The Legend of Dragoon Official Game Guide

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PRIMA’S OFFICIAL STRATEGY GUIDE Baia Ciysaitena Cue @ CA OE bay VS eae Cs J PRIMA PUBLISHING * 3000 LAVA RIDGE COURT ROSEVILLE, CA 95661 \WWWVPRIMAGAMES.COM 2 ane Pra Publishing are reiteres redemerc of Pena Corner, be Contents 82000 ty Pome Publishing. Al rights reserved No part ofthis GETTING STARTED sic ieeeon ere o. MLM ere tacce aeciterea Ixcoramessoleg, CHARACTERS cba Orta arse om rv Pablo Pere Ds the ncusor of quoeabare in = reweve "is @ trademark of Dimension Publishing, Ino Authors: David Castillo, Eric Winding Producer/Designer: Tim Lindquist The: ae of Dragoon is 8 trademark of Sany Computer Entertainment America inc. © 2000 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Developed by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (Japan). PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc Special thanks: Ami Matsumure-Biaire, Maggie Rojas, Greg Philips, Conner Moriang, Masaaki Doi, Mikiko Okai, Shuhel Yoshida, Yasuyuki Hasabe, Kenichi lweta, Koji Hasegawa, Takehiro Kaminagayashi, Kenichirou ide, Masaru Ohnuma and Kezuki Hayashitani. important: Pima Publishing hes neds every effort to deterinine thatthe nvormston cored ni bok inact. ower pth aie vo warn CSther expressed on implied, a3 ths eccuraoy,effecoveness, or completeness the mezeria ns this book: nor dons the pubisher assume Labi for eamages, ‘ther eidertal o° coneesuial tho ay rec rom usa te formation ‘is book, The publisher cannot provide nformaton rogarcing game poy. hints 5 straingies, ox problems wit) ‘oF software. Gusstons shuld bo ‘Srecred ta the support nung by the game ane cevioe manfacttera in 1 Some game tricks require precies tring ‘orc may require repeated aiieripte before the desired recut s achieved SBN: 07815-3007 / 07615-37430 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 00-10343. Printed in. the United ‘States of America c20366 109876 Tay ttre Akos ‘Shana Miranda. Albest Heschel enn ie Meru, TTEMS. ee oe OPTIONAL QUESTS .... snl: aanbustiocwnons MaroeENDINES clits Pues CHAPTER 5: Fate &: Soul (CHAPTER 4: Moon & Fate. 1 WERNAL BATHE How to beat Melbu Frahm I cb ceria cater lvernne is lewd where faricsy feels recltyA ricer layed eet ky the cevnd cbr Son. FEZ, Soa brought forh c Divine Tre to bear fruit @ barren and lifeless world In el, 108 fruits were born from Soa's Divine Tree, From these fis come 108 roces. Of hese, Dragons were the 105th race, humans the 1O6th and the superhuman Winglies the 107%, Who or exacly wha! the mysterious 108h was remoined a mystery. The 108th race, or itage, as it was called, was told to be the god of desructon in legends handed down through he generations, But, why would Soa create simply fo desroy itll n the Regardless of the god's reasoning, peace reigned Endiness for many millennia, butt was not tobe forever. A great war once raged on ths beautiful land; reo nly humans, bu oer races as well. Over ime, humans could no longer tolerate slavery tothe Wingles, Under the guidance of Emperor Daz, and the cid of he Dragons, he human fought wart end all wars. Humans leaned to harness the spr and powers ofthe dragons, ronsforming themselves info Dragoons, Seven warriors fought to bring back peace and equality ea land gone aw The Wingles er led by Mau Feline, who here ti paver of he pe of dasruclon Tigran main sate of he WHEN ‘ei contre by Zig, Rack ye Deen, Rose or he bit eacatogeoin Dcgpors uahi in he Werle ong paloce. I was Zieg who delivered he kling blo to Melbu Frahmo. The Drageon impaled the Wingly Emperor with c thrust from his be known as he Dragon Campaign. The Winglies had become loo powerful, enslaving net — a ka ‘Only Rose lived to tell of the Drogen Campaign. Present day: Inthe land where fortsyis realy, © young man seeks revenge. Darts family was killed 18 years ago by something or someone known os the Black Monster: ‘Alm! te decades oge, his despicable beast ravoged the town of Noot. Dart’ e father and mother became casualties ofthis event. For the las five yoors, he's searched the earth for this 4 ‘monster. Five years have only P s%ade kim o sronger warrior, bu thoi fill burns win hin, With the taste of revenge sil in his mouth, \ he gives up his ques! — temporary. He returns to his homeland only find it in tre. The country is ot \ war and his dear friend, Shona, has been caught inthe middle oft. What begins simply os a quest fo save \, sidecases wil on el ivr brag erry changes. The once peaceful land faces a civ war, Emperor Doel hos shin his brther Carlos and now \ contol athe nd with on ron fis. On his way home, Dati tacked by a Dragon named Ferrand daa ‘Tha young worrior runs away in hopes of sesing Shana. Dart would not be alive fo see the changes _ elon had a wandering wero named Roe nol sored, Seles os bon comple \ ‘by the sleers oF Emperor Doe. Dart'scidhoed fiend has been copied, His ou to Hellena, where he behinds Sir Lavitz ond saves Shona from ceroin dec” XS \ seek an audance wih King Albert and ask or his help. The plot hickens, king ‘ard of warriors deoper nto a conspiracy to ene the word. Bort and is meet quite afew new foces ond moke mony fiend clang the way. traveling porter, Haschel, he moral crs exer Meru, the Wingly; Kengo, the lost ol the scted ser of Mile Seseo. Together, he sight new Dragoons area formidabls ils panel colenges gel bearerten 8 fe det vl eel lod ‘hoy wlogney rod vide, nd en roar tia Moons ve So, from 6 pre-determined fole. With your help, this bond of warriors will do the u fh ond order to a world full Redaca: ‘and choos. Their story will join others in IR ecerd of Dragoon S Co eaatelticonsew res) Most useful items ‘We could literally spend ths entre book going through the items. This section will deal with the ‘most uselu tems throughout the quest. You ean only carry 32 items at once. So, you're going fo have fo be quite selective when it comes to what you have in your inventory. Healing Breezes and Fogs ore always useful; Healing Rains ara like gold. Read ‘ahead in this guide before trekking forward. Sometimes, we'll let you know what you need for a given boss battle or area. In general, you want at least 50% of your item inventory to consist of healing items with the rest divided between Mind Purifiers (maybe 3 or 4), Body Purifiers (about the some). The rest of your inventory can consist of any pet items you reall like. Later in the game, you'll acquire the Power Up, Magic Shield, Smoke Ball and Psyche Bomb _X, do not sell hese ems. They'e one of a kind, but con be used repeatedly. : = _ Weapons ‘As you progress through the world of The Legend of Dragoon, your party will come across numerous weapons ‘nd oer bile cids to hel in hee ight aginst ev. You may have head the expression ‘iif, the best ings ‘re free"® Well, in TLoD, the best weapons and armor are NOT free — they cos big bucks! Specifically, the legend Casque and the Phantom Shield each cost 10,000 gold. Thats not chump change, and will require MANY hours of dedicated battles for you to accumulate that kind of gold. Therefore, the Angel Scarf & the Uhimate Wargod, which are bargains ot 5,000 gold each, should be the big-ticket items to purchase. The _qvailable weapons for each character ore described in detil on the characters’ respective bio pages. Battle Basics (Orly three party members can participa in each bot. Party members can be interchanged freely, but you con ony use three per bot. Each fighter has his or her ov strengths and weaknesses. Kongol, for instance, isa brute. He deals massive physical cdomage onto hi opponents, Because of his physical srengths and ables, his magical ctacks are not os powerful os Mirandols or Rose's. Once you've figured out what characters mcich your personal play sl, you'll be that much beter of. does you no good to choose a fighter tha! you cannot fll ike advantage of. When it comes fo party members, Darts « musi! You cannel replace Dar, s0 that eaves two other possbiliies. Until you meet Kongol, «a decent team consists of Dart, Rose and Albert. When the Gigante hes been converted, he's an ideo condidate because the ecse of his Addiions and his damage dealing copabiliies. Once you have a tecm chosen, you're ready for the basics. Bailes aren't random, they're distance-based. Enemy encounters wil never become oo dificult Fyou ahvays choose o ight. you run oo cen, character level wl not increase and the enemies wll overpower the Dragoons. A very hondy strategy in battle is something we call the "free heal’. In a nuishell, you begin a bate and kil all but cone enemy. Now, cl ree fighters can Guard, hecng 10% oftheir toto HP with each um, ond only one character wl sistin domoge This meons th, in altle more than 10 urns, you could go from O to maximum HP. Keep in mind that some enemies will reolze your plan and vil ry to stop you with magica spel. As long as ther lacks do less thon 10%, youl be fine. This ecnique al nt ‘work with every enemy [bosses in pariculr] bu, forthe mos! port, you will beable to raise your HP in his manner, Ancher alanioge of Guarding isthe ably 1 decrease attacks. Any damage sustained while Guarding will only infil 50% ofits usvol valve. So, las : say Emperor Doe!’ magical attack does 3004? worth of damage normally. I Guarded agains it wil only do 1SOHP of damage 7 Guarding means the diference between life and death. Then gain ifthe bale isn't going your way, retrect is chrays an oplion. Ty to reteat sing the ks fighter of «round. Tha is, Dat ond Rote are frst and second ‘Alberts third: you plan on running from battle, wait for Alberts turn to run away. This way, Rese and Dort can Guard. you'll escape the losing battle. me od, i you'r ot fen ely Alber wlll domage am on eck iC IF you don't moster Adkitions, beating The Legend of Dragoon becomes that much more challenging. Addiions tun the ide ‘against the enemy. li's not as important early in your on in your journey but, later in the game, if you do not attack with Additions, _youwill not survive. The ming on Addons she mos! challenging. Bu, here are hwo woys to master he rt of buen pressing, “The first method is the more natural way, simply woich your on-screen gauge. Just when an attack connects with the enemy, ‘press the X button. This will require a lot of practice to master. The second approach is o litle easier to understand, A square ‘overlaps on enemy being altocked. As your character goes infor the hit, nother square will appear. This square oppears from a distance ond quickly zooms in on the action. When the two squares converge, pres he X buton If done correc, the central square will ash whit. Don't think that's, Because i's jst he beginning. Once you can do a single extra hit there's the whale process ofbuilding up your Additions. Each character hes a specific numberof Additions. The as! Addliions can only be oequired ill he previous Addiions hve been maxed-out. So, that means you have io de each Addons etleast 100 imes. For Dart, hat means he has fo do.600 Additions io 2am the Blazing Dynamo. Not only de Additions inflict mass damage, once ‘youve earned a Dregon Spit, Addiions will buld SP for that character The more powerful an Adlions becomes, he more quickly SP wil accumete. Loy, the Addiions (hich range incificuly em 1-5; 1 being easy io accomplish end 5 boing mos! cffiul for oll characters con be found on ther respecive bio pages. Dragoons ‘The st sep in becoming o rue ight isthe Dragoon Additions and Magic tom, ‘Aswe mentioned belore-once youve goten the Dragon Sir you cn tonsferm ink © Dragoon. For Dar his happens in Hoax. Being a Dragoon not eny endows «person vith added power and defense, Dragoons can ceo perform some of the coolest magical spall you'll ever see. Besides having a Dragon Spin, you tus ols have at eas 1005P. 1005? is one Level of Dragoon power A moter below a figher's HP willkep track of how much Phe or he os, When it has ates! 100, an icon will appear next othe Escape icon. Ths i the Dragoon Transformation f you choos tis, your charade wl mors nto an cl- powerful being. SP is consumed othe rate of 100SP per urn. S, tht means tha, if ‘you have 2008. you can alfack as a Dragoon twice before reverting back to rhormal. Each character begins at Level 1. To inerease your Dragoon level, you trust accurate SP like you woul Experience point. The easiest way todo this. \\ Fee sere Pd capt chro bata oil your chtsetur ew boon! mora The Dragons Aditionsoresinlro stondord Aiton, excep hal \ Tnsead of to converging squares, i's 0 smal con roking around a circle. Press he X buton when the ico hits the op (12 O'Clock on a wate) and youll get an extra it Continue fo do this unil you reach the maximum allowable his. As mentioned before, Bragoon magic is quite sunning. Each character has some ferm of magic while in Dragoon made. See thelist of magic spel for a beter understanding. “Another bors in fhe Dragoon sytem is Dragoon Specials. When every chorater ino party has reached thelr respective Maximum SP, another icon wll appear tothe right of he stondord Dragoon icon, This con — looks lke he yirsyong symbol. Selec this tac ond cll ree fighters wil ansfrm ot once. The person that ified Dragoon Specials wl clo receive "ree! perfect Dragoon Addons attacks wih added power, Not only does his save fine, ican cleo save you. wo characters ore under « Confision sal, but the one character thats cased uses he Dragoon Spec ol hree characters wll nnaheless hum ino Dragoons. And, when the Special ends, the two choraters hot wer prevoutly confused will now ove normal sus. Be wary of enemies, ke he Grand Jevelo Divine Dagon, that can ender ay sor of boos in sats om Dragoon transformation nul. ther enemies ike Lyd) wil ill you tight fy sayin Dragoon moce too long, Another downside of being a Dragoon ihe incl io se ‘any items. So, if you need boost in Magic, you better make sure you use it before you transform, or make sure that there's someone in your pory thal a « Dragoon. ®T NI Prma's Official Strategy Guide | _ ADDITIONS: name DEFICIT # OF STRKES 5? DAMAGE OBTAINED © Doble Sch 1 135 202 itch Addons Volcano: 2 3 36 250 Level 2 Burning Rush 2 2 102-150 bevel 6 ‘Crush Dance 2 4 100-250 Level 15, ‘Madness Hero 4 5 204 «(100 Level 22 ‘Moon Strike 4 5 2 350 level 29 Bezing rome 4 7 180450 Moser all Addions MIB" gra Ue oot ¥ Boo ane Dertistheheroon equettofind heBkek DRAGOON MAGIC NB oda ‘Monsl and acroct revenge for he dec Men ange iesaan Hohscsraseacs! | eAMmchians MP FOFENEMES DESCRIPTION Wao ga justice and hates anything that isnot fair Flameshot 10 Single Fire STR 50% 430.4200 and honest. Allhough he is sill young and Hak eee mokes mistokes, his fathiulectons atroct_ Explosion’ 20 All Fire STR 25% ae Sra -others allowing him fo be a good leader. Final Burst 30 Single Fire SIR75% foo Red Eyed Dragon 0 All Fire STR 175% Hs 4 _ASDIVINE DRAGOON He papa Divine DG Ball 50 All Unbosed STR 50% eae | PwineDG cannon 50 Siglo Unbosod STR 100% 142 Hos ‘WEAPONS: HEAD ARMOR Name Locanion. Descrnon name locanION DESCRIPTION Brood Sword inital Weapon NYA Arle Verious NA Basiard Sword Serdian War Cove N/A. Bandana. Initial Head Armor N/A. pete ee ees Knight Helm Fueno +5P when magically otacked SoulEoer —— Mogiod Rover bt HP decays ech um. en Caxave Lohan Radin eve hem neni es end. Dering +5P when magical attocked ‘Mind Crush Keshav Glocier nhs ry w/a OOSbM | Creer fiste (Mati Degonmen SECON oo par eset Phoenix ume Moon Bloke conos/bowitch/ ei BODY ARMOR FOOT ARMOR Name ocanon —_—_vEScRIFTION Name LOCATION DESCRIPTION Sy ‘Armor Initiol Armor. N/A Leather Boots Initial Boots N/A sp Meal Nestof Dragon, N/A i's Shoes Various + Dpbs, ogilit Red Crecon Armor tereletcs uberis cece Ee 2 - oe gs ArmorsfYow °—Sawhild Blocks poion/shn/tem back Masia jen ea ‘Scie armee + Whe physical aoced, 2b Shoes Furi + ecope vote of physical aol by 8p. a ___ Sis occumlated i : unite pi titeaicttias. coe. _ ADDITIONS fee Ferro © since xem ee bai | Double Ssh 1 1 35202 rio Additions Ma Volcano 2 3 3% 250 Level Ne BuringRuh 2 2 102 150 Levelb tic i GrshDonce 2 4 100 250 Lev 15 ue ‘Madness Hero 4 5 204 100 bed 22 Mie k Moon Srike 4 5 2D 350 lel 29 Ky ’ Blazing Dynamo 4 7 180 450 Master all Additions. M7 t te i = te ’ Dartisthehero on a quest find he “Bleck DRAGOON MAGIC a8 ’ ‘Morte and extract revenge forthe death Me i ‘of his porents. He has a strong sense of _ MAGIC NAME Mp HOF ENEMIES DESCRIPTION oe a -and hates. ee is ee Flameshot 10 Single Fire STR 50% ha. honest. Although he sail young or rokes mistokes, his fitful oction atract Explosion 20 All Fire STR 25% He ‘others, allowing him to be @ good leader. Final Burst 30 Single Fire STR 75% ed y Red Eyed Dragon 80 All Fire STR 175% uy [ASDIVINE DRAGOON ue ' Divi 50. All Unbased STR 50% ue , DivineDG Connon 50 Single. Unboxed STR 100% 3h WEAPONS HEAD ARMOR NAME Locaion Descrienon Name Locarion Descrienon Broad Sword initial Weapon N/A Armlet Vorious N/A Bastard Sword —Serdion Wor Cave N/A Bandana Initial Head Armor N/A — foe eo tack Knight Helm Fueno + SP when magically attacked alchion Legend Casque Lohan Reduces damage fram magic attacks Souler Magrod Powell, bt HP decays each tm Mid Grsh Kesh Glacier Cones rey w/qienprobabity Sol Meador Deingrad +5 shen meocsbcomeetat Fairy Sword Ulora SP 50% w/each strike Deora ee eats) oe eae eae ce ae Phoenix Plume Moon Blocks confse/bewich/dipir BODY ARMOR FOOT ARMOR NAME Location DescrTiOn NAME LOCATON DESCRIPTION i ra = a N/A Leather Boots nitial Boots N/A es ar Mail ieee ‘Nest of Dragon er ce Bondit's Shoes Various + 20 pls. more agility ‘Amer Yow Srowbeld Bloc poison/stn/iemblck Modi eo + ectpe ee cane a ee ck | Cambat Shoes Fu + excope rote of physical otek by 5 ps i : SP is accumulated eM oritapaties cone ADDITIONS Iota nt Nae DIFICULTY # OF STRIKES §° DAMAGE OBTAINED eccNe MaMa ~ Whip Smack 1 1 35 200 Initiol Additions we aye t Heol Mors and Moe 1 2 102 150 beel 14 ieee | Weg ape Big ane Hoard Blade. 4 5 35 Oban 19 Mts sao Dig oboe Mie foe Demon'sDonce 5 7 100 500 MaserallAdetions rib = 78 © Mae tone Mat SS vee Uc ple 7 aaa Rose is a mysterious warrior who fights DRAGOON MAGIC Moe aes Jogebher with Dort and his ends. She hos Vemma A snowrlke fair skin with jt-block hair. Her ‘MAGIC NAME Mp -SOFENEMIES — DESCRIPTON eee noble face shows her intelligence, and ‘Astral Drain 10 Single Dark STR 25% & Mic cadiea ‘everyone who sees her i charmed and oe Hel scam ‘bewitched by her mysterious allure. HP for allies Man Say Death Dimension 20 All Dark STR 25% Misco F Wie cages +posiblefecr sy kame USA Demon'sGote 30 All Instantly kills Wea enemies exceptbosses Ha) WA Dark Dragon 80 Single. Dark STR 100%, at NA : hes HEAD ARMOR. Name AOcAMON DESCRIPTION NAME tocanion Descmeion Demon Stiletio Shirley Shrine Frightens enemy w/given probabilit Cope Lohon N/A ScivGiy far Scmstaclges | ite atin NA ee ES lagend Cosque Lohan Reduces damage from magic attacks nee, FPerte Shp SeulHecebord Deningrad When magico attacked, + 5? Giodius Zencbeios _lostonly ils enemy w/ given probabiliy Tier Dee oN oe Dragon Buser oye NA Fhoenix Plume Mon Blocks coofuse/bewich/ sprit Fomberge Velweb ‘Stuns enemy w/jven prebobiiy Rowe's Heocbond Kashua Glacier Blacks intont death BODY ARMOR FOOT ARMOR name location escRIETION. NAME LOCATION. DESCRIPTION : Sher Vex Dens N/A Leather Shoes hritil Boots N/A. Dork Dragon Armor Moon (Neifies Dork dornoge eae ig a a - . Dancers Shoes Ura more oinbow Dress Blocks poison/sun/item beck : Stor Dust Books Denrngrad. + escape roe of magical aa by 5p Magical Lect Ura + excope rate. of mag/physcitack by 5 ps tec tttts ME ADDITIONS Nall wird er ane DIFICULY #OF STRIKES SP DAMAGE OBTAINED 3 Hexpoon 1 1 50150 itial Addons Ke sic 1 235 200 les ie. tn Rod Wphoon 4 100 202 toed He kg Gustof Wind Dance 5 6 35 350 lewd HT Me we ‘Blossom Storm 5 7 22-405 Master oll Additions {18 ae ae % tae tsviewosbomleafemiyhethasseredite DRAGOON MAGIC as roel othe Kgsor of Serco eure chy ae of Basi for enor. King Albert cosiders. MAGIC NAME » escmrTon, Me Simhmestumery my nd caer ue serving os he heed of he Fit Knighthood of Wind Blaster 10 All Wind STR 25% Nar the Kingdom of Serdio. He was raised by o nz _stidlaherord esky exemelbighsondocs Rose Storm 2 I Ali te bch AiAlies Reda areas | | 435 1/2 for 3 tums ett a Gaspless 30 Single. == Wind STR 100% wat 2 Jede Dragon 80 All Wind STR75% | Mk : rr HEAD ARMOR Name DescmPTON, Name tocarion. escnrTion Spear iol Weapon N/A Sale Iriel Heod Armor Inereoses it rote of physio acs once tohon +19 AT Bandone Various N/A Twister Glaive Kaze ‘Wind: based attack Knight Helm Fueno. + SP when magicclly attacked ‘Spear of Terror Founo Frightens enemy w/given probability Lagend Cosque Lohan Greatly reduces damage from magic Pertson Velweb N/A Soul Headbond Deningrod + SP when magically attacked Hobo Moen N/A Phoenix Plume Maon Blocks confuse/bewieh/ dept FOOT ARMOR DescRiPmon NAME Locarion besemnion ‘ ne Lecter Boots Iti Boots N/A i aN Bandits Shoes Various. Gives 20 pis. more agility | locks poiton/sun/itom block Magical leat Ulere.—_—+ scope rata ofall ataks by Spt. + SP when physically atacked Combat Shoes Fur! + excope rte of physical cock by 5 pt. EEgS a Me ies ue tee 4 Bigs i bie Mis wig we tie tis iad ua Nee ue Shancisthe deer of Sle’ mayor ena chidheod 4 tas: Irene Bf: Shahas pur serene hort ht PRON MAGIC ae iso dear of snow-voter She Pec everyone MAGIC NAME ol ES ir ve Aedeney wes dsiniin odseet he Acad ciecirieniwasn | — Moolgh 10 Single Aly 100 HP corey dh Theta She's dy cnt Teesaord woud Mae ey down her ie fot the Queen ‘Star Children 2 All Light STR 25% ae Ma nes Gates of Heaven 30 All Allies 008HP vey &ipesinaly, M3? war While Sea Dragon 80 All Light STR 100% na Ms HEAD ARMOR, DESCRIETION Name LOCATION. ESCRIPMON ShotBow N/A Inia! Weapon Legend Casque —Lchen really reduces damage from mogic long iow Kaze NA Soul Headband Daningred +P her megicalyatacked Sparkle Arrow Bole Lightbosed ack Jeweled Crow (Shona) Varicus + SP when mexicaly chacked Bemusing Anow Fuero Confses enemy w/given probability Phoerix Plume ‘Moon Blocks conhse/bowich/eprt Detorete Bow Moon Atacks all enemies Tera (Shana) Donww N/A Viruert Arrow Ura Poisons egemy w/gian prebabiliy Cape (Shara) lohan N/A Mneelene Ue eee ese FeltHot (Stone) tld Amo N/A BODY ARMOR FOOT ARMOR NAME LOCATION DESCRIPTION Name LOCATION. O&SERIPTION. Cress (Shana) NA Intl Body Armor \octhee Shows incl is N/A ana Deets Keshve Glacier Peas jiebsbity| cneiy plugs hee eee oa ae a ne phyicaly othe! orcs Shoes Ulora Gives 20 ps. mere aly So! ae se Stor eit Bots Deningrod + excope roe of ogi! otock by 5 ps While Silver Drogonrm Mean: Nullifies Light damage Megical leaf Ulara + escape rate of mogi(phys ottack by 5 pts: None Serishadagherl Seat nye aro ithood bend of Darts. She hs «pure erene her that 3 08d: snowweer. She Hels everyone Faden vibos dein crise radio Madonna. Mirenda is he Maiden of ‘er, ena he four dens ot rdf Gucen Trea. Sisal cori! There owes oy dw a rth Gen NAME LOCATION DESCRIPTION Short Bow N/A inal Weapon Long Bow Kezos YA Spoke Arrow Bole Uightbased atock Somusing Arrow Fueno Detonate Bow Moon Vindlent Arow —Ulera ‘Atacks al enemies arrow ofForce Ura Receive 50% more SP BODY_ARMOR Nae LocaMON DESCRIPTION row (Shane) NA Ini Body Armor Angel Robe (Shana) Keshue Gleier Revives dash w/civenprobobiliy ‘Sparkle Dress Fuenc: + SP when physicelly hacked! Ussher locke! (Shane) Hlena Prison N/A Siver Ves Donoy N/A White Siher ragonAim Moon allies Light damage Moonlight Star Children © Gates of Heaven ‘White Sec Dragon Confuses enemy w/cjvenprobobily Peisons enemy w/ given probly HEU IeAnNiTorsiby na/MDivanos : eerczeeereuy = HOF ENEMIES DESCRIPTION 10 Single Ally 100% HP recovery fo ly 20 all Light STR 25% 30 AllAllies 100? memer msuesbln a 80 all light STR 100% HEAD ARMOR NAME LOCATON DESCRIPTION legend Cosque Lohan Greatly reduces domage from magic ‘Soul Headband Deningrad + SP when mogically atacked ‘Jeweled Crown (Shana) Various + SP when magically cocked Phoenix Plume Moon Blocks confuse/bewitch/opirit Tiara (Shana) Donay N/A Cope {Shana} lohan N/A Felt Hat (Shano} ‘nil Head Acmor N/A FOOT ARMOR Name LOCATION. DESCRIPMON. Leather Shoes Inia Boots N/A SohBoos flea «+8 DF Doncer’s Shoes Ulara Gives 20 pts. more ogy Star Dust Boots Devingrad + escdpe rate of magical attack by 5 ps Mogical lot Vara escape tate of mog/phys nck by 5p eins pete ADDITIONS name DIFICULTY # OF STRIKES SP DAMAGE OBTAINED Ma 23 Ms Ea Harpoon 1 50 150i Adions ecco Malas Spinning Cone 1 2 35 200 Level 5 ee Mec fod phon 4 4 100 202 Lol 7 Hamat Biases Gustof Wind Dance 5 6 35 350 eel 17 Helios Wiccite § Blossom Storm 5 7 202405 Master all Additions ff 18-~--—-1 2598 Rap. ae Macc & : Yair. | Nanda preeamee Albert isthe King of the Duchy of Basil, DRAGOON MAGIC M35 Stogs iphaurio Emperor Doalond dite fiend eee ol lave, Albert isa sof kind mon who MAGIC NAME MP FOFENEMIS DESCRIPTION Ma anes eee ae Gare ie psica Guild ot one Hg ready for battle, but he is a skilled javelin ‘Wind Blaster 10 All ‘Wind STR 25% Ma 58361, ‘master. What once divided « country stil hee hoops Albert from finding peace with his Rose Storm 20 AllAlies Reduce damageto «Ht. 75749 Tong lost uncle. M36. BPN2 1/2 for 3 ums Yo sree 3A Gospless 30 Single Wind STR 100% aoe Ne Henna Jade Dragon 80 All Wind STR 75% ua WA Wg N WEAPONS HEAD ARMOR NAME t0caTION DESCRIPTION Name tocanion DESCRIPTION ‘Speor Initial Weapon N/A Sallet Initial Head Armor Increases hit rate of physical attacks tance: tohon +19 AT Bondana Various N/A Twiser Glove Kozae Wind-bosed atock Koight Helm Fun ++ SP when magically ctacked z Spear of error Fueno. Frightens enemy w/given probability Legend Cosque Lohon really reduces damage from magic Portisan Velhveb N/A Soul Headband Deningrod +P when mogically otacked Halbeord ‘Moon N/A Phoenix Plume Moon Blocks confuse/bewitch/dispiit BODY_ARMOR OT_ARMOR NAME tocanion DEseRIPTION NAME LOCATION DESCRIPTION al ae nae ei Lecter Boots Intiol Boots N/A ia cof Dragon a Rined fais N/A Bands Shoes Vorious Gives 20 pls. more aglily ‘Armor of Yore Snowield Blocks poison/stun/item block Magical leaf Ulora ++ escope rate ofall atocks by 5 pls. Sain) Armor Kesha Glaser +SP when physical atocked Can Shoms Furi _« excop rat fghyical ack by 5p Jode Dragon Armor Zenebutos. allies wind damoge ’ ADDITIONS uu NAME DIFFICULTY # OF STRIKES SP DAMAGE OBTAINED: We Double Hit 1 1 35 200 itil Additions M3 ue HumyofSyn 3 2 102 150 Low 14 ye tio.: Summon 4Geds 3 3 100 100 tee 18 ue Fre Ring Shatksing 3 4 50-300 bevel 22 iH 4 Hex Hommer 5 6 15-400 bevel 27 ue un ‘Omni Sweep. 4 7 150 501 Master ol Addons ee . Bt Originally rom Rouge inthe in the For. DRAGOON. MAGIC NB “West ofthe Continent of Endines, Haschel He: is amelderty man who has mastered an (MAGIC NAME ‘(MP ROFENEMIES DESCRIPTION M28. : sxtoray rr fem of orl ar ep Although he is well over 60-years-old, Mai Alnor hep l cre Speers Amie Mind 10 Single_Thunder STR.50% We beh nd akong war He's in search at fi doughter Gere, whohosrun away | © Thunder Kid 20 Single. Thunder STR 65% uy ee oe i ae ee thunder God 30 Single. Thunder STR75% us ua = ue Violet Dragon 80 Single. Thunder STR100%, i : ug WEAPONS. : “HEAD ARMOR Name Locanion ——_esemienon Nan WocATION DESCRIPTION Beast Fang —-Nestof Dragon Stuns enemy w/given probability Anriet Iniol Hood Armor N/A. Dice eat Homach Girton N/A laser Caraeaicton Greclly cules dothage om eagic on Knucle _inilol Euipment N/A. Boss Knuckle Keshav Glacier nso ils enemy w/given probobiliy | SouHeedbend Deningred When magically aoked, + SP “Thunder Fist Ulora Thunder-bosed attack Phoenix Phame Moon Blocks confuse/bewitch/dispirit Desoyer Mace Moon Becomes power iver to HP BODY ARMOR FOOT ARMOR name locanon —_otscatpnon name LOCATON DESCRIPON = Disciple Vest Iriial Armor N/A batho Master's Veo. Felines = When plyiicycteitet ce | ore Fie ies oom Ay : Viet eget Armor boo = Noles Fire demage Bandit's Shoes Various Gives 20-ps. more ogy = Energy Girdle Home of Giganios Adds 50% SP — Mogicel leof —Ulara + escape rate ofall atacks by 5 pts ‘Scar Vest ‘Rouge ———__Avsids poiton/stun/aem blocking . é Gambol Shoes Furi trategy. Guide ADDITIONS ae name DIFICULY # OF STRNES SP DAMAGE OBTAINED Mg ' toes Na © Pursuit 1 1 a2 126 Initial Additions ue Aw Neo ooNA Infemo 2 3 20 200 Level 23 ier 1h Min oA Bore Crsher 4 7 100 300. Master all Addons EIS = NA ie Ma ie NA Nis Na Nao. 30 Mat 2a sb6p Nae has ao lar Meee | Kong isa men ofmossve physique. In DRAGOON MAGIC ye ads his ight hand, he holds ¢ large, menacing M7 aa0%6 Dee theutotee omtinne, 1 Laeehure Me SOFENEMIES DESCRIPTION tae | through botleilds with this axe held up Mocs agen high, have colle him he ‘DeviiGod". As Grand Stream 20 All Earth STR 25% hai sas is apparent from his massive frame, Kongo! M33. 58476 icone of the last descendants of the now ‘Meteor Strike 30 All Earth STR 50% Mecsmmnr ee de rage eins Seis Maso amg ie i hg eos of thse species hove survived. The ra a : ite Mie hea Gigantos Clan was another species that Ma NA were destroyed by humans sever] tens of RSNA ee tata sive Kongo ee Was NA HEAD ARMOR DescrienOn Name Locanon DESCRIPTION Ae Iniiol Weopon N/A Armlet N/A N/A Tomchowk —Deningrod «NYA Phoenix Plume Mon Bods contise/bewieh/dlspin . ‘Ske tates Sura eter iigven proscbiy Giganto Helm Furi When mogically ahacked, + $P Indora's Ae Moon Inston ils enemy w/given probability legend Casque Lohan Reduces damage from magic ottaks Soul Headband —Deningrad When magically attacked, + SP BODY ARMOR FOOT ARMOR Name Lecanion _vEscRIPTION Name LOCATION DESCRIPTION Gon Fur Initial Armor N/A. Lecther Boots |niticl Boots. N/A Breast Plate jingrad «N/A Bandit's Shoes Various. Gives 20 pts. more agility GicontoiArmer —-Waeeb «+ SP when physically atackad © Mogjcal not Ura + excope rate of al lacs by 5 pi. Golden Dragon Armor Moon ules Eorh damage Combet Shoes Furi + eseape ale of physical ack by 5p coven mongol and ADDITIONS i ‘ NAME DIFFICULTY #0F STRKES SP DAMAGE OBTAINED t Dovble Spark 1 134150 ial Adsions HomimerSpin 1 3 180 202 Level 21 tl Cool Boogie 2 4 0 100 Level 26 e 5 Cotsciode 4B ta i 4 Perky Sep 4 7 100 600 Masia Adios. ‘Meru is a bright and cheerful young lady DRAGOON MAGIC with a frame.o short temper and an ’ ilgili which she ca (MAGIC NAME AP SOF ENEMIES «= DESCEIFHION. hese to use. a Freezing Ring 10 Single Water STR 50%. j | Mert Reinbow Bresth —-20—=S Al Allies. HP recovery & cure ales aie A Tie Diamond Dust 30 All Water STR 50% Blue Sea Dragon 80 — Single. «=» Watter STR 100%, i eee HEAD ARMOR name locanon _EScRIPTON Name LocaTion escniPnion. ates ties Likes legond Casgue lohan Redioes domoge from magic atods Moring Stor Fueno WA Fry nat Re atige ashi Soul Headband. Deningrod When magically attacked, + SP Heary Moce —Vellweb ‘Stuns enemy w/given probability Jeweled Crown Deningrod ‘When magically hacked, + SP Bother ‘Moon N/A Phoenix Plume Moon Blocks confse/bewch dpi BooY ARMOR FOOT ARMOR Name locanion SCRIPTION Name LocATION _DESCRIPMON Sparkle Dress Fueno “When ottacked physically, + P| leather Shoes Iniial Boots N/A i = ‘Soft Boots Fletz + SDF flue Dragon Amor Maoh lifes waler damage : ! Hog Dancar'sShots Uaro Gives 20 pt. mere oy cee Gerdes Boots Daningiéd + excape ral of mogial chock 5 ps. a : s Ae Mogical Lect Utara ++ ewcape rote of nag/phys atock by 5 pls, Enemies ima's Official Strategy, Guide EES Eo he se] Sea ea et | Sena ORC oe WA ue ‘Agua King ‘Water Physical & Magical Attack Borers |N/A Filled tizerd Earth, Wind Attack NA ieee eet TWA recon | ones ei we ‘Assassin Cock Wind NA NIA Gangster NA NA NIA ‘how Dark WA NA Gago Dak ak Sp WA oae hale Wa Wa cy Tak Wa Wa aie ee le eee a Tambo | Wed WA tenth | Coote Dak Wa NA Berarhor N/A N/A ie NA ‘Ghore ‘Water N/A Bewich Blue Bid ‘Water Rn Avery NA ‘Goblin Fire N/A NA ee le eee ee We Gakeatoly | Wed Wa WA Cindi tah Se Coterpillor Eorh NA NA Grehom Wind Caxiy Ceone Water NA NA Guhtas Dork N/A cana cal | ois LW WA Creat ee Wind NA Poison ‘Hoppy Tro Fath N/A NA foie [wer ary Wine] tat [wd | ws We Crystal Golem ight N/A ‘Shin Gui [Nai etait [Sa mame We Goats teens | Aetie ™A Dork Et Dork Nia NA ‘Hyper Selatan Dork N/A NIA Dendy | Beh WA WA tidetel Wee PouUp WA ia pe es jad | ae a Wh Dect Purger Dork NA NA Jel Water N/A N/A _Dach Rove ‘Now- Elemental NA NA Kile Bird Dark N/A NIA ee oe Wa iigtdledes [ree NA NA Divirie Drogon Spirit | Non-Elementol NA NIA Kongal toh N/K NA Doel Thurder N/A - WA Kublo ‘Derk NIK NA Dragon Fy. Dork Thunder Attack. NA ond Sketer Woter N/A ee es Wa WA iekde Te WA thse Wardoo NIA NA NWA tans NA NA Roapcik | Wiad Seats Wa tmuaes iM NA WA ea oa we ie i | Fortrnd Wind Powerap oe NA | Wed | Nertloremd [N/A WA me a ee Wh | eta ee WA we Forest Runner | Wind N/A ewtch | lacey Joy Non Bement [N/A N/A NAME Coed Serer Ce res seoentegey | Dok NA Nia Said Shock Wee NA is » Geehh fe Fae, Wa Stee fe Froniok WA ee Wa Wa Se Dok WA Wa - ele Woe ie Spa NA Severin | Fre EO NA _ | Sie Dok Wa fe ie iz Wa WA 2 for Poca NA Siow Oak ‘re Teow NA - Bak WA (we Dea | Sepa Wd We WE ~ | Seemnvah NA Thinde NA Sine ea Sine Thor Ban tesk - iaiabem [Wa Fe Wa Be tah Wa Wa - | Semid Woe WA Dap | Seiden | Thunder Piel Ae Brier Wa 2 Woe aie NA Sh teh Poxelp] Caio WA r 7 feck ‘Abo Mack WA Saongtind | Novena | N/A Dist - pie eh ReaTvon WA Se WA Wa Wa - | Tent [ Bah oer NA Sprain Non Eenanel | Sealien NA - | lana [NE tah Wa Seni "Wem Na ue eri a Song Feson | Shore on feck N/A NA | & ooh, Wa WA abe Bak Wa Wa | rey WA NA ES Sides | Pe NA Wa | tate Wa Gal Wk Teriaoer Wein | WA Wa | Faily Eh NA Tamtlck | Tad Sel fh Seng om F wad WA Ton | Toot wae We RA NYA te WA Teaver Norienonel [NA NA Dek nay Tip | Few beh fale we Nestoreid | NA Wa | faye Wed Uae ‘Cori Fee Tether Wa gion | Wad Hasan Gos Ec) Wee is WA Taal Dak WA WA = We We Sp Be en ry Wa Wa syle Ea Fok Wa eae toh NA Pose Soe Wed WA Wk Vermin Kin | Bak Toodasing Sai fet Thad Siew Thon aemblek | Vie ~ Tre WA Cae ‘oremael BEET om minor enemies (reusable) _ Tingle attack imal ‘ahack forall enemies (mul) tires sete tds _ Accessories Ey ‘Active Rig) ‘Avoids obnormal sth due fo dspning Frnt Tables menimom MF is ‘Angel Seat Reduces damage from Ee ‘Rieck Badae Ralsas physiol end magical afock poner Bands Ring Tnereases agiliy by 20 ps Ble Sea Stone ~~ Reduces damoge hom water based ctiacks by 172 Bracelet Tikal equipment for all partes. ‘Brevery Amulet ‘Avoids ebnormal status dueto fear Dancer's Ring Increases agility by 20 pis. 7 Darkness Stone Fedhces demage rom darkesrbased afads fo 1 Dastone Amulet Avid cera oa de operon | Bregon Shed —— z a | Reo Earng Wssipoaly oiled Soi carded Gigorvo Ra Roses physical magie defense power Seer ona en Be Guard Badge raises defense against physical & magical Holy Ark Revive Trem death w/given probabiiy. : z oe z Jade Stone Reduces damage from wind baved ated a rz Velhweb we Raigh Shige Raises deforsive power sight i ee Rogie Foo Bel Avoids norms dv oy bewicher Fez 200. Magical Ring __—~Recover WPeoch form, : Ween OO Fane Gone ‘Aisi conor oh due Grav “Bole 300 Froniom Shall Redcws damage rom al chucks 172 fro pay eka 00 Physical ing Tozes mex HP 50% aril — 10 Stardost ve Planum Cola Ri eR eres beeen Talc eae eee HO Poison Goord ‘Avoids abnormal satus duet Bele 00 Power Wik Rates physica iiyaiahly — Faigg ie cee. 00 Protecior ‘Avoids donarinel satus due form Backing. Tohen 200. Reinbow Earring __ Avaids abnormal status for all Martel — 40 Stardust Le ed Eye Sione Reduces damage from Fre based afacks By Voleane Vilude 300. RobyRing When magically otocked, SPis accumulated Fee RO 00 Fodices doncga Te ehi boxed Ts sas a Fon ri ob Goods The list of “Goods” thot follows contains ol ofthe tosk-specific items thot can be found during your travels as well a tems thot are given o you fr accomplishing a certain gocl. Goods are generally used only once and have no resale valve ee Pram 0 cxe con be und ina shack ond wsed for Foo chopping lue Stone caste. Blue Stone hel the master magi. Dark Dr eax Dragoon Siri of mytereus Rose —Derness bed Dro, ari und in Lohan — Earth Ba mm ata = Wind based. Kete's Bouquet Dono Rac lortcantieal ee esi ating ae ieee Se —_| ene 21 saan TK = There ore « numberof cational quests within the four chopters of The Legend of Dragoon, By “opfiona", we mean thatthe outcomes of these rents don’ direcly fect the main toyine. However, indircly, these quests play @ HUGE part of he game, because some of he rewards hot are obined from these events can be found nowhere elie inthe game, yet they con havea significant mpoct on your party's srength The optional quests are listed in the order the they occur, cllhough you can go back at aller time and accomplish hem, 2s wel CG Eo Painting of Lavi ‘Move pos! the canoe & climinete all eremies. eer ‘Morser Conquest game [lohan | Bate Arena ‘Winthe contest Free Tickets Falah bean a That ald you he Water Baa 8s DS Shona’ Pores peste Got Sde andthe Seno Ble ‘Good Vibtons ns Wedding” | Donan. [Sota Des inn) avg NAR | Ka Bo Bouguel ee is ‘Chop fest 16d Meo wel aR — [ote yicee Look or ghost post the snow slide z : ‘oko Nelo, Usa, Erie Teak ere oad ono Shona’ Fores? eat = ‘sad Dragoons 7] Gee four ower ond ae Respecive Drogoon Stones Foust | Bate Foust cher receiving Vonishir ___| Phantom Shield The Fea Sa Wate aa ST iris on way tothe Moon | Destone Amulet i, FEN Stavdust There are 50 Stardust “gems hidden throughou the werld of The Legend of Drogeon. A lody named Mariel is also looking fr them, ond throughout the game, she wil ak you to give her what you have collected to ha! point. You'l firs! mest Mori in Bole, then Fz, Deningrod, end final, ot her home in Rouge. Mare’ daughie, isn peor health, and the Stor! is required to make her well agin For each len Stordus thot you give her, yo'l get something special. In foc, the ems ore so special thal hey can be found NOWHERE else inthe game! Here's whot youll get; 10 Stardust = Physical Ring, 20 Stardust = Amulet, 30 Stardust = Worgod's Sash, 40 Stardust = Rainbow Earrings, ond 50 Stardust = Vanishing Stone. The Vanishing Stone (and thus, geting oll 50 Stardusi isthe key, however, a5 it will cllow you to go to Flandel and fight Favs. Flanvel is located in the Snowfield, north of the snow slides. Defeating Faus (i's a ough, but do- cable, boil) will ive you the reward ofthe Phantom Shield! f you miss ony ofthe Stardust long the voy, youll be abe to go back o ony port ofthe game once you meet Coolon, near the.end of the adventure. Alhough we locate each Stardust for you in the walkthrough, you may want to use the following list os a “checklist”, morking off each one you find lly the Stardust in Doningrod can be found only AFTER the “big incident” occurs — you'll know when it happens. So, the firs fime you're there, don't expect o find any! And, one more nol delecing some ofthe Stardust is severly precise, so Dart wll ned tobe standing in jut the right spot inorder to dete i. We've Included a few screen shots of some ofthe hard to find Stardust. Good luck! ee Cad eo Sed Feadsione on lo by ee Twin Costein ete | Case, oom ot bee of right ower “apie Oy a Bale] Room in Basen we boc) Tren Goake in Hatz | Casle rent all ste on ight ‘Copia Ciy of Bale hop, Spears Deno ‘Wolof enrance "Cepia Gy of ale Tin kon toni Fone Dono 73 chon Casio! iy oFBale | Lavi chen Hore of Gigarios | Candle sick neor or fe reas oom Tepid Gi of tale | Coste ed For ap eC Tarp naxtte Kongal "Copid Giy oF Ble | 1st Too, Freplce fom on ng, sme Hor os deck, chest ioax Conference roan, Boro Talalve woman's Bore, bot igh room Heox Taper Tek use, Freploce Tan, under stirs ManiNand ronghel's Treploce eclng hou, Boning Tehon Fol eorex Furi Fave ig abord Taha Corge rear tena arene TFs Tee's ron, Bshind lcked go Tokar Dobos shop, armour forest of Wings ‘Guorohos room, bock right eho Beck Shep hid coat Coes Wings fag rom, pil Tstroom on ef, Bares CNet Temp pos ot enrance Team on ight up ar Cl yo Degraded Hor TiBleck Coston Kazos | Weapon Shop, by shop Copied Ciy of Beningrad | fem/ Weapon Shoo Bleek Caslein Kozes | Shs, lem Shop, Shores Capel Ciy oF Devine te Weapon Shop Block Case in Kazas | Slums, Yop room, Booksell Copied Ciy of Deringred | Shane's place belore ever Black Canin Kanes | Suns tem Shop barrels Capital Ci of Beniograd | Ervence io Chamber ce Sea Twin CasleinFlex__| Weapon shop, Crossbow. Cepia of Vel Breen es ep cnt: Sob, de “Trin Casle in Fete | Gem shop, elored gan Ure TWeopon shop inCaslein Faz | fem shop, wppsemigdle re Rose lowerbed Tein Coal in Faiz | Box nront of bor Uhre Conners lant Towebad “Twin Caden Ft: | On oof of mall FooseSouthotChorh | Rage "at Mel, room w ox w/T003 An armor-clad female warrior overlooking the fields. She is spying 4 con a huge green dragon, Feyrbrand. Down below, our Hero, Dart, sits and ponders the potential war. Before he can get too deep into his thoughts, however, he is interrupted by the thunderous sound of nearby stampede. Getting a closer look, Dart is met by two guards who question him, but the three men are taken by surprise. Feybrand enters, with the two guards escaping, leaving Dart to fend for himself, The young warrior runs away with the jade dragon on his tail. Dart is saved from certain doom by the same warrior we saw previously. Dart is brought up to speed on the events, as y Rose tells him that Seles has been ransacked. He is & speechless and heads off to Seles. L ENEMIES Sandora Soldier ‘Commander ITEMS Healing Potion Burn Out STARDUST LOCATION * 3rd Headstone on left: by tree a = © DART’S FIRS! Head south os soon as you enter Seles. Press the X button when the exclamation marker appears neor the: » ence. Two soldiers are pounding on one of the remaining villagers. Once words are exchanged and you bate, use this first encounter to practice Darts Double Slash Additions otock. Press the ctack button at the precise moment fo gain hat extra hit. This bole should be « breeze. ~ SPEAK WITH THEWILLAGER With the two soldiers out ofthe way, speck with the villager, would be a good idea to open the reasure ches and save before you move on - FIGHT THE COMMANDER Head wes! fo the next ores. The Commander is Darfs first boss bate, Not surprisingly, he is relatively 5 0 beat. Ifyou kill one ofthe Commanders’ minions fist, the other one wal run ane! the ght wail ean easy one. “DISCOVER DARTS'GUEST Speak with the vilage people to learn more of Darts quest. Dart is told that his good friend, Shano, has been captured by Emperor Doel and that she's being held ot Hellena Prison. “CHECK OUT THEIGRAVE: Be sure to check one of the graves in Seles before leaving —it holds Stardust. Exit fo the north, ENEMIES ITEMS MERCHANT LIST Bar Sock Mouse Healing Potion Healing Potion Assasin Cock Charm Potion Body Purifier Goblin Burn Out Burn Out Trent a ‘Charm Potion > SPEAK WITH THE WARIDERING MERCHANT You must go through the Forest o get fo Helena, The woods of Serdio are nol very dangerous, even for @ ‘now traveler lke yourself A wandering merchant alls some tems thot may prove useful. IFyou've got ony spare gold, now would be a good time to use it. Tis some merchant wil leo teach Dart how to use these [ toms ; NAB THE HEALING /BGTION A chest in this some ores holds a Healing Potion. “OBTAIN THE CHARM POTION i Head fo the west exit when you're done shopping. Cross the fallen tree and grcb the Charm Potion — den in @ crate in the nex! screen, ; NAVIGATE — The next crea is somewhat ofa minivmaze —don' fe, ifs not foo dificult, As you ener, there is only one possible path — tok it. This will leod you tothe main portion ofthe maze, where you will have five choioes Take the one drealy below you; wl oke you lo.e cake wih 206. Either exit wl lead Dart bock to the main area ofthe maze. Once back in this cena crea, heod le west Take the holtom choice to grab the Burn Qut, The top path will lead Dart ‘out of he moze. Head south in the next screen, Dart will have & flashback; hell remember a ime when Shana and he roamed freely. Head south yet again in the nex! area to exit he Forest Det wil probably hove about tree or four enemy encounters while trekking ‘hrough the fore. Trentons end Bor Sock Mice ae the mos! common enemies. A Bar Sock Meuse goes down with a successul Double Slash. The more tenacious Trenlon succumbs to Burn Outs. ITEMS. +} r_LIsr Hellena Warden 11-12 Angel's Prayer Healing Potion 10 Fruegel 100-106 Leather Jacket Angelis Prayer 30 Senior Warden 24-26 Spark Net Spark Net 10 Knight Shield ~ SNEAK INTO THE PRISON - ollene is fortified quite well: Dart wll nee find a wey fo enter undetected. Good thing © merchants ‘roking his food delivery othe prison, Follew behind the merchant te enter Hellen. The caickeaper wil

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