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Unit 1: Names and Titles 6.

A: Can I have your-name, please?
2. Let's Listen B: Cruise. C-R-U-I-S-E.
1. A: And your first name?
A: My name is Maria Carter and I have a B: Marley. That's M-A-R-L-E-Y.
A: That's an unusual name.
B: Is that M-A-R-Y C-A-R-T-E-R? B: Yes, it is. I hate it!
A: No, Maria. M-A-R-I-A.
3. Let's Listen
B: Oh, right. Here it is .•Two nights, right?
A: That's right. 1.
2. A: Hello.
A: Can I have your name, please? B: Hello. Can I speak to Cindy, please?
B: Smith. Suzanna Smith. A: Sorry. She's not in. Cfln I tak~a message?
A: Is that S-U-S-A-N? B: Yes, this is Bob from school. Bob Jackson.
B: No, S-U-Z-A-N-N-A. A: Can you spell your last name?
A: Sorry, Ms. Smith. I don't see anything B: J-A-C-K-S-O-N.
here. And the hotel is full tonight. A: Okay. And what's your telephone number,
B: What? Bob?
B: 691-3839.
A: Mr. Wilson? A: Okay. Do you want Cindy to call you?
B: Yes, please.
B: That's right. Harry Wilson.
A: Is that H-A-R-V-E-Y? A: Fine. I'll give her the message.
B: No, H-A-R-R-Y.They call me Dirty Harry!
A:Oh. A: Hello. Tom Waite speaking.
4. B: Hello. Can I speak to Cindy, please?
A: My name's Abramson. A-B-R-A-M-S-O- A: Sorry. She's not here.
B: Can I leave a Illessage?
N. Do you have a reservation for me?
A: Yes: of course. ""dd' \.,~
B: Hmm ... just a minute.
.• First name Joseph?
B: Thanks. This is Nancy. My number is
A: That's right. Joseph.
391-8246. Please ask Cindy to call me.
B: Ah, yes. Here it is.
A: Okay. I'll ask her to call you as soon as
she gets back.
A: My name's Louis Jackson. B: Thank you.
B: Is that L-O-U-I-S-E?
A: No, that's a girl's name.
A: Hello. This is Cindy's house. But Cindy's
B: Oh, sorry. not home.
A: It's L-O-U-I-S.
B: Of course. B: Oh, I see. Can I leave a message, please?
A: Yes, I'm ready.

Tapescript 121
B: Thanks. This is Brian calling. Brian 7.
Kennedy. A: Hello?
A: Is that B-R-I-A-N K-E-N-N-E-D-Y? B: Hi. This is Brian Abrams. I'm returning
B: Yes, and my number is 271-8914. your call.
A: 271-8914.Okay.And will youcall again later? A: Hi, Professor Abrams. Thanks for calling.
B: Yes, I will. Did you get my homework assignment?
4. 8.
A: Oh no, not another one. Hello. A: Let me introduce you. This is your
B: Hello. Is Cindy there? grandmother's doctor, Ruth Steinberg.
A: She's not here. Who's this? B: Hello, Dr. Steinberg. I'm glad to meet
B: Urn. This is her teacher, Miss Wilson. you. I've heard great things about you.
A: Oh, Miss Wilson. Yes, of course .
Do you want to leave your number?
Unit 2: Describing People
B: It's okay. I'll call back. 2. Let's Listen
4. Let's Listen 1.
1. A: So is your boss young?
B: He's in his thirties, I guess. About 35.
A: rd like you to meet my friend, David Wilson.
B: Hi, David. Nice to meet you. 2.

2. A: It's quite long.

B: What color is it?
A: Hi, let me introduce you. This IS your
new boss, Susan Jackson. A: It's light brown. And it's a little curly.
B: Good morning, Ms. Jackson. 3.

3. A: He'sreally not very tall, about 175centimeters.

A: Hello? B: Oh yeah. That's not so tall.
B: Hello. This is Bob Cruise calling. 4.
A: Good evening, Bob. How are you? A: He looks about 17.
4. B: No, he's older than that. He's almost 25.
A: Hello? Do you remember me? I'm A: No, I don't believe it. He doesn't look
Michelle Bolton. that old.
B: Hi, Michelle. How's everything? 5. ~
5. A: She likes to wear it really short.
A: Good afternoon. I'm Charles Smith. I B: Yeah? And is it straight or curly?
have an appointment at two o'clock. A: Curly. Really curly. You can't miss her
B: Hello, Mr. Smith. Nice to see you again. when you see her.
A: Is she short?
A: Good afternoon, I'm John Carter, your
new student. B: No, she's really tall. About 180 centimeters.
B: Hello, John.

~22 Tapescript
7. 4. Let's Listen
A: Is she in her teens or her twenties? 1.
B: I think she's in her twenties. She's really A: It's my little boy! We were looking for
nice. Do you want to meet her? some pants for my husband. Now I can't
A: Yeah, sure. find him.
8. B: Don't worry, ma'am. We'll find him. How
A: It's not really long but it's very straight. old is he?
And it's sometimes green! A: He's seven.
B: Green! X~ B: I see. And what color is his hair?
A: Yeah. He sings in a rock band, I think. A: It's light brown.
3. Let's Listen B: Don't worry. We'll find him for you.
A: My little girl was here a minute ago, and
A: What does your girlfriend look like, Tony? now I can't find her.
B: Cindy? Oh, she's tall. And she's got long,
dark brown hair. B: She's probably in the toy section. Can
you describe her?
A: Yes, she's five years old.
A: Tell me about your boyfriend, Anne. B: And what color hair does she have?
B: Well, his name's Bob. He's 17. Let me A: Brown. And it's very curly.
see .... Well, he's got curly blond hair. He's B: All right. Let's go to the toy section and
not very tall - about average. But he's see if she's there.
really good-looking. 3.
A: Has anyone seen a young kid?
A: So, Bob, what's the new girl in class like? B: How old, sir?
B: She's pretty tall, about 170 centimeters. A: He's ten. He's always getting lost. Drives
She's got glasses and short curly hair. I me crazy.
think she's about 20. B: Where did you last see him?
A: What's her name?
A: Overby the video equipment.
B: I can't remember. Anne, I think. B: What color is his hair?
4. A: Blond, and pretty long. Too long!
A: So tell me about your cousin, Paul. 4.
B: Well, she's very pretty. A: Excuse me. I've lost my little boy. We
A: Really! Is she blond? were looking at some microwaves and he
B: No, she's got dark brown hair. Everybody was bored and ...
likes her; She's an actress.
B: Calm down, sir. Can you describe him?
A: Really? I'd like to meet her. A: Yes. He's eight. Really cute.
B: And what color is his hair?
A: Dark brown.

Tapescript 123
B: Okay. Let's see where he is. Just sit 6.
down and relax. A: I'm looking for Patty.
5. B: Mm ... There she is. She's wearing a yellow
A: Excuse me. I've lost my daughter! skirt, a blue blouse, and red sandals.
B: Is she around 13, about average height, A: Thanks ..
with short blond hair? 7.
A: Why, yes. A: Is Mary here tonight?
B: She's looking for you - over there, in B: Yes, she is. See her over there? She's
the shoe department. wearing jeans and a green shirt.
A: Thanks a lot! A: Jeans and a green shirt.
Unit 3: Clothes B: Yes, and she's wearing ..a funny hat.
2. Let's Listen 8.

1. A: Where's Ken?
A: Which one is David? B: Oh, the bodybuilder. He's here somewhere.
He's wearing shorts and a tight shirt,
B: David? There he is. He's wearing a jacket as usual.
and tie. And he's got reddish-blond hair.
A: Tight shirt?
A: Okay. Thanks.
B: Yeah, he likes to show off his muscles!
A: I'm looking for Janet. 3. Let's Listen
B: Oh, she's wearing a long dress. And she's 1.
got glasses. A: How are the pants, sir?
. A: Does she have long hair? B: I think they're too short. What do youthink?
B: No, it's not really long. A: Yes. I think you're right. They certainly
3. are too short.
A: Which one is Ron? B: Can you get me a longer pair?
B: He's wearing a dark suit and a tie 2.
and sneakers. A: Do you like this blouse?
A: Sneakers? Okay. Thanks. B: Well, I think it's a little too big.
4. A: I guess so. Yes, it is pretty big.
A: I'm looking for Barbara. B: You definitely ne~d a smaller one.
B: There she is over there. She's wearing 3.
white pants and a red blouse. A: Are the sneakers comfortable?
A: The one with a scarf?
. B: Well, I think they're a little small for me.
B: Yeah.
A: Too small? Let me find a bigger pair.
A: Who's Andy? . A: Are those jeans all right?
B: He's wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He's
B: I'm afraid they're too big for me .
. got short blond hair.
A: Okay, then let's find a smaller pair.
A: Oh, I see him. Thanks.
124 Tapescript
5. necklace. She also had a long pink scarf
A: How does the T-shirt fit? Is it too tight? over one shoulder. She didn't have a bag.
B: Do you have a looser one? She was wearing sandals.
6. Unit 4: Time
A: How do you like the sandals?
B: Too big, I'm afraid. 2. Let's Listen
A: Too big? Let me find a smaller size. 1.
4. Let's Listen A: Excuse me, what's the time?
B: Uh, it's ten fifteen.
A: Thanks.
Sonia was very well dressed. She had on a 2.
jacket and a long, dark blue skirt. She was
also wearing a yellow blouse. She wasn't A: Do you have the time?
B: Let me see. Yeah. It's ten after two.
carryinga bag,but she did have a small wallet
with her. Oh, and I remember she had nice A: Two ten? Thanks.
goldearrings. I also remember her shoes. She 3.
was wearingblack shoeswith very high heels. A: What time is it now?
2. B: Hey, it's exactly twelve o'clock.Midnight.
Brian was very casually dressed. He was Happy New Year!
wearing some really old jeans - you know, 4.
the ones with holes in them - with a new A: Can you tell me the time, please?
wide leather belt and a white T shirt. He B: Yeah, it's eleven thirty.
had on some boots, high brown ones. They A: Wow, I'm late. Thanks.
looked really nice. He also had a red scarf. 5.
He usually wears a couple of big rings, but A: Do you know what time it is?
he wasn't wearing any at the party. He was B: Yeah. It's a quarter to four.
wearing an interesting silver watch, though. A: Thanks a lot.
3. 6.
Kevin was wearing a yellow shirt and a A: I'm late again. What time is it now?
green tie. I didn't like the tie, but I liked B: It's seven fifty.
the shirt. He also had on brown pants. He A: Class starts at eight. I've only got ten
was wearing sneakers with long white socks minutes!
- kind of cute, actually. And he had a 3. Let's Listen
leather bag over one shoulder.
Mrs.Graham looked really good. She had You are listening to Star Radio at 90.9 on
on an interesting long red skirt and a your FM dial. The station with the best
classic rock in town. The time is 7:15. Time
beautiful gold and black jacket. And she for more classic rock...
had some lovely earrings and a nice

-- ---------- ----

2. 3.
This is WBYZ 105.1 FM and the time is In Cinema C we are showing Ralph the
coming up to 10:05. And we've got more Rabbit. Show times are 3:00, 4:40, 6:30, and
music for you, so stay tuned. 8:15. Also, at 10 o'clock, tonight only, a sneak
3. preview of Crazy Cops,' Hollywood's latest
You are listening to X98.5 on your FM dial comedy-action film ..
- the jazz station. The time now is just a 4.
minute away from two o'clock. In Cinema D, we are showing The Alien
4. from Saturn. Show times are 3:20, 5:10,7:20,
This is your AM station, Talk Radio WXYZ. and 9:40. Don't forget our box office closes
Time now is 11:02. Don't touch that dial! every evening at 9:55.
5. Unit 5: Dates
This is the BBC. The time is six fifteen.
2. Let's Listen
You are tuned to WQXR, your classical music
A: Have you been here long?
station. And the time is exactly 1:40. Time
B: No, we arrived a few days ago, on the
for the Ninth Symphony by ... first of the month.
A: And how long are you staying?
This is 1010 News Radio. The station with B: We're staying exactly two weeks. We
all the news, all the time. Time now is 9:30. leave on the 14th.
8. 2.
. This is your station for easy listening, KABC. A: When did you get here?
The time right now is going on 5:05. B: I arrived on the 4th.
4. Let's Listen A: Will you be here long?
1. B: Until the 13th. Not long enough, really.
Thank you for calling Cinema World. Our 3.

box office opens every afternoon at 2:30. A: Did you just arrive?
Today in Cinema A, we are showing Holiday B: I arrived on July 2nd.
in Rome, starring Gina Jones. Show times A: Are you enjoying your vacation?
are 3:40, 5:45, 7:55, and 10:15. B: Oh, yes. But it's too short. I leave on
2. the 10th.
In Cinema B we are showing Hong Kong 4.
Warrior. Show times are 4:30, 6:40, 8:30, . A: When did you arrive?
and 10:45. Don't forget to visit our new coffee B: We got in on the 5th.
bar located next to Cinema B. It's open A: How long are you staying?
every day from 2:30 to 10:30. B: We're leaving on the 15th. We're just
staying ten days.

126 Tapescript
5. 6.
A: Did you just arrive? This is Star Travel. We've booked your
B: We got here on the 3rd. flight to New Orleans for next month. You
A: And do you plan to stay long? leave on August 2nd on flight 101 from
B: Yes, we're not leaving until the end of Kennedy Airport at 2 p.m.
the month.
4. Let's Listen
A: The 31st?
B: That's right.
A: Isn't it your birthday this month, Ted?
B: Hey! It was a month ago.
A: When did you arrive? A: Oh! Sorry! I forgot all about it. So, did
B: On the 6th.
you have a big party or something?
A: And when are you leaving? B: No. I had to study because of the exams
B: On the 16th. at school.
3. Let's Listen 2.
1. A: Have you had your birthday yet, Jill?
This is Dr. Costello's office. We're calling to B: No. It's in two months.
change your dental appointment to August A: Oh, that's right. So what are you planning
3rd at 9:30 in the morning. Thank you. to do this time?
2. B: I'm going to New York with my mom
Hi, Don. It's Sue. I'm calling- about Cindy's and dad.
birthday party. It's on July 28th at 8 p.m. A: Hey! Fabulous!
Are you free? I'll call you later. 3.
3. A: Have you had your birthday yet, Sue?
Hello, Don. This is Aunt Betty. How are you, B: No. It's not'til next month. Don't forget
darling? Listen, I'm coming to town next this time!
month and I'd love to see you. I'm arriving A: Don't worry. I won't.
on August the tenth at 11:15 in the morning. B: I'm planning to have a barbecue.
I'll call you from the airport. Bye! A: Great! That sounds fun!
4. 4.
Hi, Don. This 1s Ted. Listen, we can't play A: Is your birthday this month or next
tennis on Saturday. Are you free Sunday month, Brian? I can't remember.
afternoon, July 26th, around three? B: Oh, it was a month ago.
5. A: Really. So, how was it?
B: It was okay, but very quiet. I had a family
Hello, Don. This is Francis. I'll be back from
party at home.
my trip on Tuesday, September 22nd. Let's
A: Oh, that sounds nice.
meet in my office that Tuesday around 6
p.m., okay? Let" me know.

Tapescript 127
Unit 6: Jobs 3.
2. Let's Listen A: Are you still at school, Bob?
1. B: No, I graduated from college last month.
A: Congratulations! And what are you
I'm a salesperson. I sell computers. I like
doing now? .
my job. It's really interesting. And I meet B: Nothing much. I'm tired. I'm taking a
lots of interesting people. long vacation.
Yes, I like it a lot. I like acting in front of
A: What do you do, Marie?
lots of people. One day I hope to write a
B: Me? I'm a lawyer.
book about my work.
A: How long have you been doing that?
B: For about five years. Db you need a good
It's an interesting job, and it's good lawyer?
for me because I love travel and flying. A: Well, not yet!
I visit lots of countries every year. And well 5.
- I know it's silly, but I like my uniform. A: Are you a receptionist, Suzanne?
4. B: Yes, I am.
It's a good job for me because I like food and A: Do you like the people you work with?
I love cooking. Lots of famous people come B: Well, it's my first week on the job, so I'm
to our restaurant, too. not sure yet.
5. 6.
Nursing is a good job for me. I like helping A: Are you still a tennis instructor, Martha?
people - you know, sick people. B: No, I'm not. I didn't like it.
6. A: So what are you doing now?
I like my work because I work outside. It's B: Well, I'm trying to find a new job.
hard work, but the pay's good and it keeps 7.
me in shape . . A: Do you work in an office, Fred?
3. Let's Listen B: Not anymore. Now I'm an English
1. teacher. I just had my first class.
A: Really? How was it?
A: Hi, Ted.
B: It was terrific!
B: Oh, hi.
A: Are you still working in the bank?
B: Yeah. A: Are you still working at the bookstore,
, Sue?
B: Yeah, but I don't like it. I have to stand
A: Where are you working now, Sonia?
all day and I get so tired.
B: I just started as a chef in an Italian
A: I'm sorry to hear that!
restaurant. Come and try my food.
A: Sounds great - I'd love to!

128 Tapescript
4. Let's Listen 4.
1. A: Do you enjoy being a salesperson, Nancy?
A: So how do you like your job, Bill? B: Yes, I do like it. I get to meet so many
B: Well, it was okay at first, but now, after people.
two years, I don't like it. A: Is it hard work?
A: Oh, why's that? B: Yes, it can be. I don't like the long hours.
B: It's boring. I do the same thing every I'm always really tired when I get home
day. I'm really sick of it. at night.
A: So why don't you change jobs? A: That's too bad. Why don't you quit?
B: I'm well-paid. I like the money! B: Because I think my boss is great to
A: Oh, I see. But yon should leave if you're work for.
not happy. 5.
B: Yeah, maybe I should. A: How long have you been working in a
2. restaurant, Martin?
A: Do you like teaching children, Christine? B: For more than five years.
B: Oh, yes! I love working with kids. They're A: Wow. You must really enjoy it.
so much fun. B: Oh no, I don't enjoy it at all! It's hard
A: Well, I guess you have the perfect job! work and pretty tiring, too. I'm on my
B: Yeah, I like it a lot. There's just one thing feet all night.
I don't like. A: Oh, I see.
A: What's that? B: But the tips are great. I really should
B: The distance to school. It's too far away. It find a better job soon, though.
takes me an hour to drive there every day.
A: Wow. That must be awful!
Unit 7: Sports and Exercise
B: It is, but the schools that are near me 2. Let's Listen
are not as good. 1.
3. A: Do you play sports on the weekend, Rita?
A: How is your new job going, Anna? B: No, I hate sports.
B: Good, thanks. I really like it. A: Really? So what do you do on the weekend?
A: What do yq,u like best about it? B: Uh, I watch my favorite programs on TV.
B: I think it's the people I work with. They A: Well, that's not too tiring!
are so nice. 2.
A: People make all the difference in ajob, don't A: Do you like sports, Rod?
they? B: Sure. I playa lot of sports.
B: They sure do. The only trouble is, I have A: So, what sports do you play?
to travel a lot. I'm away from home for B: Well, everything. Baseball, volleyball,
about two weeks every month. swimming-but my favorite sport is tennis.
A : Yeah, that cim be difficult. A: Oh yeah?
B: It is. I hope I won't have to travel so much B: Yeah, I play every day after work.
next year.
-apescript 129
3. A: Do you like volleyball?
A: You're in great shape, Martha. B: Yeah, I play volleyball during the week.
B: Thanks. A: Want to play with me and my friends
A: So, how do you do it? tonight?
B: Well, I go to the pool about three times 3.
a week, and I swim for about two hours. A: You're in good shape, Ken. Do you playa
A: Two hours? Are you practicing for the lot of sports?
Olympic Games or something? B: Yes, I do. I love sports. I play volleyball
4. on Thursdays, and on Saturdays and
A: How do you keep in shape, Ron? Sundays I play tennis.
B: Me? I travel. A: Which one do you like the best?
A: What do you mean, you travel? 4.
B: Well, I ride my bike about 20 miles A: Do you like playing sports?
every weekend. B: Nah, not really. I don't like exercising at
5. all. But I do watch a lot of baseball on TV!
A: Wow! What happened? A: You really should get some exercise.
B: I went skiing. 5.
A: Gee. That looks pretty bad. A: What kinds of sports do you play?
B: Yeah. B: Let's see. Well, in the summer I enjoy
A: Do you often go skiing? windsurfing. But I don't do anything in
B: No. It was my first time. the winter.
6. A: Why not?
A: Do you get much exercise, Joe? 6.
B: Yes, I do. I walk a lot. A: So, do you get any exercise?
A: Where? B: Well, not much. I don't have a lot of free
B: To McDonald's. Yeah, I walk there about time, but about once a week I walk for
four times a week to get a hamburger an hour.
and fries. A: Oh. Where do you walk?
3..Let's Listen 4. Let's Listen
1. 1. ~
A: Your muscles are so big, Dave. What do I think exercise is so important to good
you do to get them so big? health. There is a really good sports club
B: Well, I go to the gym every day after ,near my school. During the week, I play
work, and on Saturdays, too. tennis there for an hour before school starts.
I love it. Do you work out? On weekends, I usually work out at the gym
2. near my house for a few hours. I also play
A: Do you playa lot of sports? baseball with some friends from school..It's
B: Yes, I do. so much fun!

130 Tapescript
2. Unit 8: Locations
I don't like jogging or doing anything too
2. Let's Listen
energetic. I prefer taking walks. I like to
take a short walk every day through the park 1.
across from my house. Sometimes my A: Mom, have you seen my magazine?
boyfriend goes with me. It's nice to talk and B: I think it's in the living room on top of
look at the flowers and trees. On Sunday, I the TV.
like to swim, but for only about a half hour. 2.
I sleep the rest of the weekend. A: Now where's today's newspaper?
3. I can't find it anywhere.
I am a big football fan, but I only watch it B: Oh, I was reading it. It's on the sofa,
on TV. I can't stand playing it! There are between the cushions.
great games to watch on the weekend. I also 3.
enjoy watching tennis. I'd like to learn A: Do you know where the remote control is?
someday, but I don't like to sweat. I love B: Look in the living room. I think I saw it
chess and often play with my younger sister. in front of the TV.
She's really good at it and usually wins. On A: Oh, yeah.
the weekends, I love to play video games 4.
with some of my friends. A: Where's my tennis racket? Did Dad
4. borrow it again? I wish he'd ask me.
I just love to exercise! I like many different B: I saw it in your bedroom, under your bed.
sports. Let's see .... I like swimming a lot. A: Oh, yeah. That's right.
I get up very early, around 5 a.m., and 3. Let's Listen
swim for two hours from Monday to Friday.
I also enjoy basketball and play with a
group of friends from work every Tuesday A: Do you think I should put the magazine
rack next to the window?
night. And I've also started playing golf
this year. Before playing, I go jogging to B: No. Not next to the window. I'd put it in
warm up. the corner next to the sofa. It will look
nice there.
5. ~
I enjoy exercise, but I don't do it as much as
Ishould. I meet a friend every Wednesday A: Where do you think I should put the
and we play tennis. I'm not a very good coffee table? Should I put it next to the
player, but it's fun and we usually play for
B: I think it will be better in front of the
an hour. On weekends, I like to bicycle in
our neighborhood. I guess I spend an hour sofa. It'll be more useful there, I think.
or two doing that. Oh, and I love baseball, 3.
but only watching it while sitting on the A: What about the plant stand? It might
couch eating popcorn! be nice next to the window.

Tapescript 131
B: Yes, next to the window, either on the A: Should I put them beside the dictionary?
left or on the right. B: Yes, next to the dictionary will be fine.
A: I think I'll put it on the right. A: I'd like to read these magazines later.
4. They look interesting.
A: Now what about the bookshelf? It's so big! 2.
B: Hmm. What do you think? A: What about the remote control for the TV?
A: How about next to the door, against B: Put it beside the TV.
the wall? A: There's a magazine there, the TV program
B: To the left of the door? guide. Should I put it on the TV program
5. guide?
A: Now I need to find a place for this old B: That's fine. And remind me to get a new
chair that my mom gave me. battery for the remote when we go
B: How about over there? downtown.
A: You mean in front of the window? A: Okay.
6. 3.

A: We still have to find a place for this A: These look like your car keys. Where do
end table. you usually keep them?
B: Yes, where can we put it? B: They're my extra apartment keys,
A: How about next to the sofa, in the corner actually. Just put them in one of the
near the door? drawers in the desk.
B: Yes, good. Is that okay now? A: The top two drawers are already full of
7. stuff, so I'll put them in the bottom
drawer for you. They'll be inside an
A: Where is a good place for the TV?
empty box.
B: How about in the far left corner, to the
left of the window? B: Okay.
A: Yeah, that sounds good. I'll put it there.
There. How does it look? A: Do you want me to put this baseball cap
A: What about the dinner table? B: Yeah. Just put it behind the door.
A: Where? Should I hang it on the doorknob?
B: Maybe we can put the dinner table
B: No, on the hook behind the door. It will
against the wall, across from the sofa.
In the middle of the wall. be fine there, thanks.
A: I didn't know you wore a baseball cap.
A: Across from the sofa, against the wall.
'B. It's not mine. It's my brother's.
Is that what you mean?
4. Let's Listen
A: Do you need these glasses?
1. B: Not right now. I only use them for reading.
A: Do these magazines go on the bookshelf? Do you see the case they go in?
B: Yes. Put them on the bookshelf, please. A: I don't see it.
On the top is fine.
132 Tapescript
B: Oh, never mind. Leave them on the coffee 5.
table, next to those sheets of paper. A: These are my parents and that's my
A: Okay. grandmother on the left.
6. B: How old is she?
A: There's a belt lying on the floor here. A: She's 60.
B: Oh yes, that's my brother's. He leaves his B: She looks young for 60.
clothes everywhere. It drives me crazy! 6.
A: Should I put it somewhere? A: This is my father with my uncle and aunt
B: Leave it on the chair. He always sits there. and two cousins.
A: Okay. The chair next to the window? B: Which one is your father?
B: That's right. A: The one on the left.
B: Oh, yes.
Unit 9: The Family
3. Let's Listen
2. Let's Listen
A: Do you have any brothers and sisters,
A: That's me in the middle. That's my oldest
niece, Betsy, on the left. She's in her B: No brothers. I wish I did. But I've got
second year of college. And that's my three sisters.
nephew, on the right. He's just finished A: Really!
high school. B: Yeah. And I'm the youngest.
B: Oh, he's handsome. A: Poor you!
A: That's me on the left.
A: Tell me about your family, Donna.
B: Who are the other two?
B : Well, rve got one brother-he's older than me.
A: Those are my sister and brother, Maria A: What does he do?
and Jose. They're twins. B: He'sa student And I'vegottwoYOlIDger sisters.
B: How old are they? A: Wow. You have a big family.
A: They're ten.
A: Do you have any brothers or sisters, Bob?
A: That's me and my parents. B: Just one - my sister, Anna.
B: Boy! You look just like your dad. A: Is she older than you?
A: No, I don't! B: Yes, she is. She always bosses me around!
A: This is a picture of my son and daughter. A: Tell me about your family, Rosie.
B: Is your daughter older than your son? B: Well, I come from quite a big family. I've
A: Yes, much older. She's 26.
got two brothers, both of them younger
B: How old is your son? than me.
A: He's 17.
A: Really. Do you have any sisters?
B: That's a big difference.

Tapescript 133
B: Yeah. I have one older and one younger 5.
sister. I'm very interested in computers: I'm
A: You're lucky. I wish I came from a big family. always teaching myself new computer
5. programs and I have a lot of great software.
A: Do you come from a big family, Tina? My brother and I spend all' our free time in
B: No, I'm an only child. It's just me and computer stores and on the Internet. My
my parents. sister is more interested in the arts. She
likes music and she loves to read. She hates
4. Let's Listen computers!
1. 6.
Both of my parents are taller than me. My I love traveling. My mother and I go to a
dad is pretty tall, but my brother is even different place every year. Both of us love
taller than my dad. Together they look like to learn new things about cultures. My
a basketball team! My sister and I are the father never goes with us because he hates
short ones in the family. flying. My older sister is in college, so
2. she stays home and studies while we're
My brother isn't interested in music at all. away. Sometimes I wish my sister and
He's into cars, like my dad. But I'm not my father would travel with us because I
interested in cars. I play the guitar and the miss them.
piano. I guess I love music because of my
Unit 10: Entertainment
mom. She sings beautifully. She plays the
piano really well, too. 2. Let's Listen
3. 1.
I love animals. I have a dog and I keep a A: So do you think we should go and see it?
couple of parrots in a big cage in my room. I B: Yes, I think so. I hear it's very good. My
love taking photographs of wild birds when friend said the story is great. And I love
I'm in the countryside. My dad and I often Arnold Schwarzenegger.
go away for the weekend and we have a great A: So do I. His movies are always full of action.
time birdwatching. My sister thinks I'm 2.
crazy. When my sister has free time, she A: What's the weather going to be like on
loves to play cards. I can't stand card games. SatUrday?
4. B: Hot and sunny.
I enjoy reading. I read a lot of books and I A: Oh, good, so let's go then. It'll be perfect
love going to the library. My dad likes outdoor , for swimming.
things. He's really into sports and swimming, B: Yeah. But I just want to lie on the sand
and he always tells me I should get more and sleep.
interested in sports. But Mom tells me that 3.
reading is the best way to learn. She always A: What time is the game?
gives me books that she's been reading. B: It's at two o'clock.

134 Tapescript
A: Great. Are you playing? A: Saturday night is fine with me.
B: Sure. B: Great.
4. 3.
A: What do you want to do this weekend? A: Hello.
B: I don't know. What do you want to do? B: Hello, Nancy. This is Ken.
A: I don't know. A: Oh, hi, Ken.
B: Hey, I know. Let's get the guys and go B: I'm calling about Friday night. Are you
rollerblading. doing anything?
A: Okay. A: I don't think so.
5. B: Great. How about going to a disco with me?
A: What do you need to buy? A: A disco. Sure. Thanks. You know I love
B: Well, I need some new jeans. to dance. What time?
A: And I need some shirts. 4.
B: Okay. Let's go on Saturday afternoon. A: Hello.
6. B: Hi, Anne. This is Mike.
A: Want to come with me on Saturday? I A: Hi, Mike. What's up?
don't think it'll be too hot. It's great B: There's a football game on Sunday afternoon.
exerCIse. A: A football game?
B: Okay. I'll pack a lunch. Maybe we can B: Yeah. Would you like to go?
ride to a park and have a picnic. A: Oh, sorry. I'm not free on Sunday.
A: Great idea. B: Oh, well, some other time, maybe.
3. Let's Listen
A: Hello.
1. B: Hi, Wendy. This is Jack.
A: Hello.
A: Oh, hi.
B: Hi, Penny. This is Bob. B: Say, there's a good movie on TV tonight.
A: Hi, Bob. How are things? Do you want to come over and watch it
B: Fine. Say, would you like to go to a movie with me?
on Friday night? A: Oh, I'd love to, but I can't tonight.
A: A movie? Sur~. I think I'm free Friday I have too much work to do.
night. What movie do you want to see?
4. Let's Listen
A: Hello. 1.
B: Hi, Anne. This is Mary. A: Bobby, would you like to go out for dinner
A: Oh, hi, Mary. How are you? Thursday?
B: Great.Look, I'm calling about the weekend. B: Thursday? Oh, I'd love to, but I have to
I'm having a p~. meet my sister for dinner.
A: A party. That sounds fun. When? A: Oh, well, some other time, then.
B: Sure.
B: On Saturday night.

Tapescript 135
2. B: Uh-huh.
A: Melissa, would you like to see a movie A: Do you want to try them on?
on Saturday? B: No, thanks.
B: That sounds great. What time? 2 •.
A: At 9:30? A: How much is this computer?
B: All right. B: It's on sale for $4,099.
3. A: $4,099!
A: Hey, Jack, let's go for coffee after class B: Do you want to buy it?
on Monday. A: That's okay. I'm just looking.
B: Oh, sorry. I have to go downtown. 3.
I have an appointment. A: This tie isn't bad. How much is it?
A: Oh, okay. B: It's $36.95. "
4. A: $36.95. Well, maybe I don't really need
A: Betty, do you want to come over to my a tie. Thanks, anyway.
house for dinner Wednesday? 4.
B: Thanks. I'd love to. What time? A: These shorts are nice, aren't they?
A: Around 6:30. B: Yes, and they're only $26.95. Do you want
B: Okay. See you then. to take them?
5. A: Yeah, I think I will.
A: Hey, Ralph, let's play tennis on Sunday 5.
afternoon. A: How much are these earrings?
B: Sunday afternoon? I can't. I'm going away B: They're only $12.25.
for the weekend. Maybe some other time? A: They're nice. I'll take them.
A: Sure. B: Okay.
6. 6.
A: Say, Jill. I'm going shopping Friday A: That camera looks interesting. How much
night. I need a new dress. Want to come? is it?
B: Friday night? Okay, I'm not doing B: It's on sale. It was $145, but now it's
anything special. only $125.
A: Good. Let's go after work.
B: Fine. A: Hmm. Well, I'll !hink about it.
3. Let's Listen
Unit 11: Prices 1.
2. Let's Listen Let's see. Soup. That's two for a dollar. And
1. a bottle of shampoo - $6.50. So that comes
A: Can I help you? to $7.50 and your change is $12.50.
B: Yes, how much are these shoes? 2.
A: They're on sale. Let's see ... Okay, now - let me see what you've got.
They're $45. The CD is $14.95, and the cassette - oh, a

136 Tapescript
good one, my favorite group - it's on sale good neighborhood. Here in the U.S., I pay
for $4.95. So, let me see.... That comes to about twice that for a much smaller
$19.90. So here's your change, ten cents. apartment, and it's not in a very nice
3. neighborhood.
Yes, can I help you? Okay. Let's see. The 3.
newspapers are $1.50, and the magazines I bought a lot of clothes in my country before
will cost another ... $8.15. Yes, so that's, let I moved to the U.S. because everyone told
me see, $9.65, right? Here's your change, me how expensive American clothing is. I
$10.35. was kind of surprised that I could get nice
4. clothes here for very reasonable prices. In
So you're taking the T-shirt - nice choice. fact, it costs me less for clothes here than it
The color suits you. Okay, that's $4.95, then used to cost me at home.
the socks. They're another $3.20, so that's 4.
$8.15, and here's your change, $11.85. I come from a small country and not a lot
5. of people travel by plane because it costs
Mmm, I like chocolates, too. Okay, that's more than most people can afford. But the
$9.50 for the chocolates. And chocolate chip U.S. is such a big country and the population
cookies, too. Mmm. You really do like is large, so you have a lot of people traveling
chocolate. The cookies are $2.99. So that's by plane. That's what keeps the prices
$12.49. And here's your change, $7.51. down. That means I can afford to fly here
and I do it all the time. I couldn't do that
at home.
Is this all?Okay.Let's see.Nowthe magazines
are $6.25. And you're taking the book?
That's $12.00. So that comes to $18.25 Most people send their children to
altogether. And here's your change. That's private schools at home because the public
a dollar seventy-five. schools are not very good. You have to
pay a lot to do that, so it's a big expense
4. Let's Listen for many people. Public schools are better
1. here, and cheaper than in my country.
I could never buy a car at home because we People don't have to spend a lot on
pay a very high tax on cars. Onlyrich people tuition, so most people send their children
can really afford to buy a car at home. Here to public schools.
in the U.S., I drive a nice new car and I can 6.
easily afford it. You don't have to be rich to Here in the U.S. you need to have health
own a car, which is great. insurance because it costs a lot to see a
2. doctor or to enter a hospital. At home, you
At home it only costs about $200 a month don't have to pay much to see a doctor or
to rent a nice apartment. That's what I go to a hospital because most of the clinics
used to pay for a four-room apartment in a and hospitals are run by the government.

Tapescript 137
Unit 12: Restaurants C: How does it look?
B: Okay, I guess, but I think I should have
2. Let's Listen ordered three or four slices. These slices
are much smaller thar: I expected.
A: Are you ready to order? 2.
B: Yes, I'd like to start with the salad, please.
A: And here's your order. Steak with french
A: Okay. And what would you like for your fries and coffee.
main dish? B: Thanks. I can't wait to eat.
B: Hmm. I'll have the spaghetti. Is it good?
I'm starving.
A: I've never tried it. Anything to drink?
C: It looks okay. How is it?
B: Tea, please. B: Let me try. Oh, just perfect.
A: And how about dessert? "
B: Not today, thanks.
A: Sorry to keep you waiting. One order of
2. fried chicken with broccoli.
A: Hi there. What can I get you today? B: Thanks. Oh my! This chicken looks
B: Well, let me see. I'll just have some soup
pretty dry.
and a salad.
C: Really. How does it taste?
A: Sure. Soup and salad. Our special today B: I'm afraid it's not very fresh. I think it
is grilled fish, and that comes with must have been frozen.
broccoli or peas. C: Let's send it back.
B: No, thanks. Not today. I'm not very
hungry. But I would like some chocolate
ice cream for dessert. A: There's your order, ma'am. Fish, salad,
A: Sure. Anything to drink? and peas.
B: Coffee, and some water, please. B: Oh. But you told me today's vegetable
was broccoli.
C: You don't like peas, do you?
A: Hi! Have you decided yet? B: No, I don't. I hate peas!
B: Is the beef stir-fry very spicy?
A: Yes, it's pretty hot.
B: Hmm. I think I'll have a hamburger and A: And here's your dessert. Chocolate
fries, then. And a glass of milk. cake, with two scoops of ice cream and
a large cola. ~
A: Anything for dessert? The cheesecake is
excellent. B: Great.
B: No, thanks . C: Wow. That cake looks good. I wish I had
• ordered it.
3. Let's Listen B: Do you want to try it? It's delicious.
1. C: Just a taste. Mmm. Fabulous.
A: There you are, sir. Two slices of pizza 6.
and a large cola. A: Did you order the spaghetti?
B: Thank you. Hmm. B: That's right.

138 Tapescript
A: Good.Here you are. And here's your cola. some egg rolls. They were the best I had
B: Thanks. I don't think I made a very ever tasted. Then we ordered the beef and
good choice. pepper stir-fry. It came in a very
C: Re~lly? interesting sauce-spicy, but not too spicy.
B: Yeah. I think I can make better We also ordered the steamed vegetables,
spaghetti than this. but they were awful. They were really too
soft. The dessert was a big bowl of fresh
4. Let's Listen
fruit. Some of the fruit I had never seen.
1. It was fantastic - and so was my date!
I went to a new steak restaurant last night
that opened near my ,house. I love trying
new places. To start the meal, I had an For lunch, my co-worker and I went to a
nice little French restaurant near our office.
interesting appetizer. It was some kind of
seafood with a spicy sauce on it... Mmm! He didn't feel like eating much, so he just
The main dish, of course, was steak. It was had a small salad. I had a large meal,
very small and a little tough, though. though. First, I had the onion soup, but it
However, the vegetables were great - nice was much too salty. For my main dish, I
and fresh, but not too oily. The final thing had a piece of pork. It was too dry and
was the best - the dessert! It was apple had no taste. The vegetables were perfect,
pie with a lot of ice cream on it. I know though - broccoli and peas. Those are my
that I shouldn't eat so many sweets, but it favorites. Finally, I had a large bowl of
was delicious! chocolate mousse. It was just like the
chocolate mousse I had in France during
my last vacation - very creamy and
Have you ever tried that seafoodrestaurant delicious. I think I'll have it next time, too.
on Main Street? You should - it's great! I
go there often. In fact, I went there last Unit 13: Small Talk
weekend. To begin, I had a salad. It was 2. Let's Listen
nice and fresh with a great house dressing. 1.
My main dish was a fish that I had never
Oh, hello, Bob. I haven't seen you in ages.
tried. I really enjoyed the spices it was
How is everything with you these days?
cooked in. The >vegetables were good -
very fresh and tasty. For dessert, I had 2.
chocolate cake. It's usually very delicious, It's been great seeing you again. Gee, look
but this time, it was much too sweet. I at the time. I've got to run. Talk to youlater.
couldn't eat more than two bites! That's 3.
okay, though, because I am on a diet. How are you, anyway? It's so nice to see
3. you. What have you been doing lately?
My new girlfriend took me to a Chinese 4.
restaurant in· her neighborhood the other It's been really nice talking to you.Let's get
night. It was pretty good. First we had together again soon, okay?

Tapescript 139
5. B: No, I'm not hungry right now, thanks.
Oh, hi. I've been thinking about you. I haven't A: Okay, talk to you later.
seen you in such a long time. How's everything? 6.
6. A: Hey, hi. I've been thjnking about you. I
Where have you been? It's been ages. How's haven't seen you in ages. Did you have a
it going with you. good trip?
7. B: Yeah, it was great. I took a train across
Listen. I hope to see you again soon. Let's Canada. Then I drove to Disneyland.
have lunch sometime, okay? A: Wow! That's great.
8. 7.

How have you been? And how's your family? A: Hey, great to see you. H()whave you been?
It's so nice to see you again. B: Fine, thanks.
A: How are your parents?
3. Let's Listen B:Oh, Mom and Dad are fine, thanks. Mom's
1. just started a new job.
A: Hey, how's it going? Are you enjoying A: Oh, really?
the party? 8.
B: Yes, I am. The people here are really nice A: Hi. How have you been?
A: Really. Everyone is so friendly. B: Oh, fine, thanks.
2. A: Do you know everyone here?
A: Hi, Jim. How's everything? B: Yeah, almost everyone.
B: Everything's fine, thanks.
4. Let's Listen
A: Hey, hear that? That's Whitney Hudson.
Isn't she great?
B: Yes, she's really good. A: Hey, I was just talking to Cindy. Did you
know she's had a really good job in a
computer company for a long time?
A: Who's that over there? Have you met her?
B: Really?
B: No, I haven't met her before. But I think
A: Yeah, but she's decided to change jobs.
I will now: Nice talking to you. She wants to become an elementary
school teacher ..
A: So, how are you, anyway? B: Wow. That's a sUrprise.
B: Okay. Not too bad. 2.
A: How's everything at work?
A: I'm really excited about the rock concert
B: Fine, but I'm very busy. I have to work'
next week. I'm glad I got my tickets early,
late nearly every night. because I heard that ail the tickets had
5. been sold.
A: I think I'll get something to eat. The food B: I heard that, too. I'm looking forward
looks good. Can I get you something? to the concert. It should be great!

140 Tapescript
3. Unit 14: Vacations
A: I got a really coolpresent for my birthday. ,.
B: Oh yeah? What is it? 2. Let s Listen
A: My parents gave me a dog - a little 1.
puppy. She's so cute. I've always A: Did you have a good vacation?
wanted a dog. B: Not bad. I decided not to go away. I just
B: That's awesome. So what are you going stayed home and watched TV.
to call her? ' A: You call that a vacation?
A: Spot. 2.
4. A: How was your vacation?
A: Terry's not here tonight. I hear she's sick. B: So-so.
B: Yeah. I spoke to her dad this morning, A: Where did you go?
and he said she has a really bad case of B: I went to Hawaii.
the flu. She's had it for about a week. A: And?
A: Sometimes it takes a long time to get B: Well, I went for the sunshine, but it
over the flu. Terry has been sick a couple rained every day! So I couldn't get a tan .
. of times this year. A: Hey. That's tough!
B: I know. It's too bad. 3.
5. A: How was your vacation?
A: That guy over there has just moved here B: Very disappointing.
from Canada. I was talking to him a A: Oh, ~hat did you do?
while ago. He's really interesting. He's B: Nothmg. I ~tayed home and helped my
an actor and he's already appeared in a father fix hiS car.
couple of movies. A: Oh, no!
B: Yeah, so he was telling me. He mentioned 4.
the names of his movies, but I haven't A: Did you do anything interesting on your
seen any of them. vacation?
A: Maybe one day he'll be a big star. B: Mmm. Well, I went out of town for a few
6. days. I visited my brother and his family.
A: There's a reaJ>lyinteresting exhibition at A: Did youhave a nice time?
the museum this month. It's all about B: It was terrible. The kids were fighting all
Walt Disney and the story of how he the time.
started making cartoons. 5.
B: Is that right? I haven't been to the A: When did you get back from your trip?
museum for a long time. B: Last week.
A: You should go and take a look at it. I'm A: So did you go to the beach?
sure you'll really interesting. B: Not this time. I rented a house in the
B: I think I will.Thanks for letting me know. country. It was really quiet and peaceful.
And really boring! And the birds woke
me up at six o'clock every morning.
Tapescript 141
6. A: That's too bad. You should never go in July.
A: What did you do on your vacation? Did B: Now you tell me!
you stay home? 5.
B: No, I went skiing. A: When did you get from the beach?
A: Really. Did you have a good time? B: Last weekend. I had a terrific time.,
B: It was great - until I broke my leg! I swam every day and I learned how to
7. windsurf.
A: How was your vacation? A: Great!
B: Vacation? Oh, that! 6.
A: Did you go to the beach? A: Did you have a nice vacation?
B: No, I had to stay home and study formy exam. B: It was terrible. The food was awful. And
A: Sounds awful. the hotel wasn't clean" at all.
B: It was. And I failed the exam! A: Oh, that's too bad.
8. 7.
A: Did you go to California for your vacation? A: So how was your trip to Thailand?
B: No, I went to Nevada. B: I had a wonderful time. The shopping
A: To Las Vegas? was fantastic. And the people were great.
B: Yeah, Las Vegas. A: Sounds like you had fun.
A: That's great. How was it? B: I did.
B: It was all right until I lost all my money! 8.
3. Let's Listen A: Did you have a great vacation?
1. B: Really great! But it was too short.
A: Did you have a nice vacation? A: Really. How long was it?
B: It was nothing special. The weather was B: Only a month.
terrible. A: A month! You're lucky!
A: That's too bad. 4. Let's Listen
2. 1.
A: Did you enjoy your trip to Vancouver? A: Is this you?
B: Yeah, it was fantastic. The people are so nice. B: Yes, it is.
3. A: Wow! It looks really fun, but hard. How
A How was your ski trip? do you stay on them?
B: Awful. B: In the beginning, you don't. You fall off
A Why? all the time. But you learn pretty
B: There was no snow! quickly. I had a wonderful time.
4. 2.
A: So how was your trip to France? A: What are you doing here?
B: Very disappointing. It was so crowded B: My friends and I went camping. It was
everywhere. We couldn't even get a really great. But it got very cold at night.
hotel room. This is how we kept warm.
142 Tapescript
3. B: Lots. It's got two bedrooms, a living room,
A: What did you do? and a huge kitchen and bathroom.
B: Oh, I went sightseeing and visited all A: Sounds great. So, when can I come and
the museums. stay with you?
A: Oh, that sounds interesting. 3.
B: Actually, it was pretty boring. I hate A: Do you like your apartment, Joe?
museums. B: Not really. It's very small.
4. A: Really?
A: Oh, this must have been a wonderful B: Yeah, just one bedroom and a living room.
vacation. A: That isn't so small. How many people
B: Yes, it was fantastic. The weather was live with you?
perfect. And the water was so clear. B: Seven!
A: Wow. Look at you. You're all red. A: Seven! Wow!
B: Yes, I got a terrible sunburn. 4.
5. A: Do you live with your sister, Ellen?
A: What are you doing here? B: Yes, I do.
B: Oh, I took a cooking course in Italy. A: What's your place like?
A: Terrific. So what can you make now? B: It's nice. It's got two bedrooms, a big one
B: Spaghetti and meatballs! and a small one.
6. A: That's great.
A: Did you go all the way in this? B: Yes, but I've got the small one.
B: Yes, we did. It was really very comfortable A: Oh.
to travel in. We slept in it, too. 3. Let's Listen
Unit 15: Apartment Living 1.
A: Does the kitchen have everything you
2. Let's Listen need, like a stove and a refrigerator?
1. B: It's got a stove but it doesn't have a
A: What's your apartment like, Ken? refrigerator. I need to buy one.
B: It's comfortable, but it's pretty small. It's 2.
only got one toom. A: You don't have a bed in your bedroom?
A: Really? Don't you have a bedroom? B: No bed. Just a TV. I sleep on a mattress
B: No, I sleep in the living room. on the floor.
A: What about your dog? A: Really?
B: She sleeps in the living room, too! Right
next to me;
A: We don't have much furniture yet. We
2. don't even have a sofa in the living room.
A: What's your new apartment like, Celia? B: Hey. I've got one I can sell you.
B: It's really big. I love it. A: Really? Great.
A: How many rooms does it have?

Tapescript 143
4. 4.
A: The bathroom is very small. Just a The bookshelf is good, though it's probably
shower and a toilet. a little too big for the living room. I need a
B: You can come and take a bath at my place TV, but I'm waiting for the new models. I
any time. have a good stereo.' So that's good.
A: Thanks, I probably will. However, I still haven't bought a dinner
4. Let's Listen table. I saw a great one last week. The sales
clerk said that they're having a big sale next
1. week, so I'm waiting for that. For now, I'm
The bookshelflooks really good in the living eating my meals while sitting on the sofa.
room. And the TV is just fine. When I find a
stereo, I'm going to put it in the bookshelf. I Unit 16: Movies
don't have a stereo now because I want to
2. Let's Listen
find a cheap one. I'm going to check out the
sales next week. I've got a dinner table, but
I still need a sofa. Now I have to sit at the A: What kind of movies do you like, Sue?
dinner table to watch TV. My living room is B: Let me see. Well, I really like science
fiction and action movies.
small, so I want a small sofa.
A: Do you? How about horror movies?
B: Oh, I can't stand them. They're usually
If you have an old bookshelf you aren't really dumb!
using, I'd be really happy to buy it! I 2.
haven't been able to find one that is the
A: Do you like movies, Bob?
right size. All the ones I looked at were
B: Sure.
too big. Right now there are books all over
A: What kind?
the floor. But I managed to pick up a really
B. Well, I like horror movies the best.
good TV and stereo at a yard sale last
weekend. I still need to find a dinner table. I don't know why, but I really enjoy them.
All the ones I looked at in the stores were A: Hmm. Do you like Westerns, too?
too expensive. B: Not really.
3. 3.
I was thinking about getting a bookshelf, A: What kind of movies do you like,
but I don't have many books yet, so I guess
I can wait. I was lucky. I got a really cheap B: My favorite movies are action movies. I
also like science fiction.
used TV the other day. It only cost $50 and
it works really well. It's nice to have' A: Do you like comedies?
something to watch. Right now I don't have B: Yeah, I like comedies, too.
enough money to buy a stereo. The dinner 4.
table is very nice and big enough for six A: What kind of movies do you like, Tina?
people. I bought a cheap sofa, too. It's really B: Mmm. I love westerns. But they don't
comfortable. make many good ones these days.

144 Tapescript
A: That's true. How about horror movies? for an operation, and by mistake, they
B: I don't like them very much. give him the wrong kind of medicine.
A: Me, neither. Every night, when it gets dark, he turns
3. Let's Listen into a kind of half man, half animal and
starts killing people.
1. B: Yuck. I hate those kinds of movies. I don't
A: It'sone of the funniest movies I've seen.
think I'll bother seeing it. Thanks, anyway.
It's about this weird family that goes on
a European vacation. But it's a vacation
where everything goes wrong. First, they A: I~'s kind of interesting. It's about people
lose all their lugg51ge, then they end up who travel in a time machine. They can
in the wrong city by mistake. After that, choose which century they want to visit.
someone thinks they are bank robbers So, they decide to visit some famous times
and there's this crazy car chase. If you in history. They also see what the future
want a good laugh, you should see it. is going to be like.
B: Yeah, I've had a busy week. It sounds B: Hey, that sounds interesting.
I like movies like that.
like the kind of movie I need to see.
2. 4. Let's Listen
A: Oh, it's one of those movies that's full of 1.
car chases and fights and people jumping A: What's that new movie like? Is it a drama?
out of airplanes and stuff. The special B: Kind of. This volcano suddenly comes
effects are pretty good, and it's really up out of the ocean in San Francisco, so
exciting, especially when these two guys this family is trying to get away from it.
fight it out standing on the roof of a 50- It's a good story, though. Pretty scary
story building. Of course, the bad guy and very realistic.
falls off the roof in the end. A: Are the special effects any good?
B: Sounds good. I like those kinds of B: They're great!
movies. A: Does it have any famous actors in it?
3. B: Not really. They really should have had
A: If you like Julia Roberts, you'll love this better actors. The two stars are pretty
movie. She's"a nurse who works in a big bad. But the music is great.
hospital. She meets this patient she's 2.
looking after, and slowly, they fall in love, A: So tell me about that new movie you went
and finally get married. to on Saturday. What's it all about?
B: Hmm. Actually, I'm not a big fan of B: It's about these bank robbers in Kansas
romances, so I don't think it's something and how the police are trying to hunt
I would like. them down. It's pretty exciting from
4. the moment the movie starts right 'til
A: Hey, let me tell you about the movie. It's the end.
about this guy who goes into the hospital A: Are there a lot of special effects?

Tapescript 145
B: Yeah, there are a lot of big explosions. Unit 17: The Weather
They were terrific.
A: Who's in the movie? 2. Let's Listen
B: A couple of new actors that I've never 1.
seen before. They were both pretty good, And here is today's weather forecast for the
especially the guy. international traveler. Let's start with Beijing.It
A: Sounds like a great -movie. willbe a coldday in Beijingtoday,and windy.The
B: Yeah. The only thing I didn't like was the low will be zero and thehigh will be 6 degrees.
music.They have this very loud, fimkymusic 2.
all the way through. It was pretty annoying. Mexico City will be warm and wet, with a low
3. of 23 degrees Centigrade and a high of 28.
A: What was the movie like? 3. ~
B: Well, it's supposed to be an adventure story. Tokyo is expecting cloudy weather with
Some explorers in Africa discover this new heavy rain. The low will be 4 degrees and
kind of animal. A really huge ape that they the high 12.
want to bring back to America. 4.
A: Sounds interesting. New York is going to have a windy day. It
B: Yeah, the story was good, but the special will be very cold with a low of minus 10 and
effects were awful. The ape didn't look a high of zero.
very realistic at all. It looked like a toy 5.
or something. And the two main actors
In Taipei it will be cloudy, wet, and hot
were pretty awful.
today. The low will be 20 degrees and the
A. So it's not worth seeing?
high will be 30:
B: No. But buy the soundtrack. The music
was excellent. 3. Let's Listen
A: Is that movie you saw any good? A: Are you going out?
B : Yes. Later. What's the weather like outside?
B: Yeah, fantastic.
A: It's about a robbery, right? A: Not very nice. Cloudy and windy.
B: Yeah, it's a great story about these art I think it's going to rain later.
thieves in London whOwant to steal some B: Oh, really? It was sunny this morning.
famous paintings from a museum. It ends 2.
with a fantastic helicopter chase all over A: Let's go out for a walk. It's so nice and sunny.
London. There are some unbelievable, B: Yes, it is. Not a cloud in the sky. Just
special effects. let me put this on.
A: Really. I should see it. Who's in it? 3.
B: A couple of British actors I never saw A: Are you going out in this snow?
before. They're fantastic. There are some B: Yes, I have to go downtown.
nice songs in the movie, too. A: Well, wear something warm. It's really cold
A: Great. outside.
146 Tapescript
4. B: It's much nicer now. It was so cold and
A: Is it cold outside? windy this morning, but it's really nice
B: Not really. It's raining a little, but it's outside now. And it's getting warmer, too.
still nice. 6.
5. A: What's it like outside today?
A: It's really hot and humid today B: It was cold and wet earlier, but now it's
B: It sure is. It must be at least 95 degrees, stopped raining and the sun is coming out.
out there! 7.
A: I think I'll go to the pool for a swim. A: What's the weather like?
6. B: It was terrible this morning when I woke
A: Oh, look. It's snowing. up - very hot and humid. I'm glad it's
B: Great. Let's get our things and have a getting cooler now.
snowball fight. 8.
A: No way! It's too cold for me. A: Is it still snowing?
B: Come on. There's no wind. It'll be nice. B: It sure is. We're going to have a really
4. Let's Listen bad snowstorm. Let's not go out today.
1. Unit 18: Shopping
A: How's the weather?
2. Let's Listen
B: The temperature is going down, and it's
turned very windy. I think. it's going to 1.
rain a lot tonight. A: I think these are too big. Do you have a
2. smaller pair?
A: How's the weather now? B: Yes, we do. What size are those?
B: It's much warmer now than it was this A: These are 9 1/2.
B: Let me find a smaller pair. Urn - much
morning. And the wind has stopped, too.
I think I'll go out for a walk.
A: How much is this?
A: Is it nice outside?
B: It's $399.
B: It was nice when I got up this morning,
A: $399. That's very expensive.
but now the sky is very dark. I think it's
B: It does look very nice on you.
going to rain.
A: Bob, what do you think?
C: Very nice. But how much?
A: What's it like outside?
A: It's only $399.
B: It's getting verywindy now. I don't think C: $399! You must be kidding!
it's a good idea to go out.
I think we're gOing to have a bad storm.
A: Oh, I haven't read this. Is it good?
B: I think so.
A: Is it a nice day today? A: Is it a mystery?
Tapescript 147
B: Well, actually I haven't read it, but I B: No, thanks. It's too expensive for me.
think so. 4.
A: Just what I need. I'll take it. A: Need any help this morning?
4. B: No, I'm just 100kingar()Undfor some gift
A: Are these fresh? ideas, thanks.
B: Yes, they are. 5.
A: They took delicious. A: Those are really nice dresses.
B: Why don't you try one? B: Yes, they certainly are. I love the design.
A: Really? Okay. Mmm. These are good. Do you have one in a size 12?
5. A: Yes, we do. Would you like to take it?
A: I think these are fine. They'll be great B: Yes, please. #

for the beach. What. do you think? 6.

B: Yes, but don't you think they're a little A: Do you need any help?
small? B: Yes. I want to buy a shirt for my husband.
6. Do you have anything in cotton?
A: Can I play this one? I'd like to listen to A: Yes, we do. Look at these.
it before I buy it. B: They're perfect! I'll buy the gray one.
B: Yes, let me play that for you.I think youll 7.
like it. A: Good afternoon, ma'am. Can I help you
3. Let's Listen find anything?
1 B: Oh, I'm not sure what I want. I'll just
A•: C0uld I h eIp you WI'th an yth'109 t0day, look around for a while, thanks.
ma'am? 8.
B: Well, I really like this blouse. Do you A: May I help you with anything, or are you
have it in another design? just looking?
A: Yes, we do. B: I'd like these green gym shorts, please.
B: Great! I'll take it, then. Do you have them in a large?
2. A: I'm afraid we don't.
A: Do you need any help, sir? B: Oh, that's too bad.
B: Yes, actually, I do. These are a small and 4. Let's Listen
they're too tight. Do you have a medium? 1.
A: Yes. A: Can I tryon that shirt please?
B: Great! I'll take them .. B: This one? '
3. A: No, not the one with the short sleeves.
A: These are the most beautiful watches in The other one.
the store. B: Here you are.
B: Theyreallyare nice.Howmuchis this one? A: Thanks. Can this be machine washed,
A: It's $2,500. Would you like to buy it? by the way?

148 Tapescript
B: No, it's silk, so, you should dry-clean it. A: I don't think they are very sweet. The
It's not a good idea to wash it by hand smaller ones are usually sweeter.
or machine-wash it. B: Okay. Let's get some of these small ones.
Unit 19: Using the Telephone
A: I'd like to buy some envelopes.
B: Which ones? These big ones? 2. Let's Listen·
A: No, those are too big. Do you have any 1.
smaller ones? A: Hello.
B: How about these? B: Hello, Joe?
A: Yes, they look like a better size. Can they A: No.
be used for air mail letters? , B: Is this 793-51417 ?
B: No. These are meant for regular maiL A: No,it isn't.! think youhave the wrongnumber.
3. B: Oh, sorry.
A: Can I see that watch, please? 2.
B: The one with the narrow band? A: Hello.
A: No. The one with the wide band. Is this B: Hello. Can I speak to Sandy, please?
a man's watch? I'm looking for a gift for A: She's busy right now. Can you call back?
my girlfriend. B: Oh, sure.
B: Actually, anyone can wear it. It's not just 3.
for a man. A: Hello.
A: Hmm. It's nice.
B: Hello. Can I speak to Brian?
4. A: Sorry, Who?
A: I love that tie. B: Brian.
B: I'm not crazy about stripes myself. A: What number did you want?
A: No, no - the blue and orange one. B: 321-9645.
B: Oh. I don't like that, either. A: This is 321-6949.
A: It's kind of fun. It's for my brother's B: Oh, sorry.
birthday. He likes things that are a little 4.
different. A: Hello.
5•. B: Hello. Is Sylvia there?
A: Can I see that blouse? A: Sorry. She's not in right now.
B: The one without the pockets? B: Oh, well, this is Rod. Can I leave message?
A: No, the other one. A: Okay.
B: Here you are .. 5.
A: What fabric is this? Is it cotton? A: Hello.
B: I think it's a linen and cotton blend
B: Hello. Is Mrs. Brown there, please?
6.. A: Yes, may I ask who's calling?
A: I'd like to get some apples. B: Yes, this is Donna Simpson.
B: How about these big ones? A: Just a moment, please.

Tapescript 149
6. B: No, it's Joan. J-O-A-N. Please tell him
A: Hello.' the English exam will be on Tuesday in
B: Hello. Can I speak to Tony, please? Room 214.
A: Sure. Hold on and I'll get him. A: English exam ... Tuesday ... Room 214. I'll
tell him.
3. Let's Listen
B: Thank you.
A: Hello.
A: Hello.
B: Hello, can I speak to Anne, please?
B: Hello. This is John.
A: Sorry. She's not in right now. Would you
like to leave a message? A: Oh, hi, John!
B: Is Patrick there?
B: Yes, please. My name's Mary Brown.
A: Mary Brown? A: He's here, but he's sleeping. He won't get
B: Yes, and my number is 914-6520. up until morning. Can I take a message?
B: Yes, please. Tell him that tomorrow's
A: Did you say 6520?
B: That's right. Could you ask Anne to call party is at 7:30 at the Plaza Hotel.
A: Okay, let's see ... John called ... Oh, John,
me back tonight?
A: Okay, I'll give her the message. how do you spell your name again? Is it
B: Thanks. J-O-N?
A: You're welcome. B: No, it's J-O-H-N.
A: Okay John called. Tomorrow's
party party ...7:30 ...Plaza Hotel. Got it!
A: Hello. He'll be there.
B: Hello. I'd like to speak to John, please. B: Thanks. Talk to you later.
A: Oh, John's not back from school yet. Can A: Bye!
I take a message?
B: Urn, yes, please. My name is Ellen. 4. Let's Listen
A: E-L-L-E-N? 1.
B: That's right. And my number is 614-5533. A: Hello.
A: 614-5533. B: Hi, Jenny. This is David. How are things?
B: Please tell John I'll meet him tomorrow A: Pretty good, thanks.
at 12 o'clock at the bookstore. B: Listen. I was wondering if you're doing
A: At the bookstore. Okay. I'll tell him. anything on Sunq.ay.
3. A: No, I don't think so.
A: Hello, B: Great. Would you like to see a movie
with me?
B: Hello. Is Peter there, please?
A: He's gone out for the evening. Can I take A: Oh, yeah. That sounds great. Thanks.
a message? 2.
B: Yes, please. This is Joan calling. A: Hello.
A: Yes, Jean. What's the message? B: Hi, Tony. This is Bob.

150 Tapescript
A: Hi, Bob. What's up? 5.
B: Oh, nothing much. But I have a favor to A: Hi, Joan. I know it's lll-te, but I want~d
ask. Would it be okay for me to borrow to call and apologize to you.
your stereo on Sunday? Mine isn't B: Well, I was wondering why you didn't
working very well, and I have some new meet me for dinner.
CDs I'd like to listen to. A: I am so sorry, but my husband called
A: Urn. Well, okay. I guess that's all right. me at work and told me that he was not
B: Thanks. See you tomorrow. feeling well. So, I had to go home and
A: Yeah. Bye. take care of him. I was so busy, I forgot
C: Who was that? to call you.
A: Oh, it was Bob. He"'wants to borrow my B: Well, I understand your problem, but you
stereo, again! really should have called.
C: Not again! 6.
3. A: Hi, Howard! How are you doing?
A: Hello. B: Oh, Becky! I'm doing pretty good. I'm
B: Hi, John. This is Rita. leaving for my big vacation to Europe this
A: Hi. How's it going? Saturday.
B: Well, okay, but I'm afraid I have to cancel A: What? You are?
our date. Remember? We were going to B: Yeah, why?
see a play together. A: Well, you promised me that you would
A: Yeah, I've already bought the tickets. help me move into my new apartment
B: Oh, I'm so sorry, but I have to drive my this Saturday
dad to the airport. B: Oh, that's right. I forgot. Well, don't
A: Oh well. I'll see if! can get someone else worry. My plane leaves at night. I can
to go with me. still help you in the morning, I guess.
B: Yeah. Sorry about that. A: Oh, good. Thanks!
4. B: Sure.
A: Hello.
Unit 20: Describing Things
B: Hello, David. This is Paul.
A: Oh, hi. 2. Let's Listen
B: Listen, you know we're supposed to 1.
meet at six tonight for dinner? A: Hello. City Taxi.
A: Yeah, is there a problem? B: Yes, I left a briefcase in a taxi coming
B: No, but can we meet at seven o'clock back from the airport.
instead? I think I'm going to be late. A: Can you describe it?
A: No problem. Actually, that's better for B: Yes, it's black leather, with the initials
me, too. PWD on it.
B: Great. See you at seven o'clock.

Tapescript 151
2. 3.
A: Hello. City Taxi. I use it to put my things in when I play
B: Hello, has anyone turned in a lady's sports. It's pretty big, so I can get all my
handbag? I left one in a taxi about an clothes and my running shoes into it.
hour ago. 4.
A: Can you describe it? It's an expensive one, but I use it a lot
B: Yes, it's a small blue and white stripeg because it's very wet here in the fall. I love
bag with a long red strap. the colors, too. People can easily find me in
3 a crowd when I'm using it.
A: Hello. 5.
B: Is this City Taxi? It's great when you're on a trip somewhere,
A: Yes, it is. especially when you're taking a flight,
B: I'm calling about a wallet. I think I left becauseyoucan take it on board the aircraft.
it in a taxi this morning. It's a black It's not so big, so you can put it in the
wallet. It had all my credit cards in it. overhead compartment or under the seat in
A: Oh, dear. front ofyou.It's also got wheels and a handle
4. that you can pull out.
A: Hello. City Taxi. 6.
B: Hello. I left a pair of glasses in a taxi this They're very comfortable for jogging or
morning. walking. That's goodbecause I jog and walk
A: Sunglasses? Black frames with initials a lot. But they're really old. I've had them
on them? for about three years. I hate the color. But
B. No. No, they're regular glasses. They I'll use them until I can afford a new pair.
were in a brown leather case. I can't see
a thing without them. 4. Let's Listen
A: Sorry. They're not here. 1.
It's a brown leather one. I keep all my money
3. Let's Listen and my credit cards in it. I usually keep it
1. in my back pocket. It probably fell out when
I wear it instead of sunglasses because I was getting offthe bus. I hope I get it back
sunglasses make me look so stupid. I always because it also has my ID card in it, and
wear it when it's sunny outside. If I don't that's very important.
wear it, the sun hurts my eyes. It's 'not too 2.
good on windy days, though. I'm always losing them or putting them
2. down and forgetting where I put them. I
It's excellent for work because it's pretty big think I was wearing them when I was on
and I can get all my business papers in it. the bus. Then I stopped for a cup of coffee
It's not one of those cheap-looking plastic at a coffee shop. I think I took them off
ones. It's made of real leather. then because I don't need them when I

152 Tapescript
read, and I was reading a magazine. Yes, A: Up this street two blocks and left?
maybe that's where they are. B: That's correct.
3. 2.
I'm sure I had them when I left school A: Can I help you?
because I remember putting them in my B: I'm looking for the bank.
purse. I'm sure I had them when I came A: Well, take a right at the first corner,
home or I couldn't have driven the car or and it's on your right.
opened the front door. So that means they're· B: Okay, thanks.
somewhere inside the house. 3.
4. A: Can youhelp me? I'm looking for a hotel.
I'm sure I used it to' pay the bill at the B: Okay. Gostraight up two blocks and turn
restaurant when I had lunch there. After right at the light. You'll see, a hotel on
that I went to the department store, and I your right.
think I used it when I bought my jacket. A: Thanks,
I'm sure that's the last time I used it, so B: You're welcome.
it's probably there. 4.
5. A: Excuse me. Is there a bookstore around
I usually keep it at home in a drawer in my here?
desk because I only use it when I travel B: Yes. Take the first street on the left.
abroad. But it's not there, so I wonder Go through the next intersection. You'll
where I put it. Oh, maybe I left it at the see the bookstore on the right. You
office when I came back from my trip to can't miss it.
France. I think that's where it is, because I 3. Let's Listen
went straight from the airport to my office. 1.
A: Excuse me. Is there a bank near here?
I thought it was in my briefcase. I usually B: Yes, there is. Go straight up Third Street
put it there when I get onefromthe newsstand for two blocks and turn right on Pine
and then read it when I get home. Now I Street. The bank is on the right.
remember! I was on the subway! I took it
out to read the" sports section. I'm sure I
left it there. A: Excuse me, I'm looking for the Peking
Unit 21: Directions B: Oh, sure. I know where it is. It's one of
2. Let's Listen my favorite restaurants. Go left here on
1. King Street. Then turn right onto
Second Street. Walk up Second Street
A: Excuse me. Where's the post office? for a block. It's on your left, on the corner
B: The post office?Go straight for two blocks of Ford and Second.
and then turn left. It's on the left.

Tapescript 153
3. 2.
A: I'm trying to find a supermarket. My place is fairly easy to find. Get off the
B: A supermarket? Okay. Go left down King bus across from the supermarket. When
and then go up Second Street for two you get to the supermarket, could you pick
blocks. It's on the left, on the corner of up some snacks? Then walk north for two
Pine and Second. blocks. You'll see a footbridge. Cross that
A: Thanks. footbridge and you'll see a small street when
4. you get to the other side. Go down the
A: How can I get to the post office? street, and on the corner you'll see an
B: Oh, it's not far from here. Go up Third apartment building. That's my place.
Street and turn right on Ford. Walk down 3.
Ford and you'll see it on your right, on My apartment building is near the river.
the corner of Ford and Fourth. When you come out of the subway, walk
5. towards the river and you'll see an intersection.
A: I'm looking for the Tourist Office. Go through the intersection and take the
first street on the left. Go down the street
B: Okay. Go up Third Street and turn left
on Ford. It's in the first big building you until you see a supermarket. My house is
see on your left. right next to it. If you can, could you bring
some fruit to go with dinner?
A: Can you tell me how to get to the Art
Museum? I live in an apartment building close to the
B: The Art Museum? Sure. Go up Third high school. Get off the bus across from the
school and walk north for about four blocks.
Street for two blocks and then turn left
on Pine Street. Go to the end of the You'll see a gas station on your left. Turn
block. The museum is on your left, on right just past the gas station and go down
the corner of Second and Pine Street. the street until you see a church. My
building is across from the church. Don't
4, Let's Listen forget to bring your tennis racket.
Unit 22: People We Know
So when you come out of the subway, look
for a tall glass building. That's ahotel. Walk 2. Let's Listen
past that for two blocks and you'll see a 1.
small street on the right. That's my street. A: So tell me about your new friend, Cindy.
There's a grocery store on the corner. Go What's she like?
down the street and my place is the fourth B: She's really neat. She's great to be with
house on the left. Maybe bring some CDs because she makes me laugh all the time.
with you, because I don't have any dance A: Oh yeah?
music for the party. B: Yeah, she's always telling jokes.

154 Tapescript
2. 3. Let's Listen
A: What's your friend Pauline like? 1.
B: She's nice. A: Mr. Grant is really funny, isn't he? He
A: Is she shy? loves telling jokes. And he's so easygoing.
B: Shy? You must be kidding. She tells her B: I know. Then there's Mrs. Grant. She
whole life story to everyone she meets. never seems to smile. I wonder why
3. she's so serious all the time.
A: Do you know Tom Brown? '2.
B: Oh sure. I like Tom. A: Where are Bobby and his brother today?
A: Yeah, me too. He makes me laugh. He B: I think they've skipped class again.
always doing crazy things. A: Really? They're always doing that.
B: Yeah, I know. B: Yeah. They aren't serious about studying,
4. that's for sure. All they like to do is sit
A: Have you spoken to the new guy in our at home and play computer games.
class, Paul? 3.
B: Yes, I have. A: What are your new neighbors like?
A: What's he like? B: Mr. and Mrs. Roberts? Well, they seem
B: Boy, he's really interesting. He speaks nice. I've spoken to Mrs. Roberts several
six languages and was the top student at times. She's very easy to talk to. But I
his last school. haven't spoken much to her husband. He's
A: Oh, great! kind of shy and not very talkative.
B: No, you'll like him. He's really friendly 4.
and easy to talk to. A: Have you met Wendy's new boyfriend?
5. B: Yeah, I like him.
A: Do you and your boyfriend go out a lot, A: Me, too. I think he's perfect for Wendy.
Suzanne? B: He sure is. They're so sociable. They both
B: Oh sure, he loves going out and meeting love partying and they're both a little
people. We go to parties all the time. crazy at times.
A: He sounds like a lot of fun. A: That's for sure.
B: Of course. That;' why he's my boyfriend. 5.
6. A:· How do you like the new teachers?
A: Look what my friend Mary gave me for B: Well, Mr. Williams is very easygoing,
my birthday. Isn't this a beautiful blouse? and he's really smart, too.
B: That's really nice. And she gave me a A : Yeah, I know. And what about Miss Vaughn?
great present for my birthday, too. She B: She's not as easy to get to know. She's
loves giving things to people. not as easygoing as Mr. Williams. She
A: Yeah, she does. And she doesn't expect seems very serious.
anything in return. A: Yeah. I think so, too.

Tapescript 155
6. 3.
A: What's your brother's wife like? A: There's this guy who sits in front of me
B: She's just like my brother - serious and on the bus sometimes. He never talks to
hardworking. She's at the office every anyone. He just sits there and talks to
night until around 9:00. And so is he. himself. It's kind of.weird.
A: They sound like the perfect couple. B: Oh, man! Really?
4. Let's Listen A: Yeah. He likes to make people laugh,
though. He's always making funny
1. faces and making animal noises and
A: Hey Anne, there's a guy in my Spanish things like that. Sometimes he's
class who's really cool. He's -really really funny.
friendly and easy to talk to. He just B: That does sound funny.
always seems happy. A: But you know, he afways chews gum
B: Oh, really? He must have a lot offriends. really loudly. I really hate that!
A: Yes, I think he does. He tells really funny B: Me, too!
jokes all the time, too. I'm always 4.
laughing in class.
A: There's a really cute guy from Canada
B: Man! He sounds great! on the basketball team!
A: Well, he is, but he forgets his book
B: Oh yeah?
every day. Then he asks to share mine.
I hate that! A: Yeah. And he's really outgoing. Very
B: Sounds like we have a lot in common. I friendly, too.
B: Tell me more.
always forget my book, too. I'd love to
A: Well, it's difficult to get him to laugh.
meet him. Why don't you introduce us
some time? He doesn't seem to enjoy any jokes. I
guess he's pretty serious. But.he's very
A: There's this new girl in class named B: Hmm. Sounds cute. Do you know if he
Rosie. She always looks like she's in a has a girlfriend?
bad mood. I don't know if she's just very A: I'm sure he has many. He always asks a
shy or what. new girl out on a date every weekend. I
B: Really? don't like guys like that.
A: Yeah, when someone tells a really funny B: Yeah, but as long as he's cute, I don't
joke, we all laugh, but she does~'t seem mind.
to think it's funny.
B: No way! Unit 23: Places
A: But she is very goodat music. She always 2. Let's Listen
practices the piano after school. 1.
B: That's nice. But I don't think I couldget
along with her, because laughing and A: How do you like where you're living?
B: Oh, I love it. There's so much to do here.
having fun are important to me.
And I have a lot of friends here, too.
156 Tapescript
2. 3. Let's Listen
A: What's your city like? 1.
B: Well, the good thing is there are a lot of A: So tell me about Tokyo. What's it like?
things to do here. There are good B: I love it. There are so many great things
theaters and restaurants. The trouble to do. I'm busy all the time.
is it's getting very polluted, so it's not 2.
as nice as it used to be. A: Do you like living here?
3. B: Well, it's okay. One thing I do like is
A: Do you enjoy where you're living? that there's very little noise. People
B: Well, I enjoy a lot about it. The city has don't walk down the street with loud
a very nice climate~It's never too hot or radios or anything. It's pretty nice.
too cold. And it's a safe place to live. 3.
4. A: Do you like it here?
A: What's it like to live in this city? B: It's okay. But it's awfully crowded and
B: Well, it's very noisy and crowded. And the air is so dirty. To tell you the truth,
the pollution is getting really bad. And I'm thinking about moving.
I think we have one of the worst 4.
transportation systems in the world. I'd A: What's it like living in New York?
love to live somewhere else. B: Oh, it's really a great city, but you have
5. to pay a fortune for everything.
A: How is it here, anyway? Is this a nice 5.
place to live? A: Is Aucklanda very big city?Is it crowded?
B: Oh, I'm really glad we moved here. The B: Not really. It's really quite small. It's
air is fresh and the people are very never very crowded or noisy. In fact, it's
friendly. Rents are pretty reasonable, like a small town in many ways.
and it's a very safe city, too. That's so 6.
important. Also, it's close to the sea, so A: So what's San Francisco like? I hear it's
it's great in the summer.
very scenic.
B: Yes, it is. The Golden Gate Bridge is
A: Do you enjoyliving here? great any time of year. The parks and
B: Some things are okay. The restaurants the ocean are beautiful, too. It really is
are pretty good, and the subway a very lovely city.
system is pretty good, too, but it's very 7.
old and not very clean. The weather
also isn't that great. It's very hot and A: What's your hometown like? Is it a nice
humid in the summer and pretty cold place to live?
in the winter. But in general, it's not B: It's great, especially for families with
too bad. children. It's pretty and quiet and it isn't
dangerous at all.

Tapescript 157
8. prices are better and it's a more relaxing
A: Is Osaka a big place? place That's why I prefer Melbourne.
B: Sure. That's why I like it. Lots of Unit 24: Health
people. Lots of nightclubs and discos.
I don't like small cities. 2. Let's Listen
4. Let's Listen 1.
1. A: What happened to your foot, Joanne?
New York has great museums, and so does B. Oh, I hurt it when I was playing soccer.
Washington. But Washington feels more A: Wow. Can you walk on it?
serious because the government is there, B: Yes, but it's really difficult.
so it isn't as exciting as New York. 2. ~
Washington is more beautiful for sure, and A: What happened to you?
the restaurants are cheaper there. But you B: Oh,I didn't have my glasses on so I
know, I love theater, and New York has walked into a door.
the best! Washington is okay, but I love A:No!
New York! B: It's true. Isn't it crazy? Now I have a
2. splitting headache.
Los Angeles is a huge place. You need a 3.
car to get around. San Francisco is more A: Did you cut yeurself?
beautiful and it's a great place for a B: Yes, I was cookingand I cut myself with
weekend, but I get bored there after a a knife.
few days. I enjoy the fact that in Los A: You should be more careful.
Angeles everything moves really fast. I B: I know, and now it's difficult for me to
love living here. eat, because I'm left-handed.
3. 4.
Hong Kong may be more beautiful than A: How did you do that?
Singapore because it's got that fantastic B: I fell down playing basketball. I put out
harbor, but I like Singapore better. It's my arm to stop myself, and this is what
smaller, so I think it's more comfortable.It's happened.
easy to get around and everything is very A: Is it broken?
clean. Hong Kong is pretty polluted and B: Yes.
it's always very crowded. 5.
4. A: How's your back?
Melbourne is smaller than Sydney. It has B. Terrible.
a lot of lovely old buildings and great A: Why don't you lie down and rest? Would
restaurants. Sydney is more exciting and you like a massage?
probably more beautiful, but I think it's B: Great idea. Thanks.
too busy and too expensive. Melbourne

158 Tapescript
6. had to go to the doctor. She put some
A: Hey, what happened to your ear? stitches in it. They'll be in for another week.
B: Huh? 4. Let's Listen
A: What's wrong with your ear? 1.
B: Sorry, I can't hear you. I hurt my ear at
the gym. A: I've really been having trouble sleeping
3. Let's Listen ,B: That's too bad.
1. A: Yeah, I go to bed, but I often can't fall
I have an awful backache. I was lifting asleep. Do you ever have that problem?
heavy weights at the gym yesterday and I B: Yeah, I sometimes do, too, especially if
think I must have pulled a muscle. If it I'm feeling very worried or stressed out.
doesn't get better soon, I'll have to see the A: So what do you do for it? Do you take
doctor. sleeping pills?
2. B: I don't like the idea of sleeping pills, so
1 was hiking up a mountain yesterday and I I usually get up and watch TV or read
slipped and twisted my ankle as we were until I feel tired. Then I go back to bed.
going down a steep path. It's so painful I Why don't you try it?
can hardly walk. I bandaged it, but it still A: Yeah, I will.
hurts. If it isn't better tomorrow, I'll go to 2.
the doctor. A: I've been feeling very tired lately, like I
3. have no energy.
1 flewback from Australia last week and I B: Really? I used to have that problem.
think I caught the flu from someone on A: Oh yeah? Do you think I should see the
the plane. The only time I get the flu is
after a long flight. I:ve been taking pills B: It may not be anything serious. Have you
for it, but I still feel sick. tried taking vitamins?
A: No, I haven't.
B: Taking vitamins always helps me when
I went out to dinner a few days ago with a I'm tired.
friend. We went ,to a very good seafood
restaurant, but I think there was
something wrong with the fish because my A: I've been getting really bad backaches.
stomach really started hurting. I had to B: Is that right?
go to the hospital to get some medicine A: Yeah. Sometimes the pain is so bad I
for it because it hurt so much. It's much can hardly move.
better now. B: Do you spend a lot of time in front of a
5. computer?
A: Yes, I do.
I was working in the garden last week and
B: That's probably causing it. I used to get
I cut my leg. It was a pretty deep cut, so I
that problem, too.

Tapescript 159
A: So did you stop' using the computer? A : Yeah! About once a month.
B: No, I didn't need to. But I changed the B: That's too bad.
way I sat, and that made a difference. A: I've been taking vitamin C, but it doesn't
Here. Let me show you. help.
4. B: Well, maybe you shduld go to the doctor.
A: I'm getting a lot of colds this year. A: Maybe you're right. Can you recommend
B: Really? a good one?

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160 Tapescript

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