Stevie. She
knew that. As the weeks passed and she continued dating Tony Marco, Stevie's jealousy turned to
anger. Then one day he was sweetness and charm again as he asked Maureen to go with him on a
picnic. Hoping she'd be able to talk to him and make peace, she agreed.

They headed out of town to a spot chosen by

Stevie. They had a picnic, all right, but not the kind of picnic expected by Maureen. Not long after
leaving the car, Stevie urged her along to an old woodshed that had been turned into some sort of
teenage clubhouse. Inside the clubhouse, Ronnie Price and another boy were waiting for them.

"Oh, no!" Maureen groaned.

She moved quickly toward the door, but it was already locked. If she had any doubt about what would
be happening, the doubt vanished as the bays calmly stripped off their clothes. Stevie grinned at her
and introduced the third boy as Terry.

"Let me out of here!" she hissed.

They were naked now. All three of them were well-hung and she found her pussy quivering with
attention. One part of her mind was angry and fearful, but the other part of her mind was beginning to
be overwhelmed with lust at the sight of all the male equipment. The small room seemed filled with
long thick cocks and juice-filled balls. Whatever resistance she had gradually collapsed, and in a
moment they had her down on a dirty old mattress and were stripping off her clothes.

"Me first," Ronnie leered.

Stevie and Terry held her down. She thought Ronnie would fuck her, but instead he
clamped his mouth down on her cunt and started sucking for all he was worth.

"Oh, sweet Jesus!" she wailed.

Closing her eyes, she opened her mouth and snorted with pleasure. The boy sucked like a demon,
drilling his tongue in and out of her cunthole and then moving up to swab and nibble at her clit. Stevie
and Terry held her legs pulled way back, so that her crotch was raised up to offer the juicy meat of her
cunt like a meal to the hungry boy's mouth. She looked down just once, and the sight of his nose and
mouth pressed between the flaps of her hairy cuntlips brought a rasping groan of sheer lust out of her

How luscious it was! She could feel her cuntjuice gushing out to wet his face. The fact that she had two
boys restraining her made the sucking even more exciting. She had no apologies, no reason to feel
guilty about anything. They were raping her and she could tell herself that anything that happened was
against her will. All she had to do was relax and enjoy it.

"Look at all the fucking juice!" Terry giggled.

Maureen looked up at his leering face and blushed. She was torn between the pleasure produced by
Ronnie's mouth on her cunt and
the embarrassment at the two other boys watching everything. With a mewling sound of half pleasure
and half protest, she resolved the conflict by closing her eyes.

Ronnie finally pulled his face away from her juice-flooded curit and rose up on his knees.

"She's ready," he said with a grunt. "You sure got a hot-cunted aunt, Stevie! She's as hot as one of them
tamales at Jason's Drive-in!"
She tried struggling again when she felt Ronnie's cock pushing between her cuntlips, but they held her
down and in a moment his cock was sliding smoothly into the wet channel of her cunt.

"Oh, God!" she groaned.

"Oh, fuck!" Ronnie answered with a grunt.

"How does it feel?" Terry asked with an eager voice. He was the only one of the three who'd never
fucked her. She looked up at his young face and found herself wondering how his cock would feel
inside her pussy.

"It feels good!" Ronnie rasped. "Soft and hot like prime pussy! Hey, man, look at those tits jiggle! She's
got bigger knockers than Mrs. Carson!"
"She sure has!" Stevie laughed, playfully pinching one of her thick nipples.

They started talking about Mrs. Carson, and Maureen soon learned she was one of their
teachers at school. Ronnie never let up stroking her cunt with a smooth even rhythm, and soon
Maureen cared about nothing except the feel of the boy's lovely cock reaming out her pussy.

When the talk gradually came around to her tits again, Stevie and Terry each closed a hand over one of
her boobs and began squeezing in rhythm with Ronnie's fucking of her cunt. Each time Ronnie's cock
slammed into her crotch, a hot blast of pleasure washed over her sweating body.

Ronnie had his hands on her ass now. His fingers clutched the flesh of her asscheeks as though he were
squeezing two ripe melons. She groaned when she felt his fingertips slipping into the crack of her ass to
probe her tight asshole.

"I got me a finger in a hot shithole!" Ronnie leered.

Maureen blushed with shame. Having her body violated by the boy while his friends watched was
almost more than she could bear. It no longer mattered that Stevie was her nephew. She was at the
mercy of three teenage boys.

"Come on, hurry up!" Steve said through clenched teeth. "I wanna fuck her!"
"What about me?" Terry wailed.

"Shit, you're new," Stevie said. "You can wait."

Ronnie began grunting as he approached his orgasm. Maureen was fucking back at him now, not
vigorously, but obviously enough so that Ronnie caught it.

"Hey, look at her go!" he laughed. "She's moving her ass!"

She was desperate for a climax, but it seemed a long way off. Her cunt felt like a piece of raw meat
being battered by a baseball bat. Her clit was stiff and quivering, and she knew without looking that it
was an angry red and sticking out between her cuntlips like a little cock. Alone with Ronnie, she might
have put a hand on her clit and brought herself off, but she was somehow too embarrassed to do that in
front of her nephew and Terry.

"Blow that fucking load!" Stevie grunted.

"Oh, shit, I'm coming!" Ronnie groaned. "Uuunnnggghh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh!"
Salvo after salvo of hot jism squirted out of his pumping cock to splatter the walls of her fuck-channel.

"Oh, God!" she moaned. Her hands instinctively reached up to grab the cocks of the two boys holding
her tits and legs. The delicious feel of their cockmeat in her hands
and Ronnie's throbbing cockmeat in her pussy overwhelmed her senses.

When Ronnie finally pulled his fuck-pole out of Maureen's cunt, Stevie quickly took his place.
Maureen squirmed her ass on the mattress as her nephew pushed his long thick cock into the steaming
swamp of her cunt. He began fucking her with pile-driving strokes, ramming his cock in and out like a
young bull. It was the kind of fucking that ordinarily would bring her off in no time at all, but she felt
inhibited because there were two other boys watching every movement of her lust wracked body and
every expression of pleasure on her face.

Stevie was more aware than Ronnie of how sensitive she was about her asshole when she was fucking.
Ronnie had had only the tip of one finger in her shithole, but Stevie now used two fingers to thoroughly
ream out her bung. Two fingers were almost as thick as a cock, and when she closed her eyes she could
imagine she had two cocks fucking her-one in her ass and the other in her cunt.

"Jesus, let me fuck her!" Terry complained.

"I'm almost there!" Stevie groaned. A moment later he stiffened, grunted, and began shooting his load.
Each time his hips jerked
forward, a thick wad of jism spurted out of his cockhead inside Maureen's hot pussy. She bucked her
hips up to meet his spasming cock, squirming and grinding her cunt on his fuckmeat, trying to squeeze
to squeeze as much cum out of his balls as she possibly could. When his soft cock finally slipped out of
her cunt, she shivered when she realized she now had the slimy jism of two boys mixed in her fuck-
channel. And the third boy was already moving into place!
Terry was more reined than the other two. Maybe it was because he'd watched the others fucking.
Standing between her legs, he took the time to thoroughly study her cunt. He even leaned forward to
pull her cuntlips open with his fingers.

"Christ, you guys sure dropped a load in there!" he leered.

Maureen blushed as she imagined how messy her cunt must look after two fucks in a row. She could
now feel the jism oozing out of her cunt to run down over her asshole. But if she thought Terry would
be turned off by the mess, she was mistaken. The boy seemed to dig it. His fingers played with her
cuntlips and finally crammed inside her brimming cunthole with a wet squishing sound. When at last
his cock replaced his fingers, Maureen responded
with a deep groan of satisfaction.

"Man, look how she loves it!" Terry said triumphantly.

"Fuck me, you little bastard!" Maureen cried. "Move your ass!"
The boy giggled and began pumping his cock in and out of her juice-drenched cunt. He kept his eyes
fixed on hers, and she was thus able to see the wild animal-look on his face as he fucked her. This
excited her almost as much as his pistoning cock, and she humped her ass up and down to fuck her cunt
back at him.

Her inhibitions were gone now. She was in the midst of a crazy orgy with three teenage boys and she
was determined to enjoy every moment of it. Reaching out to Stevie and Ronnie, she pulled their soft
cocks together in front of her face and then into her mouth.

For the first time in her life she had two cocks in her mouth at the same time. The sensation of having
her mouth stuffed with male meat was incredibly luscious. As their cocks began to stiffen, she had to
hold her mouth open as wide as possible, but she managed to keep both cockheads inside her lips.
Using both hands, she fondled the two sets of swinging balls, chewed on the two spongy cockheads,
and heaved her ass up and down to get the most out of Terry's pumping cock.

It wasn't long before Terry shot his load and added to the flood of jism filling up her cunt. Pumping the
other two cocks with her hands, she was able to bring them off just as she reached her own climax. Her
body thrashed with delight as she eagerly sucked the heavy cream out of their young balls.

"Oh, Jesus, what a hot bitch!" Ronnie groaned.

"Let me clean up!" Maureen giggled as the two cocks slipped out of her sucking mouth and the third
cock out of her clutching cunt. She felt as though she were drowning in jism. She also had to piss.
When she mentioned this to the boys, they laughed and told her she'd have to do it outside in the
woods. They re- fused, of course, to let her go alone, and a few minutes later she found herself blushing
with embarrassment as she squatted down to a healthy piss in front of the three leering boys.
When they were inside the clubhouse again, Maureen once more abandoned her body to the lust of the
boys. Stevie was impatient to fuck her again, and when he mounted her, she eagerly opened her thighs
to take his hard cock inside her dripping cunt. With his cock filling her pussy, he rolled over on his side
and then onto his back. When Maureen felt a pair of hands playing with her asscheeks, she realized
with a quiver what was about to happen. Sure enough, a moment later she felt Ronnie's cock probing at
her tight asshole. Her puckered grommet, which had been nicely stretched by all the ass fucking with
Tony Marco, accepted Ronnie s cock without any resistance. The boy slid his fuck-pole deep inside her
shitter with one smooth stroke.

"Uuunnnggghhh!" she groaned.

Both holes between her legs stuffed with cockmeat, she opened her mouth and cried out. The sound,
whether a cry for help or a cry of pleasure, was quickly muffled as Terry pushed his young hard cock
between her open lips.

Three cocks at once. Just the idea of it was enough to make her quake and shudder. But she had more
than the idea now-she had the reality. Stuffed to capacity with cockmeat, groaning and trembling like
an animal gone wild, she sucked and fucked on the way to a mind-blowing orgasm.


Hal Griffin's eyes had been on his sister for years, and he realized that now that they were living under
the same roof he had an opportunity to do something about his fantasies. The trouble was they were
hardly ever alone. He waited patiently, and then one night, when both Sandy and Stevie were away, he
mixed a shaker full of martinis and proceeded to get Maureen thoroughly zonked on booze.

At least it seemed she was zonked. After a

while he realized she was no more drunk than he was, and that she was probably pretending in order to
make things easy for them. He was shocked at first. He had never expected Maureen would let him
fuck her without a struggle. The signals she was sending him as they sat on the sofa, however, were
strong and obvious.

It wasn't long before they kissed. First it was a brother-and-sister's kiss, but it quickly became a lovers

When they broke apart, Hal whispered in her ear. "Why don't we ball?"
Maureen blushed. "Oh, God, Hal, it's a sin!"
"Fuck that bullshit! I've been dreaming about your ass for years! Let's make it, Sis! Nobody has to
know. Just you and me-a good time!"
The position she was sitting in made her big tits stick out provocatively. Hal almost licked his chops as
he stared at the luscious melons. He imagined how delicious it would be to suck on her juicy dark
nipples. He imagined what it would be like to hold her curvy ass in his hands as he fucked her pussy to
a frazzle.
He was sure now she was sticking her tits out in order to turn him on. Christ, what jugs! Unable to
resist the impulse any longer, he
calmly put his hand on one of her tits and squeezed it to test its firmness.

"Oh, Hal, you shouldn't!" she crooned. But she made no attempt to move away and she kept both her
hands in her lap. All she did was look down at his hand as his fingers worked her tit through the
material of her dress and bra. When he moved his band to squeeze the other tit, her eyes closed and she
flushed with pleasure.

"Gets to you, huh?" he chuckled.

"You're turning me on!" she groaned. "We'll fry in Hell for this!"
"I don't give a shit! It'll be worth it!" He felt suddenly young again, as though he were seventeen and
touching a girl's tits for the first time. His cock was as hard as a rock inside his pants. His hand
trembled as he moved it over the firm swell of her heaving tit. Responding to her lack of resistance, he
finally put both hands on her tits and mauled them with his fingers and palms.

"Christ!" he said through clenched teeth. "You've got a goddam suit of armor on! Take some of these
fucking clothes off!"
Maureen giggled. "I will not. Not unless you promise not to try anything more."
"Jesus, Maureen!"

"Shit, I'll promise anything! Just get those tits out!"

Draining her glass, her eyes twinkling with a combination of amusement and lust, she peeled her dress
and bra down to her waist and bared her heavy tits to the eyes of her brother.

"Jesus, what a pair!" he breathed.

Grabbing her hand, he forced her to feel the outline of his cock through his pants.

"You promised!" she groaned.

"Shit, just feel it. Look what you're doing to me!"

Her resistance was quickly melting. She ran her fingers up and down the length of his cock and finally
pulled his zipper down and brought his rampant fuck-pole out into the air. For the first time in her life
she had her hand on her brother's cock!
"Oh, God, you're so hard!" she moaned.

She pulled his foreskin down to completely expose his juicy cockhead. Pumping his cockshaft a few
times, she reached inside his pants and shorts and brought out his big hairy balls.

"God will strike us dead!" she wailed. But her hand moved lovingly over his fuckmeat, fondling and
probing his hard cock and swollen balls.

Hal, meanwhile, was busy getting the rest of

her clothes off. At last he was able to slip his hand inside her panties and get a finger drilling into the
sopping wet bole of her pussy.

"Christ, there's nothing nicer than a hot wet cunt!" he groaned.

Squeezing his balls and cockshaft, running her thumb over his pisshole to spread his cockjuice over his
velvety cockhead, Maureen squirmed her steaming cunt on his hand. She kept her eyes fixed on the
fruity knob of his cockhead, watching its color change as she pumped his throbbing prick. There was
no way she could resist the call of his lusty masculine meat.
"Let's get to a bed!" she whispered finally. "I want this reaming out my cunt!"
Hearing the words of lust coming out of her mouth drove him wild. They walked arm in arm into her
bedroom and finished undressing. When they faced each other naked, Maureen feasted her eyes on the
heavy bulk of his cock and balls. Once again she took his fuck-pole in her hand, holding the cylinder of
throbbing flesh, running her fingers underneath to test the fullness of his hairy bloated balls.

Hal slipped his hand down to her cunt. He chuckled when he discovered how wet she was.

"Christ, you're hot for it, aren't you?"

"It's a sin, but I can't help myself," she groaned. "Put your fingers inside me."
Standing with their naked bodies pressed together, they slowly masturbated each other to prime
themselves for the fucking that was to come.

"I've always wondered what your cock was like," Maureen smiled. "We're sinners, you know. Brother
and sister are not supposed to, do things like this.
As she said this she probed her finger under his balls and found the puckered grommet of his asshole.
He closed his eyes and groaned when she pushed the finger deep inside his shitter.

"Jesus, you're a hot bitch!" he gasped.

"Do it to me, too!" she hissed, spreading her legs to give him access to her asshole from the front.
When he found the tight ring and pushed his finger inside, she locked her thighs on his hand and

With his little finger inside her asshole and his thumb on her clit. he worked his three other fingers in
and out of her sopping cunthole.

She began writhing and moaning, gyrating her hips as she fucked her cunt back on his hand. She
gradually pulled him to the bed, and at last they stretched out on the bedspread with
their hands still working at their crotches.

She was fingerfucking his asshole now, sliding her finger in and out of his hot rubbery shit-tube to the
rhythm of his fingers fucking her cunt.

"Yeah, honey?"
"It feels good! My pussy's on fire! Oh! Oh...aaahhh!"
Brother and sister were now consumed by the heat of their forbidden lust. Maureen found it hard to
believe that she was actually doing these things with her brother. Holding his stiff cock with one hand,
she used the other hand to probe his asshole more deeply as if to verify that it was indeed her brother.
She had two fingers inside his ass, but she held herself back. Her heart beating wildly, she pumped her
cunt on his thick fingers as the first wave of an orgasm washed over her trembling body.

Hal, also, was finding it difficult to believe the reality of what was happening. When he realized
Maureen was coming, he pumped his fingers more strongly in and out of her juice drenched cunthole.
With almost clinical detachment, he watched her buck her luscious ass up and down as she spasmed
and gushed a flood of cuntjuice on his hand.
He mounted her.

"Yes!" she cried. "Fuck me! Stick it in."

His long hard cock slid into the hot grip of her wet cunt until his fat cockhead jabbed at the end of her

"Oh, sweet Jesus!" she groaned. "Oh, God, that feels good!"
He ran both hands down beneath her body to grab her squirming ass. Clutching her asscheeks hard, he
squeezed and twisted her assflesh as he pumped his cock in and out of her eager cunt.

By squeezing her asscheeks, he increased the friction on his cock. She was fucking her ass back at him
in a frenzy, and it was only a matter of time before he would blow his toad.

Maureen's eyes rolled back. Arching her body, her lips hanging open, gasping, she came once again as
her brother started shooting his hot jism in powerful spurts.

They slept awhile. Hal was the first to open his eyes. He was aware of the, warmth of Maureen's thigh
between his legs and of the pressure of her lush cunt mound. When he looked down, he could see the
plump symmetrical hemispheres of her gorgeous ass. Her face was buried in the hollow of his neck and
her warm sweet breath caressed him.

Running his hand down her back to her asscheeks, he fondled and jiggled them with
his fingers. When he pushed his middle finger into the hot groove of her asscrack, Maureen stirred and
rubbed her warm cunt against his leg.

"Mmmmmmm!" she purred.

Lazily getting on her knees, she straddled his legs and smiled down at him.

His cock twitched as he gazed at the way her thick cuntlips flared open now after the recent fucking.
Moving his hands up to her quivering, long-nippled tits, he squeezed the heavy globes with his fingers.

"Mmmmmmm!" she mewled, wriggling and twisting her tits deeper into his grasp.

Her nipples drilled into his palms. Rolling the rubbery tips, he pulled them way out and chuckled. "I
remember when these things were so small they hardly counted."
Maureen moaned. "I'm very sensitive there. Pull them out and suck them."
She fell forward, aiming a nipple at his mouth. His hand funneled in her tit and he began chewing her
flesh. She quivered and moaned and wiggled the tit in his mouth, and then after a while she pulled it
away and fed him the other one.

When he finally released her tits to hang almost dripping with his saliva, Maureen shifted back and
lowered her face down to his
crotch. Leaning on her elbows, she encircled his cock with her forefinger and thumb and rubbed his
rosy swollen cockhead against her cheek.

She did not seem bothered anymore by the fact that he was her brother. Hal suspected that now she felt
the same way he did-it made things more exciting.
Looking up at him with sultry eyes, she stuck her tongue out and touched the very tip of his cockhead.
His cock twitched in her hand.

"Lick it all around," he groaned.

Her tongue-tip began sliding over his hot velvety knob and in the sensitive groove behind the rim of his

She licked all the way down his cockshaft, her tongue-tip flickering at the base of his cock and in his
crotch hair.

Grunting with pleasure, he raised his ass off the mattress to encourage her.

Maureen was wallowing in her brother's crotch now, her nose filled with the smell of his sweat and the
mixture of their juices left after their recent fucking. She licked his balls, pulling at the hair and
wrinkled skin with her teeth. Lifting his ball-sac up, she flickered her tongue down underneath toward
his asshole. Hal quickly got the idea and pulled his legs
back to offer her what she wanted. She swabbed her tongue over the bump of his asshole a few times,
and then she finally slithered it inside.

"Oh, yeah!" he groaned, clamping down and squeezing his asshole on her tongue. "Christ, that's nice!"
When she at last pulled her tongue out of his ass, her mouth climbed back up his cock to take in his
cockshaft. Moving her lips and tongue at the same time, she began sucking and licking him with wet
slurping noises.

Christ, what a gorgeous cocksucker she is! he thought.

Gripping Maureen's head, Hal jerked it away from his cock. His cockhead leaped free, swollen and
glistening with his saliva.

"Come on, let's fuck!" he said.

"Now it's you that's anxious," she teased. "Take me from behind. I like it best that way."
Remembering the way she had fingered his asshole before, he grinned. "In the ass?"
She blushed. "If you want."
"I want!" he grunted.

She got on her hands and knees, drew her knees forward and spread them, then arched her back to force
her ass high. Her tits hung down like heavy fruit as she supported the
front part of her body on her elbows.

Moving around behind her, Hal leaned forward to grab her hanging tits in his hands. He rolled her long
thick nipples, tugging and twisting them until Maureen crooned with pleasure.

Pulling back now, he ran his hands over the smooth firm checks of her luscious ass. He could see her
dark hair-rimmed asshole and below that the hairy lips of her pouting cunt. Slipping his fingers down to
her cunthole, he scooped up some cuntjuice and swabbed it over, her shitter...
Maureen groaned when he pushed his thumb inside her asshole to loosen up her sphincter muscle.

"No," she breathed. "It's all right."
"That boyfriend of yours take care of your ass once in a while?"
"That's none of your business," she giggled. "But the answer is yes!"
"I can tell," Hal snickered. "You're a little stretched. Just enough to make the fucking smooth. It's a
drag fucking an asshole that's not broken in. . You can't move around too much without hurting the
"Shut up and stick it in!" she groaned.

Laughing, he positioned the head of his

cock against her lubricated asshole and began feeding his meat to her. In a moment he slid forward to
drive the entire length of his cock into her shitter.

"Oh, shit, yes!" she cried. "Fuck me!"

He began pumping in and out, driving his cock in and out of her ass, slapping his belly against her
plump asscheeks.

She was soon rotating her hips, grinding her asscheeks against him and moaning at the delicious feel of
his thick cock stretching the ring of her asshole and reaming out the hot channel of her shit-tube.

Hal also squirmed and screwed his ass, thrusting, rotating, thrusting again.

"Ooh, that's good!" she mewled.

He had a good cock. His cock was thick as well as long and he knew how to fuck. His cockhead was
big enough so that she could feel the difference each time he pulled back and stretched her asshole with
the flared rim.

Continually screwing his hips as he fucked her ass, Hal now leaned over and grabbed her tits again.
This time he pinched her nipples almost brutally, but Maureen responded with groans of pleasure. She
had a wonderful ass. It was one thing to watch her ass jiggling and swishing around under a dress, but it
was sheer heaven to be able to get behind her like this
and put the meat to her, Sandy enjoyed taking it in the ass, but she had to be really primed for it and a
little drunk. Maureen was a wanton hot bitch and obviously loved it.

"Oh, Jesus, what a great fuck!" he cried.

He mashed himself against her asscheeks, grinding and rubbing against her cool flesh.

Now he ran a hand down her body and into the junction of her thighs. He pushed three fingers inside
her sopping cunt and thrilled at the feel of his cock pumping her shit-chute. When his thumb began
working her clit, Maureen gasped and wailed with approval.

"Fuck me hard!" she groaned. "Really give it to me!"

His fingers were working better than a cock inside her cunt. With his fingers in her cunt, his cock in her
ass, and his thumb on her clit, her crotch caught fire in no time at all.
"Oh, God!" she cried, "Uuunnnggghhh! Ungh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooooohhhhh!"
Hal kept his thumb on her clit, rolling and plucking it as he pounded his meat firmly in and out of her
luscious ass. His short hard strokes jarred her body each time he lurched forward. Their bodies were
covered with sweat now, and his belly slapped loudly against her ass each time he drove his cock
home. Her asshole was a dream. It grabbed tightly at the
ridges of his cock as he pumped in and out, and at intervals he had to slow down in order to avoid
coming. This was one of those fucks that he wanted to go on forever! How crazy it was that the hottest
asshole that had ever milked his cock had turned out to be his own sister!
He had to come soon. It was either that or pass out. He jabbed her a few more times, fucking her ass
very hard, then he suddenly erupted and started spurting his jism into her bowels.

"Give it to me." Maureen cried. "Shoot it up my ass! Thick me hard! Ram it in! Oh, God, I love it!"
When the last spurt of thick jism dribbled weakly out of his cock, Hal pulled his shit streaked prick out
of his sister's asshole and slumped down on the bed.

Groaning in the last throes of her orgasm, Maureen crawled into his arms and gratefully kissed him. As
she removed her lips from his, she looked at the doorway and gasped. Sandy and Stevie were standing
there with wide eyes and open mouths. They had seen everything.


Maureen would remember the next few weeks as among the most difficult in her life; The tension in
the Griffin household, the tension that had been produced by Sandy and Stevie discovering Hal and
Maureen fucking, gradually disappeared, but a certain uneasiness remained for a long time. At last that
was gone, too, and they could once again be free with each other. This time there was a new freedom
concerning sex. At first the
freedom involved no more than walking around the house without clothes. Sandy found this most
difficult, since she'd never shown her body to her stepson. Like the others, however, she soon felt at
ease. After that things changed swiftly.

Since Maureen's affair with Stevie was accepted by all, it was only a matter of time before it became
routine for them to split up into couples and watch each other fuck. The watching soon became helping,
and at the end of another month it seemed natural for Sandy and Stevie to have an act of their own.
They had been touching and kissing and feeling each other all along, and when they finally fucked it
turned out to be no big deal. Stevie even admitted that, after the first time, fucking his stepmother was
just like fucking any other woman. In his private thoughts, he told himself that if he had to choose, he
would choose Maureen. His aunt still remained the sexiest, hottest, and most luscious woman in his
life. He was terribly disappointed, therefore, when Maureen came home one day and announced she
was marrying Tony Marco.

They were all disappointed. They had become very close as a family and now it would end. But once
they became used to the
idea, everyone agreed that. Maureen had to make a life of her own sometime and Tony Marco seemed
like a good choice for a husband. When Sandy suggested a private family picnic to celebrate the
impending marriage, everyone was enthusiastic.

And so on a Sunday afternoon the four of them climbed into Hal's car and drove out of town into the
countryside. The women were giggling about some secret or other, and, after listening and looking,
Stevie decided the secret was that they were not wearing panties, or anything else for that matter, under
their dresses. At one point, as she squirmed around on the back seat, he was able to get a good look at
his stepmother's bare ass. The sight of her ass and the underside of her cunt gave him an instant hard-
on. He was sitting up front beside his father, but he soon twisted his body around to keep his eyes on
the back seat. As he joked with his aunt and stepmother; he kept his eyes glued to the jiggling of their
braless tits under their dresses. He thought about fucking Sandy. They had done it only a few times and
the idea of it was still exciting. He wanted very much to fuck her again. He could almost feel her tight
cunt sucking at his cock. He sat there with his prick as rigid as a bone and his pisshole dribbling juice
into his shorts.

After driving for about an hour, Hal stopped the car under a grove of tall trees. The place was deserted,
without houses or people anywhere, and it looked like an ideal spot for a private picnic.

"This looks like a good place to take some pictures," Hal said with a chuckle. Reaching into the car, he
brought out a Polaroid camera. Sandy smiled, but Maureen looked a bit uncertain.

"Oh, come on!" Sandy teased Maureen. "Don't be so inhibited!"

Stevie and Maureen watched Hal take some pictures of Sandy. She posed provocatively under a tree.
For the second picture she turned her back to the camera and leaned forward. Pulling up her dress, she
exposed her naked ass to everyone's view.

"That's my baby!" Hal said with a laugh as he snapped the picture.

Still holding up her dress, Sandy turned and showed her thick cunt bush. Stevie stared hungrily at the
lewd exposure of his stepmother's hairy cunt.

Sandy finally dropped her dress and looked at Maureen. "Your turn, honey."
A smile curled Maureen's lovely lips. Following Hal's instructions, she lifted her dress. He took
pictures of her bare ass and
then of her dark haired cunt mound.

"Let's have some shots of the two women together," Hal said.

Stevie's cock twitched as Sandy and Maureen kissed and cupped each other's naked asses. The boy
realized now that his aunt and stepmother had balled each other before. He remembered how exciting it
had been to watch Maureen and Cheryl together. This was even more thrilling.

Sandy's hand was now between Maureen's thighs; Hal snapped a picture as Maureen moaned. He took
another of Sandy on her knees in front of Maureen, with Maureen holding her dress up while Sandy
nuzzled her cunt. Stevie watched everything with his cock swollen hard and his blood racing. Almost
trembling with lust, his mind was filled with images of fucking both women at the same time.

The women changed positions, and now it was Maureen who nuzzled Sandy's cunt and pushed her
tongue between the blonde's cuntlips. She was less aggressive than Sandy, but she was obviously
enjoying herself.

Hal took pictures until he ran out of film, and after that they spread a blanket on the grass and relaxed.
Although Hal and Stevie still had their clothes on, Sandy and Maureen
slipped off their dresses in order to be free and naked. It wasn't long before the two women were in
each other's arms again.
"It's one of those days," Sandy chuckled. "Anyway, from the look on Stevie's face, I guess he's
enjoying every minute of it! Ever see two pussies make it together, honey?"
Stevie blushed. "Yeah, but not like this." He was sitting on the blanket beside them and he could see
everything. Sandy's hand was pumping Maureen's wet cunt, while Maureen had a finger buried deep in
Sandy's cunthole. Their thighs were spread wide open and Stevie had a spectacular view of their naked
pussies. Now Maureen's finger was pumping Sandy's cunt, and as Stevie watched she dropped another
finger down to Sandy's small brown asshole. Stevie uttered a low groan as he watched his aunt push her
finger slowly into his stepmother's shitter. Then he looked at Maureen's crotch and saw that Sandy now
had a finger in Maureen's asshole. A moment later the two women dropped their heads to each other's
tits and began sucking each other's nipples.

"Christ, that's a fucking turn-on!" Hal grunted.

Watching the two naked women fingering and sucking each other, Stevie felt a special
camaraderie with his father.

Father and son finally undressed as the two women separated. When they were all naked, they stretched
out on the blanket. Sandy cuddled up to Stevie and Maureen cuddled up to Hal.

The delicious contact of his stepmother's naked body sent a sharp thrill running through Stevie. His
hands moved over her ripe body. He cupped her asscheeks. His fingers probed the flowing wetness of
her cunt. Moaning, Sandy pushed her leg between his and grabbed his hard cock.

"Fuck me!" she hissed. "I can't wait!"

As the boy rolled on top of her, his stepmother eagerly guided his cock into her steaming cunt. Her hips
rose up sharply as the full length of his rampant prick plunged into her fuck-channel. She groaned as he
rammed his fuck-meat home. Stevie began a fast fuck, his cock pistoning in and out of her juice
drenched hole.

"Oh, that's good!" she groaned. "Give it to me, honey! Fuck me hard!"
Squirming her hips and humping her ass to meet his strokes, it wasn't long before she had him coming.
She crooned and moaned as the boy's hot jism splattered the inside of her cunt. Her cuntlips sucked at
his cock until the last
delicious spurt. His thick jism filled her cunt to overflowing and dribbled down the crack of her ass.

Stevie finally collapsed on top of Sandy. She churned her hips slowly as his cock gradually softened
inside her pussy. Rolling his head to one side, Stevie looked at his father and Maureen.

Maureen was on top, riding Hal with his cock buried to his balls inside her cunt. She writhed and
moaned with pleasure as her cunt rose and fell on his thick fuck-pole. Suddenly, his ass bucking off the
blanket, Hal stiffened and began shooting his load into Maureen's convulsing pussy.

Maureen wanted more, but Hal was obviously finished. His limp cock slipped out of her sopping cunt.
She groaned and tried to push it back, but it was no use.

"It looks like our two heroes are finished," Sandy said with a smirk.

She toyed with Stevie's lifeless cock. Both women eyed each other with undisguised frustration.
Maureen tried sucking Hal's cock back to life, tonguing his meat and even shoving a finger up his ass,
but his cock remained limp.

"I think I know how," Sandy giggled as she continued massaging the soft cock in her hand.

She motioned Maureen closer and whispered in her ear. Stevie saw Maureen jerk back in surprise with
a stunned look on her face. She shook her head slowly.

"Why not?" Sandy asked. "I bet it turns them on." Glancing at Stevie and Hal, she playfully squeezed
Stevie's prick. "I'm going to get this thing hard one way or another," she said. "Come on, Maureen. It's
worth a try!"
Maureen shrugged and turned her lips up in a weak smile.

"Hey, lovers!" Sandy giggled, shaking Stevie and Hal. "Sit up! Maureen and I are going to put on a
show for you. Maybe we'll be able to get those limp pricks up in the air again! This is supposed to be a
celebration, not a wake!"
Father and son sat up, wondering what the two of them had in mind. "You're like a couple of
nymphos!" Hal grunted.

Sandy chuckled. "If you guys want to fuck us again, you need hard pricks. We're just going to make
sure you have what we need!"
Grabbing Maureen's hand, Sandy rose up with her sister-in-law. The two women whispered to each
other. Maureen seemed unenthusiastic, even embarrassed, but she was willing to cooperate.

Turning to face Stevie and Hal, the women

squatted down and opened their thighs to show father and son their hairy cunts.

Stevie held his breath as his eyes darted from one gaping pussy to the other. His heart pounded with

"Here it comes!" Sandy cooed, staring hotly at Stevie.

He fixed his eyes on her pussy. His blood raced and his breath rasped in his throat. Then he saw it. A
thick yellow stream spurted from the top of Sandy's cunt. She was pissing!
"Oh, Jesus!" Hal muttered.

Stevie groaned. He could hear a faint hiss as the hot pin shot out of his stepmother's cunt. His cock
jerked. As the last drop of piss fell from Sandy's wet pussy, Stevie turned to Maureen. Would she do it?
As he stared at her exposed cunt, his cock was almost fully hard again.

Maureen's cheeks were flushed. Her stomach muscles tightened as she moaned feebly and bit her lower
lip. A moment later a bright-yellow stream spurted out of her pussy to hit the grass with a hiss.

"Oh, fuck!" Stevie groaned. The boy found it hard to believe that he was actually watching his lovely
aunt pissing like this out in the open. His cock throbbed as he watched the hot stream spurting out of
her cunt.

The two cocks were both rock hard now. Maureen and Sandy grinned at each other in triumph. Moving
forward, straddling the father and son, they engulfed their cocks with their cunts.
"I told you it would work," Sandy groaned as she bounced up and down on Stevie's hard cock.

Maureen was too busy fucking her brother's rampant prick to answer.

Sandy fucked wildly on Stevie' s cock. Reaching behind her, she fondled his balls and probed his
asshole. The boy writhed with pleasure as she pushed a finger into his shitter. Her cuntlips. held his
cock in a tight grip. Rotating her hips, she used her free hand to play with her nipples. She leaned back
and moaned softly, then her muscles tightened and her body quivered. Her thick cuntlips throbbed and
a fiery heat bathed Stevie's pumping cock. Her cuntjuice poured out over his pistoning cockshaft and
ran down to wet his balls. When she felt her cuntjuice wetting the boy's nuts, she rammed her finger up
his ass more forcefully.

"Hey, son!" Hal suddenly groaned. "Let's get the men on top of things!"
Pushing Maureen off his cock, Hal rose up. Stevie grinned and did the same. He had an
idea his old man had something special in mind, and he was right! A moment later Hal ordered the two
women to kneel on the blanket with their asses up in the air.

"You wanted a good fucking and you're going to get it!" Hal chuckled.

They dallied. The more time they took, the hotter the women would get. Both Sandy and Maureen
knew this and they did not protest. They did no more than mewl and sway their asses as the men stood
behind them and teased them.

Stevie got behind his aunt. He'd always been turned on by the view of her cunt and asshole from the
rear. He could compare her now with his stepmother, and it was obvious that Maureen's crotch looked
more raunchy. Her thick cuntlips drooped more and she had more hair around her asshole. From the
fucked-out look of her asshole he suspected that Tony Marco kept her shit-tube busy. Pulling up a long
blade of grass, he playfully tickled the sensitive area between Maureen's asshole and cunt.

"Uuunnnggghhh!" Maureen groaned; "What are you doing?"

Stevie giggled. When he looked over at his father, he was amused to see that Hal was doing the same
thing to his stepmother. Sandy
was a luscious piece, all right, but his aunt really turned him on more. He'd seen pictures of his mother,
and in a way Maureen looked like her. Maybe that was why he got such a thrill out of fucking her!
Looking back at Maureen's ass now, he pulled her cuntlips open to have a look at the juice oozing out
of her cunthole. She was very wet. She had already been fucked twice by his father, and the fucking
had churned her cuntjuice into a white froth. Or maybe some of that white stuff was his father's jism.
The boy gazed at his aunt's fucked-out, stretched cunthole and told himself there was something special
about fucking a cunt with his father's spunk still inside the hole. With a grunt of satisfaction, he
positioned his cockhead at his aunt's slimy cuntmouth and buried his cock to the hilt inside her body.

Hal did the same to his wife. Father and son began a slow, leisurely fuck, their asses pumping in
unison, their hands clutching the full asscheeks in front of them, their eyes fixed on the wet junctions of
cockmeat and cuntmeat.

The two men looked at each other and grinned.

"Having a good time, Son?"

"Yeah, Dad!"
"Wanna switch awhile?"

"Sure, Dad!"
The two women had no cause for complaint. Switching cunts would keep those cocks hard a long time.
Mewling and cooing, Maureen settled down for an afternoon of solid fucking. Another week and she'd
be married, and maybe fucking like this wouldn't be possible anymore. Or maybe it would. They could
add her new husband to the group. She had an idea Tony would go for it. And Stevie's girlfriend,
Cheryl, would balance things out. Six of them together would make a real party, and the Griffins would
have no need to separate. Why not? she thought with a soft giggle. The family that fucks together, stays


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